/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "agility.h" #include "interp.h" #include "exec.h" namespace Glk { namespace AGT { #define SAVE_UNDO #define DEBUG_SAVE_SIZE 0 long state_size; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* INITIALISATION ROUTINES */ /* These initialize all of the values that can be derived from */ /* other data in the game file or that are reset when a game */ /* is restored */ /* See parser.c for the interpreter's main initialisation routines */ void init_vals(void) /* Compute quantities that can be deduced from existing data */ { int i; quitflag = winflag = deadflag = endflag = 0; cmd_saveable = 0; last_he = last_she = last_it = 0; totwt = totsize = 0; for (i = 0; i <= maxroom - first_room; i++) room[i].contents = 0; player_contents = player_worn = 0; for (i = 0; i <= maxnoun - first_noun; i++) { if (player_has(i + first_noun)) totwt += noun[i].weight; if (noun[i].location == 1) totsize += noun[i].size; noun[i].something_pos_near_noun = 0; noun[i].contents = noun[i].next = 0; } for (i = 0; i <= maxcreat - first_creat; i++) creature[i].contents = creature[i].next = 0; for (i = 0; i <= maxnoun - first_noun; i++) { add_object(noun[i].location, i + first_noun); if (noun[i].nearby_noun >= first_noun && noun[i].nearby_noun <= maxnoun) noun[noun[i].nearby_noun - first_noun].something_pos_near_noun = 1; } for (i = 0; i <= maxcreat - first_creat; i++) add_object(creature[i].location, i + first_creat); objscore = 0; /* Will need to recompute this ... */ } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* ROUTINES TO SAVE/RESTORE THE GAME STATE */ /* These are used by RESTART and UNDO as well as SAVE and RESTORE */ /* Game State format: */ /* The first two bytes indicate the length of the block (unsigned).*/ /* The next two bytes indicate the game file somehow (so we don't try to */ /* restore to a different game). */ /* After this comes the game information itself. */ /* All values are still little-endian (that is, LSB first) */ /* These are the macros for writing game information to the state block */ /* There is no difference between signed and unsigned when storing them; there will be problems when recovering them again. */ #define g(ft,var) {ft,DT_DEFAULT,&var,0} #define r(ft,str,f) {ft,DT_DEFAULT,NULL,offsetof(str,f)} #define dptype {FT_DESCPTR,DT_DESCPTR,NULL,0} static file_info fi_savehead[] = { g(FT_INT16, loc), g(FT_INT32, tscore), g(FT_INT16, turncnt), g(FT_BYTE, statusmode), g(FT_BOOL, first_visit_flag), g(FT_BOOL, newlife_flag), g(FT_BOOL, room_firstdesc), g(FT_BOOL, verboseflag), g(FT_BOOL, notify_flag), g(FT_BOOL, listexit_flag), g(FT_BOOL, menu_mode), g(FT_BOOL, sound_on), g(FT_BOOL, agt_answer), g(FT_INT32, agt_number), g(FT_INT16, curr_time), g(FT_INT16, curr_lives), g(FT_INT16, delta_time), endrec }; static file_info fi_saveroom[] = { dptype, r(FT_BOOL, room_rec, seen), r(FT_BOOL, room_rec, locked_door), r(FT_INT16, room_rec, oclass), r(FT_INT16, room_rec, points), r(FT_INT16, room_rec, light), r(FT_PATHARRAY, room_rec, path), r(FT_UINT32, room_rec, flag_noun_bits), endrec }; static file_info fi_savenoun[] = { dptype, r(FT_INT16, noun_rec, location), r(FT_INT16, noun_rec, nearby_noun), r(FT_INT16, noun_rec, num_shots), r(FT_INT16, noun_rec, initdesc), r(FT_INT16, noun_rec, oclass), r(FT_INT16, noun_rec, points), r(FT_INT16, noun_rec, weight), r(FT_INT16, noun_rec, size), r(FT_BOOL, noun_rec, on), r(FT_BOOL, noun_rec, open), r(FT_BOOL, noun_rec, locked), r(FT_BOOL, noun_rec, movable), r(FT_BOOL, noun_rec, seen), r(FT_WORD, noun_rec, pos_prep), r(FT_WORD, noun_rec, pos_name), endrec }; static file_info fi_savecreat[] = { dptype, r(FT_INT16, creat_rec, location), r(FT_INT16, creat_rec, counter), r(FT_INT16, creat_rec, timecounter), r(FT_INT16, creat_rec, initdesc), r(FT_INT16, creat_rec, oclass), r(FT_INT16, creat_rec, points), r(FT_BOOL, creat_rec, groupmemb), r(FT_BOOL, creat_rec, hostile), r(FT_BOOL, creat_rec, seen), endrec }; static file_info fi_saveustr[] = { {FT_TLINE, DT_DEFAULT, NULL, 0}, endrec }; uchar *getstate(uchar *gs) /* Returns block containing game state. If gs!