/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2006 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ #include "kyra/kyra.h" #include "kyra/kyra3.h" #include "kyra/screen.h" #include "kyra/wsamovie.h" #include "kyra/sound.h" #include "kyra/text.h" #include "kyra/vqa.h" #include "common/system.h" #include "common/config-manager.h" // TODO: Temporary, to get the mouse cursor mock-up working #include "graphics/cursorman.h" namespace Kyra { KyraEngine_v3::KyraEngine_v3(OSystem *system) : KyraEngine(system) { _soundDigital = 0; _musicSoundChannel = -1; _menuAudioFile = "TITLE1.AUD"; _curMusicTrack = -1; _unkPage1 = _unkPage2 = 0; _interfaceCPS1 = _interfaceCPS2 = 0; memset(_gameShapes, 0, sizeof(_gameShapes)); _shapePoolBuffer = 0; _itemBuffer1 = _itemBuffer2 = 0; _mouseSHPBuf = 0; _tableBuffer1 = _tableBuffer2 = 0; _unkBuffer5 = _unkBuffer6 = _unkBuffer7 = _unkBuffer9 = 0; _costpalData = 0; _unkWSAPtr = 0; memset(_unkShapeTable, 0, sizeof(_unkShapeTable)); _scoreFile = 0; _cCodeFile = 0; _scenesList = 0; } KyraEngine_v3::~KyraEngine_v3() { delete _soundDigital; delete [] _unkPage1; delete [] _unkPage2; delete [] _interfaceCPS1; delete [] _interfaceCPS2; delete [] _itemBuffer1; delete [] _itemBuffer2; delete [] _shapePoolBuffer; delete [] _mouseSHPBuf; delete [] _unkBuffer5; delete [] _unkBuffer6; delete [] _unkBuffer7; delete [] _unkBuffer9; delete [] _costpalData; delete [] _unkWSAPtr; delete [] _scoreFile; delete [] _cCodeFile; delete [] _scenesList; } int KyraEngine_v3::setupGameFlags() { _game = GI_KYRA3; _lang = 0; Common::Language lang = Common::parseLanguage(ConfMan.get("language")); switch (lang) { case Common::EN_ANY: case Common::EN_USA: case Common::EN_GRB: _lang = 0; break; case Common::FR_FRA: _lang = 1; break; case Common::DE_DEU: _lang = 2; break; default: warning("unsupported language, switching back to English"); _lang = 0; break; } return 0; } Movie *KyraEngine_v3::createWSAMovie() { return new WSAMovieV2(this); } int KyraEngine_v3::init() { KyraEngine::init(); _soundDigital = new SoundDigital(this, _mixer); assert(_soundDigital); if (!_soundDigital->init()) error("_soundDigital->init() failed"); _screen->loadFont(Screen::FID_6_FNT, "6.FNT"); _screen->loadFont(Screen::FID_8_FNT, "8FAT.FNT"); _screen->loadFont(Screen::FID_BOOKFONT_FNT, "BOOKFONT.FNT"); _screen->setAnimBlockPtr(3500); _screen->setScreenDim(0); _shapePoolBuffer = new uint8[300000]; assert(_shapePoolBuffer); memset(_shapePoolBuffer, 0, 300000); initTableBuffer(_shapePoolBuffer, 300000); _itemBuffer1 = new uint8[72]; _itemBuffer2 = new uint8[144]; assert(_itemBuffer1 && _itemBuffer2); _mouseSHPBuf = _res->fileData("MOUSE.SHP", 0); assert(_mouseSHPBuf); for (int i = 0; i <= 6; ++i) { _gameShapes[i] = _screen->getPtrToShape(_mouseSHPBuf, i); } initItems(); _screen->setMouseCursor(0, 0, *_gameShapes); return 0; } int KyraEngine_v3::go() { uint8 *pal = _screen->getPalette(1); assert(pal); Movie *logo = createWSAMovie(); assert(logo); logo->open("REVENGE.WSA", 1, pal); assert(logo->opened()); bool running = true; while (running && !_quitFlag) { _screen->_curPage = 0; _screen->clearPage(0); pal[0] = pal[1] = pal[2] = 0; _screen->setScreenPalette(pal); // XXX playMenuAudioFile(); logo->setX(0); logo->setY(0); logo->setDrawPage(0); for (int i = 0; i < 64 && !