/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "glk/agt/agility.h" #include "glk/agt/interp.h" #include "glk/agt/exec.h" namespace Glk { namespace AGT { static void d_moveobj(int obj, int dest) /* 1=the player, -1=unknown: ask */ { if (obj == -1) { writestr("Which object? "); obj = read_number(); if (obj != 1 && !tnoun(obj) && !tcreat(obj)) { writeln("Invalid object"); return; } } if (dest == -1) { writestr("To where? "); dest = read_number(); if (dest != 1 && dest != 0 && !tnoun(dest) && !tcreat(dest) && !troom(dest)) { writeln("Invalid object"); return; } } if (obj != 1) it_move(obj, dest); else { if (!troom(dest)) { writeln("Player can only be moved to a room"); return; } goto_room(dest - first_room); } } static int print_objid(int obj) { char buff[10]; char *s; int n; sprintf(buff, "%4d: ", obj); writestr(buff); s = objname(obj); for (n = 0; s[n] != 0; n++) if (s[n] <= 8 || (uchar)s[n] == 0xFF) s[n] = ' '; /* Strip out format codes */ writestr(s); n = strlen(s); rfree(s); return n; } static void d_listroom() { int i; writeln(" ROOM"); writeln(" ------"); writeln(""); for (i = 0; i <= maxroom - first_room; i++) { print_objid(i + first_room); writeln(""); } } #define SEPLENG 27 /* Width between beginning of object column and location column */ static void d_listnoun() { int i; int len; writestr(" NOUN "); padout(SEPLENG - 6); writeln(" LOCATION "); writestr(" ------"); padout(SEPLENG - 6); writeln(" ----------"); writeln(""); len = SEPLENG - print_objid(1); padout(len); writestr("["); print_objid(loc); writeln("]"); nounloop(i) { len = print_objid(i + first_noun); len = SEPLENG - len; if (len > 0) padout(len); writestr("["); print_objid(noun[i].location); writeln("]"); } } static void d_listcreat() { int i; int len; writestr(" CREATURE "); padout(SEPLENG - 11); writeln(" LOCATION "); writestr(" ----------"); padout(SEPLENG - 11); writeln(" ----------"); writeln(""); creatloop(i) { len = print_objid(i + first_creat); len = SEPLENG - len; if (len > 0) padout(len); writestr(" ["); print_objid(creature[i].location); writeln("]"); } } static void writetbl(const char *s, int width) /* This writes out s and then prints out any additional spaces needed to make the output string *width* wide. */ { writestr(s); width = width - strlen(s); if (width > 0) padout(width); } static void var_edit(int vtype) /* vtype=0 for variable, 1 for counter, 2 for flag */ { long n; int i; int imax; char sbuff[30]; switch (vtype) { case 0: imax = VAR_NUM; break; case 1: imax = CNT_NUM; break; case 2: imax = FLAG_NUM; break; default: writeln("INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid vtype."); return; } for (;;) { agt_clrscr(); writeln(""); switch (vtype) { case 0: writeln("Variables"); break; case 1: writeln("Counters (-1 means the counter is off)"); break; case 2: writeln("Flags ( f=false [OFF] and t=true [ON] )"); break; default: break; } writeln(""); for (i = 0; i <= imax; i++) { switch (vtype) { case 0: sprintf(sbuff, "[Var%3d]=%4ld", i, (long)agt_var[i]); break; case 1: sprintf(sbuff, "[Cnt%3d]=%4ld", i, (long)agt_counter[i]); break; case 2: sprintf(sbuff, "%3d%c", i, flag[i] ? 't' : 'f'); break; default: break; } writetbl(sbuff, (vtype == 2) ? 