/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #ifdef ENABLE_EOB #include "kyra/eobcommon.h" #include "kyra/resource.h" #include "kyra/script_eob.h" #include "kyra/timer.h" #include "kyra/sound.h" #include "common/system.h" namespace Kyra { void EoBCoreEngine::loadLevel(int level, int sub) { _currentLevel = level; _currentSub = sub; uint32 end = _system->getMillis() + 500; readLevelFileData(level); Common::String gfxFile; // Work around for issue with corrupt (incomplete) monster property data // when loading a savegame saved in a sub level for (int i = 0; i <= sub; i++) gfxFile = initLevelData(i); const uint8 *data = _screen->getCPagePtr(5); const uint8 *pos = data + READ_LE_UINT16(data); uint16 len = READ_LE_UINT16(pos); uint16 len2 = len; pos += 2; if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB2) { if (*pos++ == 0xEC) pos = loadActiveMonsterData(pos, level); else if (!(_hasTempDataFlags & (1 << (level - 1)))) memset(_monsters, 0, 30 * sizeof(EoBMonsterInPlay)); len2 = len - (pos - data); _inf->loadData(pos, len2); } else { _inf->loadData(data, READ_LE_UINT16(data)); } _screen->setCurPage(2); addLevelItems(); if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB2) { pos = data + len; len2 = READ_LE_UINT16(pos); pos += 2; } for (uint16 i = 0; i < len2; i++) { LevelBlockProperty *p = &_levelBlockProperties[READ_LE_UINT16(pos)]; pos += 2; if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB2) { p->flags |= READ_LE_UINT16(pos); pos += 2; } else { p->flags |= *pos++; } p->assignedObjects = READ_LE_UINT16(pos); pos += 2; } loadVcnData(gfxFile.c_str(), (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1) ? _cgaMappingLevel[_cgaLevelMappingIndex[level - 1]] : 0); _screen->loadEoBBitmap("INVENT", _cgaMappingInv, 5, 3, 2); delayUntil(end); snd_stopSound(); enableSysTimer(2); _sceneDrawPage1 = 2; _sceneDrawPage2 = 1; _screen->setCurPage(0); } void EoBCoreEngine::readLevelFileData(int level) { Common::String file; Common::SeekableReadStream *s = 0; static const char *const suffix[] = { "INF", "DRO", "ELO", 0 }; for (const char *const *sf = suffix; *sf && !s; sf++) { file = Common::String::format("LEVEL%d.%s", level, *sf); s = _res->createReadStream(file); } if (!s) error("Failed to load level file LEVEL%d.INF/DRO/ELO", level); if (s->readUint16LE() + 2 == s->size()) { if (s->readUint16LE() == 4) { delete s; s = 0; _screen->loadBitmap(file.c_str(), 5, 5, 0); } } if (s) { s->seek(0); _screen->loadFileDataToPage(s, 5, 15000); delete s; } } Common::String EoBCoreEngine::initLevelData(int sub) { const uint8 *data = _screen->getCPagePtr(5) + 2; const uint8 *pos = data; int slen = (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1) ? 12 : 13; for (int i = 0; i < sub; i++) pos = data + READ_LE_UINT16(pos); pos += 2; if (*pos++ == 0xEC || _flags.gameID == GI_EOB1) { if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1) pos -= 3; loadBlockProperties((const char *)pos); pos += slen; const char *vmpPattern = (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1 && (_configRenderMode == Common::kRenderEGA || _configRenderMode == Common::kRenderCGA)) ? "%s.EMP" : "%s.VMP"; Common::SeekableReadStream *s = _res->createReadStream(Common::String::format(vmpPattern, (const char *)pos)); uint16 size = s->readUint16LE(); delete[] _vmpPtr; _vmpPtr = new uint16[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) _vmpPtr[i] = s->readUint16LE(); delete s; const char *paletteFilePattern = (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB2 && _configRenderMode == Common::kRenderEGA) ? "%s.EGA" : "%s.PAL"; Common::String tmpStr = Common::String::format(paletteFilePattern, (const char *)pos); _curGfxFile = (const char *)pos; pos += slen; if (*pos++ != 0xFF && _flags.gameID == GI_EOB2) { tmpStr = Common::String::format(paletteFilePattern, (const char *)pos); pos += 13; } if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1) { pos += 11; _screen->setShapeFadeMode(0, false); _screen->setShapeFadeMode(1, false); } if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB2 || _configRenderMode != Common::kRenderEGA) _screen->loadPalette(tmpStr.c_str(), _screen->getPalette(0)); if (_configRenderMode != Common::kRenderCGA) { Palette backupPal(256); backupPal.copy(_screen->getPalette(0), 224, 32, 224); _screen->getPalette(0).fill(224, 32, 0x3F); uint8 *src = _screen->getPalette(0).getData(); _screen->createFadeTable(src, _screen->getFadeTable(0), 4, 75); // green _screen->createFadeTable(src, _screen->getFadeTable(1), 12, 200); // black _screen->createFadeTable(src, _screen->getFadeTable(2), 10, 85); // blue _screen->createFadeTable(src, _screen->getFadeTable(3), 11, 125); // light blue _screen->getPalette(0).copy(backupPal, 224, 32, 224); _screen->createFadeTable(src, _screen->getFadeTable(4), 12, 85); // grey (shadow) _screen->setFadeTableIndex(4); if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB2 && _configRenderMode == Common::kRenderEGA) _screen->setScreenPalette(_screen->getPalette(0)); } } if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB2) { delay(3 * _tickLength); _sound->loadSoundFile((const char *)pos); pos += 13; } releaseDoorShapes(); releaseMonsterShapes(0, 36); releaseDecorations(); if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1) { loadDoorShapes(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3]); pos += 4; _scriptTimersMode = *pos++; _scriptTimers[0].ticks = READ_LE_UINT16(pos); _scriptTimers[0].func = 0; _scriptTimers[0].next = _system->getMillis() + _scriptTimers[0].ticks * _tickLength; pos += 2; } else { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { int a = (*pos == 0xEC) ? 0 : ((*pos == 0xEA) ? 1 : -1); pos++; if (a == -1) continue; toggleWallState(pos[13], a); _doorType[pos[13]] = pos[14]; _noDoorSwitch[pos[13]] = pos[15]; pos = loadDoorShapes((const char *)pos, pos[13], pos + 16); } } _stepsUntilScriptCall = READ_LE_UINT16(pos); pos += 2; _stepCounter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1) { if (*pos != 0xFF) loadMonsterShapes((const char *)(pos + 1), i * 18, false, *pos * 18); pos += 13; } else { if (*pos++ != 0xEC) continue; loadMonsterShapes((const char *)(pos + 2), pos[1] * 18, pos[15] ? true : false, *pos * 18); pos += 16; } } if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1) pos = loadActiveMonsterData(pos, _currentLevel) - 1; else pos = loadMonsterProperties(pos); if (*pos++ == 0xEC || _flags.gameID == GI_EOB1) { int num = READ_LE_UINT16(pos); pos += 2; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (*pos++ == 0xEC) { loadDecorations((const char *)pos, (const char *)(pos + slen)); pos += (slen << 1); } else { assignWallsAndDecorations(pos[0], pos[1], (int8)pos[2], pos[3], pos[4]); pos += 5; } } } if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB2) initScriptTimers(pos); return _curGfxFile; } void EoBCoreEngine::addLevelItems() { for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) _levelBlockProperties[i].drawObjects = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 600; i++) { if (_items[i].level != _currentLevel || _items[i].block <= 0) continue; setItemPosition((Item *)&_levelBlockProperties[_items[i].block & 0x3FF].drawObjects, _items[i].block, i, _items[i].pos); } } void EoBCoreEngine::loadVcnData(const char *file, const uint8 *cgaMapping) { if (file) strcpy(_lastBlockDataFile, file); const char *filePattern = (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1 && (_configRenderMode == Common::kRenderEGA || _configRenderMode == Common::kRenderCGA)) ? "%s.ECN" : "%s.VCN"; _screen->loadBitmap(Common::String::format(filePattern, _lastBlockDataFile).c_str(), 3, 3, 0); const uint8 *pos = _screen->getCPagePtr(3); uint32 vcnSize = READ_LE_UINT16(pos) << 5; pos += 2; const uint8 *colMap = pos; pos += 32; delete[] _vcnBlocks; _vcnBlocks = new uint8[vcnSize]; if (_configRenderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) { uint8 *tmp = _screen->encodeShape(0, 0, 1, 8, false, cgaMapping); delete[] tmp; delete[] _vcnTransitionMask; _vcnTransitionMask = new uint8[vcnSize]; uint8 tblSwitch = 1; uint8 *dst = _vcnBlocks; uint8 *dst2 = _vcnTransitionMask; while (dst < _vcnBlocks + vcnSize) { const uint16 *table = _screen->getCGADitheringTable((tblSwitch++) & 1); for (int ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++) { *dst++ = (table[pos[0]] & 0x000F) | ((table[pos[0]] & 0x0F00) >> 4); *dst++ = (table[pos[1]] & 0x000F) | ((table[pos[1]] & 0x0F00) >> 4); *dst2++ = ((pos[0] & 0xF0 ? 