/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "glk/hugo/hugo.h" namespace Glk { namespace Hugo { int Hugo::EvalExpr(int p) { int n1, n2; int oper; short result = 0; /* must be 16 bits */ /* for precedence stacking/unstacking */ int next_prec, this_prec, temp_lp; if (!evalcount) return 0; /* no expression */ do { if (eval[p]==1) { if (eval[p+1]==OPEN_BRACKET_T || eval[p+1]==OPEN_SQUARE_T) { eval[p] = 0; eval[p+1] = EvalExpr(p+2); TrimExpr(p+2); } else if (eval[p+1]==MINUS_T) { TrimExpr(p); eval[p+1] = -eval[p+1]; } } if (evalcount<=p+2) { result = eval[p+1]; TrimExpr(p); eval[p] = 0; eval[p+1] = result; goto ReturnResult; } n1 = eval[p+1]; oper = eval[p+3]; /* At this point, holds the first value, and holds the token number of the operator. */ if (eval[p+4]==1 && (eval[p+5]==OPEN_BRACKET_T || eval[p+5]==OPEN_SQUARE_T)) { eval[p+4] = 0; eval[p+5] = EvalExpr(p+6); TrimExpr(p+6); } n2 = eval[p+5]; if (evalcount > p+7) { if (eval[p+3]==CLOSE_BRACKET_T && eval[p+2]==1) { TrimExpr(p+2); return eval[p+1]; } /* eval[p+7] holds the next operator, i.e., the "*" in: "x + y * z" This way, we can check if the upcoming operator takes precedence over the current one. */ if ((next_prec = Precedence(eval[p+7])) < (this_prec = Precedence(oper))) { if (next_prec >= last_precedence) { #if defined (DEBUG_PRECEDENCE) sprintf(line, "Not preferring %s to %s because of previous level %d", token[eval[p+7]], token[oper], last_precedence); Printout(line); #endif goto ReturnResult; } #if defined (DEBUG_PRECEDENCE) sprintf(line, "Preferring %s to %s", token[eval[p+7]], token[oper]); Printout(line); #endif temp_lp = last_precedence; last_precedence = this_prec; n2 = EvalExpr(p+4); last_precedence = temp_lp; } } else if (Precedence(oper)>=last_precedence) { goto ReturnResult; } #if defined (DEBUG_PRECEDENCE) sprintf(line, "Solving %d %s %d", n1, token[oper], n2); Printout(line); #endif switch (oper) { case DECIMAL_T: { result = GetProp(n1, n2, 1, 0); break; } case EQUALS_T: { result = (n1==n2); break; } case MINUS_T: { result = n1 - n2; break; } case PLUS_T: { result = n1 + n2; break; } case ASTERISK_T: { result = n1 * n2; break; } case FORWARD_SLASH_T: { if (n2==0) #if defined (DEBUGGER) { RuntimeWarning("Division by zero: invalid result"); result = 0; } #else FatalError(DIVIDE_E); #endif result = n1 / n2; break; } case PIPE_T: { result = n1 | n2; break; } case GREATER_EQUAL_T: { result = (n1>=n2); break; } case LESS_EQUAL_T: { result = (n1<=n2); break; } case NOT_EQUAL_T: { result = (n1!=n2); break; } case AMPERSAND_T: { result = n1 & n2; break; } case GREATER_T: { result = (n1 > n2); break; } case LESS_T: { result = (n1 < n2); break; } case AND_T: { result = (n1 && n2); break; } case OR_T: { result = (n1 || n2); break; } default: { result = n1; } } #if defined (DEBUGGER) if ((debug_eval) && debug_eval_error) return 0; #endif TrimExpr(p+4); /* second value */ TrimExpr(p+2); /* operator */ eval[p] = 0; eval[p+1] = result; /* Keep looping while there are expression elements, or until there is a ")", "]", or end of line */ } while ((evalcount>p+2) && !