/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2004 Ivan Dubrov * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ #include "common/stdafx.h" #include "common/endian.h" #include "gob/gob.h" #include "gob/global.h" #include "gob/game.h" #include "gob/video.h" #include "gob/dataio.h" #include "gob/pack.h" #include "gob/scenery.h" #include "gob/inter.h" #include "gob/parse.h" #include "gob/draw.h" #include "gob/mult.h" #include "gob/util.h" #include "gob/goblin.h" #include "gob/cdrom.h" #include "gob/music.h" namespace Gob { Game_v2::Game_v2(GobEngine *vm) : Game_v1(vm) { } void Game_v2::playTot(int16 skipPlay) { char savedTotName[20]; int16 *oldCaptureCounter; int16 *oldBreakFrom; int16 *oldNestLevel; int16 _captureCounter; int16 breakFrom; int16 nestLevel; char needTextFree; char needFreeResTable; char *curPtr; int32 variablesCount; char *filePtr; char *savedIP; int16 i; oldNestLevel = _vm->_inter->_nestLevel; oldBreakFrom = _vm->_inter->_breakFromLevel; oldCaptureCounter = _vm->_scenery->_pCaptureCounter; savedIP = _vm->_global->_inter_execPtr; _vm->_inter->_nestLevel = &nestLevel; _vm->_inter->_breakFromLevel = &breakFrom; _vm->_scenery->_pCaptureCounter = &_captureCounter; strcpy(savedTotName, _curTotFile); if (skipPlay == 0) { while (1) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { _vm->_draw->_fontToSprite[i].sprite = -1; _vm->_draw->_fontToSprite[i].base = -1; _vm->_draw->_fontToSprite[i].width = -1; _vm->_draw->_fontToSprite[i].height = -1; } if(_vm->_features & GF_MAC) _vm->_music->stopPlay(); else _vm->_cdrom->stopPlaying(); _vm->_draw->animateCursor(4); _vm->_inter->initControlVars(); _vm->_mult->initAll(); _vm->_mult->zeroMultData(); for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) _vm->_draw->_spritesArray[i] = 0; _vm->_draw->_spritesArray[20] = _vm->_draw->_frontSurface; _vm->_draw->_spritesArray[21] = _vm->_draw->_backSurface; _vm->_draw->_spritesArray[23] = _vm->_draw->_cursorSprites; for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) _soundSamples[i] = 0; _totTextData = 0; _totResourceTable = 0; _imFileData = 0; _extTable = 0; _extHandle = -1; needFreeResTable = 1; needTextFree = 1; _totToLoad[0] = 0; if (_curTotFile[0] == 0 && _totFileData == 0) break; loadTotFile(_curTotFile); if (_totFileData == 0) { _vm->_draw->blitCursor(); break; } strcpy(_curImaFile, _curTotFile); strcpy(_curExtFile, _curTotFile); _curImaFile[strlen(_curImaFile) - 4] = 0; strcat(_curImaFile, ".ima"); _curExtFile[strlen(_curExtFile) - 4] = 0; strcat(_curExtFile, ".ext"); debugC(4, DEBUG_FILEIO, "IMA: %s", _curImaFile); debugC(4, DEBUG_FILEIO, "EXT: %s", _curExtFile); filePtr = (char *)_totFileData + 0x30; if (READ_LE_UINT32(filePtr) != (uint32)-1) { curPtr = _totFileData; if (READ_LE_UINT32(filePtr) == 0) _totTextData = (TotTextTable *) loadLocTexts(); else _totTextData = (TotTextTable *) (curPtr + READ_LE_UINT32((char *)_totFileData + 0x30)); if (_totTextData != 0) { _totTextData->itemsCount = (int16)READ_LE_UINT16(&_totTextData->itemsCount); for (i = 0; i < _totTextData->itemsCount; ++i) { _totTextData->items[i].offset = (int16)READ_LE_UINT16(&_totTextData->items[i].offset); _totTextData->items[i].size = (int16)READ_LE_UINT16(&_totTextData->items[i].size); } } needTextFree = 0; } filePtr = (char *)_totFileData + 0x34; if (READ_LE_UINT32(filePtr) != (uint32)-1) { curPtr = _totFileData; _totResourceTable = (TotResTable *)(curPtr + READ_LE_UINT32((char *)_totFileData + 0x34)); _totResourceTable->itemsCount = (int16)READ_LE_UINT16(&_totResourceTable->itemsCount); for (i = 0; i < _totResourceTable->itemsCount; ++i) { _totResourceTable->items[i].offset = (int32)READ_LE_UINT32(&_totResourceTable->items[i].offset); _totResourceTable->items[i].size = (int16)READ_LE_UINT16(&_totResourceTable->items[i].size); _totResourceTable->items[i].width = (int16)READ_LE_UINT16(&_totResourceTable->items[i].width); _totResourceTable->items[i].height = (int16)READ_LE_UINT16(&_totResourceTable->items[i].height); } needFreeResTable = 0; } loadImFile(); loadExtTable(); _vm->_global->_inter_animDataSize = READ_LE_UINT16((char *)_totFileData + 0x38); if (_vm->_global->_inter_variables == 0) { variablesCount = READ_LE_UINT32((char *)_totFileData + 0x2c); _vm->_global->_inter_variables = new char[variablesCount * 4]; for (i = 0; i < variablesCount; i++) WRITE_VAR(i, 0); } _vm->_global->_inter_execPtr = (char *)_totFileData; _vm->_global->_inter_execPtr += READ_LE_UINT32((char *)_totFileData + 0x64); _vm->_inter->renewTimeInVars(); WRITE_VAR(13, _vm->_global->_useMouse); WRITE_VAR(14, _vm->_global->_soundFlags); WRITE_VAR(15, _vm->_global->_videoMode); WRITE_VAR(16, _vm->_global->_language); _vm->_inter->callSub(2); if (_totToLoad[0] != 0) _vm->_inter->_terminate = false; variablesCount = READ_LE_UINT32((char *)_totFileData + 0x2c); _vm->_draw->blitInvalidated(); delete[] _totFileData; _totFileData = 0; if (needTextFree) delete[] _totTextData; _totTextData = 0; if (needFreeResTable) delete[] _totResourceTable; _totResourceTable = 0; delete[] _imFileData; _imFileData = 0; if (_extTable) delete[] _extTable->items; delete _extTable; _extTable = 0; if (_extHandle >= 0) _vm->_dataio->closeData(_extHandle); _extHandle = -1; for (i = 0; i < *_vm->_scenery->_pCaptureCounter; i++) capturePop(0); _vm->_mult->checkFreeMult(); _vm->_mult->freeAll(); for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { if (_vm->_draw->_spritesArray[i] != 0) _vm->_video->freeSurfDesc(_vm->_draw->_spritesArray[i]); _vm->_draw->_spritesArray[i] = 0; } _vm->_snd->stopSound(0); for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) freeSoundSlot(i); if (_totToLoad[0] == 0) break; strcpy(_curTotFile, _totToLoad); } } strcpy(_curTotFile, savedTotName); _vm->_inter->_nestLevel = oldNestLevel; _vm->_inter->_breakFromLevel = oldBreakFrom; _vm->_scenery->_pCaptureCounter = oldCaptureCounter; _vm->_global->_inter_execPtr = savedIP; } void Game_v2::clearCollisions() { int16 i; _lastCollKey = 0; for (i = 0; i < 250; i++) { _collisionAreas[i].id = 0; _collisionAreas[i].left = -1; } } void Game_v2::addNewCollision(int16 id, int16 left, int16 top, int16 right, int16 bottom, int16 flags, int16 key, int16 funcEnter, int16 funcLeave) { int16 i; Collision *ptr; debugC(5, DEBUG_COLLISIONS, "addNewCollision"); debugC(5, DEBUG_COLLISIONS, "id = %x", id); debugC(5, DEBUG_COLLISIONS, "left = %d, top = %d, right = %d, bottom = %d", left, top, right, bottom); debugC(5, DEBUG_COLLISIONS, "flags = %x, key = %x", flags, key); debugC(5, DEBUG_COLLISIONS, "funcEnter = %d, funcLeave = %d", funcEnter, funcLeave); for (i = 0; i < 250; i++) { if ((_collisionAreas[i].left != -1) && (_collisionAreas[i].id != id)) continue; ptr = &_collisionAreas[i]; ptr->id = id; ptr->left = left; ptr->top = top; ptr->right = right; ptr->bottom = bottom; ptr->flags = flags; ptr->key = key; ptr->funcEnter = funcEnter; ptr->funcLeave = funcLeave; ptr->field_12 = 0; return; } error("addNewCollision: Collision array full!\n"); } } // End of namespace Gob