/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ #include "common/stdafx.h" #include "common/file.h" #include "kyra/resource.h" #include "kyra/script.h" #include "kyra/wsamovie.h" #include "kyra/screen.h" namespace Kyra { Resource::Resource(KyraEngine *engine) { _engine = engine; // No PAK files in the demo version if (_engine->features() & GF_DEMO) return; // prefetches all PAK Files // ugly a hardcoded list // TODO: use the FS Backend to get all .PAK Files and load them // or any other thing to get all files static const char *kyra1Filelist[] = { "A_E.PAK", "DAT.PAK", "F_L.PAK", "MAP_5.PAK", "MSC.PAK", "M_S.PAK", "S_Z.PAK", "WSA1.PAK", "WSA2.PAK", "WSA3.PAK", "WSA4.PAK", "WSA5.PAK", "WSA6.PAK", 0 }; static const char *kyra1CDFilelist[] = { "ALTAR.APK", "BELROOM.APK", "BONKBG.APK", "BROKEN.APK", "CASTLE.APK", "CAVE.APK", "CGATE.APK", "DEAD.APK", "DNSTAIR.APK", "DRAGON1.APK", "DRAGON2.APK", "EXTPOT.APK", "FORESTA.APK", "FORESTB.APK", "FOUNTN.APK", "FOYER.APK", "GATECV.APK", "GEM.APK", "GEMCUT.APK", "GENHALL.APK", "GLADE.APK", "GRAVE.APK", "HEALER.APK", "LAGOON.APK", "LANDING.APK", "LAVA.APK", "LEPHOLE.APK", "LIBRARY.APK", "MIX.APK", "MOONCAV.APK", "POTION.APK", "SONG.APK", "SORROW.APK", "SPELL.APK", "STUMP.APK", "TEMPLE.APK", "TRUNK.APK", "WILLOW.APK", "XEDGE.APK", "ADL.PAK", "BRINS.PAK", "CLIFF.PAK", "ENTER.PAK", "FORESTA.PAK", "GEM.PAK", "INTRO1.PAK", "LEPHOLE.PAK", "OAKS.PAK", "SPELL.PAK", "WILLOW.PAK", "ALCHEMY.PAK", "BROKEN.PAK", "COL.PAK", "EXTHEAL.PAK", "FORESTB.PAK", "GEMCUT.PAK", "INTRO2.PAK", "LIBRARY.PAK", "PLATEAU.PAK", "SPRING.PAK", "WISE.PAK", "ALGAE.PAK", "BURN.PAK", "DARMS.PAK", "EXTPOT.PAK", "FORESTC.PAK", "GENCAVB.PAK", "INTRO3.PAK", "MISC.PAK", "PLTCAVE.PAK", "SQUARE.PAK", "XEDGE.PAK", "ALTAR.PAK", "CASTLE.PAK", "DEAD.PAK", "EXTSPEL.PAK", "FOUNTN.PAK", "GENHALL.PAK", "INTRO4.PAK", "MIX.PAK", "POTION.PAK", "STARTUP.PAK", "XEDGEB.PAK", "ARCH.PAK", "CATACOM.PAK", "DNSTAIR.PAK", "FALLS.PAK", "FOYER.PAK", "GEN_CAV.PAK", "KITCHEN.PAK", "MOONCAV.PAK", "RUBY.PAK", "STUMP.PAK", "XEDGEC.PAK", "BALCONY.PAK", "CAVE.PAK", "DRAGON.PAK", "FESTSTH.PAK", "FSOUTH.PAK", "GLADE.PAK", "KYRAGEM.PAK", "NCLIFF.PAK", "SICKWIL.PAK", "TEMPLE.PAK", "XMI.PAK", "BELROOM.PAK", "CAVEB.PAK", "EDGE.PAK", "FGOWEST.PAK", "FSOUTHB.PAK", "GRAVE.PAK", "LAGOON.PAK", "NCLIFFB.PAK", "SND.PAK", "TRUNK.PAK", "ZROCK.PAK", "BONKBG.PAK", "CGATE.PAK", "EDGEB.PAK", "FINALE.PAK", "FWSTSTH.PAK", "GRTHALL.PAK", "LANDING.PAK", "NWCLIFB.PAK", "SONG.PAK", "UPSTAIR.PAK", "BRIDGE.PAK", "CHASM.PAK", "EMCAV.PAK", "FNORTH.PAK", "GATECV.PAK", "HEALER.PAK", "LAVA.PAK", "NWCLIFF.PAK", "SORROW.PAK", "WELL.PAK", "CHAPTER1.VRM", 0 }; const char **usedFilelist = 0; if (_engine->features() & GF_FLOPPY) usedFilelist = kyra1Filelist; else if (_engine->features() & GF_TALKIE) usedFilelist = kyra1CDFilelist; else error("no filelist found for this game"); for (uint32 tmp = 0; usedFilelist[tmp]; ++tmp) { // prefetch file PAKFile *file = new