(eval[p+2]==1 && (eval[p+3]==CLOSE_BRACKET_T || eval[p+3]==CLOSE_SQUARE_T || eval[p+3]==255))); result = eval[p+1]; TrimExpr(p); /* first value */ ReturnResult: #if defined (DEBUG_EXPR_EVAL) if (p==0 && exprt) { sprintf(line, " = %d", result); AP(line); } #endif return result; } int Hugo::GetVal() { char a = 0; char tempinexpr, tempgetaddress, tempinobj; int i, j; int tempret; unsigned short routineaddr, arrayaddr; /* must be 16 bits */ short val = 0; char inctype = 0; int preincdec; /* pre-increment/decrement */ defseg = gameseg; tempret = ret; tempinexpr = inexpr; inexpr = 0; preincdec = incdec; incdec = 0; switch (MEM(codeptr)) { case AMPERSAND_T: /* an address */ {codeptr++; getaddress = true; val = GetValue(); getaddress = false; break;} case ROUTINE_T: case CALL_T: { if (MEM(codeptr)==ROUTINE_T) { if (tail_recursion==0 && MEM(codeptr-1)==RETURN_T) { /* We may be able to tail-recurse this return statement if it's simply 'return Routine(...)' */ tail_recursion = TAIL_RECURSION_ROUTINE; } routineaddr = PeekWord(++codeptr); codeptr += 2; if (getaddress) {val = routineaddr; getaddress = false; break;} } else { codeptr++; routineaddr = GetValue(); } #if defined (DEBUGGER) if (debug_eval) { debug_eval_error = true; val = 0; break; } #endif val = CallRoutine(routineaddr); break; } case OPEN_BRACKET_T: { codeptr++; inexpr = 1; tempgetaddress = getaddress; getaddress = false; SetupExpr(); inexpr = 0; val = EvalExpr(0); getaddress = tempgetaddress; break; } case MINUS_T: { codeptr++; j = inexpr; /* don't reuse tempinexpr */ inexpr = 1; val = -GetValue(); inexpr = (char)j; break; } case VALUE_T: /* integer 0 - 65535 */ case OBJECTNUM_T: case DICTENTRY_T: { val = PeekWord(++codeptr); codeptr += 2; break; } case ATTR_T: case PROP_T: { val = MEM(++codeptr); codeptr++; break; } case VAR_T: /* variable */ { val = var[(i=MEM(++codeptr))]; if (game_version >= 22) { /* Pre-v2.4 included linelength and pagelength as global variables after objectcount */ if (i <= ((game_version>=24)?objectcount:objectcount+2)) { if (i==wordcount) val = words; else if (i==objectcount) val = objects; /* i.e., pre-v2.4 only */ else if (i==objectcount+1) { #if defined (ACTUAL_LINELENGTH) val = ACTUAL_LINELENGTH(); #else val = SCREENWIDTH/charwidth; #endif } else if (i==objectcount+2) val = SCREENHEIGHT/lineheight; } } codeptr++; if (!inobj) inctype = IsIncrement(codeptr); /* don't operate on, e.g., ++variable.property as (++variable).property */ if ((incdec || preincdec) && MEM(codeptr)!=DECIMAL_T) { if (i < MAXGLOBALS) SaveUndo(VAR_T, i, val, 0, 0); if (inctype) val = Increment(val, inctype); /* still a post-increment hanging around */ var[i] = (val+=preincdec) + incdec; incdec = preincdec = 0; } break; } case TRUE_T: val = 1; codeptr++; break; case FALSE_T: val = 0; codeptr++; break; case TILDE_T: codeptr++; val = ~GetValue(); break; case NOT_T: codeptr++; val = !GetValue(); break; case ARRAYDATA_T: case ARRAY_T: { unsigned int element; if (MEM(codeptr)==ARRAY_T) { codeptr++; arrayaddr = GetValue(); } else { arrayaddr = PeekWord(++codeptr); codeptr += 2; } if (MEM(codeptr)!