/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ #include "kyra/gui_v2.h" #include "kyra/kyra_v2.h" #include "kyra/screen_v2.h" #include "kyra/text.h" #include "common/savefile.h" namespace Kyra { GUI_v2::GUI_v2(KyraEngine_v2 *vm) : GUI(vm), _vm(vm), _screen(vm->screen_v2()) { _backUpButtonList = _specialProcessButton = 0; _buttonListChanged = false; _lastScreenUpdate = 0; _flagsModifier = 0; _currentMenu = 0; _isDeathMenu = false; _isSaveMenu = false; _isLoadMenu = false; _scrollUpFunctor = BUTTON_FUNCTOR(GUI_v2, this, &GUI_v2::scrollUpButton); _scrollDownFunctor = BUTTON_FUNCTOR(GUI_v2, this, &GUI_v2::scrollDownButton); _sliderHandlerFunctor = BUTTON_FUNCTOR(GUI_v2, this, &GUI_v2::sliderHandler); _savegameOffset = 0; _isDeleteMenu = false; } Button *GUI_v2::addButtonToList(Button *list, Button *newButton) { list = GUI::addButtonToList(list, newButton); _buttonListChanged = true; return list; } void GUI_v2::processButton(Button *button) { if (!button) return; if (button->flags & 8) { if (button->flags & 0x10) { // XXX } return; } int entry = button->flags2 & 5; byte val1 = 0, val2 = 0, val3 = 0; const uint8 *dataPtr = 0; Button::Callback callback; if (entry == 1) { val1 = button->data1Val1; dataPtr = button->data1ShapePtr; callback = button->data1Callback; val2 = button->data1Val2; val3 = button->data1Val3; } else if (entry == 4 || entry == 5) { val1 = button->data2Val1; dataPtr = button->data2ShapePtr; callback = button->data2Callback; val2 = button->data2Val2; val3 = button->data2Val3; } else { val1 = button->data0Val1; dataPtr = button->data0ShapePtr; callback = button->data0Callback; val2 = button->data0Val2; val3 = button->data0Val3; } int x = 0, y = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0; x = button->x; if (x < 0) x += _screen->getScreenDim(button->dimTableIndex)->w << 3; x += _screen->getScreenDim(button->dimTableIndex)->sx << 3; x2 = x + button->width - 1; y = button->y; if (y < 0) y += _screen->getScreenDim(button->dimTableIndex)->h << 3; y += _screen->getScreenDim(button->dimTableIndex)->sy << 3; y2 = y + button->height - 1; switch (val1 - 1) { case 0: _screen->hideMouse(); _screen->drawShape(_screen->_curPage, dataPtr, x, y, button->dimTableIndex, 0x10); _screen->showMouse(); break; case 1: _screen->hideMouse(); _screen->printText((const char*)dataPtr, x, y, val2, val3); _screen->showMouse(); break; case 3: if (callback) (*callback)(button); break; case 4: _screen->hideMouse(); _screen->drawBox(x, y, x2, y2, val2); _screen->showMouse(); break; case 5: _screen->hideMouse(); _screen->fillRect(x, y, x2, y2, val2, -1, true); _screen->showMouse(); break; default: break; } _screen->updateScreen(); } int GUI_v2::processButtonList(Button *buttonList, uint16 inputFlag, int8 mouseWheel) { if (!buttonList) return inputFlag & 0x7FFF; if (_backUpButtonList != buttonList || _buttonListChanged) { _specialProcessButton = 0; //flagsModifier |= 0x2200; _backUpButtonList = buttonList; _buttonListChanged = false; while (buttonList) { processButton(buttonList); buttonList = buttonList->nextButton; } } int mouseX = _vm->_mouseX; int mouseY = _vm->_mouseY; uint16 flags = 0; if (1/*!