/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
 * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
 * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
 * file distributed with this source distribution.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.

 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "common/endian.h"
#include "common/str.h"
#include "common/translation.h"

#include "gui/message.h"

#include "gob/gob.h"
#include "gob/inter.h"
#include "gob/dataio.h"
#include "gob/script.h"
#include "gob/resources.h"
#include "gob/game.h"
#include "gob/draw.h"
#include "gob/video.h"
#include "gob/cheater.h"
#include "gob/save/saveload.h"
#include "gob/sound/sound.h"
#include "gob/sound/sounddesc.h"

#include "gob/minigames/geisha/diving.h"
#include "gob/minigames/geisha/penetration.h"

namespace Gob {

#define OPCODEVER Inter_Geisha
#define OPCODEDRAW(i, x)  _opcodesDraw[i]._OPCODEDRAW(OPCODEVER, x)
#define OPCODEFUNC(i, x)  _opcodesFunc[i]._OPCODEFUNC(OPCODEVER, x)
#define OPCODEGOB(i, x)   _opcodesGob[i]._OPCODEGOB(OPCODEVER, x)

Inter_Geisha::Inter_Geisha(GobEngine *vm) : Inter_v1(vm),
	_diving(0), _penetration(0) {

	_diving      = new Geisha::Diving(vm);
	_penetration = new Geisha::Penetration(vm);

	_cheater = new Cheater_Geisha(vm, _diving, _penetration);


Inter_Geisha::~Inter_Geisha() {

	delete _cheater;

	delete _penetration;
	delete _diving;

void Inter_Geisha::setupOpcodesDraw() {

void Inter_Geisha::setupOpcodesFunc() {

	OPCODEFUNC(0x03, oGeisha_loadCursor);
	OPCODEFUNC(0x12, oGeisha_loadTot);
	OPCODEFUNC(0x25, oGeisha_goblinFunc);
	OPCODEFUNC(0x3A, oGeisha_loadSound);
	OPCODEFUNC(0x3F, oGeisha_checkData);
	OPCODEFUNC(0x4D, oGeisha_readData);
	OPCODEFUNC(0x4E, oGeisha_writeData);

	OPCODEGOB(0, oGeisha_gamePenetration);
	OPCODEGOB(1, oGeisha_gameDiving);
	OPCODEGOB(2, oGeisha_loadTitleMusic);
	OPCODEGOB(3, oGeisha_playMusic);
	OPCODEGOB(4, oGeisha_stopMusic);
	OPCODEGOB(6, oGeisha_caress1);
	OPCODEGOB(7, oGeisha_caress2);

void Inter_Geisha::setupOpcodesGob() {

void Inter_Geisha::oGeisha_loadCursor(OpFuncParams &params) {
	if (_vm->_game->_script->peekByte(1) & 0x80)
		warning("Geisha Stub: oGeisha_loadCursor: script[1] & 0x80");


struct TOTTransition {
	const char *to;
	const char *from;
	int32 offset;

static const TOTTransition kTOTTransitions[] = {
	{"chambre.tot", "photo.tot"  ,  1801},
	{"mo.tot"     , "chambre.tot", 13580},
	{"chambre.tot", "mo.tot"     ,   564},
	{"hard.tot"   , "chambre.tot", 13917},
	{"carte.tot"  , "hard.tot"   , 17926},
	{"chambre.tot", "carte.tot"  , 14609},
	{"chambre.tot", "mo.tot"     ,  3658},
	{"streap.tot" , "chambre.tot", 14652},
	{"bonsai.tot" , "porte.tot"  ,  2858},
	{"lit.tot"    , "napa.tot"   ,  3380},
	{"oko.tot"    , "chambre.tot", 14146},
	{"chambre.tot", "oko.tot"    ,  2334}

void Inter_Geisha::oGeisha_loadTot(OpFuncParams &params) {

	// WORKAROUND: Geisha often displays text while it loads a new TOT.
	//             Back in the days, this took long enough so that the text
	//             could be read. Since this isn't the case anymore, we'll
	//             wait for the user to press a key or click the mouse.
	bool needWait = false;

	for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(kTOTTransitions); i++)
		if ((_vm->_game->_script->pos() == kTOTTransitions[i].offset) &&
		    (_vm->_game->_totToLoad     == kTOTTransitions[i].to) &&
		    (_vm->_game->_curTotFile    == kTOTTransitions[i].from)) {

			needWait = true;

	if (needWait)
		while (!_vm->_util->keyPressed())

void Inter_Geisha::oGeisha_loadSound(OpFuncParams &params) {

void Inter_Geisha::oGeisha_goblinFunc(OpFuncParams &params) {
	OpGobParams gobParams;
	int16 cmd;

	cmd = _vm->_game->_script->readInt16();

	gobParams.paramCount = _vm->_game->_script->readInt16();
	gobParams.extraData = cmd;

	executeOpcodeGob(cmd, gobParams);

int16 Inter_Geisha::loadSound(int16 slot) {
	const char *sndFile = _vm->_game->_script->evalString();

	if (slot == -1)
		slot = _vm->_game->_script->readValExpr();

