/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
 * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
 * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
 * file distributed with this source distribution.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "gnap/gamesys.h"
#include "gnap/fontdata.h"
#include "graphics/fontman.h"
#include "graphics/font.h"
#include "image/bmp.h"

namespace Gnap {

void GfxItem::testUpdRect(const Common::Rect &updRect) {
	Common::Rect intersectingRect;
	if (!_updFlag && _prevFrame._spriteId != -1 &&
		_updRectsCount < 20 && intersectRect(intersectingRect, _prevFrame._rect, updRect))
		_updRects[_updRectsCount++] = intersectingRect;

// GameSys

GameSys::GameSys(GnapEngine *vm) : _vm(vm) {
	_newSpriteDrawItemsCount = 0;
	_removeSequenceItemsCount = 0;
	_removeSpriteDrawItemsCount = 0;
	_grabSpriteId = -1;
	_grabSpriteChanged = false;
	_reqRemoveSequenceItem = false;
	_removeSequenceItemSequenceId = -1;
	_removeSequenceItemValue = 0;
	_gfxItemsCount = 0;
	_animationsCount = 0;
	_animationsDone = false;
	_backgroundImageValue3 = 0;
	_backgroundImageValue1 = 0;
	_backgroundImageValue4 = 1000;
	_backgroundImageValue2 = 1000;
	_gameSysClock = 0;
	_lastUpdateClock = 0;
	_backgroundSurface = nullptr;
	_frontSurface = nullptr;
	for (int i = 0; i < kMaxAnimations; ++i) {
		_animations[i]._sequenceId = -1;
		_animations[i]._id = -1;
		_animations[i]._status = 0;
	_removeSequenceItems->_sequenceId = -1;
	_removeSequenceItems->_id = -1;
	_removeSequenceItems->_forceFrameReset = false;
	_removeSpriteDrawItems->_id = -1;
	_removeSpriteDrawItems->_surface = nullptr;

	_grabSpriteSurface1 = _grabSpriteSurface2 = nullptr;

	_screenRect = Common::Rect(0, 0, 800, 600);

GameSys::~GameSys() {
	if (_frontSurface)
	delete _frontSurface;

void GameSys::insertSequence(int sequenceId, int id, int sequenceId2, int id2, int flags, int totalDuration, int16 x, int16 y) {
	debugC(kDebugBasic, "GameSys::insertSequence() [%08X, %d] -> [%08X, %d] (%d, %d)", sequenceId, id, sequenceId2, id2, x, y);
	Sequence sequence;
	SequenceResource *sequenceResource = _vm->_sequenceCache->get(sequenceId);
	sequenceResource->_sequenceId = sequenceId;
	sequence._sequenceId = sequenceId;
	sequence._id = id != -1 ? id : sequenceResource->_defaultId;
	sequence._sequenceId2 = sequenceId2 != (int32)0x80000000 ? sequenceId2 : sequenceResource->_sequenceId2;
	sequence._id2 = id2 != -1 ? id2 : sequenceResource->_defaultId2;
	sequence._flags = flags != -1 ? flags : sequenceResource->_flags;
	sequence._totalDuration = totalDuration != -1 ? totalDuration : sequenceResource->_totalDuration;
	sequence._x = (x < 10000 && x > -10000) ? x : sequenceResource->_xOffs;
	sequence._y = (y < 10000 && y > -10000) ? y : sequenceResource->_yOffs;

void GameSys::insertDirtyRect(const Common::Rect &rect) {

void GameSys::removeSequence(int sequenceId, int id, bool resetFl) {
	//WaitForSingleObject(removeSequence2Mutex, INFINITE);
	if (_removeSequenceItemsCount < kMaxSequenceItems) {
		_removeSequenceItems[_removeSequenceItemsCount]._sequenceId = sequenceId;
		_removeSequenceItems[_removeSequenceItemsCount]._id = id;
		_removeSequenceItems[_removeSequenceItemsCount]._forceFrameReset = resetFl;
		//WaitForSingleObject(removeSequenceItemsEvent, INFINITE);

void GameSys::invalidateGrabCursorSprite(int id, Common::Rect &rect, Graphics::Surface *surface1, Graphics::Surface *surface2) {
	//WaitForSingleObject(grabSpriteMutex, INFINITE);
	_grabSpriteId = id;
	_grabSpriteRect = rect;
	_grabSpriteSurface2 = surface2;
	_grabSpriteSurface1 = surface1;
	_grabSpriteChanged = true;
	//WaitForSingleObject(grabSpriteEvent, INFINITE);

void GameSys::requestClear2(bool resetFl) {
	for (int i = 0; i < _gfxItemsCount; ++i) {
		GfxItem *gfxItem = &_gfxItems[i];
		gfxItem->_sequenceId = -1;
		gfxItem->_animation = nullptr;
		if (resetFl) {
			gfxItem->_currFrame._duration = 0;
			gfxItem->_currFrame._spriteId = -1;
			gfxItem->_currFrame._soundId = -1;
			gfxItem->_updFlag = true;
		} else {
			gfxItem->_updFlag = false;
	_lastUpdateClock = 0;
	_gameSysClock = 0;

void GameSys::requestClear1() {
	_gfxItemsCount = 0;
	_lastUpdateClock = 0;
	_gameSysClock = 0;

void GameSys::requestRemoveSequence(int sequenceId, int id) {
	//WaitForSingleObject(removeSequence2Mutex, INFINITE);
	_reqRemoveSequenceItem = true;
	_removeSequenceItemSequenceId = sequenceId;
	_removeSequenceItemValue = id;

	handleReqRemoveSequenceItem(); //CHECKME?

	//WaitForSingleObject(reqClearEvent, INFINITE);

void GameSys::waitForUpdate() {
	//WaitForSingleObject(updateEvent, INFINITE);
	while ( !_animationsDone) {

int GameSys::isSequenceActive(int sequenceId, int id) {
	for (uint i = 0; i < _seqItems.size(); ++i)
		if (_seqItems[i]._sequenceId == sequenceId && _seqItems[i]._id == id)
			return true;
	return false;

void GameSys::setBackgroundSurface(Graphics::Surface *surface, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7) {
	debugC(kDebugBasic, "GameSys::setBackgroundSurface() Setting background image");

	_backgroundSurface = surface;
	if (!_backgroundSurface) {

	if (!_frontSurface || _frontSurface->w != surface->w || _frontSurface->h != surface->h) {
		debugC(kDebugBasic, "GameSys::setBackgroundSurface() Creating background working surface");
		if (_frontSurface)
		delete _frontSurface;
		_frontSurface = new Graphics::Surface();
		_frontSurface->create(surface->w, surface->h, surface->format);

	memcpy(_frontSurface->getPixels(), surface->getPixels(), surface->pitch * surface->h);
	_vm->_system->copyRectToScreen(_frontSurface->getPixels(), _frontSurface->pitch, 0, 0, _frontSurface->w, _frontSurface->h);