5 : 20); } writeln(""); writeln(""); for (;;) { switch (vtype) { case 0: writestr("Variable to change"); break; case 1: writestr("Counter to change"); break; case 2: writestr("Flag to toggle"); break; default: break; } writestr(" (-1 to quit): "); i = read_number(); if (i < 0) return; if (i <= imax) { if (vtype != 2) { if (vtype == 0) sprintf(sbuff, "[Var%d]=%ld", i, (long)agt_var[i]); else sprintf(sbuff, "[Cnt%d]=%ld (-1 means it's off)", i, (long)agt_counter[i]); writestr(sbuff); writestr("; new value = "); n = read_number(); if (vtype == 0) agt_var[i] = n; else if (n < -1 || n > (((long)1) << 15) - 1) writeln("Invalid value for a counter."); else agt_counter[i] = n; } else flag[i] = !flag[i]; break; } else writeln("Invalid index."); } } } /* Routines to edit user strings */ static void edit_str() { int i, j; char buff[10]; char *tmpstr; if (MAX_USTR == 0 || userstr == NULL) { writeln("This game doesn't contain any user strings"); return; } for (;;) { agt_clrscr(); writeln("User Definable Strings"); writeln(""); for (i = 0; i < MAX_USTR; i++) { sprintf(buff, "%2d:", i + 1); writestr(buff); writeln(userstr[i]); } writestr(" (0 to quit): "); i = read_number(); if (i == 0) return; if (i > 0 && i <= MAX_USTR) { writeln("Enter new string:"); tmpstr = agt_readline(3); j = strlen(tmpstr) - 1; if (j > 0 && tmpstr[j] == '\n') tmpstr[j] = 0; strncpy(userstr[i - 1], tmpstr, 80); } else writeln("Invalid string number"); } } static uchar attrcol; /* Determines which column the attribute is put in */ static uchar attrwidth; /* Number of attribute columns */ static void next_col() { if (++attrcol == attrwidth) { writeln(""); attrcol = 0; } else padout(10); } static void writeattr(const char *attrname, rbool attrval) { writestr(attrname); padout(15 - strlen(attrname)); if (attrval) writestr("yes"); else writestr("no "); next_col(); } static void writegender(const char *gendername, uchar genderval) { writestr(gendername); padout(15 - strlen(gendername) - 3); switch (genderval) { case 2: writestr("Male "); break; case 1: writestr("Female"); break; case 0: writestr("Thing"); break; default: break; } next_col(); } static void writeprop(const char *propname, int obj) { writestr(propname); writestr(" ["); print_objid(obj); writeln("]"); } static int writedir(int index, int dir, int obj) { char sbuff[40]; sprintf(sbuff, "%2d.%-2s %d", index, exitname[dir], obj); writestr(sbuff); return strlen(sbuff); } void writenum(const char *propname, int n) { char sbuff[20]; writestr(propname); sprintf(sbuff, "%4d", n); writeln(sbuff); } static void writeflags(const char *flagname, int32 flags) { int i; char sbuff[5]; writestr(flagname); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (flags & 1) { sprintf(sbuff, "%2d ", i); writestr(sbuff); } else writestr(" "); flags >>= 1; if (i % 12 == 11) { writeln(""); padout(strlen(flagname)); } } writeln(""); } static void readflags(int32 *flags) { long n; writestr("Room flag to toggle (0-31)? "); n = read_number(); if (n <= 31 && n >= 0) *flags ^= (((long)1) << n); } static long readval(const char *prompt, int type) { long val; for (;;) { writestr(prompt); writestr(" "); val = read_number(); if (argvalid(type, val)) return val; writeln("Invalid value."); } } static uchar readgender() { char c; writestr("Gender (M/F/N): "); for (;;) { c = tolower(agt_getchar()); switch (c) { case 'm': return 2; case 'w': case 'f': return 1; case 'n': case 't': return 0; default: ;/* Do nothing */ } } } static void edit_objattr(int obj) { int i, k, kprop, n; long v; for (;;) { k = 1; agt_clrscr(); print_objid(obj); writeln(""); if (oflag_cnt > 