/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "gob/gob.h" #include "gob/sound/sound.h" #include "gob/global.h" #include "gob/util.h" #include "gob/dataio.h" #include "gob/game.h" #include "gob/inter.h" #include "gob/sound/pcspeaker.h" #include "gob/sound/soundblaster.h" #include "gob/sound/adlib.h" #include "gob/sound/infogrames.h" #include "gob/sound/protracker.h" #include "gob/sound/cdrom.h" namespace Gob { Sound::Sound(GobEngine *vm) : _vm(vm) { _pcspeaker = new PCSpeaker(*_vm->_mixer); _blaster = new SoundBlaster(*_vm->_mixer); _adlPlayer = 0; _mdyPlayer = 0; _infogrames = 0; _protracker = 0; _cdrom = 0; _bgatmos = 0; _hasAdLib = (!_vm->_noMusic && _vm->hasAdLib()); if (!_vm->_noMusic && (_vm->getPlatform() == Common::kPlatformAmiga)) { _infogrames = new Infogrames(*_vm->_mixer); _protracker = new Protracker(*_vm->_mixer); } if (_vm->isCD()) _cdrom = new CDROM; if (_vm->getGameType() == kGameTypeWoodruff) _bgatmos = new BackgroundAtmosphere(*_vm->_mixer); if ((_vm->getGameType() == kGameTypeUrban) || (_vm->getGameType() == kGameTypeAdibou2)) { _bgatmos = new BackgroundAtmosphere(*_vm->_mixer); _bgatmos->setShadable(false); } } Sound::~Sound() { delete _pcspeaker; delete _blaster; delete _adlPlayer; delete _mdyPlayer; delete _infogrames; delete _protracker; delete _cdrom; delete _bgatmos; for (int i = 0; i < kSoundsCount; i++) _sounds[i].free(); } void Sound::convToSigned(byte *buffer, int length) { while (length-- > 0) *buffer++ ^= 0x80; } SoundDesc *Sound::sampleGetBySlot(int slot) { if ((slot < 0) || (slot >= kSoundsCount)) return 0; return &_sounds[slot]; } const SoundDesc *Sound::sampleGetBySlot(int slot) const { if ((slot < 0) || (slot >= kSoundsCount)) return 0; return &_sounds[slot]; } int Sound::sampleGetNextFreeSlot() const { for (int i = 0; i < kSoundsCount; i++) if (_sounds[i].empty()) return i; return -1; } bool Sound::sampleLoad(SoundDesc *sndDesc, SoundType type, const char *fileName, bool tryExist) { if (!sndDesc) return false; debugC(2, kDebugSound, "Loading sample \"%s\"", fileName); int32 size; byte *data = _vm->_dataIO->getFile(fileName, size); if (!data) { warning("Can't open sample file \"%s\"", fileName); return false; } return sndDesc->load(type, data, size); } void Sound::sampleFree(SoundDesc *sndDesc, bool noteAdLib, int index) { if (!sndDesc || sndDesc->empty()) return; if (sndDesc->getType() == SOUND_ADL) { if (noteAdLib) { if (_adlPlayer) if ((index == -1) || (_adlPlayer->getIndex() == index)) _adlPlayer->stopPlay(); if (_mdyPlayer) if ((index == -1) || (_mdyPlayer->getIndex() == index)) _mdyPlayer->stopPlay(); } } else { if (_blaster) _blaster->stopSound(0, sndDesc); } sndDesc->free(); } void Sound::speakerOn(int16 frequency, int32 length) { if (!_pcspeaker) return; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "PCSpeaker: Playing tone (%d, %d)", frequency, length); _pcspeaker->speakerOn(frequency, length); } void Sound::speakerOff() { if (!_pcspeaker) return; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "PCSpeaker: Stopping tone"); _pcspeaker->speakerOff(); } void Sound::speakerOnUpdate(uint32 millis) { if (!_pcspeaker) return; _pcspeaker->onUpdate(millis); } bool Sound::infogramesLoadInstruments(const char *fileName) { if (!_infogrames) return false; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "Infogrames: Loading instruments \"%s\"", fileName); return _infogrames->loadInstruments(fileName); } bool Sound::infogramesLoadSong(const char *fileName) { if (!_infogrames) return false; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "Infogrames: Loading song \"%s\"", fileName); return _infogrames->loadSong(fileName); } bool Sound::protrackerPlay(const char *fileName) { if (!