/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2004 Ivan Dubrov * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ #include "gob/gob.h" #include "gob/global.h" #include "gob/timer.h" #include "gob/util.h" #include "gob/draw.h" #include "gob/game.h" #include "gob/inter.h" #include "common/events.h" namespace Gob { Util::Util(GobEngine *vm) : _vm(vm) { _mouseButtons = 0; for (int i = 0; i < KEYBUFSIZE; i++) _keyBuffer[i] = 0; _keyBufferHead = 0; _keyBufferTail = 0; } void Util::addKeyToBuffer(int16 key) { if ((_keyBufferHead + 1) % KEYBUFSIZE == _keyBufferTail) { warning("key buffer overflow"); return; } _keyBuffer[_keyBufferHead] = key; _keyBufferHead = (_keyBufferHead + 1) % KEYBUFSIZE; } bool Util::keyBufferEmpty() { return (_keyBufferHead == _keyBufferTail); } bool Util::getKeyFromBuffer(int16& key) { if (_keyBufferHead == _keyBufferTail) return false; key = _keyBuffer[_keyBufferTail]; _keyBufferTail = (_keyBufferTail + 1) % KEYBUFSIZE; return true; } void Util::initInput(void) { _mouseButtons = 0; _keyBufferHead = _keyBufferTail = 0; } void Util::waitKey(void) { // FIXME: wrong function name? This functions clears the keyboard buffer. processInput(); _keyBufferHead = _keyBufferTail = 0; } int16 Util::translateKey(int16 key) { struct keyS { int16 from; int16 to; } keys[] = { {8, 0x0e08}, // Backspace {32, 0x3920}, // Space {13, 0x1C0D}, // Enter {27, 0x011b}, // ESC {127, 0x5300}, // Del {273, 0x4800}, // Up arrow {274, 0x5000}, // Down arrow {275, 0x4D00}, // Right arrow {276, 0x4B00}, // Left arrow {282, 0x3b00}, // F1 {283, 0x3c00}, // F2 {284, 0x3d00}, // F3 {285, 0x3E00}, // F4 {286, 0x011b}, // F5 {287, 0x4000}, // F6 {288, 0x4100}, // F7 {289, 0x4200}, // F8 {290, 0x4300}, // F9 {291, 0x4400} // F10 }; int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(keys); i++) if (key == keys[i].from) return keys[i].to; if (key < 32 || key >= 128) return 0; return key; } int16 Util::getKey(void) { int16 key; while (!getKeyFromBuffer(key)) { processInput(); if (keyBufferEmpty()) g_system->delayMillis(10); } return translateKey(key); } int16 Util::checkKey(void) { int16 key; if (!getKeyFromBuffer(key)) key = 0; return translateKey(key); } int16 Util::getRandom(int16 max) { return _vm->_rnd.getRandomNumber(max - 1); } void Util::processInput() { Common::Event event; Common::EventManager *eventMan = g_system->getEventManager(); while (eventMan->pollEvent(event)) { switch (event.type) { case Common::EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: _mouseButtons |= 1; break; case Common::EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN: _mouseButtons |= 2; break; case Common::EVENT_LBUTTONUP: _mouseButtons &= ~1; break; case Common::EVENT_RBUTTONUP: _mouseButtons &= ~2; break; case Common::EVENT_KEYDOWN: addKeyToBuffer(event.kbd.keycode); break; case Common::EVENT_KEYUP: break; case Common::EVENT_QUIT: _vm->_quitRequested = true; break; default: break; } } } void Util::getMouseState(int16 *pX, int16 *pY, int16 *pButtons) { Common::Point mouse = g_system->getEventManager()->getMousePos(); *pX = mouse.x; *pY = mouse.y; if (pButtons != 0) *pButtons = _mouseButtons; } void Util::setMousePos(int16 x, int16 y) { g_system->warpMouse(x, y); } void Util::longDelay(uint16 msecs) { uint32 time = g_system->getMillis() + msecs; do { _vm->_video->waitRetrace(_vm->_global->_videoMode); processInput(); delay(15); } while (!_vm->_quitRequested && (g_system->getMillis() < time)); } void Util::delay(uint16 msecs) { g_system->delayMillis(msecs); } void Util::beep(int16 freq) { if (_vm->_global->_soundFlags == 0) return; _vm->_snd->speakerOn(freq, 50); } uint32 Util::getTimeKey(void) { return g_system->getMillis(); } void Util::waitMouseUp(void) { do { processInput(); if (_mouseButtons != 0) delay(10); } while (_mouseButtons != 0); } void Util::waitMouseDown(void) { do { processInput(); if (_mouseButtons == 0) delay(10); } while (_mouseButtons == 0); } /* NOT IMPLEMENTED */ int16 Util::calcDelayTime() { return 0; } /* NOT IMPLEMENTED */ void Util::checkJoystick() { _vm->_global->_useJoystick = 0; } void Util::setFrameRate(int16 rate) { if (rate == 0) rate = 1; _vm->_global->_frameWaitTime = 1000 / rate; _vm->_global->_startFrameTime = getTimeKey(); _vm->_game->_dword_2F2B6 = 0; } void Util::waitEndFrame() { int32 time; _vm->_video->waitRetrace(_vm->_global->_videoMode); time = getTimeKey() - _vm->_global->_startFrameTime; if (time > 1000 || time < 0) { _vm->_global->_startFrameTime = getTimeKey(); _vm->_game->_dword_2F2B6 = 0; return; } if (_vm->_global->_frameWaitTime - time > 