/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #if !defined(ENABLE_EOB) #include "kyra/graphics/screen.h" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_EOB #include "kyra/engine/eobcommon.h" #include "kyra/resource/resource.h" #include "kyra/engine/util.h" #include "common/system.h" #include "common/translation.h" #include "common/memstream.h" #include "graphics/cursorman.h" #include "graphics/palette.h" #include "graphics/sjis.h" #include "gui/error.h" namespace Kyra { Screen_EoB::Screen_EoB(EoBCoreEngine *vm, OSystem *system) : Screen(vm, system, _screenDimTable, _screenDimTableCount), _cursorColorKey16Bit(0x8000) { _dsBackgroundFading = false; _dsShapeFadingLevel = 0; _dsBackgroundFadingXOffs = 0; _dsShapeFadingTable = 0; _dsX1 = _dsX2 = _dsY1 = _dsY2 = 0; _gfxX = _gfxY = 0; _gfxCol = 0; _dsTempPage = 0; _shpBuffer = _convertHiColorBuffer = 0; _dsDiv = 0; _dsRem = 0; _dsScaleTrans = 0; _cgaScaleTable = 0; _gfxMaxY = 0; _egaDitheringTable = 0; _egaDitheringTempPage = 0; _cgaMappingDefault = 0; _cgaDitheringTables[0] = _cgaDitheringTables[1] = 0; _useHiResEGADithering = _dualPaletteMode = false; _decodeTempBuffer = 0; _cpsFilePattern = "%s."; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) _palette16c[i] = 0; } Screen_EoB::~Screen_EoB() { delete[] _dsTempPage; delete[] _shpBuffer; delete[] _convertHiColorBuffer; delete[] _cgaScaleTable; delete[] _egaDitheringTable; delete[] _egaDitheringTempPage; delete[] _cgaDitheringTables[0]; delete[] _cgaDitheringTables[1]; delete[] _decodeTempBuffer; } bool Screen_EoB::init() { if (Screen::init()) { int temp; _gfxMaxY = _vm->staticres()->loadRawData(kEoBBaseExpObjectY, temp); _dsTempPage = new uint8[12000]; if (_vm->gameFlags().platform == Common::kPlatformFMTowns) { _shpBuffer = new uint8[SCREEN_H * SCREEN_W]; _convertHiColorBuffer = new uint8[SCREEN_H * SCREEN_W]; enableHiColorMode(true); loadFont(FID_SJIS_SMALL_FNT, "FONT.DMP"); } else if (_vm->game() == GI_EOB1 && _vm->gameFlags().platform == Common::kPlatformPC98) { loadFont(FID_SJIS_SMALL_FNT, "FONT12.FNT"); } if (_vm->gameFlags().useHiRes && _renderMode == Common::kRenderEGA) { _useHiResEGADithering = true; _egaDitheringTable = new uint8[256]; _egaDitheringTempPage = new uint8[SCREEN_W * 2 * SCREEN_H * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) _egaDitheringTable[i] = i & 0x0F; } else if (_renderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) { _cgaMappingDefault = _vm->staticres()->loadRawData(kEoB1CgaMappingDefault, temp); _cgaDitheringTables[0] = new uint16[256]; memset(_cgaDitheringTables[0], 0, 256 * sizeof(uint16)); _cgaDitheringTables[1] = new uint16[256]; memset(_cgaDitheringTables[1], 0, 256 * sizeof(uint16)); _cgaScaleTable = new uint8[256]; memset(_cgaScaleTable, 0, 256 * sizeof(uint8)); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) _cgaScaleTable[i] = ((i & 0xF0) >> 2) | (i & 0x03); } const uint8 *pal16c = _vm->staticres()->loadRawData(kEoB1Palettes16c, temp); if (pal16c) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) _palette16c[i] = pal16c + i * 48; } static const char *cpsExt[] = { "CPS", "EGA", "SHP", "BIN" }; int ci = 0; if (_vm->game() == GI_EOB1) { if (_vm->gameFlags().platform == Common::kPlatformPC98) { _decodeTempBuffer = new uint8[2048]; ci = 3; } else if (_renderMode == Common::kRenderEGA || _renderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) { ci = 1; } } else if (_vm->gameFlags().platform == Common::kPlatformFMTowns) { ci = 2; } _cpsFilePattern += cpsExt[ci]; return true; } return false; } void Screen_EoB::setClearScreenDim(int dim) { setScreenDim(dim); clearCurDim(); } void Screen_EoB::clearCurDim() { static const uint8 amigaColorMap[16] = { 0x00, 0x06, 0x1d, 0x1b, 0x1a, 0x17, 0x18, 0x0e, 0x19, 0x1c, 0x1c, 0x1e, 0x13, 0x0a, 0x11, 0x1f }; fillRect(_curDim->sx << 3, _curDim->sy, ((_curDim->sx + _curDim->w) << 3) - 1, (_curDim->sy + _curDim->h) - 1, _isAmiga ? amigaColorMap[_curDim->unkA] : _use16ColorMode ? 0 : _curDim->unkA); } void Screen_EoB::setMouseCursor(int x, int y, const byte *shape) { setMouseCursor(x, y, shape, 0); } void Screen_EoB::setMouseCursor(int x, int y, const byte *shape, const uint8 *ovl) { if (!shape) return; int mouseW = (shape[2] << 3); int mouseH = (shape[3]); int colorKey = (_renderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) ? 0 : (_bytesPerPixel == 2 ? _cursorColorKey16Bit : _cursorColorKey); int scaleFactor = _vm->gameFlags().useHiRes ? 2 : 1; int bpp = _useHiColorScreen ? 2 : 1; uint8 *cursor = new uint8[mouseW * scaleFactor * bpp * mouseH * scaleFactor]; if (_bytesPerPixel == 2) { for (int s = mouseW * scaleFactor * bpp * mouseH * scaleFactor; s; s -= 2) *(uint16*)(cursor + s - 2) = colorKey; } else { // We don't use fillRect here to make sure that the color key 0xFF doesn't get converted into EGA color memset(cursor, colorKey, mouseW * scaleFactor * bpp * mouseH * scaleFactor); } copyBlockToPage(6, 0, 0, mouseW * scaleFactor, mouseH * scaleFactor, cursor); drawShape(6, shape, 0, 0, 0, 2, ovl); CursorMan.showMouse(false); if (_useHiResEGADithering) ditherRect(getCPagePtr(6), cursor, mouseW * scaleFactor, mouseW, mouseH, colorKey); else if (_vm->gameFlags().useHiRes) scale2x(cursor, mouseW * scaleFactor, getCPagePtr(6), SCREEN_W, mouseW, mouseH); else copyRegionToBuffer(6, 0, 0, mouseW, mouseH, cursor); // Mouse cursor post processing for EOB II Amiga if (_dualPaletteMode) { int len = mouseW * mouseH; while (--len > -1) cursor[len] |= 0x20; } // Mouse cursor post processing for CGA mode. Unlike the original (which uses drawShape for the mouse cursor) // the cursor manager cannot know whether a pixel value of 0 is supposed to be black or transparent. Thus, we // go over the transparency mask again and turn the black pixels to color 4. if (_renderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) { const uint8 *maskTbl = shape + 4 + ((mouseW * mouseH) >> 2); uint8 *dst = cursor; uint8 trans = 0; uint8 shift = 6; uint16 mH = mouseH; while (mH--) { uint16 mW = mouseW; while (mW--) { if (shift == 6) trans = *maskTbl++; if (!*dst && !((trans >> shift) & 3)) *dst = 4; dst++; shift = (shift - 2) & 7; } } } // Convert color key to 16 bit after drawing the mouse cursor. // The cursor has been converted to 16 bit in scale2x(). colorKey = _16bitConversionPalette ? _16bitConversionPalette[colorKey] : colorKey; Graphics::PixelFormat pixelFormat = _system->getScreenFormat(); CursorMan.replaceCursor(cursor, mouseW * scaleFactor, mouseH * scaleFactor, x * scaleFactor, y * scaleFactor, colorKey, false, &pixelFormat); if (isMouseVisible()) CursorMan.showMouse(true); delete[] cursor; // makes sure that the cursor is drawn // we do not use Screen::updateScreen here // so we can be sure that changes to page 0 // are NOT updated on the real screen here _system->updateScreen(); } void Screen_EoB::loadFileDataToPage(Common::SeekableReadStream *s, int pageNum, uint32 size) { s->read(_pagePtrs[pageNum], size); } void Screen_EoB::printShadedText(const char *string, int x, int y, int col1, int col2, int shadowCol) { if (_vm->gameFlags().lang != Common::JA_JPN) { printText(string, x - 1, y, shadowCol, col2); printText(string, x, y + 1, shadowCol, 0); printText(string, x - 1, y + 1, shadowCol, 0); } else if (col2) { fillRect(x, y, x + getTextWidth(string) - 1, y + getFontHeight() - 1, col2); } if (_vm->gameFlags().use16ColorMode) _fonts[_currentFont]->setStyle(Font::kFSLeftShadow); printText(string, x, y, col1, 0); if (_vm->gameFlags().use16ColorMode) _fonts[_currentFont]->setStyle(Font::kFSNone); } void Screen_EoB::loadShapeSetBitmap(const char *file, int tempPage, int destPage) { loadEoBBitmap(file, _cgaMappingDefault, tempPage, destPage, -1); _curPage = 2; } void Screen_EoB::loadBitmap(const char *filename, int tempPage, int dstPage, Palette *pal, bool skip) { if (!scumm_stricmp(filename + strlen(filename) - 3, "BIN")) { Common::SeekableReadStream *str = _vm->resource()->createReadStream(filename); if (!str) error("Screen_EoB::loadBitmap(): Failed to load file '%s'", filename); str->skip(2); uint16 imgSize = str->readUint16LE(); assert(imgSize == str->size() - 4); uint8 *buf = new uint8[SCREEN_W * SCREEN_H]; str->read(buf, imgSize); delete str; decodeBIN(buf, _pagePtrs[dstPage], imgSize); if (!skip) decodePC98PlanarBitmap(_pagePtrs[dstPage], buf, SCREEN_W * SCREEN_H); delete[] buf; } else { Screen::loadBitmap(filename, tempPage, dstPage, pal); } if (_isAmiga && !skip) { Common::SeekableReadStream *str = _vm->resource()->createReadStream(filename); str->skip(4); uint32 imgSize = str->readUint32LE(); if (_vm->game() == GI_EOB1 && (dstPage == 3 || dstPage == 4) && imgSize == 40064) { // Yay, this is where EOB1 Amiga hides the palette data loadPalette(_pagePtrs[dstPage] + 40000, *_palettes[0], 64); _palettes[0]->fill(0, 1, 0); } else if (_vm->game() == GI_EOB2) { uint16 palSize = str->readUint16LE(); // EOB II Amiga CPS files may contain more than one palette (each one 64 bytes, // one after the other). We load them all... if (pal && palSize) { for (int i = 1; i <= palSize >> 6; ++i) _palettes[i]->loadAmigaPalette(*str, 0, 32); } } Screen::convertAmigaGfx(getPagePtr(dstPage), 320, 200); delete str; } } void Screen_EoB::loadEoBBitmap(const char *file, const uint8 *cgaMapping, int tempPage, int destPage, int convertToPage) { Common::String tmp = Common::String::format(_cpsFilePattern.c_str(), file); Common::SeekableReadStream *s = _vm->resource()->createReadStream(tmp); bool loadAlternative = false; if (_vm->gameFlags().platform == Common::kPlatformFMTowns) { if (!s) error("Screen_EoB::loadEoBBitmap(): Failed to load file '%s'", file); s->read(_shpBuffer, s->size()); decodeSHP(_shpBuffer, destPage); } else if (s) { // This additional check is necessary since some localized versions of EOB II seem to contain invalid (size zero) cps files if (s->size() == 0) { loadAlternative = true; // This check is due to EOB II Amiga German. That version simply checks // for certain file names which aren't actual CPS files. These files use // a different format and compression type. I check the header size // info to identify these. } else if (_vm->gameFlags().platform == Common::kPlatformAmiga) { // Tolerance for size mismatches up to 2 bytes is needed in some cases if ((((s->readUint16LE()) + 5) & ~3) != (((s->size()) + 3) & ~3)) loadAlternative = true; } if (!loadAlternative) loadBitmap(tmp.c_str(), tempPage, destPage, _vm->gameFlags().platform == Common::kPlatformAmiga ? _palettes[0] : 0); } else { loadAlternative = true; } delete s; if (loadAlternative) { if (_vm->game() == GI_EOB1) { tmp.insertChar('1', tmp.size() - 4); loadBitmap(tmp.c_str(), tempPage, destPage, 0); } else if (_vm->gameFlags().platform == Common::kPlatformAmiga) { loadSpecialAmigaCPS(tmp.c_str(), destPage, true); } else { tmp.setChar('X', 0); s = _vm->resource()->createReadStream(tmp); if (!s) error("Screen_EoB::loadEoBBitmap(): Failed to load file '%s'", file); s->seek(768); loadFileDataToPage(s, destPage, 64000); delete s; } } if (convertToPage == -1) return; if (_16bitPalette) convertToHiColor(destPage); if (convertToPage == 2 && _renderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) { convertPage(destPage, 4, cgaMapping); copyRegion(0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 200, 4, 2, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK); } else if (convertToPage == 0) { convertPage(destPage, 2, cgaMapping); copyRegion(0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 200, 2, 0, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK); } else { convertPage(destPage, convertToPage, cgaMapping); } } void Screen_EoB::convertPage(int srcPage, int dstPage, const uint8 *cgaMapping) { uint8 *src = getPagePtr(srcPage); uint8 *dst = getPagePtr(dstPage); if (src == dst) return; if (_renderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) { if (cgaMapping) generateCGADitheringTables(cgaMapping); uint16 *d = (uint16 *)dst; uint8 tblSwitch = 0; for (int height = SCREEN_H; height; height--) { const uint16 *table = _cgaDitheringTables[(tblSwitch++) & 1]; for (int width = SCREEN_W / 2; width; width--) { WRITE_LE_UINT16(d++, table[((src[1] & 0x0F) << 4) | (src[0] & 0x0F)]); src += 2; } } } else if (_renderMode == Common::kRenderEGA && !_useHiResEGADithering) { uint32 len = SCREEN_W * SCREEN_H; while (len--) *dst++ = *src++ & 0x0F; } else { copyPage(srcPage, dstPage); } if (dstPage == 0 || dstPage == 1) _forceFullUpdate = true; } void Screen_EoB::setScreenPalette(const Palette &pal) { if (_bytesPerPixel == 2) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) createFadeTable16bit((const uint16*)(pal.getData()), &_16bitPalette[i * 256], 0, i * 85); } else if (_useHiResEGADithering && pal.getNumColors() != 16) { generateEGADitheringTable(pal); } else if ((_renderMode == Common::kRenderEGA) && pal.getNumColors() == 16) { _screenPalette->copy(pal); _system->getPaletteManager()->setPalette(_screenPalette->getData(), 0, _screenPalette->getNumColors()); } else if (_renderMode != Common::kRenderCGA && _renderMode != Common::kRenderEGA) { Screen::setScreenPalette(pal); } } void Screen_EoB::getRealPalette(int num, uint8 *dst) { if (_renderMode == Common::kRenderCGA || _renderMode == Common::kRenderEGA) { const uint8 *pal = _screenPalette->getData(); for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { dst[0] = (pal[0] << 2) | (pal[0] & 3); dst[1] = (pal[1] << 2) | (pal[1] & 3); dst[2] = (pal[2] << 2) | (pal[2] & 3); dst += 3; pal += 3; } } else { Screen::getRealPalette(num, dst); } } uint8 *Screen_EoB::encodeShape(uint16 x, uint16 y, uint16 w, uint16 h, bool encode8bit, const uint8 *cgaMapping) { uint8 *shp = 0; uint16 shapesize = 0; uint8 *srcLineStart = getPagePtr(_curPage | 1) + y * 320 + (x << 3); uint8 *src = srcLineStart; if (_use16ColorMode || (_renderMode == Common::kRenderEGA && !_useHiResEGADithering)) encode8bit = false; if (_bytesPerPixel == 2 && encode8bit) { shapesize = h * (w << 3) + 4; shp = new uint8[shapesize]; memset(shp, 0, shapesize); uint8 *dst = shp; *dst++ = 0; *dst++ = (h & 0xFF); *dst++ = (w & 0xFF); *dst++ = (h & 0xFF); w <<= 3; for (int i = 0; i < h; ++i) { memcpy(dst, src, w); srcLineStart += SCREEN_W; src = srcLineStart; dst += w; } } else if (_renderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) { if (cgaMapping) generateCGADitheringTables(cgaMapping); shapesize = h * (w << 2) + 4; shp = new uint8[shapesize]; memset(shp, 0, shapesize); uint8 *dst = shp; *dst++ = 4; *dst++ = (h & 0xFF); *dst++ = (w & 0xFF); *dst++ = (h & 0xFF); uint8 *dst2 = dst + (h * (w << 1)); uint8 tblSwitch = 0; uint16 h1 = h; while (h1--) { uint16 w1 = w << 1; const uint16 *table = _cgaDitheringTables[(tblSwitch++) & 1]; while (w1--) { uint16 p0 = table[((src[1] & 0x0F) << 4) | (src[0] & 0x0F)]; uint16 p1 = table[((src[3] & 0x0F) << 4) | (src[2] & 0x0F)]; *dst++ = ((p0 & 0x0003) << 6) | ((p0 & 0x0300) >> 4) | ((p1 & 0x0003) << 2) | ((p1 & 0x0300) >> 8); uint8 msk = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (!src[3 - i]) msk |= (3 << (i << 1)); } *dst2++ = msk; src += 4; } srcLineStart += SCREEN_W; src = srcLineStart; } } else if (encode8bit) { uint16 h1 = h; while (h1--) { uint8 *lineEnd = src + (w << 3); do { if (!