0) { writeln("ObjFlags:"); for (i = 0; i < oflag_cnt; i++) if (have_objattr(0, obj, i)) { v = op_objflag(2, obj, i); rprintf("%2d. ObjProp%2d:%c %-40s\n", k++, i, (v ? '+' : '-'), get_objattr_str(AGT_OBJFLAG, i, v)); } writeln(""); } kprop = k; if (oprop_cnt > 0) { writeln("ObjProps:"); for (i = 0; i < oprop_cnt; i++) if (have_objattr(1, obj, i)) { v = op_objprop(2, obj, i, 0); rprintf("%2d. ObjFlag%2d: [%3ld] %-40s\n", k++, i, v, get_objattr_str(AGT_OBJPROP, i, v)); } writeln(""); } writestr("Field to change (0 to return to main view)? "); n = read_number(); if (n == 0) return; if (n < 1 || n >= k) continue; k = 0; if (n < kprop) { /* Attribute */ for (i = 0; i < oflag_cnt; i++) if (have_objattr(0, obj, i)) if (n == ++k) break; if (n == k && have_objattr(0, obj, i)) op_objflag(3, obj, i); /* Toggle it */ } else { /* Property */ for (i = 0; i < oprop_cnt; i++) if (have_objattr(1, obj, i)) if (n == ++k) break; if (n == k && have_objattr(1, obj, i)) op_objprop(1, obj, i, readval("New value:", AGT_NUM)); } } } static void room_edit(int i) { int n, j; for (;;) { agt_clrscr(); writestr("ROOM "); print_objid(i + first_room); writeln(""); writeln(""); attrcol = 0; attrwidth = 2; writeattr("1.*WinGame:", room[i].win); writeattr("4. Seen:", room[i].seen); writeattr("2.*EndGame:", room[i].end); writeattr("5. LockedDoor:", room[i].locked_door); writeattr("3.*Die:", room[i].killplayer); writeln(""); writeln(""); writeprop("6.*Key =", room[i].key); writeprop("7. Light =", room[i].light); writenum("8. Points =", room[i].points); writeprop("9. Class = ", room[i].oclass); writeln(""); writeln("EXITS:"); for (j = 0; j < 12; j++) { n = writedir(j + 10, j, room[i].path[j]); if (j % 4 == 3) writeln(""); else padout(15 - n); } writeprop("22. SPECIAL:", room[i].path[12]); writeflags("23. Room Flags:", room[i].flag_noun_bits); writeln("24. Object properties and attributes."); writeln(""); writeln("(Fields marked with an * are not saved or restored.)"); /* writeln(""); */ writestr("Field to change (0 to exit)? "); n = read_number(); if (n == 0) return; switch (n) { case 1: room[i].win = !room[i].win; break; case 2: room[i].end = !room[i].end; break; case 3: room[i].killplayer = !room[i].killplayer; break; case 4: room[i].seen = !room[i].seen; break; case 5: room[i].locked_door = !room[i].locked_door; break; case 6: room[i].key = readval("Key = ", AGT_ITEM | AGT_NONE); break; case 7: room[i].light = readval("Light = ", AGT_ITEM | AGT_NONE | AGT_SELF); break; case 8: room[i].points = readval("Points = ", AGT_NUM); break; case 9: room[i].oclass = readval("Class = ", AGT_ROOM | AGT_NONE); break; case 22: room[i].path[12] = readval("SPECIAL: ", AGT_NUM); break; case 23: readflags(&room[i].flag_noun_bits); break; case 24: edit_objattr(i + first_room); break; default: if (n >= 10 && n < 22) { /* Direction */ room[i].path[n - 10] = readval(exitname[n - 10], AGT_NUM); } else writeln("Invalid field"); } } } #define tog(x) {x=!x;break;} static void noun_edit(int i) { int n; for (;;) { agt_clrscr(); /* writeln("");*/ writestr("NOUN "); print_objid(i + first_noun); /* writeln("");*/ /* writeln("");*/ writeprop(" Location=", noun[i].location); writeln(""); attrcol = 0; attrwidth = 3; writeattr(" 1.*Pushable:", noun[i].pushable); writeattr(" 8.*Lockable:", noun[i].lockable); writeattr("15.*Drinkable:", noun[i].drinkable); writeattr(" 2.*Pullable:", noun[i].pullable); writeattr(" 9.