/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "gob/gob.h" #include "gob/global.h" #include "gob/util.h" #include "gob/dataio.h" #include "gob/surface.h" #include "gob/draw.h" #include "gob/video.h" #include "gob/anifile.h" #include "gob/aniobject.h" #include "gob/sound/sound.h" #include "gob/pregob/onceupon/onceupon.h" #include "gob/pregob/onceupon/palettes.h" static const uint kLanguageCount = 5; static const uint kCopyProtectionHelpStringCount = 3; static const char *kCopyProtectionHelpStrings[Gob::OnceUpon::OnceUpon::kLanguageCount][kCopyProtectionHelpStringCount] = { { // French "Consulte le livret des animaux, rep\212re la", "page correspondant \205 la couleur de l\'\202cran", "et clique le symbole associ\202 \205 l\'animal affich\202.", }, { // German "Suche im Tieralbum die Seite, die der Farbe auf", "dem Bildschirm entspricht und klicke auf das", "Tiersymbol.", }, { // English "Consult the book of animals, find the page", "corresponding to the colour of screen and click", "the symbol associated with the animal displayed.", }, { // Spanish "Consulta el libro de los animales, localiza la ", "p\240gina que corresponde al color de la pantalla.", "Cliquea el s\241mbolo asociado al animal que aparece.", }, { // Italian "Guarda il libretto degli animali, trova la", "pagina che corrisponde al colore dello schermo,", "clicca il simbolo associato all\'animale presentato", } }; static const char *kCopyProtectionWrongStrings[Gob::OnceUpon::OnceUpon::kLanguageCount] = { "Tu t\'es tromp\202, dommage...", // French "Schade, du hast dich geirrt." , // German "You are wrong, what a pity!" , // English "Te equivocas, l\240stima..." , // Spanish "Sei Sbagliato, peccato..." // Italian }; static const uint kCopyProtectionShapeCount = 5; static const int16 kCopyProtectionShapeCoords[kCopyProtectionShapeCount][6] = { { 0, 51, 26, 75, 60, 154}, { 28, 51, 58, 81, 96, 151}, { 60, 51, 94, 79, 136, 152}, { 96, 51, 136, 71, 180, 155}, {140, 51, 170, 77, 228, 153} }; enum ClownAnimation { kClownAnimationClownCheer = 0, kClownAnimationClownStand = 1, kClownAnimationClownCry = 6 }; namespace Gob { namespace OnceUpon { const OnceUpon::MenuButton OnceUpon::kMainMenuDifficultyButton[] = { {false, 29, 18, 77, 57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (int)kDifficultyBeginner}, {false, 133, 18, 181, 57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (int)kDifficultyIntermediate}, {false, 241, 18, 289, 57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (int)kDifficultyAdvanced}, }; const OnceUpon::MenuButton OnceUpon::kSectionButtons[] = { {false, 27, 121, 91, 179, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { true, 95, 121, 159, 179, 4, 1, 56, 49, 100, 126, 2}, { true, 163, 121, 227, 179, 64, 1, 120, 49, 168, 126, 6}, { true, 231, 121, 295, 179, 128, 1, 184, 49, 236, 126, 10} }; const OnceUpon::MenuButton OnceUpon::kIngameButtons[] = { {true, 108, 83, 139, 116, 0, 0, 31, 34, 108, 83, 0}, {true, 144, 83, 175, 116, 36, 0, 67, 34, 144, 83, 1}, {true, 180, 83, 211, 116, 72, 0, 103, 34, 180, 83, 2} }; const OnceUpon::MenuButton OnceUpon::kAnimalNamesBack = { true, 19, 13, 50, 46, 36, 0, 67, 34, 19, 13, 1 }; const OnceUpon::MenuButton OnceUpon::kLanguageButtons[] = { {true, 43, 80, 93, 115, 0, 55, 50, 90, 43, 80, 0}, {true, 132, 80, 182, 115, 53, 55, 103, 90, 132, 80, 1}, {true, 234, 80, 284, 115, 106, 55, 156, 90, 234, 80, 2}, {true, 43, 138, 93, 173, 159, 55, 209, 90, 43, 138, 3}, {true, 132, 138, 182, 173, 212, 55, 262, 90, 132, 138, 4}, {true, 234, 138, 284, 173, 265, 55, 315, 90, 234, 138, 2} }; const char *OnceUpon::kSound[kSoundMAX] = { "diamant.snd" }; OnceUpon::OnceUpon(GobEngine *vm) : PreGob(vm), _jeudak(0), _lettre(0), _plettre(0), _glettre(0), _openedArchives(false), _animalsButton(0) { } OnceUpon::~OnceUpon() { deinit(); } void OnceUpon::init() { deinit(); bool hasSTK1 = _vm->_dataIO->openArchive("stk1.stk", true); bool hasSTK2 = _vm->_dataIO->openArchive("stk2.stk", true); bool hasSTK3 = _vm->_dataIO->openArchive("stk3.stk", true); if (!hasSTK1 || !hasSTK2 || !hasSTK3) error("OnceUpon::OnceUpon(): Failed to open archives"); _openedArchives = true; _jeudak = _vm->_draw->loadFont("jeudak.let"); _lettre = _vm->_draw->loadFont("lettre.let"); _plettre = _vm->_draw->loadFont("plettre.let"); _glettre = _vm->_draw->loadFont("glettre.let"); if (!_jeudak || !_lettre || !_plettre || !_glettre) error("OnceUpon::OnceUpon(): Failed to fonts (%d, %d, %d, %d)", _jeudak != 0, _lettre != 0, _plettre != 0, _glettre != 0); if (_vm->_global->_language == kLanguageAmerican) _vm->_global->_language = kLanguageBritish; if ((_vm->_global->_language >= kLanguageCount)) error("We do not support the language \"%s\".\n" "If you are certain that your game copy includes this language,\n" "please contact the ScummVM team with details about this version.\n" "Thanks", _vm->getLangDesc(_vm->_global->_language)); loadSounds(kSound, kSoundMAX); initScreen(); _difficulty = kDifficultyMAX; _section = 0; } void OnceUpon::deinit() { freeSounds(); delete _jeudak; delete _lettre; delete _plettre; delete _glettre; _jeudak = 0; _lettre = 0; _plettre = 0; _glettre = 0; if (_openedArchives) { _vm->_dataIO->closeArchive(true); _vm->_dataIO->closeArchive(true); _vm->_dataIO->closeArchive(true); } _openedArchives = false; } void OnceUpon::setAnimalsButton(const MenuButton *animalsButton) { _animalsButton = animalsButton; } void OnceUpon::setCopyProtectionPalette() { setPalette(kCopyProtectionPalette, kPaletteSize); } void OnceUpon::setGamePalette(uint palette) { if (palette >= kPaletteCount) return; setPalette(kGamePalettes[palette], kPaletteSize); } void OnceUpon::setGameCursor() { Surface cursor(320, 16, 1); _vm->_video->drawPackedSprite("icon.cmp", cursor); setCursor(cursor, 105, 0, 120, 15, 0, 0); } void OnceUpon::fixTXTStrings(TXTFile &txt) const { TXTFile::LineArray &lines = txt.getLines(); for (uint i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) lines[i].text = fixString(lines[i].text); } #include "gob/pregob/onceupon/brokenstrings.h" Common::String OnceUpon::fixString(const Common::String &str) const { const BrokenStringLanguage &broken = kBrokenStrings[_vm->_global->_language]; for (uint i = 0; i < broken.count; i++) { if (str == broken.strings[i].wrong) return broken.strings[i].correct; } return str; } enum CopyProtectionState { kCPStateSetup, // Set up the screen kCPStateWaitUser, // Waiting for the user to pick a shape kCPStateWaitClown, // Waiting for the clown animation to finish kCPStateFinish // Finishing }; bool OnceUpon::doCopyProtection(const uint8 colors[7], const uint8 shapes[7 * 20], const uint8 obfuscate[4]) { fadeOut(); setCopyProtectionPalette(); Surface sprites[2] = {Surface(320, 200, 1), Surface(320, 200, 1)}; _vm->_video->drawPackedSprite("grille1.cmp", sprites[0]); _vm->_video->drawPackedSprite("grille2.cmp", sprites[1]); ANIFile ani (_vm, "grille.ani", 320); ANIObject clown(ani); setCursor(sprites[1], 5, 110, 20, 134, 3, 0); CopyProtectionState state = kCPStateSetup; uint8 triesLeft = 2; int8 animalShape = -1; bool hasCorrect = false; while (!