/* PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE. ALL CHANGES WILL BE LOST! LOOK FOR README FOR DETAILS */ /* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "dreamgen.h" namespace DreamGen { void DreamGenContext::transferMap() { STACK_CHECK; di = data.word(kExframepos); push(di); al = data.byte(kExpos); ah = 0; bx = ax; _add(ax, ax); _add(ax, bx); cx = 6; _mul(cx); es = data.word(kExtras); bx = (0); _add(bx, ax); _add(di, (0+2080)); push(bx); al = data.byte(kItemtotran); ah = 0; bx = ax; _add(ax, ax); _add(ax, bx); cx = 6; _mul(cx); ds = data.word(kFreeframes); bx = (0); _add(bx, ax); si = (0+2080); al = ds.byte(bx); ah = 0; cl = ds.byte(bx+1); ch = 0; _add(si, ds.word(bx+2)); dx = ds.word(bx+4); bx = pop(); es.byte(bx+0) = al; es.byte(bx+1) = cl; es.word(bx+4) = dx; _mul(cx); cx = ax; push(cx); _movsb(cx, true); cx = pop(); ax = pop(); es.word(bx+2) = ax; _add(data.word(kExframepos), cx); } void DreamGenContext::rollEm() { STACK_CHECK; cl = 160; ch = 160; di = 25; bx = 20; ds = data.word(kMapstore); si = 0; multiGet(); es = data.word(kTextfile1); si = 49*2; ax = es.word(si); si = ax; _add(si, (66*2)); cx = 80; endcredits21: push(cx); bx = 10; cx = data.word(kLinespacing); endcredits22: push(cx); push(si); push(di); push(es); push(bx); vSync(); cl = 160; ch = 160; di = 25; bx = 20; ds = data.word(kMapstore); si = 0; multiPut(); vSync(); bx = pop(); es = pop(); di = pop(); si = pop(); push(si); push(di); push(es); push(bx); cx = 18; onelot2: push(cx); di = 25; dx = 161; ax = 0; printDirect(); _add(bx, data.word(kLinespacing)); cx = pop(); if (--cx) goto onelot2; vSync(); cl = 160; ch = 160; di = 25; bx = 20; multiDump(); bx = pop(); es = pop(); di = pop(); si = pop(); cx = pop(); _cmp(data.byte(kLasthardkey), 1); if (flags.z()) goto endearly2; _dec(bx); if (--cx) goto endcredits22; cx = pop(); looknext2: al = es.byte(si); _inc(si); _cmp(al, ':'); if (flags.z()) goto gotnext2; _cmp(al, 0); if (flags.z()) goto gotnext2; goto looknext2; gotnext2: _cmp(data.byte(kLasthardkey), 1); if (flags.z()) return /* (endearly) */; if (--cx) goto endcredits21; cx = 120; hangOne(); return; endearly2: cx = pop(); } void DreamGenContext::fillOpen() { STACK_CHECK; delTextLine(); getOpenedSize(); _cmp(ah, 4); if (flags.c()) goto lessthanapage; ah = 4; lessthanapage: al = 1; push(ax); es = data.word(kBuffers); di = (0+(228*13)); findAllOpen(); si = (0+(228*13)); di = (80); bx = (58)+96; cx = pop(); openloop1: push(cx); push(di); push(bx); ax = es.word(si); _add(si, 2); push(si); push(es); _cmp(ch, cl); if (flags.c()) goto nextopenslot; obToInv(); nextopenslot: es = pop(); si = pop(); bx = pop(); di = pop(); cx = pop(); _add(di, (44)); _inc(cl); _cmp(cl, 5); if (!flags.z()) goto openloop1; underTextLine(); } void DreamGenContext::findAllOpen() { STACK_CHECK; push(di); cx = 16; ax = 0x0ffff; _stosw(cx, true); di = pop(); cl = data.byte(kOpenedob); dl = data.byte(kOpenedtype); ds = data.word(kExtras); bx = (0+2080+30000); ch = 0; findopen1: _cmp(ds.byte(bx+3), cl); if (!flags.z()) goto findopen2; _cmp(ds.byte(bx+2), dl); if (!flags.z()) goto findopen2; _cmp(data.byte(kOpenedtype), 4); if (flags.z()) goto noloccheck; al = ds.byte(bx+5); _cmp(al, data.byte(kReallocation)); if (!flags.z()) goto findopen2; noloccheck: al = ds.byte(bx+4); ah = 0; push(di); _add(di, ax); _add(di, ax); al = ch; ah = 4; _stosw(); di = pop(); findopen2: _add(bx, 16); _inc(ch); _cmp(ch, (114)); if (!flags.z()) goto findopen1; cl = data.byte(kOpenedob); dl = data.byte(kOpenedtype); push(dx); ds = data.word(kFreedat); dx = pop(); bx = 0; ch = 0; findopen1a: _cmp(ds.byte(bx+3), cl); if (!flags.z()) goto findopen2a; _cmp(ds.byte(bx+2), dl); if (!flags.z()) goto findopen2a; al = ds.byte(bx+4); ah = 0; push(di); _add(di, ax); _add(di, ax); al = ch; ah = 2; _stosw(); di = pop(); findopen2a: _add(bx, 16); _inc(ch); _cmp(ch, 80); if (!flags.z()) goto findopen1a; } void DreamGenContext::reExFromInv() { STACK_CHECK; findInvPos(); ax = es.word(bx); data.byte(kCommandtype) = ah; data.byte(kCommand) = al; data.byte(kExamagain) = 1; data.byte(kPointermode) = 0; } void DreamGenContext::swapWithInv() { STACK_CHECK; al = data.byte(kItemframe); ah = data.byte(kObjecttype); _cmp(ax, data.word(kOldsubject)); if (!flags.z()) goto difsub7; _cmp(data.byte(kCommandtype), 243); if (flags.z()) goto alreadyswap1; data.byte(kCommandtype) = 243; difsub7: data.word(kOldsubject) = ax; bx = ax; al = 34; commandWithOb(); alreadyswap1: ax = data.word(kMousebutton); _cmp(ax, data.word(kOldbutton)); if (flags.z()) return /* (cantswap1) */; _and(ax, 1); if (!flags.z()) goto doswap1; return; doswap1: ah = data.byte(kObjecttype); al = data.byte(kItemframe); push(ax); findInvPos(); ax = es.word(bx); data.byte(kItemframe) = al; data.byte(kObjecttype) = ah; getEitherAd(); es.byte(bx+2) = 20; es.byte(bx+3) = 255; bl = data.byte(kItemframe); bh = data.byte(kObjecttype); ax = pop(); data.byte(kObjecttype) = ah; data.byte(kItemframe) = al; push(bx); findInvPos(); delPointer(); al = data.byte(kItemframe); getEitherAd(); es.byte(bx+2) = 4; es.byte(bx+3) = 255; al = data.byte(kLastinvpos); es.byte(bx+4) = al; ax = pop(); data.byte(kObjecttype) = ah; data.byte(kItemframe) = al; fillRyan(); readMouse(); showPointer(); workToScreen(); delPointer(); } void DreamGenContext::swapWithOpen() { STACK_CHECK; al = data.byte(kItemframe); ah = data.byte(kObjecttype); _cmp(ax, data.word(kOldsubject)); if (!flags.z()) goto difsub8; _cmp(data.byte(kCommandtype), 242); if (flags.z()) goto alreadyswap2; data.byte(kCommandtype) = 242; difsub8: data.word(kOldsubject) = ax; bx = ax; al = 34; commandWithOb(); alreadyswap2: ax = data.word(kMousebutton); _cmp(ax, data.word(kOldbutton)); if (flags.z()) return /* (cantswap2) */; _and(ax, 1); if (!flags.z()) goto doswap2; return; doswap2: getEitherAd(); isItWorn(); if (!flags.z()) goto notwornswap; wornError(); return; notwornswap: delPointer(); al = data.byte(kItemframe); _cmp(al, data.byte(kOpenedob)); if (!flags.z()) goto isntsame2; al = data.byte(kObjecttype); _cmp(al, data.byte(kOpenedtype)); if (!flags.z()) goto isntsame2; errorMessage1(); return; isntsame2: checkObjectSize(); _cmp(al, 0); if (flags.z()) goto sizeok2; return; sizeok2: ah = data.byte(kObjecttype); al = data.byte(kItemframe); push(ax); findOpenPos(); ax = es.word(bx); data.byte(kItemframe) = al; data.byte(kObjecttype) = ah; _cmp(ah, 4); if (!flags.z()) goto