_quitFlag; ++i) { uint32 nextRun = _system->getMillis() + 3 * _tickLength; logo->displayFrame(i); _screen->updateScreen(); delayUntil(nextRun); } for (int i = 64; i > 29 && !_quitFlag; --i) { uint32 nextRun = _system->getMillis() + 3 * _tickLength; logo->displayFrame(i); _screen->updateScreen(); delayUntil(nextRun); } switch (handleMainMenu(logo)) { case 0: delete logo; logo = 0; preinit(); realInit(); // XXX running = false; break; case 1: playVQA("K3INTRO"); break; case 2: //delete logo; //logo = 0; //show load dialog //running = false; break; case 3: running = false; break; default: break; } } delete logo; return 0; } void KyraEngine_v3::playVQA(const char *name) { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain, "KyraEngine::playVQA('%s')", name); VQAMovie vqa(this, _system); char filename[20]; int size = 0; // TODO: Movie size is 0, 1 or 2. snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s%d.VQA", name, size); if (vqa.open(filename)) { uint8 pal[768]; memcpy(pal, _screen->getPalette(0), sizeof(pal)); if (_screen->_curPage == 0) _screen->copyRegion(0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 200, 0, 3); _screen->hideMouse(); _soundDigital->beginFadeOut(_musicSoundChannel); _musicSoundChannel = -1; _screen->fadeToBlack(); vqa.setDrawPage(0); vqa.play(); vqa.close(); _screen->showMouse(); if (_screen->_curPage == 0) _screen->copyRegion(0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 200, 3, 0); _screen->setScreenPalette(pal); } } #pragma mark - void KyraEngine_v3::playMenuAudioFile() { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain, "KyraEngine::playMenuAudioFile()"); if (_soundDigital->isPlaying(_musicSoundChannel)) return; Common::File *handle = new Common::File(); uint32 temp = 0; _res->fileHandle(_menuAudioFile, &temp, *handle); if (handle->isOpen()) { _musicSoundChannel = _soundDigital->playSound(handle, true); } else { delete handle; } } void KyraEngine_v3::playMusicTrack(int track, int force) { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain, "KyraEngine::playMusicTrack(%d, %d)", track, force); // XXX byte_2C87C compare if (_musicSoundChannel != -1 && !_soundDigital->isPlaying(_musicSoundChannel)) { force = 1; } else if (_musicSoundChannel == -1) { force = 1; } if (track == _curMusicTrack && !force) return; stopMusicTrack(); if (_musicSoundChannel == -1) { assert(track < _soundListSize && track >= 0); Common::File *handle = new Common::File(); uint32 temp = 0; _res->fileHandle(_soundList[track], &temp, *handle); if (handle->isOpen()) { _musicSoundChannel = _soundDigital->playSound(handle); } else { delete handle; } } _musicSoundChannel = track; } void KyraEngine_v3::stopMusicTrack() { if (_musicSoundChannel != -1 && _soundDigital->isPlaying(_musicSoundChannel)) { _soundDigital->stopSound(_musicSoundChannel); } _curMusicTrack = -1; _musicSoundChannel = -1; } int KyraEngine_v3::musicUpdate(int forceRestart) { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain, "KyraEngine::unkUpdate(%d)", forceRestart); static uint32 timer = 0; static uint16 lock = 0; if (ABS(_system->getMillis() - timer) > (int)(0x0F * _tickLength)) { timer = _system->getMillis(); } if (_system->getMillis() < timer && !forceRestart) { return 1; } if (!lock) { lock = 1; if (_musicSoundChannel >= 0) { // XXX sub_1C262 (sound specific. it seems to close some sound resource files in special cases) if (!