*src++) { shapesize++; uint8 *startZeroPos = src; while (src != lineEnd && *src == 0) src++; uint16 numZero = src - startZeroPos + 1; if (numZero >> 8) shapesize += 2; } shapesize++; } while (src != lineEnd); srcLineStart += SCREEN_W; src = srcLineStart; } shapesize += 4; shp = new uint8[shapesize]; memset(shp, 0, shapesize); uint8 *dst = shp; *dst++ = 1; *dst++ = (h & 0xFF); *dst++ = (w & 0xFF); *dst++ = (h & 0xFF); srcLineStart = getPagePtr(_curPage | 1) + y * 320 + (x << 3); src = srcLineStart; h1 = h; while (h1--) { uint8 *lineEnd = src + (w << 3); do { uint8 val = *src++; if (!val) { *dst++ = 0; uint8 *startZeroPos = src; while (src != lineEnd && *src == 0) src++; uint16 numZero = src - startZeroPos + 1; if (numZero >> 8) { *dst++ = 255; *dst++ = 0; numZero -= 255; } val = numZero & 0xFF; } *dst++ = val; } while (src != lineEnd); srcLineStart += SCREEN_W; src = srcLineStart; } } else { uint8 nib = 0, col = 0; uint8 *colorMap = 0; if (_renderMode != Common::kRenderEGA || _useHiResEGADithering) { colorMap = new uint8[0x100]; memset(colorMap, 0xFF, 0x100); } shapesize = h * (w << 2) + 20; shp = new uint8[shapesize]; memset(shp, 0, shapesize); uint8 *dst = shp; *dst++ = 2; *dst++ = (h & 0xFF); *dst++ = (w & 0xFF); *dst++ = (h & 0xFF); if (_renderMode != Common::kRenderEGA || _useHiResEGADithering) { memset(dst, 0xFF, 0x10); } else { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) dst[i] = i; } uint8 *pal = dst; dst += 16; nib = col = 0; uint16 h1 = h; while (h1--) { uint16 w1 = w << 3; while (w1--) { uint8 s = *src++; uint8 c = s & 0x0F; if (colorMap) { c = colorMap[s]; if (c == 0xFF) { if (col < 0x10) { *pal++ = s; c = colorMap[s] = col++; } else { c = 0; } } } if (++nib & 1) *dst = c << 4; else *dst++ |= c; } srcLineStart += SCREEN_W; src = srcLineStart; } delete[] colorMap; } return shp; } void Screen_EoB::drawShape(uint8 pageNum, const uint8 *shapeData, int x, int y, int sd, int flags, ...) { uint8 *dst = getPagePtr(pageNum); const uint8 *src = shapeData; if (!src) return; if (sd != -1) { const ScreenDim *dm = getScreenDim(sd); setShapeFrame(dm->sx, dm->sy, dm->sx + dm->w, dm->sy + dm->h); x += (_dsX1 << 3); y += _dsY1; } uint8 *ovl = 0; va_list args; va_start(args, flags); if (flags & 2) { ovl = va_arg(args, uint8 *); _dsBackgroundFadingXOffs = x; } va_end(args); dst += (_dsX1 << (2 + _bytesPerPixel)); int16 dX = x - (_dsX1 << 3); int16 dY = y; int16 dW = _dsX2 - _dsX1; uint8 pixelsPerByte = *src++; uint16 dH = *src++; uint16 width = (*src++) << 3; uint16 transOffset = (pixelsPerByte == 4) ? (dH * width) >> 2 : 0; src++; int rX = x; int rY = y; int rW = width + 8; int rH = dH; uint16 w2 = width; int d = dY - _dsY1; int pixelStep = (flags & 1) ? -1 : 1; if (pixelsPerByte < 2) { uint16 marginLeft = 0; uint16 marginRight = 0; if (d < 0) { dH += d; if (dH <= 0) return; d = -d; for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) { marginLeft = width; for (int ii = 0; ii < marginLeft; ii++) { if (!*src++) marginLeft = marginLeft + 1 - *src++; } } dY = _dsY1; } d = _dsY2 - dY; if (d < 1) return; if (d < dH) dH = d; marginLeft = 0; if (dX < 0) { width += dX; marginLeft = -dX; if (marginLeft >= w2) return; dX = 0; } marginRight = 0; d = (dW << 3) - dX; if (d < 1) return; if (d < width) { width = d; marginRight = w2 - marginLeft - width; } dst += (dY * SCREEN_W * _bytesPerPixel + dX * _bytesPerPixel); uint8 *dstL = dst; if (pageNum == 0 || pageNum == 1) addDirtyRect(rX, rY, rW, rH); while (dH--) { int16 xpos = (int16) marginLeft; if (flags & 1) { if (pixelsPerByte == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < w2; i++) { if (*src++ == 0) { i += (*src - 1); src += (*src - 1); } } } else { src += w2; } src--; } const uint8 *src2 = src; if (xpos) { if (pixelsPerByte == 1) { do { uint8 val = (flags & 1) ? *(src - 1) : *src; while (val && xpos) { src += pixelStep; xpos--; val = (flags & 1) ? *(src - 1) : *src; } val = (flags & 1) ? *(src - 1) : *src; if (!val) { src += pixelStep; uint8 bt = (flags & 1) ? src[1] : src[0]; src += pixelStep; xpos = xpos - bt; } } while (xpos > 0); } else { src += (xpos * pixelStep); xpos = 0; } } dst -= xpos * _bytesPerPixel; xpos += width; while (xpos > 0) { uint8 c = *src; uint8 m = (flags & 1) ? *(src - 1) : c; src += pixelStep; if (m) { drawShapeSetPixel(dst, c); dst += _bytesPerPixel; xpos--; } else if (pixelsPerByte) { uint8 len = (flags & 1) ? src[1] : src[0]; dst += len * _bytesPerPixel; xpos -= len; src += pixelStep; } else { dst += _bytesPerPixel; xpos--; } } xpos += marginRight; if (xpos) { do { if (pixelsPerByte == 1) { uint8 val = (flags & 1) ? *(src - 1) : *src; while (val && xpos) { src += pixelStep; xpos--; val = (flags & 1) ? *(src - 1) : *src; } val = (flags & 1) ? *(src - 1) : *src; if (!val) { src += pixelStep; uint8 bt = (flags & 1) ? src[1] : src[0]; src += pixelStep; xpos = xpos - bt; } } else { src += (xpos * pixelStep); xpos = 0; } } while (xpos > 0); } dstL += SCREEN_W * _bytesPerPixel; dst = dstL; if (flags & 1) src = src2 + 1; } } else { const uint8 *pal = 0; uint8 cgaPal[4]; memset(cgaPal, 0, 4); if (pixelsPerByte == 2) { pal = ovl ? ovl : src; src += 16; } else { static const uint8 cgaDefOvl[] = { 0x00, 0x55, 0xAA, 0xFF }; pal = ovl ? ovl : cgaDefOvl; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) cgaPal[i] = pal[i] & 3; pal = cgaPal; } if (d < 0) { d = -d; if (d >= dH) return; src += (d * (width / pixelsPerByte)); d = dY + dH - _dsY1; if (d >= 0) { dH = d; dY = _dsY1; d = _dsY2 - dY; } } else { d = _dsY2 - dY; } if (d < 1) return; if (d < dH) dH = d; bool trimL = false; uint8 dXbitAlign = dX & (pixelsPerByte - 1); if (dX < 0) { width += dX; d = -dX; if (flags & 1) src -= (d / pixelsPerByte); else src += (d / pixelsPerByte); if (d >= w2) return; dX = 0; trimL = true; } d = (dW << 3) - dX; if (d < 1) return; if (d < width) width = d; dst += (dY * SCREEN_W * _bytesPerPixel + dX * _bytesPerPixel); if (pageNum == 0 || pageNum == 1) addDirtyRect(rX, rY, rW, rH); int pitch = SCREEN_W - width; int16 lineSrcStep = (w2 - width) / pixelsPerByte; uint8 lineSrcStepRemainder = (w2 - width) % pixelsPerByte; w2 /= pixelsPerByte; if (flags & 1) src += (w2 - 1); uint8 pixelPacking = 8 / pixelsPerByte; uint8 pixelPackingMask = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pixelPacking; i++) pixelPackingMask |= (1 << i); if (trimL && (dXbitAlign > lineSrcStepRemainder)) lineSrcStep--; uint8 bitShDef = 8 - pixelPacking; if (flags & 1) { lineSrcStep = (w2 << 1) - lineSrcStep; bitShDef = 0; } uint8 bitShLineStart = bitShDef; if (trimL) bitShLineStart -= (dXbitAlign * pixelStep * pixelPacking); while (dH--) { int16 wd = width; uint8 in = 0; uint8 trans = 0; uint8 shift = bitShLineStart; uint8 shSwtch = bitShLineStart; while (wd--) { if (shift == shSwtch) { in = *src; trans = src[transOffset]; src += pixelStep; shSwtch = bitShDef; } uint8 col = (pixelsPerByte == 2) ? pal[(in >> shift) & pixelPackingMask] : (*dst & ((trans >> shift) & (pixelPackingMask))) | pal[(in >> shift) & pixelPackingMask]; if (col || pixelsPerByte == 4) drawShapeSetPixel(dst, col); dst += _bytesPerPixel; shift = ((shift - (pixelStep * pixelPacking)) & 7); } src += lineSrcStep; dst += (pitch * _bytesPerPixel); } } } const uint8 *Screen_EoB::scaleShape(const uint8 *shapeData, int steps) { setShapeFadingLevel(steps); while (shapeData && steps--) shapeData = scaleShapeStep(shapeData); return shapeData; } const uint8 *Screen_EoB::scaleShapeStep(const uint8 *shp) { uint8 *dst = (shp != _dsTempPage) ? _dsTempPage : _dsTempPage + 6000; uint8 *d = dst; uint8 pixelsPerByte = *d++ = *shp++; assert(pixelsPerByte > 1); uint16 h = shp[0] + 1; d[0] = d[2] = (h << 1) / 3; uint16 w = shp[1]; uint16 w2 = (w << 3) / pixelsPerByte; uint16 t = ((w << 1) % 3) ? 1 : 0; d[1] = ((w << 1) / 3) + t; uint32 transOffsetSrc = (pixelsPerByte == 4) ? (shp[0] * shp[1]) << 1 : 0; uint32 transOffsetDst = (pixelsPerByte == 4) ? (d[0] * d[1]) << 1 : 0; shp += 3; d += 3; if (pixelsPerByte == 2) { int i = 0; while (i < 16) { if (!shp[i]) { i = -i; break; } i++; } if (i >= 0) i = 0; else i = -i; _dsScaleTrans = (i << 4) | (i & 0x0F); for (int ii = 0; ii < 16; ii++) *d++ = *shp++; } _dsDiv = w2 / 3; _dsRem = w2 % 3; while (--h) { if (pixelsPerByte == 2) scaleShapeProcessLine4Bit(d, shp); else scaleShapeProcessLine2Bit(d, shp, transOffsetDst, transOffsetSrc); if (!--h) break; if (pixelsPerByte == 2) scaleShapeProcessLine4Bit(d, shp); else scaleShapeProcessLine2Bit(d, shp, transOffsetDst, transOffsetSrc); if (!