/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "common/system.h" #include "common/file.h" #include "common/textconsole.h" #include "hopkins/font.h" #include "hopkins/files.h" #include "hopkins/globals.h" #include "hopkins/graphics.h" #include "hopkins/hopkins.h" #include "hopkins/objects.h" namespace Hopkins { void FontManager::setParent(HopkinsEngine *vm) { _vm = vm; } void FontManager::clearAll() { for (int idx = 0; idx < 11; ++idx) { Txt[idx].field0 = 0; Txt[idx].field12 = 0; Txt[idx].field3FC = 0; Txt[idx].field3FE = 0; Txt[idx].field400 = 0; Txt[idx].width = 0; Txt[idx].height = 0; Txt[idx].field408 = 0; ListeTxt[idx].enabled = false; } } void FontManager::TEXTE_ON(int idx) { if ((idx - 5) > 11) error("Attempted to display text > MAX_TEXT."); TxtItem &txt = Txt[idx - 5]; txt.field0 = 1; txt.field408 = 0; if (txt.field400 != g_PTRNUL) { _vm->_globals.dos_free2(txt.field400); txt.field400 = g_PTRNUL; } } void FontManager::TEXTE_OFF(int idx) { if ((idx - 5) > 11) error("Attempted to display text > MAX_TEXT."); TxtItem &txt = Txt[idx - 5]; txt.field0 = 0; txt.field408 = 0; if (txt.field400 != g_PTRNUL) { _vm->_globals.dos_free2(txt.field400); txt.field400 = g_PTRNUL; } } void FontManager::COUL_TXT(int idx, byte colByte) { Txt[idx - 5].field40A = colByte; } void FontManager::OPTI_COUL_TXT(int idx1, int idx2, int idx3, int idx4) { COUL_TXT(idx1, 255); COUL_TXT(idx2, 255); COUL_TXT(idx3, 255); COUL_TXT(idx4, 253); } void FontManager::DOS_TEXT(int idx, int a2, const Common::String &filename, int xp, int yp, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10) { if ((idx - 5) > 11) error("Attempted to display text > MAX_TEXT."); TxtItem &txt = Txt[idx - 5]; txt.field0 = 0; txt.filename = filename; txt.xp = xp; txt.yp = yp; txt.fieldC = a2; txt.fieldE = a6; txt.field10 = a7; txt.field3FC = a8; txt.field3FE = a9; txt.field40A = a10; } void FontManager::BOITE(int idx, int fileIndex, const Common::String &filename, int xp, int yp) { int filesize; byte *v9; const byte *v10; int v11; char v13; char v14; int v15; char v16; int v17; int v18; int v19; int v20; int v21; int v22; int v23; char v24; int v25; int v27; int v28; int v29; int v31; int v32; int v33; int v34; int v35; int v36; int v37; int v38; int v40; int ptrb; int ptrc; byte *ptrd; byte *ptre; Common::String s; int v49; int v50; int v51; int v52; int v53; int v54; int v55; int v56; int lineSize; int lineCount; byte *v59; byte *v60; byte *v61; int v62; int v63; int v64; int v65; int v66; int v67; int v68; int v69; int v70; int v71; int v72; int v73; int i; int v75; Common::String file; Common::File f; v73 = xp; v70 = yp; lineCount = 0; if (idx < 0) error("Bad number for text"); _vm->_globals.police_l = 11; _vm->_globals.largeur_boite = 11 * Txt[idx].field3FE; if (Txt[idx].field408) { v34 = Txt[idx].field3FC; if (v34 != 6 && v34 != 1 && v34 != 3 && v34 != 5) { v72 = yp + 5; v38 = 0; if (Txt[idx].field12 > 0) { do { v40 = idx; TEXT_NOW1(xp + 5, v72, Txt[idx].lines[v38], Txt[idx].field40A); v72 += _vm->_globals.police_h + 1; ++v38; idx = v40; } while (Txt[v40].field12 > v38); } } else { v35 = idx; v36 = Txt[v35].height; v37 = Txt[v35].width; _vm->_graphicsManager.Restore_Mem( _vm->_graphicsManager.VESA_BUFFER, Txt[v35].field400, xp, yp, Txt[v35].width, Txt[v35].height); _vm->_graphicsManager.Ajoute_Segment_Vesa(xp, yp, xp + v37, yp + v36); } } else { v62 = 0; do { TRIER_TEXT[v62++] = 0; } while (v62 <= 19); Txt[idx].field408 = 1; _vm->_fileManager.CONSTRUIT_FICHIER(_vm->_globals.HOPLINK, filename); file = _vm->_globals.NFICHIER; if (strncmp(file.c_str(), oldname.c_str(), strlen(file.c_str())) != 0) { // Starting to access a new file, so read in the index file for the file oldname = file; nom_index = Common::String(file.c_str(), file.size() - 3); nom_index += "IND"; if (!f.open(nom_index)) error("Error opening file - %s", nom_index.c_str()); filesize = f.size(); for (int i = 0; i < (filesize / 4); ++i) Index[i] = f.readUint32LE(); f.close(); } if (filename[0] != 'Z' || filename[1] != 'O') { if (!f.open(file)) error("Error opening file - %s", nom_index.c_str()); v69 = 2048; f.seek(Index[fileIndex]); texte_tmp = _vm->_globals.dos_malloc2(0x80Au); if (texte_tmp == g_PTRNUL) error("Error allocating text"); f.read(texte_tmp, 0x800u); f.close(); _vm->_globals.texte_long = 2048; } else { v69 = 100; _vm->_globals.texte_long = 100; v9 = _vm->_globals.dos_malloc2(0x6Eu); texte_tmp = v9; v10 = _vm->_globals.BUF_ZONE + Index[fileIndex]; memcpy(v9, v10, 0x60u); v11 = 0; WRITE_LE_UINT16((uint16 *)v9 + 48, (int16)READ_LE_UINT16(v10 + 96)); } v59 = texte_tmp; v63 = 0; if (!v69) goto LABEL_43; do { v13 = *v59; if ((byte)(*v59 + 46) > 0x1Bu) { if ((unsigned __int8)(v13 + 80) > 0x1Bu) { if ((unsigned __int8)(v13 - 65) <= 0x19u || (unsigned __int8)(v13 - 97) <= 0x19u) v13 = 32; } else { v13 -= 79; } } else { v13 += 111; } *v59 = v13; v59 = v59 + 1; ++v63; } while (v63 < v69); v60 = texte_tmp; v64 = 0; if (v69) { while (1) { v14 = *(v60 + v64); if (v14 == '\r' || v14 == '\n') { *(v60 + v64) = 0; if (!Txt[idx].field3FE) break; } ++v64; if (v69 <= v64) goto LABEL_43; } Txt[idx].field3FE = v64; _vm->_globals.largeur_boite = 0; v15 = 0; if (v64 + 1 > 0) { do { v16 = *(v60 + v15); if ((unsigned __int8)v16 <= 0x1Fu) v16 = 32; _vm->_globals.largeur_boite += _vm->_objectsManager.Get_Largeur(_vm->_globals.police, (byte)v16 - 32); ++v15; } while (v15 < v64 + 1); } _vm->_globals.largeur_boite += 2; v17 = _vm->_globals.largeur_boite / 2; if (v17 < 0) v17 = -v17; Txt[idx].xp = 320 - v17; v73 = _vm->_eventsManager.start_x + 320 - v17; lineCount = 1; v18 = 0; if (v64 + 1 > 0) { Txt[idx].lines[0] = Common::String((const char *)v60, v64); } } else { LABEL_43: if (!_vm->_globals.largeur_boite) _vm->_globals.largeur_boite = 240; v65 = 0; v61 = texte_tmp; do { v19 = 0; ptrb = _vm->_globals.largeur_boite - 4; while (1) { lineSize = v19; do v11 = *(v61 + v65 + v19++); while (v11 != 32 && v11 != 37); if (v19 >= ptrb / _vm->_globals.police_l) break; if (v11 == '%') { if (v19 < ptrb / _vm->_globals.police_l) goto LABEL_55; break; } } if (v11 != '%') goto LABEL_57; v11 = 32; LABEL_55: if (v11 == '%') lineSize = v19; LABEL_57: v20 = lineCount; v21 = v11; Txt[idx].lines[v20] = Common::String((const char *)v61 + v65, lineSize); TRIER_TEXT[lineCount++] = lineSize; v65 += lineSize; v11 = v21; } while (v21 != 37); v66 = 0; do { v22 = TRIER_TEXT[v66]; if (v22 <= 0) { TRIER_TEXT[v66] = 0; } else { ptrc = 0; v23 = 0; if (v22 - 1 > 0) { do { v24 = Txt[idx].lines[v66][v23]; if ((byte)v24 <= 0x1Fu) v24 = 32; ptrc += _vm->_objectsManager.Get_Largeur(_vm->_globals.police, (byte)v24 - 32); ++v23; } while (v23 < TRIER_TEXT[v66] - 1); } TRIER_TEXT[v66] = ptrc; } ++v66; } while (v66 <= 19); v67 = 0; do { v25 = v67; do { ++v25; if (v25 == 20) v25 = 0; if (TRIER_TEXT[v67] < TRIER_TEXT[v25]) TRIER_TEXT[v67] = 