_soundDigital->isPlaying(_musicSoundChannel)) { if (_curMusicTrack != -1) playMusicTrack(_curMusicTrack, 1); } } lock = 0; timer = _system->getMillis() + 0x0F * _tickLength; } return 1; } #pragma mark - int KyraEngine_v3::handleMainMenu(Movie *logo) { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain, "KyraEngine::handleMainMenu(%p)", (const void*)logo); int command = -1; uint8 colorMap[16]; memset(colorMap, 0, sizeof(colorMap)); _screen->setTextColorMap(colorMap); const char * const *strings = &_mainMenuStrings[_lang << 2]; Screen::FontId oldFont = _screen->setFont(Screen::FID_8_FNT); int charWidthBackUp = _screen->_charWidth; _screen->_charWidth = -2; _screen->setScreenDim(3); int backUpX = _screen->_curDim->sx; int backUpY = _screen->_curDim->sy; int backUpWidth = _screen->_curDim->w; int backUpHeight = _screen->_curDim->h; _screen->copyRegion(backUpX, backUpY, backUpX, backUpY, backUpWidth, backUpHeight, 0, 3); int x = _screen->_curDim->sx << 3; int y = _screen->_curDim->sy; int width = _screen->_curDim->w << 3; int height = _screen->_curDim->h; drawMainBox(x, y, width, height, 1); drawMainBox(x + 1, y + 1, width - 2, height - 2, 0); int curFrame = 29, frameAdd = 1; uint32 nextRun = 0; int selected = 0; drawMainMenu(strings, selected); _system->warpMouse(300, 180); _screen->showMouse(); int fh = _screen->getFontHeight(); int textPos = ((_screen->_curDim->w >> 1) + _screen->_curDim->sx) << 3; Common::Rect menuRect(x + 16, y + 4, x + width - 16, y + 4 + fh * 4); while (command == -1 && !_quitFlag) { // yes 2 * _tickLength here not 3 * like in the first draw nextRun = _system->getMillis() + 2 * _tickLength; logo->displayFrame(curFrame); _screen->updateScreen(); curFrame += frameAdd; if (curFrame < 29) { curFrame = 29; frameAdd = 1; } else if (curFrame > 63) { curFrame = 64; frameAdd = -1; } // XXX while (_system->getMillis() < nextRun) { // XXX _screen->updateScreen(); if ((int32)nextRun - (int32)_system->getMillis() >= 10) delay(10); } if (menuRect.contains(mouseX(), mouseY())) { int item = (mouseY() - menuRect.top) / fh; if (item != selected) { gui_printString(strings[selected], textPos, menuRect.top + selected * fh, 0x80, 0, 5); gui_printString(strings[item], textPos, menuRect.top + item * fh, 0xFF, 0, 5); selected = item; } if (_mousePressFlag) { // TODO: Flash the text command = item; } } } if (_quitFlag) command = -1; _screen->copyRegion(backUpX, backUpY, backUpX, backUpY, backUpWidth, backUpHeight, 3, 0); _screen->_charWidth = charWidthBackUp; _screen->setFont(oldFont); if (command == 3) { _soundDigital->beginFadeOut(_musicSoundChannel); _screen->fadeToBlack(); _soundDigital->stopSound(_musicSoundChannel); _musicSoundChannel = -1; } return command; } void KyraEngine_v3::drawMainMenu(const char * const *strings, int select) { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain, "KyraEngine::drawMainMenu(%p)", (const void*)strings); static const uint16 menuTable[] = { 0x01, 0x04, 0x0C, 0x04, 0x00, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 }; int top = _screen->_curDim->sy; top += menuTable[1]; for (int i = 0; i < menuTable[3]; ++i) { int curY = top + i * _screen->getFontHeight(); int