/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ #include "common/stdafx.h" #include "common/endian.h" #include "common/savefile.h" #include "common/system.h" #include "kyra/kyra.h" #include "kyra/animator.h" #include "kyra/screen.h" #include "kyra/resource.h" #define CURRENT_VERSION 5 namespace Kyra { void KyraEngine::loadGame(const char *fileName) { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain, "loadGame('%s')", fileName); Common::InSaveFile *in; if (!(in = _saveFileMan->openForLoading(fileName))) { warning("Can't open file '%s', game not loaded", fileName); return; } uint32 type = in->readUint32BE(); // FIXME: The kyra savegame code used to be endian unsafe. Uncomment the // following line to graciously handle old savegames from LE machines. // if (type != MKID_BE('KYRA') && type != MKID_BE('ARYK')) { if (type != MKID_BE('KYRA')) { warning("No Kyrandia 1 savefile header"); delete in; return; } uint32 version = in->readUint32BE(); if (version > CURRENT_VERSION) { warning("Savegame is not the right version (%d)", version); delete in; return; } char saveName[31]; in->read(saveName, 31); if (version >= 2) { uint32 gameFlags = in->readUint32BE(); if ((gameFlags & GF_FLOPPY) && !(_features & GF_FLOPPY)) { warning("can not load floppy savefile for this (non floppy) gameversion"); delete in; return; } else if ((gameFlags & GF_TALKIE) && !(_features & GF_TALKIE)) { warning("can not load cdrom savefile for this (non cdrom) gameversion"); delete in; return; } } else { warning("Make sure your savefile was from this version! (too old savefile version to detect that)"); } snd_playSoundEffect(0x0A); snd_playWanderScoreViaMap(0, 1); // unload the current voice file should fix some problems with voices if (_currentRoom != 0xFFFF && (_features & GF_TALKIE)) { char file[32]; assert(_currentRoom < _roomTableSize); int tableId = _roomTable[_currentRoom].nameIndex; assert(tableId < _roomFilenameTableSize); strcpy(file, _roomFilenameTable[tableId]); strcat(file, ".VRM"); _res->unloadPakFile(file); } int brandonX = 0, brandonY = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { _characterList[i].sceneId = in->readUint16BE(); _characterList[i].height = in->readByte(); _characterList[i].facing = in->readByte(); _characterList[i].currentAnimFrame = in->readUint16BE(); //_characterList[i].unk6 = in->readUint32BE(); in->read(_characterList[i].inventoryItems, 10); _characterList[i].x1 = in->readSint16BE(); _characterList[i].y1 = in->readSint16BE(); _characterList[i].x2 = in->readSint16BE(); _characterList[i].y2 = in->readSint16BE(); if (i == 0) { brandonX = _characterList[i].x1; brandonY = _characterList[i].y1; } //_characterList[i].field_20 = in->readUint16BE(); //_characterList[i].field_23 = in->readUint16BE(); } _marbleVaseItem = in->readSint16BE(); _itemInHand = in->readByte(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { _birthstoneGemTable[i] = in->readByte(); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { _idolGemsTable[i] = in->readByte(); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { _foyerItemTable[i] = in->readByte(); } _cauldronState = in->readByte(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { _crystalState[i] = in->readByte(); } _brandonStatusBit = in->readUint16BE(); _brandonStatusBit0x02Flag = in->readByte(); _brandonStatusBit0x20Flag = in->readByte(); in->read(_brandonPoisonFlagsGFX, 256); _brandonInvFlag = in->readSint16BE(); _poisonDeathCounter = in->readByte(); _animator->_brandonDrawFrame = in->readUint16BE(); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { _timers[i].active = in->readByte(); _timers[i].countdown = in->readSint32BE(); _timers[i].nextRun = in->readUint32BE(); if (_timers[i].nextRun != 0) _timers[i].nextRun += _system->getMillis(); } _timerNextRun = 0; uint32 flagsSize = in->readUint32BE(); assert(flagsSize == sizeof(_flagsTable)); in->read(_flagsTable, flagsSize); for (int i = 0; i < _roomTableSize; ++i) { for (int item = 0; item < 12; ++item) { _roomTable[i].itemsTable[item] = 0xFF; _roomTable[i].itemsXPos[item] = 0xFFFF; _roomTable[i].itemsYPos[item] = 0xFF; _roomTable[i].needInit[item] = 0; } } uint16 sceneId = 0; while (true) { sceneId = in->readUint16BE(); if (sceneId == 0xFFFF) break; assert(sceneId < _roomTableSize); _roomTable[sceneId].nameIndex = in->readByte(); for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { _roomTable[sceneId].itemsTable[i] = in->readByte(); _roomTable[sceneId].itemsXPos[i] = in->readUint16BE(); _roomTable[sceneId].itemsYPos[i] = in->readUint16BE(); _roomTable[sceneId].needInit[i] = in->readByte(); } } if (version >= 3) { _lastMusicCommand = in->readSint16BE(); if (_lastMusicCommand != -1) snd_playWanderScoreViaMap(_lastMusicCommand, 1); } // Version 4 stored settings in the savegame. As of version 5, they are // handled by the config manager. if (version == 4) { in->readByte(); // Text speed in->readByte(); // Walk speed in->readByte(); // Music in->readByte(); // Sound in->readByte(); // Voice } loadMainScreen(8); if (queryGameFlag(0x2D)) { _screen->loadBitmap("AMULET3.CPS", 10, 10, 0); if (!queryGameFlag(0xF1)) { for (int i = 0x55; i <= 0x5A; ++i) { if (queryGameFlag(i)) { seq_createAmuletJewel(i-0x55, 10, 1, 1); } } } _screen->copyRegion(0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 200, 10, 8); _screen->copyRegion(0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 200, 8, 0); } createMouseItem(_itemInHand); _animator->setBrandonAnimSeqSize(3, 48); redrawInventory(0); _animator->_noDrawShapesFlag = 1; enterNewScene(_currentCharacter->sceneId, _currentCharacter->facing, 0, 0, 1); _animator->_noDrawShapesFlag = 0; _currentCharacter->x1 = brandonX; _currentCharacter->y1 = brandonY; _animator->animRefreshNPC(0); _animator->restoreAllObjectBackgrounds(); _animator->preserveAnyChangedBackgrounds(); _animator->prepDrawAllObjects(); _animator->copyChangedObjectsForward(0); _screen->copyRegion(8, 8, 8, 8, 304, 128, 2, 0); _abortWalkFlag = true; _abortWalkFlag2 = false; _mousePressFlag = false; _mouseX = brandonX; _mouseY = brandonY; _system->warpMouse(brandonX, brandonY); if (in->ioFailed()) error("Load failed."); else debugC(1, kDebugLevelMain, "Loaded savegame '%s.'", saveName); delete in; } void KyraEngine::saveGame(const char *fileName, const char *saveName) { debugC(9, kDebugLevelMain, "saveGame('%s', '%s')", fileName, saveName); Common::OutSaveFile *out; if (!(out = _saveFileMan->openForSaving(fileName))) { warning("Can't create file '%s', game not saved", fileName); return; } // Savegame version out->writeUint32BE(MKID_BE('KYRA')); out->writeUint32BE(CURRENT_VERSION); out->write(saveName, 31); out->writeUint32BE(_features); for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { out->writeUint16BE(_characterList[i].sceneId); out->writeByte(_characterList[i].height); out->writeByte(_characterList[i].facing); out->writeUint16BE(_characterList[i].currentAnimFrame); //out->writeUint32BE(_characterList[i].unk6); out->write(_characterList[i].inventoryItems, 10); out->writeSint16BE(_characterList[i].x1); out->writeSint16BE(_characterList[i].y1); out->writeSint16BE(_characterList[i].x2); out->writeSint16BE(_characterList[i].y2); //out->writeUint16BE(_characterList[i].field_20); //out->writeUint16BE(_characterList[i].field_23); } out->writeSint16BE(_marbleVaseItem); out->writeByte(_itemInHand); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { out->writeByte(_birthstoneGemTable[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { out->writeByte(_idolGemsTable[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { out->writeByte(_foyerItemTable[i]); } out->writeByte(_cauldronState); for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { out->writeByte(_crystalState[i]); } out->writeUint16BE(_brandonStatusBit); out->writeByte(_brandonStatusBit0x02Flag); out->writeByte(_brandonStatusBit0x20Flag); out->write(_brandonPoisonFlagsGFX, 256); out->writeSint16BE(_brandonInvFlag); out->writeByte(_poisonDeathCounter); out->writeUint16BE(_animator->_brandonDrawFrame); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { out->writeByte(_timers[i].active); out->writeSint32BE(_timers[i].countdown); if (_system->getMillis() >= _timers[i].nextRun) { out->writeUint32BE(0); } else { out->writeUint32BE(_timers[i].nextRun - _system->getMillis()); } } out->writeUint32BE(sizeof(_flagsTable)); out->write(_flagsTable, sizeof(_flagsTable)); for (uint16 i = 0; i < _roomTableSize; i++) { out->writeUint16BE(i); out->writeByte(_roomTable[i].nameIndex); for (int a = 0; a < 12; a++) { out->writeByte(_roomTable[i].itemsTable[a]); out->writeUint16BE(_roomTable[i].itemsXPos[a]); out->writeUint16BE(_roomTable[i].itemsYPos[a]); out->writeByte(_roomTable[i].needInit[a]); } } // room table terminator out->writeUint16BE(0xFFFF); out->writeSint16BE(_lastMusicCommand); out->flush(); // check for errors if (out->ioFailed()) warning("Can't write file '%s'. (Disk full?)", fileName); else debugC(1, kDebugLevelMain, "Saved game '%s.'", saveName); delete out; } } // end of namespace Kyra