_protracker) return false; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "Protracker: Playing song \"%s\"", fileName); return _protracker->play(fileName); } void Sound::protrackerStop() { if (!_protracker) return; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "Protracker: Stopping playback"); _protracker->stop(); } void Sound::infogramesPlay() { if (!_infogrames) return; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "Infogrames: Starting playback"); _infogrames->play(); } void Sound::infogramesStop() { if (!_infogrames) return; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "Infogrames: Stopping playback"); _infogrames->stop(); } bool Sound::adlibLoadADL(const char *fileName) { if (!_hasAdLib) return false; if (!_adlPlayer) _adlPlayer = new ADLPlayer(*_vm->_mixer); debugC(1, kDebugSound, "AdLib: Loading ADL data (\"%s\")", fileName); return _adlPlayer->load(fileName); } bool Sound::adlibLoadADL(byte *data, uint32 size, int index) { if (!_hasAdLib) return false; if (!_adlPlayer) _adlPlayer = new ADLPlayer(*_vm->_mixer); debugC(1, kDebugSound, "AdLib: Loading ADL data (%d)", index); return _adlPlayer->load(data, size, index); } void Sound::adlibUnload() { if (!_hasAdLib) return; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "AdLib: Unloading data"); if (_adlPlayer) _adlPlayer->unload(); if (_mdyPlayer) _mdyPlayer->unload(); } bool Sound::adlibLoadMDY(const char *fileName) { if (!_hasAdLib) return false; if (!_mdyPlayer) _mdyPlayer = new MDYPlayer(*_vm->_mixer); debugC(1, kDebugSound, "AdLib: Loading MDY data (\"%s\")", fileName); Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = _vm->_dataIO->getFile(fileName); if (!stream) { warning("Can't open MDY file \"%s\"", fileName); return false; } bool loaded = _mdyPlayer->loadMDY(*stream); delete stream; return loaded; } bool Sound::adlibLoadTBR(const char *fileName) { if (!_hasAdLib) return false; if (!_mdyPlayer) _mdyPlayer = new MDYPlayer(*_vm->_mixer); Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = _vm->_dataIO->getFile(fileName); if (!stream) { warning("Can't open TBR file \"%s\"", fileName); return false; } debugC(1, kDebugSound, "AdLib: Loading MDY instruments (\"%s\")", fileName); bool loaded = _mdyPlayer->loadTBR(*stream); delete stream; return loaded; } void Sound::adlibPlayTrack(const char *trackname) { if (!_hasAdLib) return; if (!_adlPlayer) _adlPlayer = new ADLPlayer(*_vm->_mixer); if (_adlPlayer->isPlaying()) return; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "AdLib: Playing ADL track \"%s\"", trackname); _adlPlayer->unload(); _adlPlayer->load(trackname); _adlPlayer->startPlay(); } void Sound::adlibPlayBgMusic() { if (!_hasAdLib) return; if (!_adlPlayer) _adlPlayer = new ADLPlayer(*_vm->_mixer); static const char *tracksMac[] = { // "musmac1.adl", // TODO: This track isn't played correctly at all yet "musmac2.adl", "musmac3.adl", "musmac4.adl", "musmac5.adl", "musmac6.adl" }; static const char *tracksWin[] = { "musmac1.mid", "musmac2.mid", "musmac3.mid", "musmac4.mid", "musmac5.mid" }; if (_vm->getPlatform() == Common::kPlatformWindows) { int track = _vm->_util->getRandom(ARRAYSIZE(tracksWin)); adlibPlayTrack(tracksWin[track]); } else { int track = _vm->_util->getRandom(ARRAYSIZE(tracksMac)); adlibPlayTrack(tracksMac[track]); } } void Sound::adlibPlay() { if (!_hasAdLib) return; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "AdLib: Starting playback"); if (_adlPlayer) _adlPlayer->startPlay(); if (_mdyPlayer) _mdyPlayer->startPlay(); } void Sound::adlibStop() { if (!_hasAdLib) return; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "AdLib: Stopping playback"); if (_adlPlayer) _adlPlayer->stopPlay(); if (_mdyPlayer) _mdyPlayer->stopPlay(); } bool Sound::adlibIsPlaying() const { if (!