/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
 * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
 * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
 * file distributed with this source distribution.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "common/list.h"

#include "gob/global.h"
#include "gob/palanim.h"
#include "gob/draw.h"
#include "gob/video.h"
#include "gob/decfile.h"
#include "gob/anifile.h"

#include "gob/sound/sound.h"

#include "gob/minigames/geisha/evilfish.h"
#include "gob/minigames/geisha/oko.h"
#include "gob/minigames/geisha/meter.h"
#include "gob/minigames/geisha/diving.h"

namespace Gob {

namespace Geisha {

static const uint8 kAirDecreaseRate = 15;

static const byte kPalette[48] = {
	0x00, 0x02, 0x12,
	0x01, 0x04, 0x1D,
	0x05, 0x08, 0x28,
	0x0C, 0x0D, 0x33,
	0x15, 0x14, 0x3F,
	0x00, 0x3F, 0x00,
	0x3F, 0x00, 0x00,
	0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
	0x21, 0x0D, 0x00,
	0x2F, 0x1A, 0x04,
	0x3D, 0x2B, 0x0D,
	0x10, 0x10, 0x10,
	0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A,
	0x24, 0x24, 0x24,
	0x00, 0x01, 0x0F,
	0x3F, 0x3F, 0x3F

enum Animation {
	kAnimationLungs         =  0,
	kAnimationHeart         =  1,
	kAnimationPearl         =  4,
	kAnimationJellyfish     =  6,
	kAnimationWater         =  7,
	kAnimationShot          = 17,
	kAnimationSwarmRedGreen = 32,
	kAnimationSwarmOrange   = 33

const uint16 Diving::kEvilFishTypes[kEvilFishTypeCount][5] = {
	{ 0, 14,  8,  9, 3}, // Shark
	{15,  1, 12, 13, 3}, // Moray
	{16,  2, 10, 11, 3}  // Ray

const uint16 Diving::kPlantLevel1[] = { 18, 19, 20, 21 };
const uint16 Diving::kPlantLevel2[] = { 22, 23, 24, 25 };
const uint16 Diving::kPlantLevel3[] = { 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 };

const Diving::PlantLevel Diving::kPlantLevels[] = {
	{ 150, ARRAYSIZE(kPlantLevel1), kPlantLevel1 },
	{ 120, ARRAYSIZE(kPlantLevel2), kPlantLevel2 },
	{ 108, ARRAYSIZE(kPlantLevel3), kPlantLevel3 },

Diving::Diving(GobEngine *vm) : _vm(vm), _background(0),
	_objects(0), _gui(0), _okoAnim(0), _water(0), _lungs(0), _heart(0),
	_blackPearl(0), _airMeter(0), _healthMeter(0), _isPlaying(false) {

	_blackPearl = new Surface(11, 8, 1);

	_airMeter    = new Meter(3  , 195, 40, 2, 5, 7, 40, Meter::kFillToLeft);
	_healthMeter = new Meter(275, 195, 40, 2, 6, 7,  4, Meter::kFillToLeft);

	for (uint i = 0; i < kEvilFishCount; i++)
		_evilFish[i].evilFish = 0;

	for (uint i = 0; i < kDecorFishCount; i++)
		_decorFish[i].decorFish = 0;

	for (uint i = 0; i < kPlantCount; i++)
		_plant[i].plant = 0;

	for (uint i = 0; i < kMaxShotCount; i++)
		_shot[i] = 0;

	_pearl.pearl = 0;

	_oko = 0;

Diving::~Diving() {
	delete _airMeter;
	delete _healthMeter;

	delete _blackPearl;


bool Diving::play(uint16 playerCount, bool hasPearlLocation) {
	_hasPearlLocation = hasPearlLocation;
	_isPlaying = true;

	// Fade to black
	_vm->_palAnim->fade(0, 0, 0);

	// Initialize our playing field



	// Fade in
	_vm->_palAnim->fade(_vm->_global->_pPaletteDesc, 0, 0);

	while (!_vm->shouldQuit()) {
		checkShots();   // Check if a shot hit something
		checkOkoHurt(); // Check if Oko was hurt

		// Is Oko dead?
		if (_oko->isPaused())

		// Update all objects and animations


		// Draw and wait for the end of the frame

		// Handle input

		int16 mouseX, mouseY;
		MouseButtons mouseButtons;

		int16 key = checkInput(mouseX, mouseY, mouseButtons);