_vm->shouldQuit() && (state != kCPStateFinish)) { clearAnim(clown); // Set up the screen if (state == kCPStateSetup) { animalShape = cpSetup(colors, shapes, obfuscate, sprites); setAnimState(clown, kClownAnimationClownStand, false, false); state = kCPStateWaitUser; } drawAnim(clown); // If we're waiting for the clown and he finished, evaluate if we're finished if (!clown.isVisible() && (state == kCPStateWaitClown)) state = (hasCorrect || (--triesLeft == 0)) ? kCPStateFinish : kCPStateSetup; showCursor(); fadeIn(); endFrame(true); int16 mouseX, mouseY; MouseButtons mouseButtons; checkInput(mouseX, mouseY, mouseButtons); if (state == kCPStateWaitUser) { // Look if we clicked a shaped and got it right int8 guessedShape = -1; if (mouseButtons == kMouseButtonsLeft) guessedShape = cpFindShape(mouseX, mouseY); if (guessedShape >= 0) { hasCorrect = guessedShape == animalShape; animalShape = -1; setAnimState(clown, hasCorrect ? kClownAnimationClownCheer : kClownAnimationClownCry, true, false); state = kCPStateWaitClown; } } } fadeOut(); hideCursor(); clearScreen(); // Display the "You are wrong" screen if (!hasCorrect) cpWrong(); return hasCorrect; } int8 OnceUpon::cpSetup(const uint8 colors[7], const uint8 shapes[7 * 20], const uint8 obfuscate[4], const Surface sprites[2]) { fadeOut(); hideCursor(); // Get a random animal and animal color int8 animalColor = _vm->_util->getRandom(7); while ((colors[animalColor] == 1) || (colors[animalColor] == 7) || (colors[animalColor] == 11)) animalColor = _vm->_util->getRandom(7); int8 animal = _vm->_util->getRandom(20); int8 animalShape = shapes[animalColor * 20 + animal]; if (animal < 4) animal = obfuscate[animal]; // Get the position of the animal sprite int16 animalLeft = (animal % 4) * 80; int16 animalTop = (animal / 4) * 50; uint8 sprite = 0; if (animalTop >= 200) { animalTop -= 200; sprite = 1; } int16 animalRight = animalLeft + 80 - 1; int16 animalBottom = animalTop + 50 - 1; // Fill with the animal color _vm->_draw->_backSurface->fill(colors[animalColor]); // Print the help line strings for (uint i = 0; i < kCopyProtectionHelpStringCount; i++) { const char * const helpString = kCopyProtectionHelpStrings[_vm->_global->_language][i]; const int x = 160 - (strlen(helpString) * _plettre->getCharWidth()) / 2; const int y = i * 10 + 5; _plettre->drawString(helpString, x, y, 8, 0, true, *_vm->_draw->_backSurface); } // White rectangle with black border _vm->_draw->_backSurface->fillRect( 93, 43, 226, 134, 15); _vm->_draw->_backSurface->drawRect( 92, 42, 227, 135, 0); // Draw the animal in the animal color _vm->_draw->_backSurface->fillRect(120, 63, 199, 112, colors[animalColor]); _vm->_draw->_backSurface->blit(sprites[sprite], animalLeft, animalTop, animalRight, animalBottom, 120, 63, 0); // Draw the shapes for (uint i = 0; i < kCopyProtectionShapeCount; i++) { const int16 * const coords = kCopyProtectionShapeCoords[i]; _vm->_draw->_backSurface->blit(sprites[1], coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3], coords[4], coords[5], 0); } _vm->_draw->forceBlit(); return animalShape; } int8 OnceUpon::cpFindShape(int16 x, int16 y) const { // Look through all shapes and check if the coordinates are inside one of them for (uint i = 0; i < kCopyProtectionShapeCount; i++) { const int16 * const coords = kCopyProtectionShapeCoords[i]; const int16 left = coords[4]; const int16 top = coords[5]; const int16 right = coords[4] + (coords[2] - coords[0] + 1) - 1; const int16 bottom = coords[5] + (coords[3] - coords[1] + 1) - 1; if ((x >= left) && (x <= right) && (y >= top) && (y <= bottom)) return i; } return -1; } void OnceUpon::cpWrong() { // Display the "You are wrong" string, centered const char * const wrongString = kCopyProtectionWrongStrings[_vm->_global->_language]; const