/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "dreamweb/dreamweb.h" namespace DreamGen { typedef void (DreamGenContext::*UseCallback)(void); // Note: The callback pointer has been placed before the // ID to keep MSVC happy (otherwise, it throws warnings // that alignment of a member was sensitive to packing) struct UseListEntry { UseCallback callback; const char *id; }; void DreamGenContext::useRoutine() { static const UseListEntry kUseList[] = { { &DreamGenContext::useMon, "NETW" }, { &DreamGenContext::useElevator1, "ELVA" }, { &DreamGenContext::useElevator2, "ELVB" }, { &DreamGenContext::useElevator3, "ELVC" }, { &DreamGenContext::useElevator4, "ELVE" }, { &DreamGenContext::useElevator5, "ELVF" }, { &DreamGenContext::useChurchGate, "CGAT" }, { &DreamGenContext::useStereo, "REMO" }, { &DreamGenContext::useButtonA, "BUTA" }, { &DreamGenContext::useWinch, "CBOX" }, { &DreamGenContext::useLighter, "LITE" }, { &DreamGenContext::usePlate, "PLAT" }, { &DreamGenContext::useControl, "LIFT" }, { &DreamGenContext::useWire, "WIRE" }, { &DreamGenContext::useHandle, "HNDL" }, { &DreamGenContext::useHatch, "HACH" }, { &DreamGenContext::useElvDoor, "DOOR" }, { &DreamGenContext::useCashCard, "CSHR" }, { &DreamGenContext::useGun, "GUNA" }, { &DreamGenContext::useCardReader1, "CRAA" }, { &DreamGenContext::useCardReader2, "CRBB" }, { &DreamGenContext::useCardReader3, "CRCC" }, { &DreamGenContext::sitDownInBar, "SEAT" }, { &DreamGenContext::useMenu, "MENU" }, { &DreamGenContext::useCooker, "COOK" }, { &DreamGenContext::callHotelLift, "ELCA" }, { &DreamGenContext::callEdensLift, "EDCA" }, { &DreamGenContext::callEdensDLift, "DDCA" }, { &DreamGenContext::useAltar, "ALTR" }, { &DreamGenContext::openHotelDoor, "LOKA" }, { &DreamGenContext::openHotelDoor2, "LOKB" }, { &DreamGenContext::openLouis, "ENTA" }, { &DreamGenContext::openRyan, "ENTB" }, { &DreamGenContext::openPoolBoss, "ENTE" }, { &DreamGenContext::openYourNeighbour, "ENTC" }, { &DreamGenContext::openEden, "ENTD" }, { &DreamGenContext::openSarters, "ENTH" }, { &DreamGenContext::wearWatch, "WWAT" }, { &DreamGenContext::usePoolReader, "POOL" }, { &DreamGenContext::wearShades, "WSHD" }, { &DreamGenContext::grafittiDoor, "GRAF" }, { &DreamGenContext::trapDoor, "TRAP" }, { &DreamGenContext::edensCDPlayer, "CDPE" }, { &DreamGenContext::openTVDoor, "DLOK" }, { &DreamGenContext::useHole, "HOLE" }, { &DreamGenContext::useDryer, "DRYR" }, { &DreamGenContext::useChurchHole, "HOLY" }, { &DreamGenContext::useWall, "WALL" }, { &DreamGenContext::useDiary, "BOOK" }, { &DreamGenContext::useAxe, "AXED" }, { &DreamGenContext::useShield, "SHLD" }, { &DreamGenContext::useRailing, "BCNY" }, { &DreamGenContext::useCoveredBox, "LIDC" }, { &DreamGenContext::useClearBox, "LIDU" }, { &DreamGenContext::useOpenBox, "LIDO" }, { &DreamGenContext::usePipe, "PIPE" }, { &DreamGenContext::useBalcony, "BALC" }, { &DreamGenContext::useWindow, "WIND" }, { &DreamGenContext::viewFolder, "PAPR" }, { &DreamGenContext::useTrainer, "UWTA" }, { &DreamGenContext::useTrainer, "UWTB" }, { &DreamGenContext::enterSymbol, "STAT" }, { &DreamGenContext::openTomb, "TLID" }, { &DreamGenContext::useSLab, "SLAB" }, { &DreamGenContext::useCart, "CART" }, { &DreamGenContext::useFullCart, "FCAR" }, { &DreamGenContext::sLabDoorA, "SLBA" }, { &DreamGenContext::sLabDoorB, "SLBB" }, { &DreamGenContext::sLabDoorC, "SLBC" }, { &DreamGenContext::sLabDoorD, "SLBD" }, { &DreamGenContext::sLabDoorE, "SLBE" }, { &DreamGenContext::sLabDoorF, "SLBF" }, { &DreamGenContext::usePlinth, "PLIN" }, { &DreamGenContext::useLadder, "LADD" }, { &DreamGenContext::useLadderB, "LADB" }, { &DreamGenContext::chewy, "GUMA" }, { &DreamGenContext::wheelSound, "SQEE" }, { &DreamGenContext::runTap, "TAPP" }, { &DreamGenContext::playGuitar, "GUIT" }, { &DreamGenContext::hotelControl, "CONT" }, { &DreamGenContext::hotelBell, "BELL" }, }; if (data.byte(kReallocation) >= 50) { if (data.byte(kPointerpower) == 0) return; data.byte(kPointerpower) = 0; } getAnyAd(); const uint8 *id = es.ptr(bx + 12, 4); for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(kUseList)/sizeof(UseListEntry); ++i) { const UseListEntry &entry = kUseList[i]; if (('A' + id[0] == entry.id[0]) && ('A' + id[1] == entry.id[1]) && ('A' + id[2] == entry.id[2]) && ('A' + id[3] == entry.id[3])) { (this->*entry.callback)(); return; } } delPointer(); uint8 *obText = getObTextStartCPP(); if (findNextColon(&obText) != 0) { if (findNextColon(&obText) != 0) { if (*obText != 0) { useText(obText); hangOnP(400); putBackObStuff(); return; } } } createPanel(); showPanel(); showMan(); showExit(); obIcons(); printMessage(33, 100, 63, 241, true); workToScreenM(); hangOnP(50); putBackObStuff(); data.byte(kCommandtype) = 255; } void DreamGenContext::useText() { useText(es.ptr(si, 0)); } void DreamGenContext::useText(const uint8 *string) { createPanel(); showPanel(); showMan(); showExit(); obIcons(); printDirect(string, 36, 104, 241, true); workToScreenM(); } void DreamGenContext::showFirstUse() { uint8 *obText = getObTextStartCPP(); findNextColon(&obText); findNextColon(&obText); useText(obText); hangOnP(400); } void DreamGenContext::showSecondUse() { uint8 *obText = getObTextStartCPP(); findNextColon(&obText); findNextColon(&obText); findNextColon(&obText); useText(obText); hangOnP(400); } void DreamGenContext::viewFolder() { data.byte(kManisoffscreen) = 1; getRidOfAll(); loadFolder(); data.byte(kFolderpage) = 0; showFolder(); workToScreenM(); data.byte(kGetback) = 0; do { if (quitRequested()) break; delPointer(); readMouse(); showPointer(); vSync(); dumpPointer(); dumpTextLine(); checkFolderCoords(); } while (data.byte(kGetback) == 0); data.byte(kManisoffscreen) = 0; getRidOfTemp(); getRidOfTemp2(); getRidOfTemp3(); getRidOfTempCharset(); restoreAll(); redrawMainScrn(); workToScreenM(); } void DreamGenContext::edensCDPlayer() { showFirstUse(); data.word(kWatchingtime) = 18 * 2; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 25; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 42; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::hotelBell() { playChannel1(12); showFirstUse(); putBackObStuff(); } void DreamGenContext::playGuitar() { playChannel1(14); showFirstUse(); putBackObStuff(); } void DreamGenContext::useElevator1() { showFirstUse(); selectLocation(); data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::useElevator2() { showFirstUse(); if (data.byte(kLocation) == 23) // In pool hall data.byte(kNewlocation) = 31; else data.byte(kNewlocation) = 23; data.byte(kCounttoclose) = 20; data.byte(kCounttoopen) = 0; data.word(kWatchingtime) = 80; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::useElevator3() { showFirstUse(); data.byte(kCounttoclose) = 20; data.byte(kNewlocation) = 34; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 46; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 63; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.word(kWatchingtime) = 80; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::useElevator4() { showFirstUse(); data.word(kReeltowatch) = 0; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 11; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.byte(kCounttoclose) = 20; data.word(kWatchingtime) = 80; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; data.byte(kNewlocation) = 24; } void DreamGenContext::useElevator5() { placeSetObject(4); removeSetObject(0); data.byte(kNewlocation) = 20; data.word(kWatchingtime) = 80; data.byte(kLiftflag) = 1; data.byte(kCounttoclose) = 8; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::useHatch() { showFirstUse(); data.byte(kNewlocation) = 40; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::wheelSound() { playChannel1(17); showFirstUse(); putBackObStuff(); } void DreamGenContext::callHotelLift() { playChannel1(12); showFirstUse(); data.byte(kCounttoopen) = 8; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; data.byte(kDestination) = 5; data.byte(kFinaldest) = 5; autoSetWalk(); turnPathOn(4); } void DreamGenContext::useShield() { if (data.byte(kReallocation) != 20 || data.byte(kCombatcount) == 0) { // Not in Sart room showFirstUse(); putBackObStuff(); } else { data.byte(kLastweapon) = 3; showSecondUse(); data.byte(kGetback) = 1; data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; removeObFromInv(); } } void DreamGenContext::useCoveredBox() { data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; showFirstUse(); data.word(kWatchingtime) = 50; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 41; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 66; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::useRailing() { showFirstUse(); data.word(kWatchingtime) = 80; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 0; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 30; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; data.byte(kMandead) = 4; } void DreamGenContext::wearWatch() { if (data.byte(kWatchon) == 1) { // Already wearing watch showSecondUse(); putBackObStuff(); } else { showFirstUse(); data.byte(kWatchon) = 1; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; getAnyAd(); makeWorn(); } } void DreamGenContext::wearShades() { if (data.byte(kShadeson) == 1) { // Already wearing shades showSecondUse(); putBackObStuff(); } else { data.byte(kShadeson) = 1; showFirstUse(); data.byte(kGetback) = 1; getAnyAd(); makeWorn(); } } void DreamGenContext::useChurchHole() { showFirstUse(); data.byte(kGetback) = 1; data.word(kWatchingtime) = 28; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 13; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 26; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::sitDownInBar() { if (data.byte(kWatchmode) != 0xFF) { // Sat down showSecondUse(); putBackObStuff(); } else { showFirstUse(); data.word(kWatchingtime) = 50; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 55; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 71; data.word(kReeltohold) = 73; data.word(kEndofholdreel) = 83; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } } void DreamGenContext::useDryer() { playChannel1(12); showFirstUse(); data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::useBalcony() { showFirstUse(); turnPathOn(6); turnPathOff(0); turnPathOff(1); turnPathOff(2); turnPathOff(3); turnPathOff(4); turnPathOff(5); data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; data.byte(kManspath) = 6; data.byte(kDestination) = 6; data.byte(kFinaldest) = 6; findXYFromPath(); switchRyanOff(); data.byte(kResetmanxy) = 1; data.word(kWatchingtime) = 30 * 2; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 183; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 212; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::useWindow() { if (data.byte(kManspath) != 6) { // Not on balcony showSecondUse(); putBackObStuff(); } else { data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; showFirstUse(); data.byte(kNewlocation) = 29; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } } void DreamGenContext::trapDoor() { data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; showFirstUse(); switchRyanOff(); data.word(kWatchingtime) = 20 * 2; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 181; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 197; data.byte(kNewlocation) = 26; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::callEdensLift() { showFirstUse(); data.byte(kCounttoopen) = 8; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; turnPathOn(2); } void DreamGenContext::callEdensDLift() { if (data.byte(kLiftflag) == 1) { // Eden's D here showSecondUse(); putBackObStuff(); } else { showFirstUse(); data.byte(kCounttoopen) = 8; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; turnPathOn(2); } } void DreamGenContext::openYourNeighbour() { enterCode(255, 255, 255, 255); data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::openRyan() { enterCode(5, 1, 0, 6); data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::openPoolBoss() { enterCode(5, 2, 2, 2); data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::openEden() { enterCode(2, 8, 6, 5); data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::openSarters() { enterCode(7, 8, 3, 3); data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::openLouis() { enterCode(5, 2, 3, 8); data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::useWall() { showFirstUse(); if (data.byte(kManspath) != 3) { data.word(kWatchingtime) = 30*2; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 2; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 31; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; turnPathOn(3); turnPathOn(4); turnPathOff(0); turnPathOff(1); turnPathOff(2); turnPathOff(5); data.byte(kManspath) = 3; data.byte(kFinaldest) = 3; findXYFromPath(); data.byte(kResetmanxy) = 