/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "glk/alan3/inter.h" #include "glk/alan3/current.h" #include "glk/alan3/exe.h" #include "glk/alan3/syserr.h" #include "glk/alan3/debug.h" #include "glk/alan3/glkio.h" #include "glk/alan3/options.h" #include "glk/alan3/save.h" #include "glk/alan3/memory.h" #include "glk/alan3/output.h" #include "glk/alan3/score.h" #include "glk/alan3/params.h" #include "glk/alan3/instance.h" #include "glk/alan3/container.h" #include "glk/alan3/location.h" #include "glk/alan3/compatibility.h" #ifdef HAVE_GLK #define MAP_STDIO_TO_GLK #include "glk/alan3/glkio.h" #endif namespace Glk { namespace Alan3 { bool stopAtNextLine = FALSE; bool fail = FALSE; /* PRIVATE DATA */ static int pc; static Stack stack = NULL; static void (*interpreterMock)(Aaddr adr) = NULL; /*======================================================================*/ void setInterpreterMock(void (*mock)(Aaddr adr)) { interpreterMock = mock; } /*======================================================================*/ void setInterpreterStack(Stack theStack) { stack = theStack; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void traceInstruction(char *str, ...) { va_list args; if (traceInstructionOption) { va_start(args, str); Common::String msg = Common::String::format(str, args); va_end(args); printf("%s", msg.c_str()); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void traceSkip() { printf("\n : \t\t\t\t\t\t\t"); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void interpretIf(Aword v) { int lev = 1; Aword i; if (!v) { /* Skip to next ELSE or ENDIF on same level */ if (traceInstructionOption) traceSkip(); while (TRUE) { i = memory[pc++]; if (I_CLASS(i) == (Aword)C_STMOP) switch (I_OP(i)) { case I_ELSE: if (lev == 1) { if (traceInstructionOption) printf("\n%4x: ELSE\t\t\t\t\t\t", pc); return; } break; case I_IF: lev++; break; case I_ENDIF: lev--; if (lev == 0) { if (traceInstructionOption) printf("\n%4x: ENDIF\t\t\t\t\t\t", pc); return; } break; } } } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void interpretElse(void) { int lev = 1; Aword i; if (traceInstructionOption) traceSkip(); while (TRUE) { /* Skip to ENDIF on the same level */ i = memory[pc++]; if (I_CLASS(i) == (Aword)C_STMOP) switch (I_OP(i)) { case I_ENDIF: lev--; if (lev == 0) return; break; case I_IF: lev++; break; } } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void goToLOOPEND(void) { int level = 1; int i; if (traceInstructionOption) traceSkip(); while (TRUE) { /* Skip past LOOPEND on the same level */ i = memory[pc]; if (I_CLASS(i) == (Aword)C_STMOP) switch (I_OP(i)) { case I_LOOPEND: level--; if (level == 0) return; break; case I_LOOP: level++; break; } pc++; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void jumpBackToStartOfMatchingLOOP(void) { int level = 1; int i; if (traceInstructionOption) traceSkip(); pc--; /* Ignore the instruction we're on */ while (TRUE) { /* Skip back past LOOP on the same level */ i = memory[--pc]; if (I_CLASS(i) == (Aword)C_STMOP) switch (I_OP(i)) { case I_LOOPEND: level++; break; case I_LOOP: level--; if (level == 0) { return; } break; } } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void nextLoop(void) { goToLOOPEND(); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void endLoop(Aint index, Aint limit) { if (index < limit) { index++; push(stack, limit); push(stack, index); jumpBackToStartOfMatchingLOOP(); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("\n%4x: LOOP\t\t\t\t\t\t", pc); pc++; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void stackDup(void) { push(stack, top(stack)); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void depexec(Aword v) { int lev = 1; Aword i; char *instructionString = "DEPELSE"; if (!v) { /* The expression was not true, skip to next