# This file is included from the main "configure" script
add_engine scumm "SCUMM" yes "scumm_7_8 he"
add_engine scumm_7_8 "v7 & v8 games" yes
add_engine he "HE71+ games" yes
add_engine agi "AGI" yes
add_engine agos "AGOS" yes "agos2"
add_engine agos2 "AGOS 2 games" yes
add_engine cge "CGE" yes
add_engine cine "Cinematique evo 1" yes
add_engine composer "Magic Composer" no
add_engine cruise "Cinematique evo 2" yes
add_engine draci "Dragon History" yes
add_engine drascula "Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back" yes
add_engine dreamweb "Dreamweb" no
add_engine gob "Gobli*ns" yes
add_engine groovie "Groovie" yes "groovie2"
add_engine groovie2 "Groovie 2 games" no
add_engine hugo "Hugo Trilogy" yes
add_engine kyra "Legend of Kyrandia" yes "lol eob"
add_engine lol "Lands of Lore" yes
add_engine eob "Eye of the Beholder" no
add_engine lastexpress "The Last Express" no
add_engine lure "Lure of the Temptress" yes
add_engine made "MADE" yes
add_engine mohawk "Mohawk" yes "cstime myst riven"
add_engine cstime "Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?" no
add_engine riven "Riven: The Sequel to Myst" no
add_engine myst "Myst" no
add_engine parallaction "Parallaction" yes
add_engine queen "Flight of the Amazon Queen" yes
add_engine saga "SAGA" yes "ihnm saga2"
add_engine ihnm "IHNM" yes
add_engine saga2 "SAGA 2 games" no
add_engine sci "SCI" yes "sci32"
add_engine sci32 "SCI32 games" no
add_engine sky "Beneath a Steel Sky" yes
add_engine sword1 "Broken Sword" yes
add_engine sword2 "Broken Sword II" yes
add_engine sword25 "Broken Sword 2.5" no
add_engine teenagent "Teen Agent" yes
add_engine testbed "TestBed: the Testing framework" no
add_engine tinsel "Tinsel" yes
add_engine toltecs "3 Skulls of the Toltecs" no
add_engine toon "Toonstruck" yes
add_engine touche "Touche: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer" yes
add_engine tony "Tony Tough and the Night of Roasted Moths" no
add_engine tsage "TsAGE" yes
add_engine tucker "Bud Tucker in Double Trouble" yes