1; switchRyanOff(); } else { // Go back over data.word(kWatchingtime) = 30 * 2; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 34; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 60; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; turnPathOff(3); turnPathOff(4); turnPathOn(0); turnPathOn(1); turnPathOn(2); turnPathOn(5); data.byte(kManspath) = 5; data.byte(kFinaldest) = 5; findXYFromPath(); data.byte(kResetmanxy) = 1; switchRyanOff(); } } void DreamGenContext::useLadder() { showFirstUse(); data.byte(kMapx) = data.byte(kMapx) - 11; findRoomInLoc(); data.byte(kFacing) = 6; data.byte(kTurntoface) = 6; data.byte(kManspath) = 0; data.byte(kDestination) = 0; data.byte(kFinaldest) = 0; findXYFromPath(); data.byte(kResetmanxy) = 1; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::useLadderB() { showFirstUse(); data.byte(kMapx) = data.byte(kMapx) + 11; findRoomInLoc(); data.byte(kFacing) = 2; data.byte(kTurntoface) = 2; data.byte(kManspath) = 1; data.byte(kDestination) = 1; data.byte(kFinaldest) = 1; findXYFromPath(); data.byte(kResetmanxy) = 1; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::sLabDoorA() { showFirstUse(); data.byte(kGetback) = 1; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 13; if (data.byte(kDreamnumber) != 3) { // Wrong data.word(kWatchingtime) = 40; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 34; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; } else { data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; data.word(kWatchingtime) = 60; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 42; data.byte(kNewlocation) = 47; } } void DreamGenContext::sLabDoorB() { if (data.byte(kDreamnumber) != 1) { // Wrong showFirstUse(); data.byte(kGetback) = 1; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 44; data.word(kWatchingtime) = 40; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 63; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; } else { al = 'S'; ah = 'H'; cl = 'L'; ch = 'D'; isRyanHolding(); if (flags.z()) { // No crystal showPuzText(44, 200); putBackObStuff(); } else { // Got crystal showFirstUse(); data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 44; data.word(kWatchingtime) = 60; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 71; data.byte(kNewlocation) = 47; } } } void DreamGenContext::sLabDoorC() { showFirstUse(); data.byte(kGetback) = 1; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 108; if (data.byte(kDreamnumber) != 4) { // Wrong data.word(kWatchingtime) = 40; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 127; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; } else { data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; data.word(kWatchingtime) = 60; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 135; data.byte(kNewlocation) = 47; } } void DreamGenContext::sLabDoorD() { showFirstUse(); data.byte(kGetback) = 1; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 75; if (data.byte(kDreamnumber) != 0) { // Wrong data.word(kWatchingtime) = 40; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 94; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; } else { data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; data.word(kWatchingtime) = 60; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 102; data.byte(kNewlocation) = 47; } } void DreamGenContext::sLabDoorE() { showFirstUse(); data.byte(kGetback) = 1; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 141; if (data.byte(kDreamnumber) != 5) { // Wrong data.word(kWatchingtime) = 40; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 160; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; } else { data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; data.word(kWatchingtime) = 60; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 168; data.byte(kNewlocation) = 47; } } void DreamGenContext::sLabDoorF() { showFirstUse(); data.byte(kGetback) = 1; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 171; if (data.byte(kDreamnumber) != 2) { // Wrong data.word(kWatchingtime) = 40; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 189; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; } else { data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; data.word(kWatchingtime) = 60; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 197; data.byte(kNewlocation) = 47; } } bool DreamGenContext::defaultUseHandler(const char *id) { if (data.byte(kWithobject) == 255) { withWhat(); return true; // event handled } if (!compare(data.byte(kWithobject), data.byte(kWithtype), id)) { // Wrong item showPuzText(14, 300); putBackObStuff(); return true; // event handled } return false; // continue with the original event } void DreamGenContext::useChurchGate() { char id[4] = { 'C', 'U', 'T', 'T' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero if (defaultUseHandler(id)) return; // Cut gate showFirstUse(); data.word(kWatchingtime) = 64 * 2; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 4; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 70; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; turnPathOn(3); if (data.byte(kAidedead) != 0) turnPathOn(2); // Open church } void DreamGenContext::useFullCart() { data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; turnAnyPathOn(2, data.byte(kRoomnum) + 6); data.byte(kManspath) = 4; data.byte(kFacing) = 4; data.byte(kTurntoface) = 4; data.byte(kFinaldest) = 4; findXYFromPath(); data.byte(kResetmanxy) = 1; showFirstUse(); data.word(kWatchingtime) = 72 * 2; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 58; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 142; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::useClearBox() { char id[4] = { 'R', 'A', 'I', 'L' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero if (defaultUseHandler(id)) return; // Open box data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; showFirstUse(); data.word(kWatchingtime) = 80; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 67; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 105; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::openTVDoor() { char id[4] = { 'U', 'L', 'O', 'K' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero if (defaultUseHandler(id)) return; // Key on TV showFirstUse(); data.byte(kLockstatus) = 0; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::usePlate() { if (data.byte(kWithobject) == 255) { withWhat(); return; } char screw[4] = { 'S', 'C', 'R', 'W' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero char knife[4] = { 'K', 'N', 'F', 'E' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero if (compare(data.byte(kWithobject), data.byte(kWithtype), screw)) { // Unscrew plate playChannel1(20); showFirstUse(); placeSetObject(28); placeSetObject(24); removeSetObject(25); placeFreeObject(0); data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } else if (compare(data.byte(kWithobject), data.byte(kWithtype), knife)) { // Tried knife showPuzText(54, 300); putBackObStuff(); } else { // Wrong item showPuzText(14, 300); putBackObStuff(); } } void DreamGenContext::usePlinth() { if (data.byte(kWithobject) == 255) { withWhat(); return; } char id[4] = { 'D', 'K', 'E', 'Y' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero if (!compare(data.byte(kWithobject), data.byte(kWithtype), id)) { // Wrong key showFirstUse(); putBackObStuff(); } else { data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; showSecondUse(); data.word(kWatchingtime) = 220; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 0; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 104; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; data.byte(kNewlocation) = data.byte(kRoomafterdream); } } void DreamGenContext::useElvDoor() { char id[4] = { 'A', 'X', 'E', 'D' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero if (defaultUseHandler(id)) return; // Axe on door showPuzText(15, 300); _inc(data.byte(kProgresspoints)); data.word(kWatchingtime) = 46 * 2; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 31; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 77; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::useObject() { data.byte(kWithobject) = 255; if (data.byte(kCommandtype) != 229) { data.byte(kCommandtype) = 229; commandWithOb(51, data.byte(kObjecttype), data.byte(kCommand)); } if (data.word(kMousebutton) == data.word(kOldbutton)) return; // nouse if (data.word(kMousebutton) & 1) useRoutine(); } void DreamGenContext::useWinch() { al = 40; ah = 1; checkInside(); char id[4] = { 