CASE on the same level which could be a DEPCASE or DEPELSE */ if (traceInstructionOption) printf("\n : "); while (TRUE) { i = memory[pc++]; if (I_CLASS(i) == (Aword)C_STMOP) switch (I_OP(i)) { case I_DEPEND: lev++; break; case I_ENDDEP: if (lev == 1) { pc--; if (traceInstructionOption) printf("\n%4x: ENDDEP", pc); return; } else lev--; break; case I_DEPCASE: instructionString = "DEPCASE"; case I_DEPELSE: if (lev == 1) { if (traceInstructionOption) printf("\n%4x: %s", pc, instructionString); return; } break; } } } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void depcase(void) { int lev = 1; Aword i; /* We have just executed a DEPCASE/DEPELSE clause as a result of a DEPCASE catching so skip to end of DEPENDING block (next DEPEND on same level) then return. */ if (traceInstructionOption) printf("\n : "); while (TRUE) { i = memory[pc++]; if (I_CLASS(i) == (Aword)C_STMOP) switch (I_OP(i)) { case I_DEPEND: lev++; break; case I_ENDDEP: lev--; if (lev == 0) { pc--; return; } break; } } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char *booleanValue(Abool value) { if (value) return " TRUE"; else return " FALSE"; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char *stringValue(Aptr address) { static char string[1000]; sprintf(string, "0x%lx (\"%s\")\t\t", (unsigned long) address, (char *)fromAptr(address)); return string; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char *pointerValue(Aptr address) { static char string[100]; sprintf(string, "@%6lx",(unsigned long) address); return string; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void traceStringTopValue() { if (traceInstructionOption) printf("\t=%s", stringValue(top(stack))); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void tracebooleanTopValue() { if (traceInstructionOption) { if (top(stack)) printf("\t=TRUE\t"); else printf("\t=FALSE\t"); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void traceIntegerTopValue() { if (traceInstructionOption) printf("\t=%ld\t", (long)top(stack)); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void tracePointerTopValue() { if (traceInstructionOption) printf("\t=%s\t", pointerValue(top(stack))); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void traceInstanceTopValue() { if (traceInstructionOption) { printf("\t=%ld ('", (long)top(stack)); traceSay(top(stack)); printf("')"); if (traceStackOption) printf("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char *transitivityFlag(ATrans value) { switch (value) { case TRANSITIVE: return "Transitive"; case DIRECT: return "Direct"; case INDIRECT: return "Indirect"; } syserr("Unexpected transitivity"); return "ERROR"; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char *printForm(SayForm form) { switch (form) { case SAY_SIMPLE: return "-"; case SAY_INDEFINITE: return "An"; case SAY_DEFINITE: return "The"; case SAY_NEGATIVE: return "No"; case SAY_PRONOUN: return "It"; } return "**Unknown!!***"; } static Aaddr invocation[1000]; int recursionDepth = 0; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void checkForRecursion(Aaddr adr) { int i; for (i = 0; i < recursionDepth; i++) if (invocation[i] == adr) apperr("Interpreter recursion."); invocation[recursionDepth++] = adr; if (recursionDepth > 1000) syserr("Interpreter call stack too deep."); } static bool skipStackDump = FALSE; /* Need to be able to skip it for LINE */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static bool stillOnSameLine(Aint line, Aint file) { return line != current.sourceLine || file != current.sourceFile; } /*======================================================================*/ void interpret(Aaddr adr) { Aaddr oldpc; Aword i; /* Check for mock implementation */ if (interpreterMock != NULL) { interpreterMock(adr); return; } /* Sanity checks: */ if (adr == 