=NULL, uses that space as a buffer; if gs==NULL, we malloc a new block and return it */ { rbool new_block; /* True if we allocate a new block */ long bp; if (gs == NULL) { rm_trap = 0; /* Don't exit on out-of-memory condition */ gs = (uchar *)rmalloc(state_size); /* This should be enough. */ rm_trap = 1; if (gs == NULL) /* This is why we set rm_trap to 0 before calling rmalloc */ return NULL; new_block = 1; } else new_block = 0; /* First two bytes reserved for block size, which we don't know yet.*/ gs[4] = game_sig & 0xFF; gs[5] = (game_sig >> 8) & 0xFF; tscore -= objscore; /* Only include "permanent" part of score; objscore we can recompute on RESTORE */ /* Need to setup here */ set_internal_buffer(gs); fi_saveroom[0].ptr = room_ptr; fi_savenoun[0].ptr = noun_ptr; fi_savecreat[0].ptr = creat_ptr; bp = 6; bp += write_globalrec(fi_savehead, bp); bp += write_recblock(flag, FT_BYTE, FLAG_NUM + 1, bp); bp += write_recblock(agt_counter, FT_INT16, CNT_NUM + 1, bp); bp += write_recblock(agt_var, FT_INT32, VAR_NUM + 1, bp); bp += write_recarray(room, sizeof(room_rec), rangefix(maxroom - first_room + 1), fi_saveroom, bp); bp += write_recarray(noun, sizeof(noun_rec), rangefix(maxnoun - first_noun + 1), fi_savenoun, bp); bp += write_recarray(creature, sizeof(creat_rec), rangefix(maxcreat - first_creat + 1), fi_savecreat, bp); if (userstr != NULL) bp += write_recarray(userstr, sizeof(tline), MAX_USTR, fi_saveustr, bp); if (objflag != NULL) bp += write_recblock(objflag, FT_BYTE, objextsize(0), bp); if (objprop != NULL) bp += write_recblock(objprop, FT_INT32, objextsize(1), bp); set_internal_buffer(NULL); gs[0] = bp & 0xFF; gs[1] = (bp >> 8) & 0xFF; gs[2] = (bp >> 16) & 0xFF; gs[3] = (bp >> 24) & 0x7F; /* Don't trust top bit */ if (new_block) gs = (uchar *)rrealloc(gs, bp); tscore += objscore; return gs; } void putstate(uchar *gs) { /* Restores games state. */ long size, bp, numrec, i; size = gs[0] + (((long)gs[1]) << 8) + (((long)gs[2]) << 16) + (((long)gs[3]) << 24); if (size != state_size) { writeln("Size difference in save files!"); agt_delay(3); return; } if (gs[4] + (((long)gs[5]) << 8) != game_sig) { writestr("This appears to be a save file for a different game. Is this" " from an earlier chapter in a multi-part game such as" " Klaustrophobia"); if (yesno("?")) skip_descr = 1; /* We don't want to overwrite the descriptions with the pointers from the save file. */ else { writestr("Do you want to try using it anyhow (WARNING: This could" " crash the interpreter)"); if (!(yesno("?"))) { writeln("Command cancelled!"); agt_delay(3); return; } } } /* setup... */ set_internal_buffer(gs); fi_saveroom[0].ptr = room_ptr; fi_savenoun[0].ptr = noun_ptr; fi_savecreat[0].ptr = creat_ptr; bp = 6; read_globalrec(fi_savehead, 0, bp, 0); bp += compute_recsize(fi_savehead); read_recblock(flag, FT_BYTE, FLAG_NUM + 1, bp, 0); bp += ft_leng[FT_BYTE] * (FLAG_NUM + 1); read_recblock(agt_counter, FT_INT16, CNT_NUM + 1, bp, 0); bp += ft_leng[FT_INT16] * (CNT_NUM + 1); read_recblock(agt_var, FT_INT32, VAR_NUM + 1, bp, 0); bp += ft_leng[FT_INT32] * (VAR_NUM + 1); numrec = rangefix(maxroom - first_room + 1); read_recarray(room, sizeof(room_rec), numrec, fi_saveroom, 0, bp, 0); bp += compute_recsize(fi_saveroom) * numrec; numrec = rangefix(maxnoun - first_noun + 1); read_recarray(noun, sizeof(noun_rec), numrec, fi_savenoun, 0, bp, 0); bp += compute_recsize(fi_savenoun) * numrec; numrec = rangefix(maxcreat - first_creat + 1); read_recarray(creature, sizeof(creat_rec), numrec, fi_savecreat, 