/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ #include "kyra/kyra.h" #include "kyra/kyra_v2.h" #include "kyra/screen.h" #include "kyra/resource.h" #include "kyra/wsamovie.h" #include "kyra/sound.h" #include "kyra/script.h" #include "kyra/text_v2.h" #include "kyra/timer.h" #include "kyra/debugger.h" #include "common/system.h" #include "common/config-manager.h" namespace Kyra { KyraEngine_v2::KyraEngine_v2(OSystem *system, const GameFlags &flags) : KyraEngine(system, flags), _updateFunctor(this, &KyraEngine_v2::update) { memset(_defaultShapeTable, 0, sizeof(_defaultShapeTable)); _mouseSHPBuf = 0; _debugger = 0; _screen = 0; _text = 0; _seqProcessedString = 0; _activeWSA = 0; _activeText = 0; _seqWsa = 0; _sequences = 0; _nSequences = 0; _gamePlayBuffer = 0; _cCodeBuffer = _optionsBuffer = _chapterBuffer = 0; _overwriteSceneFacing = false; _mainCharX = _mainCharY = -1; _drawNoShapeFlag = false; _charPalEntry = 0; _itemInHand = -1; _unkSceneScreenFlag1 = false; _noScriptEnter = true; _currentChapter = 0; _newChapterFile = 1; _oldTalkFile = -1; _currentTalkFile = 0; _lastSfxTrack = -1; _handItemSet = -1; _lastProcessedSceneScript = 0; _specialSceneScriptRunFlag = false; memset(_animObjects, 0, sizeof(_animObjects)); _unkHandleSceneChangeFlag = false; _pathfinderFlag = 0; _mouseX = _mouseY = 0; _newShapeCount = 0; _newShapeFiledata = 0; _vocHigh = -1; _chatVocHigh = -1; _chatVocLow = -1; _chatText = 0; _chatObject = -1; _lastIdleScript = -1; _currentTalkSections.STATim = NULL; _currentTalkSections.TLKTim = NULL; _currentTalkSections.ENDTim = NULL; _invWsa.wsa = 0; memset(&_sceneScriptData, 0, sizeof(_sceneScriptData)); } KyraEngine_v2::~KyraEngine_v2() { seq_uninit(); if (_sequences) delete [] _sequences; if (_nSequences) delete [] _nSequences; delete [] _mouseSHPBuf; delete _screen; delete _text; _text = 0; delete _debugger; delete _invWsa.wsa; } Movie *KyraEngine_v2::createWSAMovie() { return new WSAMovieV2(this); } int KyraEngine_v2::init() { _screen = new Screen_v2(this, _system); assert(_screen); if (!_screen->init()) error("_screen->init() failed"); KyraEngine::init(); initStaticResource(); _debugger = new Debugger_v2(this); assert(_debugger); _text = new TextDisplayer_v2(this, _screen); assert(_text); _screen->loadFont(_screen->FID_6_FNT, "6.FNT"); _screen->loadFont(_screen->FID_8_FNT, "8FAT.FNT"); _screen->loadFont(_screen->FID_GOLDFONT_FNT, "GOLDFONT.FNT"); _screen->loadFont(_screen->FID_BOOKFONT_FNT, "BOOKFONT.FNT"); _screen->setAnimBlockPtr(3504); _screen->setScreenDim(0); if (!_sound->init()) error("Couldn't init sound"); _abortIntroFlag = false; for (int i = 0; i < 33; i++) _sequenceStringsDuration[i] = (int) strlen(_sequenceStrings[i]) * 8; // No mouse display in demo if (_flags.isDemo) return 0; _mouseSHPBuf = _res->fileData("PWGMOUSE.SHP", 0); assert(_mouseSHPBuf); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { _defaultShapeTable[i] = _screen->getPtrToShape(_mouseSHPBuf, i); assert(_defaultShapeTable[i]); } _screen->setMouseCursor(0, 0, _defaultShapeTable[0]); return 0; } int KyraEngine_v2::go() { if (_flags.platform == Common::kPlatformFMTowns || _flags.platform == Common::kPlatformPC98) seq_showStarcraftLogo(); seq_playSequences(kSequenceVirgin, kSequenceZanfaun); //seq_playSequences(kSequenceFunters, kSequenceFrash); _res->unloadAllPakFiles(); if (_menuChoice != 4) { // load just the pak files needed for ingame _res->loadPakFile(StaticResource::staticDataFilename()); if (_flags.platform == Common::kPlatformPC && _flags.isTalkie) _res->loadFileList("FILEDATA.FDT"); else _res->loadFileList(_ingamePakList, _ingamePakListSize); } if (_menuChoice == 1) { startup(); runLoop(); cleanup(); } else if (_menuChoice == 3) { // TODO: Load Game } return 0; } void KyraEngine_v2::startup() { _sound->setSoundList(&_soundData[kMusicIngame]); // The track map is exactly the same // for FM-TOWNS and DOS _trackMap = _dosTrackMap; _trackMapSize = _dosTrackMapSize; _screen->_curPage = 0; delete [] _mouseSHPBuf; _mouseSHPBuf = 0; memset(_defaultShapeTable, 0, sizeof(_defaultShapeTable)); memset(_sceneShapeTable, 0, sizeof(_sceneShapeTable)); _gamePlayBuffer = new uint8[46080]; _unkBuf500Bytes = new uint8[500]; loadMouseShapes(); loadItemShapes(); _screen->setMouseCursor(0, 0, getShapePtr(0)); _screenBuffer = new uint8[64000]; _unkBuf200kByte = new uint8[200000]; loadChapterBuffer(_newChapterFile); loadCCodeBuffer("C_CODE.XXX"); if (_flags.isTalkie) { loadOptionsBuffer("OPTIONS.XXX"); showMessageFromCCode(265, 150, 0); openTalkFile(0); _currentTalkFile = 1; openTalkFile(1); } showMessage(0, 207); _screen->setShapePages(5, 3); memset(&_mainCharacter, 0, sizeof(_mainCharacter)); _mainCharacter.height = 0x30; _mainCharacter.facing = 4; _mainCharacter.animFrame = 0x12; memset(_mainCharacter.inventory, -1, sizeof(_mainCharacter.inventory)); memset(_sceneAnims, 0, sizeof(_sceneAnims)); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(_sceneAnimMovie); ++i) _sceneAnimMovie[i] = new WSAMovieV2(this); memset(_wsaSlots, 0, sizeof(_wsaSlots)); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(_wsaSlots); ++i) _wsaSlots[i] = new WSAMovieV2(this); _maskPage = 0;//_screen->getPagePtr(5); _screen->_curPage = 0; _talkObjectList = new TalkObject[72]; memset(_talkObjectList, 0, sizeof(TalkObject)*72); _shapeDescTable = new ShapeDesc[55]; memset(_shapeDescTable, 0, sizeof(ShapeDesc)*55); for (int i = 9; i <= 32; ++i) { _shapeDescTable[i-9].width = 30; _shapeDescTable[i-9].height = 55; _shapeDescTable[i-9].xAdd = -15; _shapeDescTable[i-9].yAdd = -50; } for (int i = 19; i <= 24; ++i) { _shapeDescTable[i-9].width = 53; _shapeDescTable[i-9].yAdd = -51; } _gfxBackUpRect = new uint8[_screen->getRectSize(32, 32)]; _itemList = new Item[30]; memset(_itemList, 0, sizeof(Item)*30); resetItemList(); //loadButtonShapes(); _loadedZTable = 1; loadZShapes(_loadedZTable); loadInventoryShapes(); _res->loadFileToBuf("PALETTE.COL", _screen->_currentPalette, 0x300); _screen->loadBitmap("_PLAYFLD.CPS", 3, 3, 0); _screen->copyPage(3, 0); _screen->showMouse(); _screen->hideMouse(); clearAnimObjects(); // XXX memset(_hiddenItems, -1, sizeof(_hiddenItems)); // XXX _sceneList = new SceneDesc[86]; memset(_sceneList, 0, sizeof(SceneDesc)*86); _sceneListSize = 86; runStartScript(1, 0); loadNPCScript(); // XXX snd_playWanderScoreViaMap(52, 1); // XXX enterNewScene(_mainCharacter.sceneId, _mainCharacter.facing, 0, 0, 1); _screen->showMouse(); //sub_20EE8(1); setNextIdleAnimTimer(); //XXX _timer->setDelay(0, 5); } void KyraEngine_v2::runLoop() { _screen->updateScreen(); _quitFlag = false; while (!_quitFlag) { //if (_unk1 >= 0) { // removeHandItem(); // waitTicks(5); // sub_270A0(); //} if (_system->getMillis() > _nextIdleAnim) showIdleAnim(); //if (queryGameFlag(0x159) { // sub_C86A(); // resetGameFlag(0x159); //} if (queryGameFlag(0x124) && !queryGameFlag(0x125)) { _mainCharacter.animFrame = 32; enterNewScene(39, -1, 0, 0, 0); } //if (queryGameFlag(0xD8)) { // resetGameFlag(0xD8); // if (_mainCharacter.sceneId == 34) { // if (queryGameFlag(0xD1) { // initObject(28); // sub_2741F(getTableString(0xFA, _cCodeBuffer, 1), 28, 0x83, 0xFA); // deinitObject(28); // enterNewScene(35, 4, 0, 0, 0); // } else if (queryGameFlag(0xD0) { // initObject(29); // sub_2741F(getTableString(0xFB, _ccodeBuffer, 1), 29, 0x83, 0xFB); // deinitObject(29); // enterNewScene(33, 6, 0, 0, 0); // } // } //} int inputFlag = checkInput(0/*dword_324C5*/); removeInputTop(); update(); if (inputFlag == 198 || inputFlag == 199) { _unk3 = _handItemSet; handleInput(_mouseX, _mouseY); } //if (queryGameFlag(0x1EE) && inputFlag) // sub_13B19(inputFlag); } } void KyraEngine_v2::handleInput(int x, int y) { setNextIdleAnimTimer(); if (_unk5) { _unk5 = 0; return; } if (!_screen->isMouseVisible()) return; if (_unk3 == -2) { snd_playSoundEffect(13); return; } setNextIdleAnimTimer(); if (x <= 6 || x >= 312 || y <= 6 || y >= 135) { bool exitOk = false; assert(_unk3 + 6 >= 0); switch (_unk3 + 6) { case 0: if (_sceneExit1 != 0xFFFF) exitOk = true; break; case 1: if (_sceneExit2 != 0xFFFF) exitOk = true; break; case 2: if (_sceneExit3 != 0xFFFF) exitOk = true; break; case 3: if (_sceneExit4 != 0xFFFF) exitOk = true; break; default: break; } if (exitOk) { inputSceneChange(x, y, 1, 1); return; } } if (checkCharCollision(x, y) >= 0 && _unk3 >= -1) { runSceneScript2(); return; } else if (pickUpItem(x, y)) { return; } else { int skipHandling = 0; if (checkItemCollision(x, y) == -1) { resetGameFlag(0x1EF); skipHandling = handleInputUnkSub(x, y) ? 1 : 0; if (queryGameFlag(0x1EF)) { resetGameFlag(0x1EF); return; } if (_unk5) { _unk5 = 0; return; } } //if (_unk1 <= -1) // skipHandling = 1; if (skipHandling) return; if (checkCharCollision(x, y) >= 0) { runSceneScript2(); return; } if (_itemInHand >= 0) { if (y > 136) return; dropItem(0, _itemInHand, x, y, 1); } else { if (_unk3 == -2 || y > 135) return; if (!_unk5) { inputSceneChange(x, y, 1, 1); return; } _unk5 = 0; } } } bool KyraEngine_v2::handleInputUnkSub(int x, int y) { if (y > 143/* || _unk1 > -1 */|| queryGameFlag(0x164)) return false; if (_handItemSet <= -3 && findItem(_mainCharacter.sceneId, 13) >= 0) { updateCharFacing(); //objectChat(getTableString(0xFC, _cCodeBuffer, 1), 0, 0x83, 0xFC); return true; } else { _scriptInterpreter->initScript(&_sceneScriptState, &_sceneScriptData); _sceneScriptState.regs[1] = x; _sceneScriptState.regs[2] = y; _sceneScriptState.regs[3] = 0; _sceneScriptState.regs[4] = _itemInHand; _scriptInterpreter->startScript(&_sceneScriptState, 1); while (_scriptInterpreter->validScript(&_sceneScriptState)) _scriptInterpreter->runScript(&_sceneScriptState); //XXXsys_unkKeyboad (flush? wait? whatever...) if (queryGameFlag(0x1ED)) { _sound->beginFadeOut(); _screen->fadeToBlack(); _quitFlag = true; } return _sceneScriptState.regs[3] != 0; } } void KyraEngine_v2::update() { updateInput(); refreshAnimObjectsIfNeed(); updateMouse(); updateSpecialSceneScripts(); _timer->update(); //sub_274C0(); updateInvWsa(); //sub_1574C(); _screen->updateScreen(); } void KyraEngine_v2::updateWithText() { updateInput(); updateMouse(); //sub_157C(); updateSpecialSceneScripts(); _timer->update(); //sub_274C0(); updateInvWsa(); restorePage3(); drawAnimObjects(); if (textEnabled() && _chatText) { int pageBackUp = _screen->_curPage; _screen->_curPage = 2; objectChatPrintText(_chatText, _chatObject); _screen->_curPage = pageBackUp; } refreshAnimObjects(0); _screen->updateScreen(); } void KyraEngine_v2::updateMouse() { int shapeIndex = 0; int type = 0; int xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0; Common::Point mouse = getMousePos(); if (mouse.y <= 