/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #if !defined(ENABLE_EOB) #include "kyra/graphics/screen.h" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_EOB #include "kyra/engine/eobcommon.h" #include "kyra/resource/resource.h" #include "common/system.h" #include "graphics/cursorman.h" #include "graphics/palette.h" #include "graphics/sjis.h" namespace Kyra { Screen_EoB::Screen_EoB(EoBCoreEngine *vm, OSystem *system) : Screen(vm, system, _screenDimTable, _screenDimTableCount), _cursorColorKey16Bit(0x8000) { _dsBackgroundFading = false; _dsShapeFadingLevel = 0; _dsBackgroundFadingXOffs = 0; _dsShapeFadingTable = 0; _dsX1 = _dsX2 = _dsY1 = _dsY2 = 0; _gfxX = _gfxY = 0; _gfxCol = 0; _dsTempPage = 0; _shpBuffer = _convertHiColorBuffer = 0; _dsDiv = 0; _dsRem = 0; _dsScaleTrans = 0; _cgaScaleTable = 0; _gfxMaxY = 0; _egaDitheringTable = 0; _egaDitheringTempPage = 0; _cgaMappingDefault = 0; _cgaDitheringTables[0] = _cgaDitheringTables[1] = 0; _useHiResEGADithering = false; } Screen_EoB::~Screen_EoB() { delete[] _dsTempPage; delete[] _shpBuffer; delete[] _convertHiColorBuffer; delete[] _cgaScaleTable; delete[] _egaDitheringTable; delete[] _egaDitheringTempPage; delete[] _cgaDitheringTables[0]; delete[] _cgaDitheringTables[1]; } bool Screen_EoB::init() { if (Screen::init()) { int temp; _gfxMaxY = _vm->staticres()->loadRawData(kEoBBaseExpObjectY, temp); _dsTempPage = new uint8[12000]; if (_vm->gameFlags().platform == Common::kPlatformFMTowns) { _shpBuffer = new uint8[SCREEN_H * SCREEN_W]; _convertHiColorBuffer = new uint8[SCREEN_H * SCREEN_W]; enableHiColorMode(true); Graphics::FontSJIS *font = Graphics::FontSJIS::createFont(Common::kPlatformFMTowns); if (!font) error("Could not load any SJIS font, neither the original nor ScummVM's 'SJIS.FNT'"); _fonts[FID_SJIS_LARGE_FNT] = new SJISFontLarge(font); loadFont(FID_SJIS_SMALL_FNT, "FONT.DMP"); } if (_vm->gameFlags().useHiRes && _renderMode == Common::kRenderEGA) { _useHiResEGADithering = true; _egaDitheringTable = new uint8[256]; _egaDitheringTempPage = new uint8[SCREEN_W * 2 * SCREEN_H * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) _egaDitheringTable[i] = i & 0x0F; } else if (_renderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) { _cgaMappingDefault = _vm->staticres()->loadRawData(kEoB1CgaMappingDefault, temp); _cgaDitheringTables[0] = new uint16[256]; memset(_cgaDitheringTables[0], 0, 256 * sizeof(uint16)); _cgaDitheringTables[1] = new uint16[256]; memset(_cgaDitheringTables[1], 0, 256 * sizeof(uint16)); _cgaScaleTable = new uint8[256]; memset(_cgaScaleTable, 0, 256 * sizeof(uint8)); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) _cgaScaleTable[i] = ((i & 0xF0) >> 2) | (i & 0x03); } return true; } return false; } void Screen_EoB::setClearScreenDim(int dim) { setScreenDim(dim); clearCurDim(); } void Screen_EoB::clearCurDim() { fillRect(_curDim->sx << 3, _curDim->sy, ((_curDim->sx + _curDim->w) << 3) - 1, (_curDim->sy + _curDim->h) - 1, _curDim->unkA); } void Screen_EoB::setMouseCursor(int x, int y, const byte *shape) { setMouseCursor(x, y, shape, 0); } void Screen_EoB::setMouseCursor(int x, int y, const byte *shape, const uint8 *ovl) { if (!shape) return; int mouseW = (shape[2] << 3); int mouseH = (shape[3]); int colorKey = (_renderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) ? 0 : (_bytesPerPixel == 2 ? _cursorColorKey16Bit : _cursorColorKey); int scaleFactor = _vm->gameFlags().useHiRes ? 2 : 1; int bpp = _useHiColorScreen ? 2 : 1; uint8 *cursor = new uint8[mouseW * scaleFactor * bpp * mouseH * scaleFactor]; if (_bytesPerPixel == 2) { for (int s = mouseW * scaleFactor * bpp * mouseH * scaleFactor; s; s -= 2) *(uint16*)(cursor + s - 2) = colorKey; } else { // We don't use fillRect here to make sure that the color key 0xFF doesn't get converted into EGA color memset(cursor, colorKey, mouseW * scaleFactor * bpp * mouseH * scaleFactor); } copyBlockToPage(6, 0, 0, mouseW * scaleFactor, mouseH * scaleFactor, cursor); drawShape(6, shape, 0, 0, 0, 2, ovl); CursorMan.showMouse(false); if (_useHiResEGADithering) ditherRect(getCPagePtr(6), cursor, mouseW * scaleFactor, mouseW, mouseH, colorKey); else if (_vm->gameFlags().useHiRes) scale2x(cursor, mouseW * scaleFactor, getCPagePtr(6), SCREEN_W, mouseW, mouseH); else copyRegionToBuffer(6, 0, 0, mouseW, mouseH, cursor); // Mouse cursor post processing for CGA mode. Unlike the original (which uses drawShape for the mouse cursor) // the cursor manager cannot know whether a pixel value of 0 is supposed to be black or transparent. Thus, we // go over the transparency mask again and turn the black pixels to color 4. if (_renderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) { const uint8 *maskTbl = shape + 4 + ((mouseW * mouseH) >> 2); uint8 *dst = cursor; uint8 trans = 0; uint8 shift = 6; uint16 mH = mouseH; while (mH--) { uint16 mW = mouseW; while (mW--) { if (shift == 6) trans = *maskTbl++; if (!*dst && !