int wrongX = 160 - (strlen(wrongString) * _plettre->getCharWidth()) / 2; _vm->_draw->_backSurface->clear(); _plettre->drawString(wrongString, wrongX, 100, 15, 0, true, *_vm->_draw->_backSurface); _vm->_draw->forceBlit(); fadeIn(); waitInput(); fadeOut(); clearScreen(); } void OnceUpon::setAnimState(ANIObject &ani, uint16 state, bool once, bool pause) const { ani.setAnimation(state); ani.setMode(once ? ANIObject::kModeOnce : ANIObject::kModeContinuous); ani.setPause(pause); ani.setVisible(true); ani.setPosition(); } void OnceUpon::showWait(uint palette) { // Show the loading floppy fadeOut(); clearScreen(); setGamePalette(palette); Surface wait(320, 43, 1); _vm->_video->drawPackedSprite("wait.cmp", wait); _vm->_draw->_backSurface->blit(wait, 0, 0, 72, 33, 122, 84); _vm->_draw->forceBlit(); fadeIn(); } void OnceUpon::showIntro() { // Show all intro parts // "Loading" showWait(10); if (_vm->shouldQuit()) return; // Quote about fairy tales showQuote(); if (_vm->shouldQuit()) return; // Once Upon A Time title showTitle(); if (_vm->shouldQuit()) return; // Game title screen showChapter(0); if (_vm->shouldQuit()) return; // "Loading" showWait(17); } void OnceUpon::showQuote() { // Show the quote about fairytales fadeOut(); clearScreen(); setGamePalette(11); static const Font *fonts[3] = { _plettre, _glettre, _plettre }; TXTFile *quote = loadTXT(getLocFile("gene.tx"), TXTFile::kFormatStringPositionColorFont); quote->draw(*_vm->_draw->_backSurface, fonts, ARRAYSIZE(fonts)); delete quote; _vm->_draw->forceBlit(); fadeIn(); waitInput(); fadeOut(); } void OnceUpon::showTitle() { // Show the Once Upon A Time title animation // NOTE: This is currently only a mock-up. The real animation is in "ville.seq". fadeOut(); setGamePalette(10); warning("OnceUpon::showTitle(): Actually play the SEQ"); clearScreen(); _vm->_video->drawPackedSprite("ville.cmp", *_vm->_draw->_backSurface); _vm->_draw->forceBlit(); ANIFile ani (_vm, "pres.ani", 320); ANIObject title(ani); setAnimState(title, 8, false, false); playTitleMusic(); while (!_vm->shouldQuit()) { redrawAnim(title); fadeIn(); endFrame(true); if (hasInput()) break; } fadeOut(); stopTitleMusic(); } void OnceUpon::playTitleMusic() { if (_vm->getPlatform() == Common::kPlatformPC) playTitleMusicDOS(); else if (_vm->getPlatform() == Common::kPlatformAmiga) playTitleMusicAmiga(); else if (_vm->getPlatform() == Common::kPlatformAtariST) playTitleMusicAtariST(); } void OnceUpon::playTitleMusicDOS() { // Play an AdLib track _vm->_sound->adlibLoadTBR("babayaga.tbr"); _vm->_sound->adlibLoadMDY("babayaga.mdy"); _vm->_sound->adlibSetRepeating(-1); _vm->_sound->adlibPlay(); } void OnceUpon::playTitleMusicAmiga() { // Play a Protracker track _vm->_sound->protrackerPlay("mod.babayaga"); } void OnceUpon::playTitleMusicAtariST() { // Play a Soundblaster composition static const int16 titleMusic[21] = { 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1}; static const char * const titleFiles[ 3] = {"baba1.snd", "baba2.snd", "baba3.snd"}; for (uint i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(titleFiles); i++) _vm->_sound->sampleLoad(_vm->_sound->sampleGetBySlot(i), SOUND_SND, titleFiles[i]); _vm->_sound->blasterPlayComposition(titleMusic, 0); _vm->_sound->blasterRepeatComposition(-1); } void OnceUpon::stopTitleMusic() { _vm->_sound->adlibSetRepeating(0); _vm->_sound->blasterRepeatComposition(0); _vm->_sound->adlibStop(); _vm->_sound->blasterStopComposition(); _vm->_sound->protrackerStop(); for (int i = 0; i < ::Gob::Sound::kSoundsCount; i++) _vm->_sound->sampleFree(_vm->_sound->sampleGetBySlot(i)); } void