145) { if (mouse.x <= 6) { if (_sceneExit4 != 0xFFFF) { type = -3; shapeIndex = 4; xOffset = 1; yOffset = 5; } else { type = -2; } } else if (mouse.x >= 312) { if (_sceneExit2 != 0xFFFF) { type = -5; shapeIndex = 2; xOffset = 7; yOffset = 5; } else { type = -2; } } else if (mouse.y >= 135) { if (_sceneExit3 != 0xFFFF) { type = -4; shapeIndex = 3; xOffset = 5; yOffset = 10; } else { type = -2; } } else if (mouse.y <= 6) { if (_sceneExit1 != 0xFFFF) { type = -6; shapeIndex = 1; xOffset = 5; yOffset = 1; } else { type = -2; } } } for (int i = 0; i < _specialExitCount; ++i) { if (checkSpecialSceneExit(i, mouse.x, mouse.y)) { switch (_specialExitTable[20+i]) { case 0: type = -6; shapeIndex = 1; xOffset = 5; yOffset = 1; break; case 2: type = -5; shapeIndex = 2; xOffset = 7; yOffset = 5; break; case 4: type = -4; shapeIndex = 3; xOffset = 5; yOffset = 7; break; case 6: type = -3; shapeIndex = 4; xOffset = 1; yOffset = 5; break; default: break; } } } if (type == -2) { shapeIndex = 5; xOffset = 5; yOffset = 9; } if (type != 0 && _handItemSet != type) { _handItemSet = type; _screen->hideMouse(); _screen->setMouseCursor(xOffset, yOffset, getShapePtr(shapeIndex)); _screen->showMouse(); } if (type == 0 && _handItemSet != _itemInHand) { if ((mouse.y > 145) || (mouse.x > 6 && mouse.x < 312 && mouse.y > 6 && mouse.y < 135)) { _handItemSet = _itemInHand; _screen->hideMouse(); if (_itemInHand == -1) _screen->setMouseCursor(0, 0, getShapePtr(0)); else _screen->setMouseCursor(8, 15, getShapePtr(_itemInHand+64)); _screen->showMouse(); } } } void KyraEngine_v2::updateInput() { Common::Event event; while (_eventMan->pollEvent(event)) _eventList.push_back(event); } int KyraEngine_v2::checkInput(void *p) { updateInput(); int keys = 0; while (_eventList.size()) { Common::Event event = *_eventList.begin(); bool breakLoop = false; switch (event.type) { case Common::EVENT_KEYDOWN: if (event.kbd.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_RETURN) { // this doesn't make sure the mouse position is the same // as when RETURN was pressed, but it *should* work for now Common::Point pos = getMousePos(); _mouseX = pos.x; _mouseY = pos.y; keys = 199; } if (event.kbd.flags == Common::KBD_CTRL) { if (event.kbd.keycode == 'd') _debugger->attach(); } breakLoop = true; break; case Common::EVENT_LBUTTONUP: { Common::Point pos = getMousePos(); _mouseX = pos.x; _mouseY = pos.y; keys = 198; breakLoop = true; } break; case Common::EVENT_QUIT: _quitFlag = true; break; default: break; } if (_debugger->isAttached()) _debugger->onFrame(); if (breakLoop) break; _eventList.erase(_eventList.begin()); } _system->delayMillis(10); return keys; } void KyraEngine_v2::removeInputTop() { if (!_eventList.empty()) _eventList.erase(_eventList.begin()); } void KyraEngine_v2::delay(uint32 amount, bool updateGame, bool isMainLoop) { uint32 start = _system->getMillis(); do { if (updateGame) { if (_chatText) updateWithText(); else update(); } if (amount > 0 ) _system->delayMillis(amount > 10 ? 10 : amount); } while (!_skipFlag && _system->getMillis() < start + amount && !_quitFlag); } void KyraEngine_v2::cleanup() { delete [] _gamePlayBuffer; delete [] _unkBuf500Bytes; delete [] _screenBuffer; delete [] _unkBuf200kByte; resetNewShapes(_newShapeCount, _newShapeFiledata); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(_defaultShapeTable); ++i) delete [] _defaultShapeTable[i]; freeSceneShapePtrs(); delete [] _cCodeBuffer; delete [] _optionsBuffer; delete [] _chapterBuffer; delete [] _talkObjectList; delete [] _shapeDescTable; delete [] _gfxBackUpRect; delete [] _sceneList; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(_sceneAnimMovie); ++i) delete _sceneAnimMovie[i]; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(_wsaSlots); ++i) delete _wsaSlots[i]; } #pragma mark - Localization void KyraEngine_v2::loadCCodeBuffer(const char *file) { char tempString[13]; strcpy(tempString, file); changeFileExtension(tempString); delete [] _cCodeBuffer; _cCodeBuffer = _res->fileData(tempString, 0); } void KyraEngine_v2::loadOptionsBuffer(const char *file) { char tempString[13]; strcpy(tempString, file); changeFileExtension(tempString); delete [] _optionsBuffer; _optionsBuffer = _res->fileData(tempString, 0); } void KyraEngine_v2::loadChapterBuffer(int chapter) { char tempString[14]; static const char *chapterFilenames[] = { "CH1.XXX", "CH2.XXX", "CH3.XXX", "CH4.XXX", "CH5.XXX" }; assert(chapter >= 1 && chapter <= ARRAYSIZE(chapterFilenames)); strcpy(tempString, chapterFilenames[chapter-1]); changeFileExtension(tempString); delete [] _chapterBuffer; _chapterBuffer = _res->fileData(tempString, 0); _currentChapter = chapter; } void KyraEngine_v2::changeFileExtension(char *buffer) { while (*buffer != '.') ++buffer; ++buffer; strcpy(buffer, _languageExtension[_lang]); } const uint8 *KyraEngine_v2::getTableEntry(const uint8 *buffer, int id) { return buffer + READ_LE_UINT16(buffer + (id<<1)); } const char *KyraEngine_v2::getTableString(int id, const uint8 *buffer, int decode) { const char *string = (const char*)getTableEntry(buffer, id); if (decode && _flags.lang != Common::JA_JPN) { decodeString1(string, _internStringBuf); decodeString2(_internStringBuf, _internStringBuf); string = _internStringBuf; } return string; } const char *KyraEngine_v2::getChapterString(int id) { if (_currentChapter != _newChapterFile) loadChapterBuffer(_newChapterFile); return getTableString(id, _chapterBuffer, 1); } int KyraEngine_v2::decodeString1(const char *src, char *dst) { static const uint8 decodeTable1[] = { 0x20, 0x65, 0x74, 0x61, 0x69, 0x6E, 0x6F, 0x73, 0x72, 0x6C, 0x68, 0x63, 0x64, 0x75, 0x70, 0x6D }; static const uint8 decodeTable2[] = { 0x74, 0x61, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6F, 0x20, 0x77, 0x62, 0x20, 0x72, 0x6E, 0x73, 0x64, 0x61, 0x6C, 0x6D, 0x68, 0x20, 0x69, 0x65, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x61, 0x73, 0x6E, 0x72, 0x74, 0x6C, 0x63, 0x20, 0x73, 0x79, 0x6E, 0x73, 0x74, 0x63, 0x6C, 0x6F, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x64, 0x74, 0x67, 0x65, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6F, 0x6E, 0x72, 0x20, 0x75, 0x66, 0x6D, 0x73, 0x77, 0x20, 0x74, 0x65, 0x70, 0x2E, 0x69, 0x63, 0x61, 0x65, 0x20, 0x6F, 0x69, 0x61, 0x64, 0x75, 0x72, 0x20, 0x6C, 0x61, 0x65, 0x69, 0x79, 0x6F, 0x64, 0x65, 0x69, 0x61, 0x20, 0x6F, 0x74, 0x72, 0x75, 0x65, 0x74, 0x6F, 0x61, 0x6B, 0x68, 0x6C, 0x72, 0x20, 0x65, 0x69, 0x75, 0x2C, 0x2E, 0x6F, 0x61, 0x6E, 0x73, 0x72, 0x63, 0x74, 0x6C, 0x61, 0x69, 0x6C, 0x65, 0x6F, 0x69, 0x72, 0x61, 0x74, 0x70, 0x65, 0x61, 0x6F, 0x69, 0x70, 0x20, 0x62, 0x6D }; int size = 0; uint cChar = 0; while ((cChar = *src++) != 0) { if (cChar & 0x80) { cChar &= 0x7F; int index = (cChar & 0x78) >> 3; *dst++ = decodeTable1[index]; ++size; assert(cChar < sizeof(decodeTable2)); cChar = decodeTable2[cChar]; } *dst++ = cChar; ++size; } *dst++ = 0; return size; } void KyraEngine_v2::decodeString2(const char *src, char *dst) { if (!src || !dst) return; char out = 0; while ((out = *src) != 0) { if (*src == 0x1B) { ++src; out = *src + 0x7F; } *dst++ = out; ++src; } *dst = 0; } #pragma mark - void KyraEngine_v2::showMessageFromCCode(int id, int16 palIndex, int) { const char *string = getTableString(id, _cCodeBuffer, 1); showMessage(string, palIndex); } void KyraEngine_v2::showMessage(const char *string, int16 palIndex) { _shownMessage = string; _screen->hideMouse(); _screen->fillRect(0, 190, 319, 199, 0xCF); if (string) { if (palIndex != -1 || _msgUnk1) { palIndex *= 3; memcpy(_messagePal, _screen->_currentPalette + palIndex, 3); memmove(_screen->_currentPalette + 765, _screen->_currentPalette + palIndex, 3); _screen->setScreenPalette(_screen->_currentPalette); } int x = _text->getCenterStringX(string, 0, 320); _text->printText(string, x, 190, 255, 207, 0); setTimer1DelaySecs(7); } _msgUnk1 = 0; _screen->showMouse(); } void KyraEngine_v2::showChapterMessage(int id, int16 palIndex) { showMessage(getChapterString(id), palIndex); } void KyraEngine_v2::updateCommandLineEx(int str1, int str2, int16 palIndex) { char buffer[0x51]; char *src = buffer; strcpy(src, getTableString(str1, _cCodeBuffer, 1)); if (_flags.lang != Common::JA_JPN) { while (*src != 0x20) ++src; ++src; *src = toupper(*src); } strcpy((char*)_unkBuf500Bytes, src); if (str2 > 0) { if (_flags.lang != Common::JA_JPN) strcat((char*)_unkBuf500Bytes, " "); strcat((char*)_unkBuf500Bytes, getTableString(str2, _cCodeBuffer, 1)); } showMessage((char*)_unkBuf500Bytes, palIndex); } #pragma mark - void KyraEngine_v2::loadMouseShapes() { _screen->loadBitmap("_MOUSE.CSH", 3, 3, 0); for (int i = 0; i <= 8; ++i) { _defaultShapeTable[i] = _screen->makeShapeCopy(_screen->getCPagePtr(3), i); assert(_defaultShapeTable[i]); } } void KyraEngine_v2::loadItemShapes() { _screen->loadBitmap("_ITEMS.CSH", 3, 3, 0); for (int i = 64; i <= 239; ++i) { _defaultShapeTable[i] = _screen->makeShapeCopy(_screen->getCPagePtr(3), i-64); assert(_defaultShapeTable[i]); } _res->loadFileToBuf("_ITEMHT.DAT", _itemHtDat, sizeof(_itemHtDat)); assert(_res->getFileSize("_ITEMHT.DAT") == sizeof(_itemHtDat)); _screen->_curPage = 0; } void KyraEngine_v2::loadZShapes(int shapes) { char file[10]; strcpy(file, "_ZX.SHP"); _loadedZTable = shapes; file[2] = '0' + shapes; uint8 *data = _res->fileData(file, 0); for (int i = 9; i <= 32; ++i) { delete [] _defaultShapeTable[i]; _defaultShapeTable[i] = _screen->makeShapeCopy(data, i-9); assert(_defaultShapeTable[i]); } delete [] data; _loadedZTable = shapes; } void KyraEngine_v2::loadInventoryShapes() { int curPageBackUp = _screen->_curPage; _screen->_curPage = 2; _screen->loadBitmap("_PLAYALL.CPS", 3, 3, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { _defaultShapeTable[240+i] = _screen->encodeShape(_inventoryX[i], _inventoryY[i], 16, 16, 0); assert(_defaultShapeTable[240+i]); } _screen->_curPage = curPageBackUp; } void KyraEngine_v2::runStartScript(int script, int unk1) { char filename[14]; strcpy(filename, "_START0X.EMC"); filename[7] = script + '0'; ScriptData scriptData; ScriptState scriptState; _scriptInterpreter->loadScript(filename, &scriptData, &_opcodes); _scriptInterpreter->initScript(&scriptState, &scriptData); scriptState.regs[6] = unk1; _scriptInterpreter->startScript(&scriptState, 0); while (_scriptInterpreter->validScript(&scriptState)) _scriptInterpreter->runScript(&scriptState); _scriptInterpreter->unloadScript(&scriptData); } void KyraEngine_v2::loadNPCScript() { char filename[12]; strcpy(filename, "_NPC.EMC"); if (_flags.platform != Common::kPlatformPC || _flags.isTalkie) { switch (_lang) { case 0: filename[5] = 'E'; break; case 1: filename[5] = 'F'; break; case 2: filename[5] = 'G'; break; case 3: filename[5] = 'J'; break; default: break; }; } _scriptInterpreter->loadScript(filename, &_npcScriptData, &_opcodes); } void KyraEngine_v2::runTemporaryScript(const char *filename, int unk1, int unk2, int newShapes, int shapeUnload) { memset(&_temporaryScriptData, 0, sizeof(_temporaryScriptData)); memset(&_temporaryScriptState, 0, sizeof(_temporaryScriptState)); if (!