/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
 * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
 * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
 * file distributed with this source distribution.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "glk/glulxe/glulxe.h"

namespace Glk {
namespace Glulxe {

 * The actual immutable structures which lookup_operandlist() returns.
static const operandlist_t list_none = { 0, 4, nullptr };

static const int array_S[1] = { modeform_Store };
static const operandlist_t list_S = { 1, 4, &array_S[0] };
static const int array_LS[2] = { modeform_Load, modeform_Store };
static const operandlist_t list_LS = { 2, 4, &array_LS[0] };
static const int array_LLS[3] = { modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Store };
static const operandlist_t list_LLS = { 3, 4, &array_LLS[0] };
static const int array_LLLS[4] = { modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Store };
static const operandlist_t list_LLLS = { 4, 4, &array_LLLS[0] };
static const int array_LLLLS[5] = { modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Store };
static const operandlist_t list_LLLLS = { 5, 4, &array_LLLLS[0] };
/* static const int array_LLLLLS[6] = { modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Store };
static const operandlist_t list_LLLLLS = { 6, 4, &array_LLLLLS }; */ /* not currently used */
static const int array_LLLLLLS[7] = { modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Store };
static const operandlist_t list_LLLLLLS = { 7, 4, &array_LLLLLLS[0] };
static const int array_LLLLLLLS[8] = { modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Store };
static const operandlist_t list_LLLLLLLS = { 8, 4, &array_LLLLLLLS[0] };

static const int array_L[1] = { modeform_Load };
static const operandlist_t list_L = { 1, 4, &array_L[0] };
static const int array_LL[2] = { modeform_Load, modeform_Load };
static const operandlist_t list_LL = { 2, 4, &array_LL[0] };
static const int array_LLL[3] = { modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Load };
static const operandlist_t list_LLL = { 3, 4, &array_LLL[0] };
static const operandlist_t list_2LS = { 2, 2, &array_LS[0] };
static const operandlist_t list_1LS = { 2, 1, &array_LS[0] };
static const int array_LLLL[4] = { modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Load };
static const operandlist_t list_LLLL = { 4, 4, &array_LLLL[0] };
static const int array_SL[2] = { modeform_Store, modeform_Load };
static const operandlist_t list_SL = { 2, 4, &array_SL[0] };
static const int array_SS[2] = { modeform_Store, modeform_Store };
static const operandlist_t list_SS = { 2, 4, &array_SS[0] };
static const int array_LLSS[4] = { modeform_Load, modeform_Load, modeform_Store, modeform_Store };
static const operandlist_t list_LLSS = { 4, 4, &array_LLSS[0] };

void Glulxe::init_operands() {
	for (int ix = 0; ix < 0x80; ix++)
		fast_operandlist[ix] = lookup_operandlist(ix);

const operandlist_t *Glulxe::lookup_operandlist(uint opcode) {
	switch (opcode) {
	case op_nop:
		return &list_none;

	case op_add:
	case op_sub:
	case op_mul:
	case op_div:
	case op_mod:
	case op_bitand:
	case op_bitor:
	case op_bitxor:
	case op_shiftl:
	case op_sshiftr:
	case op_ushiftr:
		return &list_LLS;

	case op_neg:
	case op_bitnot:
		return &list_LS;

	case op_jump:
	case op_jumpabs:
		return &list_L;
	case op_jz:
	case op_jnz:
		return &list_LL;
	case op_jeq:
	case op_jne:
	case op_jlt:
	case op_jge:
	case op_jgt:
	case op_jle:
	case op_jltu:
	case op_jgeu:
	case op_jgtu:
	case op_jleu:
		return &list_LLL;

	case op_call:
		return &list_LLS;
	case op_return:
		return &list_L;
	case op_catch:
		return &list_SL;
	case op_throw:
		return &list_LL;
	case op_tailcall:
		return &list_LL;

	case op_sexb:
	case op_sexs:
		return &list_LS;

	case op_copy:
		return &list_LS;
	case op_copys:
		return &list_2LS;
	case op_copyb:
		return &list_1LS;
	case op_aload:
	case op_aloads:
	case op_aloadb:
	case op_aloadbit:
		return &list_LLS;
	case op_astore:
	case op_astores:
	case op_astoreb:
	case op_astorebit:
		return &list_LLL;

	case op_stkcount:
		return &list_S;
	case op_stkpeek:
		return &list_LS;
	case op_stkswap:
		return &list_none;
	case op_stkroll:
		return &list_LL;
	case op_stkcopy:
		return &list_L;

	case op_streamchar:
	case op_streamunichar:
	case op_streamnum:
	case op_streamstr:
		return &list_L;
	case op_getstringtbl:
		return &list_S;
	case op_setstringtbl:
		return &list_L;
	case op_getiosys:
		return &list_SS;
	case op_setiosys:
		return &list_LL;

	case op_random:
		return &list_LS;
	case op_setrandom:
		return &list_L;