		// Aborting the game
		if (key == kKeyEscape)

		// Shoot the gun
		if (mouseButtons == kMouseButtonsLeft)
			shoot(mouseX, mouseY);

		// Oko

		// Game end check
		if ((_whitePearlCount >= 20) || (_blackPearlCount >= 2))


	_isPlaying = false;

	// The game succeeded when we got 2 black pearls
	return _blackPearlCount >= 2;

bool Diving::isPlaying() const {
	return _isPlaying;

void Diving::cheatWin() {
	_blackPearlCount = 2;

void Diving::init() {
	// Load sounds
	_vm->_sound->sampleLoad(&_soundShoot     , SOUND_SND, "tirgim.snd");
	_vm->_sound->sampleLoad(&_soundBreathe   , SOUND_SND, "respir.snd");
	_vm->_sound->sampleLoad(&_soundWhitePearl, SOUND_SND, "virtou.snd");
	_vm->_sound->sampleLoad(&_soundBlackPearl, SOUND_SND, "trouve.snd");

	// Load and initialize sprites and animations
	_background = new DECFile(_vm, "tperle.dec"  , 320, 200);
	_objects    = new ANIFile(_vm, "tperle.ani"  , 320);
	_gui        = new ANIFile(_vm, "tperlcpt.ani", 320);
	_okoAnim    = new ANIFile(_vm, "tplonge.ani" , 320);

	_water = new ANIObject(*_objects);
	_lungs = new ANIObject(*_gui);
	_heart = new ANIObject(*_gui);




	for (uint i = 0; i < kEvilFishCount; i++) {
		_evilFish[i].enterAt = 0;
		_evilFish[i].leaveAt = 0;

		_evilFish[i].evilFish = new EvilFish(*_objects, 320, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

	for (uint i = 0; i < kDecorFishCount; i++) {
		_decorFish[i].enterAt = 0;

		_decorFish[i].decorFish = new ANIObject(*_objects);

	for (uint i = 0; i < kPlantCount; i++) {
		_plant[i].level   = i / kPlantPerLevelCount;
		_plant[i].deltaX  = (kPlantLevelCount - _plant[i].level) * -2;

		_plant[i].x = -1;
		_plant[i].y = -1;

		_plant[i].plant = new ANIObject(*_objects);

	_pearl.pearl = new ANIObject(*_objects);
	_pearl.black = false;


	_decorFish[0].deltaX = 0;

	_decorFish[1].deltaX = -5;

	_decorFish[2].deltaX = -5;

	for (uint i = 0; i < kMaxShotCount; i++) {
		_shot[i] = new ANIObject(*_objects);


	_oko = new Oko(*_okoAnim, *_vm->_sound, _soundBreathe);

	Surface tmp(320, 103, 1);

	_vm->_video->drawPackedSprite("tperlobj.cmp", tmp);

	_blackPearl->blit(tmp, 282, 80, 292, 87, 0, 0);

	_blackPearlCount = 0;

	_currentShot = 0;

	// Add the animations to our animation list
	for (uint i = 0; i < kMaxShotCount; i++)
	for (uint i = 0; i < kDecorFishCount; i++)
	for (uint i = 0; i < kEvilFishCount; i++)
	for (int i = kPlantCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)

	// Air and health meter

	_airCycle = 0;
	_hurtGracePeriod = 0;

	_whitePearlCount = 0;
	_blackPearlCount = 0;

void Diving::deinit() {
	_vm->_draw->_cursorHotspotX = -1;
	_vm->_draw->_cursorHotspotY = -1;




	for (uint i = 0; i < kMaxShotCount; i++) {
		delete _shot[i];

		_shot[i] = 0;

	for (uint i = 0; i < kEvilFishCount; i++) {
		delete _evilFish[i].evilFish;

		_evilFish[i].evilFish = 0;

	for (uint i = 0; i < kDecorFishCount; i++) {
		delete _decorFish[i].decorFish;

		_decorFish[i].decorFish = 0;

	for (uint i = 0; i < kPlantCount; i++) {
		delete _plant[i].plant;