_scriptInterpreter->loadScript(filename, &_temporaryScriptData, &_opcodesTemporary)) error("couldn't load temporary script '%s'", filename); _scriptInterpreter->initScript(&_temporaryScriptState, &_temporaryScriptData); _scriptInterpreter->startScript(&_temporaryScriptState, 0); _newShapeFlag = -1; while (_scriptInterpreter->validScript(&_temporaryScriptState)) _scriptInterpreter->runScript(&_temporaryScriptState); uint8 *fileData = 0; if (newShapes) { _newShapeFiledata = _res->fileData(_newShapeFilename, 0); assert(_newShapeFiledata); } fileData = _newShapeFiledata; if (!fileData) return; if (newShapes) _newShapeCount = initNewShapes(fileData); processNewShapes(unk1, unk2); if (shapeUnload) { resetNewShapes(_newShapeCount, fileData); _newShapeCount = 0; _newShapeFiledata = 0; } _scriptInterpreter->unloadScript(&_temporaryScriptData); } #pragma mark - void KyraEngine_v2::resetScaleTable() { Common::set_to(_scaleTable, _scaleTable + ARRAYSIZE(_scaleTable), 0x100); } void KyraEngine_v2::setScaleTableItem(int item, int data) { if (item >= 1 || item <= 15) _scaleTable[item-1] = (data << 8) / 100; } int KyraEngine_v2::getScale(int x, int y) { return _scaleTable[_screen->getLayer(x, y) - 1]; } void KyraEngine_v2::setDrawLayerTableEntry(int entry, int data) { if (entry >= 1 || entry <= 15) _drawLayerTable[entry-1] = data; } int KyraEngine_v2::getDrawLayer(int x, int y) { int layer = _screen->getLayer(x, y); layer = _drawLayerTable[layer-1]; if (layer < 0) layer = 0; else if (layer >= 7) layer = 6; return layer; } void KyraEngine_v2::restorePage3() { _screen->copyBlockToPage(2, 0, 0, 320, 144, _gamePlayBuffer); } void KyraEngine_v2::updateCharPal(int unk1) { static bool unkVar1 = false; if (!_useCharPal) return; int layer = _screen->getLayer(_mainCharacter.x1, _mainCharacter.y1); int palEntry = _charPalTable[layer]; if (palEntry != _charPalEntry && unk1) { const uint8 *src = &_scenePal[(palEntry << 4) * 3]; uint8 *ptr = _screen->getPalette(0) + 336; for (int i = 0; i < 48; ++i) { *ptr -= (*ptr - *src) >> 1; ++ptr; ++src; } _screen->setScreenPalette(_screen->getPalette(0)); unkVar1 = true; _charPalEntry = palEntry; } else if (unkVar1 && !unk1) { memcpy(_screen->getPalette(0) + 336, &_scenePal[(palEntry << 4) * 3], 48); _screen->setScreenPalette(_screen->getPalette(0)); unkVar1 = false; } } void KyraEngine_v2::setCharPalEntry(int entry, int value) { if (entry > 15 || entry < 1) entry = 1; if (value > 8 || value < 0) value = 0; _charPalTable[entry] = value; _useCharPal = 1; _charPalEntry = 0; } int KyraEngine_v2::inputSceneChange(int x, int y, int unk1, int unk2) { bool refreshNPC = false; uint16 curScene = _mainCharacter.sceneId; _pathfinderFlag = 15; if (!_unkHandleSceneChangeFlag) { if (_unk3 == -3) { if (_sceneList[curScene].exit4 != 0xFFFF) { x = 4; y = _sceneEnterY4; _pathfinderFlag = 7; } } else if (_unk3 == -5) { if (_sceneList[curScene].exit2 != 0xFFFF) { x = 316; y = _sceneEnterY2; _pathfinderFlag = 7; } } else if (_unk3 == -6) { if (_sceneList[curScene].exit1 != 0xFFFF) { x = _sceneEnterX1; y = _sceneEnterY1 - 2; _pathfinderFlag = 14; } } else if (_unk3 == -4) { if (_sceneList[curScene].exit3 != 0xFFFF) { x = _sceneEnterX3; y = 147; _pathfinderFlag = 11; } } } if (_pathfinderFlag) { if (findItem(curScene, 13) >= 0 && _unk3 <= -3) { //XXX _pathfinderFlag = 0; return 0; } else if (_itemInHand == 72) { //XXX _pathfinderFlag = 0; return 0; } else if (findItem(curScene, 72) >= 0 && _unk3 <= -3) { //XXX _pathfinderFlag = 0; return 0; } else if (0/*XXX*/) { //XXX _pathfinderFlag = 0; return 0; } } if (ABS(_mainCharacter.x1 - x) < 4 || ABS(_mainCharacter.y1 - y) < 2) return 0; int curX = _mainCharacter.x1 & ~3; int curY = _mainCharacter.y1 & ~1; int dstX = x & ~3; int dstY = y & ~1; int wayLength = findWay(curX, curY, dstX, dstY, _movFacingTable, 600); _pathfinderFlag = 0; _timer->disable(5); if (wayLength != 0 && wayLength != 0x7D00) refreshNPC = (trySceneChange(_movFacingTable, unk1, unk2) != 0); //XXX if (refreshNPC) enterNewSceneUnk2(0); _pathfinderFlag = 0; return refreshNPC; } bool KyraEngine_v2::checkSpecialSceneExit(int num, int x, int y) { if (_specialExitTable[0+num] > x || _specialExitTable[5+num] > y || _specialExitTable[10+num] < x || _specialExitTable[15+num] < y) return 0; return 1; } void KyraEngine_v2::moveCharacter(int facing, int x, int y) { _mainCharacter.facing = facing; x &= ~3; y &= ~1; _screen->hideMouse(); switch (facing) { case 0: while (y < _mainCharacter.y1) updateCharPosWithUpdate(); break; case 2: while (_mainCharacter.x1 < x) updateCharPosWithUpdate(); break; case 4: while (y > _mainCharacter.y1) updateCharPosWithUpdate(); break; case 6: while (_mainCharacter.x1 > x) updateCharPosWithUpdate(); break; default: break; } _screen->showMouse(); } int KyraEngine_v2::updateCharPos(int *table) { static uint32 nextUpdate = 0; static const int updateX[] = { 0, 4, 4, 4, 0, -4, -4, -4 }; static