((trans >> shift) & 3)) *dst = 4; dst++; shift = (shift - 2) & 7; } } } // Convert color key to 16 bit after drawing the mouse cursor. // The cursor has been converted to 16 bit in scale2x(). colorKey = _16bitConversionPalette ? _16bitConversionPalette[colorKey] : colorKey; Graphics::PixelFormat pixelFormat = _system->getScreenFormat(); CursorMan.replaceCursor(cursor, mouseW * scaleFactor, mouseH * scaleFactor, x * scaleFactor, y * scaleFactor, colorKey, false, &pixelFormat); if (isMouseVisible()) CursorMan.showMouse(true); delete[] cursor; // makes sure that the cursor is drawn // we do not use Screen::updateScreen here // so we can be sure that changes to page 0 // are NOT updated on the real screen here _system->updateScreen(); } void Screen_EoB::loadFileDataToPage(Common::SeekableReadStream *s, int pageNum, uint32 size) { s->read(_pagePtrs[pageNum], size); } void Screen_EoB::printShadedText(const char *string, int x, int y, int col1, int col2) { if (_vm->gameFlags().platform != Common::kPlatformFMTowns) { printText(string, x - 1, y, 12, col2); printText(string, x, y + 1, 12, 0); printText(string, x - 1, y + 1, 12, 0); } else if (col2) { fillRect(x, y, x + getTextWidth(string) - 1, y + getFontHeight() - 1, col2); } printText(string, x, y, col1, 0); } void Screen_EoB::loadShapeSetBitmap(const char *file, int tempPage, int destPage) { loadEoBBitmap(file, _cgaMappingDefault, tempPage, destPage, -1); _curPage = 2; } void Screen_EoB::loadEoBBitmap(const char *file, const uint8 *cgaMapping, int tempPage, int destPage, int convertToPage) { const char *filePattern = _vm->gameFlags().platform == Common::kPlatformFMTowns ? "%s.SHP" : ((_vm->game() == GI_EOB1 && (_renderMode == Common::kRenderEGA || _renderMode == Common::kRenderCGA)) ? "%s.EGA" : "%s.CPS"); Common::String tmp = Common::String::format(filePattern, file); Common::SeekableReadStream *s = _vm->resource()->createReadStream(tmp); bool loadAlternative = false; if (_vm->gameFlags().platform == Common::kPlatformFMTowns) { if (!s) error("Screen_EoB::loadEoBBitmap(): Failed to load file '%s'", file); s->read(_shpBuffer, s->size()); decodeSHP(_shpBuffer, destPage); } else if (s) { // This additional check is necessary since some localized versions of EOB II seem to contain invalid (size zero) cps files if (s->size()) loadBitmap(tmp.c_str(), tempPage, destPage, 0); else loadAlternative = true; } else { loadAlternative = true; } delete s; if (loadAlternative) { if (_vm->game() == GI_EOB1) { tmp.insertChar('1', tmp.size() - 4); loadBitmap(tmp.c_str(), tempPage, destPage, 0); } else { tmp.setChar('X', 0); s = _vm->resource()->createReadStream(tmp); if (!s) error("Screen_EoB::loadEoBBitmap(): Failed to load file '%s'", file); s->seek(768); loadFileDataToPage(s, destPage, 64000); delete s; } } if (convertToPage == -1) return; if (_16bitPalette) convertToHiColor(destPage); if (convertToPage == 2 && _renderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) { convertPage(destPage, 4, cgaMapping); copyRegion(0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 200, 4, 2, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK); } else if (convertToPage == 0) { convertPage(destPage, 2, cgaMapping); copyRegion(0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 200, 2, 0, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK); } else { convertPage(destPage, convertToPage, cgaMapping); } } void Screen_EoB::convertPage(int srcPage, int dstPage, const uint8 *cgaMapping) { uint8 *src = getPagePtr(srcPage); uint8 *dst = getPagePtr(dstPage); if (src == dst) return; if (_renderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) { if (cgaMapping) generateCGADitheringTables(cgaMapping); uint16 *d = (uint16 *)dst; uint8 tblSwitch = 0; for (int height = SCREEN_H; height; height--) { const uint16 *table = _cgaDitheringTables[(tblSwitch++) & 1]; for (int width = SCREEN_W / 2; width; width--) { WRITE_LE_UINT16(d++, table[((src[1] & 0x0F) << 4) | (src[0] & 0x0F)]); src += 2; } } } else if (_renderMode == Common::kRenderEGA && !_useHiResEGADithering) { uint32 len = SCREEN_W * SCREEN_H; while (len--) *dst++ = *src++ & 0x0F; } else { copyPage(srcPage, dstPage); } if (dstPage == 0 || dstPage == 1) _forceFullUpdate = true; } void Screen_EoB::setScreenPalette(const Palette &pal) { if (_bytesPerPixel == 2) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) createFadeTable16bit((const uint16*)(pal.getData()), &_16bitPalette[i * 256], 0, i * 85); }else if (_useHiResEGADithering && pal.getNumColors() != 16) { generateEGADitheringTable(pal); } else if (_renderMode == Common::kRenderEGA && pal.getNumColors() == 16) { _screenPalette->copy(pal); _system->getPaletteManager()->setPalette(_screenPalette->getData(), 0, _screenPalette->getNumColors()); } else if (_renderMode != Common::kRenderCGA && _renderMode != Common::kRenderEGA) { Screen::setScreenPalette(pal); } } void Screen_EoB::getRealPalette(int num, uint8 *dst) { if (_renderMode == Common::kRenderCGA || _renderMode == Common::kRenderEGA) { const uint8 *pal = _screenPalette->getData(); for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { dst[0] = (pal[0] << 2) | (pal[0] & 3); dst[1] = (pal[1] << 2) | (pal[1] & 3); dst[2] = (pal[2] << 2) | (pal[2] & 3); dst += 3; pal += 3; } } else { Screen::getRealPalette(num, dst); } } uint8 *Screen_EoB::encodeShape(uint16 x, uint16 y, uint16 w, uint16 h, bool encode8bit, const uint8 *cgaMapping) { uint8 *shp = 0; uint16 shapesize = 0; uint8 *srcLineStart = getPagePtr(_curPage | 1) + y * 320 + (x << 3); uint8 *src = srcLineStart; if (_renderMode == Common::kRenderEGA && !