/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "glk/alan3/debug.h" #include "glk/alan3/alan3.h" #include "glk/alan3/class.h" #include "glk/alan3/sysdep.h" #include "glk/alan3/alan_version.h" #include "glk/alan3/compatibility.h" #include "glk/alan3/current.h" #include "glk/alan3/event.h" #include "glk/alan3/exe.h" #include "glk/alan3/glkio.h" #include "glk/alan3/instance.h" #include "glk/alan3/inter.h" #include "glk/alan3/lists.h" #include "glk/alan3/memory.h" #include "glk/alan3/options.h" #include "glk/alan3/output.h" #include "glk/alan3/readline.h" #include "glk/alan3/sysdep.h" #include "glk/alan3/utils.h" #include "glk/streams.h" namespace Glk { namespace Alan3 { #define BREAKPOINTMAX 50 /* PUBLIC: */ int breakpointCount = 0; Breakpoint breakpoint[BREAKPOINTMAX]; #define debugPrefix "adbg: " /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void showAttributes(AttributeEntry *attrib) { AttributeEntry *at; int i; char str[80]; if (attrib == 0) return; i = 1; for (at = attrib; !isEndOfArray(at); at++) { sprintf(str, "$i$t%s[%d] = %d", (char *) pointerTo(at->id), at->code, (int)at->value); output(str); i++; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void showContents(int cnt) { uint i; char str[80]; Abool found = FALSE; output("$iContains:"); for (i = 1; i <= header->instanceMax; i++) { if (isIn(i, cnt, DIRECT)) { /* Yes, it's directly in this container */ if (!found) found = TRUE; output("$i$t"); say(i); sprintf(str, "[%d] ", i); output(str); } } if (!found) output("nothing"); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char *idOfInstance(int instance) { int base = header->instanceTableAddress + header->instanceMax * sizeof(InstanceEntry) / sizeof(Aword) + 1; return (char *)&memory[memory[base + instance - 1]]; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void sayInstanceNumberAndName(int ins) { char buf[1000]; sprintf(buf, "[%d] %s (\"$$", ins, idOfInstance(ins)); output(buf); say(ins); output("$$\")"); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void sayLocationOfInstance(int ins, const char *prefix) { if (admin[ins].location == 0) return; else { output(prefix); if (isALocation(admin[ins].location)) { output("at"); sayInstanceNumberAndName(admin[ins].location); sayLocationOfInstance(admin[ins].location, prefix); } else if (isAContainer(admin[ins].location)) { if (isAObject(admin[ins].location)) output("in"); else if (isAActor(admin[ins].location)) output("carried by"); sayInstanceNumberAndName(admin[ins].location); sayLocationOfInstance(admin[ins].location, prefix); } else output("Illegal location!"); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void listInstance(int ins) { output("$i"); sayInstanceNumberAndName(ins); if (instances[ins].container) output("(container)"); sayLocationOfInstance(ins, ", "); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void listInstances(char *pattern) { uint ins; bool found = FALSE; for (ins = 1; ins <= header->instanceMax; ins++) { if (pattern == NULL || (pattern != NULL && match(pattern, idOfInstance(ins)))) { if (!found) { output("Instances:"); found = TRUE; } listInstance(ins); } } if (pattern != NULL && !found) output("No instances matched the pattern."); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void showInstance(int ins) { char str[80]; if (ins > (int)header->instanceMax || ins < 1) { sprintf(str, "Instance index %d is out of range.", ins); output(str); return; } output("The"); sayInstanceNumberAndName(ins); if (instances[ins].parent) { sprintf(str, "Isa %s[%d]", idOfClass(instances[ins].parent), instances[ins].parent); output(str); } if (!isA(ins, header->locationClassId) || (isA(ins, header->locationClassId) && admin[ins].location != 0)) { sprintf(str, "$iLocation:"); output(str); needSpace = TRUE; sayLocationOfInstance(ins, ""); } output("$iAttributes:"); showAttributes(admin[ins].attributes); if (instances[ins].container) showContents(ins); if (isA(ins, header->actorClassId)) { if (admin[ins].script == 0) output("$iIs idle"); else { sprintf(str, "$iExecuting script: %d, Step: %d", admin[ins].script, admin[ins].step); output(str); } } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void listObjects(void) { uint obj; output("Objects:"); for (obj = 1; obj <= header->instanceMax; obj++) if (isAObject(obj)) listInstance(obj); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void showObject(int obj) { char str[80]; if (!isAObject(obj)) { sprintf(str, "Instance %d is not an object", obj); output(str); return; } showInstance(obj); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int sourceFileNumber(char *fileName) { SourceFileEntry *entries = (SourceFileEntry *)pointerTo(header->sourceFileTable); int n; for (n = 0; * (Aword *)&entries[n] != EOD; n++) { char *entryName; entryName = getStringFromFile(entries[n].fpos, entries[n].len); if (strcmp(entryName, fileName) == 0) return n; entryName = baseNameStart(entryName); if (strcmp(entryName, fileName) == 0) return n; } return -1; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void printClassName(int c) { output(idOfClass(c)); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void showClassInheritance(int c) { char str[80]; if (classes[c].parent != 0) { output(", Isa"); printClassName(classes[c].parent); sprintf(str, "[%d]", classes[c].parent); output(str); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void showClass(int cla) { char str[80]; if (cla < 1) { sprintf(str, "Class index %d is out of range.", cla); output(str); return; } output("$t"); printClassName(cla); sprintf(str, "[%d]", cla); output(str); showClassInheritance(cla); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void listClass(int c) { char str[80]; sprintf(str, "%3d: ", c); output(str); printClassName(c); showClassInheritance(c); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void showClassHierarchy(int thisItem, int depth) { int i; uint child; output("$i"); for (i = 0; i < depth; i++) output("$t"); listClass(thisItem); for (child = 1; child <= header->classMax; child++) { if (classes[child].parent == thisItem) { showClassHierarchy(child, depth + 1); } } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void listLocations(void) { uint loc; output("Locations:"); for (loc = 1; loc <= header->instanceMax; loc++) if (isALocation(loc)) listInstance(loc); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void showLocation(int loc) { char str[80]; if (!isALocation(loc)) { sprintf(str, "Instance %d is not a location.", loc); output(str); return; } output("The "); say(loc); sprintf(str, "(%d) Isa location :", loc); output(str); output("$iAttributes ="); showAttributes(admin[loc].attributes); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void listActors(void) { uint act; output("Actors:"); for (act = 1; act <= header->instanceMax; act++) if (isAActor(act)) listInstance(act); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void showActor(int act) { char str[80]; if (!isAActor(act)) { sprintf(str, "Instance %d is not an actor.", act); output(str); return; } showInstance(act); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void showEvents(void) { uint event; int i; char str[80]; bool scheduled; output("Events:"); for (event = 1; event <= header->eventMax; event++) { sprintf(str, "$i%d [%s]:", event, (char *)pointerTo(events[event].id)); output(str); scheduled = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < eventQueueTop; i++) if ((scheduled = (eventQueue[i].event == (int)event))) break; if (scheduled) { sprintf(str, "Scheduled for +%d, at ", eventQueue[i].after); output(str); say(eventQueue[i].where); } else output("Not scheduled."); } } /*======================================================================*/ char *sourceFileName(int fileNumber) { SourceFileEntry *entries = (SourceFileEntry *)pointerTo(header->sourceFileTable); return getStringFromFile(entries[fileNumber].fpos, entries[fileNumber].len); } /*======================================================================*/ bool readLine(Common::SeekableReadStream *rs, char *line, int maxLen) { if (rs->pos() < rs->size()) { line[maxLen - 1] = '\0'; char c; do { c = rs->readByte(); *line++ = c; } while (--maxLen > 1); } return rs->pos() < rs->size(); } /*======================================================================*/ char *readSourceLine(int file, int line) { int count; #define SOURCELINELENGTH 1000 static char buffer[SOURCELINELENGTH]; frefid_t sourceFileRef = g_vm->glk_fileref_create_by_name(fileusage_TextMode, sourceFileName(file), 0); strid_t sourceFile = g_vm->glk_stream_open_file(sourceFileRef, filemode_Read, 0); if (sourceFile != NULL) { for (count = 0; count < line; count++) { if (!readLine(*sourceFile, buffer, SOURCELINELENGTH)) return NULL; // If not read the whole line, or no newline, try to read again while (strchr(buffer, '\n') == NULL) { if (!readLine(*sourceFile, buffer, SOURCELINELENGTH)) break; } } delete sourceFile; return buffer; } return NULL; } /*======================================================================*/ void showSourceLine(int fileNumber, int line) { char *buffer = readSourceLine(fileNumber, line); if (buffer != NULL) { if (buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] == '\n') buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = '\0'; printf("<%05d>: %s", line, buffer); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void listFiles() { SourceFileEntry *entry; int i = 0; for (entry = (SourceFileEntry *)pointerTo(header->sourceFileTable); * ((Aword *)entry) != EOD; entry++) { printf(" %2d : %s\n", i, sourceFileName(i)); i++; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int findSourceLineIndex(SourceLineEntry *entry, int file, int line) { /* Will return index to the closest line available */ int i = 0; while (!isEndOfArray(&entry[i]) && entry[i].file != file) i++; while (!isEndOfArray(&entry[i]) && entry[i].file == file && entry[i].line < line) i++; if (isEndOfArray(entry) || entry[i].file != file) return i - 1; else return i; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void listBreakpoints() { int i; bool found = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < BREAKPOINTMAX; i++) if (breakpoint[i].line != 0) { if (!found) printf("Breakpoints set:\n"); found = TRUE; printf(" %s:%d\n", sourceFileName(breakpoint[i].file), breakpoint[i].line); } if (!found) printf("No breakpoints set\n"); } /*======================================================================*/ int breakpointIndex(int file, int line) { int i; for (i = 0; i < BREAKPOINTMAX; i++) if (breakpoint[i].line == line && breakpoint[i].file == file) return i; return -1; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int availableBreakpointSlot() { int i; for (i = 0; i < BREAKPOINTMAX; i++) if (breakpoint[i].line == 0) return i; return -1; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void setBreakpoint(int file, int line) { int i = breakpointIndex(file, line); if (i != -1) printf("Breakpoint already set at %s:%d\n", sourceFileName(file), line); else { i = availableBreakpointSlot(); if (i == -1) printf("No room for more breakpoints. Delete one first.\n"); else { int lineIndex = findSourceLineIndex((SourceLineEntry *)pointerTo(header->sourceLineTable), file, line); SourceLineEntry *entry = (SourceLineEntry *)pointerTo(header->sourceLineTable); char leadingText[100] = "Breakpoint"; if (entry[lineIndex].file == (Aint)EOD) { printf("Line %d not available\n", line); } else { if (entry[lineIndex].line != line) sprintf(leadingText, "Line %d not available, breakpoint instead", line); breakpoint[i].file = entry[lineIndex].file; breakpoint[i].line = entry[lineIndex].line; printf("%s set at %s:%d\n", leadingText, sourceFileName(entry[lineIndex].file), entry[lineIndex].line); showSourceLine(entry[lineIndex].file, entry[lineIndex].line); printf("\n"); } } } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void deleteBreakpoint(int line, int file) { int i = breakpointIndex(file, line); if (i == -1) printf("No breakpoint set at %s:%d\n", sourceFileName(file), line); else { breakpoint[i].line = 0; printf("Breakpoint at %s:%d deleted\n", sourceFileName(file), line); } } static bool saved_traceSection, saved_traceInstruction, saved_capitilize, saved_tracePush, saved_traceStack, saved_traceSource; static int loc; /*======================================================================*/ void saveInfo(void) { /* Save some important things */ saved_capitilize = capitalize; capitalize = FALSE; saved_traceSection = traceSectionOption; traceSectionOption = FALSE; saved_traceSource = traceSourceOption; traceSourceOption = FALSE; saved_traceInstruction = traceInstructionOption; traceInstructionOption = FALSE; saved_tracePush = tracePushOption; tracePushOption = FALSE; saved_traceStack = traceStackOption; traceStackOption = FALSE; loc = current.location; current.location = where(HERO, DIRECT); } /*======================================================================*/ void restoreInfo(void) { /* Restore! */ capitalize = saved_capitilize; traceSectionOption = saved_traceSection; traceInstructionOption = saved_traceInstruction; traceSourceOption = saved_traceSource; tracePushOption = saved_tracePush; traceStackOption = saved_traceStack; current.location = loc; } #define HELP_COMMAND 'H' #define QUIT_COMMAND 'Q' #define EXIT_COMMAND 'X' #define GO_COMMAND 'G' #define FILES_COMMAND 'F' #define INSTANCES_COMMAND 'I' #define CLASSES_COMMAND 'C' #define OBJECTS_COMMAND 'O' #define ACTORS_COMMAND 'A' #define LOCATIONS_COMMAND 'L' #define EVENTS_COMMAND 'E' #define BREAK_COMMAND 'B' #define DELETE_COMMAND 'D' #define TRACE_COMMAND 'R' #define SECTION_TRACE_COMMAND 'T' #define INSTRUCTION_TRACE_COMMAND 'S' #define NEXT_COMMAND 'N' #define UNKNOWN_COMMAND '?' #define AMBIGUOUS_COMMAND '-' #define TRACE_SOURCE_COMMAND 's' #define TRACE_SECTION_COMMAND 'e' #define TRACE_INSTRUCTION_COMMAND 'i' #define TRACE_PUSH_COMMAND 'p' #define TRACE_STACK_COMMAND 't' typedef struct DebugParseEntry { const char *command; const char *parameter; char code; const char *helpText; } DebugParseEntry; static const DebugParseEntry commandEntries[] = { {"help", "", HELP_COMMAND, "this help"}, {"?", "", HELP_COMMAND, "d:o"}, {"break", "[[file:]n]", BREAK_COMMAND, "set breakpoint at source line [n] (optionally in [file])"}, {"delete", "[[file:]n]", DELETE_COMMAND, "delete breakpoint at source line [n] (optionally in [file])"}, {"files", "", FILES_COMMAND, "list source files"}, {"events", "", EVENTS_COMMAND, "list events"}, {"classes", "", CLASSES_COMMAND, "list class hierarchy"}, {"instances", "[n]", INSTANCES_COMMAND, "list instance(s), all, wildcard, number or name"}, {"objects", "[n]", OBJECTS_COMMAND, "list instance(s) that are objects"}, {"actors", "[n]", ACTORS_COMMAND, "list instance(s) that are actors"}, {"locations", "[n]", LOCATIONS_COMMAND, "list instances that are locations"}, {"trace", "('source'|'section'|'instruction'|'push'|'stack')", TRACE_COMMAND, "toggle various traces"}, {"next", "", NEXT_COMMAND, "run game and stop at next source line"}, {"go", "", GO_COMMAND, "go another player turn"}, {"exit", "", EXIT_COMMAND, "exit to game, enter 'debug' to get back"}, {"x", "", EXIT_COMMAND, "d:o"}, {"quit", "", QUIT_COMMAND, "quit game"}, {NULL, NULL, '\0', NULL} }; static const DebugParseEntry traceSubcommand[] = { {"source", "", TRACE_SOURCE_COMMAND, ""}, {"section", "", TRACE_SECTION_COMMAND, ""}, {"instructions", "", TRACE_INSTRUCTION_COMMAND, ""}, {"pushs", "", TRACE_PUSH_COMMAND, ""}, {"stacks", "", TRACE_STACK_COMMAND, ""}, {NULL, NULL, '\0', NULL} }; static char *spaces(int length) { static char buf[200]; int i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) buf[i] = ' '; buf[i] = '\0'; return buf; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char *padding(const DebugParseEntry *entry, int maxLength) { return spaces(maxLength - strlen(entry->command) - strlen(entry->parameter)); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void handleHelpCommand() { if (!regressionTestOption) output(alan.longHeader); const DebugParseEntry *entry = commandEntries; int maxLength = 0; for (entry = commandEntries; entry->command != NULL; entry++) { if (strlen(entry->command) + strlen(entry->parameter) > (uint)maxLength) maxLength = strlen(entry->command) + strlen(entry->parameter); } output("$nADBG Commands (can be abbreviated):"); for (entry = commandEntries; entry->command != NULL; entry++) { char buf[200]; sprintf(buf, "$i%s %s %s$n$t$t-- %s", entry->command, entry->parameter, padding(entry, maxLength), entry->helpText); output(buf); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static const DebugParseEntry *findEntry(char *command, const DebugParseEntry *entry) { while (entry->command != NULL) { if (strncasecmp(command, entry->command, strlen(command)) == 0) return entry; entry++; } return NULL; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char parseDebugCommand(char *command) { const DebugParseEntry *entry = findEntry(command, commandEntries); if (entry != NULL) { if (strlen(command) < strlen(entry->command)) { /* See if there are any more partial matches */ if (findEntry(command, entry + 1) != NULL) /* TODO: we should list the possible matches somehow */ return AMBIGUOUS_COMMAND; } return entry->code; } else return UNKNOWN_COMMAND; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void readCommand(char buf[]) { char c; capitalize = FALSE; if (anyOutput) newline(); do { output("adbg> "); if (!readline(buf)) { newline(); quitGame(); } lin = 1; c = buf[0]; } while (c == '\0'); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void displaySourceLocation(int line, int fileNumber) { const char *cause; if (anyOutput) newline(); if (breakpointIndex(fileNumber, line) != -1) cause = "Breakpoint hit at"; else cause = "Stepping to"; printf("%s %s %s:%d\n", debugPrefix, cause, sourceFileName(fileNumber), line); showSourceLine(fileNumber, line); printf("\n"); anyOutput = FALSE; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void toggleSectionTrace() { if ((saved_traceSection = !saved_traceSection)) printf("Section trace on."); else printf("Section trace off."); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void toggleInstructionTrace() { if ((saved_traceInstruction = !saved_traceInstruction)) printf("Single instruction trace on."); else printf("Single instruction trace off."); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void toggleSourceTrace() { if ((saved_traceSource = !saved_traceSource)) printf("Source code trace on."); else printf("Source code trace off."); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void togglePushTrace() { if ((saved_tracePush = !saved_tracePush)) printf("Stack Push trace on."); else printf("Stack Push trace off."); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void toggleStackTrace() { if ((saved_traceStack = !saved_traceStack)) printf("Full stack trace on."); else printf("Full stack trace off."); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int parseTraceCommand() { char *subcommand = strtok(NULL, ""); const DebugParseEntry *entry; if (subcommand == 0) return UNKNOWN_COMMAND; else { entry = findEntry(subcommand, traceSubcommand); if (entry != NULL) { if (strlen(subcommand) < strlen(entry->command)) { if (findEntry(subcommand, entry + 1) != NULL) return AMBIGUOUS_COMMAND; } return entry->code; } else return UNKNOWN_COMMAND; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static const char *printTraceState(bool state) { if (state) return "on - Traces"; else return "off - Doesn't trace"; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void printTrace(void) { printf("Trace section : %s entry to every section (check, description, event, actor, ...)\n", printTraceState(saved_traceSection)); printf("Trace source : %s every source line executed\n", printTraceState(saved_traceSource)); printf("Trace instruction : %s every Amachine instruction executed\n", printTraceState(saved_traceInstruction)); printf("Trace push : %s every push onto the Amachine stack\n", printTraceState(saved_tracePush)); printf("Trace stack : %s the complete stack every time\n", printTraceState(saved_traceStack)); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void handleTraceCommand() { char subcommand = parseTraceCommand(); switch (subcommand) { case TRACE_SECTION_COMMAND: toggleSectionTrace(); break; case TRACE_SOURCE_COMMAND: toggleSourceTrace(); break; case TRACE_INSTRUCTION_COMMAND: toggleInstructionTrace(); break; case TRACE_PUSH_COMMAND: togglePushTrace(); break; case TRACE_STACK_COMMAND: toggleStackTrace(); break; case AMBIGUOUS_COMMAND: output("Ambiguous Trace subcommand abbreviation. ? for help."); break; default: printTrace(); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void handleBreakCommand(int fileNumber) { char *parameter = strtok(NULL, ":"); if (parameter != NULL && isalpha((int)parameter[0])) { fileNumber = sourceFileNumber(parameter); if (fileNumber == -1) { printf("No such file: '%s'\n", parameter); return; } parameter = strtok(NULL, ""); } if (parameter == NULL) listBreakpoints(); else setBreakpoint(fileNumber, atoi(parameter)); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void handleDeleteCommand(bool calledFromBreakpoint, int line, int fileNumber) { char *parameter = strtok(NULL, ""); if (parameter == NULL) { if (calledFromBreakpoint) deleteBreakpoint(line, fileNumber); else printf("No