OnceUpon::showChapter(int chapter) { // Display the intro text to a chapter fadeOut(); clearScreen(); setGamePalette(11); // Parchment background _vm->_video->drawPackedSprite("parch.cmp", *_vm->_draw->_backSurface); static const Font *fonts[3] = { _plettre, _glettre, _plettre }; const Common::String chapterFile = getLocFile(Common::String::format("gene%d.tx", chapter)); TXTFile *gameTitle = loadTXT(chapterFile, TXTFile::kFormatStringPositionColorFont); gameTitle->draw(*_vm->_draw->_backSurface, fonts, ARRAYSIZE(fonts)); delete gameTitle; _vm->_draw->forceBlit(); fadeIn(); waitInput(); fadeOut(); } void OnceUpon::showByeBye() { fadeOut(); hideCursor(); clearScreen(); setGamePalette(1); _plettre->drawString("Bye Bye....", 140, 80, 2, 0, true, *_vm->_draw->_backSurface); _vm->_draw->forceBlit(); fadeIn(); _vm->_util->longDelay(1000); fadeOut(); } OnceUpon::MenuAction OnceUpon::doMenu(MenuType type) { bool cursorVisible = isCursorVisible(); // Set the cursor addCursor(); setGameCursor(); // Backup the screen Surface screenBackup(320, 200, 1); screenBackup.blit(*_vm->_draw->_backSurface); // Handle the specific menu MenuAction action; if (type == kMenuTypeMainStart) action = doMenuMainStart(); else if (type == kMenuTypeMainIngame) action = doMenuMainIngame(); else if (type == kMenuTypeIngame) action = doMenuIngame(); else error("OnceUpon::doMenu(): No such menu %d", type); if (_vm->shouldQuit()) return action; // The ingame menu cleans itself up in a special way if (type == kMenuTypeIngame) clearMenuIngame(screenBackup); // The main menus fade out if ((type == kMenuTypeMainStart) || (type == kMenuTypeMainIngame)) fadeOut(); // Restore the screen _vm->_draw->_backSurface->blit(screenBackup); _vm->_draw->forceBlit(); // Restore the cursor if (!cursorVisible) hideCursor(); removeCursor(); return action; } OnceUpon::MenuAction OnceUpon::doMenuMainStart() { fadeOut(); setGamePalette(17); drawMenuMainStart(); showCursor(); fadeIn(); MenuAction action = kMenuActionNone; while (!_vm->shouldQuit() && (action == kMenuActionNone)) { endFrame(true); // Check user input int16 mouseX, mouseY; MouseButtons mouseButtons; int16 key = checkInput(mouseX, mouseY, mouseButtons); if (key == kKeyEscape) // ESC -> Quit return kMenuActionQuit; if (mouseButtons != kMouseButtonsLeft) continue; playSound(kSoundClick); // If we clicked on a difficulty button, show the selected difficulty and start the game int diff = checkButton(kMainMenuDifficultyButton, ARRAYSIZE(kMainMenuDifficultyButton), mouseX, mouseY); if (diff >= 0) { _difficulty = (Difficulty)diff; action = kMenuActionPlay; drawMenuMainStart(); _vm->_util->longDelay(1000); } if (_animalsButton && (checkButton(_animalsButton, 1, mouseX, mouseY) != -1)) action = kMenuActionAnimals; } return action; } OnceUpon::MenuAction OnceUpon::doMenuMainIngame() { fadeOut(); setGamePalette(17); drawMenuMainIngame(); showCursor(); fadeIn(); MenuAction action = kMenuActionNone; while (!_vm->shouldQuit() && (action == kMenuActionNone)) { endFrame(true); // Check user input int16 mouseX, mouseY; MouseButtons mouseButtons; int16 key = checkInput(mouseX, mouseY, mouseButtons); if (key == kKeyEscape) // ESC -> Quit return kMenuActionQuit; if (mouseButtons != kMouseButtonsLeft) continue; playSound(kSoundClick); // If we clicked on a difficulty button, change the current difficulty level int diff = checkButton(kMainMenuDifficultyButton, ARRAYSIZE(kMainMenuDifficultyButton), mouseX, mouseY); if ((diff >= 0) && (diff != (int)_difficulty)) { _difficulty = (Difficulty)diff; drawMenuMainIngame(); } // If we clicked on a section button, restart the game from this section int section = checkButton(kSectionButtons, ARRAYSIZE(kSectionButtons), mouseX, mouseY); if ((section >= 0) && (section <= _section)) { _section = section; action = kMenuActionRestart; } } return action; } OnceUpon::MenuAction OnceUpon::doMenuIngame() { drawMenuIngame(); showCursor(); MenuAction action = kMenuActionNone; while (!