PAKFile(usedFilelist[tmp]); assert(file); PakFileEntry newPak; newPak._file = file; strncpy(newPak._filename, usedFilelist[tmp], 32); if (file->isOpen() && file->isValid()) _pakfiles.push_back(newPak); else { delete file; ::debug(3, "couldn't load file '%s' correctly", usedFilelist[tmp]); } } } Resource::~Resource() { Common::List::iterator start = _pakfiles.begin(); for (;start != _pakfiles.end(); ++start) { delete start->_file; start->_file = 0; } } bool Resource::loadPakFile(const char *filename) { if (isInPakList(filename)) return true; PAKFile *file = new PAKFile(filename); if (!file) { error("couldn't load file: '%s'", filename); } PakFileEntry newPak; newPak._file = file; strncpy(newPak._filename, filename, 32); _pakfiles.push_back(newPak); return true; } void Resource::unloadPakFile(const char *filename) { Common::List::iterator start = _pakfiles.begin(); for (;start != _pakfiles.end(); ++start) { if (scumm_stricmp(start->_filename, filename) == 0) { delete start->_file; _pakfiles.erase(start); break; } } return; } bool Resource::isInPakList(const char *filename) { Common::List::iterator start = _pakfiles.begin(); for (;start != _pakfiles.end(); ++start) { if (scumm_stricmp(start->_filename, filename) == 0) return true; } return false; } uint8 *Resource::fileData(const char *file, uint32 *size) { uint8 *buffer = 0; Common::File file_; // test to open it in the main dir if (file_.open(file)) { *size = file_.size(); buffer = new uint8[*size]; assert(buffer); file_.read(buffer, *size); file_.close(); } else { // opens the file in a PAK File Common::List::iterator start = _pakfiles.begin(); for (;start != _pakfiles.end(); ++start) { *size = start->_file->getFileSize(file); if (!(*size)) continue; buffer = start->_file->getFile(file); break; } } if (!buffer || !(*size)) { return 0; } return buffer; } bool Resource::fileHandle(const char *file, uint32 *size, Common::File &filehandle) { filehandle.close(); if (filehandle.open(file)) return true; Common::List::iterator start = _pakfiles.begin(); for (;start != _pakfiles.end(); ++start) { *size = start->_file->getFileSize(file); if (!(*size)) continue; if (start->_file->getFileHandle(file, filehandle)) { return true; } } return false; } /////////////////////////////////////////// // Pak file manager #define PAKFile_Iterate Common::List::iterator start=_files.begin();start != _files.end(); ++start PAKFile::PAKFile(const Common::String& file) { _filename = 0; Common::File pakfile; uint8 *buffer = 0; _open = false; if (!pakfile.open(file.c_str())) { ::debug(3, "couldn't open pakfile '%s'\n", file.c_str()); return; } uint32 filesize = pakfile.size(); buffer = new uint8[filesize]; assert(buffer); pakfile.read(buffer, filesize); pakfile.close(); // works with the file uint32 pos = 0, startoffset = 0, endoffset = 0; startoffset = READ_LE_UINT32(buffer + pos); pos += 4; while (pos < filesize) { PakChunk* chunk = new PakChunk; assert(chunk); // saves the name chunk->_name = new char[strlen((const char*)buffer + pos) + 1]; assert(chunk->_name); strcpy(chunk->_name, (const char*)buffer + pos); pos += strlen(chunk->_name) + 1; if (!