_useHiResEGADithering) encode8bit = false; if (_bytesPerPixel == 2 && encode8bit) { shapesize = h * (w << 3) + 4; shp = new uint8[shapesize]; memset(shp, 0, shapesize); uint8 *dst = shp; *dst++ = 0; *dst++ = (h & 0xFF); *dst++ = (w & 0xFF); *dst++ = (h & 0xFF); w <<= 3; for (int i = 0; i < h; ++i) { memcpy(dst, src, w); srcLineStart += SCREEN_W; src = srcLineStart; dst += w; } } else if (_renderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) { if (cgaMapping) generateCGADitheringTables(cgaMapping); shapesize = h * (w << 2) + 4; shp = new uint8[shapesize]; memset(shp, 0, shapesize); uint8 *dst = shp; *dst++ = 4; *dst++ = (h & 0xFF); *dst++ = (w & 0xFF); *dst++ = (h & 0xFF); uint8 *dst2 = dst + (h * (w << 1)); uint8 tblSwitch = 0; uint16 h1 = h; while (h1--) { uint16 w1 = w << 1; const uint16 *table = _cgaDitheringTables[(tblSwitch++) & 1]; while (w1--) { uint16 p0 = table[((src[1] & 0x0F) << 4) | (src[0] & 0x0F)]; uint16 p1 = table[((src[3] & 0x0F) << 4) | (src[2] & 0x0F)]; *dst++ = ((p0 & 0x0003) << 6) | ((p0 & 0x0300) >> 4) | ((p1 & 0x0003) << 2) | ((p1 & 0x0300) >> 8); uint8 msk = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (!src[3 - i]) msk |= (3 << (i << 1)); } *dst2++ = msk; src += 4; } srcLineStart += SCREEN_W; src = srcLineStart; } } else if (encode8bit) { uint16 h1 = h; while (h1--) { uint8 *lineEnd = src + (w << 3); do { if (!*src++) { shapesize++; uint8 *startZeroPos = src; while (src != lineEnd && *src == 0) src++; uint16 numZero = src - startZeroPos + 1; if (numZero >> 8) shapesize += 2; } shapesize++; } while (src != lineEnd); srcLineStart += SCREEN_W; src = srcLineStart; } shapesize += 4; shp = new uint8[shapesize]; memset(shp, 0, shapesize); uint8 *dst = shp; *dst++ = 1; *dst++ = (h & 0xFF); *dst++ = (w & 0xFF); *dst++ = (h & 0xFF); srcLineStart = getPagePtr(_curPage | 1) + y * 320 + (x << 3); src = srcLineStart; h1 = h; while (h1--) { uint8 *lineEnd = src + (w << 3); do { uint8 val = *src++; if (!val) { *dst++ = 0; uint8 *startZeroPos = src; while (src != lineEnd && *src == 0) src++; uint16 numZero = src - startZeroPos + 1; if (numZero >> 8) { *dst++ = 255; *dst++ = 0; numZero -= 255; } val = numZero & 0xFF; } *dst++ = val; } while (src != lineEnd); srcLineStart += SCREEN_W; src = srcLineStart; } } else { uint8 nib = 0, col = 0; uint8 *colorMap = 0; if (_renderMode != Common::kRenderEGA || _useHiResEGADithering) { colorMap = new uint8[0x100]; memset(colorMap, 0xFF, 0x100); } shapesize = h * (w << 2) + 20; shp = new uint8[shapesize]; memset(shp, 0, shapesize); uint8 *dst = shp; *dst++ = 2; *dst++ = (h & 0xFF); *dst++ = (w & 0xFF); *dst++ = (h & 0xFF); if (_renderMode != Common::kRenderEGA || _useHiResEGADithering) { memset(dst, 0xFF, 0x10); } else { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) dst[i] = i; } uint8 *pal = dst; dst += 16; nib = col = 0; uint16 h1 = h; while (h1--) { uint16 w1 = w << 3; while (w1--) { uint8 s = *src++; uint8 c = s & 0x0F; if (colorMap) { c = colorMap[s]; if (c == 0xFF) { if (col < 0x10) { *pal++ = s; c = colorMap[s] = col++; } else { c = 0; } } } if (++nib & 1) *dst = c << 4; else *dst++ |= c; } srcLineStart += SCREEN_W; src = srcLineStart; } delete[] colorMap; } return shp; } void Screen_EoB::drawShape(uint8 pageNum, const uint8 *shapeData, int x, int y, int sd, int flags, ...) { uint8 *dst = getPagePtr(pageNum); const uint8 *src = shapeData; if (!src) return; if (sd != -1) { const ScreenDim *dm = getScreenDim(sd); setShapeFrame(dm->sx, dm->sy, dm->sx + dm->w, dm->sy + dm->h); x += (_dsX1 << 3); y += _dsY1; } uint8 *ovl = 0; va_list args; va_start(args, flags); if (flags & 2) { ovl = va_arg(args, uint8 *); _dsBackgroundFadingXOffs = x; } va_end(args); dst += (_dsX1 << (2 + _bytesPerPixel)); int16 dX = x - (_dsX1 << 3); int16 dY = y; int16 dW = _dsX2 - _dsX1; uint8 pixelsPerByte = *src++; uint16 dH = *src++; uint16 width = (*src++) << 3; uint16 transOffset = (pixelsPerByte == 4) ? (dH * width) >> 2 : 0; src++; int rX = x; int rY = y; int rW = width + 8; int rH = dH; uint16 w2 = width; int d = dY - _dsY1; int pixelStep = (flags & 1) ? -1 : 1; if (pixelsPerByte < 2) { uint16 marginLeft = 0; uint16 marginRight = 0; if (d < 0) { dH += d; if (dH <= 0) return; d = -d; for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) { marginLeft = width; for (int ii = 0; ii < marginLeft; ii++) { if (!*src++) marginLeft = marginLeft + 1 - *src++; } } dY = _dsY1; } d = _dsY2 - dY; if (d < 1) return; if (d < dH) dH = d; marginLeft = 0; if (dX < 0) { width += dX; marginLeft = -dX; if (marginLeft >= w2) return; dX = 0; } marginRight = 0; d = (dW << 3) - dX; if (d < 1) return; if (d < width) { width = d; marginRight = w2 - marginLeft - width; } dst += (dY * SCREEN_W * _bytesPerPixel + dX * _bytesPerPixel); uint8 *dstL = dst; if (pageNum == 0 || pageNum == 1) addDirtyRect(rX, rY, rW, rH); while (dH--) { int16 xpos = (int16) marginLeft; if (flags & 1) { if (pixelsPerByte == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < w2; i++) { if (*src++ == 0) { i += (*src - 1); src += (*src - 1); } } } else { src += w2; } src--; } const uint8 *src2 = src; if (xpos) { if (pixelsPerByte == 1) { do { uint8 val = (flags & 1) ? *(src - 1) : *src; while (val && xpos) { src += pixelStep; xpos--; val = (flags & 1) ? *(src - 1) : *src; } val = (flags & 1) ? *(src - 1) : *src; if (!val) { src += pixelStep; uint8 bt = (flags & 1) ? src[1] : src[0]; src += pixelStep; xpos = xpos - bt; } } while (xpos > 0); } else { src += (xpos * pixelStep); xpos = 0; } } dst -= xpos * _bytesPerPixel; xpos += width; while (xpos > 0) { uint8 c = *src; uint8 m = (flags & 1) ? *(src - 1) : c; src += pixelStep; if (m) { drawShapeSetPixel(dst, c); dst += _bytesPerPixel; xpos--; } else if (pixelsPerByte) { uint8 len = (flags & 1) ? src[1] : src[0]; dst += len * _bytesPerPixel; xpos -= len; src += pixelStep; } else { dst += _bytesPerPixel; xpos--; } } xpos += marginRight; if (xpos) { do { if (pixelsPerByte == 1) { uint8 val = (flags & 1) ? *(src - 1) : *src; while (val && xpos) { src += pixelStep; xpos--; val = (flags & 1) ? *(src - 1) : *src; } val = (flags & 1) ? *(src - 1) : *src; if (!val) { src += pixelStep; uint8 bt = (flags & 1) ? src[1] : src[0]; src += pixelStep; xpos = xpos - bt; } } else { src += (xpos * pixelStep); xpos = 0; } } while (xpos > 0); } dstL += SCREEN_W * _bytesPerPixel; dst = dstL; if (flags & 1) src = src2 + 1; } } else { const uint8 *pal = 0; uint8 cgaPal[4]; memset(cgaPal, 0, 4); if (pixelsPerByte == 2) { pal = ovl ? ovl : src; src += 16; } else { static const uint8 cgaDefOvl[] = { 0x00, 0x55, 0xAA, 0xFF }; pal = ovl ? ovl : cgaDefOvl; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) cgaPal[i] = pal[i] & 3; pal = cgaPal; } if (d < 0) { d = -d; if (d >= dH) return; src += (d * (width / pixelsPerByte)); d = dY + dH - _dsY1; if (d >= 0) { dH = d; dY = _dsY1; d = _dsY2 - dY; } } else { d = _dsY2 - dY; } if (d < 1) return; if (d < dH) dH = d; bool trimL = false; uint8 dXbitAlign = dX & (pixelsPerByte - 1); if (dX < 0) { width += dX; d = -dX; if (flags & 1) src -= (d / pixelsPerByte); else src += (d / pixelsPerByte); if (d >= w2) return; dX = 0; trimL = true; } d = (dW << 3) - dX; if (d < 1) return; if (d < width) width = d; dst += (dY * SCREEN_W * _bytesPerPixel + dX * _bytesPerPixel); if (pageNum == 0 || pageNum == 1) addDirtyRect(rX, rY, rW, rH); int pitch = SCREEN_W - width; int16 lineSrcStep = (w2 - width) / pixelsPerByte; uint8 lineSrcStepRemainder = (w2 - width) % pixelsPerByte; w2 /= pixelsPerByte; if (flags & 1) src += (w2 - 1); uint8 pixelPacking = 8 / pixelsPerByte; uint8 pixelPackingMask = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pixelPacking; i++) pixelPackingMask |= (1 << i); if (trimL && (dXbitAlign > lineSrcStepRemainder)) lineSrcStep--; uint8 bitShDef = 8 - pixelPacking; if (flags & 1) { lineSrcStep = (w2 << 1) - lineSrcStep; bitShDef = 0; } uint8 bitShLineStart = bitShDef; if (trimL) bitShLineStart -= (dXbitAlign * pixelStep * pixelPacking); while (dH--) { int16 wd = width; uint8 in = 0; uint8 trans = 0; uint8 shift = bitShLineStart; uint8 shSwtch = bitShLineStart; while (wd--) { if (shift == shSwtch) { in = *src; trans = src[transOffset]; src += pixelStep; shSwtch = bitShDef; } uint8 col = (pixelsPerByte == 2) ? pal[(in >> shift) & pixelPackingMask] : (*dst & ((trans >> shift) & (pixelPackingMask))) | pal[(in >> shift) & pixelPackingMask]; if (col || pixelsPerByte == 4) drawShapeSetPixel(dst, col); dst += _bytesPerPixel; shift = ((shift - (pixelStep * pixelPacking)) & 7); } src += lineSrcStep; dst += (pitch * _bytesPerPixel); } } } const uint8 *Screen_EoB::scaleShape(const uint8 *shapeData, int steps) { setShapeFadingLevel(steps); while (shapeData && steps--) shapeData = scaleShapeStep(shapeData); return shapeData; } const uint8 *Screen_EoB::scaleShapeStep(const uint8 *shp) { uint8 *dst = (shp != _dsTempPage) ? _dsTempPage : _dsTempPage + 6000; uint8 *d = dst; uint8 pixelsPerByte = *d++ = *shp++; assert(pixelsPerByte > 1); uint16 h = shp[0] + 1; d[0] = d[2] = (h << 1) / 3; uint16 w = shp[1]; uint16 w2 = (w << 3) / pixelsPerByte; uint16 t = ((w << 1) % 3) ? 1 : 0; d[1] = ((w << 1) / 3) + t; uint32 transOffsetSrc = (pixelsPerByte == 4) ? (shp[0] * shp[1]) << 1 : 0; uint32 transOffsetDst = (pixelsPerByte == 4) ? (d[0] * d[1]) << 1 : 0; shp += 3; d += 3; if (pixelsPerByte == 2) { int i = 0; while (i < 16) { if (!shp[i]) { i = -i; break; } i++; } if (i >= 0) i = 0; else i = -i; _dsScaleTrans = (i << 4) | (i & 0x0F); for (int ii = 0; ii < 16; ii++) *d++ = *shp++; } _dsDiv = w2 / 3; _dsRem = w2 % 3; while (--h) { if (pixelsPerByte == 2) scaleShapeProcessLine4Bit(d, shp); else scaleShapeProcessLine2Bit(d, shp, transOffsetDst, transOffsetSrc); if (!--h) break; if (pixelsPerByte == 2) scaleShapeProcessLine4Bit(d, shp); else scaleShapeProcessLine2Bit(d, shp, transOffsetDst, transOffsetSrc); if (!--h) break; shp += w2; } return (const uint8 *)dst; } const uint8 *Screen_EoB::generateShapeOverlay(const uint8 *shp, const uint8 *fadingTable) { if (*shp != 2) return 0; if (_bytesPerPixel == 2) { setFadeTable(fadingTable); setShapeFadingLevel(1); return 0; } shp += 4; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) _shapeOverlay[i] = fadingTable[shp[i]]; return _shapeOverlay; } void Screen_EoB::setShapeFrame(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { _dsX1 = x1; _dsY1 = y1; _dsX2 = x2; _dsY2 = y2; } void Screen_EoB::enableShapeBackgroundFading(bool enable) { _dsBackgroundFading = enable; } void Screen_EoB::setShapeFadingLevel(int level) { _dsShapeFadingLevel = level; } void Screen_EoB::setGfxParameters(int x, int y, int col) { _gfxX = x; _gfxY = y; _gfxCol = col; } void Screen_EoB::drawExplosion(int scale, int radius, int numElements, int stepSize, int aspectRatio, const uint8 *colorTable, int colorTableSize) { int ymin = 0; int ymax = _gfxMaxY[scale]; int xmin = -100; int xmax = 276; if (scale) --scale; hideMouse(); const ScreenDim *dm = getScreenDim(5); int rX1 = dm->sx << 3; int rY1 = dm->sy; int rX2 = rX1 + (dm->w << 3); int rY2 = rY1 + dm->h - 1; int16 gx2 = _gfxX; int16 gy2 = _gfxY; int16 *ptr2 = (int16 *)_dsTempPage; int16 *ptr3 = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[300]; int16 *ptr4 = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[600]; int16 *ptr5 = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[900]; int16 *ptr6 = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[1200]; int16 *ptr7 = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[1500]; int16 *ptr8 = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[1800]; if (numElements > 150) numElements = 150; for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) { ptr2[i] = ptr3[i] = 0; ptr4[i] = _vm->_rnd.getRandomNumberRng(0, radius) - (radius >> 1); ptr5[i] = _vm->_rnd.getRandomNumberRng(0, radius) - (radius >> 1) - (radius >> (8 - aspectRatio)); ptr7[i] = _vm->_rnd.getRandomNumberRng(1024 / stepSize, 2048 / stepSize); ptr8[i] = scale << 8; } for (int l = 2; l;) { if (l != 2) { for (int i = numElements - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int16 px = ((ptr2[i] >> 6) >> scale) + gx2; int16 py = ((ptr3[i] >> 6) >> scale) + gy2; if (py > ymax) py = ymax; if (posWithinRect(px, py, rX1, rY1, rX2, rY2)) { if (_bytesPerPixel == 2) setPagePixel16bit(0, px, py, ptr6[i]); else setPagePixel(0, px, py, ptr6[i]); } } } l = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) { uint32 end = _system->getMillis() + 1; if (ptr4[i] <= 0) ptr4[i]++; else ptr4[i]--; ptr2[i] += ptr4[i]; ptr5[i] += 5; ptr3[i] += ptr5[i]; ptr8[i] += ptr7[i]; int16 px = ((ptr2[i] >> 6) >> scale) + gx2; int16 py = ((ptr3[i] >> 6) >> scale) + gy2; if (py >= ymax || py < ymin) ptr5[i] = -(ptr5[i] >> 1); if (px >= xmax || px < xmin) ptr4[i] = -(ptr4[i] >> 1); if (py > ymax) py = ymax; int pxVal1 = 0; if (posWithinRect(px, py, 0, 0, 319, 199)) { pxVal1 = getPagePixel(2, px, py); ptr6[i] = getPagePixel(0, px, py); } assert((ptr8[i] >> 8) < colorTableSize); int pxVal2 = colorTable[ptr8[i] >> 8]; if (pxVal2) { l = 1; if (pxVal1 == _gfxCol && posWithinRect(px, py, rX1, rY1, rX2, rY2)) { setPagePixel(0, px, py, pxVal2); if (i % 5 == 0) { updateScreen(); uint32 cur = _system->getMillis(); if (end > cur) _system->delayMillis(end - cur); } } } else { ptr7[i] = 0; } } } showMouse(); } void Screen_EoB::drawVortex(int numElements, int radius, int stepSize, int, int disorder, const uint8 *colorTable, int colorTableSize) { int16 *xCoords = (int16 *)_dsTempPage; int16 *yCoords = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[300]; int16 *xMod = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[600]; int16 *yMod = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[900]; int16 *pixBackup = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[1200]; int16 *colTableStep = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[1500]; int16 *colTableIndex = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[1800]; int16 *pixDelay = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[2100]; hideMouse(); int cp = _curPage; if (numElements > 150) numElements = 150; int cx = 88; int cy = 48; radius <<= 6; for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) { int16 v38 = _vm->_rnd.getRandomNumberRng(radius >> 2, radius); int16 stepSum = 0; int16 sqsum = 0; while (sqsum < v38) { stepSum += stepSize; sqsum += stepSum; } switch (_vm->_rnd.getRandomNumber(255) & 3) { case 0: xCoords[i] = 32; yCoords[i] = sqsum; xMod[i] = stepSum; yMod[i] = 0; break; case 1: xCoords[i] = sqsum; yCoords[i] = 32; xMod[i] = 0; yMod[i] = stepSum; break; case 2: xCoords[i] = 32; yCoords[i] = -sqsum; xMod[i] = stepSum; yMod[i] = 0; break; default: xCoords[i] = -sqsum; yCoords[i] = 32; xMod[i] = 0; yMod[i] = stepSum; break; } if (_vm->_rnd.getRandomBit()) { xMod[i] *= -1; yMod[i] *= -1; } colTableStep[i] = _vm->_rnd.getRandomNumberRng(1024 / disorder, 2048 / disorder); colTableIndex[i] = 0; pixDelay[i] = _vm->_rnd.getRandomNumberRng(0, disorder >> 2); } int d = 0; for (int i = 2; i;) { if (i != 2) { for (int ii = numElements - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) { int16 px = CLIP((xCoords[ii] >> 6) + cx, 0, SCREEN_W - 1); int16 py = CLIP((yCoords[ii] >> 6) + cy, 0, SCREEN_H - 1); if (_bytesPerPixel == 2) setPagePixel16bit(0, px, py, pixBackup[ii]); else setPagePixel(0, px, py, pixBackup[ii]); } } i = 0; int r = (stepSize >> 1) + (stepSize >> 2) + (stepSize >> 3); uint32 nextDelay = _system->getMillis() + 1; for (int ii = 0; ii < numElements; ii++) { if (pixDelay[ii] == 0) { if (xCoords[ii] > 0) { xMod[ii] -= ((xMod[ii] > 0) ? stepSize : r); } else { xMod[ii] += ((xMod[ii] < 0) ? stepSize : r); } if (yCoords[ii] > 0) { yMod[ii] -= ((yMod[ii] > 0) ? stepSize : r); } else { yMod[ii] += ((yMod[ii] < 0) ? stepSize : r); } xCoords[ii] += xMod[ii]; yCoords[ii] += yMod[ii]; colTableIndex[ii] += colTableStep[ii]; } else { pixDelay[ii]--; } int16 px = CLIP((xCoords[ii] >> 6) + cx, 0, SCREEN_W - 1); int16 py = CLIP((yCoords[ii] >> 6) + cy, 0, SCREEN_H - 1); uint8 tc1 = ((disorder >> 2) <= d) ? getPagePixel(2, px, py) : 0; pixBackup[ii] = getPagePixel(0, px, py); uint8 tblIndex = CLIP(colTableIndex[ii] >> 8, 0, colorTableSize - 1); uint8 tc2 = colorTable[tblIndex]; if (tc2) { i = 1; if (tc1 == _gfxCol && !pixDelay[ii]) { setPagePixel(0, px, py, tc2); if (ii % 15 == 0) { updateScreen(); uint32 cur = _system->getMillis(); if (nextDelay > cur) _system->delayMillis(nextDelay - cur); nextDelay += 1; } } } else { colTableStep[ii] = 0; } } d++; } _curPage = cp; showMouse(); } void Screen_EoB::fadeTextColor(Palette *pal, int color1, int rate) { uint8 *col = pal->getData(); for (bool loop = true; loop;) { loop = true; uint32 end = _system->getMillis() + _vm->tickLength(); loop = false; for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) { uint8 c = col[color1 * 3 + ii]; if (c > rate) { col[color1 * 3 + ii] -= rate; loop = true; } else if (c) { col[color1 * 3 + ii] = 0; loop = true; } } if (loop) { setScreenPalette(*pal); updateScreen(); uint32 cur = _system->getMillis(); if (end > cur) _system->delayMillis(end - cur); } } } bool Screen_EoB::delayedFadePalStep(Palette *fadePal, Palette *destPal, int rate) { bool res = false; uint8 *s = fadePal->getData(); uint8 *d = destPal->getData(); for (int i = 0; i < 765; i++) { int fadeVal = *s++; int dstCur = *d; int diff = ABS(fadeVal - dstCur); if (diff == 0) { d++; continue; } res = true; diff = MIN(diff, rate); if (dstCur < fadeVal) *d += diff; else *d -= diff; d++; } return res; } int Screen_EoB::getRectSize(int w, int h) { return w * h; } void Screen_EoB::setFadeTable(const uint8 *table) { _dsShapeFadingTable = table; if (_bytesPerPixel == 2) memcpy(&_16bitPalette[0x100], table, 512); } void Screen_EoB::createFadeTable(const uint8 *palData, uint8 *dst, uint8 rootColor, uint8 weight) { if (!palData) return; const uint8 *src = palData + 3 * rootColor; uint8 r = *src++; uint8 g = *src++; uint8 b = *src; uint8 tr, tg, tb; src = palData + 3; *dst++ = 0; weight >>= 1; for (uint8 i = 1; i; i++) { uint16 tmp = (uint16)((*src - r) * weight) << 1; tr = *src++ - ((tmp >> 8) & 0xFF); tmp = (uint16)((*src - g) * weight) << 1; tg = *src++ - ((tmp >> 8) & 0xFF); tmp = (uint16)((*src - b) * weight) << 1; tb = *src++ - ((tmp >> 8) & 0xFF); const uint8 *d = palData + 3; uint16 v = 0xFFFF; uint8 col = rootColor; for (uint8 ii = 1; ii; ii++) { int a = *d++ - tr; int t = a * a; a = *d++ - tg; t += (a * a); a = *d++ - tb; t += (a * a); if (t <= v && (ii == rootColor || ii != i)) { v = t; col = ii; } } *dst++ = col; } } void Screen_EoB::createFadeTable16bit(const uint16 *palData, uint16 *dst, uint16 rootColor, uint8 weight) { rootColor = palData[rootColor]; uint8 r8 = (rootColor & 0x1f); uint8 g8 = (rootColor & 0x3E0) >> 5; uint8 b8 = (rootColor & 0x7C00) >> 10; int root_r = r8 << 4; int root_g = g8 << 4; int root_b = b8 << 4; *dst++ = palData[0]; for (uint8 i = 1; i; i++) { r8 = (palData[i] & 0x1f); g8 = (palData[i] & 0x3E0) >> 5; b8 = (palData[i] & 0x7C00) >> 10; int red = r8 << 4; int green = g8 << 4; int blue = b8 << 4; if (red > root_r) { red -= weight; if (root_r > red) red = root_r; } else { red += weight; if (root_r < red) red = root_r; } if (green > root_g) { green -= weight; if (root_g > green) green = root_g; } else { green += weight; if (root_g < green) green = root_g; } if (blue > root_b) { blue -= weight; if (root_b > blue) blue = root_b; } else { blue += weight; if (root_b < blue) blue = root_b; } r8 = red >> 4; g8 = green >> 4; b8 = blue >> 4; *dst++ = (b8 << 10) | (g8 << 5) | r8; } } const uint16 *Screen_EoB::getCGADitheringTable(int index) { return !(index & ~1) ? _cgaDitheringTables[index] : 0; } const uint8 *Screen_EoB::getEGADitheringTable() { return _egaDitheringTable; } bool Screen_EoB::loadFont(FontId fontId, const char *filename) { if (scumm_stricmp(filename, "FONT.DMP")) return Screen::loadFont(fontId, filename); Font *&fnt = _fonts[fontId]; int temp; const uint16 *tbl = _vm->staticres()->loadRawDataBe16(kEoB2FontDmpSearchTbl, temp); assert(tbl); if (!fnt) { fnt = new SJISFont12x12(tbl); assert(fnt); } Common::SeekableReadStream *file = _vm->resource()->createReadStream(filename); if (!file) error("Font file '%s' is missing", filename); bool ret = fnt->load(*file); fnt->setColorMap(_textColorsMap); delete file; return ret; } void Screen_EoB::decodeSHP(const uint8 *data, int dstPage) { int32 bytesLeft = READ_LE_UINT32(data); const uint8 *src = data + 4; uint8 *dst = getPagePtr(dstPage); if (bytesLeft < 0) { memcpy(dst, data, 64000); return; } while (bytesLeft > 0) { uint8 code = *src++; bytesLeft--; for (int i = 8; i; i--) { if (code & 0x80) { uint16 copyOffs = (src[0] << 4) | (src[1] >> 4); uint8 count = (src[1] & 0x0F) + 3; src += 2; bytesLeft -= 2; const uint8 *copySrc = dst - 1 - copyOffs; while (count--) *dst++ = *copySrc++; } else if (bytesLeft) { *dst++ = *src++; bytesLeft--; } else { break; } code <<= 1; } } } void Screen_EoB::convertToHiColor(int page) { if (!_16bitPalette) return; uint16 *dst = (uint16 *)getPagePtr(page); memcpy(_convertHiColorBuffer, dst, SCREEN_H * SCREEN_W); uint8 *src = _convertHiColorBuffer; for (int s = SCREEN_H * SCREEN_W; s; --s) *dst++ = _16bitPalette[*src++]; } void Screen_EoB::shadeRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int shadingLevel) { if (!_16bitPalette) return; int l = _16bitShadingLevel; _16bitShadingLevel = shadingLevel; if (_curPage == 0 || _curPage == 1) addDirtyRect(x1, y1, x2 - x1 + 1, y2 - y1 + 1); uint16 *dst = (uint16*)(getPagePtr(_curPage) + y1 * SCREEN_W * _bytesPerPixel + x1 * _bytesPerPixel); for (; y1 < y2; ++y1) { uint16 *ptr = dst; for (int i = 0; i < x2 - x1; i++) { *ptr = shade16bitColor(*ptr); ptr++; } dst += SCREEN_W; } _16bitShadingLevel = l; } void Screen_EoB::updateDirtyRects() { if (!_useHiResEGADithering) { Screen::updateDirtyRects(); return; } if (_forceFullUpdate) { ditherRect(getCPagePtr(0), _egaDitheringTempPage, SCREEN_W * 2, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); _system->copyRectToScreen(_egaDitheringTempPage, SCREEN_W * 2, 0, 0, SCREEN_W * 2, SCREEN_H * 2); } else { const byte *page0 = getCPagePtr(0); Common::List::iterator it; for (it = _dirtyRects.begin(); it != _dirtyRects.end(); ++it) { ditherRect(page0 + it->top * SCREEN_W + it->left, _egaDitheringTempPage, SCREEN_W * 2, it->width(), it->height()); _system->copyRectToScreen(_egaDitheringTempPage, SCREEN_W * 2, it->left * 2, it->top * 2, it->width() * 2, it->height() * 2); } } _forceFullUpdate = false; _dirtyRects.clear(); } void Screen_EoB::ditherRect(const uint8 *src, uint8 *dst, int dstPitch, int srcW, int srcH, int colorKey) { while (srcH--) { uint8 *dst2 = dst + dstPitch; for (int i = 0; i < srcW; i++) { int in = *src++; if (in != colorKey) { in = _egaDitheringTable[in]; *dst++ = *dst2++ = in >> 4; *dst++ = *dst2++ = in & 0x0F; } else { dst[0] = dst[1] = dst2[0] = dst2[1] = colorKey; dst += 2; dst2 += 2; } } src += (SCREEN_W - srcW); dst += ((dstPitch - srcW) * 2); } } void Screen_EoB::drawShapeSetPixel(uint8 *dst, uint8 