_screen_cursorDisable*/) { uint16 inFlags = inputFlag & 0xFF; uint16 temp = 0; // HACK: inFlags == 200 is our left button (up) if (inFlags == 199 || inFlags == 200) temp = 0x1000; if (inFlags == 198) temp = 0x100; if (inputFlag & 0x800) temp <<= 2; flags |= temp; _flagsModifier &= ~((temp & 0x4400) >> 1); _flagsModifier |= (temp & 0x1100) * 2; flags |= _flagsModifier; flags |= (_flagsModifier << 2) ^ 0x8800; } buttonList = _backUpButtonList; if (_specialProcessButton) { buttonList = _specialProcessButton; if (_specialProcessButton->flags & 8) _specialProcessButton = 0; } int returnValue = 0; while (buttonList) { if (buttonList->flags & 8) { buttonList = buttonList->nextButton; continue; } buttonList->flags2 &= ~0x18; buttonList->flags2 |= (buttonList->flags2 & 3) << 3; int x = buttonList->x; if (x < 0) x += _screen->getScreenDim(buttonList->dimTableIndex)->w << 3; x += _screen->getScreenDim(buttonList->dimTableIndex)->sx << 3; int y = buttonList->y; if (y < 0) y += _screen->getScreenDim(buttonList->dimTableIndex)->h; y += _screen->getScreenDim(buttonList->dimTableIndex)->sy; bool progress = false; if (mouseX >= x && mouseY >= y && mouseX <= x+buttonList->width && mouseY <= y+buttonList->height) progress = true; buttonList->flags2 &= ~0x80; uint16 inFlags = inputFlag & 0x7FFF; if (inFlags) { if (buttonList->keyCode == inFlags) { progress = true; flags = buttonList->flags & 0x0F00; buttonList->flags2 |= 0x80; inputFlag = 0; _specialProcessButton = buttonList; } else if (buttonList->keyCode2 == inFlags) { flags = buttonList->flags & 0xF000; if (!flags) flags = buttonList->flags & 0x0F00; progress = true; buttonList->flags2 |= 0x80; inputFlag = 0; _specialProcessButton = buttonList; } } bool unk1 = false; if (mouseWheel && buttonList->mouseWheel == mouseWheel) { progress = true; unk1 = true; } if (!progress) buttonList->flags2 &= ~6; if ((flags & 0x3300) && (buttonList->flags & 4) && progress && (buttonList == _specialProcessButton || !_specialProcessButton)) { buttonList->flags |= 6; if (!_specialProcessButton) _specialProcessButton = buttonList; } else if ((flags & 0x8800) && !(buttonList->flags & 4) && progress) { buttonList->flags2 |= 6; } else { buttonList->flags2 &= ~6; } bool progressSwitch = false; if (!_specialProcessButton) { progressSwitch = progress; } else { if (_specialProcessButton->flags & 0x40) progressSwitch = (_specialProcessButton == buttonList); else progressSwitch = progress; } if (progressSwitch) { if ((flags & 0x1100) && progress && !_specialProcessButton) { inputFlag = 0; _specialProcessButton = buttonList; } if ((buttonList->flags & flags) && (progress || !(buttonList->flags & 1))) { uint16 combinedFlags = (buttonList->flags & flags); combinedFlags = ((combinedFlags & 0xF000) >> 4) | (combinedFlags & 0x0F00); combinedFlags >>= 8; static const uint16 flagTable[] = { 0x000, 0x100, 0x200, 0x100, 0x400, 0x100, 0x400, 0x100, 0x800, 0x100, 0x200, 0x100, 0x400, 0x100, 0x400, 0x100 }; assert(combinedFlags < ARRAYSIZE(flagTable)); switch (flagTable[combinedFlags]) { case 0x400: if (!(buttonList->flags & 1) || ((buttonList->flags & 1) && _specialProcessButton == buttonList)) { buttonList->flags2 ^= 1; returnValue = buttonList->index | 0x8000; unk1 = true; } if (!