0) syserr("Interpreting at address 0."); checkForRecursion(adr); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); oldpc = pc; pc = adr; while(TRUE) { if (pc > memTop) syserr("Interpreting outside program."); i = memory[pc++]; switch (I_CLASS(i)) { case C_CONST: if (tracePushOption) printf("\n%4x: PUSH \t%7ld\t\t\t\t\t", pc-1, (long)I_OP(i)); push(stack, I_OP(i)); if (tracePushOption && traceStackOption) dumpStack(stack); break; case C_CURVAR: if (traceInstructionOption) printf("\n%4x: ", pc-1); switch (I_OP(i)) { case V_PARAM: if (traceInstructionOption) printf("PARAM \t%7ld\t\t\t\t=%ld\t", (long)top(stack), (long)globalParameters[top(stack)-1].instance); push(stack, globalParameters[pop(stack)-1].instance); break; case V_CURLOC: if (traceInstructionOption) printf("CURLOC \t\t\t\t\t=%d\t", current.location); push(stack, current.location); break; case V_CURACT: if (traceInstructionOption) printf("CURACT \t\t\t\t\t=%d\t", current.actor); push(stack, current.actor); break; case V_CURVRB: if (traceInstructionOption) printf("CURVRB \t\t\t\t\t=%d\t", current.verb); push(stack, current.verb); break; case V_CURRENT_INSTANCE: if (traceInstructionOption) printf("CURINS \t\t\t\t\t=%d\t", current.instance); push(stack, current.instance); break; case V_SCORE: if (traceInstructionOption) printf("CURSCORE \t\t\t\t\t=%d\t", current.score); push(stack, current.score); break; case V_MAX_INSTANCE: { int instanceMax = isPreBeta3(header->version)?header->instanceMax:header->instanceMax-1; if (traceInstructionOption) printf("MAXINSTANCE \t\t\t\t=%d\t", instanceMax); push(stack, instanceMax); break; } default: syserr("Unknown CURVAR instruction."); break; } if (traceStackOption) dumpStack(stack); break; case C_STMOP: if (traceInstructionOption) printf("\n%4x: ", pc-1); switch (I_OP(i)) { case I_DUP: if (traceInstructionOption) printf("DUP\t\t\t\t\t\t"); stackDup(); break; case I_DUPSTR: if (traceInstructionOption) printf("DUPSTR\t\t\t\t\t\t"); push(stack, toAptr(strdup((char*)fromAptr(top(stack))))); break; case I_POP: { Aptr top = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("POP\t%7ld", (long)top); break; } case I_LINE: { Aint line = pop(stack); Aint file = pop(stack); traceInstruction("LINE\t%7ld, %7ld\t\t\t", (long)file, (long)line); if (traceStackOption) dumpStack(stack); skipStackDump = TRUE; if (line != 0) { bool atNext = stopAtNextLine && line != current.sourceLine; bool atBreakpoint = breakpointIndex(file, line) != -1; if (traceSourceOption && stillOnSameLine(line, file)) { if (col != 1 || traceInstructionOption) printf("\n"); showSourceLine(file, line); if (!traceInstructionOption) printf("\n"); } current.sourceLine = line; current.sourceFile = file; if (atNext || atBreakpoint) { stopAtNextLine = FALSE; debug(TRUE, line, file); } } break; } case I_PRINT: { Aint fpos = pop(stack); Aint len = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) { printf("PRINT \t%7ld, %7ld\t\"", (long)fpos, (long)len); col = 41; /* To break lines better! */ } print(fpos, len); if (traceInstructionOption) { printf("\""); if (traceStackOption) printf("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"); } break; } case I_STYLE: { Aint style = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) { printf("STYLE \t%7ld\t\t\"", (long)style); } setStyle(style); break; } case I_SYSTEM: { Aint fpos = pop(stack); Aint len = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) { printf("SYSTEM \t%7ld, %7ld\t\"", (long)fpos, (long)len); col = 34; /* To format it better! */ } sys(fpos, len); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("\"\t\t\t\t\t\t"); break; } case I_GETSTR: { Aint fpos = pop(stack); Aint len = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("GETSTR\t%7ld, %7ld", (long)fpos, (long)len); push(stack, toAptr(getStringFromFile(fpos, len))); traceStringTopValue(); break; } case