makeswapex; getEitherAd(); es.byte(bx+2) = 20; es.byte(bx+3) = 255; goto actuallyswap; makeswapex: transferToEx(); data.byte(kItemframe) = al; data.byte(kObjecttype) = 4; getEitherAd(); es.byte(bx+2) = 20; es.byte(bx+3) = 255; actuallyswap: bl = data.byte(kItemframe); bh = data.byte(kObjecttype); ax = pop(); data.byte(kObjecttype) = ah; data.byte(kItemframe) = al; push(bx); findOpenPos(); getEitherAd(); al = data.byte(kOpenedtype); es.byte(bx+2) = al; al = data.byte(kOpenedob); es.byte(bx+3) = al; al = data.byte(kLastinvpos); es.byte(bx+4) = al; al = data.byte(kReallocation); es.byte(bx+5) = al; ax = pop(); data.byte(kObjecttype) = ah; data.byte(kItemframe) = al; fillOpen(); fillRyan(); underTextLine(); readMouse(); useOpened(); showPointer(); workToScreen(); delPointer(); } void DreamGenContext::getFreeAd() { STACK_CHECK; ah = 0; cl = 4; _shl(ax, cl); bx = ax; es = data.word(kFreedat); } void DreamGenContext::getExAd() { STACK_CHECK; ah = 0; bx = 16; _mul(bx); bx = ax; es = data.word(kExtras); _add(bx, (0+2080+30000)); } void DreamGenContext::getEitherAd() { STACK_CHECK; _cmp(data.byte(kObjecttype), 4); if (flags.z()) goto isinexlist; al = data.byte(kItemframe); getFreeAd(); return; isinexlist: al = data.byte(kItemframe); getExAd(); } void DreamGenContext::getAnyAd() { STACK_CHECK; _cmp(data.byte(kObjecttype), 4); if (flags.z()) goto isex; _cmp(data.byte(kObjecttype), 2); if (flags.z()) goto isfree; al = data.byte(kCommand); getSetAd(); ax = es.word(bx+4); return; isfree: al = data.byte(kCommand); getFreeAd(); ax = es.word(bx+7); return; isex: al = data.byte(kCommand); getExAd(); ax = es.word(bx+7); } void DreamGenContext::getSetAd() { STACK_CHECK; ah = 0; bx = 64; _mul(bx); bx = ax; es = data.word(kSetdat); } void DreamGenContext::findOpenPos() { STACK_CHECK; cx = data.word(kMousex); _sub(cx, (80)); bx = -1; findopenp1: _inc(bx); _sub(cx, (44)); if (!flags.c()) goto findopenp1; al = bl; data.byte(kLastinvpos) = al; _add(bx, bx); es = data.word(kBuffers); _add(bx, (0+(228*13))); } void DreamGenContext::useOpened() { STACK_CHECK; _cmp(data.byte(kOpenedob), 255); if (flags.z()) return /* (cannotuseopen) */; _cmp(data.byte(kPickup), 0); if (!flags.z()) goto notout2; outOfOpen(); return; notout2: findOpenPos(); ax = es.word(bx); _cmp(al, 255); if (flags.z()) goto canplace3; swapWithOpen(); return; canplace3: _cmp(data.byte(kPickup), 1); if (flags.z()) goto intoopen; blank(); return; intoopen: al = data.byte(kItemframe); ah = data.byte(kObjecttype); _cmp(ax, data.word(kOldsubject)); if (!flags.z()) goto difsub2; _cmp(data.byte(kCommandtype), 227); if (flags.z()) goto alreadyplc2; data.byte(kCommandtype) = 227; difsub2: data.word(kOldsubject) = ax; bx = ax; al = 35; commandWithOb(); alreadyplc2: ax = data.word(kMousebutton); _cmp(ax, data.word(kOldbutton)); if (flags.z()) return /* (notletgo3) */; _cmp(ax, 1); if (flags.z()) goto doplace2; return; doplace2: getEitherAd(); isItWorn(); if (!flags.z()) goto notworntoopen; wornError(); return; notworntoopen: delPointer(); al = data.byte(kItemframe); _cmp(al, data.byte(kOpenedob)); if (!flags.z()) goto isntsame; al = data.byte(kObjecttype); _cmp(al, data.byte(kOpenedtype)); if (!flags.z()) goto isntsame; errorMessage1(); return; isntsame: checkObjectSize(); _cmp(al, 0); if (flags.z()) goto sizeok1; return; sizeok1: data.byte(kPickup) = 0; al = data.byte(kItemframe); getEitherAd(); al = data.byte(kOpenedtype); es.byte(bx+2) = al; al = data.byte(kOpenedob); es.byte(bx+3) = al; al = data.byte(kLastinvpos); es.byte(bx+4) = al; al = data.byte(kReallocation); es.byte(bx+5) = al; fillOpen(); underTextLine(); readMouse(); useOpened(); showPointer(); workToScreen(); delPointer(); } void DreamGenContext::outOfOpen() { STACK_CHECK; _cmp(data.byte(kOpenedob), 255); if (flags.z()) goto cantuseopen; findOpenPos(); ax = es.word(bx); _cmp(al, 255); if (!flags.z()) goto canpick4; cantuseopen: blank(); return; canpick4: _cmp(ax, data.word(kOldsubject)); if (!flags.z()) goto difsub4; _cmp(data.byte(kCommandtype), 228); if (flags.z()) goto alreadygrb; data.byte(kCommandtype) = 228; difsub4: data.word(kOldsubject) = ax; bx = ax; al = 36; commandWithOb(); alreadygrb: ax = data.word(kMousebutton); _cmp(ax, data.word(kOldbutton)); if (flags.z()) return /* (notletgo4) */; _cmp(ax, 1); if (flags.z()) goto dogrb; _cmp(ax, 2); if (!flags.z()) return /* (notletgo4) */; reExFromOpen(); return; dogrb: delPointer(); data.byte(kPickup) = 1; findOpenPos(); ax = es.word(bx); data.byte(kItemframe) = al; data.byte(kObjecttype) = ah; _cmp(ah, 4); if (!flags.z()) goto makeintoex; getEitherAd(); es.byte(bx+2) = 20; es.byte(bx+3) = 255; goto actuallyout; makeintoex: transferToEx(); data.byte(kItemframe) = al; data.byte(kObjecttype) = 4; getEitherAd(); es.byte(bx+2) = 20; es.byte(bx+3) = 255; actuallyout: fillOpen(); underTextLine(); readMouse(); useOpened(); showPointer(); workToScreen(); delPointer(); } void DreamGenContext::transferToEx() { STACK_CHECK; emergencyPurge(); getExPos(); al = data.byte(kExpos); push(ax); push(di); al = data.byte(kItemframe); ah = 0; bx = 16; _mul(bx); ds = data.word(kFreedat); si = ax; cx = 8; _movsw(cx, true); di = pop(); al = data.byte(kReallocation); es.byte(di) = al; es.byte(di+11) = al; al = data.byte(kItemframe); es.byte(di+1) = al; es.byte(di+2) = 4; es.byte(di+3) = 255; al = data.byte(kLastinvpos); es.byte(di+4) = al; al = data.byte(kItemframe); data.byte(kItemtotran) = al; transferMap(); transferInv(); transferText(); al = data.byte(kItemframe); ah = 0; bx = 16; _mul(bx); ds = data.word(kFreedat); si = ax; ds.byte(si+2) = 254; pickupConts(); ax = pop(); } void DreamGenContext::pickupConts() { STACK_CHECK; al = ds.byte(si+7); _cmp(al, 255); if (flags.z()) return /* (notopenable) */; al = data.byte(kItemframe); ah = data.byte(kObjecttype); dl = data.byte(kExpos); es = data.word(kFreedat); bx = 0; cx = 0; pickupcontloop: push(cx); push(es); push(bx); push(dx); push(ax); _cmp(es.byte(bx+2), ah); if (!flags.z()) goto notinsidethis; _cmp(es.byte(bx+3), al); if (!flags.z()) goto notinsidethis; data.byte(kItemtotran) = cl; transferConToEx(); notinsidethis: ax = pop(); dx = pop(); bx = pop(); es = pop(); cx = pop(); _add(bx, 16); _inc(cx); _cmp(cx, 80); if (!flags.z()) goto pickupcontloop; } void DreamGenContext::transferConToEx() { STACK_CHECK; push(es); push(bx); push(dx); push(es); push(bx); getExPos(); si = pop(); ds = pop(); push(di); cx = 8; _movsw(cx, true); di = pop(); dx = pop(); al = data.byte(kReallocation); es.byte(di) = al; es.byte(di+11) = al; al = data.byte(kItemtotran); es.byte(di+1) = al; es.byte(di+3) = dl; es.byte(di+2) = 4; transferMap(); transferInv(); transferText(); si = pop(); ds = pop(); ds.byte(si+2) = 255; } void DreamGenContext::emergencyPurge() { STACK_CHECK; checkpurgeagain: ax = data.word(kExframepos); _add(ax, 4000); _cmp(ax, (30000)); if (flags.c()) goto notnearframeend; purgeAnItem(); goto checkpurgeagain; notnearframeend: ax = data.word(kExtextpos); _add(ax, 400); _cmp(ax, (18000)); if (flags.c()) return /* (notneartextend) */; purgeAnItem(); goto checkpurgeagain; } void DreamGenContext::purgeAnItem() { STACK_CHECK; es = data.word(kExtras); di = (0+2080+30000); bl = data.byte(kReallocation); cx = 0; lookforpurge: al = es.byte(di+2); _cmp(al, 0); if (!flags.z()) goto cantpurge; _cmp(es.byte(di+12), 2); if (flags.z()) goto iscup; _cmp(es.byte(di+12), 255); if (!flags.z()) goto cantpurge; iscup: _cmp(es.byte(di+11), bl); if (flags.z()) goto cantpurge; deleteExObject(); return; cantpurge: _add(di, 16); _inc(cx); _cmp(cx, (114)); if (!flags.z()) goto lookforpurge; di = (0+2080+30000); bl = data.byte(kReallocation); cx = 0; lookforpurge2: al = es.byte(di+2); _cmp(al, 0); if (!flags.z()) goto cantpurge2; _cmp(es.byte(di+12), 255); if (!flags.z()) goto cantpurge2; deleteExObject(); return; cantpurge2: _add(di, 16); _inc(cx); _cmp(cx, (114)); if (!flags.z()) goto lookforpurge2; } void DreamGenContext::locationPic() { STACK_CHECK; getDestInfo(); al = es.byte(si); push(es); push(si); di = 0; _cmp(al, 6); if (!flags.c()) goto secondlot; ds = data.word(kTempgraphics); _add(al, 4); goto gotgraphic; secondlot: _sub(al, 6); ds = data.word(kTempgraphics2); gotgraphic: _add(di, 104); bx = 138+14; ah = 0; showFrame(); si = pop(); es = pop(); al = data.byte(kDestpos); _cmp(al, data.byte(kReallocation)); if (!flags.z()) goto notinthisone; al = 3; di = 104; bx = 140+14; ds = data.word(kTempgraphics); ah = 0; showFrame(); notinthisone: bl = data.byte(kDestpos); bh = 0; _add(bx, bx); es = data.word(kTraveltext); si = es.word(bx); _add(si, (66*2)); di = 50; bx = 20; dl = 241; al = 0; ah = 0; printDirect(); } void DreamGenContext::getDestInfo() { STACK_CHECK; al = data.byte(kDestpos); ah = 0; push(ax); dx = data; es = dx; si = 537; _add(si, ax); cl = es.byte(si); ax = pop(); push(cx); dx = data; es = dx; si = 553; _add(si, ax); ax = pop(); } void DreamGenContext::dirCom() { STACK_CHECK; cx = 30; randomAccess(); parser(); _cmp(es.byte(di+1), 0); if (flags.z()) goto dirroot; dirFile(); return; dirroot: data.byte(kLogonum) = 0; ds = cs; si = offset_rootdir; _inc(si); es = cs; di = 462; _inc(di); cx = 12; _movsb(cx, true); monitorLogo(); scrollMonitor(); al = 9; monMessage(); es = data.word(kTextfile1); searchForFiles(); es = data.word(kTextfile2); searchForFiles(); es = data.word(kTextfile3); searchForFiles(); scrollMonitor(); } void DreamGenContext::searchForFiles() { STACK_CHECK; bx = (66*2); directloop1: al = es.byte(bx); _inc(bx); _cmp(al, '*'); if (flags.z()) return /* (endofdir) */; _cmp(al, 34); if (!flags.z()) goto directloop1; monPrint(); goto