_hasAdLib) return false; if (_adlPlayer && _adlPlayer->isPlaying()) return true; if (_mdyPlayer && _mdyPlayer->isPlaying()) return true; return false; } int Sound::adlibGetIndex() const { if (!_hasAdLib) return -1; if (_adlPlayer) return _adlPlayer->getIndex(); if (_mdyPlayer) return _mdyPlayer->getIndex(); return -1; } bool Sound::adlibGetRepeating() const { if (!_hasAdLib) return false; if (_adlPlayer) return _adlPlayer->getRepeating(); if (_mdyPlayer) return _mdyPlayer->getRepeating(); return false; } void Sound::adlibSetRepeating(int32 repCount) { if (!_hasAdLib) return; if (_adlPlayer) _adlPlayer->setRepeating(repCount); if (_mdyPlayer) _mdyPlayer->setRepeating(repCount); } void Sound::blasterPlay(SoundDesc *sndDesc, int16 repCount, int16 frequency, int16 fadeLength) { if (!_blaster || !sndDesc) return; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "SoundBlaster: Playing sample (%d, %d, %d)", repCount, frequency, fadeLength); _blaster->playSample(*sndDesc, repCount, frequency, fadeLength); } void Sound::blasterStop(int16 fadeLength, SoundDesc *sndDesc) { if (!_blaster) return; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "SoundBlaster: Stopping playback"); _blaster->stopSound(fadeLength, sndDesc); } void Sound::blasterPlayComposition(int16 *composition, int16 freqVal, SoundDesc *sndDescs, int8 sndCount) { if (!_blaster) return; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "SoundBlaster: Playing composition (%d, %d)", freqVal, sndCount); blasterWaitEndPlay(); _blaster->stopComposition(); if (!sndDescs) sndDescs = _sounds; _blaster->playComposition(composition, freqVal, sndDescs, sndCount); } void Sound::blasterStopComposition() { if (!_blaster) return; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "SoundBlaster: Stopping composition"); _blaster->stopComposition(); } char Sound::blasterPlayingSound() const { if (!_blaster) return 0; return _blaster->getPlayingSound(); } void Sound::blasterSetRepeating(int32 repCount) { if (!_blaster) return; _blaster->setRepeating(repCount); } void Sound::blasterWaitEndPlay(bool interruptible, bool stopComp) { if (!_blaster) return; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "SoundBlaster: Waiting for playback to end"); if (stopComp) _blaster->endComposition(); while (_blaster->isPlaying() && !_vm->shouldQuit()) { if (interruptible && (_vm->_util->checkKey() == kKeyEscape)) { WRITE_VAR(57, (uint32) -1); return; } _vm->_util->longDelay(200); } _blaster->stopSound(0); } void Sound::cdLoadLIC(const Common::String &fname) { if (!_cdrom) return; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "CDROM: Loading LIC \"%s\"", fname.c_str()); Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = _vm->_dataIO->getFile(fname); if (!stream) return; _cdrom->readLIC(*stream); delete stream; } void Sound::cdUnloadLIC() { if (!_cdrom) return; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "CDROM: Unloading LIC"); _cdrom->freeLICBuffer(); } void Sound::cdPlayBgMusic() { if (!_cdrom) return; static const char *tracks[][2] = { {"avt00.tot", "mine"}, {"avt001.tot", "nuit"}, {"avt002.tot", "campagne"}, {"avt003.tot", "extsor1"}, {"avt004.tot", "interieure"}, {"avt005.tot", "zombie"}, {"avt006.tot", "zombie"}, {"avt007.tot", "campagne"}, {"avt008.tot", "campagne"}, {"avt009.tot", "extsor1"}, {"avt010.tot", "extsor1"}, {"avt011.tot", "interieure"}, {"avt012.tot", "zombie"}, {"avt014.tot", "nuit"}, {"avt015.tot", "interieure"}, {"avt016.tot", "statue"}, {"avt017.tot", "zombie"}, {"avt018.tot", "statue"}, {"avt019.tot", "mine"}, {"avt020.tot", "statue"}, {"avt021.tot", "mine"}, {"avt022.tot", "zombie"} }; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(tracks); i++) if (_vm->isCurrentTot(tracks[i][0])) { debugC(1, kDebugSound, "CDROM: Playing background music \"%s\" (\"%s\")", tracks[i][1], tracks[i][0]); _cdrom->startTrack(tracks[i][1]); break; } } void Sound::cdPlayMultMusic() { if (!