_vm->shouldQuit() && (action == kMenuActionNone)) { endFrame(true); // Check user input int16 mouseX, mouseY; MouseButtons mouseButtons; int16 key = checkInput(mouseX, mouseY, mouseButtons); if ((key == kKeyEscape) || (mouseButtons == kMouseButtonsRight)) // ESC or right mouse button -> Dismiss the menu action = kMenuActionPlay; if (mouseButtons != kMouseButtonsLeft) continue; int button = checkButton(kIngameButtons, ARRAYSIZE(kIngameButtons), mouseX, mouseY); if (button == 0) action = kMenuActionQuit; else if (button == 1) action = kMenuActionMainMenu; else if (button == 2) action = kMenuActionPlay; } return action; } void OnceUpon::drawMenuMainStart() { // Draw the background _vm->_video->drawPackedSprite("menu2.cmp", *_vm->_draw->_backSurface); // Draw the "Listen to animal names" button if (_animalsButton) { Surface elements(320, 38, 1); _vm->_video->drawPackedSprite("elemenu.cmp", elements); _vm->_draw->_backSurface->fillRect(_animalsButton->left , _animalsButton->top, _animalsButton->right, _animalsButton->bottom, 0); drawButton(*_vm->_draw->_backSurface, elements, *_animalsButton); } // Highlight the current difficulty drawMenuDifficulty(); _vm->_draw->forceBlit(); } void OnceUpon::drawMenuMainIngame() { // Draw the background _vm->_video->drawPackedSprite("menu.cmp", *_vm->_draw->_backSurface); // Highlight the current difficulty drawMenuDifficulty(); // Draw the section buttons Surface elements(320, 200, 1); _vm->_video->drawPackedSprite("elemenu.cmp", elements); for (uint i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(kSectionButtons); i++) { const MenuButton &button = kSectionButtons[i]; if (!button.needDraw) continue; if (_section >= (uint)button.id) drawButton(*_vm->_draw->_backSurface, elements, button); } _vm->_draw->forceBlit(); } void OnceUpon::drawMenuIngame() { Surface menu(320, 34, 1); _vm->_video->drawPackedSprite("icon.cmp", menu); // Draw the menu in a special way for (uint i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(kIngameButtons); i++) { const MenuButton &button = kIngameButtons[i]; drawLineByLine(menu, button.srcLeft, button.srcTop, button.srcRight, button.srcBottom, button.dstX, button.dstY); } _vm->_draw->forceBlit(); _vm->_video->retrace(); } void OnceUpon::drawMenuDifficulty() { if (_difficulty == kDifficultyMAX) return; TXTFile *difficulties = loadTXT(getLocFile("diffic.tx"), TXTFile::kFormatStringPositionColor); // Draw the difficulty name difficulties->draw((uint) _difficulty, *_vm->_draw->_backSurface, &_plettre, 1); // Draw a border around the current difficulty _vm->_draw->_backSurface->drawRect(kMainMenuDifficultyButton[_difficulty].left, kMainMenuDifficultyButton[_difficulty].top, kMainMenuDifficultyButton[_difficulty].right, kMainMenuDifficultyButton[_difficulty].bottom, difficulties->getLines()[_difficulty].color); delete difficulties; } void OnceUpon::clearMenuIngame(const Surface &background) { // Find the area encompassing the whole ingame menu int16 left = 0x7FFF; int16 top = 0x7FFF; int16 right = 0x0000; int16 bottom = 0x0000; for (uint i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(kIngameButtons); i++) { const MenuButton &button = kIngameButtons[i]; if (!button.needDraw) continue; left = MIN(left , button.dstX); top = MIN(top , button.dstY); right = MAX(right , button.dstX + (button.srcRight - button.srcLeft + 1) - 1); bottom = MAX(bottom, button.dstY + (button.srcBottom - button.srcTop + 1) - 1); } if ((left > right) || (top > bottom)) return; // Clear it line by line drawLineByLine(background, left, top, right, bottom, left, top); } int OnceUpon::checkButton(const MenuButton *buttons, uint count, int16 x, int16 y, int failValue) const { for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { const MenuButton &button = buttons[i]; if ((x >= button.left) && (x <= button.right) && (y >= button.top) && (y <= button.bottom)) return (int)button.id; } return failValue; } void OnceUpon::drawButton(Surface &dest, const Surface &src, const MenuButton &button) const { dest.blit(src, button.srcLeft, button.srcTop, button.srcRight, button.srcBottom, button.dstX, button.dstY); } void OnceUpon::drawButtons(Surface &dest, const Surface &src, const MenuButton *buttons, uint count) const { for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { const MenuButton &button = buttons[i]; if (!button.needDraw) continue; drawButton(dest, src, button); } } void OnceUpon::drawButtonBorder(const MenuButton &button, uint8 color) { _vm->_draw->_backSurface->drawRect(button.left, button.top, button.right, button.bottom, color); _vm->_draw->dirtiedRect(_vm->_draw->_backSurface, button.left, button.top, button.right, button.bottom); } enum AnimalNamesState { kANStateChoose, kANStateNames, kANStateFinish }; void OnceUpon::doAnimalNames(uint count, const MenuButton *buttons, const char * const *names) { fadeOut(); clearScreen(); setGamePalette(19); bool cursorVisible = isCursorVisible(); // Set the cursor addCursor(); setGameCursor(); anSetupChooser(); int8 _animal = -1; AnimalNamesState state = kANStateChoose; while (!_vm->shouldQuit() && (state != kANStateFinish)) { showCursor(); fadeIn(); endFrame(true); // Check user input int16 mouseX, mouseY; MouseButtons mouseButtons; checkInput(mouseX, mouseY, mouseButtons); // If we moused over an animal button, draw a border around it int animal = checkButton(buttons, count, mouseX, mouseY); if ((state == kANStateChoose) && (animal != _animal)) { // Erase the old border if (_animal >= 0) drawButtonBorder(buttons[_animal], 15); _animal = animal; // Draw the new border if (_animal >= 0) drawButtonBorder(buttons[_animal], 10); } if (mouseButtons != kMouseButtonsLeft) continue; playSound(kSoundClick); // We clicked on a language button, play the animal name int language = checkButton(kLanguageButtons, ARRAYSIZE(kLanguageButtons), mouseX, mouseY); if ((state == kANStateNames) && (language >= 0)) anPlayAnimalName(names[_animal], language); // We clicked on an animal if ((state == kANStateChoose) && (_animal >= 0)) { anSetupNames(buttons[_animal]); state = kANStateNames; } // If we clicked on the back button, go back if (checkButton(&kAnimalNamesBack, 1, mouseX, mouseY) != -1) { if (state == kANStateNames) { anSetupChooser(); state = kANStateChoose; } else if (state == kANStateChoose) state = kANStateFinish; } } fadeOut(); // Restore the cursor if (!cursorVisible) hideCursor(); removeCursor(); } void OnceUpon::anSetupChooser() { fadeOut(); _vm->_video->drawPackedSprite("dico.cmp", *_vm->_draw->_backSurface); // Draw the back button Surface menu(320, 34, 1); _vm->_video->drawPackedSprite("icon.cmp", menu); drawButton(*_vm->_draw->_backSurface, menu, kAnimalNamesBack); // "Choose an animal" TXTFile *choose = loadTXT(getLocFile("choisi.tx"), TXTFile::kFormatStringPosition); choose->draw(*_vm->_draw->_backSurface, &_plettre, 1, 14); delete