	_backgroundImageValue1 = a4;
	_backgroundImageValue3 = a6;
	_backgroundImageValue2 = a5;
	_backgroundImageValue4 = a7;
	_lastUpdateClock = 0;
	_gameSysClock = 0;

void GameSys::setScaleValues(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4) {
	_backgroundImageValue1 = a1;
	_backgroundImageValue3 = a3;
	_backgroundImageValue2 = a2;
	_backgroundImageValue4 = a4;

void GameSys::insertSpriteDrawItem(Graphics::Surface *surface, int x, int y, int id) {
	if (surface && _newSpriteDrawItemsCount < kMaxSpriteDrawItems) {
		_newSpriteDrawItems[_newSpriteDrawItemsCount]._id = id;
		_newSpriteDrawItems[_newSpriteDrawItemsCount]._rect = Common::Rect(x, y, x + surface->w, y + surface->h);
		_newSpriteDrawItems[_newSpriteDrawItemsCount]._surface = surface;

void GameSys::removeSpriteDrawItem(Graphics::Surface *surface, int id) {
	if (surface && _removeSpriteDrawItemsCount < kMaxSpriteDrawItems) {
		_removeSpriteDrawItems[_removeSpriteDrawItemsCount]._id = id;
		_removeSpriteDrawItems[_removeSpriteDrawItemsCount]._surface = surface;

void GameSys::drawSpriteToBackground(int x, int y, int resourceId) {
	SpriteResource *spriteResource = _vm->_spriteCache->get(resourceId);
	uint32 *sourcePalette = spriteResource->_palette;
	byte *sourcePixels = spriteResource->_pixels;
	int spriteWidth = spriteResource->_width;
	int spriteHeight = spriteResource->_height;
	Common::Rect dstRect(0, 0, spriteWidth, spriteHeight);
	blitSprite32(_backgroundSurface, x, y, sourcePixels, spriteResource->_width, dstRect, sourcePalette, spriteResource->_transparent);

	// Add dirty rect so the modified background is redrawn
	insertDirtyRect(Common::Rect(x, y, x + spriteWidth, y + spriteHeight));

Graphics::Surface *GameSys::allocSurface(int width, int height) {
	Graphics::Surface *surface = new Graphics::Surface();
	surface->create(width, height, _backgroundSurface->format);
	surface->fillRect(Common::Rect(0, 0, surface->w, surface->h), 0xFFFFFF00);
	return surface;

Graphics::Surface *GameSys::createSurface(int resourceId) {
	debugC(kDebugBasic, "GameSys::createSurface() resourceId: %08X", resourceId);

	SpriteResource *spriteResource = _vm->_spriteCache->get(resourceId);
	Graphics::Surface *surface = allocSurface(spriteResource->_width, spriteResource->_height);

	drawSpriteToSurface(surface, 0, 0, resourceId);

	return surface;

void GameSys::drawSpriteToSurface(Graphics::Surface *surface, int x, int y, int resourceId) {
	SpriteResource *spriteResource = _vm->_spriteCache->get(resourceId);
	uint32 *sourcePalette = spriteResource->_palette;
	byte *sourcePixels = spriteResource->_pixels;
	Common::Rect dstRect(0, 0, spriteResource->_width, spriteResource->_height);
	blitSprite32(surface, x, y, sourcePixels, spriteResource->_width, dstRect, sourcePalette, true);

void GameSys::drawTextToSurface(Graphics::Surface *surface, int x, int y, byte r, byte g, byte b, const char *text) {
	bool doDirty = false;

	if (!surface) {
		surface = _backgroundSurface;
		doDirty = true;

	uint32 color = surface->format.RGBToColor(r, g, b);
	if (_vm->_font) {
		_vm->_font->drawString(surface, text, x, y, _vm->_font->getStringWidth(text), color);

		if (doDirty)
			insertDirtyRect(Common::Rect(x, y, x + _vm->_font->getStringWidth(text), y + _vm->_font->getFontHeight()));
	} else {
		for (const char *cp = text; *cp != 0; ++cp) {
			byte c = *cp;
			if (c < 32 || c >= 127)
				c = (byte)'_';
			c -= 32;
			int w = _dejaVuSans9ptCharDescriptors[c]._width;
			const byte *data = _dejaVuSans9ptCharBitmaps + _dejaVuSans9ptCharDescriptors[c]._offset;
			for (int xc = 0; xc < w; ++xc) {
				for (int yc = 15; yc >= 0; --yc) {
					byte *dst = (byte *)surface->getBasePtr(x + xc, y + yc);
					if (data[1 - (yc >> 3)] & (1 << (yc & 7)))
						WRITE_LE_UINT32(dst, color);
				data += 2;
			x += w + 1;

		if (doDirty)
			insertDirtyRect(Common::Rect(x, y, x + getTextWidth(text), y + 16));

int GameSys::getTextHeight(const char *text) {
	byte height = 0;
	for (const char *cp = text; *cp != 0; ++cp) {
		byte c = *cp;
		if (c < 32 || c >= 127)
			c = (byte)'_';
		c -= 32;
		height = MAX(height, _dejaVuSans9ptCharDescriptors[c]._width);
	return height;

int GameSys::getTextWidth(const char *text) {
	int width = 0;
	for (const char *cp = text; *cp != 0; ++cp) {
		byte c = *cp;
		if (c < 32 || c >= 127)
			c = (byte)'_';
		c -= 32;
		width += _dejaVuSans9ptCharDescriptors[c]._width + 1;
	return width;

void GameSys::fillSurface(Graphics::Surface *surface, int x, int y, int width, int height, byte r, byte g, byte b) {
	Common::Rect rect(x, y, x + width, y + height);
	if (!surface) {
		_backgroundSurface->fillRect(rect, _backgroundSurface->format.RGBToColor(r, g, b));
	} else {
		surface->fillRect(rect, surface->format.RGBToColor(r, g, b));

void GameSys::setAnimation(int sequenceId, int id, int animationIndex) {
	if (animationIndex < kMaxAnimations) {
		_animations[animationIndex]._sequenceId = sequenceId;
		_animations[animationIndex]._id = id;
		_animations[animationIndex]._status = 0;

int GameSys::getAnimationStatus(int animationIndex) {
	int result = -1;
	if (animationIndex < kMaxAnimations)
		result = _animations[animationIndex]._status;
	return result;

int GameSys::getSpriteWidthById(int resourceId) {
	SpriteResource *spriteResource = _vm->_spriteCache->get(resourceId);
	const int width = spriteResource->_width;
	return width;

int GameSys::getSpriteHeightById(int resourceId) {
	SpriteResource *spriteResource = _vm->_spriteCache->get(resourceId);
	const int height = spriteResource->_height;
	return height;