*Light:", noun[i].light); writeattr("16.*Poisonous:", noun[i].poisonous); writeattr(" 3.*Turnable:", noun[i].turnable); writeattr("10.*Plural:", noun[i].plural); writeattr("17. Open:", noun[i].open); writeattr(" 4.*Playable:", noun[i].playable); writeattr("11. Movable:", noun[i].movable); writeattr("18. Locked:", noun[i].locked); writeattr(" 5.*Readable:", noun[i].readable); writeattr("12.*Shootable:", noun[i].shootable); writeattr("19.*Win Game:", noun[i].win); writeattr(" 6.*Wearable:", noun[i].wearable); writeattr("13. On:", noun[i].on); writeattr("20.*Global:", noun[i].isglobal); writeattr(" 7.*Closable:", noun[i].closable); writeattr("14.*Edible:", noun[i].edible); writeattr("21.*Proper:", noun[i].proper); writeln(""); writenum("22. Shots =", noun[i].num_shots); writenum("23. Points =", noun[i].points); writenum("24. Weight =", noun[i].weight); writenum("25. Size =", noun[i].size); writeprop("26.*Key =", noun[i].key); writeprop("27. Class =", noun[i].oclass); writenum("28. Flag =", noun[i].flagnum); writeln(""); /* writeln(""); */ writeln("29. Object properties and attributes."); writeln(""); writeln("(Fields marked with an * are not saved or restored.)"); writestr("Field to change (0 to exit)? "); n = read_number(); if (n == 0) return; switch (n) { case 1: tog(noun[i].pushable); /* tog() macro includes break */ case 2: tog(noun[i].pullable); case 3: tog(noun[i].turnable); case 4: tog(noun[i].playable); case 5: tog(noun[i].readable); case 6: tog(noun[i].wearable); case 7: tog(noun[i].closable); case 8: tog(noun[i].lockable); case 9: tog(noun[i].light); case 10: tog(noun[i].plural); case 11: tog(noun[i].movable); case 12: tog(noun[i].shootable); case 13: tog(noun[i].on); case 14: tog(noun[i].edible); case 15: tog(noun[i].drinkable); case 16: tog(noun[i].poisonous); case 17: tog(noun[i].open); case 18: tog(noun[i].locked); case 19: tog(noun[i].win); case 20: tog(noun[i].isglobal); case 21: tog(noun[i].proper); case 22: noun[i].num_shots = readval("Shots =", AGT_NUM); break; case 23: noun[i].points = readval("Points =", AGT_NUM); break; case 24: noun[i].weight = readval("Weight =", AGT_NUM); break; case 25: noun[i].size = readval("Size =", AGT_NUM); break; case 26: noun[i].key = readval("Key =", AGT_ITEM | AGT_NONE); break; case 27: noun[i].oclass = readval("Class =", AGT_ITEM | AGT_NONE); break; case 28: noun[i].flagnum = readval("Flag Number=", AGT_ROOMFLAG); break; case 29: edit_objattr(i + first_noun); break; default: writeln("Invalid field"); } } } static void creat_edit(int i) { int n; for (;;) { agt_clrscr(); writestr("CREATURE "); print_objid(i + first_creat); writeln(""); writeln(""); writeprop("Location =", creature[i].location); writeln(""); attrcol = 0; attrwidth = 2; writeattr(" 1. Hostile:", creature[i].hostile); writeattr(" 4. Global:", creature[i].isglobal); writeattr(" 2. Grp member:", creature[i].groupmemb); writeattr(" 5.*Proper:", creature[i].proper); writegender(" 3.*Gender:", creature[i].gender); writeln(""); writeln(""); writeprop(" 6.*Weapon = ", creature[i].weapon); writenum(" 7. Points = ", creature[i].points); writenum(" 8.*Attack Threshold = ", creature[i].threshold); writenum(" 9. Attack counter = ", creature[i].counter); writenum("10.