0, bp, 0); bp += compute_recsize(fi_savecreat) * numrec; if (userstr != NULL) { read_recarray(userstr, sizeof(tline), MAX_USTR, fi_saveustr, 0, bp, 0); bp += ft_leng[FT_TLINE] * MAX_USTR; } if (objflag != NULL) { i = objextsize(0); read_recblock(objflag, FT_BYTE, i, bp, 0); bp += ft_leng[FT_BYTE] * i; } if (objprop != NULL) { i = objextsize(1); read_recblock(objprop, FT_INT32, i, bp, 0); bp += ft_leng[FT_INT32] * i; } set_internal_buffer(NULL); if (skip_descr) /* Need to "fix" position information. This is a hack. */ /* Basically, this sets the position of each object to its default */ /* The problem here is that the usual position info is invalid-- we've changed games, and hence dictionaries */ for (i = 0; i < maxnoun - first_noun; i++) { if (noun[i].position != NULL && noun[i].position[0] != 0) noun[i].pos_prep = -1; else noun[i].pos_prep = 0; } else /* Rebuild position information */ for (i = 0; i < maxnoun - first_noun; i++) if (noun[i].pos_prep == -1) noun[i].position = noun[i].initpos; else noun[i].position = NULL; init_vals(); skip_descr = 0; /* If we set this to 1, restore it to its original state */ /* Now do some simple consistancy checking on major variables */ if (loc > maxroom || loc < 0 || turncnt < 0 || curr_lives < 0 || curr_lives > max_lives) { error("Error: Save file inconsistent."); } } void init_state_sys(void) /* Initializes the state saving mechanisms */ /* Mainly it just computes the size of a state block */ { state_size = compute_recsize(fi_savehead) + compute_recsize(fi_saveroom) * rangefix(maxroom - first_room + 1) + compute_recsize(fi_savenoun) * rangefix(maxnoun - first_noun + 1) + compute_recsize(fi_savecreat) * rangefix(maxcreat - first_creat + 1) + ft_leng[FT_BYTE] * (FLAG_NUM + 1) + ft_leng[FT_INT16] * (CNT_NUM + 1) + ft_leng[FT_INT32] * (VAR_NUM + 1) + ft_leng[FT_BYTE] * objextsize(0) + ft_leng[FT_INT32] * objextsize(1) + 6; /* Six bytes in header */ if (userstr != NULL) state_size += ft_leng[FT_TLINE] * MAX_USTR; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* SAVE FILE ROUTINES */ void savegame(void) { genfile savefile; uchar *gs; long size; #ifndef UNDO_SAVE gs = getstate(NULL); #else gs = undo_state; #endif if (gs == NULL) { writeln("Insufficiant memory to support SAVE."); return; } savefile = get_user_file(1); if (!filevalid(savefile, fSAV)) { writeln("That is not a valid save file."); return; } size = gs[0] + (((long)gs[1]) << 8) + (((long)gs[2]) << 16) + (((long)gs[3]) << 24); if (!binwrite(savefile, gs, size, 1, 0)) writeln("Error writing save file."); #ifndef UNDO_SAVE rfree(gs); #endif writeclose(savefile, NO_FILE_ID); } rbool loadgame(void) /* 1=success, 0=failure */ { genfile loadfile; long size; uchar *gs; const char *errstr; loadfile = get_user_file(2); if (!filevalid(loadfile, fSAV)) { writeln("Unable to open file."); return 0; } size = binsize(loadfile); if (size == -1) { writeln("Could not access file."); readclose(loadfile); return 0; } gs = (uchar *)rmalloc(size); if (!binread(loadfile, gs, size, 1, &errstr)) { writeln("Error reading file."); rfree(gs); readclose(loadfile); return 0; } readclose(loadfile); if (size != gs[0] + (((long)gs[1]) << 8) + (((long)gs[2]) << 16) + (((long)gs[3]) << 24)) { if (size == gs[0] + (((long)gs[1]) << 8)) { /* Old save file format; patch to look like new format */ gs = (uchar *)rrealloc(gs, size + 2); memmove(gs + 4, gs + 2, size - 2); gs[2] = gs[3] = 0; } else { writeln("Save file corrupted or invalid."); rfree(gs); return 0; } } putstate(gs); rfree(gs); set_statline(); look_room(); return 1; } void restart_game(void) { putstate(restart_state); agt_clrscr(); set_statline(); do_look = do_autoverb = 1; if (intro_ptr.size > 0) { print_descr(intro_ptr, 1); wait_return(); agt_clrscr(); } newroom(); } } // End of namespace AGT } // End of namespace Glk