(*chunk->_name)) break; endoffset = READ_LE_UINT32(buffer + pos); pos += 4; if (endoffset == 0) { endoffset = filesize; } chunk->_start = startoffset; chunk->_size = endoffset - startoffset; _files.push_back(chunk); if (endoffset == filesize) break; startoffset = endoffset; } _open = true; delete [] buffer; _filename = new char[file.size()+1]; assert(_filename); strcpy(_filename, file.c_str()); } PAKFile::~PAKFile() { delete [] _filename; _filename = 0; _open = false; for (PAKFile_Iterate) { delete [] (*start)->_name; (*start)->_name = 0; delete *start; *start = 0; } } uint8 *PAKFile::getFile(const char *file) { for (PAKFile_Iterate) { if (!scumm_stricmp((*start)->_name, file)) { Common::File pakfile; if (!pakfile.open(_filename)) { ::debug(3, "couldn't open pakfile '%s'\n", _filename); return 0; } pakfile.seek((*start)->_start); uint8 *buffer = new uint8[(*start)->_size]; assert(buffer); pakfile.read(buffer, (*start)->_size); return buffer; } } return 0; } bool PAKFile::getFileHandle(const char *file, Common::File &filehandle) { filehandle.close(); for (PAKFile_Iterate) { if (!scumm_stricmp((*start)->_name, file)) { if (!filehandle.open(_filename)) { ::debug(3, "couldn't open pakfile '%s'\n", _filename); return 0; } filehandle.seek((*start)->_start); return true; } } return false; } uint32 PAKFile::getFileSize(const char* file) { for (PAKFile_Iterate) { if (!scumm_stricmp((*start)->_name, file)) return (*start)->_size; } return 0; } void KyraEngine::loadPalette(const char *filename, uint8 *palData) { debug( 9, kDebugLevelMain, "KyraEngine::loadPalette('%s' 0x%X)", filename, palData); uint32 fileSize = 0; uint8 *srcData = _res->fileData(filename, &fileSize); if (palData && fileSize) { debug( 9, kDebugLevelMain,"Loading a palette of size %i from '%s'", fileSize, filename); memcpy(palData, srcData, fileSize); } delete [] srcData; } void KyraEngine::loadBitmap(const char *filename, int tempPage, int dstPage, uint8 *palData) { debug( 9, kDebugLevelMain,"KyraEngine::copyBitmap('%s', %d, %d, 0x%X)", filename, tempPage, dstPage, palData); uint32 fileSize; uint8 *srcData = _res->fileData(filename, &fileSize); uint8 compType = srcData[2]; uint32 imgSize = READ_LE_UINT32(srcData + 4); uint16 palSize = READ_LE_UINT16(srcData + 8); if (palData && palSize) { debug( 9, kDebugLevelMain,"Loading a palette of size %i from %s", palSize, filename); memcpy(palData, srcData + 10, palSize); } uint8 *srcPtr = srcData + 10 + palSize; uint8 *dstData = _screen->getPagePtr(dstPage); switch (compType) { case 0: memcpy(dstData, srcPtr, imgSize); break; case 3: Screen::decodeFrame3(srcPtr, dstData, imgSize); break; case 4: Screen::decodeFrame4(srcPtr, dstData, imgSize); break; default: error("Unhandled bitmap compression %d", compType); break; } delete[] srcData; } } // end of namespace Kyra