--h) break; shp += w2; } return (const uint8 *)dst; } const uint8 *Screen_EoB::generateShapeOverlay(const uint8 *shp, const uint8 *fadingTable) { if (*shp != 2) return 0; if (_bytesPerPixel == 2) { setFadeTable(fadingTable); setShapeFadingLevel(1); return 0; } shp += 4; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) _shapeOverlay[i] = fadingTable[shp[i]]; return _shapeOverlay; } void Screen_EoB::setShapeFrame(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { _dsX1 = x1; _dsY1 = y1; _dsX2 = x2; _dsY2 = y2; } void Screen_EoB::enableShapeBackgroundFading(bool enable) { _dsBackgroundFading = enable; } void Screen_EoB::setShapeFadingLevel(int level) { _dsShapeFadingLevel = level; } void Screen_EoB::setGfxParameters(int x, int y, int col) { _gfxX = x; _gfxY = y; _gfxCol = col; } void Screen_EoB::drawExplosion(int scale, int radius, int numElements, int stepSize, int aspectRatio, const uint8 *colorTable, int colorTableSize) { int ymin = 0; int ymax = _gfxMaxY[scale]; int xmin = -100; int xmax = 276; if (scale) --scale; hideMouse(); const ScreenDim *dm = getScreenDim(5); int rX1 = dm->sx << 3; int rY1 = dm->sy; int rX2 = rX1 + (dm->w << 3); int rY2 = rY1 + dm->h - 1; int16 gx2 = _gfxX; int16 gy2 = _gfxY; int16 *ptr2 = (int16 *)_dsTempPage; int16 *ptr3 = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[300]; int16 *ptr4 = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[600]; int16 *ptr5 = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[900]; int16 *ptr6 = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[1200]; int16 *ptr7 = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[1500]; int16 *ptr8 = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[1800]; if (numElements > 150) numElements = 150; for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) { ptr2[i] = ptr3[i] = 0; ptr4[i] = _vm->_rnd.getRandomNumberRng(0, radius) - (radius >> 1); ptr5[i] = _vm->_rnd.getRandomNumberRng(0, radius) - (radius >> 1) - (radius >> (8 - aspectRatio)); ptr7[i] = _vm->_rnd.getRandomNumberRng(1024 / stepSize, 2048 / stepSize); ptr8[i] = scale << 8; } for (int l = 2; l;) { if (l != 2) { for (int i = numElements - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int16 px = ((ptr2[i] >> 6) >> scale) + gx2; int16 py = ((ptr3[i] >> 6) >> scale) + gy2; if (py > ymax) py = ymax; if (posWithinRect(px, py, rX1, rY1, rX2, rY2)) { if (_bytesPerPixel == 2) setPagePixel16bit(0, px, py, ptr6[i]); else setPagePixel(0, px, py, ptr6[i]); } } } l = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) { uint32 end = _system->getMillis() + 1; if (ptr4[i] <= 0) ptr4[i]++; else ptr4[i]--; ptr2[i] += ptr4[i]; ptr5[i] += 5; ptr3[i] += ptr5[i]; ptr8[i] += ptr7[i]; int16 px = ((ptr2[i] >> 6) >> scale) + gx2; int16 py = ((ptr3[i] >> 6) >> scale) + gy2; if (py >= ymax || py < ymin) ptr5[i] = -(ptr5[i] >> 1); if (px >= xmax || px < xmin) ptr4[i] = -(ptr4[i] >> 1); if (py > ymax) py = ymax; int pxVal1 = 0; if (posWithinRect(px, py, 0, 0, 319, 199)) { pxVal1 = getPagePixel(2, px, py); ptr6[i] = getPagePixel(0, px, py); } assert((ptr8[i] >> 8) < colorTableSize); int pxVal2 = colorTable[ptr8[i] >> 8]; if (pxVal2) { l = 1; if (pxVal1 == _gfxCol && posWithinRect(px, py, rX1, rY1, rX2, rY2)) { setPagePixel(0, px, py, pxVal2); if (i % 5 == 0) { updateScreen(); uint32 cur = _system->getMillis(); if (end > cur) _system->delayMillis(end - cur); } } } else { ptr7[i] = 0; } } } showMouse(); } void Screen_EoB::drawVortex(int numElements, int radius, int stepSize, int, int disorder, const uint8 *colorTable, int colorTableSize) { int16 *xCoords = (int16 *)_dsTempPage; int16 *yCoords = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[300]; int16 *xMod = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[600]; int16 *yMod = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[900]; int16 *pixBackup = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[1200]; int16 *colTableStep = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[1500]; int16 *colTableIndex = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[1800]; int16 *pixDelay = (int16 *)&_dsTempPage[2100]; hideMouse(); int cp = _curPage; if (numElements > 150) numElements = 150; int cx = 88; int cy = 48; radius <<= 6; for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) { int16 v38 = _vm->_rnd.getRandomNumberRng(radius >> 2, radius); int16 stepSum = 0; int16 sqsum = 0; while (sqsum < v38) { stepSum += stepSize; sqsum += stepSum; } switch (_vm->_rnd.getRandomNumber(255) & 3) { case 0: xCoords[i] = 32; yCoords[i] = sqsum; xMod[i] = stepSum; yMod[i] = 0; break; case 1: xCoords[i] = sqsum; yCoords[i] = 32; xMod[i] = 0; yMod[i] = stepSum; break; case 2: xCoords[i] = 32; yCoords[i] = -sqsum; xMod[i] = stepSum; yMod[i] = 0; break; default: xCoords[i] = -sqsum; yCoords[i] = 32; xMod[i] = 0; yMod[i] = stepSum; break; } if (_vm->_rnd.getRandomBit()) { xMod[i] *= -1; yMod[i] *= -1; } colTableStep[i] = _vm->_rnd.getRandomNumberRng(1024 / disorder, 2048 / disorder); colTableIndex[i] = 0; pixDelay[i] = _vm->_rnd.getRandomNumberRng(0, disorder >> 2); } int d = 0; for (int i = 2; i;) { if (i != 2) { for (int ii = numElements - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) { int16 px = CLIP((xCoords[ii] >> 6) + cx, 0, SCREEN_W - 1); int16 py = CLIP((yCoords[ii] >> 6) + cy, 0, SCREEN_H - 1); if (_bytesPerPixel == 2) setPagePixel16bit(0, px, py, pixBackup[ii]); else setPagePixel(0, px, py, pixBackup[ii]); } } i = 0; int r = (stepSize >> 1) + (stepSize >> 2) + (stepSize >> 3); uint32 nextDelay = _system->getMillis() + 1; for (int ii = 0; ii < numElements; ii++) { if (pixDelay[ii] == 0) { if (xCoords[ii] > 0) { xMod[ii] -= ((xMod[ii] > 0) ? stepSize : r); } else { xMod[ii] += ((xMod[ii] < 0) ? stepSize : r); } if (yCoords[ii] > 0) { yMod[ii] -= ((yMod[ii] > 0) ? stepSize : r); } else { yMod[ii] += ((yMod[ii] < 0) ? stepSize : r); } xCoords[ii] += xMod[ii]; yCoords[ii] += yMod[ii]; colTableIndex[ii] += colTableStep[ii]; } else { pixDelay[ii]--; } int16 px = CLIP((xCoords[ii] >> 6) + cx, 0, SCREEN_W - 1); int16 py = CLIP((yCoords[ii] >> 6) + cy, 0, SCREEN_H - 1); uint8 tc1 = ((disorder >> 2) <= d) ? getPagePixel(2, px, py) : 0; pixBackup[ii] = getPagePixel(0, px, py); uint8 tblIndex = CLIP(colTableIndex[ii] >> 8, 0, colorTableSize - 1); uint8 tc2 = colorTable[tblIndex]; if (tc2) { i = 1; if (tc1 == _gfxCol && !pixDelay[ii]) { setPagePixel(0, px, py, tc2); if (ii % 15 == 0) { updateScreen(); uint32 cur = _system->getMillis(); if (nextDelay > cur) _system->delayMillis(nextDelay - cur); nextDelay += 1; } } } else { colTableStep[ii] = 0; } } d++; } _curPage = cp; showMouse(); } void Screen_EoB::fadeTextColor(Palette *pal, int color, int rate) { assert(rate); uint8 *col = pal->getData(); for (bool loop = true; loop;) { uint32 end = _system->getMillis() + _vm->tickLength(); loop = false; for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) { uint8 c = col[color * 3 + ii]; if (c > rate) { col[color * 3 + ii] -= rate; loop = true; } else if (c) { col[color * 3 + ii] = 0; loop = true; } } if (loop) { setScreenPalette(*pal); updateScreen(); uint32 cur = _system->getMillis(); if (end > cur) _system->delayMillis(end - cur); } } } bool Screen_EoB::delayedFadePalStep(Palette *fadePal, Palette *destPal, int rate) { bool res = false; uint8 *s = fadePal->getData(); uint8 *d = destPal->getData(); int numBytes = (fadePal->getNumColors() - 1) * 3; for (int i = 0; i < numBytes; i++) { int fadeVal = *s++; int dstCur = *d; int diff = ABS(fadeVal - dstCur); if (diff == 0) { d++; continue; } res = true; diff = MIN(diff, rate); if (dstCur < fadeVal) *d += diff; else *d -= diff; d++; } return res; } int Screen_EoB::getRectSize(int w, int h) { return w * h; } void Screen_EoB::setFadeTable(const uint8 *table) { _dsShapeFadingTable = table; if (_bytesPerPixel == 2) memcpy(&_16bitPalette[0x100], table, 512); } void Screen_EoB::createFadeTable(const uint8 *palData, uint8 *dst, uint8 rootColor, uint8 weight) { if (!palData) return; const uint8 *src = palData + 3 * rootColor; uint8 r = *src++; uint8 g = *src++; uint8 b = *src; uint8 tr, tg, tb; src = palData + 3; *dst++ = 0; weight >>= 1; for (uint8 i = 1; i; i++) { uint16 tmp = (uint16)((*src - r) * weight) << 1; tr = *src++ - ((tmp >> 8) & 0xFF); tmp = (uint16)((*src - g) * weight) << 1; tg = *src++ - ((tmp >> 8) & 0xFF); tmp = (uint16)((*src - b) * weight) << 1; tb = *src++ - ((tmp >> 8) & 