'F', 'U', 'S', 'E' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero if (cl == kNumexobjects || !compare(cl, 4, id)) { // No winch showFirstUse(); putBackObStuff(); return; } data.word(kWatchingtime) = 217 * 2; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 0; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 217; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.byte(kDestpos) = 1; data.byte(kNewlocation) = 45; data.byte(kDreamnumber) = 1; data.byte(kRoomafterdream) = 44; data.byte(kGeneraldead) = 1; data.byte(kNewsitem) = 2; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; } void DreamGenContext::useCart() { char id[4] = { 'R', 'O', 'C', 'K' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero if (defaultUseHandler(id)) return; DynObject *exObject = getExAd(data.byte(kWithobject)); exObject->mapad[0] = 0; removeSetObject(data.byte(kCommand)); placeSetObject(data.byte(kCommand) + 1); data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; playChannel1(17); showFirstUse(); data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::useTrainer() { // TODO: Use the C++ version of getAnyAd() getAnyAd(); if (es.byte(bx + 2) != 4) { notHeldError(); } else { data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; makeWorn(); showSecondUse(); putBackObStuff(); } } void DreamGenContext::chewy() { showFirstUse(); // TODO: Use the C++ version of getAnyAd() getAnyAd(); es.byte(bx + 2) = 255; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::useHole() { char id[4] = { 'H', 'N', 'D', 'A' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero if (defaultUseHandler(id)) return; showFirstUse(); removeSetObject(86); DynObject *exObject = getExAd(data.byte(kWithobject)); exObject->mapad[0] = 255; data.byte(kCanmovealtar) = 1; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::openHotelDoor() { char id[4] = { 'K', 'E', 'Y', 'A' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero if (defaultUseHandler(id)) return; playChannel1(16); showFirstUse(); data.byte(kLockstatus) = 0; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::openHotelDoor2() { char id[4] = { 'K', 'E', 'Y', 'A' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero if (defaultUseHandler(id)) return; playChannel1(16); showFirstUse(); putBackObStuff(); } void DreamGenContext::grafittiDoor() { char id[4] = { 'A', 'P', 'E', 'N' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero if (defaultUseHandler(id)) return; showFirstUse(); putBackObStuff(); } void DreamGenContext::usePoolReader() { char id[4] = { 'M', 'E', 'M', 'B' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero if (defaultUseHandler(id)) return; if (data.byte(kTalkedtoattendant) != 1) { // Can't open pool showSecondUse(); putBackObStuff(); } else { playChannel1(17); showFirstUse(); data.byte(kCounttoopen) = 6; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } } void DreamGenContext::useCardReader1() { char id[4] = { 'C', 'S', 'H', 'R' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero if (defaultUseHandler(id)) return; if (data.byte(kTalkedtosparky) == 0) { // Not yet showFirstUse(); putBackObStuff(); } else if (data.word(kCard1money) != 0) { // No cash showPuzText(17, 300); putBackObStuff(); } else { // Get cash playChannel1(16); showPuzText(18, 300); data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; data.word(kCard1money) = 12432; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } } void DreamGenContext::useCardReader2() { char id[4] = { 'C', 'S', 'H', 'R' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero if (defaultUseHandler(id)) return; if (data.byte(kTalkedtoboss) == 0) { // Haven't talked to boss showFirstUse(); putBackObStuff(); } else if (data.byte(kCard1money) == 0) { // No cash showPuzText(20, 300); putBackObStuff(); } else if (data.byte(kGunpassflag) == 2) { // Already got new showPuzText(22, 300); putBackObStuff(); } else { playChannel1(18); showPuzText(19, 300); placeSetObject(94); data.byte(kGunpassflag) = 1; data.word(kCard1money) -= 2000; data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } } void DreamGenContext::useCardReader3() { char id[4] = { 'C', 'S', 'H', 'R' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero if (defaultUseHandler(id)) return; if (data.byte(kTalkedtorecep) == 