		_plant[i].plant = 0;

	delete _pearl.pearl;
	_pearl.pearl = 0;

	delete _oko;
	_oko = 0;

	delete _heart;
	delete _lungs;
	delete _water;

	delete _okoAnim;
	delete _gui;
	delete _objects;
	delete _background;

	_water = 0;
	_heart = 0;
	_lungs = 0;

	_okoAnim    = 0;
	_gui        = 0;
	_objects    = 0;
	_background = 0;

void Diving::initScreen() {
	// Set framerate

	// Set palette
	memcpy(_vm->_draw->_vgaPalette, kPalette, sizeof(kPalette));

	// Draw background decal

	// Draw heart and lung boxes
	int16 left, top, right, bottom;
	_lungs->draw(*_vm->_draw->_backSurface, left, top, right, bottom);
	_heart->draw(*_vm->_draw->_backSurface, left, top, right, bottom);

	// Mark everything as dirty
	_vm->_draw->dirtiedRect(_vm->_draw->_backSurface, 0, 0, 319, 199);

void Diving::initCursor() {
	const int index = _vm->_draw->_cursorIndex;

	const int16 left   = index * _vm->_draw->_cursorWidth;
	const int16 top    = 0;
	const int16 right  = left + _vm->_draw->_cursorWidth - 1;
	const int16 bottom = _vm->_draw->_cursorHeight - 1;

	_vm->_draw->_cursorSprites->fillRect(left, top, right, bottom, 0);

	_objects->draw(*_vm->_draw->_cursorSprites, 31, 0, left, top);
	_vm->_draw->_cursorAnimLow[index] = 0;

	_vm->_draw->_cursorHotspotX = 8;
	_vm->_draw->_cursorHotspotY = 8;

void Diving::initPlants() {
	// Create initial plantlife
	for (uint i = 0; i < kPlantLevelCount; i++) {
		for (uint j = 0; j < kPlantPerLevelCount; j++) {
			int16 prevPlantX = -100;
			if (j > 0)
				prevPlantX = _plant[i * kPlantPerLevelCount + j - 1].x;

			enterPlant(_plant[i * kPlantPerLevelCount + j], prevPlantX);

void Diving::enterPlant(ManagedPlant &plant, int16 prevPlantX) {
	// Create a new plant outside the borders of the screen to scroll in

	const PlantLevel &level = kPlantLevels[plant.level];
	const uint anim = level.plants[_vm->_util->getRandom(kPlantLevels[plant.level].plantCount)];


	int16 width, height;
	plant.plant->getFrameSize(width, height);

	// The new plant is created 140 - 160 pixels to the right of the right-most plant
	plant.x = prevPlantX + 150 - 10 + _vm->_util->getRandom(21);
	plant.y = kPlantLevels[plant.level].y - height;

	plant.plant->setPosition(plant.x, plant.y);

	// If the plant is outside of the screen, create a pearl too if necessary
	if (plant.x > 320)

void Diving::enterPearl(int16 x) {
	// Create a pearl outside the borders of the screen to scroll in

	// Only one pearl is ever visible
	if (_pearl.pearl->isVisible())

	// Only every 4th potential pearl position has a pearl
	if (_vm->_util->getRandom(4) != 0)

	// Every 5th pearl is a black one, but only if the location is correct
	_pearl.black = _hasPearlLocation && (_vm->_util->getRandom(5) == 0);

	// Set the pearl about in the middle of two bottom-level plants
	_pearl.pearl->setPosition(x + 80, 130);

	_pearl.picked = false;

void Diving::updateAirMeter() {
	if (_oko->isBreathing()) {
		// If Oko is breathing, increase the air meter and play the lungs animation
		_airCycle = 0;
	} else
		// Otherwise, don't play the lungs animation

	// Update the air cycle and decrease the air meter when the cycle ended
	_airCycle = (_airCycle + 1) % kAirDecreaseRate;

	if (_airCycle == 0)

	// Without any air, Oko dies
	if (_airMeter->getValue() == 0)

void Diving::updateEvilFish() {
	for (uint i = 0; i < kEvilFishCount; i++) {
		ManagedEvilFish &fish = _evilFish[i];

		if (fish.evilFish->isVisible()) {
			// Evil fishes leave on their own after 30s - 40s

			fish.enterAt = 0;

			if (fish.leaveAt == 0)
				fish.leaveAt = _vm->_util->getTimeKey() + 30000 + _vm->_util->getRandom(10000);

			if (_vm->_util->getTimeKey() >= fish.leaveAt)