=OPEN_SQUARE_T) {val = arrayaddr; break;} if (game_version>=22) { /* convert to word value */ arrayaddr*=2; if (game_version>=23) /* space for array length */ a = 2; } /* check if this is array[] (i.e., array length) */ if (MEM(++codeptr)==CLOSE_SQUARE_T) { defseg = arraytable; val = PeekWord(arrayaddr); codeptr++; break; } tempinobj = inobj; inobj = 0; j = GetValue(); inobj = tempinobj; /* The array element we're after: */ element = arrayaddr+a + j*2; defseg = arraytable; #if defined (DEBUGGER) CheckinRange(element, debug_workspace, "array data"); #endif /* Check to make sure we've got a sane element number */ if ((element>0) && (element < (unsigned int)(dicttable-arraytable)*16)) val = PeekWord(element); else val = 0; codeptr++; if (!inobj) inctype = IsIncrement(codeptr); /* Don't operate on the array on: ++a[n].property */ if ((incdec || preincdec) && MEM(codeptr)!=DECIMAL_T) { /* Same sanity check for element number */ if ((element>0) && (element < (unsigned)(dicttable-arraytable)*16)) { if (inctype) val = Increment(val, inctype); /* still a post-increment hanging around */ SaveUndo(ARRAYDATA_T, arrayaddr+a, j, val, 0); PokeWord(element, (val+=preincdec) + incdec); incdec = preincdec = 0; } } break; } case RANDOM_T: { codeptr += 2; /* skip the "(" */ val = GetValue(); if (val!=0) #if !defined (RANDOM) val = (hugo_rand() % val)+1; #else val = (RANDOM() % val)+1; #endif if (MEM(codeptr)==2) codeptr++; break; } case WORD_T: { codeptr += 2; /* skip the "[" */ if (MEM(codeptr)==CLOSE_SQUARE_T) /* words[] */ { val = words; break; } val = wd[GetValue()]; if (MEM(codeptr)==CLOSE_SQUARE_T) codeptr++; break; } case CHILDREN_T: { codeptr += 2; /* skip the "(" */ val = GetValue(); if (MEM(codeptr)==CLOSE_BRACKET_T) codeptr++; val = Children(val); break; } case PARENT_T: case SIBLING_T: case CHILD_T: case YOUNGEST_T: case ELDEST_T: case YOUNGER_T: case ELDER_T: { i = MEM(codeptr); codeptr += 2; /* skip the "(" */ val = GetValue(); if (MEM(codeptr)==CLOSE_BRACKET_T) codeptr++; switch (i) { case PARENT_T: val = Parent(val); break; case SIBLING_T: case YOUNGER_T: val = Sibling(val); break; case CHILD_T: case ELDEST_T: val = Child(val); break; case YOUNGEST_T: val = Youngest(val); break; case ELDER_T: val = Elder(val); break; } break; } case SAVE_T: val = RunSave(); codeptr++; break; case RESTORE_T: val = RunRestore(); codeptr++; break; case SCRIPTON_T: case SCRIPTOFF_T: val = RunScriptSet(); codeptr++; break; case RESTART_T: val = RunRestart(); codeptr++; break; case STRING_T: val = RunString(); break; case UNDO_T: val = Undo(); codeptr++; break; case DICT_T: val = Dict(); if (MEM(codeptr)==CLOSE_BRACKET_T) codeptr++; break; case RECORDON_T: case RECORDOFF_T: case PLAYBACK_T: val = RecordCommands(); codeptr++; break; case READVAL_T: { val = 0; if (ioblock) { #ifdef TODO int low, high; if ((ioblock==1) || (low = hugo_fgetc(io))==EOF || (high = hugo_fgetc(io))==EOF) { ioerror = true; retflag = true; } else val = low + high*256; #else error("TODO: file io"); #endif } codeptr++; break; } case PARSE_T: { val = (short)PARSE_STRING_VAL; codeptr++; break; } case SERIAL_T: { val = (short)SERIAL_STRING_VAL; codeptr++; break; } case SYSTEM_T: { val = RunSystem(); codeptr++; break; } default: { #if defined (DEBUGGER) if (debug_eval) debug_eval_error = true; else #endif FatalError(EXPECT_VAL_E); #if defined (DEBUGGER) runtime_error = true; codeptr++; return 0; #endif } } defseg = gameseg; ret = tempret; inexpr = tempinexpr; incdec = preincdec; return val; } int Hugo::GetValue() { char noself = 0; int p, n; char inctype; int preincdec; int nattr = 0, attr; unsigned int pa, val; long tempptr; short g; /* must be 16 bits */ int potential_tail_recursion = 0; /* Check to see if this may