/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
 * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
 * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
 * file distributed with this source distribution.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "glk/screen.h"
#include "glk/conf.h"
#include "common/unzip.h"
#include "image/bmp.h"
#include "graphics/fonts/ttf.h"
#include "graphics/fontman.h"

namespace Glk {

#define FONTS_VERSION 1.0
#define FONTS_FILENAME "fonts.dat"

Screen::~Screen() {
	for (int idx = 0; idx < FONTS_TOTAL; ++idx)
		delete _fonts[idx];

void Screen::initialize() {

	for (int idx = 0; idx < 2; ++idx) {
		FontInfo *i = (idx == 0) ? &g_conf->_monoInfo : &g_conf->_propInfo;
		const Graphics::Font *f = (idx == 0) ? _fonts[0] : _fonts[7];

		// TODO: See if there's any better way for getting the leading and baseline
		Common::Rect r1 = f->getBoundingBox('o');
		Common::Rect r2 = f->getBoundingBox('y');
		double baseLine = (double)r1.bottom;
		double leading = (double)((idx == 0) ? r2.bottom : r2.bottom + g_conf->_propInfo._lineSeparation);

		i->_leading = static_cast<int>(MAX((double)i->_leading, leading));
		i->_baseLine = static_cast<int>(MAX((double)i->_baseLine, baseLine));
		i->_cellW = _fonts[0]->getMaxCharWidth();
		i->_cellH = i->_leading;

void Screen::fill(uint color) {

void Screen::fillRect(const Rect &box, uint color) {
	if (color != zcolor_Transparent)
		Graphics::Screen::fillRect(box, color);

void Screen::loadFonts() {
	Common::Archive *archive = nullptr;

	if (!Common::File::exists(FONTS_FILENAME) || (archive = Common::makeZipArchive(FONTS_FILENAME)) == nullptr)
		error("Could not locate %s", FONTS_FILENAME);

	// Open the version.txt file within it to validate the version
	Common::File f;
	if (!f.open("version.txt", *archive)) {
		delete archive;
		error("Could not get version of fonts data. Possibly malformed");

	// Validate the version
	char buffer[5];
	f.read(buffer, 4);
	buffer[4] = '\0';

	int major = 0, minor = 0;
	if (buffer[1] == '.') {
		major = buffer[0] - '0';
		minor = atoi(&buffer[2]);

	if (major < 1 || minor < 2) {
		delete archive;
		error("Out of date fonts. Expected at least %s, but got version %d.%d", "1.2", major, minor);


	delete archive;

void Screen::loadFonts(Common::Archive *archive) {
	// R ead in the fonts
	double monoAspect = g_conf->_monoInfo._aspect;
	double propAspect = g_conf->_propInfo._aspect;
	double monoSize = g_conf->_monoInfo._size;
	double propSize = g_conf->_propInfo._size;

	_fonts[0] = loadFont(MONOR, archive, monoSize, monoAspect, FONTR);
	_fonts[1] = loadFont(MONOB, archive, monoSize, monoAspect, FONTB);
	_fonts[2] = loadFont(MONOI, archive, monoSize, monoAspect, FONTI);
	_fonts[3] = loadFont(MONOZ, archive, monoSize, monoAspect, FONTZ);

	_fonts[4] = loadFont(PROPR, archive, propSize, propAspect, FONTR);
	_fonts[5] = loadFont(PROPB, archive, propSize, propAspect, FONTB);
	_fonts[6] = loadFont(PROPI, archive, propSize, propAspect, FONTI);
	_fonts[7] = loadFont(PROPZ, archive, propSize, propAspect, FONTZ);

const Graphics::Font *Screen::loadFont(FACES face, Common::Archive *archive, double size, double aspect, int style) {
	Common::File f;
	const char *const FILENAMES[8] = {
		"GoMono-Regular.ttf", "GoMono-Bold.ttf", "GoMono-Italic.ttf", "GoMono-Bold-Italic.ttf",
		"NotoSerif-Regular.ttf", "NotoSerif-Bold.ttf", "NotoSerif-Italic.ttf", "NotoSerif-Bold-Italic.ttf"

	if (!f.open(FILENAMES[face], *archive))
		error("Could not load %s from fonts file", FILENAMES[face]);

	return Graphics::loadTTFFont(f, (int)size, Graphics::kTTFSizeModeCharacter);

FACES Screen::getFontId(const Common::String &name) {
	if (name == "monor") return MONOR;
	if (name == "monob") return MONOB;
	if (name == "monoi") return MONOI;
	if (name == "monoz") return MONOZ;
	if (name == "propr") return PROPR;
	if (name == "propb") return PROPB;
	if (name == "propi") return PROPI;
	if (name == "propz") return PROPZ;
	return MONOR;

int Screen::drawString(const Point &pos, int fontIdx, uint color, const Common::String &text, int spw) {
	int baseLine = (fontIdx >= PROPR) ? g_conf->_propInfo._baseLine : g_conf->_monoInfo._baseLine;
	Point pt(pos.x / GLI_SUBPIX, pos.y - baseLine);
	const Graphics::Font *font = _fonts[fontIdx];
	font->drawString(this, text, pt.x, pt.y, w - pt.x, color);

	pt.x += font->getStringWidth(text);
	return MIN((int)pt.x, (int)w) * GLI_SUBPIX;

int Screen::drawStringUni(const Point &pos, int fontIdx, uint color, const Common::U32String &text, int spw) {
	int baseLine = (fontIdx >= PROPR) ? g_conf->_propInfo._baseLine : g_conf->_monoInfo._baseLine;
	Point pt(pos.x / GLI_SUBPIX, pos.y - baseLine);
	const Graphics::Font *font = _fonts[fontIdx];
	font->drawString(this, text, pt.x, pt.y, w - pt.x, color);

	pt.x += font->getStringWidth(text);
	return MIN((int)pt.x, (int)w) * GLI_SUBPIX;

size_t Screen::stringWidth(int fontIdx, const Common::String &text, int spw) {
	const Graphics::Font *font = _fonts[fontIdx];
	return font->getStringWidth(text) * GLI_SUBPIX;

size_t Screen::stringWidthUni(int fontIdx, const Common::U32String &text, int spw) {
	const Graphics::Font *font = _fonts[fontIdx];
	return font->getStringWidth(text) * GLI_SUBPIX;

} // End of namespace Glk