		} else {
			// Evil fishes enter the screen in 2s - 10s

			fish.leaveAt = 0;

			if (fish.enterAt == 0)
				fish.enterAt = _vm->_util->getTimeKey() + 2000 + _vm->_util->getRandom(8000);

			if (_vm->_util->getTimeKey() >= fish.enterAt) {
				// The new fish has a random type
				int fishType = _vm->_util->getRandom(kEvilFishTypeCount);
				fish.evilFish->mutate(kEvilFishTypes[fishType][0], kEvilFishTypes[fishType][1],
				                      kEvilFishTypes[fishType][2], kEvilFishTypes[fishType][3],

				                     36 + _vm->_util->getRandom(3) * 40);

void Diving::updateDecorFish() {
	for (uint i = 0; i < kDecorFishCount; i++) {
		ManagedDecorFish &fish = _decorFish[i];

		if (fish.decorFish->isVisible()) {
			// Move the fish
			int16 x, y;
			fish.decorFish->getPosition(x, y);
			fish.decorFish->setPosition(x + fish.deltaX, y);

			// Check if the fish has left the screen
			int16 width, height;
			fish.decorFish->getFramePosition(x, y);
			fish.decorFish->getFrameSize(width, height);

			if ((x + width) <= 0) {

				fish.enterAt = 0;

		} else {
			// Decor fishes enter the screen every 0s - 10s

			if (fish.enterAt == 0)
				fish.enterAt = _vm->_util->getTimeKey() + _vm->_util->getRandom(10000);

			if (_vm->_util->getTimeKey() >= fish.enterAt) {
				fish.decorFish->setPosition(320, 30 + _vm->_util->getRandom(100));

void Diving::updatePlants() {
	// When Oko isn't moving, the plants don't continue to scroll by
	if (!_oko->isMoving())

	for (uint i = 0; i < kPlantCount; i++) {
		ManagedPlant &plant = _plant[i];

		if (plant.plant->isVisible()) {
			// Move the plant
			plant.plant->setPosition(plant.x += plant.deltaX, plant.y);

			// Check if the plant has left the screen
			int16 x, y, width, height;
			plant.plant->getFramePosition(x, y);
			plant.plant->getFrameSize(width, height);

			if ((x + width) <= 0) {

				plant.x = 0;

		} else {
			// Find the right-most plant in this level and enter the plant to the right of it

			int16 rightX = 320;
			for (uint j = 0; j < kPlantPerLevelCount; j++)
				rightX = MAX(rightX, _plant[plant.level * kPlantPerLevelCount + j].x);

			enterPlant(plant, rightX);

void Diving::updatePearl() {
	if (!_pearl.pearl->isVisible())

	// When Oko isn't moving, the pearl doesn't continue to scroll by
	if (!_oko->isMoving())

	// Picking the pearl
	if (_pearl.picked && (_oko->getState() == Oko::kStatePick) && (_oko->getFrame() == 8)) {
		// Remove the pearl

		// Add the pearl to our found pearls repository
		if (_pearl.black)


	// Move the pearl
	int16 x, y, width, height;
	_pearl.pearl->getPosition(x, y);
	_pearl.pearl->setPosition(x - 5, y);

	// Check if the pearl has left the screen
	_pearl.pearl->getFramePosition(x, y);
	_pearl.pearl->getFrameSize(width, height);

	if ((x + width) <= 0) {

void Diving::getPearl() {
	if (!_pearl.pearl->isVisible())

	// Make sure the pearl is within Oko's grasp

	int16 x, y, width, height;
	_pearl.pearl->getFramePosition(x, y);
	_pearl.pearl->getFrameSize(width, height);

	if ((x > 190) || ((x + width) < 140))

	_pearl.picked = true;

void Diving::foundBlackPearl() {

	// Put the black pearl drawing into the black pearl box
	if        (_blackPearlCount == 1) {
		_vm->_draw->_backSurface->blit(*_blackPearl, 0, 0, 10, 7, 147, 179, 0);
		_vm->_draw->dirtiedRect(_vm->_draw->_backSurface, 147, 179, 157, 186);
	} else if (_blackPearlCount == 2) {
		_vm->_draw->_backSurface->blit(*_blackPearl, 0, 0, 10, 7, 160, 179, 0);
		_vm->_draw->dirtiedRect(_vm->_draw->_backSurface, 147, 179, 160, 186);