color = (i == select) ? menuTable[6] : menuTable[5]; gui_printString(strings[i], ((_screen->_curDim->w >> 1) + _screen->_curDim->sx) << 3, curY, color, 0, 5); } } void KyraEngine_v3::drawMainBox(int x, int y, int w, int h, int fill) { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain, "KyraEngine::drawMainBox(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d)", x, y, w, h, fill); static const uint8 colorTable[] = { 0x16, 0x19, 0x1A, 0x16 }; --w; --h; if (fill) { _screen->fillRect(x, y, x+w, y+h, colorTable[0]); } _screen->drawClippedLine(x, y+h, x+w, y+h, colorTable[1]); _screen->drawClippedLine(x+w, y, x+w, y+h, colorTable[1]); _screen->drawClippedLine(x, y, x+w, y, colorTable[2]); _screen->drawClippedLine(x, y, x, y+h, colorTable[2]); _screen->setPagePixel(_screen->_curPage, x, y+h, colorTable[3]); _screen->setPagePixel(_screen->_curPage, x+w, y, colorTable[3]); } void KyraEngine_v3::gui_printString(const char *format, int x, int y, int col1, int col2, int flags, ...) { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain, "KyraEngine::gui_printString('%s', %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, ...)", format, x, y, col1, col2, flags); if (!format) return; char string[512]; va_list vaList; va_start(vaList, flags); vsprintf(string, format, vaList); va_end(vaList); if (flags & 1) { x -= _screen->getTextWidth(string) >> 1; } if (flags & 2) { x -= _screen->getTextWidth(string); } if (flags & 4) { _screen->printText(string, x - 1, y, 240, col2); _screen->printText(string, x, y + 1, 240, col2); } if (flags & 8) { _screen->printText(string, x - 1, y, 227, col2); _screen->printText(string, x, y + 1, 227, col2); } _screen->printText(string, x, y, col1, col2); } #pragma mark - void KyraEngine_v3::preinit() { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain, "KyraEngine::preinit()"); musicUpdate(0); // XXX snd_allocateSoundBuffer? memset(_flagsTable, 0, sizeof(_flagsTable)); // XXX setGameFlag(0x216); _unkPage1 = new uint8[64000]; assert(_unkPage1); musicUpdate(0); musicUpdate(0); _interfaceCPS1 = new uint8[17920]; _interfaceCPS2 = new uint8[3840]; assert(_interfaceCPS1 && _interfaceCPS2); _screen->setFont(Screen::FID_6_FNT); } void KyraEngine_v3::realInit() { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain, "KyraEngine::realInit()"); // XXX sound specific stuff _unkBuffer5 = new uint8[500]; _unkBuffer6 = new uint8[200]; _unkBuffer7 = new uint8[600]; _costpalData = new uint8[864]; _unkBuffer9 = new uint8[3618]; _unkWSAPtr = new uint8[624]; musicUpdate(0); _unkPage2 = new uint8[64000]; musicUpdate(0); musicUpdate(0); assert(loadLanguageFile("ITEMS.", _itemList)); assert(loadLanguageFile("C_CODE.", _cCodeFile)); assert(loadLanguageFile("SCENES.", _scenesList)); assert(_unkBuffer5 && _unkBuffer6 && _unkBuffer7 && _costpalData && _unkBuffer9 && _unkWSAPtr && _unkPage2 && _itemList && _cCodeFile && _scenesList); musicUpdate(0); } #pragma mark - int KyraEngine_v3::initTableBuffer(uint8 *buf, int size) { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain, "KyraEngine::initTableBuffer(%p, %d)", (void*)buf, size); if (!buf || size < 6320) return 0; if (_tableBuffer2 != _tableBuffer1 && _tableBuffer2 && _tableBuffer1) { // no idea if this *should* be called memmove(_tableBuffer2, _tableBuffer1, 