Graphics::Surface *GameSys::loadBitmap(int resourceId) {
	debugC(kDebugBasic, "GameSys::loadBitmap() resourceId: %08X", resourceId);
	if (_vm->_dat->getResourceType(resourceId) != 1)
		return nullptr;
	byte *resourceData = _vm->_dat->loadResource(resourceId);
	uint32 resourceSize = _vm->_dat->getResourceSize(resourceId);
	Common::MemoryReadStream stream(resourceData, resourceSize, DisposeAfterUse::NO);
	Graphics::Surface *bmpSurface;
	Image::BitmapDecoder bmp;
	if (!bmp.loadStream(stream))
		error("GameSys::loadBitmap() Could not load bitmap resource %08X", resourceId);
	bmpSurface = bmp.getSurface()->convertTo(_vm->_system->getScreenFormat());
	delete[] resourceData;
	return bmpSurface;

void GameSys::drawBitmap(int resourceId) {

	Graphics::Surface *bmpSurface = loadBitmap(resourceId);
	if (!bmpSurface)
		error("GameSys::drawBitmap() Error loading the bitmap");

	if (bmpSurface->format != _backgroundSurface->format
		|| bmpSurface->w != _backgroundSurface->w || bmpSurface->h != _backgroundSurface->h)
		error("GameSys::drawBitmap() Different bitmap properties than current background");

	byte *src = (byte *)bmpSurface->getPixels();
	byte *dst = (byte *)_backgroundSurface->getPixels();
	const int pitch = bmpSurface->pitch;
	int height = bmpSurface->h;
	while (height--) {
		memcpy(dst, src, pitch);
		src += pitch;
		dst += pitch;

	delete bmpSurface;

	insertDirtyRect(Common::Rect(0, 0, 800, 600));

Sequence *GameSys::seqFind(int sequenceId, int id, int *outIndex) {
	for (uint i = 0; i < _seqItems.size(); ++i)
		if (_seqItems[i]._sequenceId == sequenceId && _seqItems[i]._id == id) {
			if (outIndex)
				*outIndex = i;
			return &_seqItems[i];
	return nullptr;

int GameSys::seqLocateGfx(int sequenceId, int id, int *outGfxIndex) {
	for (int i = 0; i < _gfxItemsCount; ++i) {
		GfxItem *gfxItem = &_gfxItems[i];
		if (gfxItem->_sequenceId == sequenceId && gfxItem->_id == id) {
			if (outGfxIndex)
				*outGfxIndex = i;
			return gfxItem->_sequenceId;
		if (gfxItem->_id > id) {
			if (outGfxIndex)
				*outGfxIndex = i;
			return 0;
	if (outGfxIndex)
		*outGfxIndex = _gfxItemsCount;
	return 0;

void GameSys::seqInsertGfx(int index, int duration) {
	Sequence *seqItem = &_seqItems[index];
	SequenceResource *sequenceResource = _vm->_sequenceCache->get(seqItem->_sequenceId);

	if (sequenceResource->_animationsCount > 50 - _gfxItemsCount)

	int gfxIndex;
	seqLocateGfx(seqItem->_sequenceId, seqItem->_id, &gfxIndex);

	if (gfxIndex != _gfxItemsCount)
		memmove(&_gfxItems[gfxIndex + sequenceResource->_animationsCount],	&_gfxItems[gfxIndex], sizeof(GfxItem) * (_gfxItemsCount - gfxIndex));
	_gfxItemsCount += sequenceResource->_animationsCount;

	for (int i = 0; i < sequenceResource->_animationsCount; ++i) {
		GfxItem *gfxItem = &_gfxItems[i + gfxIndex];
		SequenceAnimation *animation = &sequenceResource->_animations[i];

		debugC(kDebugBasic, "GameSys::seqInsertGfx() seqItem->sequenceId: %08X", seqItem->_sequenceId);

		gfxItem->_sequenceId = seqItem->_sequenceId;
		gfxItem->_id = seqItem->_id;
		gfxItem->_animation = animation;
		gfxItem->_currFrameNum = 0;
		gfxItem->_flags = 0;
		gfxItem->_delayTicks = seqItem->_totalDuration + animation->_additionalDelay;
		gfxItem->_updFlag = false;
		gfxItem->_updRectsCount = 0;
		gfxItem->_prevFrame._duration = 0;
		gfxItem->_prevFrame._spriteId = -1;
		gfxItem->_prevFrame._soundId = -1;
		int totalDuration = duration;
		if ((seqItem->_flags & kSeqUnk) && totalDuration > 0) {
			gfxItem->_prevFrame._duration = 1;
			if (gfxItem->_delayTicks <= totalDuration)
				gfxItem->_delayTicks = 0;
				gfxItem->_delayTicks -= totalDuration + 1;
			gfxItem->_updFlag = false;
		} else if (gfxItem->_delayTicks <= totalDuration) {
			int j;
			totalDuration -= gfxItem->_delayTicks;
			gfxItem->_delayTicks = 0;
			for (j = gfxItem->_currFrameNum; j < animation->_framesCount && animation->frames[j]._duration <= totalDuration; ++j) {
				if (animation->frames[j]._soundId != -1)
					_soundIds.push_back((gfxItem->_sequenceId & 0xFFFF0000) | animation->frames[j]._soundId);
				totalDuration -= animation->frames[j]._duration;
			if (animation->_framesCount > j)
				gfxItem->_currFrame = animation->frames[j++];
				gfxItem->_currFrame = animation->frames[j - 1];
			if (gfxItem->_currFrame._spriteId != -1 && (seqItem->_x != 0 || seqItem->_y != 0))
				gfxItem->_currFrame._rect.translate(seqItem->_x, seqItem->_y);
			// Update sprite scaling
			if ((seqItem->_flags & kSeqScale) && gfxItem->_currFrame._rect.bottom >= _backgroundImageValue1 && gfxItem->_currFrame._rect.bottom <= _backgroundImageValue3) {
				int scaleValue = _backgroundImageValue2	+ (gfxItem->_currFrame._rect.bottom - _backgroundImageValue1) *
					(_backgroundImageValue4 - _backgroundImageValue2) /
					(_backgroundImageValue3 - _backgroundImageValue1);
				gfxItem->_currFrame._rect.top = gfxItem->_currFrame._rect.bottom - scaleValue * (gfxItem->_currFrame._rect.bottom - gfxItem->_currFrame._rect.top) / 1000;
				gfxItem->_currFrame._rect.right = scaleValue * (gfxItem->_currFrame._rect.right - gfxItem->_currFrame._rect.left) / 1000 + gfxItem->_currFrame._rect.left;
				gfxItem->_currFrame._isScaled = true;
			gfxItem->_currFrame._duration -= totalDuration;
			if (gfxItem->_currFrame._soundId != -1)
				_soundIds.push_back((gfxItem->_sequenceId & 0xFFFF0000) | gfxItem->_currFrame._soundId);
			gfxItem->_currFrameNum = j;
			gfxItem->_updFlag = true;
		} else {
			gfxItem->_delayTicks -= totalDuration + 1;
			gfxItem->_updFlag = false;