(buttonList->flags & 4)) { buttonList->flags2 &= ~4; buttonList->flags2 &= ~2; } break; case 0x800: if (!(buttonList->flags & 4)) { buttonList->flags2 |= 4; buttonList->flags2 |= 2; } if (!(buttonList->flags & 1)) unk1 = true; break; case 0x200: if (buttonList->flags & 4) { buttonList->flags2 |= 4; buttonList->flags2 |= 2; } if (!(buttonList->flags & 1)) unk1 = true; break; case 0x100: default: buttonList->flags2 ^= 1; returnValue = buttonList->index | 0x8000; unk1 = true; if (buttonList->flags & 4) { buttonList->flags2 |= 4; buttonList->flags2 |= 2; } _specialProcessButton = buttonList; break; } } } bool unk2 = false; if ((flags & 0x2200) && progress) { buttonList->flags2 |= 6; if (!(buttonList->flags & 4) && !(buttonList->flags2 & 1)) { unk2 = true; buttonList->flags2 |= 1; } } if ((flags & 0x8800) == 0x8800) { _specialProcessButton = 0; if (!progress || (buttonList->flags & 4)) buttonList->flags2 &= ~6; } if (!progress && buttonList == _specialProcessButton && !(buttonList->flags & 0x40)) _specialProcessButton = 0; if ((buttonList->flags2 & 0x18) != ((buttonList->flags2 & 3) << 3)) processButton(buttonList); if (unk2) buttonList->flags2 &= ~1; if (unk1) { buttonList->flags2 &= 0xFF; buttonList->flags2 |= flags; if (buttonList->buttonCallback) { _vm->removeInputTop(); if ((*buttonList->buttonCallback.get())(buttonList)) break; } if (buttonList->flags & 0x20) break; } if (_specialProcessButton == buttonList && (buttonList->flags & 0x40)) break; buttonList = buttonList->nextButton; } if (!returnValue) returnValue = inputFlag & 0x7FFF; return returnValue; } void GUI_v2::updateButton(Button *button) { if (!button || (button->flags & 8)) return; if (button->flags2 & 1) button->flags2 |= 8; else button->flags2 |= ~8; button->flags2 &= ~1; if (button->flags2 & 4) button->flags2 |= 0x10; else button->flags2 &= ~0x10; button->flags2 &= ~4; processButton(button); } void GUI_v2::getInput() { if (!_displayMenu) return; _vm->checkInput(_menuButtonList); _vm->removeInputTop(); if (_vm->shouldQuit()) { _displayMenu = false; _isLoadMenu = false; _isSaveMenu = false; _isOptionsMenu = false; _isDeleteMenu = false; } _vm->delay(10); } void GUI_v2::renewHighlight(Menu &menu) { if (!_displayMenu) return; MenuItem &item = menu.item[menu.highlightedItem]; int x = item.x + menu.x; int y = item.y + menu.y; int x2 = x + item.width - 1; int y2 = y + item.height - 1; redrawText(menu); _screen->fillRect(x+2, y+2, x2-2, y2-2, item.bkgdColor); redrawHighlight(menu); _screen->updateScreen(); } void GUI_v2::backUpPage1(uint8 *buffer) { _screen->copyRegionToBuffer(1, 0, 0, 320, 200, buffer); } void GUI_v2::restorePage1(const uint8 *buffer) { _screen->copyBlockToPage(1, 0, 0, 320, 200, buffer); } void GUI_v2::setupSavegameNames(Menu &menu, int num) { for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { strcpy(getTableString(menu.item[i].itemId), ""); menu.item[i].saveSlot = -1; menu.item[i].enabled = false; } int startSlot = 0; if (_isSaveMenu && _savegameOffset == 0) startSlot = 1; KyraEngine_v1::SaveHeader header; Common::InSaveFile *in; for (int i = startSlot; i < num && uint(_savegameOffset + i) < _saveSlots.size(); ++i) { if ((in = _vm->openSaveForReading(_vm->getSavegameFilename(_saveSlots[i + _savegameOffset]), header)) != 0) { strncpy(getTableString(menu.item[i].itemId), header.description.c_str(), 80); getTableString(menu.item[i].itemId)[79] = 0; menu.item[i].saveSlot = _saveSlots[i + _savegameOffset]; menu.item[i].enabled = true; delete in; } } if (_savegameOffset == 0) { if (_isSaveMenu) { char *dst = getTableString(menu.item[0].itemId); const char *src = getTableString(_vm->gameFlags().isTalkie ? 