const int updateY[] = { -2, -2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, -2 }; if (_system->getMillis() < nextUpdate) return 0; int facing = _mainCharacter.facing; _mainCharacter.x1 += updateX[facing]; _mainCharacter.y1 += updateY[facing]; updateCharAnimFrame(0, table); nextUpdate = _system->getMillis() + _timer->getDelay(0) * _tickLength; return 1; } void KyraEngine_v2::updateCharPosWithUpdate() { updateCharPos(0); update(); } void KyraEngine_v2::updateCharAnimFrame(int charId, int *table) { static int unkTable1[] = { 0, 0 }; static const int unkTable2[] = { 17, 0 }; static const int unkTable3[] = { 10, 0 }; static const int unkTable4[] = { 24, 0 }; static const int unkTable5[] = { 19, 0 }; static const int unkTable6[] = { 21, 0 }; static const int unkTable7[] = { 31, 0 }; static const int unkTable8[] = { 26, 0 }; Character *character = &_mainCharacter; ++character->animFrame; int facing = character->facing; if (table) { if (table[0] != table[-1] && table[-1] == table[1]) { facing = getOppositeFacingDirection(table[-1]); table[0] = table[-1]; } } if (!facing) { ++unkTable1[charId]; } else if (facing == 4) { ++unkTable1[charId+1]; } else if (facing == 7 || facing == 1 || facing == 5 || facing == 3) { if (facing == 7 || facing == 1) { if (unkTable1[charId] > 2) facing = 0; } else { if (unkTable1[charId+1] > 2) facing = 4; } unkTable1[charId] = 0; unkTable1[charId+1] = 0; } if (facing == 0) { if (character->animFrame < unkTable8[charId]) character->animFrame = unkTable8[charId]; if (character->animFrame > unkTable7[charId]) character->animFrame = unkTable8[charId]; } else if (facing == 4) { if (character->animFrame < unkTable5[charId]) character->animFrame = unkTable5[charId]; if (character->animFrame > unkTable4[charId]) character->animFrame = unkTable5[charId]; } else { if (character->animFrame > unkTable5[charId]) character->animFrame = unkTable6[charId]; if (character->animFrame == unkTable2[charId]) character->animFrame = unkTable3[charId]; if (character->animFrame > unkTable2[charId]) character->animFrame = unkTable3[charId] + 2; } updateCharacterAnim(charId); } int KyraEngine_v2::checkCharCollision(int x, int y) { int scale1 = 0, scale2 = 0, scale3 = 0; int x1 = 0, x2 = 0, y1 = 0, y2 = 0; scale1 = getScale(_mainCharacter.x1, _mainCharacter.y1); scale2 = (scale1 * 24) >> 8; scale3 = (scale1 * 48) >> 8; x1 = _mainCharacter.x1 - (scale2 >> 1); x2 = _mainCharacter.x1 + (scale2 >> 1); y1 = _mainCharacter.y1 - scale3; y2 = _mainCharacter.y1; if (x >= x1 && x <= x2 && y >= y1 && y <= y2) return 0; return -1; } int KyraEngine_v2::initNewShapes(uint8 *filedata) { const int lastEntry = MIN(_newShapeLastEntry, 31); for (int i = 0; i < lastEntry; ++i) { _defaultShapeTable[33+i] = _screen->getPtrToShape(filedata, i); ShapeDesc *desc = &_shapeDescTable[24+i]; desc->xAdd = _newShapeXAdd; desc->yAdd = _newShapeYAdd; desc->width = _newShapeWidth; desc->height = _newShapeHeight; } return lastEntry; } void KyraEngine_v2::processNewShapes(int unk1, int unk2) { setCharacterAnimDim(_newShapeWidth, _newShapeHeight); _scriptInterpreter->initScript(&_temporaryScriptState, &_temporaryScriptData); _scriptInterpreter->startScript(&_temporaryScriptState, 1); _skipFlag = false; while (_scriptInterpreter->validScript(&_temporaryScriptState) && !_skipFlag) { _temporaryScriptExecBit = false; while (_scriptInterpreter->validScript(&_temporaryScriptState) && !_temporaryScriptExecBit) _scriptInterpreter->runScript(&_temporaryScriptState); if (_newShapeAnimFrame < 0) continue; _mainCharacter.animFrame = _newShapeAnimFrame + 33; updateCharacterAnim(0); if (_chatText) updateWithText(); else update(); uint32 delayEnd = _system->getMillis() + _newShapeDelay * _tickLength; while (!_skipFlag && _system->getMillis() < delayEnd) { // XXX skipFlag handling, unk1 seems to make a scene not skipable if (_chatText) updateWithText(); else update(); delay(10); } } if (unk2) { if (_newShapeFlag >= 0) { _mainCharacter.animFrame = _newShapeFlag + 33; updateCharacterAnim(0); if (_chatText) updateWithText(); else update(); } _mainCharacter.animFrame = _characterFrameTable[_mainCharacter.facing]; updateCharacterAnim(0); } _skipFlag = false; _newShapeFlag = -1; resetCharacterAnimDim(); } void KyraEngine_v2::resetNewShapes(int count, uint8 *filedata) { Common::set_to(_defaultShapeTable+33, _defaultShapeTable+33+count, (uint8*)0); delete [] filedata; setNextIdleAnimTimer(); } void KyraEngine_v2::setNextIdleAnimTimer() { _nextIdleAnim = _system->getMillis() + _rnd.getRandomNumberRng(10, 15) * 60 * _tickLength; } void KyraEngine_v2::showIdleAnim() { static const uint8 scriptMinTable[] = { 0x00, 0x05, 0x07, 0x08, 0x00, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0xFF, 0x00 }; static const uint8 scriptMaxTable[] = { 0x04, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x04, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0xFF, 0x00 }; if (queryGameFlag(0x159)) return; //if (!word_28432) { // word_28432 = 1; // sub_2715D(); //} else { // word_28432 = 0; if (_loadedZTable > 8) return; int scriptMin = scriptMinTable[_loadedZTable-1]; int scriptMax = scriptMaxTable[_loadedZTable-1]; int script = 0; if (scriptMin < scriptMax) { do { script = _rnd.getRandomNumberRng(scriptMin, scriptMax); } while (script == _lastIdleScript); } else { script = scriptMin; } runIdleScript(script); _lastIdleScript = script; //} } void KyraEngine_v2::runIdleScript(int script) { if (script < 0 || script >= 12) script = 0; if (_mainCharacter.animFrame != 18) { setNextIdleAnimTimer(); } else { // FIXME: move this to staticres.cpp? static const char *idleScriptFiles[] = { "_IDLHAIR.EMC", "_IDLDUST.EMC", "_IDLLEAN.EMC", "_IDLDIRT.EMC", "_IDLTOSS.EMC", "_IDLNOSE.EMC", "_IDLBRSH.EMC", "_Z3IDLE.EMC", "_Z4IDLE.EMC", "_Z6IDLE.EMC", "_Z7IDLE.EMC", "_Z8IDLE.EMC" }; runTemporaryScript(idleScriptFiles[script], 1, 1, 1, 1); } } #pragma mark - void KyraEngine_v2::backUpGfxRect24x24(int x, int y) { _screen->copyRegionToBuffer(_screen->_curPage, x, y, 24, 24, _gfxBackUpRect); } void KyraEngine_v2::restoreGfxRect24x24(int x, int y) { _screen->copyBlockToPage(_screen->_curPage, x, y, 24, 24, _gfxBackUpRect); } #pragma mark - void KyraEngine_v2::openTalkFile(int newFile) { char talkFilename[16]; if (_oldTalkFile > 0) { sprintf(talkFilename, "CH%dVOC.TLK", _oldTalkFile); _res->unloadPakFile(talkFilename); _oldTalkFile = -1; } if (newFile == 0) { strcpy(talkFilename, "ANYTALK.TLK"); _res->loadPakFile(talkFilename); } else { sprintf(talkFilename, "CH%dVOC.TLK", newFile); _res->loadPakFile(talkFilename); } _oldTalkFile = newFile; } void KyraEngine_v2::snd_playVoiceFile(int id) { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain | kDebugLevelSound, "KyraEngine_v2::snd_playVoiceFile(%d)", id); char vocFile[9]; assert(id >= 0 && id <= 9999999); sprintf(vocFile, "%07d", id); _sound->voicePlay(vocFile); } void KyraEngine_v2::snd_loadSoundFile(int id) { if (id < 0 || !_trackMap) return; assert(id < _trackMapSize); int file = _trackMap[id*2]; _curSfxFile = _curMusicTheme = file; _sound->loadSoundFile(file); } void KyraEngine_v2::playVoice(int high, int low) { if (!_flags.isTalkie) return; int vocFile = high * 10000 + low * 10; snd_playVoiceFile(vocFile); } void KyraEngine_v2::snd_playSoundEffect(int track) { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain | kDebugLevelSound, "KyraEngine_v2::snd_playSoundEffect(%d)", track); if (track == 10) track = _lastSfxTrack; if (track == 10 || track == -1) return; _lastSfxTrack = track; int16 vocIndex = (int16) READ_LE_UINT16(&_ingameSoundIndex[track * 2]); if (vocIndex != -1) _sound->voicePlay(_ingameSoundList[vocIndex]); else if (_flags.platform == Common::kPlatformPC) // TODO ?? Maybe there is a way to let users select whether they want // voc, midi or adl sfx (even though it makes no sense to choose anything but voc). // For now this is used as a fallback only (if no voc file exists). KyraEngine::snd_playSoundEffect(track); } #pragma mark - void KyraEngine_v2::loadInvWsa(const char *filename, int run, int delayTime, int page, int sfx, int sFrame, int flags) { int wsaFlags = 1; if (flags) wsaFlags |= 2; if (!_invWsa.wsa) _invWsa.wsa = new WSAMovieV2(this); if (!_invWsa.wsa->open(filename, wsaFlags, 0)) error("Couldn't open inventory WSA file '%s'", filename); _invWsa.curFrame = 0; _invWsa.lastFrame = _invWsa.wsa->frames(); _invWsa.x = _invWsa.wsa->xAdd(); _invWsa.y = _invWsa.wsa->yAdd(); _invWsa.w = _invWsa.wsa->width(); _invWsa.h = _invWsa.wsa->height(); _invWsa.x2 = _invWsa.x + _invWsa.w - 1; _invWsa.y2 = _invWsa.y + _invWsa.h - 1; _invWsa.delay = delayTime; _invWsa.page = page; _invWsa.sfx = sfx; _invWsa.specialFrame = sFrame; if (_invWsa.page) _screen->copyRegion(_invWsa.x, _invWsa.y, _invWsa.x, _invWsa.y, _invWsa.w, _invWsa.h, 0, _invWsa.page, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK); _invWsa.running = true; _invWsa.timer = _system->getMillis(); if (run) { while (_invWsa.running && !_skipFlag && !_quitFlag) { update(); //XXX delay? } } } void KyraEngine_v2::closeInvWsa() { _invWsa.wsa->close(); delete _invWsa.wsa; _invWsa.wsa = 0; _invWsa.running = false; } void KyraEngine_v2::updateInvWsa() { if (!_invWsa.running || !_invWsa.wsa) return; if (_invWsa.timer > _system->getMillis()) return; _invWsa.wsa->setX(0); _invWsa.wsa->setY(0); _invWsa.wsa->setDrawPage(_invWsa.page); _invWsa.wsa->displayFrame(_invWsa.curFrame, 0, 0, 0); if (_invWsa.page) _screen->copyRegion(_invWsa.x, _invWsa.y, _invWsa.x, _invWsa.y, _invWsa.w, _invWsa.h, _invWsa.page, 0, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK); _invWsa.timer = _system->getMillis() + _invWsa.delay * _tickLength; ++_invWsa.curFrame; if (_invWsa.curFrame >= _invWsa.lastFrame) displayInvWsaLastFrame(); if (_invWsa.curFrame == _invWsa.specialFrame) snd_playSoundEffect(_invWsa.sfx); if (_invWsa.sfx == -2) { switch (_invWsa.curFrame) { case 9: case 27: case 40: snd_playSoundEffect(0x39); break; case 18: case 34: case 44: snd_playSoundEffect(0x33); break; case 48: snd_playSoundEffect(0x38); break; default: break; } } } void KyraEngine_v2::displayInvWsaLastFrame() { if (!