0) { // Haven't talked to receptionist showFirstUse(); putBackObStuff(); } else if (data.byte(kCardpassflag) != 0) { // Already used it showPuzText(26, 300); putBackObStuff(); } else { playChannel1(16); showPuzText(25, 300); data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; data.word(kCard1money) -= 8300; data.byte(kCardpassflag) = 1; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } } void DreamGenContext::useLighter() { if (data.byte(kWithobject) == 255) { withWhat(); return; } char id[4] = { 'S', 'M', 'K', 'E' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero if (!compare(data.byte(kWithobject), data.byte(kWithtype), id)) { showFirstUse(); putBackObStuff(); } else { showPuzText(9, 300); DynObject *withObj = getExAd(data.byte(kWithobject)); withObj->mapad[0] = 255; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } } void DreamGenContext::useWire() { if (data.byte(kWithobject) == 255) { withWhat(); return; } char knife[4] = { 'K', 'N', 'F', 'E' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero if (compare(data.byte(kWithobject), data.byte(kWithtype), knife)) { removeSetObject(51); placeSetObject(52); showPuzText(11, 300); data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; return; } char axe[4] = { 'A', 'X', 'E', 'D' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero if (compare(data.byte(kWithobject), data.byte(kWithtype), axe)) { showPuzText(16, 300); putBackObStuff(); return; } showPuzText(14, 300); putBackObStuff(); } void DreamGenContext::openTomb() { data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; showFirstUse(); data.word(kWatchingtime) = 35 * 2; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 1; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 33; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::hotelControl() { if (data.byte(kReallocation) != 21 || data.byte(kMapx) != 33) showSecondUse(); // Not right control else showFirstUse(); putBackObStuff(); } void DreamGenContext::useCooker() { al = data.byte(kCommand); ah = data.byte(kObjecttype); checkInside(); if (cl == 114) showFirstUse(); else showSecondUse(); // Food inside putBackObStuff(); } void DreamBase::placeFreeObject(uint8 index) { findOrMake(index, 0, 1); getFreeAd(index)->mapad[0] = 0; } void DreamBase::removeFreeObject(uint8 index) { getFreeAd(index)->mapad[0] = 0xFF; } void DreamGenContext::useDiary() { getRidOfReels(); loadIntoTemp("DREAMWEB.G14"); loadTempText("DREAMWEB.T51"); loadTempCharset("DREAMWEB.C02"); createPanel(); showIcon(); showDiary(); underTextLine(); showDiaryPage(); readMouse(); showPointer(); workToScreenCPP(); delPointer(); data.byte(kGetback) = 0; RectWithCallback diaryList[] = { { kDiaryx+94,kDiaryx+110,kDiaryy+97,kDiaryy+113,&DreamGenContext::diaryKeyN }, { kDiaryx+151,kDiaryx+167,kDiaryy+71,kDiaryy+87,&DreamGenContext::diaryKeyP }, { kDiaryx+176,kDiaryx+192,kDiaryy+108,kDiaryy+124,&DreamGenContext::quitKey }, { 0,320,0,200,&DreamGenContext::blank }, { 0xFFFF,0,0,0,0 } }; do { delPointer(); readMouse(); showDiaryKeys(); showPointer(); vSync(); dumpPointer(); dumpDiaryKeys(); dumpTextLine(); checkCoords(diaryList); } while (!data.byte(kGetback)); getRidOfTemp(); getRidOfTempText(); getRidOfTempCharset(); restoreReels(); data.byte(kManisoffscreen) = 0; redrawMainScrn(); workToScreenM(); } void DreamGenContext::useControl() { if (data.byte(kWithobject) == 255) { withWhat(); return; } char key[4] = { 'K', 'E', 'Y', 'A' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero if (compare(data.byte(kWithobject), data.byte(kWithtype), key)) { // Right key playChannel1(16); if (data.byte(kLocation) == 21) { // Going down showPuzText(3, 300); data.byte(kNewlocation) = 30; } else { showPuzText(0, 300); data.byte(kNewlocation) = 21; } data.byte(kCounttoclose) = 8; data.byte(kCounttoopen) = 0; data.word(kWatchingtime) = 80; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; return; } if (data.byte(kReallocation) == 21) { char knife[4] = { 'K', 'N', 'F', 'E' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero char axe[4] = { 'A', 'X', 'E', 'D' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero if (compare(data.byte(kWithobject), data.byte(kWithtype), knife)) { // Jimmy controls