col) { if (_bytesPerPixel == 2) { *(uint16*)dst = _16bitPalette[(_dsShapeFadingLevel << 8) + col]; return; } else if ((_renderMode != Common::kRenderCGA && _renderMode != Common::kRenderEGA) || _useHiResEGADithering) { if (_dsBackgroundFading) { if (_dsShapeFadingLevel) { col = *dst; } else { _dsBackgroundFadingXOffs &= 7; col = *(dst + _dsBackgroundFadingXOffs++); } } if (_dsShapeFadingLevel) { uint8 cnt = _dsShapeFadingLevel; while (cnt--) col = _dsShapeFadingTable[col]; } } *dst = col; } void Screen_EoB::scaleShapeProcessLine2Bit(uint8 *&shpDst, const uint8 *&shpSrc, uint32 transOffsetDst, uint32 transOffsetSrc) { for (int i = 0; i < _dsDiv; i++) { shpDst[0] = (_cgaScaleTable[shpSrc[0]] << 2) | (shpSrc[1] >> 6); shpDst[1] = ((shpSrc[1] & 0x0F) << 4) | ((shpSrc[2] >> 2) & 0x0F); shpDst[transOffsetDst] = (_cgaScaleTable[shpSrc[transOffsetSrc]] << 2) | (shpSrc[transOffsetSrc + 1] >> 6); shpDst[transOffsetDst + 1] = ((shpSrc[transOffsetSrc + 1] & 0x0F) << 4) | ((shpSrc[transOffsetSrc + 2] >> 2) & 0x0F); shpSrc += 3; shpDst += 2; } if (_dsRem == 1) { shpDst[0] = _cgaScaleTable[shpSrc[0]] << 2; shpDst[1] = 0; shpDst[transOffsetDst] = (_cgaScaleTable[shpSrc[transOffsetSrc]] << 2) | 3; shpDst[transOffsetDst + 1] = 0xFF; shpSrc++; shpDst += 2; } else if (_dsRem == 2) { shpDst[0] = (_cgaScaleTable[shpSrc[0]] << 2) | (shpSrc[1] >> 6); shpDst[1] = (shpSrc[1] & 0x3F) << 2; shpDst[transOffsetDst] = (_cgaScaleTable[shpSrc[transOffsetSrc]] << 2) | (shpSrc[transOffsetSrc + 1] >> 6); shpDst[transOffsetDst + 1] = ((shpSrc[transOffsetSrc + 1] & 0x3F) << 2) | 3; shpSrc += 2; shpDst += 2; } } void Screen_EoB::scaleShapeProcessLine4Bit(uint8 *&dst, const uint8 *&src) { for (int i = 0; i < _dsDiv; i++) { *dst++ = *src++; *dst++ = (READ_BE_UINT16(src) >> 4) & 0xFF; src += 2; } if (_dsRem == 1) { *dst++ = *src++; *dst++ = _dsScaleTrans; } else if (_dsRem == 2) { *dst++ = (src[0] & 0xF0) | (src[1] >> 4); src += 2; *dst++ = _dsScaleTrans; *dst++ = _dsScaleTrans; *dst++ = _dsScaleTrans; } } bool Screen_EoB::posWithinRect(int posX, int posY, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { if (posX < x1 || posX > x2 || posY < y1 || posY > y2) return false; return true; } void Screen_EoB::setPagePixel16bit(int pageNum, int x, int y, uint16 color) { assert(pageNum < SCREEN_PAGE_NUM); assert(x >= 0 && x < SCREEN_W && y >= 0 && y < SCREEN_H); assert(_bytesPerPixel == 2); if (pageNum == 0 || pageNum == 1) addDirtyRect(x, y, 1, 1); ((uint16*)_pagePtrs[pageNum])[y * SCREEN_W + x] = color; } void Screen_EoB::generateEGADitheringTable(const Palette &pal) { assert(_egaDitheringTable); const uint8 *src = pal.getData(); uint8 *dst = _egaDitheringTable; for (int i = 256; i; i--) { int r = *src++; int g = *src++; int b = *src++; uint8 col = 0; uint16 min = 0x2E83; for (int ii = 256; ii; ii--) { const uint8 *palEntry = _egaMatchTable + (ii - 1) * 3; if (*palEntry == 0xFF) continue; int e_r = palEntry[0] - r; int e_g = palEntry[1] - g; int e_b = palEntry[2] - b; uint16 s = (e_r * e_r) + (e_g * e_g) + (e_b * e_b); if (s <= min) { min = s; col = ii - 1; } } *dst++ = col; } } void Screen_EoB::generateCGADitheringTables(const uint8 *mappingData) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { _cgaDitheringTables[0][i] = (mappingData[(i >> 4) + 16] << 8) | mappingData[i & 0x0F]; _cgaDitheringTables[1][i] = (mappingData[i >> 4] << 8) | mappingData[(i & 0x0F) + 16]; } } const uint8 Screen_EoB::_egaMatchTable[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2A, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x2A, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x2A, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x2A, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x21, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x36, 0x0F, 0x2D, 0x21, 0x0F, 0x2D, 0x36, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0x21, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0x36, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x21, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x36, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x2A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2A, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x21, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x2A, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x21, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x21, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0x36, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x36, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x21, 0x0F, 0x2D, 0x21, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x36, 0x0F, 0x2D, 0x36, 0x2D, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x2A, 0x1E, 0x21, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x0F, 0x21, 0x21, 0x0F, 0x21, 0x36, 0x0F, 0x36, 0x21, 0x0F, 0x36, 0x36, 0x2D, 0x21, 0x21, 0x2D, 0x21, 0x36, 0x2D, 0x36, 0x21, 0x2D, 0x36, 0x36, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x2A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2A, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x2A, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x2A, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x21, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x21, 0x0F, 0x2D, 0x21, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0x21, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x36, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x36, 0x0F, 0x2D, 0x36, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0x36, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 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0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x3F, 0x3F, 0x3F }; uint16 *OldDOSFont::_cgaDitheringTable = 0; int OldDOSFont::_numRef = 0; OldDOSFont::OldDOSFont(Common::RenderMode mode) : _renderMode(mode) { _data = 0; _width = _height = _numGlyphs = 0; _bitmapOffsets = 0; _numRef++; if (!