10 : 18); strcpy(dst, src); menu.item[0].saveSlot = -2; menu.item[0].enabled = true; } else { char *dst = getTableString(menu.item[0].itemId); const char *src = getTableString(_vm->gameFlags().isTalkie ? 34 : 42); strcpy(dst, src); } } } int GUI_v2::scrollUpButton(Button *button) { updateMenuButton(button); if (_savegameOffset == (_isDeleteMenu ? 1 : 0)) return 0; --_savegameOffset; if (_isLoadMenu) { setupSavegameNames(_loadMenu, 5); // original calls something different here... initMenu(_loadMenu); } else if (_isSaveMenu || _isDeleteMenu) { setupSavegameNames(_saveMenu, 5); // original calls something different here... initMenu(_saveMenu); } return 0; } int GUI_v2::scrollDownButton(Button *button) { updateMenuButton(button); ++_savegameOffset; if (uint(_savegameOffset + 5) >= _saveSlots.size()) _savegameOffset = MAX(_saveSlots.size() - 5, _isDeleteMenu ? 1 : 0); if (_isLoadMenu) { setupSavegameNames(_loadMenu, 5); // original calls something different here... initMenu(_loadMenu); } else if (_isSaveMenu || _isDeleteMenu) { setupSavegameNames(_saveMenu, 5); // original calls something different here... initMenu(_saveMenu); } return 0; } int GUI_v2::resumeGame(Button *caller) { updateMenuButton(caller); _displayMenu = false; return 0; } int GUI_v2::quitOptionsMenu(Button *caller) { updateMenuButton(caller); _isOptionsMenu = false; return 0; } int GUI_v2::toggleWalkspeed(Button *caller) { updateMenuButton(caller); if (_vm->_configWalkspeed == 5) _vm->_configWalkspeed = 3; else _vm->_configWalkspeed = 5; _vm->setWalkspeed(_vm->_configWalkspeed); setupOptionsButtons(); renewHighlight(_gameOptions); return 0; } int GUI_v2::toggleText(Button *caller) { updateMenuButton(caller); if (_vm->textEnabled()) { if (_vm->speechEnabled()) _vm->_configVoice = 1; else _vm->_configVoice = 3; } else { if (_vm->speechEnabled()) _vm->_configVoice = 2; else _vm->_configVoice = 0; } setupOptionsButtons(); renewHighlight(_gameOptions); return 0; } int GUI_v2::clickLoadSlot(Button *caller) { updateMenuButton(caller); int index = caller->index - _menuButtons[0].index; assert(index >= 0 && index <= 6); MenuItem &item = _loadMenu.item[index]; if (item.saveSlot >= 0) { _vm->_gameToLoad = item.saveSlot; _isLoadMenu = false; } return 0; } int GUI_v2::cancelLoadMenu(Button *caller) { updateMenuButton(caller); _isLoadMenu = false; _noLoadProcess = true; return 0; } int GUI_v2::saveMenu(Button *caller) { updateSaveList(); updateMenuButton(caller); restorePage1(_vm->_screenBuffer); backUpPage1(_vm->_screenBuffer); _isSaveMenu = true; _noSaveProcess = false; _saveSlot = -1; _savegameOffset = 0; setupSavegameNames(_saveMenu, 5); initMenu(_saveMenu); updateAllMenuButtons(); while (_isSaveMenu) { processHighlights(_saveMenu, _vm->_mouseX, _vm->_mouseY); getInput(); } if (_noSaveProcess) { restorePage1(_vm->_screenBuffer); backUpPage1(_vm->_screenBuffer); initMenu(*_currentMenu); updateAllMenuButtons(); return 0; } else if (_saveSlot <= -1) { return 0; } restorePage1(_vm->_screenBuffer); restorePalette(); Graphics::Surface thumb; createScreenThumbnail(thumb); _vm->saveGameState(_saveSlot, _saveDescription, &thumb); thumb.free(); _displayMenu = false; _madeSave = true; return 0; } int GUI_v2::clickSaveSlot(Button *caller) { updateMenuButton(caller); int index = caller->index - _menuButtons[0].index; assert(index >= 0 && index <= 6); MenuItem &item = _saveMenu.item[index]; if (item.saveSlot >= 0) { if (_isDeleteMenu) { _slotToDelete = item.saveSlot; _isDeleteMenu = false; return 0; } else { _saveSlot = item.saveSlot; strcpy(_saveDescription, getTableString(item.itemId)); } } else if (item.saveSlot == -2) { _saveSlot = getNextSavegameSlot(); memset(_saveDescription, 0, sizeof(_saveDescription)); } restorePage1(_vm->_screenBuffer); backUpPage1(_vm->_screenBuffer); initMenu(_savenameMenu); _screen->fillRect(0x26, 0x5B, 0x11F, 0x66, textFieldColor2()); const char *desc = nameInputProcess(_saveDescription, 0x27, 0x5C, textFieldColor1(), textFieldColor2(), textFieldColor3(), 0x50); restorePage1(_vm->_screenBuffer); backUpPage1(_vm->_screenBuffer); if (desc) { _isSaveMenu = false; _isDeleteMenu = false; } else { initMenu(_saveMenu); } return 0; } int GUI_v2::cancelSaveMenu(Button *caller) { updateMenuButton(caller); _isSaveMenu = false; _isDeleteMenu = false; _noSaveProcess = true; return 0; } int GUI_v2::deleteMenu(Button *caller) { updateSaveList(); updateMenuButton(caller); if (_saveSlots.size() < 2) { _vm->snd_playSoundEffect(0x0D); return 0; } do { restorePage1(_vm->_screenBuffer); backUpPage1(_vm->_screenBuffer); _savegameOffset = 1; _saveMenu.menuNameId = _vm->gameFlags().isTalkie ? 35 : 1; setupSavegameNames(_saveMenu, 5); initMenu(_saveMenu); _isDeleteMenu = true; _slotToDelete = -1; updateAllMenuButtons(); while (_isDeleteMenu) { processHighlights(_saveMenu, _vm->_mouseX, _vm->_mouseY); getInput(); } if (_slotToDelete < 1) { restorePage1(_vm->_screenBuffer); backUpPage1(_vm->_screenBuffer); initMenu(*_currentMenu); updateAllMenuButtons(); _saveMenu.menuNameId = _vm->gameFlags().isTalkie ? 9 : 17; return 0; } } while (choiceDialog(_vm->gameFlags().isTalkie ? 0x24 : 2, 1) == 0); restorePage1(_vm->_screenBuffer); backUpPage1(_vm->_screenBuffer); initMenu(*_currentMenu); updateAllMenuButtons(); _vm->_saveFileMan->removeSavefile(_vm->getSavegameFilename(_slotToDelete)); Common::Array::iterator i = Common::find(_saveSlots.begin(), _saveSlots.end(), _slotToDelete); while (i != _saveSlots.end()) { ++i; if (i == _saveSlots.end()) break; // We are only renaming all savefiles until we get some slots missing // Also not rename quicksave slot filenames if (*(i-1) != *i || *i >= 990) break; Common::String oldName = _vm->getSavegameFilename(*i); Common::String newName = _vm->getSavegameFilename(*i-1); _vm->_saveFileMan->renameSavefile(oldName.c_str(), newName.c_str()); } _saveMenu.menuNameId = _vm->gameFlags().isTalkie ? 