0xFF); const uint8 *d = palData + 3; uint16 v = 0xFFFF; uint8 col = rootColor; for (uint8 ii = 1; ii; ii++) { int a = *d++ - tr; int t = a * a; a = *d++ - tg; t += (a * a); a = *d++ - tb; t += (a * a); if (t <= v && (ii == rootColor || ii != i)) { v = t; col = ii; } } *dst++ = col; } } void Screen_EoB::createFadeTable16bit(const uint16 *palData, uint16 *dst, uint16 rootColor, uint8 weight) { rootColor = palData[rootColor]; uint8 r8 = (rootColor & 0x1f); uint8 g8 = (rootColor & 0x3E0) >> 5; uint8 b8 = (rootColor & 0x7C00) >> 10; int root_r = r8 << 4; int root_g = g8 << 4; int root_b = b8 << 4; *dst++ = palData[0]; for (uint8 i = 1; i; i++) { r8 = (palData[i] & 0x1f); g8 = (palData[i] & 0x3E0) >> 5; b8 = (palData[i] & 0x7C00) >> 10; int red = r8 << 4; int green = g8 << 4; int blue = b8 << 4; if (red > root_r) { red -= weight; if (root_r > red) red = root_r; } else { red += weight; if (root_r < red) red = root_r; } if (green > root_g) { green -= weight; if (root_g > green) green = root_g; } else { green += weight; if (root_g < green) green = root_g; } if (blue > root_b) { blue -= weight; if (root_b > blue) blue = root_b; } else { blue += weight; if (root_b < blue) blue = root_b; } r8 = red >> 4; g8 = green >> 4; b8 = blue >> 4; *dst++ = (b8 << 10) | (g8 << 5) | r8; } } const uint16 *Screen_EoB::getCGADitheringTable(int index) { return !(index & ~1) ? _cgaDitheringTables[index] : 0; } const uint8 *Screen_EoB::getEGADitheringTable() { return _egaDitheringTable; } bool Screen_EoB::loadFont(FontId fontId, const char *filename) { Font *&fnt = _fonts[fontId]; int temp = 0; if (fnt) delete fnt; if (!scumm_stricmp(filename, "FONT.DMP")) fnt = new SJISFont12x12(_vm->staticres()->loadRawDataBe16(kEoB2FontDmpSearchTbl, temp)); else if (!scumm_stricmp(filename, "FONT12.FNT")) fnt = new Font12x12PC98(12, _vm->staticres()->loadRawDataBe16(kEoB1Ascii2SjisTable1, temp), _vm->staticres()->loadRawDataBe16(kEoB1Ascii2SjisTable2, temp), _vm->staticres()->loadRawData(kEoB1FontLookupTable, temp)); else if (_isAmiga) fnt = new AmigaDOSFont(_vm->resource(), _vm->game() == GI_EOB2 && _vm->gameFlags().lang == Common::DE_DEU); else // We use normal VGA rendering in EOB II, since we do the complete EGA dithering in updateScreen(). fnt = new OldDOSFont(_useHiResEGADithering ? Common::kRenderVGA : _renderMode, 12); assert(fnt); Common::SeekableReadStream *file = _vm->resource()->createReadStream(filename); if (!file) error("Font file '%s' is missing", filename); bool ret = fnt->load(*file); fnt->setColorMap(_textColorsMap); delete file; return ret; } void Screen_EoB::decodeSHP(const uint8 *data, int dstPage) { int32 bytesLeft = READ_LE_UINT32(data); const uint8 *src = data + 4; uint8 *dst = getPagePtr(dstPage); if (bytesLeft < 0) { memcpy(dst, data, 64000); return; } while (bytesLeft > 0) { uint8 code = *src++; bytesLeft--; for (int i = 8; i; i--) { if (code & 0x80) { uint16 copyOffs = (src[0] << 4) | (src[1] >> 4); uint8 count = (src[1] & 0x0F) + 3; src += 2; bytesLeft -= 2; const uint8 *copySrc = dst - 1 - copyOffs; while (count--) *dst++ = *copySrc++; } else if (bytesLeft) { *dst++ = *src++; bytesLeft--; } else { break; } code <<= 1; } } } void Screen_EoB::convertToHiColor(int page) { if (!_16bitPalette) return; uint16 *dst = (uint16 *)getPagePtr(page); memcpy(_convertHiColorBuffer, dst, SCREEN_H * SCREEN_W); uint8 *src = _convertHiColorBuffer; for (int s = SCREEN_H * SCREEN_W; s; --s) *dst++ = _16bitPalette[*src++]; } void Screen_EoB::shadeRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int shadingLevel) { if (!_16bitPalette) return; int l = _16bitShadingLevel; _16bitShadingLevel = shadingLevel; if (_curPage == 0 || _curPage == 1) addDirtyRect(x1, y1, x2 - x1 + 1, y2 - y1 + 1); uint16 *dst = (uint16*)(getPagePtr(_curPage) + y1 * SCREEN_W * _bytesPerPixel + x1 * _bytesPerPixel); for (; y1 < y2; ++y1) { uint16 *ptr = dst; for (int i = 0; i < x2 - x1; i++) { *ptr = shade16bitColor(*ptr); ptr++; } dst += SCREEN_W; } _16bitShadingLevel = l; } void Screen_EoB::selectPC98Palette(int paletteIndex, Palette &dest, int brightness, bool set) { if (paletteIndex < 0 || paletteIndex > 9) return; if (!_use16ColorMode || !_palette16c[paletteIndex]) return; uint8 pal[48]; for (int i = 0; i < 48; ++i) pal[i] = CLIP(_palette16c[paletteIndex][i] + brightness, 0, 15); loadPalette(pal, dest, 48); if (set) setScreenPalette(dest); } void Screen_EoB::decodeBIN(const uint8 *src, uint8 *dst, uint16 inSize) { const uint8 *end = src + inSize; memset(_decodeTempBuffer, 0, 2048); int tmpDstOffs = 0; while (src < end) { uint8 code = *src++; if (!(code & 0x80)) { int offs = code << 4; code = *src++; offs |= (code >> 4); int len = (code & 0x0F) + 2; int tmpSrcOffs = (tmpDstOffs - offs) & 0x7FF; const uint8 *tmpSrc2 = dst; for (int len2 = len; len2; len2--) { *dst++ = _decodeTempBuffer[tmpSrcOffs++]; tmpSrcOffs &= 0x7FF; } while (len--) { _decodeTempBuffer[tmpDstOffs++] = *tmpSrc2++; tmpDstOffs &= 0x7FF; } } else if (code & 0x40) { int len = code & 7; if (code & 0x20) len = (len << 8) | *src++; len += 2; int planes = ((code >> 3) & 3) + 1; while (len--) { for (int i = 0; i < planes; ++i) { *dst++ = _decodeTempBuffer[tmpDstOffs++] = src[i]; tmpDstOffs &= 0x7FF; } } src += planes; } else { for (int len = (code & 0x3F) + 1; len; len--) { *dst++ = _decodeTempBuffer[tmpDstOffs++] = *src++; tmpDstOffs &= 0x7FF; } } } } void Screen_EoB::decodePC98PlanarBitmap(uint8 *srcDstBuffer, uint8 *tmpBuffer, uint16 size) { assert(tmpBuffer != srcDstBuffer); memcpy(tmpBuffer, srcDstBuffer, size); const uint8 *src = tmpBuffer; uint8 *dst1 = srcDstBuffer; uint8 *dst2 = srcDstBuffer + 4; size >>= 3; while (size--) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { uint8 col1 = 0; uint8 col2 = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < 4; ++ii) { col1 |= ((src[ii] >> (7 - i)) & 1) << ii; col2 |= ((src[ii] >> (3 - i)) & 1) << ii; } *dst1++ = col1; *dst2++ = col2; } src += 4; dst1 += 4; dst2 += 4; } } static uint32 _decodeFrameAmiga_x = 0; bool decodeFrameAmiga_readNextBit(const uint8 *&data, uint32 &code, uint32 &chk) { _decodeFrameAmiga_x = code & 1; code >>= 1; if (code) return _decodeFrameAmiga_x; data -= 4; code = READ_BE_UINT32(data); chk ^= code; _decodeFrameAmiga_x = code & 1; code = (code >> 1) | (1 << 31); return _decodeFrameAmiga_x; } uint32 decodeFrameAmiga_readBits(const uint8 *&data, uint32 &code, uint32 &chk, int count) { uint32 res = 0; while (count--) { decodeFrameAmiga_readNextBit(data, code, chk); uint32 bt1 = _decodeFrameAmiga_x; _decodeFrameAmiga_x = res >> 31; res = (res << 1) | bt1; } return res; } void Screen_EoB::loadSpecialAmigaCPS(const char *fileName, int destPage, bool isGraphics) { uint32 fileSize = 0; const uint8 *file = _vm->resource()->fileData(fileName, &fileSize); if (!file) error("Screen_EoB::loadSpecialAmigaCPS(): Failed to load file '%s'", file); uint32 inSize = READ_BE_UINT32(file); const uint8 *pos = file; // Check whether the file starts with the actual compression header. // If this is not the case, there should a palette before the header. // Unlike normal CPS files these files never have more than one palette. if (((inSize + 15) & ~3) != ((fileSize + 3) & ~3)) { Common::MemoryReadStream in(pos, 64); _palettes[0]->loadAmigaPalette(in, 0, 32); pos += 64; } inSize = READ_BE_UINT32(pos); uint32 outSize = READ_BE_UINT32(pos + 4); uint32 chk = READ_BE_UINT32(pos + 8); pos = pos + 8 + inSize; uint8 *dstStart = _pagePtrs[destPage]; uint8 *dst = dstStart + outSize; uint32 val = READ_BE_UINT32(pos); _decodeFrameAmiga_x = 0; chk ^= val; while (dst > dstStart) { int para = -1; int para2 = 0; if (decodeFrameAmiga_readNextBit(pos, val, chk)) { uint32 code = decodeFrameAmiga_readBits(pos, val, chk, 2); if (code == 3) { para = para2 = 8; } else { int cnt = 0; if (code < 2) { cnt = 3 + code; para2 = 9 + code; } else { cnt = decodeFrameAmiga_readBits(pos, val, chk, 8) + 1; para2 = 12; } code = decodeFrameAmiga_readBits(pos, val, chk, para2); while (cnt--) { dst--; *dst = dst[code & 0xFFFF]; } } } else { if (decodeFrameAmiga_readNextBit(pos, val, chk)) { uint32 code = decodeFrameAmiga_readBits(pos, val, chk, 8); dst--; *dst = dst[code & 0xFFFF]; dst--; *dst = dst[code & 0xFFFF]; } else { para = 3; } } if (para > 0) { uint32 code = decodeFrameAmiga_readBits(pos, val, chk, para); uint32 cnt = (code & 0xFFFF) + para2 + 1; while (cnt--) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { decodeFrameAmiga_readNextBit(pos, val, chk); uint32 bt1 = _decodeFrameAmiga_x; _decodeFrameAmiga_x = code >> 31; code = (code << 1) | bt1; } *(--dst) = code & 0xFF; } } } delete[] file; if (chk) error("Screen_EoB::loadSpecialAmigaCPS(): Checksum error"); if (isGraphics) convertAmigaGfx(_pagePtrs[destPage], 320, 200); } void Screen_EoB::setupDualPalettesSplitScreen(Palette &top, Palette &bottom) { // The original supports simultaneous fading of both palettes, but doesn't make any use of that // feature. The fade rate is always set to 0. So I see no need to implement that. _palettes[0]->copy(top, 0, 32, 0); _palettes[0]->copy(bottom, 0, 32, 32); setScreenPalette(*_palettes[0]); _dualPaletteMode = _forceFullUpdate = true; } void Screen_EoB::disableDualPalettesSplitScreen() { _dualPaletteMode = false; _forceFullUpdate = true; } void Screen_EoB::updateDirtyRects() { if (!_useHiResEGADithering && !_dualPaletteMode) { Screen::updateDirtyRects(); return; } if (_dualPaletteMode && _forceFullUpdate) { uint32 *pos = (uint32*)(_pagePtrs[0] + 120 * SCREEN_W); uint16 h = 80 * (SCREEN_W >> 2); while (h--) *pos++ |= 0x20202020; _system->copyRectToScreen(getCPagePtr(0), SCREEN_W, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); } else if (_dualPaletteMode) { Common::List::iterator it; for (it = _dirtyRects.begin(); it != _dirtyRects.end(); ++it) { if (it->bottom > 119) { int16 startY = MAX(120, it->top); int16 h = it->bottom - startY + 1; int16 w = it->width(); uint8 *pos = _pagePtrs[0] + startY * SCREEN_W + it->left; while (h--) { for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) *pos++ |= 0x20; pos += (SCREEN_W - w); } } _system->copyRectToScreen(_pagePtrs[0] + it->top * SCREEN_W + it->left, SCREEN_W, it->left, it->top, it->width(), it->height()); } } else if (_forceFullUpdate) { ditherRect(getCPagePtr(0), _egaDitheringTempPage, SCREEN_W * 2, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); _system->copyRectToScreen(_egaDitheringTempPage, SCREEN_W * 2, 0, 0, SCREEN_W * 2, SCREEN_H * 2); } else { const uint8 *page0 = getCPagePtr(0); Common::List::iterator it; for (it = _dirtyRects.begin(); it != _dirtyRects.end(); ++it) { ditherRect(page0 + it->top * SCREEN_W + it->left, _egaDitheringTempPage, SCREEN_W * 2, it->width(), it->height()); _system->copyRectToScreen(_egaDitheringTempPage, SCREEN_W * 2, it->left * 2, it->top * 2, it->width() * 2, it->height() * 2); } } _forceFullUpdate = false; _dirtyRects.clear(); } void Screen_EoB::ditherRect(const uint8 *src, uint8 *dst, int dstPitch, int srcW, int srcH, int colorKey) { while (srcH--) { uint8 *dst2 = dst + dstPitch; for (int i = 0; i < srcW; i++) { int in = *src++; if (in != colorKey) { in = _egaDitheringTable[in]; *dst++ = *dst2++ = in >> 4; *dst++ = *dst2++ = in & 0x0F; } else { dst[0] = dst[1] = dst2[0] = dst2[1] = colorKey; dst += 2; dst2 += 2; } } src += (SCREEN_W - srcW); dst += ((dstPitch - srcW) * 2); } } void Screen_EoB::drawShapeSetPixel(uint8 *dst, uint8 col) { if (_bytesPerPixel == 2) { *(uint16*)dst = _16bitPalette[(_dsShapeFadingLevel << 8) + col]; return; } else if (_use256ColorMode || _useHiResEGADithering) { if (_dsBackgroundFading) { if (_dsShapeFadingLevel) { col = *dst; } else { _dsBackgroundFadingXOffs &= 7; col = *(dst + _dsBackgroundFadingXOffs++); } } if (_dsShapeFadingLevel) { assert(_dsShapeFadingTable); uint8 cnt = _dsShapeFadingLevel; while (cnt--) col = _dsShapeFadingTable[col]; } } *dst = col; } void Screen_EoB::scaleShapeProcessLine2Bit(uint8 *&shpDst, const uint8 *&shpSrc, uint32 transOffsetDst, uint32 transOffsetSrc) { for (int i = 0; i < _dsDiv; i++) { shpDst[0] = (_cgaScaleTable[shpSrc[0]] << 2) | (shpSrc[1] >> 6); shpDst[1] = ((shpSrc[1] & 0x0F) << 4) | ((shpSrc[2] >> 2) & 0x0F); shpDst[transOffsetDst] = (_cgaScaleTable[shpSrc[transOffsetSrc]] << 2) | (shpSrc[transOffsetSrc + 1] >> 6); shpDst[transOffsetDst + 1] = ((shpSrc[transOffsetSrc + 1] & 0x0F) << 4) | ((shpSrc[transOffsetSrc + 2] >> 2) & 0x0F); shpSrc += 3; shpDst += 2; } if (_dsRem == 1) { shpDst[0] = _cgaScaleTable[shpSrc[0]] << 2; shpDst[1] = 0; shpDst[transOffsetDst] = (_cgaScaleTable[shpSrc[transOffsetSrc]] << 2) | 3; shpDst[transOffsetDst + 1] = 0xFF; shpSrc++; shpDst += 2; } else if (_dsRem == 2) { shpDst[0] = (_cgaScaleTable[shpSrc[0]] << 2) | (shpSrc[1] >> 6); shpDst[1] = (shpSrc[1] & 0x3F) << 2; shpDst[transOffsetDst] = (_cgaScaleTable[shpSrc[transOffsetSrc]] << 2) | (shpSrc[transOffsetSrc + 1] >> 6); shpDst[transOffsetDst + 1] = ((shpSrc[transOffsetSrc + 1] & 0x3F) << 2) | 3; shpSrc += 2; shpDst += 2; } } void Screen_EoB::scaleShapeProcessLine4Bit(uint8 *&dst, const uint8 *&src) { for (int i = 0; i < _dsDiv; i++) { *dst++ = *src++; *dst++ = (READ_BE_UINT16(src) >> 4) & 0xFF; src += 2; } if (_dsRem == 1) { *dst++ = *src++; *dst++ = _dsScaleTrans; } else if (_dsRem == 2) { *dst++ = (src[0] & 0xF0) | (src[1] >> 4); src += 2; *dst++ = _dsScaleTrans; *dst++ = _dsScaleTrans; *dst++ = _dsScaleTrans; } } bool Screen_EoB::posWithinRect(int posX, int posY, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { if (posX < x1 || posX > x2 || posY < y1 || posY > y2) return false; return true; } void Screen_EoB::setPagePixel16bit(int pageNum, int x, int y, uint16 color) { assert(pageNum < SCREEN_PAGE_NUM); assert(x >= 0 && x < SCREEN_W && y >= 0 && y < SCREEN_H); assert(_bytesPerPixel == 2); if (pageNum == 0 || pageNum == 1) addDirtyRect(x, y, 1, 1); ((uint16*)_pagePtrs[pageNum])[y * SCREEN_W + x] = color; } void Screen_EoB::generateEGADitheringTable(const Palette &pal) { assert(_egaDitheringTable); const uint8 *src = pal.getData(); uint8 *dst = _egaDitheringTable; for (int i = 256; i; i--) { int r = *src++; int g = *src++; int b = *src++; uint8 col = 0; uint16 min = 0x2E83; for (int ii = 256; ii; ii--) { const uint8 *palEntry = _egaMatchTable + (ii - 1) * 3; if (*palEntry == 0xFF) continue; int e_r = palEntry[0] - r; int e_g = palEntry[1] - g; int e_b = palEntry[2] - b; uint16 s = (e_r * e_r) + (e_g * e_g) + (e_b * e_b); if (s <= min) { min = s; col = ii - 1; } } *dst++ = col; } } void Screen_EoB::generateCGADitheringTables(const uint8 *mappingData) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { _cgaDitheringTables[0][i] = (mappingData[(i >> 4) + 16] << 8) | mappingData[i & 0x0F]; _cgaDitheringTables[1][i] = (mappingData[i >> 4] << 8) | mappingData[(i & 0x0F) + 16]; } } const uint8 Screen_EoB::_egaMatchTable[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2A, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x2A, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x2A, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x2A, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x21, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x36, 0x0F, 0x2D, 0x21, 0x0F, 0x2D, 0x36, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0x21, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0x36, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x21, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x36, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x2A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2A, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x21, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x2A, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x21, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x21, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0x36, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x36, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x21, 0x0F, 0x2D, 0x21, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0x36, 0x0F, 0x2D, 0x36, 0x2D, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x2A, 0x1E, 0x21, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x0F, 0x21, 0x21, 0x0F, 0x21, 0x36, 0x0F, 0x36, 0x21, 0x0F, 0x36, 0x36, 0x2D, 0x21, 0x21, 0x2D, 0x21, 0x36, 0x2D, 0x36, 0x21, 0x2D, 0x36, 0x36, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x2A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2A, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x2A, 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OldDOSFont::~OldDOSFont() { unload(); if (_numRef) --_numRef; if (_cgaDitheringTable && !