	for (int k = 0; k < kMaxAnimations; ++k) {
		if (_animations[k]._sequenceId != -1 && _animations[k]._sequenceId == seqItem->_sequenceId && _animations[k]._id == seqItem->_id) {
			_animations[k]._status = 1;

void GameSys::seqRemoveGfx(int sequenceId, int id) {
	int gfxIndex;
	if (seqLocateGfx(sequenceId, id, &gfxIndex)) {
		GfxItem *gfxItem = &_gfxItems[gfxIndex];
		while (gfxIndex < _gfxItemsCount && gfxItem->_sequenceId == sequenceId && gfxItem->_id == id) {
			if (gfxItem->_prevFrame._spriteId == -1) {
				if (gfxIndex != _gfxItemsCount)
					memmove(&_gfxItems[gfxIndex], &_gfxItems[gfxIndex + 1], sizeof(GfxItem) * (_gfxItemsCount - gfxIndex));
			} else {
				gfxItem->_sequenceId = -1;
				gfxItem->_animation = nullptr;
				gfxItem->_currFrame._duration = 0;
				gfxItem->_currFrame._spriteId = -1;
				gfxItem->_currFrame._soundId = -1;
				gfxItem->_updFlag = true;
				gfxItem = &_gfxItems[gfxIndex];

bool GameSys::updateSequenceDuration(int sequenceId, int id, int *outDuration) {
	bool found = false;
	int duration = 0x7FFFFFFF;
	for (int i = 0; i < _gfxItemsCount; ++i) {
		GfxItem *gfxItem = &_gfxItems[i];
		if (gfxItem->_sequenceId == sequenceId && gfxItem->_id == id) {
			found = true;
			SequenceAnimation *animation = gfxItem->_animation;
			if (animation) {
				if (gfxItem->_currFrameNum < animation->_framesCount)
					return false;
				if (gfxItem->_updFlag) {
					if (gfxItem->_currFrame._duration > 0)
						return false;
					if (-gfxItem->_currFrame._duration < duration)
						duration = -gfxItem->_currFrame._duration;
				} else {
					if (gfxItem->_prevFrame._duration > 0)
						return false;
					if (-gfxItem->_prevFrame._duration < duration)
						duration = -gfxItem->_prevFrame._duration;
	if (found)
		*outDuration = duration;
	return found;

void GameSys::updateAnimationsStatus(int sequenceId, int id) {
	Animation *foundAnimation = nullptr;
	for (int animationIndex = 0; animationIndex < kMaxAnimations; ++animationIndex) {
		Animation *animation = &_animations[animationIndex];
		if (animation->_sequenceId != -1 && animation->_sequenceId == sequenceId && animation->_id == id) {
			foundAnimation = animation;

	if (!foundAnimation)

	bool foundSequence = false;
	for (int i = 0; i < _gfxItemsCount; ++i) {
		GfxItem *gfxItem = &_gfxItems[i];
		SequenceAnimation *animation = gfxItem->_animation;
		if (gfxItem->_sequenceId == sequenceId && gfxItem->_id == id && animation) {
			foundSequence = true;
			if (animation->_framesCount > gfxItem->_currFrameNum ||
				(gfxItem->_updFlag && gfxItem->_currFrame._duration > 1) ||
				gfxItem->_prevFrame._duration > 1)
				foundSequence = false;

	if (foundSequence) {
		foundAnimation->_sequenceId = -1;
		foundAnimation->_status = 2;

void GameSys::restoreBackgroundRect(const Common::Rect &rect) {
	Common::Rect clipRect;
	if (!intersectRect(clipRect, rect, _screenRect))
	byte *src = (byte *)_backgroundSurface->getBasePtr(clipRect.left, clipRect.top);
	byte *dst = (byte *)_frontSurface->getBasePtr(clipRect.left, clipRect.top);
	const int bytes = _backgroundSurface->format.bytesPerPixel * clipRect.width();
	int height = clipRect.height();
	while (height--) {
		memcpy(dst, src, bytes);
		src += _backgroundSurface->pitch;
		dst += _frontSurface->pitch;

void GameSys::blitSurface32(Graphics::Surface *destSurface, int x, int y, Graphics::Surface *sourceSurface,
	Common::Rect &sourceRect, bool transparent) {

	const int sourcePitch = sourceSurface->pitch;
	byte *dst = (byte *)destSurface->getBasePtr(x, y);
	byte *src = (byte *)sourceSurface->getBasePtr(sourceRect.left, sourceRect.top);
	int width = sourceRect.width();
	int height = sourceRect.height();
	while (height--) {
		byte *rsrc = src;
		byte *rdst = dst;
		for (int xc = 0; xc < width; ++xc) {
			uint32 pixel = READ_UINT32(rsrc);
			if (!transparent || pixel != 0xFFFFFF00)
				WRITE_UINT32(rdst, pixel);
			rsrc += 4;
			rdst += 4;
		dst += destSurface->pitch;
		src += sourcePitch;

void GameSys::blitSprite32(Graphics::Surface *destSurface, int x, int y, byte *sourcePixels,
	int sourceWidth, Common::Rect &sourceRect, uint32 *sourcePalette, bool transparent) {

	const int sourcePitch = (sourceWidth + 3) & 0xFFFFFFFC;
	byte *dst = (byte *)destSurface->getBasePtr(x, y);
	byte *src = sourcePixels + sourceRect.left + sourcePitch * sourceRect.top;
	int width = sourceRect.width();
	int height = sourceRect.height();
	while (height--) {
		byte *rdst = dst;
		for (int xc = 0; xc < width; ++xc) {
			byte srcPixel = src[xc];
			if (!transparent || srcPixel) {
				uint32 rgb = sourcePalette[srcPixel];
				rdst[0] = 0xFF;
				rdst[1] = rgb & 0x000000FF;
				rdst[2] = (rgb & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
				rdst[3] = (rgb & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
			rdst += 4;
		dst += destSurface->pitch;
		src += sourcePitch;