_cgaDitheringTable && _numRef == 1) { _cgaDitheringTable = new uint16[256]; memset(_cgaDitheringTable, 0, 256 * sizeof(uint16)); static const uint bits[] = { 0, 3, 12, 15 }; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) _cgaDitheringTable[i] = (bits[i & 3] << 8) | (bits[(i >> 2) & 3] << 12) | (bits[(i >> 4) & 3] << 0) | (bits[(i >> 6) & 3] << 4); } } OldDOSFont::~OldDOSFont() { unload(); if (_numRef) --_numRef; if (_cgaDitheringTable && !_numRef) { delete[] _cgaDitheringTable; _cgaDitheringTable = 0; } } bool OldDOSFont::load(Common::SeekableReadStream &file) { unload(); _data = new uint8[file.size()]; assert(_data); file.read(_data, file.size()); if (file.err()) return false; if (file.size() - 2 != READ_LE_UINT16(_data)) return false; _width = _data[0x103]; _height = _data[0x102]; _numGlyphs = 255; _bitmapOffsets = (uint16 *)(_data + 2); for (int i = 0; i < _numGlyphs; ++i) _bitmapOffsets[i] = READ_LE_UINT16(&_bitmapOffsets[i]); return true; } int OldDOSFont::getCharWidth(uint16 c) const { if (c >= _numGlyphs) return 0; return _width; } void OldDOSFont::drawChar(uint16 c, byte *dst, int pitch, int bpp) const { static const uint8 renderMaskTable6[] = { 0xFC, 0x00, 0x7E, 0x00, 0x3F, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x80, 0x0F, 0xC0, 0x07, 0xE0, 0x03, 0xF0, 0x01, 0xF8 }; static const uint8 renderMaskTable8[] = { 0xFF, 0x00, 0x7F, 0x80, 0x3F, 0xC0, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0xF0, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x03, 0xFC, 0x01, 0xFE }; if (_width != 8 && _width != 6) error("EOB font rendering not implemented for other font widths than 6 and 8."); if (_width == 6) { switch (c) { case 0x81: case 0x9A: c = 0x5D; break; case 0x84: case 0x8E: c = 0x5B; break; case 0x94: case 0x99: c = 0x40; case 0xE1: // TODO: recheck this: no conversion for 'ß' ? break; } } else if (_width == 8) { switch (c) { case 0x81: case 0x9A: case 0x5D: c = 0x1D; break; case 0x84: case 0x5B: c = 0x1E; break; case 0x94: case 0x40: c = 0x1F; break; case 0x8E: c = 0x1B; break; case 0x99: c = 0x1C; break; case 0xE1: c = 0x19; break; } } pitch *= bpp; const uint8 *src = &_data[_bitmapOffsets[c]]; uint8 *dst2 = dst + pitch; int w = (_width - 1) >> 3; pitch -= _width * bpp; uint16 color1 = _colorMap8bit[1]; uint16 color2 = _colorMap8bit[0]; if (bpp == 2) { color1 = _colorMap16bit[1]; color2 = _colorMap16bit[0]; } else if (_renderMode == Common::kRenderCGA || _renderMode == Common::kRenderEGA) { color1 &= 0x0F; color2 &= 0x0F; } static const uint16 cgaColorMask[] = { 0, 0x5555, 0xAAAA, 0xFFFF }; uint16 cgaMask1 = cgaColorMask[color1 & 3]; uint16 cgaMask2 = cgaColorMask[color2 & 3]; int cH = _height; while (cH--) { int cW = w; uint8 last = 0; const uint8 *mtbl = _width == 8 ? renderMaskTable8 : renderMaskTable6; if (_renderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) { uint8 s = *src++; uint8 m = *mtbl++; uint8 in = s | last; uint16 cmp1 = 0; uint16 cmp2 = 0; if (color1) { in &= m; cmp1 = _cgaDitheringTable[in]; } if (color2) { in = ~in & m; cmp2 = _cgaDitheringTable[in]; } uint16 cDst = 0; uint8 sh = 6; for (int i = 0; i < _width; i++) { cDst |= ((dst[i] & 3) << sh); sh = (sh - 2) & 0x0F; } uint16 out = (~(cmp1 | cmp2) & cDst) | (cmp1 & cgaMask1) | (cmp2 & cgaMask2); sh = 6; for (int i = 0; i < _width; i++) { *dst++ = (out >> sh) & 3; sh = (sh - 2) & 0x0F; } last = s; } else { for (bool runWidthLoop = true; runWidthLoop;) { uint8 s = *src++; uint8 m = *mtbl++; for (uint8 i = 0x80; i; i >>= 1) { if (!(m & i)) { runWidthLoop = false; break; } if (s & i) { if (bpp == 2) *(uint16*)dst = color1; else if (color1) *dst = color1; } else { if (bpp == 2) { if (color2 != 0xFFFF) *(uint16*)dst = color2; } else if (color2) { *dst = color2; } } dst += bpp; } if (cW) cW--; else runWidthLoop = false; } } dst += pitch; dst2 += pitch; } } void OldDOSFont::unload() { delete[] _data; _data = 0; _width = _height = _numGlyphs = 0; _bitmapOffsets = 0; } SJISFontLarge::SJISFontLarge(Graphics::FontSJIS *font) : SJISFont(font, 0, false, false, false, 0) { _sjisWidth = _font->getMaxFontWidth(); _fontHeight = _font->getFontHeight(); _asciiWidth = _font->getCharWidth('a'); } void SJISFontLarge::drawChar(uint16 c, byte *dst, int pitch, int) const { _font->drawChar(dst, c, 320, 1, _colorMap[1], _colorMap[0], 320, 200); } SJISFont12x12::SJISFont12x12(const uint16 *searchTable) : _height(6), _width(6), _data(0) { assert(searchTable); for (int i = 0; i < 148; i++) _searchTable[searchTable[i]] = i + 1; } bool SJISFont12x12::load(Common::SeekableReadStream &file) { delete[] _data; int size = 148 * 24; if (file.size() < size) return false; _data = new uint8[size]; file.read(_data, size); return true; } void SJISFont12x12::unload() { delete[] _data; _data = 0; _searchTable.clear(); } void SJISFont12x12::drawChar(uint16 c, byte *dst, int pitch, int) const { int offs = _searchTable[c]; if (!offs) return; const uint8 *src = _data + (offs - 1) * 24; uint8 color1 = _colorMap[1]; int bt = 0; uint16 chr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 192; ++i) { if (!bt) { chr = *src++; bt = 8; } if (chr & 0x80) *dst = color1; dst++; if (--bt) chr <<= 1; else if (i & 8) dst += (pitch - 16); } } } // End of namespace Kyra #endif // ENABLE_EOB