I_QUIT: { if (traceInstructionOption) printf("QUIT\t\t\t\t\t\t"); quitGame(); break; } case I_LOOK: { if (traceInstructionOption) printf("LOOK\t\t\t\t\t\t"); look(); break; } case I_SAVE: { if (traceInstructionOption) printf("SAVE\t\t\t\t\t\t"); save(); break; } case I_RESTORE: { if (traceInstructionOption) printf("RESTORE\t\t\t\t\t\t"); restore(); break; } case I_RESTART: { if (traceInstructionOption) printf("RESTART\t\t\t\t\t\t"); restartGame(); break; } case I_SCORE: { Aint sc = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("SCORE \t%7ld\t\t=%ld\t\t\t", (long)sc, (long)scores[sc-1]); score(sc); break; } case I_VISITS: { Aint v = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("VISITS \t%7ld\t\t\t\t\t", (long)v); visits(v); break; } case I_LIST: { Aint cnt = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("LIST \t%7ld\t\t\t\t\t", (long)cnt); list(cnt); break; } case I_EMPTY: { Aint cnt = pop(stack); Aint whr = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("EMPTY \t%7ld, %7ld\t\t\t\t", (long)cnt, (long)whr); empty(cnt, whr); break; } case I_SCHEDULE: { Aint event = pop(stack); Aint where = pop(stack); Aint after = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("SCHEDULE \t%7ld, %7ld, %7ld\t\t\t\t", (long)event, (long)where, (long)after); schedule(event, where, after); break; } case I_CANCEL: { Aint event = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("CANCEL \t%7ld\t\t\t\t", (long)event); cancelEvent(event); break; } case I_MAKE: { Aint atr = pop(stack); Aid id = pop(stack); Abool val = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("MAKE \t%7ld, %7ld, %s\t\t\t", (long)id, (long)atr, booleanValue(val)); setInstanceAttribute(id, atr, val); break; } case I_SET: { Aint atr = pop(stack); Aid id = pop(stack); Aptr val = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) { printf("SET \t%7ld, %7ld, %7ld\t\t\t\t", (long)id, (long)atr, (long)val); } setInstanceAttribute(id, atr, val); break; } case I_SETSTR: { Aint atr = pop(stack); Aid id = pop(stack); Aptr str = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) { printf("SETSTR\t%7ld, %7ld, %s\t\t\t\t", (long)id, (long)atr, stringValue(str)); } setInstanceStringAttribute(id, atr, (char *)fromAptr(str)); break; } case I_SETSET: { Aint atr = pop(stack); Aid id = pop(stack); Aptr set = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) { printf("SETSET\t%7ld, %7ld, %7s\t\t", (long)id, (long)atr, pointerValue(set)); } setInstanceSetAttribute(id, atr, set); break; } case I_NEWSET: { Set *set = newSet(0); if (traceInstructionOption) { printf("NEWSET\t\t\t"); } push(stack, toAptr(set)); tracePointerTopValue(); break; } case I_UNION: { Aptr set2 = pop(stack); Aptr set1 = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) { printf("UNION\t%7ld, %7ld\t\t\t\t", (long)set1, (long)set2); } push(stack, toAptr(setUnion((Set *)fromAptr(set1), (Set *)fromAptr(set2)))); tracePointerTopValue(); freeSet((Set *)fromAptr(set1)); freeSet((Set *)fromAptr(set2)); break; } case I_INCR: { Aint step = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) { printf("INCR\t%7ld", (long)step); } push(stack, pop(stack) + step); traceIntegerTopValue(); break; } case I_DECR: { Aint step = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) { printf("DECR\t%7ld\t\t\t\t\t", (long)step); } push(stack, pop(stack) - step); traceIntegerTopValue(); break; } case I_INCLUDE: { Aint member = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) { printf("INCLUDE\t%7ld\t\t\t\t\t", (long)member); } addToSet((Set *)fromAptr(top(stack)), member); break; } case I_EXCLUDE: { Aint member = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) { printf("EXCLUDE\t%7ld", (long)member); } removeFromSet((Set *)fromAptr(top(stack)), member); break; } case I_SETSIZE: { Set *set = (Set *)fromAptr(pop(stack)); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("SETSIZE\t%7ld\t\t", (long)set); push(stack, setSize(set)); if (traceInstructionOption) traceIntegerTopValue(); break; } case I_SETMEMB: { Set *set = (Set *)fromAptr(pop(stack)); Aint index = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("SETMEMB\t%7ld, %7ld", (long)set, (long)index); push(stack, getSetMember(set, index)); if (traceInstructionOption) traceIntegerTopValue(); break; } case I_CONTSIZE: { Abool transitivity = pop(stack); Aint container = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("CONTSIZE\t%7ld, %7s\t", (long)container, transitivityFlag((ATrans)transitivity)); push(stack, containerSize(container, (ATrans)transitivity)); if (traceInstructionOption) traceIntegerTopValue(); break; } case I_CONTMEMB: { Abool transitivity = pop(stack); Aint container = pop(stack); Aint index = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("CONTMEMB\t%7ld, %7ld, %7s", (long)container, (long)index, transitivityFlag((ATrans)transitivity)); push(stack, getContainerMember(container, index, transitivity)); if (traceInstructionOption) traceIntegerTopValue(); break; } case I_ATTRIBUTE: { Aint atr = pop(stack); Aid id = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("ATTRIBUTE %7ld, %7ld\t", (long)id, (long)atr); push(stack, getInstanceAttribute(id, atr)); traceIntegerTopValue(); break; } case I_ATTRSTR: { Aint atr = pop(stack); Aid id = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("ATTRSTR \t%7ld, %7ld", (long)id, (long)atr); push(stack, toAptr(getInstanceStringAttribute(id, atr))); traceStringTopValue(); break; } case I_ATTRSET: { Aint atr = pop(stack); Aid id = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("ATTRSET \t%7ld, %7ld", (long)id, (long)atr); push(stack, toAptr(getInstanceSetAttribute(id, atr))); tracePointerTopValue(); break; } case I_SHOW: { Aint image = pop(stack); Aint align = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("SHOW \t%7ld, %7ld\t\t\t\t", (long)image, (long)align); showImage(image, align); break; } case I_PLAY: { Aint sound = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("PLAY \t%7ld\t\t\t\t", (long)sound); playSound(sound); break; } case I_LOCATE: { Aid id = pop(stack); Aint whr = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("LOCATE \t%7ld, %7ld\t\t\t", (long)id, (long)whr); locate(id, whr); break; } case I_WHERE: { Abool transitivity = pop(stack); Aid id = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("WHERE \t%7ld, %7s", (long)id, transitivityFlag((ATrans)transitivity)); push(stack, where(id, (ATrans)transitivity)); traceInstanceTopValue(); break; } case I_LOCATION: { Aid id = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("LOCATION \t%7ld\t\t", (long)id); push(stack, locationOf(id)); traceInstanceTopValue(); break; } case I_HERE: { Abool transitivity = pop(stack); Aid id = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("HERE \t%7ld, %s\t\t\t", (long)id, transitivityFlag((ATrans)transitivity)); push(stack, isHere(id, (ATrans)transitivity)); tracebooleanTopValue(); break; } case I_NEARBY: { Abool transitivity = pop(stack); Aid id = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("NEARBY \t%7ld, %s\t\t\t", (long)id, transitivityFlag((ATrans)transitivity)); push(stack, isNearby(id, (ATrans)transitivity)); tracebooleanTopValue(); break; } case I_NEAR: { Abool transitivity = pop(stack); Aint other = pop(stack); Aid id = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("NEAR \t%7ld, %7ld, %s\t\t\t", (long)id, (long)other, transitivityFlag((ATrans)transitivity)); push(stack, isNear(id, other, (ATrans)transitivity)); tracebooleanTopValue(); break; } case I_AT: { Abool