void GameSys::blitSpriteScaled32(Graphics::Surface *destSurface, Common::Rect &frameRect,
	Common::Rect &destRect, byte *sourcePixels, int sourceWidth, Common::Rect &sourceRect, uint32 *sourcePalette) {

	if (frameRect.height() <= 0 || frameRect.width() <= 0)

	const int ys = ((sourceRect.bottom - sourceRect.top - 1) << 16) / (frameRect.bottom - frameRect.top - 1);
	const int xs = ((sourceRect.right - sourceRect.left - 1) << 16) / (frameRect.right - frameRect.left - 1);
	const int destPitch = destSurface->pitch;
	const int sourcePitch = (sourceWidth + 3) & 0xFFFFFFFC;

	if (!frameRect.equals(destRect)) {
		byte *dst = (byte *)destSurface->getBasePtr(destRect.left, destRect.top);
		byte *src = sourcePixels + sourcePitch * sourceRect.top + sourceRect.left;
		const int height = destRect.bottom - destRect.top;
		const int width = destRect.right - destRect.left;
		int yi = ys * (destRect.top - frameRect.top);
		byte *hsrc = src + sourcePitch * ((yi + 0x8000) >> 16);
		for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
			byte *wdst = dst;
			int xi = xs * (destRect.left - frameRect.left);
			byte *wsrc = hsrc + ((xi + 0x8000) >> 16);
			for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
				byte srcPixel = *wsrc;
				if (srcPixel) {
					uint32 rgb = sourcePalette[srcPixel];
					wdst[0] = 0xFF;
					wdst[1] = rgb & 0x000000FF;
					wdst[2] = (rgb & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
					wdst[3] = (rgb & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
				wdst += 4;
				xi += xs;
				wsrc = hsrc + ((xi + 0x8000) >> 16);
			dst += destPitch;
			yi += ys;
			hsrc = src + sourcePitch * ((yi + 0x8000) >> 16);
	} else {
		byte *dst = (byte *)destSurface->getBasePtr(frameRect.left, frameRect.top);
		byte *src = sourcePixels + sourcePitch * sourceRect.top + sourceRect.left;
		const int height = frameRect.bottom - frameRect.top;
		const int width = frameRect.right - frameRect.left;
		byte *hsrc = sourcePixels + sourcePitch * sourceRect.top + sourceRect.left;
		int yi = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
			byte *wdst = dst;
			byte *wsrc = hsrc;
			int xi = 0;
			for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
				byte srcPixel = *wsrc;
				if (srcPixel) {
					uint32 rgb = sourcePalette[srcPixel];
					wdst[0] = 0xFF;
					wdst[1] = rgb & 0x000000FF;
					wdst[2] = (rgb & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
					wdst[3] = (rgb & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
				wdst += 4;
				xi += xs;
				wsrc = hsrc + ((xi + 0x8000) >> 16);
			dst += destPitch;
			yi += ys;
			hsrc = src + sourcePitch * ((yi + 0x8000) >> 16);


void GameSys::seqDrawStaticFrame(Graphics::Surface *surface, SequenceFrame &frame, Common::Rect *subRect) {
	debugC(kDebugBasic, "GameSys::seqDrawStaticFrame() rect: (%d, %d, %d, %d)",
		frame._rect.left, frame._rect.top, frame._rect.right, frame._rect.bottom);

	Common::Rect srcRect = subRect ? *subRect : frame._rect;
	Common::Rect clipRect;

	if (!intersectRect(clipRect, srcRect, _screenRect)) {
		debugC(kDebugBasic, "GameSys::seqDrawStaticFrame() Surface not inside screen");

	const int x = clipRect.left, y = clipRect.top;

	clipRect.translate(-frame._rect.left, -frame._rect.top);

	// TODO Save transparent flag somewhere
	blitSurface32(_frontSurface, x, y, surface, clipRect, true);

void GameSys::seqDrawSpriteFrame(SpriteResource *spriteResource, SequenceFrame &frame, Common::Rect *subRect) {
	debugC(kDebugBasic, "GameSys::seqDrawSpriteFrame() spriteId: %04X; rect: (%d, %d, %d, %d)",
		frame._spriteId, frame._rect.left, frame._rect.top, frame._rect.right, frame._rect.bottom);

	Common::Rect srcRect = subRect ? *subRect : frame._rect;
	Common::Rect clipRect;

	if (!intersectRect(clipRect, srcRect, _screenRect)) {
		debugC(kDebugBasic, "GameSys::seqDrawSpriteFrame() Sprite not inside screen");

	uint32 *sourcePalette = spriteResource->_palette;
	byte *sourcePixels = spriteResource->_pixels;

	const int x = clipRect.left, y = clipRect.top;

	debugC(kDebugBasic, "GameSys::seqDrawSpriteFrame() destX: %d; destY: %d; frame.isScaled: %d", x, y, frame._isScaled ? 1 : 0);

	// 32bit sprite drawing
	if (frame._isScaled) {
		Common::Rect sourceRect(0, 0, spriteResource->_width, spriteResource->_height);
		blitSpriteScaled32(_frontSurface,	frame._rect, clipRect, sourcePixels, spriteResource->_width, sourceRect, sourcePalette);
	} else {
		clipRect.translate(-frame._rect.left, -frame._rect.top);
		blitSprite32(_frontSurface, x, y, sourcePixels, spriteResource->_width, clipRect, sourcePalette, true);

void GameSys::drawSprites() {
	debugC(kDebugBasic, "GameSys::drawSprites() _gfxItemsCount: %d", _gfxItemsCount);