_numRef) { delete[] _cgaDitheringTable; _cgaDitheringTable = 0; } } bool OldDOSFont::load(Common::SeekableReadStream &file) { unload(); _data = new uint8[file.size()]; assert(_data); file.read(_data, file.size()); if (file.err()) return false; if (file.size() - 2 != READ_LE_UINT16(_data)) return false; _width = _data[0x103]; _height = _data[0x102]; _numGlyphs = (READ_LE_UINT16(_data + 2) / 2) - 2; _bitmapOffsets = (uint16 *)(_data + 2); for (int i = 0; i < _numGlyphs; ++i) _bitmapOffsets[i] = READ_LE_UINT16(&_bitmapOffsets[i]); return true; } int OldDOSFont::getCharWidth(uint16 c) const { // Since these fonts have a fixed character width we always give a return value // even if there is no glyph for the specified character (which can't normally // happen anyway - you'd have to do something like importing a Japanese save file // into the English version). return _width; } void OldDOSFont::setColorMap(const uint8 *src) { _colorMap8bit = src; } void OldDOSFont::drawChar(uint16 c, byte *dst, int pitch, int bpp) const { uint16 color1 = _colorMap8bit[1]; uint16 color2 = _colorMap8bit[0]; if (_style == kFSLeftShadow) { drawCharIntern(c, dst + pitch, pitch, 1, _shadowColor, 0); drawCharIntern(c, dst - 1, pitch, 1, _shadowColor, 0); drawCharIntern(c, dst - 1 + pitch, pitch, 1, _shadowColor, 0); } if (bpp == 2) { color1 = _colorMap16bit[1]; color2 = _colorMap16bit[0]; } drawCharIntern(c, dst, pitch, bpp, color1, color2); } void OldDOSFont::drawCharIntern(uint16 c, byte *dst, int pitch, int bpp, int col1, int col2) const { static const uint16 renderMaskTable[] = { 0x0000, 0x8000, 0xc000, 0xe000, 0xf000, 0xf800, 0xfc00, 0xfe00, 0xff00, 0xff80, 0xffc0, 0xffe0, 0xfff0, 0xfff8, 0xfffc, 0xfffe, 0xffff }; c = convert(c); if (c >= _numGlyphs) return; pitch *= bpp; const uint8 *src = &_data[_bitmapOffsets[c]]; uint8 *dst2 = dst + pitch; int w = (_width - 1) >> 3; pitch -= _width * bpp; if (_renderMode == Common::kRenderCGA || _renderMode == Common::kRenderEGA) { col1 &= 0x0F; col2 &= 0x0F; } static const uint16 cgaColorMask[] = { 0, 0x5555, 0xAAAA, 0xFFFF }; uint16 cgaMask1 = cgaColorMask[col1 & 3]; uint16 cgaMask2 = cgaColorMask[col2 & 3]; int cH = _height; while (cH--) { int cW = w; uint16 mask = renderMaskTable[_width]; if (_renderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) { uint16 s = (*src++) << 8; if (_width > 8) s |= *src++; uint16 cmp1 = 0; uint16 cmp2 = 0; if (col1) { s &= mask; cmp1 = _cgaDitheringTable[s >> 8]; } if (col2) { s = ~s & mask; cmp2 = _cgaDitheringTable[s >> 8]; } uint16 cDst = 0; uint8 sh = 6; for (int i = 0; i < _width; i++) { cDst |= ((dst[i] & 3) << sh); sh = (sh - 2) & 0x0F; } uint16 out = (~(cmp1 | cmp2) & cDst) | (cmp1 & cgaMask1) | (cmp2 & cgaMask2); sh = 6; for (int i = 0; i < _width; i++) { *dst++ = (out >> sh) & 3; sh = (sh - 2) & 0x0F; } } else { for (bool runWidthLoop = true; runWidthLoop;) { uint16 s = (*src++) << 8; if (_width > 8) s |= *src++; for (uint16 i = 0x8000; i; i >>= 1) { if (!(mask & i)) { runWidthLoop = false; break; } if (s & i) { if (bpp == 2) *(uint16*)dst = col1; else if (col1) *dst = col1; } else { if (bpp == 2) { if (col2 != 0xFFFF) *(uint16*)dst = col2; } else if (col2) { *dst = col2; } } dst += bpp; } mask >>= 1; if (cW) cW--; else runWidthLoop = false; } } dst += pitch; dst2 += pitch; } } uint16 OldDOSFont::convert(uint16 c) const { if (_width == 6) { switch (c) { case 0x81: case 0x9A: c = 0x5D; break; case 0x84: case 0x8E: c = 0x5B; break; case 0x94: case 0x99: c = 0x40; case 0xE1: // TODO: recheck this: no conversion for 'ß' ? break; } } else if (_width == 8) { switch (c) { case 0x81: case 0x9A: case 0x5D: c = 0x1D; break; case 0x84: case 0x5B: c = 0x1E; break; case 0x94: case 0x40: c = 0x1F; break; case 0x8E: c = 0x1B; break; case 0x99: c = 0x1C; break; case 0xE1: c = 0x19; break; } } return c; } void OldDOSFont::unload() { delete[] _data; _data = 0; _width = _height = _numGlyphs = 0; _bitmapOffsets = 0; } AmigaDOSFont::AmigaDOSFont(Resource *res, bool needsLocalizedFont) : _res(res), _needsLocalizedFont(needsLocalizedFont), _width(0), _height(0), _first(0), _last(0), _content(0), _numElements(0), _selectedElement(0), _maxPathLen(256) { assert(_res); } bool AmigaDOSFont::load(Common::SeekableReadStream &file) { unload(); uint16 id = file.readUint16BE(); // We only support type 0x0f00, since this is the only type used for EOB if (id != 0x0f00) return false; _numElements = file.readUint16BE(); _content = new FontContent[_numElements]; char *cfile = new char[_maxPathLen]; for (int i = 0; i < _numElements; ++i) { file.read(cfile, _maxPathLen); _content[i].height = file.readUint16BE();; _content[i].style = file.readByte(); _content[i].flags = file.readByte(); _content[i].contentFile = cfile; for (int ii = 0; ii < i; ++ii) { if (_content[ii].contentFile == _content[i].contentFile && _content[ii].data.get()) _content[i].data = _content[ii].data; } if (!_content[i].data.get()) { TextFont *contentData = loadContentFile(cfile); if (contentData) { _content[i].data = Common::SharedPtr(contentData); } else { unload(); return false; } } if (!(_content[i].flags & 0x40) && (_content[i].height != _content[i].data->height)) { warning("Amiga DOS Font construction / scaling not implemented."); } } delete[] cfile; selectMode(0); return true; } int AmigaDOSFont::getCharWidth(uint16 c) const { if (c < _first || c > _last) return 0; c -= _first; int width = _content[_selectedElement].data->spacing ? _content[_selectedElement].data->spacing[c] : _content[_selectedElement].data->width; /*if (_content[_selectedElement].data->kerning) width += _content[_selectedElement].data->kerning[c];*/ return width; } void AmigaDOSFont::drawChar(uint16 c, byte *dst, int pitch, int) const { if (c < _first || c > _last || !dst) return; static const uint16 table[] = { 0x8000, 0xc000, 0xe000, 0xf000, 0xf800, 0xfc00, 0xfe00, 0xff00, 0xff80, 0xffc0, 0xffe0, 0xfff0, 0xfff8, 0xfffc, 0xfffe, 0xffff }; c -= _first; int w = _content[_selectedElement].data->spacing ? _content[_selectedElement].data->spacing[c] : _content[_selectedElement].data->width; int xbits = _content[_selectedElement].data->location[c * 2 + 1]; int h = _content[_selectedElement].data->height; uint16 bitPos = _content[_selectedElement].data->location[c * 2] & 0x0F; uint16 mod = _content[_selectedElement].data->modulo; const uint8 *data = _content[_selectedElement].data->bitmap + ((_content[_selectedElement].data->location[c * 2] >> 3) & ~1); uint32 xbt_mask = xbits ? table[(xbits - 1) & 0x0F] << 16 : 0; for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) { uint32 mask = 0x80000000; uint32 bits = (READ_BE_UINT32(data) << bitPos) & xbt_mask; data += mod; for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) { if (bits & mask) { if (_colorMap[1]) *dst = _colorMap[1]; } else { if (_colorMap[0]) *dst = _colorMap[0]; } mask >>= 1; dst++; } dst += (pitch - w); } } uint8 AmigaDOSFont::_errorDialogDisplayed = 0; void AmigaDOSFont::errorDialog(int index) { if (_errorDialogDisplayed & (1 << index)) return; _errorDialogDisplayed |= (1 << index); // I've made rather elaborate dialogs here, since the Amiga font file handling is quite prone to cause problems for users. // This will hopefully prevent unnecessary forum posts and bug reports. if (index == 0) { ::GUI::displayErrorDialog(_( "This AMIGA version requires the following font files:\n\nEOBF6.FONT\nEOBF6/6\nEOBF8.FONT\nEOBF8/8\n\n" "If you used the orginal installer for the installation these files\nshould be located in the AmigaDOS system 'Fonts/' folder.