/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "director/lingo/lingo.h" #include "director/lingo/lingo-gr.h" namespace Director { Lingo *g_lingo; struct EventHandlerType { LEvent handler; const char *name; } static const eventHanlerDescs[] = { { kEventPrepareMovie, "prepareMovie" }, { kEventStartMovie, "startMovie" }, { kEventStopMovie, "stopMovie" }, { kEventNew, "newSprite" }, { kEventBeginSprite, "beginSprite" }, { kEventEndSprite, "endSprite" }, { kEventEnterFrame, "enterFrame" }, { kEventPrepareFrame, "prepareFrame" }, { kEventIdle, "idle" }, { kEventStepFrame, "stepFrame"}, { kEventExitFrame, "exitFrame" }, { kEventActivateWindow, "activateWindow" }, { kEventDeactivateWindow, "deactivateWindow" }, { kEventMoveWindow, "moveWindow" }, { kEventResizeWindow, "resizeWindow" }, { kEventOpenWindow, "openWindow" }, { kEventCloseWindow, "closeWindow" }, { kEventStart, "start" }, { kEventKeyUp, "keyUp" }, { kEventKeyDown, "keyDown" }, { kEventMouseUp, "mouseUp" }, { kEventMouseDown, "mouseDown" }, { kEventRightMouseDown, "rightMouseDown" }, { kEventRightMouseUp, "rightMouseUp" }, { kEventMouseEnter, "mouseEnter" }, { kEventMouseLeave, "mouseLeave" }, { kEventMouseUpOutSide, "mouseUpOutSide" }, { kEventMouseWithin, "mouseWithin" }, { kEventNone, 0 }, }; Symbol::Symbol() { name = NULL; type = VOID; u.s = NULL; nargs = 0; global = false; } Lingo::Lingo(DirectorEngine *vm) : _vm(vm) { g_lingo = this; for (const EventHandlerType *t = &eventHanlerDescs[0]; t->handler != kEventNone; ++t) _eventHandlerTypes[t->handler] = t->name; initBuiltIns(); _currentScript = 0; _currentScriptType = kMovieScript; _pc = 0; _returning = false; _indef = false; _linenumber = _colnumber = 0; warning("Lingo Inited"); } Lingo::~Lingo() { } void Lingo::addCode(Common::String code, ScriptType type, uint16 id) { code += '\n'; debug(2, "Add code \"%s\" for type %d with id %d", code.c_str(), type, id); if (_scripts[type].contains(id)) { delete _scripts[type][id]; } _currentScript = new ScriptData; _currentScriptType = type; _scripts[type][id] = _currentScript; _linenumber = _colnumber = 1; // macros have conflicting grammar. Thus we ease life for the parser. if (code.contains("\nmacro ")) { const char *begin = strstr(code.c_str(), "\nmacro ") + 1; const char *end; bool first = true; while ((end = strstr(begin, "\nmacro "))) { if (first) { begin = code.c_str(); first = false; } Common::String chunk(begin, end); parse(chunk.c_str()); _currentScript->clear(); begin = end + 1; } parse(begin); } else { parse(code.c_str()); code1(STOP); } Common::hexdump((byte *)&_currentScript->front(), _currentScript->size() * sizeof(inst)); } void Lingo::executeScript(ScriptType type, uint16 id) { if (!_scripts[type].contains(id)) { warning("Request to execute non-existant script type %d id %d", type, id); return; } _currentScript = _scripts[type][id]; _pc = 0; _returning = false; _localvars = new SymbolHash; execute(_pc); cleanLocalVars(); } void Lingo::processEvent(LEvent event, int entityId) { if (!_eventHandlerTypes.contains(event)) error("processEvent: Unknown event %d for entity %d", event, entityId); debug(2, "processEvent(%s) for %d", _eventHandlerTypes[event], entityId); } int Lingo::alignTypes(Datum &d1, Datum &d2) { int opType = INT; if (d1.type == FLOAT || d2.type == FLOAT) { opType = FLOAT; d1.toFloat(); d2.toFloat(); } return opType; } int Datum::toInt() { switch (type) { case INT: // no-op break; case FLOAT: u.i = (int)u.f; type = INT; break; default: warning("Incorrect operation toInt() for type: %s", type2str()); } return u.i; } float Datum::toFloat() { switch (type) { case INT: u.f = (float)u.i; type = FLOAT; break; case FLOAT: // no-op break; default: warning("Incorrect operation toFloat() for type: %s", type2str()); } return u.f; } Common::String *Datum::toString() { Common::String *s = new Common::String; switch (type) { case INT: s->format("%d", u.i); break; case FLOAT: s->format("%f", u.f); break; case STRING: delete s; s = u.s; break; default: warning("Incorrect operation toString() for type: %s", type2str()); } u.s = s; type = STRING; return u.s; } const char *Datum::type2str() { static char res[20]; switch (type) { case INT: return "INT"; case FLOAT: return "FLOAT"; case STRING: return "STRING"; case CASTREF: return "CASTREF"; default: snprintf(res, 20, "-- (%d) --", type); return res; } } // This is table for built-in Macintosh font lowercasing. // '.' means that the symbol should be not changed, rest // of the symbols are stripping the diacritics // The table starts from 0x80 // // TODO: Check it for correctness. static char lowerCaseConvert[] = "aacenoua" // 80 "aaaaacee" // 88 "eeiiiino" // 90 "oooouuuu" // 98 "........" // a0 ".......o" // a8 "........" // b0 ".......o" // b8 "........" // c0 ".. aao.." // c8 "--.....y";// d0-d8 Common::String *Lingo::toLowercaseMac(Common::String *s) { Common::String *res = new Common::String; const unsigned char *p = (const unsigned char *)s->c_str(); while (*p) { if (*p >= 0x80 && *p <= 0xd8) { if (lowerCaseConvert[*p - 0x80] != '.') *res += lowerCaseConvert[*p - 0x80]; else *res += *p; } else if (*p < 0x80) { *res += tolower(*p); } else { error("Unacceptable symbol in toLowercaseMac: %c", *p); } p++; } return res; } } // End of namespace Director