	// Restore dirty background and collect rects to be redrawn for all sprites
	// which aren't marked to be redrawn yet
	Common::Rect intersectingRect;
	for (uint i = 0; i < _dirtyRects.size(); ++i) {
		for (int j = 0; j < _gfxItemsCount; ++j)

	for (int k = 0; k < _gfxItemsCount; ++k) {
		GfxItem *gfxItem2 = &_gfxItems[k];

		if (!gfxItem2->_updFlag)

		if (gfxItem2->_prevFrame._spriteId != -1) {
			bool transparent = false;
			if (gfxItem2->_currFrame._spriteId != -1) {
				if (gfxItem2->_flags) {
					transparent = true;
				} else {
					int resourceId = (gfxItem2->_sequenceId & 0xFFFF0000) | gfxItem2->_currFrame._spriteId;
					SpriteResource *spriteResource = _vm->_spriteCache->get(resourceId);
					transparent = spriteResource->_transparent;
			if (gfxItem2->_currFrame._spriteId == -1 || !gfxItem2->_prevFrame._rect.equals(gfxItem2->_currFrame._rect) || !transparent) {
				for (int l = 0; l < _gfxItemsCount; ++l)

		if (gfxItem2->_currFrame._spriteId != -1) {
			bool transparent = false;
			if (gfxItem2->_flags) {
				transparent = true;
			} else {
				int resourceId = (gfxItem2->_sequenceId & 0xFFFF0000) | gfxItem2->_currFrame._spriteId;
				SpriteResource *spriteResource = _vm->_spriteCache->get(resourceId);
				transparent = spriteResource->_transparent;
			if (gfxItem2->_prevFrame._spriteId == -1 || !gfxItem2->_prevFrame._rect.equals(gfxItem2->_currFrame._rect) || transparent) {
				for (int l = k; l < _gfxItemsCount; ++l)

	for (int m = 0; m < _gfxItemsCount; ++m) {
		GfxItem *gfxItem5 = &_gfxItems[m];

		debugC(kDebugBasic, "DrawGfxItem(%d) updFlag: %d; currFrame.spriteId: %04X; updRectsCount: %d; flags: %04X; sequenceId: %08X",
			m, gfxItem5->_updFlag, gfxItem5->_currFrame._spriteId, gfxItem5->_updRectsCount, gfxItem5->_flags, gfxItem5->_sequenceId);

		if (gfxItem5->_updFlag) {
			if (gfxItem5->_currFrame._spriteId != -1) {
				if (gfxItem5->_flags) {
					seqDrawStaticFrame(gfxItem5->_surface, gfxItem5->_currFrame, nullptr);
				} else {
					int resourceId = (gfxItem5->_sequenceId & 0xFFFF0000) | gfxItem5->_currFrame._spriteId;
					SpriteResource *spriteResource = _vm->_spriteCache->get(resourceId);
					seqDrawSpriteFrame(spriteResource, gfxItem5->_currFrame, nullptr);
		} else if (gfxItem5->_updRectsCount > 0) {
			if (gfxItem5->_flags) {
				for (int n = 0; n < gfxItem5->_updRectsCount; ++n)
					seqDrawStaticFrame(gfxItem5->_surface, gfxItem5->_prevFrame, &gfxItem5->_updRects[n]);
			} else {
				int resourceId = (gfxItem5->_sequenceId & 0xFFFF0000) | gfxItem5->_prevFrame._spriteId;
				SpriteResource *spriteResource = _vm->_spriteCache->get(resourceId);
				for (int n = 0; n < gfxItem5->_updRectsCount; ++n)
					seqDrawSpriteFrame(spriteResource, gfxItem5->_prevFrame, &gfxItem5->_updRects[n]);

	debugC(kDebugBasic, "GameSys::drawSprites() OK");

void GameSys::updateRect(const Common::Rect &r) {
	debugC(kDebugBasic, "GameSys::updateRect() %d, %d, %d, %d [%d, %d]", r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, r.width(), r.height());
	if (r.width() > 0 && r.height() > 0) {
		byte *pixels = (byte *)_frontSurface->getBasePtr(r.left, r.top);
		_vm->_system->copyRectToScreen(pixels, _frontSurface->pitch, r.left, r.top,
			r.width(), r.height());

void GameSys::updateScreen() {
	debugC(kDebugBasic, "GameSys::updateScreen()");

	for (uint i = 0; i < _dirtyRects.size(); ++i)

	if (_dirtyRects.size() > 0) {
		_lastUpdateClock = 0;
		_gameSysClock = 0;

	Common::Rect dstRect, srcRect, rcSrc2;

	for (int j = 0; j < _gfxItemsCount; ++j) {

		GfxItem *gfxItem = &_gfxItems[j];

		if (!gfxItem->_updFlag)

		if (gfxItem->_prevFrame._spriteId == -1 ||
			!intersectRect(srcRect, _screenRect, gfxItem->_prevFrame._rect)) {
			if (gfxItem->_currFrame._spriteId != -1 && intersectRect(rcSrc2, _screenRect, gfxItem->_currFrame._rect))
		} else if (gfxItem->_currFrame._spriteId != -1 &&
			intersectRect(rcSrc2, _screenRect, gfxItem->_currFrame._rect)) {
		gfxItem->_prevFrame = gfxItem->_currFrame;

	updateRect(Common::Rect(0, 0, 800, 600));

	debugC(kDebugBasic, "GameSys::updateScreen() OK");

void GameSys::handleReqRemoveSequenceItem() {
	if (_reqRemoveSequenceItem) {
		int gfxIndex2;
		_reqRemoveSequenceItem = false;
		if (seqFind(_removeSequenceItemSequenceId, _removeSequenceItemValue, &gfxIndex2))
		if (seqLocateGfx(_removeSequenceItemSequenceId, _removeSequenceItemValue, &gfxIndex2)) {
			int gfxIndex2a = gfxIndex2;
			for (GfxItem *gfxItem = &_gfxItems[gfxIndex2a];
				gfxIndex2a < _gfxItemsCount && gfxItem->_sequenceId == _removeSequenceItemSequenceId && gfxItem->_id == _removeSequenceItemValue;
				gfxItem = &_gfxItems[gfxIndex2a])
			_gfxItemsCount -= gfxIndex2a - gfxIndex2;
			if (_gfxItemsCount != gfxIndex2)
				memmove(&_gfxItems[gfxIndex2], &_gfxItems[gfxIndex2a], sizeof(GfxItem) * (_gfxItemsCount - gfxIndex2));

void GameSys::handleReqRemoveSequenceItems() {
	if (_removeSequenceItemsCount > 0) {
		for (int i = 0; i < _removeSequenceItemsCount; ++i) {
			int gfxIndex;
			if (seqFind(_removeSequenceItems[i]._sequenceId, _removeSequenceItems[i]._id, &gfxIndex))
			seqLocateGfx(_removeSequenceItems[i]._sequenceId, _removeSequenceItems[i]._id, &gfxIndex);
			for (GfxItem *gfxItem = &_gfxItems[gfxIndex];
				gfxIndex < _gfxItemsCount && gfxItem->_sequenceId == _removeSequenceItems[i]._sequenceId && gfxItem->_id == _removeSequenceItems[i]._id;
				gfxItem = &_gfxItems[gfxIndex]) {
				gfxItem->_sequenceId = -1;
				gfxItem->_animation = nullptr;
				if (_removeSequenceItems[i]._forceFrameReset) {
					gfxItem->_currFrame._duration = 0;
					gfxItem->_currFrame._spriteId = -1;
					gfxItem->_currFrame._soundId = -1;
					gfxItem->_updFlag = true;
				} else {
					gfxItem->_updFlag = false;
		_removeSequenceItemsCount = 0;