0) { _vm->_game->_dword_2F2B6 = 0; delay(_vm->_global->_frameWaitTime - _vm->_game->_dword_2F2B6 - time); } _vm->_global->_startFrameTime = getTimeKey(); _vm->_game->_dword_2F2B6 = time - _vm->_global->_frameWaitTime; } int16 joy_getState() { return 0; } int16 joy_calibrate() { return 0; } Video::FontDesc *Util::loadFont(const char *path) { Video::FontDesc *fontDesc = new Video::FontDesc; char *data; if (fontDesc == 0) return 0; data = _vm->_dataio->getData(path); if (data == 0) { delete fontDesc; return 0; } fontDesc->dataPtr = data + 4; fontDesc->itemWidth = data[0] & 0x7f; fontDesc->itemHeight = data[1]; fontDesc->startItem = data[2]; fontDesc->endItem = data[3]; fontDesc->itemSize = ((fontDesc->itemWidth - 1) / 8 + 1) * fontDesc->itemHeight; fontDesc->bitWidth = fontDesc->itemWidth; if (data[0] & 0x80) fontDesc->extraData = data + 4 + fontDesc->itemSize * (fontDesc->endItem - fontDesc->startItem + 1); else fontDesc->extraData = 0; return fontDesc; } void Util::freeFont(Video::FontDesc * fontDesc) { delete[] (fontDesc->dataPtr - 4); delete fontDesc; } void Util::clearPalette(void) { int16 i; byte colors[768]; if ((_vm->_global->_videoMode != 0x13) && (_vm->_global->_videoMode != 0x14)) error("clearPalette: Video mode 0x%x is not supported!", _vm->_global->_videoMode); if (_vm->_global->_setAllPalette) { for (i = 0; i < 768; i++) colors[i] = 0; g_system->setPalette(colors, 0, 256); return; } for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) _vm->_video->setPalElem(i, 0, 0, 0, 0, _vm->_global->_videoMode); } void Util::insertStr(const char *str1, char *str2, int16 pos) { int16 len1; int16 i; int16 from; i = strlen(str2); len1 = strlen(str1); if (pos < i) from = pos; else from = i; for (; i >= from; i--) str2[len1 + i] = str2[i]; for (i = 0; i < len1; i++) str2[i + from] = str1[i]; } void Util::cutFromStr(char *str, int16 from, int16 cutlen) { int16 len; int16 i; //log_write("cutFromStr: str = %s, ", str); len = strlen(str); if (from >= len) return; if (from + cutlen > len) { str[from] = 0; //log_write("res = %s\n", str); return; } i = from; do { str[i] = str[i + cutlen]; i++; } while (str[i] != 0); //log_write("res = %s\n", str); } void Util::listInsertFront(List * list, void *data) { ListNode *node; node = new ListNode; if (list->pHead != 0) { node->pData = data; node->pNext = list->pHead; node->pPrev = 0; list->pHead->pPrev = node; list->pHead = node; } else { list->pHead = node; list->pTail = node; node->pData = data; node->pNext = 0; node->pPrev = 0; } } void Util::listInsertBack(List * list, void *data) { ListNode *node; if (list->pHead != 0) { if (list->pTail == 0) { list->pTail = list->pHead; warning("listInsertBack: Broken list"); } node = new ListNode; node->pData = data; node->pPrev = list->pTail; node->pNext = 0; list->pTail->pNext = node; list->pTail = node; } else { listInsertFront(list, data); } } void Util::listDropFront(List * list) { if (list->pHead->pNext == 0) { delete list->pHead; list->pHead = 0; list->pTail = 0; } else { list->pHead = list->pHead->pNext; delete list->pHead->pPrev; list->pHead->pPrev = 0; } } void Util::deleteList(List * list) { while (list->pHead != 0) { listDropFront(list); } delete list; } static const char trStr1[] = " ' + - :0123456789: <=> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz "; static const char trStr2[] = " ueaaaaceeeiii ooouu aioun "; static const char trStr3[] = " "; void Util::prepareStr(char *str) { uint16 i; char *start, *end; char buf[300]; strcpy(buf, trStr1); strcat(buf, trStr2); strcat(buf, trStr3); for (i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++) str[i] = buf[str[i] - 32]; while (str[0] == ' ') cutFromStr(str, 0, 1); while (strlen(str) > 0 && str[strlen(str) - 1] == ' ') cutFromStr(str, strlen(str) - 1, 1); start = strchr(str, ' '); while (start != 0) { if (*(start+1) == ' ') { cutFromStr(str, start - str, 1); continue; } end = strchr(start + 1, ' '); if (end != 0) start = end + 1; else start = 0; } } void Util::waitMouseRelease(char drawMouse) { int16 buttons; int16 mouseX; int16 mouseY; do { _vm->_game->checkKeys(&mouseX, &mouseY, &buttons, drawMouse); if (drawMouse != 0) _vm->_draw->animateCursor(2); delay(10); } while (buttons != 0); } void Util::forceMouseUp(void) { _vm->_game->_mouseButtons = 0; _mouseButtons = 0; } void Util::setScrollOffset(int16 x, int16 y) { processInput(); _vm->_video->_scrollOffsetX = x >= 0 ? x : _vm->_draw->_scrollOffsetX; _vm->_video->_scrollOffsetY = y >= 0 ? y : _vm->_draw->_scrollOffsetY; _vm->_video->waitRetrace(_vm->_global->_videoMode); } } // End of namespace Gob