/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "hopkins/saveload.h" #include "hopkins/files.h" #include "hopkins/globals.h" #include "hopkins/hopkins.h" #include "common/system.h" #include "common/savefile.h" #include "graphics/surface.h" #include "graphics/scaler.h" #include "graphics/thumbnail.h" namespace Hopkins { const char *SAVEGAME_STR = "HOPKINS"; #define SAVEGAME_STR_SIZE 13 SaveLoadManager::SaveLoadManager(HopkinsEngine *vm) { _vm = vm; } bool SaveLoadManager::save(const Common::String &file, const void *buf, size_t n) { Common::OutSaveFile *savefile = g_system->getSavefileManager()->openForSaving(file); if (savefile) { size_t bytesWritten = savefile->write(buf, n); savefile->finalize(); delete savefile; return bytesWritten == n; } else return false; } bool SaveLoadManager::saveExists(const Common::String &file) { Common::InSaveFile *savefile = g_system->getSavefileManager()->openForLoading(file); bool result = savefile != NULL; delete savefile; return result; } // Save File bool SaveLoadManager::saveFile(const Common::String &file, const void *buf, size_t n) { return save(file, buf, n); } void SaveLoadManager::load(const Common::String &file, byte *buf) { Common::InSaveFile *savefile = g_system->getSavefileManager()->openForLoading(file); if (savefile == NULL) error("Error opening file - %s", file.c_str()); int32 filesize = savefile->size(); savefile->read(buf, filesize); delete savefile; } bool SaveLoadManager::readSavegameHeader(Common::InSaveFile *in, hopkinsSavegameHeader &header) { char saveIdentBuffer[SAVEGAME_STR_SIZE + 1]; header._thumbnail = NULL; // Validate the header Id in->read(saveIdentBuffer, SAVEGAME_STR_SIZE + 1); if (strncmp(saveIdentBuffer, SAVEGAME_STR, SAVEGAME_STR_SIZE)) return false; header._version = in->readByte(); if (header._version > HOPKINS_SAVEGAME_VERSION) return false; // Read in the string header._saveName.clear(); char ch; while ((ch = (char)in->readByte()) != '\0') header._saveName += ch; // Get the thumbnail header._thumbnail = Graphics::loadThumbnail(*in); if (!header._thumbnail) return false; // Read in save date/time header._year = in->readSint16LE(); header._month = in->readSint16LE(); header._day = in->readSint16LE(); header._hour = in->readSint16LE(); header._minute = in->readSint16LE(); header._totalFrames = in->readUint32LE(); return true; } void SaveLoadManager::writeSavegameHeader(Common::OutSaveFile *out, hopkinsSavegameHeader &header) { // Write out a savegame header out->write(SAVEGAME_STR, SAVEGAME_STR_SIZE + 1); out->writeByte(HOPKINS_SAVEGAME_VERSION); // Write savegame name out->write(header._saveName.c_str(), header._saveName.size() + 1); // Create a thumbnail and save it Graphics::Surface *thumb = new Graphics::Surface(); createThumbnail(thumb); Graphics::saveThumbnail(*out, *thumb); thumb->free(); delete thumb; // Write out the save date/time TimeDate td; g_system->getTimeAndDate(td); out->writeSint16LE(td.tm_year + 1900); out->writeSint16LE(td.tm_mon + 1); out->writeSint16LE(td.tm_mday); out->writeSint16LE(td.tm_hour); out->writeSint16LE(td.tm_min); out->writeUint32LE(_vm->_events->_gameCounter); } Common::Error SaveLoadManager::saveGame(int slot, const Common::String &saveName) { /* Pack any necessary data into the savegame data structure */ // Set the selected slot number _vm->_globals->_saveData->_data[svLastSavegameSlot] = slot; // Set up the inventory for (int i = 0; i < 35; ++i) _vm->_globals->_saveData->_inventory[i] = _vm->_globals->_inventory[i]; _vm->_globals->_saveData->_mapCarPosX = _vm->_objectsMan->_mapCarPosX; _vm->_globals->_saveData->_mapCarPosY = _vm->_objectsMan->_mapCarPosY; /* Create the savegame */ Common::OutSaveFile *savefile = g_system->getSavefileManager()->openForSaving(_vm->generateSaveName(slot)); if (!savefile) return Common::kCreatingFileFailed; // Set up the serializer Common::Serializer serializer(NULL, savefile); // Write out the savegame header hopkinsSavegameHeader header; header._saveName = saveName; header._version = HOPKINS_SAVEGAME_VERSION; writeSavegameHeader(savefile, header); // Write out the savegame data syncSavegameData(serializer, header._version); // Save file complete savefile->finalize(); delete savefile; return Common::kNoError; } Common::Error SaveLoadManager::loadGame(int slot) { // Try and open the save file for reading Common::InSaveFile *savefile = g_system->getSavefileManager()->openForLoading( _vm->generateSaveName(slot)); if (!savefile) return Common::kReadingFailed; // Set up the serializer Common::Serializer serializer(savefile, NULL); // Read in the savegame header hopkinsSavegameHeader header; readSavegameHeader(savefile, header); if (header._thumbnail) header._thumbnail->free(); delete header._thumbnail; // Read