void GameSys::handleReqRemoveSpriteDrawItems() {
	if (_removeSpriteDrawItemsCount > 0) {
		for (int j = 0; j < _removeSpriteDrawItemsCount; ++j) {
			for (int i = 0; i < _gfxItemsCount; ++i) {
				GfxItem *gfxItem = &_gfxItems[i];
				if (gfxItem->_sequenceId == -1 && !gfxItem->_animation && gfxItem->_flags
				 && gfxItem->_id == _removeSpriteDrawItems[j]._id && _removeSpriteDrawItems[j]._surface == gfxItem->_surface) {
					gfxItem->_flags = 0;
					gfxItem->_currFrame._duration = 0;
					gfxItem->_currFrame._spriteId = -1;
					gfxItem->_currFrame._soundId = -1;
					gfxItem->_updFlag = true;
		_removeSpriteDrawItemsCount = 0;

void GameSys::fatUpdateFrame() {
	debugC(kDebugBasic, "GameSys::fatUpdateFrame()");

	int32 clockDelta = _gameSysClock - _lastUpdateClock;
	_lastUpdateClock = _gameSysClock;

	debugC(kDebugBasic, "GameSys::fatUpdateFrame() clockDelta: %d", clockDelta);

	if (clockDelta <= 0)

	_animationsDone = true;

	int duration, currFrameNum;

	for (int i = 0; i < _gfxItemsCount; ++i) {
		GfxItem *gfxItem = &_gfxItems[i];
		SequenceAnimation *animation = gfxItem->_animation;
		if ((gfxItem->_sequenceId != -1 && animation) || gfxItem->_prevFrame._spriteId != -1 || gfxItem->_prevFrame._duration > 0) {
			if (gfxItem->_sequenceId != -1 && !gfxItem->_updFlag) {
				Sequence *seqItem = seqFind(gfxItem->_sequenceId, gfxItem->_id, nullptr);
				if (!animation) {
					gfxItem->_sequenceId = -1;
					gfxItem->_animation = nullptr;
					gfxItem->_currFrame._duration = 0;
					gfxItem->_currFrame._spriteId = -1;
					gfxItem->_currFrame._soundId = -1;
					gfxItem->_updFlag = true;
				} else if (!seqItem) {
					gfxItem->_animation = nullptr;
					gfxItem->_currFrame._duration = 0;
					gfxItem->_currFrame._spriteId = -1;
					gfxItem->_currFrame._soundId = -1;
					gfxItem->_updFlag = true;
				} else if ((seqItem->_flags & kSeqUnk) && clockDelta > 1) {
					if (gfxItem->_delayTicks < clockDelta) {
						duration = clockDelta - gfxItem->_delayTicks;
						gfxItem->_delayTicks = 0;
						if (gfxItem->_prevFrame._duration <= duration)
							gfxItem->_prevFrame._duration = 1;
							gfxItem->_prevFrame._duration -= duration;
					} else {
						gfxItem->_delayTicks -= clockDelta;
					gfxItem->_updFlag = false;
				} else if (gfxItem->_delayTicks < clockDelta) {
					duration = clockDelta - gfxItem->_delayTicks;
					gfxItem->_delayTicks = 0;
					if (gfxItem->_prevFrame._duration <= duration) {
						bool v20 = false;
						if (gfxItem->_prevFrame._duration > 0) {
							duration -= gfxItem->_prevFrame._duration;
							gfxItem->_prevFrame._duration = -duration;
						} else {
							gfxItem->_prevFrame._duration = 0;
							v20 = true;
						currFrameNum = gfxItem->_currFrameNum;
						if (animation->_framesCount > currFrameNum) {
							while (animation->_framesCount > currFrameNum
								&& animation->frames[currFrameNum]._duration <= duration) {
								if (animation->frames[currFrameNum]._soundId != -1)
									_soundIds.push_back((gfxItem->_sequenceId & 0xFFFF0000) | animation->frames[currFrameNum]._soundId);
								duration -= animation->frames[currFrameNum]._duration;
							if (animation->_framesCount > currFrameNum)
								gfxItem->_currFrame = animation->frames[currFrameNum++];
								gfxItem->_currFrame = animation->frames[currFrameNum - 1];
							if (gfxItem->_currFrame._spriteId != -1 && (seqItem->_x != 0 || seqItem->_y != 0))
								gfxItem->_currFrame._rect.translate(seqItem->_x, seqItem->_y);
							// Update sprite scaling
							if ((seqItem->_flags & kSeqScale) && gfxItem->_currFrame._rect.bottom >= _backgroundImageValue1 && gfxItem->_currFrame._rect.bottom <= _backgroundImageValue3) {
								int v17 = _backgroundImageValue2 + (gfxItem->_currFrame._rect.bottom - _backgroundImageValue1) *
									(_backgroundImageValue4 - _backgroundImageValue2) /
									(_backgroundImageValue3 - _backgroundImageValue1);
								gfxItem->_currFrame._rect.top = gfxItem->_currFrame._rect.bottom - v17 * (gfxItem->_currFrame._rect.bottom - gfxItem->_currFrame._rect.top) / 1000;
								gfxItem->_currFrame._rect.right = v17 * (gfxItem->_currFrame._rect.right - gfxItem->_currFrame._rect.left) / 1000 + gfxItem->_currFrame._rect.left;
								gfxItem->_currFrame._isScaled = true;
							gfxItem->_currFrame._duration -= duration;
							if (gfxItem->_currFrame._soundId != -1)
								_soundIds.push_back((gfxItem->_sequenceId & 0xFFFF0000) | gfxItem->_currFrame._soundId);
							gfxItem->_currFrameNum = currFrameNum;
							gfxItem->_updFlag = true;
						} else if (v20 && gfxItem->_prevFrame._spriteId == -1) {
							if (_gfxItemsCount != i)
								memmove(&_gfxItems[i], &_gfxItems[i + 1], sizeof(GfxItem) * (_gfxItemsCount - i));
						} else {
							gfxItem->_updFlag = false;
					} else {
						gfxItem->_prevFrame._duration -= duration;
						gfxItem->_updFlag = false;
						_animationsDone = false;
				} else {
					gfxItem->_delayTicks -= clockDelta;
					gfxItem->_updFlag = false;
					_animationsDone = false;
		} else {
			if (_gfxItemsCount != i)
				memmove(&_gfxItems[i], &_gfxItems[i + 1], sizeof(GfxItem) * (_gfxItemsCount - i));