9 : 17; return 0; } const char *GUI_v2::nameInputProcess(char *buffer, int x, int y, uint8 c1, uint8 c2, uint8 c3, int bufferSize) { bool running = true; int curPos = strlen(buffer); int x2 = x, y2 = y; _text->printText(buffer, x, y, c1, c2, c2); for (int i = 0; i < curPos; ++i) x2 += getCharWidth(buffer[i]); drawTextfieldBlock(x2, y2, c3); _keyPressed.reset(); _cancelNameInput = _finishNameInput = false; while (running && !_vm->shouldQuit()) { checkTextfieldInput(); processHighlights(_savenameMenu, _vm->_mouseX, _vm->_mouseY); if (_keyPressed.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_RETURN || _keyPressed.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_KP_ENTER || _finishNameInput) { if (checkSavegameDescription(buffer, curPos)) { buffer[curPos] = 0; running = false; } else { _finishNameInput = false; } } else if (_keyPressed.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE || _cancelNameInput) { running = false; return 0; } else if ((_keyPressed.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE || _keyPressed.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_DELETE) && curPos > 0) { drawTextfieldBlock(x2, y2, c2); --curPos; x2 -= getCharWidth(buffer[curPos]); drawTextfieldBlock(x2, y2, c3); _screen->updateScreen(); _lastScreenUpdate = _vm->_system->getMillis(); } else if (_keyPressed.ascii > 31 && _keyPressed.ascii < 127 && curPos < bufferSize) { if (x2 + getCharWidth(_keyPressed.ascii) + 7 < 0x11F) { buffer[curPos] = _keyPressed.ascii; const char text[2] = { buffer[curPos], 0 }; _text->printText(text, x2, y2, c1, c2, c2); x2 += getCharWidth(_keyPressed.ascii); drawTextfieldBlock(x2, y2, c3); ++curPos; _screen->updateScreen(); _lastScreenUpdate = _vm->_system->getMillis(); } } _keyPressed.reset(); } return buffer; } int GUI_v2::finishSavename(Button *caller) { updateMenuButton(caller); _finishNameInput = true; return 0; } int GUI_v2::cancelSavename(Button *caller) { updateMenuButton(caller); _cancelNameInput = true; return 0; } bool GUI_v2::checkSavegameDescription(const char *buffer, int size) { if (!buffer || !size) return false; if (buffer[0] == 0) return false; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (buffer[i] != 0x20) return true; else if (buffer[i] == 0x00) return false; } return false; } int GUI_v2::getCharWidth(uint8 c) { Screen::FontId old = _screen->setFont(Screen::FID_8_FNT); _screen->_charWidth = -2; int width = _screen->getCharWidth(c); _screen->_charWidth = 0; _screen->setFont(old); return width; } void GUI_v2::drawTextfieldBlock(int x, int y, uint8 c) { _screen->fillRect(x+1, y+1, x+7, y+8, c); } bool GUI_v2::choiceDialog(int name, bool type) { _choiceMenu.highlightedItem = 0; restorePage1(_vm->_screenBuffer); backUpPage1(_vm->_screenBuffer); if (type) _choiceMenu.numberOfItems = 2; else _choiceMenu.numberOfItems = 1; _choiceMenu.menuNameId = name; initMenu(_choiceMenu); _isChoiceMenu = true; _choice = false; while (_isChoiceMenu) { processHighlights(_choiceMenu, _vm->_mouseX, _vm->_mouseY); getInput(); } restorePage1(_vm->_screenBuffer); backUpPage1(_vm->_screenBuffer); return _choice; } int GUI_v2::choiceYes(Button *caller) { updateMenuButton(caller); _choice = true; _isChoiceMenu = false; return 0; } int GUI_v2::choiceNo(Button *caller) { updateMenuButton(caller); _choice = false; _isChoiceMenu = false; return 0; } } // end of namespace Kyra