choose; _vm->_draw->forceBlit(); } void OnceUpon::anSetupNames(const MenuButton &animal) { fadeOut(); Surface background(320, 200, 1); _vm->_video->drawPackedSprite("dico.cmp", background); // Draw the background and clear what we don't need _vm->_draw->_backSurface->blit(background); _vm->_draw->_backSurface->fillRect(19, 19, 302, 186, 15); // Draw the back button Surface menu(320, 34, 1); _vm->_video->drawPackedSprite("icon.cmp", menu); drawButton(*_vm->_draw->_backSurface, menu, kAnimalNamesBack); // Draw the animal drawButton(*_vm->_draw->_backSurface, background, animal); // Draw the language buttons Surface elements(320, 200, 1); _vm->_video->drawPackedSprite("elemenu.cmp", elements); drawButtons(*_vm->_draw->_backSurface, elements, kLanguageButtons, ARRAYSIZE(kLanguageButtons)); // Draw the language names _plettre->drawString("Fran\207ais", 43, 70, 10, 15, true, *_vm->_draw->_backSurface); _plettre->drawString("Deutsch" , 136, 70, 10, 15, true, *_vm->_draw->_backSurface); _plettre->drawString("English" , 238, 70, 10, 15, true, *_vm->_draw->_backSurface); _plettre->drawString("Italiano" , 43, 128, 10, 15, true, *_vm->_draw->_backSurface); _plettre->drawString("Espa\244ol" , 136, 128, 10, 15, true, *_vm->_draw->_backSurface); _plettre->drawString("English" , 238, 128, 10, 15, true, *_vm->_draw->_backSurface); _vm->_draw->forceBlit(); } void OnceUpon::anPlayAnimalName(const Common::String &animal, uint language) { // Sound file to play Common::String soundFile = animal + "_" + kLanguageSuffixLong[language] + ".snd"; // Get the name of the animal TXTFile *names = loadTXT(animal + ".anm", TXTFile::kFormatString); Common::String name = names->getLines()[language].text; delete names; // It should be centered on the screen const int nameX = 160 - (name.size() * _plettre->getCharWidth()) / 2; // Backup the screen surface Surface backup(162, 23, 1); backup.blit(*_vm->_draw->_backSurface, 78, 123, 239, 145, 0, 0); // Draw the name border Surface nameBorder(162, 23, 1); _vm->_video->drawPackedSprite("mot.cmp", nameBorder); _vm->_draw->_backSurface->blit(nameBorder, 0, 0, 161, 22, 78, 123); // Print the animal name _plettre->drawString(name, nameX, 129, 10, 0, true, *_vm->_draw->_backSurface); _vm->_draw->dirtiedRect(_vm->_draw->_backSurface, 78, 123, 239, 145); playSoundFile(soundFile); // Restore the screen _vm->_draw->_backSurface->blit(backup, 0, 0, 161, 22, 78, 123); _vm->_draw->dirtiedRect(_vm->_draw->_backSurface, 78, 123, 239, 145); } void OnceUpon::drawLineByLine(const Surface &src, int16 left, int16 top, int16 right, int16 bottom, int16 x, int16 y) const { // A special way of drawing something: // Draw every other line "downwards", wait a bit after each line // Then, draw the remaining lines "upwards" and again wait a bit after each line. if (_vm->shouldQuit()) return; const int16 width = right - left + 1; const int16 height = bottom - top + 1; if ((width <= 0) || (height <= 0)) return; for (int16 i = 0; i < height; i += 2) { if (_vm->shouldQuit()) return; _vm->_draw->_backSurface->blit(src, left, top + i, right, top + i, x, y + i); _vm->_draw->dirtiedRect(_vm->_draw->_backSurface, x, y + i, x + width - 1, y + 1); _vm->_draw->blitInvalidated(); _vm->_util->longDelay(1); } for (int16 i = (height & 1) ? height : (height - 1); i >= 0; i -= 2) { if (_vm->shouldQuit()) return; _vm->_draw->_backSurface->blit(src, left, top + i, right, top + i, x, y + i); _vm->_draw->dirtiedRect(_vm->_draw->_backSurface, x, y + i, x + width - 1, y + 1); _vm->_draw->blitInvalidated(); _vm->_util->longDelay(1); } } } // End of namespace OnceUpon } // End of namespace Gob