	case op_verify:
		return &list_S;
	case op_restart:
		return &list_none;
	case op_save:
	case op_restore:
		return &list_LS;
	case op_saveundo:
	case op_restoreundo:
		return &list_S;
	case op_protect:
		return &list_LL;

	case op_quit:
		return &list_none;

	case op_gestalt:
		return &list_LLS;

	case op_debugtrap:
		return &list_L;

	case op_getmemsize:
		return &list_S;
	case op_setmemsize:
		return &list_LS;

	case op_linearsearch:
		return &list_LLLLLLLS;
	case op_binarysearch:
		return &list_LLLLLLLS;
	case op_linkedsearch:
		return &list_LLLLLLS;

	case op_glk:
		return &list_LLS;

	case op_callf:
		return &list_LS;
	case op_callfi:
		return &list_LLS;
	case op_callfii:
		return &list_LLLS;
	case op_callfiii:
		return &list_LLLLS;

	case op_mzero:
		return &list_LL;
	case op_mcopy:
		return &list_LLL;
	case op_malloc:
		return &list_LS;
	case op_mfree:
		return &list_L;

	case op_accelfunc:
	case op_accelparam:
		return &list_LL;


	case op_numtof:
	case op_ftonumz:
	case op_ftonumn:
	case op_ceil:
	case op_floor:
	case op_sqrt:
	case op_exp:
	case op_log:
		return &list_LS;
	case op_fadd:
	case op_fsub:
	case op_fmul:
	case op_fdiv:
	case op_pow:
	case op_atan2:
		return &list_LLS;
	case op_fmod:
		return &list_LLSS;
	case op_sin:
	case op_cos:
	case op_tan:
	case op_asin:
	case op_acos:
	case op_atan:
		return &list_LS;
	case op_jfeq:
	case op_jfne:
		return &list_LLLL;
	case op_jflt:
	case op_jfle:
	case op_jfgt:
	case op_jfge:
		return &list_LLL;
	case op_jisnan:
	case op_jisinf:
		return &list_LL;

#endif /* FLOAT_SUPPORT */


		return nullptr;

void Glulxe::parse_operands(oparg_t *args, const operandlist_t *oplist) {
	int ix;
	oparg_t *curarg;
	int numops = oplist->num_ops;
	int argsize = oplist->arg_size;
	uint modeaddr = pc;
	int modeval = 0;

	pc += (numops + 1) / 2;

	for (ix = 0, curarg = args; ix < numops; ix++, curarg++) {
		int mode;
		uint value;
		uint addr;

		curarg->desttype = 0;

		if ((ix & 1) == 0) {
			modeval = Mem1(modeaddr);
			mode = (modeval & 0x0F);
		} else {
			mode = ((modeval >> 4) & 0x0F);

		if (oplist->formlist[ix] == modeform_Load) {

			switch (mode) {

			case 8: /* pop off stack */
				if (stackptr < valstackbase + 4) {
					fatal_error("Stack underflow in operand.");
				stackptr -= 4;
				value = Stk4(stackptr);

			case 0: /* constant zero */
				value = 0;

			case 1: /* one-byte constant */
				/* Sign-extend from 8 bits to 32 */
				value = (int)(signed char)(Mem1(pc));

			case 2: /* two-byte constant */
				/* Sign-extend the first byte from 8 bits to 32; the subsequent
				   byte must not be sign-extended. */
				value = (int)(signed char)(Mem1(pc));
				value = (value << 8) | (uint)(Mem1(pc));

			case 3: /* four-byte constant */
				/* Bytes must not be sign-extended. */
				value = Mem4(pc);
				pc += 4;

			case 15: /* main memory RAM, four-byte address */
				addr = Mem4(pc);
				addr += ramstart;
				pc += 4;
				goto MainMemAddr;

			case 14: /* main memory RAM, two-byte address */
				addr = (uint)Mem2(pc);
				addr += ramstart;
				pc += 2;
				goto MainMemAddr;

			case 13: /* main memory RAM, one-byte address */
				addr = (uint)(Mem1(pc));
				addr += ramstart;
				goto MainMemAddr;

			case 7: /* main memory, four-byte address */
				addr = Mem4(pc);
				pc += 4;
				goto MainMemAddr;

			case 6: /* main memory, two-byte address */
				addr = (uint)Mem2(pc);
				pc += 2;
				goto MainMemAddr;

			case 5: /* main memory, one-byte address */
				addr = (uint)(Mem1(pc));
				/* fall through */

				/* cases 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15 all wind up here. */
				if (argsize == 4) {
					value = Mem4(addr);
				} else if (argsize == 2) {
					value = Mem2(addr);
				} else {
					value = Mem1(addr);

			case 11: /* locals, four-byte address */
				addr = Mem4(pc);
				pc += 4;
				goto LocalsAddr;

			case 10: /* locals, two-byte address */
				addr = (uint)Mem2(pc);
				pc += 2;
				goto LocalsAddr;

			case 9: /* locals, one-byte address */
				addr = (uint)(Mem1(pc));
				/* fall through */