0; } while (v25 != (signed __int16)v67); ++v67; } while (v67 <= 19); v68 = 0; do { if (TRIER_TEXT[v68]) _vm->_globals.largeur_boite = TRIER_TEXT[v68]; ++v68; } while (v68 <= 19); if ((unsigned __int16)(Txt[idx].field3FC - 2) > 1u) { for (i = xp - _vm->_eventsManager.start_x; _vm->_globals.largeur_boite + i > 638 && i > -2 && Txt[idx].field3FC; i -= 2) ; Txt[idx].xp = i; v73 = _vm->_eventsManager.start_x + i; } else { if (_vm->_globals.nbrligne == (SCREEN_WIDTH - 1)) { while (_vm->_globals.largeur_boite + v73 > 638 && v73 > -2) v73 -= 2; } if (_vm->_globals.nbrligne == (SCREEN_WIDTH * 2)) { while (_vm->_globals.largeur_boite + v73 > 1278 && v73 > -2) v73 -= 2; } Txt[idx].xp = v73; } } _vm->_globals.hauteur_boite = (_vm->_globals.police_h + 1) * lineCount + 2; v56 = v73; v55 = yp; v53 = _vm->_globals.largeur_boite + 10; v51 = (_vm->_globals.police_h + 1) * lineCount + 12; if (Txt[idx].field3FC == 6) { v27 = v53 / 2; if (v27 < 0) v27 = -v27; Txt[idx].xp = 315 - v27; v28 = _vm->_eventsManager.start_x + 315 - v27; v73 = _vm->_eventsManager.start_x + 315 - v27; Txt[idx].yp = 50; v70 = 50; v55 = 50; v56 = v28; } v29 = Txt[idx].field3FC; if (v29 == 1 || v29 == 3 || (unsigned __int16)(v29 - 5) <= 1u) { v49 = v51 * v53; ptrd = _vm->_globals.dos_malloc2(v51 * v53); if (ptrd == g_PTRNUL) { error("Cutting a block for text box (%d)", v49); } _vm->_graphicsManager.Capture_Mem(_vm->_graphicsManager.VESA_BUFFER, ptrd, v56, v55, v53, v51); _vm->_graphicsManager.Trans_bloc2(ptrd, _vm->_graphicsManager.TABLE_COUL, v49); _vm->_graphicsManager.Restore_Mem(_vm->_graphicsManager.VESA_BUFFER, ptrd, v56, v55, v53, v51); _vm->_globals.dos_free2(ptrd); _vm->_graphicsManager.Plot_Hline(_vm->_graphicsManager.VESA_BUFFER, v56, v55, v53, (byte)-2); _vm->_graphicsManager.Plot_Hline(_vm->_graphicsManager.VESA_BUFFER, v56, v51 + v55, v53, (byte)-2); _vm->_graphicsManager.Plot_Vline(_vm->_graphicsManager.VESA_BUFFER, v56, v70, v51, (byte)-2); _vm->_graphicsManager.Plot_Vline(_vm->_graphicsManager.VESA_BUFFER, v53 + v56, v70, v51, (byte)-2); } Txt[idx].field12 = lineCount; v75 = v73 + 5; v71 = v70 + 5; if (lineCount > 0) { for (int lineNum = 0; lineNum < lineCount; ++lineNum) { TEXT_NOW1(v75, v71, Txt[idx].lines[lineNum], Txt[idx].field40A); v71 += _vm->_globals.police_h + 1; } } v54 = v53 + 1; v52 = v51 + 1; v31 = idx; Txt[v31].width = v54; Txt[v31].height = v52; v32 = Txt[v31].field3FC; if (v32 == 6 || v32 == 1 || v32 == 3 || v32 == 5) { v33 = idx; if (Txt[v33].field400 != g_PTRNUL) Txt[v33].field400 = _vm->_globals.dos_free2(Txt[v33].field400); v50 = v52 * v54; ptre = _vm->_globals.dos_malloc2(v50 + 20); if (ptre == g_PTRNUL) error("Cutting a block for text box (%d)", v50); Txt[v33].field400 = ptre; Txt[v33].width = v54; Txt[v33].height = v52; _vm->_graphicsManager.Capture_Mem(_vm->_graphicsManager.VESA_BUFFER, Txt[v33].field400, v56, v55, Txt[v33].width, v52); } texte_tmp = _vm->_globals.dos_free2(texte_tmp); } } void FontManager::TEXT_NOW1(int xp, int yp, const Common::String &message, int transColour) { for (uint idx = 0; idx < message.size(); ++idx) { char currentChar = message[idx]; if (currentChar > 31) { int characterIndex = currentChar - 32; _vm->_graphicsManager.Affiche_Fonte(_vm->_graphicsManager.VESA_BUFFER, _vm->_globals.police, xp, yp, characterIndex, transColour); xp += _vm->_objectsManager.Get_Largeur(_vm->_globals.police, characterIndex); } } } } // End of namespace Hopkins