be a valid tail-recursion */ if (tail_recursion==0 && MEM(codeptr-1)==RETURN_T) { /* We may be able to tail-recurse this return statement if it's simply 'return object.property[.property...]' */ potential_tail_recursion = TAIL_RECURSION_PROPERTY; } IsIncrement(codeptr); /* check for ++, -- */ tempptr = codeptr; g = GetVal(); preincdec = incdec; incdec = 0; if (inobj==0) { switch (MEM(codeptr)) { case DECIMAL_T: /* object.property */ { DetermineProperty: if (MEM(++codeptr)==DECIMAL_T) /* object..property */ { noself = true; codeptr++; } if (MEM(codeptr)==POUND_T) /* object.#property */ { codeptr++; inobj = true; p = GetValue(); inobj = false; pa = PropAddr(g, p, 0); if (pa) { defseg = proptable; g = Peek(pa + 1); if (g==PROP_ROUTINE) g = 1; defseg = gameseg; } else g = 0; } else { inobj = true; p = GetValue(); inobj = false; if (MEM(codeptr) != POUND_T) n = 1; else /* object.property #x */ { codeptr++; /* Not GetValue(), since that might botch "obj.property #n is attr" */ n = GetVal(); } /* We checked this at the start of the function, but GetValue() for the property would've cleared it */ tail_recursion = potential_tail_recursion; val = GetProp(g, p, n, noself); inctype = IsIncrement(codeptr); /* Increment/decrement an object.property, although only if this is the last property in, e.g., object.property.property... */ if ((incdec || preincdec) && MEM(codeptr)!=DECIMAL_T) { SaveUndo(PROP_T, g, p, n, val); if (inctype) val = Increment(val, inctype); /* Still a post-increment hanging around */ pa = PropAddr(g, p, 0); defseg = proptable; /* Only change it if not a routine */ if (Peek(pa+1)!=PROP_ROUTINE) PokeWord(pa+n*2, (val+=preincdec)+incdec); defseg = gameseg; incdec = preincdec = 0; } g = val; } if (MEM(codeptr)==IS_T) goto CheckAttribute; break; } case IS_T: { CheckAttribute: if (!inobj) { codeptr++; if (MEM(codeptr)==NOT_T) { nattr = 1; codeptr++; } attr = GetValue(); #if defined (DEBUGGER) CheckinRange((unsigned)attr, (unsigned)attributes, "attribute"); #endif g = TestAttribute(g, attr, nattr); break; } } } switch (MEM(codeptr)) { /* This comes here (again) in order to process object.property1.property2... */ case DECIMAL_T: goto DetermineProperty; case NOT_T: if (!inobj) {nattr = 1; codeptr++;} case IN_T: { if (!inobj) { codeptr++; p = GetValue(); /* testing parent */ g = (p==Parent(g)); if (nattr) g = !g; } } } } /* end of "if (inobj==0)" */ n = MEM(codeptr); /* See if we have an implicit expression that needs to be taken as a single value, i.e., "n + 1" where we've just read n */ if (((n>=MINUS_T && n<=PIPE_T) || n==AMPERSAND_T) && ((!inexpr)) && !inobj) /* #if !defined (DEBUGGER) ((!inexpr)) && !inobj) #else ((!inexpr)) && !inobj && !debug_eval) #endif */ { inexpr = 2; codeptr = tempptr; SetupExpr(); g = EvalExpr(0); inexpr = 0; } /* Not a tail-recursive 'return object.property' */ if (tail_recursion_addr==0) tail_recursion = 0; return g; } int Hugo::Increment(int a, char inctype) { short v; /* must be 16 bits */ v = a; switch (inctype) { case MINUS_T: {v -= incdec; break;} case PLUS_T: {v += incdec; break;} case ASTERISK_T: {v *= incdec; break;} case AMPERSAND_T: {v &= incdec; break;} case PIPE_T: {v |= incdec; break;} case FORWARD_SLASH_T: { #if defined (DEBUGGER) if (incdec==0) { RuntimeWarning("Division by zero: invalid result"); v = 0; } else #endif v /= incdec; break; } } if (inctype!