transitivity = pop(stack); Aint other = pop(stack); Aint instance = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("AT \t%7ld, %7ld, %s", (long)instance, (long)other, transitivityFlag((ATrans)transitivity)); push(stack, isAt(instance, other, (ATrans)transitivity)); tracebooleanTopValue(); break; } case I_IN: { Abool transitivity = pop(stack); Aint cnt = pop(stack); Aint obj = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("IN \t%7ld, %7ld, %s", (long)obj, (long)cnt, transitivityFlag((ATrans)transitivity)); push(stack, isIn(obj, cnt, (ATrans)transitivity)); tracebooleanTopValue(); break; } case I_INSET: { Aptr set = pop(stack); Aword element = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("INSET \t%7ld, %7ld", (long)element, (long)set); push(stack, inSet((Set*)fromAptr(set), element)); freeSet((Set *)fromAptr(set)); tracebooleanTopValue(); break; } case I_USE: { Aid act = pop(stack); Aint scr = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("USE \t%7ld, %7ld\t\t\t\t", (long)act, (long)scr); use(act, scr); break; } case I_STOP: { Aid actor = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("STOP \t%7ld\t\t\t\t\t", (long)actor); stop(actor); break; } case I_DESCRIBE: { Aid id = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) { printf("DESCRIBE \t%7ld\t\t\t", (long)id); col = 41; /* To format it better! */ } describe(id); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"); break; } case I_SAY: { Aint form = pop(stack); Aid id = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("SAY\t%7s, %7ld\t\t\t", printForm((SayForm)form), (long)id); if (form == SAY_SIMPLE) say(id); else sayForm(id, (SayForm)form); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"); break; } case I_SAYINT: { Aword val = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("SAYINT\t%7ld\t\t\t\"", (long)val); sayInteger(val); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"); break; } case I_SAYSTR: { Aptr sayAddr = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("SAYSTR\t%7ld\t\ty\t", (long)sayAddr); sayString((char *)fromAptr(sayAddr)); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"); break; } case I_IF: { Aword v = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("IF \t%s\t\t\t\t\t", booleanValue(v)); interpretIf(v); break; } case I_ELSE: { if (traceInstructionOption) printf("ELSE\t\t\t\t\t\t"); interpretElse(); break; } case I_ENDIF: { if (traceInstructionOption) printf("ENDIF\t\t\t\t\t\t"); break; } case I_AND: { Aword rh = pop(stack); Aword lh = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("AND \t%s, %s", booleanValue(lh), booleanValue(rh)); push(stack, lh && rh); tracebooleanTopValue(); break; } case I_OR: { Aword rh = pop(stack); Aword lh = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("OR \t%s, %s", booleanValue(lh), booleanValue(rh)); push(stack, lh || rh); tracebooleanTopValue(); break; } case I_NE: { Aword rh = pop(stack); Aword lh = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("NE \t%7ld, %7ld", (long)lh, (long)rh); push(stack, lh != rh); tracebooleanTopValue(); break; } case I_EQ: { Aword rh = pop(stack); Aword lh = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("EQ \t%7ld, %7ld", (long)lh, (long)rh); push(stack, lh == rh); tracebooleanTopValue(); break; } case I_STREQ: { Aptr rh = pop(stack); Aptr lh = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("STREQ \t0x%lx, 0x%lx", (long)lh, (long)rh); push(stack, streq((char *)fromAptr(lh), (char *)fromAptr(rh))); tracebooleanTopValue(); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("\t"); deallocate(fromAptr(lh)); deallocate(fromAptr(rh)); break; } case I_STREXACT: { Aptr rh = pop(stack); Aptr lh = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("STREXACT \t0x%lx, 0x%lx", (long)lh, (long)rh); push(stack, strcmp((char *)fromAptr(lh), (char *)fromAptr(rh)) == 0); tracebooleanTopValue(); deallocate(fromAptr(lh)); deallocate(fromAptr(rh)); break; } case I_LE: { Aint rh = pop(stack); Aint lh = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("LE \t%7ld, %7ld", (long)lh, (long)rh); push(stack, lh <= rh); tracebooleanTopValue(); break; } case I_GE: { Aint rh = pop(stack); Aint lh = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("GE \t%7ld, %7ld", (long)lh, (long)rh); push(stack, lh >= rh); tracebooleanTopValue(); break; } case I_LT: { Aint rh = pop(stack); Aint lh = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("LT \t%7ld, %7ld", (long)lh, (long)rh); push(stack, lh < rh); tracebooleanTopValue(); break; } case I_GT: { Aint rh = pop(stack); Aint lh = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("GT \t%7ld, %7ld", (long)lh, (long)rh); push(stack, lh > rh); tracebooleanTopValue(); break; } case I_PLUS: { Aint rh = pop(stack); Aint lh = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("PLUS \t%7ld, %7ld", (long)lh, (long)rh); push(stack, lh + rh); traceIntegerTopValue(); break; } case I_MINUS: { Aint rh = pop(stack); Aint lh = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("MINUS \t%7ld, %7ld", (long)lh, (long)rh); push(stack, lh - rh); traceIntegerTopValue(); break; } case I_MULT: { Aint rh = pop(stack); Aint lh = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("MULT \t%7ld, %7ld", (long)lh, (long)rh); push(stack, lh * rh); traceIntegerTopValue(); break; } case I_DIV: { Aint rh = pop(stack); Aint lh = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("DIV \t%7ld, %7ld", (long)lh, (long)rh); push(stack, lh / rh); traceIntegerTopValue(); break; } case I_NOT: { Aword val = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("NOT \t%s\t\t\t", booleanValue(val)); push(stack, !val); tracebooleanTopValue(); break; } case I_RND: { Aint from = pop(stack); Aint to = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("RANDOM \t%7ld, %7ld", (long)from, (long)to); push(stack, randomInteger(from, to)); traceIntegerTopValue(); break; } case I_BTW: { Aint high = pop(stack); Aint low = pop(stack); Aint val = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("BETWEEN \t%7ld, %7ld, %7ld", (long)val, (long)low, (long)high); push(stack, between(val, low, high)); traceIntegerTopValue(); break; } /*------------------------------------------------------------* \ String functions \*------------------------------------------------------------*/ case I_CONCAT: { Aptr s2 = pop(stack); Aptr s1 = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("CONCAT \t%s, %s", pointerValue(s1), pointerValue(s2)); push(stack, concat(s1, s2)); traceStringTopValue(); deallocate(fromAptr(s1)); deallocate(fromAptr(s2)); break; } case I_CONTAINS: { Aptr substring = pop(stack); Aptr string = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("CONTAINS \t%s, %s", pointerValue(string), pointerValue(substring)); push(stack, contains(string, substring)); traceIntegerTopValue(); deallocate(fromAptr(string)); deallocate(fromAptr(substring)); break; } case I_STRIP: { Aint atr = pop(stack); Aid id = pop(stack); Aint words = pop(stack); Aint count = pop(stack); Aint first = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("STRIP \t%7ld, %7ld, %7ld, %7ld, %7ld", (long)first, (long)count, (long)words, (long)id, (long)atr); push(stack, strip(first, count, words, id, atr)); traceStringTopValue(); break; } /*------------------------------------------------------------ Aggregation ------------------------------------------------------------*/ case I_MIN: case I_SUM: case I_MAX: { Aint attribute = pop(stack); Aint loopIndex = pop(stack); Aint limit = pop(stack); Aint aggregate = pop(stack); switch (I_OP(i)) { case I_MAX: if (traceInstructionOption) printf("MAX \t%7ld\t\t\t", (long)attribute); if (aggregate < attribute) push(stack, attribute); else push(stack, aggregate); break; case I_MIN: if (traceInstructionOption) printf("MIN \t%7ld\t\t\t", (long)attribute); if (aggregate > attribute) push(stack, attribute); else push(stack, aggregate); break; case I_SUM: if (traceInstructionOption) printf("SUM \t%7ld\t\t\t", (long)attribute); push(stack, aggregate + attribute); break; } traceIntegerTopValue(); push(stack, limit); push(stack, loopIndex); break; } case I_COUNT: { Aint loopIndex = pop(stack); Aint limit = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("COUNT\t\t\t"); push(stack, pop(stack) + 1); traceIntegerTopValue(); push(stack, limit); push(stack, loopIndex); break; } case I_TRANSCRIPT: { Aint on_or_off = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("TRANSCRIPT\t\t\t"); if (on_or_off) startTranscript(); else stopTranscript(); break; } /*------------------------------------------------------------ Depending On ------------------------------------------------------------*/ case I_DEPEND: if (traceInstructionOption) printf("DEPEND\t\t\t\t\t\t"); break; case I_DEPCASE: if (traceInstructionOption) printf("DEPCASE\t\t\t\t\t\t"); depcase(); break; case I_DEPEXEC: { Aword v = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) { printf("DEPEXEC \t\t\t"); if (v) printf(" TRUE"); else printf("FALSE"); printf("\t\t\t\t\t"); } depexec(v); break; } case I_DEPELSE: if (traceInstructionOption) printf("DEPELSE\t\t\t\t\t\t"); depcase(); break; case I_ENDDEP: if (traceInstructionOption) printf("ENDDEP\t\t\t\t\t\t"); pop(stack); break; case I_ISA: { Aid rh = pop(stack); Aid lh = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("ISA \t%7ld, %7ld\t", (long)lh, (long)rh); push(stack, isA(lh, rh)); tracebooleanTopValue(); break; } case I_FRAME: { Aint size = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("FRAME \t%7ld\t\t\t\t\t", (long)size); newFrame(stack, size); break; } case I_GETLOCAL: { Aint framesBelow = pop(stack); Aint variableNumber = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("GETLOCAL \t%7ld, %7ld\t", (long)framesBelow, (long)variableNumber); push(stack, getLocal(stack, framesBelow, variableNumber)); traceIntegerTopValue(); break; } case I_SETLOCAL: { Aint framesBelow = pop(stack); Aint variableNumber = pop(stack); Aint value = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("SETLOCAL \t%7ld, %7ld, %7ld\t\t", (long)framesBelow, (long)variableNumber, (long)value); setLocal(stack, framesBelow, variableNumber, value); break; } case I_ENDFRAME: { if (traceInstructionOption) printf("ENDFRAME\t\t\t\t\t\t"); endFrame(stack); break; } case I_LOOP: { Aint index = pop(stack); Aint limit = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("LOOP \t\t\t\t\t\t"); push(stack, limit); push(stack, index); if (index > limit) goToLOOPEND(); break; } case I_LOOPNEXT: { if (traceInstructionOption) printf("LOOPNEXT\t\t\t\t\t\t"); nextLoop(); break; } case I_LOOPEND: { Aint index = pop(stack); Aint limit = pop(stack); if (traceInstructionOption) printf("LOOPEND\t\t\t\t\t\t"); endLoop(index, limit); break; } case I_RETURN: if (traceInstructionOption) printf("RETURN\n--------------------------------------------------\n"); pc = oldpc; goto exitInterpreter; default: syserr("Unknown STMOP instruction."); break; } if (fail) { pc = oldpc; goto exitInterpreter; } if (traceStackOption) { if (!skipStackDump) dumpStack(stack); skipStackDump = FALSE; } break; default: syserr("Unknown instruction class."); break; } } exitInterpreter: recursionDepth--; } /*======================================================================*/ Aword evaluate(Aaddr adr) { interpret(adr); return pop(stack); } } // End of namespace Alan3 } // End of namespace Glk