6320); } _tableBuffer1 = buf; size -= 6320; *((uint16*)(_tableBuffer1)) = 0; *((uint16*)(_tableBuffer1 + 2)) = 1; *((uint16*)(_tableBuffer1 + 4)) = 1; *((uint32*)(_tableBuffer1 + 6)) = size >> 4; *((uint16*)(_tableBuffer1 + 10)) = 1; *((uint32*)(_tableBuffer1 + 16)) = 6320; *((uint32*)(_tableBuffer1 + 22)) = size >> 4; _tableBuffer2 = buf; return 1; } void KyraEngine_v3::updateTableBuffer(uint8 *buf) { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain, "KyraEngine::updateTableBuffer(%p)", (void*)buf); if (_tableBuffer2 == buf) return; if (_tableBuffer1 != _tableBuffer2) memmove(_tableBuffer2, _tableBuffer1, 6320); _tableBuffer2 = _tableBuffer1 = buf; } int KyraEngine_v3::addShapeToTable(uint8 *buf, int id, int shapeNum) { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain, "KyraEngine::addShapeToTable(%p, %d, %d)", (void*)buf, id, shapeNum); if (!buf) return 0; uint8 *shapePtr = _screen->getPtrToShape(buf, shapeNum); if (!shapePtr) return 0; int shapeSize = _screen->getShapeSize(shapePtr); if (getTableSize(_shapePoolBuffer) < shapeSize) { // XXX error("[1] unimplemented table handling"); } uint8 *ptr = allocTableSpace(_shapePoolBuffer, shapeSize, id); if (!ptr) { // XXX error("[2] unimplemented table handling"); } if (!ptr) { warning("adding shape %d to _shapePoolBuffer not possible, not enough space left\n", id); return shapeSize; } memcpy(ptr, shapePtr, shapeSize); return shapeSize; } int KyraEngine_v3::getTableSize(uint8 *buf) { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain, "KyraEngine::getTableSize(%p)", (void*)buf); updateTableBuffer(buf); if (*((uint16*)(_tableBuffer1 + 4)) >= 450) return 0; return (*((uint32*)(_tableBuffer1 + 6)) << 4); } uint8 *KyraEngine_v3::allocTableSpace(uint8 *buf, int size, int id) { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain, "KyraEngine::allocTableSpace(%p, %d, %d)", (void*)buf, size, id); if (!buf || !size) return 0; updateTableBuffer(buf); int entries = *(uint16*)(_tableBuffer1 + 4); if (entries >= 450) return 0; size += 0xF; size &= 0xFFFFFFF0; uint size2 = size >> 4; if (*(uint32*)(_tableBuffer1 + 6) < size2) return 0; int unk1 = *(uint16*)(_tableBuffer1); int usedEntry = unk1; int ok = 0; for (; usedEntry < entries; ++usedEntry) { if (size2 <= *(uint32*)(_tableBuffer1 + usedEntry * 14 + 22)) { ok = 1; break; } } if (!ok) return 0; ok = 0; int unk3 = unk1 - 1; while (ok <= unk3) { int temp = (ok + unk3) >> 1; if (*(uint32*)(_tableBuffer1 + temp * 14 + 12) >= (uint)id) { if (*(uint32*)(_tableBuffer1 + temp * 14 + 12) <= (uint)id) { return 0; } else { unk3 = temp - 1; continue; } } ok = temp + 1; } uint8 *buf2 = _tableBuffer1 + usedEntry * 14; uint unkValue1 = *(uint32*)(buf2 + 16); uint unkValue2 = *(uint32*)(buf2 + 22); if (size2 < unkValue2) { *(uint32*)(buf2 + 22) = unkValue2 - size2; *(uint32*)(buf2 + 16) = unkValue1 + size; memcpy(_tableBuffer1 + entries * 14 + 12, _tableBuffer1 + unk1 * 14 + 12, 14); } else { if (usedEntry > unk1) { memcpy(buf2 + 12, _tableBuffer1 + unk1 * 14 + 12, 14); } int temp = *(uint16*)(_tableBuffer1 + 2) - 1; *(uint16*)(_tableBuffer1 + 2) = temp; temp = *(uint16*)(_tableBuffer1 + 4) - 1; *(uint16*)(_tableBuffer1 + 4) = temp; } for (int i = unk1; i > ok; --i) { memcpy(_tableBuffer1 + i * 14 + 12, _tableBuffer1 + (i-1) * 14 + 12, 14); } buf2 = _tableBuffer1 + ok * 14; *(uint32*)(buf2 + 12) = id; *(uint32*)(buf2 + 16) = unkValue1; *(uint32*)(buf2 + 20) = (_system->getMillis() / 60) >> 4; *(uint32*)(buf2 + 22) = size2; int temp = *(uint16*)(_tableBuffer1) + 1; *(uint16*)(_tableBuffer1) = temp; temp = *(uint16*)(_tableBuffer1 + 4) + 1; *(uint16*)(_tableBuffer1 + 4) = temp; if (temp > *(uint16*)(_tableBuffer1 + 10)) { *(uint16*)(_tableBuffer1 + 10) = temp; if (temp > _unkTableValue) _unkTableValue = temp; } temp = *(uint32*)(_tableBuffer1 + 6) - size2; *(uint32*)(_tableBuffer1 + 6) = temp; return _tableBuffer2 + unkValue1; } namespace { int tableIdCompare(const void *l, const void *r) { int lV = *(const uint32*)(l); int rV = *(const uint32*)(r); return CLIP(lV - rV, -1, 1); } } uint8 *KyraEngine_v3::findIdInTable(uint8 *buf, int id) { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain, "KyraEngine::findIdInTable(%p, %d)", (void*)buf, id); updateTableBuffer(buf); uint32 idVal = id; uint8 *ptr = (uint8*)bsearch(&idVal, _tableBuffer1 + 12, *(uint16*)(_tableBuffer1), 14, &tableIdCompare); if (!ptr) { return 0; } return _tableBuffer2 + *(uint32*)(ptr + 4); } uint8 *KyraEngine_v3::findShapeInTable(int id) { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain, "KyraEngine::findShapeInTable(%d)", id); return findIdInTable(_shapePoolBuffer, id); } #pragma mark - items void KyraEngine_v3::initItems() { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain, "KyraEngine::initItems()"); _screen->loadBitmap("ITEMS.CSH", 3, 3, 0); for (int i = 248; i <= 319; ++i) { addShapeToTable(_screen->getPagePtr(3), i, i-248); } _screen->loadBitmap("ITEMS2.CSH", 3, 3, 0); for (int i = 320; i <= 397; ++i) { addShapeToTable(_screen->getPagePtr(3), i, i-320); } uint32 size = 0; uint8 *itemsDat = _res->fileData("_ITEMS.DAT", &size); assert(size >= 72+144); memcpy(_itemBuffer1, itemsDat , 72); memcpy(_itemBuffer2, itemsDat+72, 144); delete [] itemsDat; _screen->_curPage = 0; } #pragma mark - int KyraEngine_v3::getMaxFileSize(const char *file) { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain, "KyraEngine::getMaxFileSize(%s)", file); int size = 0; char buffer[32]; for (int i = 0; i < _languageExtensionSize; ++i) { strncpy(buffer, file, 32); size = MAX(size, _res->getFileSize(appendLanguage(buffer, i, sizeof(buffer)))); } return size + 20; } char *KyraEngine_v3::appendLanguage(char *buf, int lang, int bufSize) { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain, "KyraEngine::appendLanguage([%p|'%s'], %d, %d)", (const void*)buf, buf, lang, bufSize); assert(lang < _languageExtensionSize); int size = strlen(buf) + strlen(_languageExtension[lang]); if (size > bufSize) { warning("buffer too small to append language extension"); return 0; } char *temp = buf + strlen(buf); bufSize -= strlen(buf); strncat(temp, _languageExtension[lang], bufSize); return buf; } bool KyraEngine_v3::loadLanguageFile(const char *file, uint8 *&buffer) { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain, "KyraEngine::loadLanguageFile('%s', %p)", file, (const void*)buffer); uint32 size = 0; char nBuf[32]; strncpy(nBuf, file, 32); buffer = _res->fileData(appendLanguage(nBuf, _lang, sizeof(nBuf)), &size); return size != 0 && buffer != 0; } } // end of namespace Kyra