directloop1; } void DreamGenContext::read() { STACK_CHECK; cx = 40; randomAccess(); parser(); _cmp(es.byte(di+1), 0); if (!flags.z()) goto okcom; netError(); return; okcom: es = cs; di = 462; ax = data.word(kTextfile1); data.word(kMonsource) = ax; ds = ax; si = (66*2); searchForString(); _cmp(al, 0); if (flags.z()) goto foundfile2; ax = data.word(kTextfile2); data.word(kMonsource) = ax; ds = ax; si = (66*2); searchForString(); _cmp(al, 0); if (flags.z()) goto foundfile2; ax = data.word(kTextfile3); data.word(kMonsource) = ax; ds = ax; si = (66*2); searchForString(); _cmp(al, 0); if (flags.z()) goto foundfile2; al = 7; monMessage(); return; foundfile2: getKeyAndLogo(); _cmp(al, 0); if (flags.z()) goto keyok1; return; keyok1: es = cs; di = offset_operand1; ds = data.word(kMonsource); searchForString(); _cmp(al, 0); if (flags.z()) goto findtopictext; al = data.byte(kOldlogonum); data.byte(kLogonum) = al; al = 11; monMessage(); return; findtopictext: _inc(bx); push(es); push(bx); monitorLogo(); scrollMonitor(); bx = pop(); es = pop(); moretopic: monPrint(); al = es.byte(bx); _cmp(al, 34); if (flags.z()) goto endoftopic; _cmp(al, '='); if (flags.z()) goto endoftopic; _cmp(al, '*'); if (flags.z()) goto endoftopic; push(es); push(bx); processTrigger(); cx = 24; randomAccess(); bx = pop(); es = pop(); goto moretopic; endoftopic: scrollMonitor(); } void DreamGenContext::dirFile() { STACK_CHECK; al = 34; es.byte(di) = al; push(es); push(di); ds = data.word(kTextfile1); si = (66*2); searchForString(); _cmp(al, 0); if (flags.z()) goto foundfile; di = pop(); es = pop(); push(es); push(di); ds = data.word(kTextfile2); si = (66*2); searchForString(); _cmp(al, 0); if (flags.z()) goto foundfile; di = pop(); es = pop(); push(es); push(di); ds = data.word(kTextfile3); si = (66*2); searchForString(); _cmp(al, 0); if (flags.z()) goto foundfile; di = pop(); es = pop(); al = 7; monMessage(); return; foundfile: ax = pop(); ax = pop(); getKeyAndLogo(); _cmp(al, 0); if (flags.z()) goto keyok2; return; keyok2: push(es); push(bx); ds = cs; si = offset_operand1+1; es = cs; di = 462+1; cx = 12; _movsb(cx, true); monitorLogo(); scrollMonitor(); al = 10; monMessage(); bx = pop(); es = pop(); directloop2: al = es.byte(bx); _inc(bx); _cmp(al, 34); if (flags.z()) goto endofdir2; _cmp(al, '*'); if (flags.z()) goto endofdir2; _cmp(al, '='); if (!flags.z()) goto directloop2; monPrint(); goto directloop2; endofdir2: scrollMonitor(); } void DreamGenContext::searchForString() { STACK_CHECK; dl = es.byte(di); cx = di; restartlook: di = cx; bx = si; dh = 0; keeplooking: _lodsb(); makeCaps(); _cmp(al, '*'); if (flags.z()) goto notfound; _cmp(dl, '='); if (!flags.z()) goto nofindingtopic; _cmp(al, 34); if (flags.z()) goto notfound; nofindingtopic: ah = es.byte(di); _cmp(al, dl); if (!flags.z()) goto notbracket; _inc(dh); _cmp(dh, 2); if (flags.z()) goto complete; notbracket: _cmp(al, ah); if (!flags.z()) goto restartlook; _inc(di); goto keeplooking; complete: es = ds; al = 0; bx = si; return; notfound: al = 1; } void DreamGenContext::parser() { STACK_CHECK; es = cs; di = offset_operand1; cx = 13; al = 0; _stosb(cx, true); di = offset_operand1; al = '='; _stosb(); ds = cs; si = 571; notspace1: _lodsw(); _cmp(al, 32); if (flags.z()) goto stillspace1; _cmp(al, 0); if (!flags.z()) goto notspace1; goto finishpars; stillspace1: _lodsw(); _cmp(al, 32); if (flags.z()) goto stillspace1; copyin1: _stosb(); _lodsw(); _cmp(al, 0); if (flags.z()) goto finishpars; _cmp(al, 32); if (!flags.z()) goto copyin1; finishpars: di = offset_operand1; } void DreamGenContext::findPathOfPoint() { STACK_CHECK; push(ax); bx = (0); es = data.word(kReels); al = data.byte(kRoomnum); ah = 0; cx = 144; _mul(cx); _add(bx, ax); cx = pop(); dl = 0; pathloop: al = es.byte(bx+6); _cmp(al, 255); if (!flags.z()) goto flunkedit; ax = es.word(bx+2); _cmp(ax, 0x0ffff); if (flags.z()) goto flunkedit; _cmp(cl, al); if (flags.c()) goto flunkedit; _cmp(ch, ah); if (flags.c()) goto flunkedit; ax = es.word(bx+4); _cmp(cl, al); if (!flags.c()) goto flunkedit; _cmp(ch, ah); if (!flags.c()) goto flunkedit; return /* (gotvalidpath) */; flunkedit: _add(bx, 8); _inc(dl); _cmp(dl, 12); if (!flags.z()) goto pathloop; dl = 255; } void DreamGenContext::findFirstPath() { STACK_CHECK; push(ax); bx = (0); es = data.word(kReels); al = data.byte(kRoomnum); ah = 0; cx = 144; _mul(cx); _add(bx, ax); cx = pop(); dl = 0; fpathloop: ax = es.word(bx+2); _cmp(ax, 0x0ffff); if (flags.z()) goto nofirst; _cmp(cl, al); if (flags.c()) goto nofirst; _cmp(ch, ah); if (flags.c()) goto nofirst; ax = es.word(bx+4); _cmp(cl, al); if (!flags.c()) goto nofirst; _cmp(ch, ah); if (!flags.c()) goto nofirst; goto gotfirst; nofirst: _add(bx, 8); _inc(dl); _cmp(dl, 12); if (!flags.z()) goto fpathloop; al = 0; return; gotfirst: al = es.byte(bx+6); } void DreamGenContext::__start() { static const uint8 src[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1e, 0x13, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //0x0000: .... .... .... .... 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, //0x0010: .... .... .... .... 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //0x0020: .... .... .... .... 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, //0x0030: .... .... .... .... 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x0d, 0x00, 0xb6, //0x0040: ...0 .... .... .... 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //0x0050: .... .... .... .... 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //0x0060: .... .... .... .... 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x68, 0x00, 0x26, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //0x0070: .... ...h .&.. .... 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //0x0080: .... .... .... .... 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //0x0090: .... .... .... .... 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //0x00a0: .... .... .... .... 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //0x00b0: .... .... .... .... 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //0x00c0: .... .... ... ... 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //0x00d0: .... .... .... .... 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //0x00e0: .... .... .... .... 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 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