=1) incdec = 0; return v; } char Hugo::IsIncrement(long addr) { unsigned char a, t = 0; incdec = 0; switch (a = MEM(addr)) { case MINUS_T: case PLUS_T: case ASTERISK_T: case FORWARD_SLASH_T: case AMPERSAND_T: case PIPE_T: { /* ++, -- */ if ((a==MINUS_T || a==PLUS_T) && MEM(addr+1)==a) { codeptr = addr + 2; if (a==PLUS_T) incdec = 1; else incdec = -1; t = 1; break; } /* +=, -=, etc. */ else if (MEM(addr+1)==EQUALS_T) { codeptr = addr + 2; incdec = GetValue(); t = a; } } } #if defined (DEBUGGER) if (t && debug_eval) { debug_eval_error = true; sprintf(debug_line, "'%s%s' illegal in watch/assignment", token[a], token[MEM(addr+1)]); DebugMessageBox("Expression Error", debug_line); t = 0; } #endif return t; } int Hugo::Precedence(int t) { switch (t) { case DECIMAL_T: return 1; case ASTERISK_T: case FORWARD_SLASH_T: return 2; case MINUS_T: case PLUS_T: return 3; case PIPE_T: case TILDE_T: case AMPERSAND_T: return 4; case EQUALS_T: case GREATER_EQUAL_T: case LESS_EQUAL_T: case NOT_EQUAL_T: case GREATER_T: case LESS_T: return 5; default: return 6; } } #if defined (DEBUG_EXPR_EVAL) /* PRINTEXPR Prints the current expression during expression tracing. */ void PrintExpr(void) { char e[261]; int i, bracket = 0; if (!evalcount) return; strcpy(e, "( "); for (i=0; i<=evalcount; i+=2) { switch (eval[i]) { case 0: { sprintf(line, "%d ", eval[i + 1]); strcat(e, line); break; } case 1: { if (eval[i+1]==OPEN_BRACKET_T) bracket++; if (eval[i+1]==CLOSE_BRACKET_T) {bracket--; if (bracket<0) goto ExitPrintExpr;} if (token[eval[i+1]][0]=='~') strcat(e, "\\"); if (eval[i+1] != 255) {sprintf(line, "%s ", token[eval[i+1]]); strcat(e, line);} break; } } } ExitPrintExpr: strcat(e, ")\\;"); AP(e); } #endif void Hugo::SetupExpr() { char justgotvalue = 1; int j, t, bracket = 0; int tempret; int tempeval[MAX_EVAL_ELEMENTS]; int tempevalcount; last_precedence = 10; tempret = ret; tempevalcount = 0; inobj = false; if (!inexpr) inexpr = 1; do { justgotvalue++; switch (t = MEM(codeptr)) { /* Various indications that we've hit the end of the expression: */ case EOL_T: arrexpr = false; case COMMA_T: multiprop = false; case SEMICOLON_T: case CLOSE_SQUARE_T: case JUMP_T: { if (t==EOL_T || t==COMMA_T || t==JUMP_T) codeptr++; LeaveSetupExpr: for (j=0; j MAX_EVAL_ELEMENTS-2) FatalError(OVERFLOW_E); justgotvalue = 0; break; } /* Logical constants */ case TRUE_T: case FALSE_T: { tempeval[tempevalcount] = 0; if (Peek(codeptr)==TRUE_T) tempeval[tempevalcount + 1] = 1; else tempeval[tempevalcount + 1] = 0; codeptr++; tempevalcount += 2; if (tempevalcount > MAX_EVAL_ELEMENTS-2) FatalError(OVERFLOW_E); break; } /* Some symbol or token */ default: { SomeSymbolorToken: tempeval[tempevalcount] = 1; tempeval[tempevalcount + 1] = MEM(codeptr++); tempevalcount += 2; if (tempevalcount > MAX_EVAL_ELEMENTS-2) FatalError(OVERFLOW_E); switch (MEM(codeptr-1)) { case OPEN_BRACKET_T: {bracket++; break;} case CLOSE_BRACKET_T: {bracket--; justgotvalue = 0; if (inexpr==2) codeptr--;} } if (bracket < 0) goto LeaveSetupExpr; break; } } } while (true); /* endless loop */ } void Hugo::TrimExpr(int ptr) { int i; for (i=ptr; i<=evalcount; i+=2) { eval[i] = eval[i+2]; eval[i+1] = eval[i+3]; } evalcount -= 2; } } // End of namespace Hugo } // End of namespace Glk