_invWsa.wsa) return; _invWsa.wsa->setX(0); _invWsa.wsa->setY(0); _invWsa.wsa->setDrawPage(_invWsa.page); _invWsa.wsa->displayFrame(_invWsa.lastFrame-1, 0, 0, 0); if (_invWsa.page) _screen->copyRegion(_invWsa.x, _invWsa.y, _invWsa.x, _invWsa.y, _invWsa.w, _invWsa.h, _invWsa.page, 0, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK); closeInvWsa(); int32 countdown = _rnd.getRandomNumberRng(45, 80); _timer->setCountdown(2, countdown * 60); } #pragma mark - void KyraEngine_v2::registerDefaultSettings() { KyraEngine::registerDefaultSettings(); // Most settings already have sensible defaults. This one, however, is // specific to the Kyra engine. ConfMan.registerDefault("walkspeed", 5); } #pragma mark - typedef Functor1Mem OpcodeV2; #define Opcode(x) OpcodeV2(this, &KyraEngine_v2::x) #define OpcodeUnImpl() OpcodeV2(this, 0) void KyraEngine_v2::setupOpcodeTable() { static const OpcodeV2 opcodeTable[] = { // 0x00 Opcode(o2_setCharacterFacingRefresh), Opcode(o2_setCharacterPos), Opcode(o2_defineObject), Opcode(o2_refreshCharacter), // 0x04 Opcode(o2_getCharacterX), Opcode(o2_getCharacterY), Opcode(o2_getCharacterFacing), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0x08 Opcode(o2_setSceneComment), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), Opcode(o2_setCharacterAnimFrame), // 0x0c OpcodeUnImpl(), Opcode(o2_trySceneChange), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0x10 OpcodeUnImpl(), Opcode(o2_showChapterMessage), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0x14 Opcode(o2_wsaClose), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), Opcode(o2_displayWsaFrame), // 0x18 Opcode(o2_displayWsaSequentialFrames), Opcode(o2_wsaOpen), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0x1c OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0x20 Opcode(o2_checkForItem), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), Opcode(o2_defineItem), // 0x24 OpcodeUnImpl(), Opcode(o2_countItemInInventory), OpcodeUnImpl(), Opcode(o2_queryGameFlag), // 0x28 Opcode(o2_resetGameFlag), Opcode(o2_setGameFlag), Opcode(o2_setHandItem), Opcode(o2_removeHandItem), // 0x2c Opcode(o2_handItemSet), Opcode(o2_hideMouse), Opcode(o2_addSpecialExit), Opcode(o2_setMousePos), // 0x30 Opcode(o2_showMouse), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0x34 OpcodeUnImpl(), Opcode(o2_playSoundEffect), OpcodeUnImpl(), Opcode(o2_delay), // 0x38 Opcode(o2_dummy), OpcodeUnImpl(), Opcode(o2_setScaleTableItem), Opcode(o2_setDrawLayerTableItem), // 0x3c Opcode(o2_setCharPalEntry), OpcodeUnImpl(), Opcode(o2_drawSceneShape), Opcode(o2_drawSceneShapeOnPage), // 0x40 OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), Opcode(o2_dummy), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0x44 OpcodeUnImpl(), Opcode(o2_restoreBackBuffer), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0x48 OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), Opcode(o2_update), // 0x4c OpcodeUnImpl(), Opcode(o2_fadeScenePal), Opcode(o2_dummy), Opcode(o2_dummy), // 0x50 Opcode(o2_enterNewSceneEx), Opcode(o2_switchScene), Opcode(o2_getShapeFlag1), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0x54 OpcodeUnImpl(), Opcode(o2_setLayerFlag), Opcode(o2_setZanthiaPos), Opcode(o2_loadMusicTrack), // 0x58 Opcode(o2_playWanderScoreViaMap), Opcode(o2_playSoundEffect), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0x5c OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0x60 Opcode(o2_getRand), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0x64 OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0x68 OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0x6c Opcode(o2_encodeShape), Opcode(o2_defineRoomEntrance), Opcode(o2_runTemporaryScript), Opcode(o2_setSpecialSceneScriptRunTime), // 0x70 Opcode(o2_defineSceneAnim), Opcode(o2_updateSceneAnim), Opcode(o2_updateSceneAnim), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0x74 OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0x78 OpcodeUnImpl(), Opcode(o2_defineRoom), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0x7c OpcodeUnImpl(), Opcode(o2_dummy), Opcode(o2_dummy), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0x80 OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0x84 OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0x88 Opcode(o2_countItemInstances), OpcodeUnImpl(), Opcode(o2_initObject), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0x8c Opcode(o2_deinitObject), OpcodeUnImpl(), Opcode(o2_makeBookOrCauldronAppear), Opcode(o2_setSpecialSceneScriptState), // 0x90 Opcode(o2_clearSpecialSceneScriptState), Opcode(o2_querySpecialSceneScriptState), OpcodeUnImpl(), Opcode(o2_setHiddenItemsEntry), // 0x94 Opcode(o2_getHiddenItemsEntry), OpcodeUnImpl(), Opcode(o2_wsaClose), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0x98 Opcode(o2_customChat), Opcode(o2_customChatFinish), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0x9c OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0xa0 OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), // 0xa4 OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), OpcodeUnImpl(), Opcode(o2_setVocHigh), // 0xa8 Opcode(o2_getVocHigh), Opcode(o2_zanthiaChat), Opcode(o2_isVoiceEnabled), Opcode(o2_isVoicePlaying), // 0xac Opcode(o2_stopVoicePlaying), Opcode(o2_getGameLanguage), Opcode(o2_dummy), Opcode(o2_dummy), }; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(opcodeTable); ++i) _opcodes.push_back(&opcodeTable[i]); static const OpcodeV2 opcodeTemporaryTable[] = { Opcode(o2t_defineNewShapes), Opcode(o2t_setCurrentFrame), Opcode(o2t_playSoundEffect), Opcode(o2t_fadeScenePal), Opcode(o2t_setShapeFlag), Opcode(o2_dummy) }; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(opcodeTemporaryTable); ++i) _opcodesTemporary.push_back(&opcodeTemporaryTable[i]); } } // end of namespace Kyra