\n" "Please copy them into the EOB game data directory.\n" )); error("Failed to load font files."); } else if (index == 1) { ::GUI::displayErrorDialog(_( "This AMIGA version requires the following font files:\n\nEOBF6.FONT\nEOBF6/6\nEOBF8.FONT\nEOBF8/8\n\n" "This is a localized (non-English) version of EOB II which uses language specific characters\n" "contained only in the specific font files that came with your game. You cannot use the font\n" "files from the English version or from any EOB I game which seems to be what you are doing.\n\n" "The game will continue, but the language specific characters will not be displayed.\n" "Please copy the correct font files into your EOB II game data directory.\n\n" )); } } void AmigaDOSFont::unload() { delete[] _content; } AmigaDOSFont::TextFont *AmigaDOSFont::loadContentFile(const Common::String fileName) { Common::SeekableReadStreamEndian *str = _res->createEndianAwareReadStream(fileName); if (!str && fileName.contains('/')) { // These content files are usually located in sub directories (i. e. the eobf8.font // has a sub dir named 'eobf8' with a file '8' in it). In case someone put the content // files directly in the game directory we still try to open it. Common::String fileNameAlt = fileName; while (fileNameAlt.firstChar() != '/') fileNameAlt.deleteChar(0); fileNameAlt.deleteChar(0); str = _res->createEndianAwareReadStream(fileNameAlt); if (!str) { // Someone might even have copied the floppy disks to the game directory with the // full sub directory structure. So we also try that... fileNameAlt = "fonts/"; fileNameAlt += fileName; str = _res->createEndianAwareReadStream(fileNameAlt); } if (!str) errorDialog(0); } uint32 hunkId = str->readUint32(); // Except for some sanity checks we skip all of the Amiga hunk file magic if (hunkId != 0x03f3) return 0; str->seek(20, SEEK_CUR); uint32 hunkType = str->readUint32(); if (hunkType != 0x3E9) return 0; uint32 dataSize = str->readUint32() * 4; int32 hunkStartPos = str->pos(); str->seek(34, SEEK_CUR); TextFont *fnt = new TextFont(); int32 fntStartPos = str->pos(); str->seek(44, SEEK_CUR); fnt->height = str->readUint16(); str->seek(2, SEEK_CUR); fnt->width = str->readUint16(); fnt->baseLine = str->readUint16(); str->seek(4, SEEK_CUR); fnt->firstChar = str->readByte(); fnt->lastChar = str->readByte(); if (_needsLocalizedFont && fnt->lastChar <= 127) errorDialog(1); str->seek(18, SEEK_CUR); int32 curPos = str->pos(); uint32 bufferSize = dataSize - (curPos - fntStartPos); uint8 *buffer = new uint8[bufferSize]; str->read(buffer, bufferSize); str->seek(curPos - 18, SEEK_SET); uint32 offset = str->readUint32(); fnt->bitmap = offset ? buffer + offset - (curPos - hunkStartPos) : 0; fnt->modulo = str->readUint16(); offset = str->readUint32(); uint16 *loc = (uint16*) (offset ? buffer + offset - (curPos - hunkStartPos) : 0); for (int i = 0; i <= (fnt->lastChar - fnt->firstChar) * 2 + 1; ++i) loc[i] = READ_BE_UINT16(&loc[i]); fnt->location = loc; offset = str->readUint32(); int16 *idat = offset ? (int16*)(buffer + offset - (curPos - hunkStartPos)) : 0; if (idat) { for (int i = 0; i <= (fnt->lastChar - fnt->firstChar) * 2 + 1; ++i) idat[i] = (int16)READ_BE_UINT16(&idat[i]); } fnt->spacing = idat; offset = str->readUint32(); // This warning will only show up if someone tries to use this code elsewhere. It cannot happen with EOB fonts. if (offset) warning("Trying to load an AmigaDOS font with kerning data. This is not implemented. Font Rendering will not be accurate."); idat = offset ? (int16*)(buffer + offset - (curPos - hunkStartPos)) : 0; if (idat) { for (int i = 0; i <= (fnt->lastChar - fnt->firstChar) * 2 + 1; ++i) idat[i] = (int16)READ_BE_UINT16(&idat[i]); } fnt->kerning = idat; fnt->data = buffer; delete str; return fnt; } void AmigaDOSFont::selectMode(int mode) { if (mode < 0 || mode > _numElements - 1) return; _selectedElement = mode; _width = _content[mode].data->width; _height = _content[mode].data->height; _first = _content[mode].data->firstChar; _last = _content[mode].data->lastChar; } SJISFontEoB1PC98::SJISFontEoB1PC98(Common::SharedPtr &font, uint8 shadowColor, const uint16 *convTable1, const uint16 *convTable2) : SJISFont(font, 0, false, false, 0), _shadowColor(shadowColor), _convTable1(convTable1), _convTable2(convTable2), _defaultConv(true) { assert(_convTable1); assert(_convTable2); } int SJISFontEoB1PC98::getCharWidth(uint16 c) const { return SJISFont::getCharWidth(convert(c)); } void SJISFontEoB1PC98::drawChar(uint16 c, byte *dst, int pitch, int) const { c = convert(c); _font->setDrawingMode(_style == kFSLeftShadow ? Graphics::FontSJIS::kShadowLeftMode : Graphics::FontSJIS::kDefaultMode); _font->toggleFatPrint(false); _font->drawChar(dst, c, 640, 1, _colorMap[1], _colorMap[0], 640, 400); } uint16 SJISFontEoB1PC98::convert(uint16 c) const { uint8 l = c & 0xFF; uint8 h = c >> 8; if (c < 128) { c = _convTable2[l - 32]; } else if (l > 160 && l < 225) { bool done = false; if (_defaultConv) { if (h == 0xDE) { if ((l >= 182 && l <= 196) || (l >= 202 && l <= 206)) { c = _convTable1[l - 182]; done = true; } } else if (h == 0xDF) { if (l >= 202 && l <= 206) { c = _convTable1[l - 177]; done = true; } } } if (!done) c = _convTable2[l - 64]; } return c; } Font12x12PC98::Font12x12PC98(uint8 shadowColor, const uint16 *convTable1, const uint16 *convTable2, const uint8 *lookupTable) : OldDOSFont(Common::kRenderDefault, 12), _convTable1(convTable1), _convTable2(convTable2) { assert(convTable1); assert(convTable2); assert(lookupTable); _width = _height = 12; _numGlyphs = 275; _bmpOffs = new uint16[_numGlyphs]; for (int i = 0; i < _numGlyphs; ++i) _bmpOffs[i] = lookupTable[i] * 24; } Font12x12PC98::~Font12x12PC98() { delete[] _bmpOffs; } bool Font12x12PC98::load(Common::SeekableReadStream &file) { unload(); _width = _height = 12; _numGlyphs = 275; _bitmapOffsets = _bmpOffs; _data = new uint8[file.size()]; assert(_data); file.read(_data, file.size()); if (file.err()) return false; return true; } uint16 Font12x12PC98::convert(uint16 c) const { uint8 l = c & 0xFF; uint8 h = c >> 8; if (c < 128) { c = _convTable2[l - 32]; } else if (l > 160 && l < 225) { bool done = false; if (1) { if (h == 0xDE) { if ((l >= 182 && l <= 196) || (l >= 202 && l <= 206)) { c = _convTable1[l - 182]; done = true; } } else if (h == 0xDF) { if (l >= 202 && l <= 206) { c = _convTable1[l - 177]; done = true; } } } if (!done) c = _convTable2[l - 64]; } c = SWAP_BYTES_16(c); if (c < 0x813F) c = 1; else if (c < 0x824F) c -= 0x813F; else if (c < 0x833F) c -= 0x81EE; else if (c > 0x839F) c = 1; else c -= 0x828D; return c; } SJISFontLarge::SJISFontLarge(Common::SharedPtr &font) : SJISFont(font, 0, false, false, 0) { _sjisWidth = _font->getMaxFontWidth(); _fontHeight = _font->getFontHeight(); _asciiWidth = _font->getCharWidth('a'); } void SJISFontLarge::drawChar(uint16 c, byte *dst, int pitch, int) const { _font->setDrawingMode(Graphics::FontSJIS::kDefaultMode); _font->toggleFatPrint(false); _font->drawChar(dst, c, 320, 1, _colorMap[1], _colorMap[0], 320, 200); } SJISFont12x12::SJISFont12x12(const uint16 *searchTable) : _height(6), _width(6), _data(0) { assert(searchTable); for (int i = 0; i < 148; i++) _searchTable[searchTable[i]] = i + 1; } bool SJISFont12x12::load(Common::SeekableReadStream &file) { delete[] _data; int size = 148 * 24; if (file.size() < size) return false; _data = new uint8[size]; file.read(_data, size); return true; } void SJISFont12x12::unload() { delete[] _data; _data = 0; _searchTable.clear(); } void SJISFont12x12::drawChar(uint16 c, byte *dst, int pitch, int) const { int offs = _searchTable[c]; if (!offs) return; const uint8 *src = _data + (offs - 1) * 24; uint8 color1 = _colorMap[1]; int bt = 0; uint16 chr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 192; ++i) { if (!bt) { chr = *src++; bt = 8; } if (chr & 0x80) *dst = color1; dst++; if (--bt) chr <<= 1; else if (i & 8) dst += (pitch - 16); } } } // End of namespace Kyra #endif // ENABLE_EOB