				/* cases 9, 10, 11 all wind up here. It's illegal for addr to not
				   be four-byte aligned, but we don't check this explicitly.
				   A "strict mode" interpreter probably should. It's also illegal
				   for addr to be less than zero or greater than the size of
				   the locals segment. */
				addr += localsbase;
				if (argsize == 4) {
					value = Stk4(addr);
				} else if (argsize == 2) {
					value = Stk2(addr);
				} else {
					value = Stk1(addr);

				value = 0;
				fatal_error("Unknown addressing mode in load operand.");

			curarg->value = value;

		} else { /* modeform_Store */
			switch (mode) {

			case 0: /* discard value */
				curarg->desttype = 0;
				curarg->value = 0;

			case 8: /* push on stack */
				curarg->desttype = 3;
				curarg->value = 0;

			case 15: /* main memory RAM, four-byte address */
				addr = Mem4(pc);
				addr += ramstart;
				pc += 4;
				goto WrMainMemAddr;

			case 14: /* main memory RAM, two-byte address */
				addr = (uint)Mem2(pc);
				addr += ramstart;
				pc += 2;
				goto WrMainMemAddr;

			case 13: /* main memory RAM, one-byte address */
				addr = (uint)(Mem1(pc));
				addr += ramstart;
				goto WrMainMemAddr;

			case 7: /* main memory, four-byte address */
				addr = Mem4(pc);
				pc += 4;
				goto WrMainMemAddr;

			case 6: /* main memory, two-byte address */
				addr = (uint)Mem2(pc);
				pc += 2;
				goto WrMainMemAddr;

			case 5: /* main memory, one-byte address */
				addr = (uint)(Mem1(pc));
				/* fall through */

				/* cases 5, 6, 7 all wind up here. */
				curarg->desttype = 1;
				curarg->value = addr;

			case 11: /* locals, four-byte address */
				addr = Mem4(pc);
				pc += 4;
				goto WrLocalsAddr;

			case 10: /* locals, two-byte address */
				addr = (uint)Mem2(pc);
				pc += 2;
				goto WrLocalsAddr;

			case 9: /* locals, one-byte address */
				addr = (uint)(Mem1(pc));
				/* fall through */

				/* cases 9, 10, 11 all wind up here. It's illegal for addr to not
				   be four-byte aligned, but we don't check this explicitly.
				   A "strict mode" interpreter probably should. It's also illegal
				   for addr to be less than zero or greater than the size of
				   the locals segment. */
				curarg->desttype = 2;
				/* We don't add localsbase here; the store address for desttype 2
				   is relative to the current locals segment, not an absolute
				   stack position. */
				curarg->value = addr;

			case 1:
			case 2:
			case 3:
				fatal_error("Constant addressing mode in store operand.");

				fatal_error("Unknown addressing mode in store operand.");

void Glulxe::store_operand(uint desttype, uint destaddr, uint storeval) {
	switch (desttype) {

	case 0: /* do nothing; discard the value. */

	case 1: /* main memory. */
		MemW4(destaddr, storeval);

	case 2: /* locals. */
		destaddr += localsbase;
		StkW4(destaddr, storeval);

	case 3: /* push on stack. */
		if (stackptr + 4 > stacksize) {
			fatal_error("Stack overflow in store operand.");
		StkW4(stackptr, storeval);
		stackptr += 4;

		fatal_error("Unknown destination type in store operand.");


void Glulxe::store_operand_s(uint desttype, uint destaddr, uint storeval) {
	storeval &= 0xFFFF;

	switch (desttype) {

	case 0: /* do nothing; discard the value. */

	case 1: /* main memory. */
		MemW2(destaddr, storeval);

	case 2: /* locals. */
		destaddr += localsbase;
		StkW2(destaddr, storeval);

	case 3: /* push on stack. A four-byte value is actually pushed. */
		if (stackptr + 4 > stacksize) {
			fatal_error("Stack overflow in store operand.");
		StkW4(stackptr, storeval);
		stackptr += 4;

		fatal_error("Unknown destination type in store operand.");


void Glulxe::store_operand_b(uint desttype, uint destaddr, uint storeval) {
	storeval &= 0xFF;

	switch (desttype) {

	case 0: /* do nothing; discard the value. */

	case 1: /* main memory. */
		MemW1(destaddr, storeval);

	case 2: /* locals. */
		destaddr += localsbase;
		StkW1(destaddr, storeval);

	case 3: /* push on stack. A four-byte value is actually pushed. */
		if (stackptr + 4 > stacksize) {
			fatal_error("Stack overflow in store operand.");
		StkW4(stackptr, storeval);
		stackptr += 4;

		fatal_error("Unknown destination type in store operand.");


} // End of namespace Glulxe
} // End of namespace Glk