*Attack Time Limit = ", creature[i].timethresh); writenum("11. Attack timer = ", creature[i].timecounter); writeprop("12. Class = ", creature[i].oclass); writenum("13. Flag = ", creature[i].flagnum); writeln(""); writeln("14. Object properties and attributes."); writeln(""); writeln("(Fields marked with an * are not saved or restored.)"); writeln(""); writestr("Field to change (0 to exit)? "); n = read_number(); if (n == 0) return; switch (n) { case 1: tog(creature[i].hostile); case 2: tog(creature[i].groupmemb); case 3: tog(creature[i].isglobal); case 4: tog(creature[i].proper); case 5: creature[i].gender = readgender(); break; case 6: creature[i].weapon = readval("Weapon =", AGT_ITEM | AGT_NONE); break; case 7: creature[i].points = readval("Points =", AGT_NUM); break; case 8: creature[i].threshold = readval("Threshold =", AGT_NUM); break; case 9: creature[i].counter = readval("Attack counter =", AGT_NUM); break; case 10: creature[i].timethresh = readval("Time limit =", AGT_NUM); break; case 11: creature[i].timecounter = readval("Timer =", AGT_NUM); break; case 12: creature[i].oclass = readval("Class =", AGT_ITEM | AGT_NONE); break; case 13: noun[i].flagnum = readval("Flag Number=", AGT_ROOMFLAG); break; case 14: edit_objattr(i + first_creat); break; default: writeln("Invalid field"); } } } #undef tog static void obj_edit() { int n; for (;;) { writeln(""); do { writestr("Enter object number (0 to exit)? "); n = read_number(); if (n <= 0) return; } while (!troom(n) && !tnoun(n) && !tcreat(n)); if (troom(n)) room_edit(n - first_room); else if (tnoun(n)) noun_edit(n - first_noun); else if (tcreat(n)) creat_edit(n - first_creat); else writeln("[Not yet implemented]"); } } static const char *yesnostr[] = { "No", "Yes" }; static void set_debug_options() { char buff[80]; int n; for (;;) { agt_clrscr(); writeln("DEBUGGING OPTIONS:"); writeln(""); sprintf(buff, " 1. Trace metacommands: %s", yesnostr[DEBUG_AGT_CMD]); writeln(buff); sprintf(buff, " 2. Trace ANY metacommands: %s", yesnostr[debug_any]); writeln(buff); sprintf(buff, " 3. Trace during disambiguation: %s", yesnostr[debug_disambig]); writeln(buff); writeln(""); writeln("(<2> and <3> are ignored if <1> is not set; option <1> can" " also be changed from the main debugging menu)"); writeln(""); writestr("Option to toggle (0 to exit): "); n = read_number(); switch (n) { case 0: return; case 1: DEBUG_AGT_CMD = !DEBUG_AGT_CMD; break; case 2: debug_any = !debug_any; break; case 3: debug_disambig = !debug_disambig; break; default: writeln("Not a valid option"); } } } void get_debugcmd() { int n; for (;;) { writeln("DEBUGGING COMMANDS"); writeln(""); writeln("1. Move player 8. List Rooms"); writeln("2. Get Noun 9. List Nouns"); writeln("3. Move object 10. List Creatures"); writeln("4. View/Edit object 11. List/Set Flags"); writeln("5. Toggle Trace 12. List/Set Variables"); writeln("6. Set Debug Options 13. List/Set Counters"); writeln("7. Edit User Strings"); writeln(""); writestr("Enter choice (0 to exit): "); n = read_number(); switch (n) { case -1: case 0: return; case 1: d_moveobj(1, -1); break; case 2: d_moveobj(-1, 1); break; case 3: d_moveobj(-1, -1); break; case 4: obj_edit(); break; case 5: DEBUG_AGT_CMD = !DEBUG_AGT_CMD; break; case 6: set_debug_options(); break; case 7: edit_str(); break; case 8: d_listroom(); break; case 9: d_listnoun(); break; case 10: d_listcreat(); break; case 11: var_edit(2); break; case 12: var_edit(0); break; case 13: var_edit(1); break; default: writeln("Not a valid option"); } writeln(""); }; } } // End of namespace AGT } // End of namespace Glk