_cdrom) return; static const char *tracks[][6] = { {"avt005.tot", "fra1", "all1", "ang1", "esp1", "ita1"}, {"avt006.tot", "fra2", "all2", "ang2", "esp2", "ita2"}, {"avt012.tot", "fra3", "all3", "ang3", "esp3", "ita3"}, {"avt016.tot", "fra4", "all4", "ang4", "esp4", "ita4"}, {"avt019.tot", "fra5", "all5", "ang5", "esp5", "ita5"}, {"avt022.tot", "fra6", "all6", "ang6", "esp6", "ita6"} }; // Default to "ang?" for other languages (including EN_USA) int language = _vm->_global->_language <= 4 ? _vm->_global->_language : 2; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(tracks); i++) if (_vm->isCurrentTot(tracks[i][0])) { debugC(1, kDebugSound, "CDROM: Playing mult music \"%s\" (\"%s\")", tracks[i][language + 1], tracks[i][0]); _cdrom->startTrack(tracks[i][language + 1]); break; } } void Sound::cdPlay(const Common::String &trackName) { if (!_cdrom) return; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "CDROM: Playing track \"%s\"", trackName.c_str()); // WORKAROUND - In Fascination CD, in the storage room, a track has the wrong // name in the scripts, and therefore doesn't play. This fixes the problem. if ((_vm->getGameType() == kGameTypeFascination) && trackName.equalsIgnoreCase("boscle")) _cdrom->startTrack("bosscle"); else _cdrom->startTrack(trackName.c_str()); } void Sound::cdStop() { if (!_cdrom) return; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "CDROM: Stopping playback"); _cdrom->stopPlaying(); } bool Sound::cdIsPlaying() const { if (!_cdrom) return false; return _cdrom->isPlaying(); } int32 Sound::cdGetTrackPos(const char *keyTrack) const { if (!_cdrom) return -1; return _cdrom->getTrackPos(keyTrack); } const char *Sound::cdGetCurrentTrack() const { if (!_cdrom) return ""; return _cdrom->getCurTrack(); } void Sound::cdTest(int trySubst, const char *label) { if (!_cdrom) return; _cdrom->testCD(trySubst, label); } void Sound::bgPlay(const char *file, SoundType type) { if (!_bgatmos) return; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "BackgroundAtmosphere: Playing \"%s\"", file); _bgatmos->stopBA(); _bgatmos->queueClear(); SoundDesc *sndDesc = new SoundDesc; if (!sampleLoad(sndDesc, type, file)) { delete sndDesc; return; } _bgatmos->queueSample(*sndDesc); _bgatmos->playBA(); } void Sound::bgPlay(const char *base, const char *ext, SoundType type, int count) { if (!_bgatmos) return; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "BackgroundAtmosphere: Playing \"%s\" (%d)", base, count); _bgatmos->stopBA(); _bgatmos->queueClear(); SoundDesc *sndDesc; for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { Common::String fileName = Common::String::format("%s%02d.%s", base, i, ext); sndDesc = new SoundDesc; if (sampleLoad(sndDesc, type, fileName.c_str())) _bgatmos->queueSample(*sndDesc); else delete sndDesc; } _bgatmos->playBA(); } void Sound::bgStop() { if (!_bgatmos) return; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "BackgroundAtmosphere: Stopping playback"); _bgatmos->stopBA(); _bgatmos->queueClear(); } void Sound::bgSetPlayMode(BackgroundAtmosphere::PlayMode mode) { if (!_bgatmos) return; _bgatmos->setPlayMode(mode); } void Sound::bgShade() { if (!_bgatmos) return; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "BackgroundAtmosphere: Shading playback"); _bgatmos->shade(); } void Sound::bgUnshade() { if (!_bgatmos) return; debugC(1, kDebugSound, "BackgroundAtmosphere: Unshading playback"); _bgatmos->unshade(); } } // End of namespace Gob