	SoundDesc *sample = _vm->_sound->sampleGetBySlot(slot);
	if (!sample)
		return 0;

	int32 dataSize;
	byte *dataPtr = _vm->_dataIO->getFile(sndFile, dataSize);
	if (!dataPtr)
		return 0;

	if (!sample->load(SOUND_SND, dataPtr, dataSize)) {
		delete[] dataPtr;
		return 0;

	return 0;

void Inter_Geisha::oGeisha_checkData(OpFuncParams &params) {
	Common::String file = _vm->_game->_script->evalString();
	int16 varOff = _vm->_game->_script->readVarIndex();

	if (file.hasSuffix(".0ot"))
		file.setChar('t', file.size() - 3);

	bool exists = false;

	SaveLoad::SaveMode mode = _vm->_saveLoad->getSaveMode(file.c_str());
	if (mode == SaveLoad::kSaveModeNone) {

		exists = _vm->_dataIO->hasFile(file);
		if (!exists) {
			// NOTE: Geisha looks if fin.tot exists to check if it needs to open disk3.stk.
			//       This is completely normal, so don't print a warning.
			if (file != "fin.tot")
				warning("File \"%s\" not found", file.c_str());

	} else if (mode == SaveLoad::kSaveModeSave)
		exists = _vm->_saveLoad->getSize(file.c_str()) >= 0;
	else if (mode == SaveLoad::kSaveModeExists)
		exists = true;

	WRITE_VAR_OFFSET(varOff, exists ? 50 : (uint32)-1);

void Inter_Geisha::oGeisha_readData(OpFuncParams &params) {
	const char *file = _vm->_game->_script->evalString();

	uint16 dataVar = _vm->_game->_script->readVarIndex();

	debugC(2, kDebugFileIO, "Read from file \"%s\" (%d)", file, dataVar);

	WRITE_VAR(1, 1);

	SaveLoad::SaveMode mode = _vm->_saveLoad->getSaveMode(file);
	if (mode == SaveLoad::kSaveModeSave) {

		if (!_vm->_saveLoad->load(file, dataVar, 0, 0)) {

			GUI::MessageDialog dialog(_("Failed to load game state from file."));

		} else
			WRITE_VAR(1, 0);


	} else if (mode == SaveLoad::kSaveModeIgnore) {
		WRITE_VAR(1, 0);

	warning("Attempted to read from file \"%s\"", file);

void Inter_Geisha::oGeisha_writeData(OpFuncParams &params) {
	const char *file = _vm->_game->_script->evalString();

	int16 dataVar = _vm->_game->_script->readVarIndex();
	int32 size    = _vm->_game->_script->readValExpr();

	debugC(2, kDebugFileIO, "Write to file \"%s\" (%d, %d bytes)", file, dataVar, size);

	WRITE_VAR(1, 1);

	SaveLoad::SaveMode mode = _vm->_saveLoad->getSaveMode(file);
	if (mode == SaveLoad::kSaveModeSave) {

		if (!_vm->_saveLoad->save(file, dataVar, size, 0)) {

			GUI::MessageDialog dialog(_("Failed to save game state to file."));

		} else
			WRITE_VAR(1, 0);

	} else if (mode == SaveLoad::kSaveModeIgnore) {
		WRITE_VAR(1, 0);
	} else if (mode == SaveLoad::kSaveModeNone)
		warning("Attempted to write to file \"%s\"", file);

	WRITE_VAR(1, 0);

void Inter_Geisha::oGeisha_gamePenetration(OpGobParams &params) {
	uint16 hasAccessPass = _vm->_game->_script->readUint16();
	uint16 hasMaxEnergy  = _vm->_game->_script->readUint16();
	uint16 testMode      = _vm->_game->_script->readUint16();
	uint16 resultVar     = _vm->_game->_script->readUint16();

	bool result = _penetration->play(hasAccessPass, hasMaxEnergy, testMode);

	WRITE_VAR_UINT32(resultVar, result ? 1 : 0);

void Inter_Geisha::oGeisha_gameDiving(OpGobParams &params) {
	uint16 playerCount      = _vm->_game->_script->readUint16();
	uint16 hasPearlLocation = _vm->_game->_script->readUint16();
	uint16 resultVar        = _vm->_game->_script->readUint16();

	bool result = _diving->play(playerCount, hasPearlLocation);

	WRITE_VAR_UINT32(resultVar, result ? 0 : 1);

void Inter_Geisha::oGeisha_loadTitleMusic(OpGobParams &params) {

void Inter_Geisha::oGeisha_playMusic(OpGobParams &params) {

void Inter_Geisha::oGeisha_stopMusic(OpGobParams &params) {

void Inter_Geisha::oGeisha_caress1(OpGobParams &params) {
	if (_vm->_draw->_spritesArray[0])
		_vm->_video->drawPackedSprite("hp1.cmp", *_vm->_draw->_spritesArray[0]);

void Inter_Geisha::oGeisha_caress2(OpGobParams &params) {
	if (_vm->_draw->_spritesArray[1])
		_vm->_video->drawPackedSprite("hpsc1.cmp", *_vm->_draw->_spritesArray[1]);

} // End of namespace Gob