	_vm->_sound->blasterPlay(&_soundBlackPearl, 1, 0);

void Diving::foundWhitePearl() {

	// Put the white pearl drawing into the white pearl box
	int16 x = 54 + (_whitePearlCount - 1) * 8;
	if (_whitePearlCount > 10)
		x += 48;

	_background->drawLayer(*_vm->_draw->_backSurface, 0, 2, x, 177, 0);
	_vm->_draw->dirtiedRect(_vm->_draw->_backSurface, x, 177, x + 3, 180);

	_vm->_sound->blasterPlay(&_soundWhitePearl, 1, 0);

void Diving::updateAnims() {
	int16 left, top, right, bottom;

	// Clear the previous animation frames
	for (Common::List<ANIObject *>::iterator a = _anims.reverse_begin();
			 a != _anims.end(); --a) {

		if ((*a)->clear(*_vm->_draw->_backSurface, left, top, right, bottom))
			_vm->_draw->dirtiedRect(_vm->_draw->_backSurface, left, top, right, bottom);

	// Draw the current animation frames
	for (Common::List<ANIObject *>::iterator a = _anims.begin();
			 a != _anims.end(); ++a) {

		if ((*a)->draw(*_vm->_draw->_backSurface, left, top, right, bottom))
			_vm->_draw->dirtiedRect(_vm->_draw->_backSurface, left, top, right, bottom);


	// Draw the meters
	_airMeter->draw(*_vm->_draw->_backSurface, left, top, right, bottom);
	_vm->_draw->dirtiedRect(_vm->_draw->_backSurface, left, top, right, bottom);

	_healthMeter->draw(*_vm->_draw->_backSurface, left, top, right, bottom);
	_vm->_draw->dirtiedRect(_vm->_draw->_backSurface, left, top, right, bottom);

int16 Diving::checkInput(int16 &mouseX, int16 &mouseY, MouseButtons &mouseButtons) {
	_vm->_util->getMouseState(&mouseX, &mouseY, &mouseButtons);

	return _vm->_util->checkKey();

void Diving::shoot(int16 mouseX, int16 mouseY) {
	// Outside the playable area?
	if (mouseY > 157)

	// Too many shots still active?
	if (_activeShots.size() >= kMaxShotCount)

	ANIObject &shot = *_shot[_currentShot];

	shot.setPosition(mouseX - 8, mouseY - 8);


	_currentShot = (_currentShot + 1) % kMaxShotCount;

	_vm->_sound->blasterPlay(&_soundShoot, 1, 0);

void Diving::checkShots() {
	Common::List<int>::iterator activeShot = _activeShots.begin();

	// Check if we hit something with our shots
	while (activeShot != _activeShots.end()) {
		ANIObject &shot = *_shot[*activeShot];

		if (shot.lastFrame()) {
			int16 x, y;

			shot.getPosition(x, y);

			// When we hit an evil fish, it dies
			for (uint i = 0; i < kEvilFishCount; i++) {
				EvilFish &evilFish = *_evilFish[i].evilFish;

				if (evilFish.isIn(x + 8, y + 8)) {


			activeShot = _activeShots.erase(activeShot);
		} else

void Diving::handleOko(int16 key) {
	if (key == kKeyDown) {
		// Oko sinks down a level or picks up a pearl if already at the bottom

		if ((_oko->getState() == Oko::kStatePick) && (_oko->getFrame() == 0))

	} else if (key == kKeyUp)
		// Oko raises up a level or surfaces to breathe if already at the top

void Diving::checkOkoHurt() {
	if (_oko->getState() != Oko::kStateSwim)

	// Give Oko a grace period after being hurt
	if (_hurtGracePeriod > 0) {

	// Check for a fish/Oko-collision
	for (uint i = 0; i < kEvilFishCount; i++) {
		EvilFish &evilFish = *_evilFish[i].evilFish;

		if (!evilFish.isDead() && evilFish.isIn(*_oko)) {

			// If the health reached 0, Oko dies. Otherwise, she gets hurt
			if (_healthMeter->getValue() == 0)

			_hurtGracePeriod = 10;

} // End of namespace Geisha

} // End of namespace Gob