placeSetObject(50); placeSetObject(51); placeSetObject(26); placeSetObject(30); removeSetObject(16); removeSetObject(17); playChannel1(14); showPuzText(10, 300); data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } else if (compare(data.byte(kWithobject), data.byte(kWithtype), axe)) { // Axe on controls showPuzText(16, 300); data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; putBackObStuff(); } else { // Balls showFirstUse(); putBackObStuff(); } } else { // Balls showFirstUse(); putBackObStuff(); } } void DreamGenContext::useSLab() { if (data.byte(kWithobject) == 255) { withWhat(); return; } char id[4] = { 'J', 'E', 'W', 'L' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero if (!compare(data.byte(kWithobject), data.byte(kWithtype), id)) { showPuzText(14, 300); putBackObStuff(); return; } DynObject *exObject = getExAd(data.byte(kWithobject)); exObject->mapad[0] = 0; removeSetObject(data.byte(kCommand)); placeSetObject(data.byte(kCommand) + 1); if (data.byte(kCommand) + 1 == 54) { // Last slab turnPathOn(0); data.word(kWatchingtime) = 22; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 35; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 48; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; } data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; showFirstUse(); data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } void DreamGenContext::usePipe() { if (data.byte(kWithobject) == 255) { withWhat(); return; } char cupEmpty[4] = { 'C', 'U', 'P', 'E' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero char cupFull[4] = { 'C', 'U', 'P', 'F' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero if (compare(data.byte(kWithobject), data.byte(kWithtype), cupEmpty)) { // Fill cup showPuzText(36, 300); putBackObStuff(); DynObject *exObject = getExAd(data.byte(kWithobject)); exObject->id[3] = 'F'-'A'; // CUPE (empty cup) -> CUPF (full cup) return; } else if (compare(data.byte(kWithobject), data.byte(kWithtype), cupFull)) { // Already full showPuzText(35, 300); putBackObStuff(); } else { showPuzText(14, 300); showPuzText(); putBackObStuff(); } } void DreamGenContext::useOpenBox() { if (data.byte(kWithobject) == 255) { withWhat(); return; } char cupEmpty[4] = { 'C', 'U', 'P', 'E' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero char cupFull[4] = { 'C', 'U', 'P', 'F' }; // TODO: convert to string with trailing zero if (compare(data.byte(kWithobject), data.byte(kWithtype), cupFull)) { // Destroy open box data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; showPuzText(37, 300); DynObject *exObject = getExAd(data.byte(kWithobject)); exObject->id[3] = 'E'-'A'; // CUPF (full cup) -> CUPE (empty cup) data.word(kWatchingtime) = 140; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 105; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 181; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; turnPathOn(4); data.byte(kGetback) = 1; return; } if (compare(data.byte(kWithobject), data.byte(kWithtype), cupEmpty)) { // Open box wrong showPuzText(38, 300); putBackObStuff(); return; } showFirstUse(); } void DreamGenContext::useAxe() { if (data.byte(kReallocation) != 22) { // Not in pool showFirstUse(); return; } if (data.byte(kMapy) == 10) { // Axe on door showPuzText(15, 300); data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; data.word(kWatchingtime) = 46*2; data.word(kReeltowatch) = 31; data.word(kEndwatchreel) = 77; data.byte(kWatchspeed) = 1; data.byte(kSpeedcount) = 1; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; return; } showSecondUse(); data.byte(kProgresspoints)++; data.byte(kLastweapon) = 2; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; removeObFromInv(); } void DreamGenContext::useKey() { switch(data.byte(kLocation)) { case 5: case 30: if (data.byte(kMapx) == 22 && data.byte(kMapy) == 10) { showPuzText(0, 300); data.byte(kCounttoclose) = 100; data.byte(kGetback) = 1; } else { // Wrong room showPuzText(2, 200); putBackObStuff(); } break; case 21: if (data.byte(kMapx) == 11 && data.byte(kMapy) == 10) { showPuzText(3, 300); data.byte(kNewlocation) = 30; al = 2; fadeScreenDown(); showFirstUse(); putBackObStuff(); } else { // Wrong room showPuzText(2, 200); putBackObStuff(); } default: showPuzText(1, 200); putBackObStuff(); break; } } } // End of namespace DreamGen