in the savegame data syncSavegameData(serializer, header._version); // Loading save file complete delete savefile; // Unpack the inventory for (int i = 0; i < 35; ++i) _vm->_globals->_inventory[i] = _vm->_globals->_saveData->_inventory[i]; // Set variables from loaded data as necessary _vm->_globals->_saveData->_data[svLastSavegameSlot] = slot; _vm->_globals->_exitId = _vm->_globals->_saveData->_data[svLastScreenId]; _vm->_globals->_saveData->_data[svLastPrevScreenId] = 0; _vm->_globals->_screenId = 0; _vm->_objectsMan->_mapCarPosX = _vm->_globals->_saveData->_mapCarPosX; _vm->_objectsMan->_mapCarPosY = _vm->_globals->_saveData->_mapCarPosY; return Common::kNoError; } bool SaveLoadManager::readSavegameHeader(int slot, hopkinsSavegameHeader &header) { // Try and open the save file for reading Common::InSaveFile *savefile = g_system->getSavefileManager()->openForLoading( _vm->generateSaveName(slot)); if (!savefile) return false; bool result = readSavegameHeader(savefile, header); delete savefile; return result; } #define REDUCE_AMOUNT 80 void SaveLoadManager::createThumbnail(Graphics::Surface *s) { int w = _vm->_graphicsMan->zoomOut(SCREEN_WIDTH, REDUCE_AMOUNT); int h = _vm->_graphicsMan->zoomOut(SCREEN_HEIGHT - 40, REDUCE_AMOUNT); Graphics::Surface thumb8; thumb8.create(w, h, Graphics::PixelFormat::createFormatCLUT8()); _vm->_graphicsMan->reduceScreenPart(_vm->_graphicsMan->_frontBuffer, (byte *)thumb8.getBasePtr(0, 0), _vm->_events->_startPos.x, 20, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 40, 80); // Convert the 8-bit pixel to 16 bit surface s->create(w, h, Graphics::PixelFormat(2, 5, 6, 5, 0, 11, 5, 0, 0)); const byte *srcP = (const byte *)thumb8.getBasePtr(0, 0); uint16 *destP = (uint16 *)s->getBasePtr(0, 0); for (int yp = 0; yp < h; ++yp) { // Copy over the line, using the source pixels as lookups into the pixels palette const byte *lineSrcP = srcP; uint16 *lineDestP = destP; for (int xp = 0; xp < w; ++xp) *lineDestP++ = *(uint16 *)&_vm->_graphicsMan->_palettePixels[*lineSrcP++ * 2]; // Move to the start of the next line srcP += w; destP += w; } thumb8.free(); } void SaveLoadManager::syncSavegameData(Common::Serializer &s, int version) { // The brief version 3 had the highscores embedded. They're in a separate file now, so skip if (version == 3 && s.isLoading()) s.skip(100); s.syncBytes(&_vm->_globals->_saveData->_data[0], 2050); syncCharacterLocation(s, _vm->_globals->_saveData->_cloneHopkins); syncCharacterLocation(s, _vm->_globals->_saveData->_realHopkins); syncCharacterLocation(s, _vm->_globals->_saveData->_samantha); for (int i = 0; i < 35; ++i) s.syncAsSint16LE(_vm->_globals->_saveData->_inventory[i]); if (version > 1) { s.syncAsSint16LE(_vm->_globals->_saveData->_mapCarPosX); s.syncAsSint16LE(_vm->_globals->_saveData->_mapCarPosY); } else { _vm->_globals->_saveData->_mapCarPosX = _vm->_globals->_saveData->_mapCarPosY = 0; } } void SaveLoadManager::syncCharacterLocation(Common::Serializer &s, CharacterLocation &item) { s.syncAsSint16LE(item._pos.x); s.syncAsSint16LE(item._pos.y); s.syncAsSint16LE(item._startSpriteIndex); s.syncAsSint16LE(item._location); s.syncAsSint16LE(item._zoomFactor); } void SaveLoadManager::convertThumb16To8(Graphics::Surface *thumb16, Graphics::Surface *thumb8) { thumb8->create(thumb16->w, thumb16->h, Graphics::PixelFormat::createFormatCLUT8()); Graphics::PixelFormat pixelFormat16(2, 5, 6, 5, 0, 11, 5, 0, 0); byte paletteR[PALETTE_SIZE]; byte paletteG[PALETTE_SIZE]; byte paletteB[PALETTE_SIZE]; for (int palIndex = 0; palIndex < PALETTE_SIZE; ++palIndex) { uint16 p = READ_UINT16(&_vm->_graphicsMan->_palettePixels[palIndex * 2]); pixelFormat16.colorToRGB(p, paletteR[palIndex], paletteG[palIndex], paletteB[palIndex]); } const uint16 *srcP = (const uint16 *)thumb16->getBasePtr(0, 0); byte *destP = (byte *)thumb8->getBasePtr(0, 0); for (int yp = 0; yp < thumb16->h; ++yp) { const uint16 *lineSrcP = srcP; byte *lineDestP = destP; for (int xp = 0; xp < thumb16->w; ++xp) { byte r, g, b; pixelFormat16.colorToRGB(*lineSrcP++, r, g, b); // Do like in the original and show thumbnail as a grayscale picture int lum = (r * 21 + g * 72 + b * 7) / 100; r = g = b = lum; // Scan the palette for the closest match int difference = 99999, foundIndex = 0; for (int palIndex = 0; palIndex < PALETTE_SIZE; ++palIndex) { byte rCurrent = paletteR[palIndex]; byte gCurrent = paletteG[palIndex]; byte bCurrent = paletteB[palIndex]; int diff = ABS((int)r - (int)rCurrent) + ABS((int)g - (int)gCurrent) + ABS((int)b - (int)bCurrent); if (diff < difference) { difference = diff; foundIndex = palIndex; } } *lineDestP++ = foundIndex; } // Move to the start of the next line srcP += thumb16->w; destP += thumb16->w; } } } // End of namespace Hopkins