current breakpoint to delete\n"); } else deleteBreakpoint(atoi(parameter), fileNumber); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void handleNextCommand(bool calledFromBreakpoint) { stopAtNextLine = TRUE; debugOption = FALSE; if (!calledFromBreakpoint) current.sourceLine = 0; restoreInfo(); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void handleLocationsCommand() { char *parameter = strtok(NULL, ""); if (parameter == 0) listLocations(); else showLocation(atoi(parameter)); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void handleActorsCommand() { char *parameter = strtok(NULL, ""); if (parameter == NULL) listActors(); else showActor(atoi(parameter)); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void handleClassesCommand() { char *parameter = strtok(NULL, ""); if (parameter == NULL || strchr(parameter, '*') != 0) { output("Classes:"); showClassHierarchy(1, 0); listInstances(parameter); } else if (isdigit((int)parameter[0])) showClass(atoi(parameter)); else { printf("You have to give a class index to display. You can't use names (yet)."); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void handleObjectsCommand() { char *parameter = strtok(NULL, ""); if (parameter == NULL) listObjects(); else showObject(atoi(parameter)); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void handleInstancesCommand() { char *parameter = strtok(NULL, ""); uint i; if (parameter == NULL || strchr(parameter, '*') != 0) listInstances(parameter); else if (isdigit((int)parameter[0])) showInstance(atoi(parameter)); else { for (i = 1; i < header->instanceMax; i++) if (strcmp(parameter, idOfInstance(i)) == 0) { showInstance(i); return; } printf("No instance named '%s'.", parameter); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static bool exactSameVersion() { return header->version[3] == alan.version.version && header->version[2] == alan.version.revision && header->version[1] == alan.version.correction && header->version[0] == alan.version.state[0]; } /*======================================================================*/ void debug(bool calledFromBreakpoint, int line, int fileNumber) { static bool warned = FALSE; saveInfo(); g_vm->glk_set_style(style_Preformatted); if (calledFromBreakpoint) displaySourceLocation(line, fileNumber); else { if (!exactSameVersion() && !warned && !regressionTestOption) { printf("\n", decodedGameVersion(header->version)); printf("\n", alan.version.string); printf("\n"); warned = TRUE; } } while (TRUE) { char commandLine[200]; readCommand(commandLine); char *command = strtok(commandLine, " "); char commandCode = parseDebugCommand(command); switch (commandCode) { case AMBIGUOUS_COMMAND: output("Ambiguous ADBG command abbreviation. ? for help."); break; case ACTORS_COMMAND: handleActorsCommand(); break; case BREAK_COMMAND: handleBreakCommand(fileNumber); break; case CLASSES_COMMAND: handleClassesCommand(); break; case DELETE_COMMAND: handleDeleteCommand(calledFromBreakpoint, line, fileNumber); break; case EVENTS_COMMAND: showEvents(); break; case EXIT_COMMAND: debugOption = FALSE; restoreInfo(); goto exit_debug; case FILES_COMMAND: listFiles(); break; case GO_COMMAND: restoreInfo(); goto exit_debug; case HELP_COMMAND: handleHelpCommand(); break; case INSTANCES_COMMAND: handleInstancesCommand(); break; case TRACE_COMMAND: handleTraceCommand(); break; case INSTRUCTION_TRACE_COMMAND: toggleInstructionTrace(); break; case LOCATIONS_COMMAND: handleLocationsCommand(); break; case NEXT_COMMAND: handleNextCommand(calledFromBreakpoint); goto exit_debug; case OBJECTS_COMMAND: handleObjectsCommand(); break; case QUIT_COMMAND: terminate(0); break; case SECTION_TRACE_COMMAND: toggleSectionTrace(); break; default: output("Unknown ADBG command. ? for help."); break; } } exit_debug: g_vm->glk_set_style(style_Normal); } /*======================================================================*/ void traceSay(int item) { /* Say something, but make sure we don't disturb anything and that it is shown to the player. Needed for tracing. During debugging things are set up to avoid this problem. */ saveInfo(); needSpace = FALSE; col = 1; if (item == 0) printf("$null$"); else say(item); needSpace = FALSE; col = 1; restoreInfo(); } } // End of namespace Alan3 } // End of namespace Glk