	if (_newSpriteDrawItemsCount > 0) {
		debugC(kDebugBasic, "_newSpriteDrawItemsCount: %d", _newSpriteDrawItemsCount);
		for (int k = 0; k < _newSpriteDrawItemsCount; ++k) {
			// The original was allowing a buffer overflow.
			// In order to fit in memory, insertIndex + 1 + (_gfxItemsCount - InsertIndex) must be
			// smaller than the size _gfxItems array (50).
			if (_gfxItemsCount + 1 < 50) {
				int insertIndex;
				seqLocateGfx(-1, _newSpriteDrawItems[k]._id, &insertIndex);
				if (_gfxItemsCount != insertIndex)
					memmove(&_gfxItems[insertIndex + 1], &_gfxItems[insertIndex], sizeof(GfxItem) * (_gfxItemsCount - insertIndex));
				GfxItem *gfxItem = &_gfxItems[insertIndex];
				gfxItem->_sequenceId = -1;
				gfxItem->_id = _newSpriteDrawItems[k]._id;
				gfxItem->_animation = nullptr;
				gfxItem->_currFrameNum = 0;
				gfxItem->_flags = 1;
				gfxItem->_delayTicks = 0;
				gfxItem->_updFlag = true;
				gfxItem->_updRectsCount = 0;
				gfxItem->_surface = _newSpriteDrawItems[k]._surface;
				gfxItem->_prevFrame._duration = 0;
				gfxItem->_prevFrame._spriteId = -1;
				gfxItem->_prevFrame._soundId = -1;
				gfxItem->_currFrame._duration = 0;
				gfxItem->_currFrame._isScaled = false;
				gfxItem->_currFrame._rect = _newSpriteDrawItems[k]._rect;
				gfxItem->_currFrame._spriteId = _newSpriteDrawItems[k]._surface ? (int32)0xCAFEBABE : -1;// TODO
				gfxItem->_currFrame._soundId = -1;
				_animationsDone = false;
		_newSpriteDrawItemsCount = 0;

	if (_grabSpriteChanged) {
		for (int i = 0; i < _gfxItemsCount; ++i) {
			GfxItem *gfxItem = &_gfxItems[i];
			if (gfxItem->_sequenceId == -1 && !gfxItem->_animation && gfxItem->_flags
			 && gfxItem->_id == _grabSpriteId && gfxItem->_surface == _grabSpriteSurface1) {
				gfxItem->_currFrame._duration = 0;
				gfxItem->_currFrame._isScaled = false;
				gfxItem->_currFrame._rect = _grabSpriteRect;
				gfxItem->_currFrame._spriteId = _grabSpriteSurface2 ? 1 : -1;// TODO
				gfxItem->_currFrame._soundId = -1;
				gfxItem->_updFlag = true;
				gfxItem->_surface = _grabSpriteSurface2;
				_animationsDone = false;
		_grabSpriteChanged = false;

	debugC(kDebugBasic, "GameSys::fatUpdateFrame() _fatSequenceItems.size(): %d", _fatSequenceItems.size());

	for (uint i = 0; i < _fatSequenceItems.size(); ++i) {
		Sequence *seqItem = &_fatSequenceItems[i];
		if (((seqItem->_flags & kSeqSyncWait) || (seqItem->_flags & kSeqSyncExists)) && seqItem->_sequenceId2 != -1) {
			duration = 0;
			if (((seqItem->_flags & kSeqSyncExists) && seqLocateGfx(seqItem->_sequenceId2, seqItem->_id2, nullptr)) ||
				updateSequenceDuration(seqItem->_sequenceId2, seqItem->_id2, &duration)) {
				int index = -1;
				bool found = false;
				if (seqItem->_sequenceId2 == seqItem->_sequenceId	&& seqItem->_id == seqItem->_id2	&&
					seqFind(seqItem->_sequenceId, seqItem->_id, &index)) {
					_seqItems[index] = *seqItem;
					found = true;
				} else if (_seqItems.size() < 50) {
					index = _seqItems.size();
					found = true;
				if (found) {
					_animationsDone = false;
					seqRemoveGfx(seqItem->_sequenceId2, seqItem->_id2);
					seqRemoveGfx(seqItem->_sequenceId, seqItem->_id);
					seqInsertGfx(index, duration);
		} else {
			if (seqItem->_totalDuration < clockDelta) {
				int index;
				bool found = false;
				duration = clockDelta - seqItem->_totalDuration;
				seqItem->_totalDuration = 0;
				if (seqFind(seqItem->_sequenceId, seqItem->_id, &index)) {
					_seqItems[index] = *seqItem;
					found = true;
				} else if (_seqItems.size() < 50) {
					index = _seqItems.size();
					found = true;
				if (found) {
					_animationsDone = false;
					seqRemoveGfx(seqItem->_sequenceId, seqItem->_id);
					seqInsertGfx(index, duration - 1);
			} else {
				seqItem->_totalDuration -= clockDelta;

	debugC(kDebugBasic, "GameSys::fatUpdateFrame() _seqItems.size(): %d", _seqItems.size());

	for (uint i = 0; i < _seqItems.size(); ++i) {
		Sequence *seqItem = &_seqItems[i];
		if (seqLocateGfx(seqItem->_sequenceId, seqItem->_id, nullptr)) {
			updateAnimationsStatus(seqItem->_sequenceId, seqItem->_id);
			if (seqItem->_flags & kSeqLoop) {
				int gfxDuration;
				if (updateSequenceDuration(seqItem->_sequenceId, seqItem->_id, &gfxDuration)) {
					seqRemoveGfx(seqItem->_sequenceId, seqItem->_id);
					seqInsertGfx(i, gfxDuration);
				_animationsDone = false;
		} else {

void GameSys::fatUpdate() {
	debugC(kDebugBasic, "GameSys::fatUpdate() _gfxItemsCount: %d", _gfxItemsCount);

	for (int i = 0; i < _gfxItemsCount; ++i) {
		_gfxItems[i]._updFlag = false;
		_gfxItems[i]._updRectsCount = 0;



void GameSys::updatePlaySounds() {
	for (uint i = 0; i < _soundIds.size(); ++i)
		_vm->playSound(_soundIds[i], false);

bool intersectRect(Common::Rect &intersectingRect, const Common::Rect &r1, const Common::Rect &r2) {
	if (r1.intersects(r2)) {
		intersectingRect = r1.findIntersectingRect(r2);
		return true;
	} else
		return false;

} // End of namespace Gnap