0x30 : 0) | (pos[0] & 0x0F ? 0x03 : 0)) ^ 0x33; *dst2++ = ((pos[1] & 0xF0 ? 0x30 : 0) | (pos[1] & 0x0F ? 0x03 : 0)) ^ 0x33; pos += 2; } } } else { if (!(_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1 && _configRenderMode == Common::kRenderEGA)) memcpy(_vcnColTable, colMap, 32); memcpy(_vcnBlocks, pos, vcnSize); } } void EoBCoreEngine::loadBlockProperties(const char *mazFile) { memset(_levelBlockProperties, 0, 1024 * sizeof(LevelBlockProperty)); const uint8 *p = getBlockFileData(mazFile) + 6; if (_hasTempDataFlags & (1 << (_currentLevel - 1))) { restoreBlockTempData(_currentLevel); return; } for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { for (int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++) _levelBlockProperties[i].walls[ii] = *p++; } } const uint8 *EoBCoreEngine::getBlockFileData(int) { Common::SeekableReadStream *s = _res->createReadStream(_curBlockFile); _screen->loadFileDataToPage(s, 15, s->size()); delete s; return _screen->getCPagePtr(15); } Common::String EoBCoreEngine::getBlockFileName(int levelIndex, int sub) { readLevelFileData(levelIndex); const uint8 *data = _screen->getCPagePtr(5) + 2; const uint8 *pos = data; for (int i = 0; i < sub; i++) pos = data + READ_LE_UINT16(pos); pos += 2; if (*pos++ == 0xEC || _flags.gameID == GI_EOB1) { if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1) pos -= 3; return Common::String((const char *)pos); } return Common::String(); } const uint8 *EoBCoreEngine::getBlockFileData(const char *mazFile) { _curBlockFile = mazFile; return getBlockFileData(); } void EoBCoreEngine::loadDecorations(const char *cpsFile, const char *decFile) { _screen->loadShapeSetBitmap(cpsFile, 5, 3); Common::SeekableReadStream *s = _res->createReadStream(decFile); _levelDecorationDataSize = s->readUint16LE(); delete[] _levelDecorationData; _levelDecorationData = new LevelDecorationProperty[_levelDecorationDataSize]; memset(_levelDecorationData, 0, _levelDecorationDataSize * sizeof(LevelDecorationProperty)); for (int i = 0; i < _levelDecorationDataSize; i++) { LevelDecorationProperty *l = &_levelDecorationData[i]; for (int ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++) { l->shapeIndex[ii] = s->readByte(); if (l->shapeIndex[ii] == 0xFF) l->shapeIndex[ii] = 0xFFFF; } l->next = s->readByte(); l->flags = s->readByte(); for (int ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++) l->shapeX[ii] = s->readSint16LE(); for (int ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++) l->shapeY[ii] = s->readSint16LE(); } int len = s->readUint16LE(); delete[] _levelDecorationRects; _levelDecorationRects = new EoBRect8[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { EoBRect8 *l = &_levelDecorationRects[i]; l->x = s->readUint16LE(); l->y = s->readUint16LE(); l->w = s->readUint16LE(); l->h = s->readUint16LE(); } delete s; } void EoBCoreEngine::assignWallsAndDecorations(int wallIndex, int vmpIndex, int decIndex, int specialType, int flags) { _wllVmpMap[wallIndex] = vmpIndex; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { for (int ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++) { if (_characters[i].events[ii] == -57) spellCallback_start_trueSeeing(); } } _wllShapeMap[wallIndex] = _mappedDecorationsCount + 1; _specialWallTypes[wallIndex] = specialType; _wllWallFlags[wallIndex] = flags ^ 4; if (decIndex == -1) { _wllShapeMap[wallIndex] = 0; return; } do { assert(decIndex < _levelDecorationDataSize); memcpy(&_levelDecorationProperties[_mappedDecorationsCount], &_levelDecorationData[decIndex], sizeof(LevelDecorationProperty)); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { uint16 t = _levelDecorationProperties[_mappedDecorationsCount].shapeIndex[i]; if (t == 0xFFFF) continue; if (_levelDecorationShapes[t]) continue; EoBRect8 *r = &_levelDecorationRects[t]; if (r->w == 0 || r->h == 0) error("Error trying to make decoration %d (x: %d, y: %d, w: %d, h: %d)", decIndex, r->x, r->y, r->w, r->h); _levelDecorationShapes[t] = _screen->encodeShape(r->x, r->y, r->w, r->h, false, (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1) ? _cgaMappingLevel[_cgaLevelMappingIndex[_currentLevel - 1]] : 0); } decIndex = _levelDecorationProperties[_mappedDecorationsCount++].next; if (decIndex) _levelDecorationProperties[_mappedDecorationsCount - 1].next = _mappedDecorationsCount + 1; else decIndex = -1; } while (decIndex != -1); } void EoBCoreEngine::releaseDecorations() { if (_levelDecorationShapes) { for (int i = 0; i < 400; i++) { delete[] _levelDecorationShapes[i]; _levelDecorationShapes[i] = 0; } } _mappedDecorationsCount = 0; } void EoBCoreEngine::releaseDoorShapes() { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { delete[] _doorShapes[i]; _doorShapes[i] = 0; delete[] _doorSwitches[i].shp; _doorSwitches[i].shp = 0; } } void EoBCoreEngine::toggleWallState(int wall, int toggle) { wall = wall * 10 + 3; for (int i = 0; i < 9 ; i++) { if (i == 4) continue; if (toggle) _wllWallFlags[wall + i] |= 2; else _wllWallFlags[wall + i] &= 0xFD; } } void EoBCoreEngine::drawScene(int refresh) { generateBlockDrawingBuffer(); drawVcnBlocks(); drawSceneShapes(); if (_sceneDrawPage2) { if (refresh) _screen->fillRect(0, 0, 176, 120, 12); if (!_loading) _screen->setScreenPalette(_screen->getPalette(0)); _sceneDrawPage2 = 0; } uint32 ct = _system->getMillis(); if (_flashShapeTimer > ct) { int diff = _flashShapeTimer - ct; while ((diff > 0) && !shouldQuit()) { updateInput(); uint32 step = MIN(diff, _tickLength / 5); _system->delayMillis(step); diff -= step; } } if (_sceneDefaultUpdate) delayUntil(_drawSceneTimer); if (refresh && !_partyResting) _screen->copyRegion(0, 0, 0, 0, 176, 120, 2, 0, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK); updateEnvironmentalSfx(0); if (!_dialogueField && refresh && !_updateFlags) gui_drawCompass(false); if (refresh && !_partyResting && !_loading) _screen->updateScreen(); if (_sceneDefaultUpdate) { _sceneDefaultUpdate = false; _drawSceneTimer = _system->getMillis() + 4 * _tickLength; } _sceneUpdateRequired = false; } void EoBCoreEngine::drawSceneShapes(int start) { for (int i = start; i < 18; i++) { uint8 t = _dscTileIndex[i]; uint8 s = _visibleBlocks[t]->walls[_sceneDrawVarDown]; _shpDmX1 = 0; _shpDmX2 = 0; setLevelShapesDim(t, _shpDmX1, _shpDmX2, _sceneShpDim); if (_shpDmX2 <= _shpDmX1) continue; drawDecorations(t); if (_visibleBlocks[t]->drawObjects) drawBlockItems(t); if (t < 15) { uint16 w = _wllWallFlags[s]; if (w & 8) drawDoor(t); if (_visibleBlocks[t]->flags & 7) { const ScreenDim *dm = _screen->getScreenDim(5); _screen->modifyScreenDim(5, dm->sx, _lvlShapeTop[t], dm->w, _lvlShapeBottom[t] - _lvlShapeTop[t]); drawMonsters(t); drawLevelModifyScreenDim(5, _lvlShapeLeftRight[(t << 1)], 0, _lvlShapeLeftRight[(t << 1) + 1], 15); } if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB2 && s == 74) drawWallOfForce(t); } drawFlyingObjects(t); if (s == _teleporterWallId) drawTeleporter(t); } } void EoBCoreEngine::drawDecorations(int index) { for (int i = 1; i >= 0; i--) { int s = index * 2 + i; if (_dscWallMapping[s]) { int16 d = *_dscWallMapping[s]; int8 l = _wllShapeMap[_visibleBlocks[index]->walls[d]]; uint8 *shapeData = 0; int x = 0; while (l > 0) { l--; int8 ix = _dscShapeIndex[s]; uint8 shpIx = ABS(ix) - 1; uint8 flg = _levelDecorationProperties[l].flags; if ((i == 0) && (flg & 1 || ((flg & 2) && _wllProcessFlag))) ix = -ix; if (_levelDecorationProperties[l].shapeIndex[shpIx] == 0xFFFF) { l = _levelDecorationProperties[l].next; continue; } shapeData = _levelDecorationShapes[_levelDecorationProperties[l].shapeIndex[shpIx]]; if (shapeData) { x = 0; if (i == 0) { if (flg & 4) x += _dscShapeCoords[(index * 5 + 4) << 1]; else x += _dscShapeX[index]; } if (ix < 0) { x += (176 - _levelDecorationProperties[l].shapeX[shpIx] - (shapeData[2] << 3)); drawBlockObject(1, 2, shapeData, x, _levelDecorationProperties[l].shapeY[shpIx], _sceneShpDim); } else { x += _levelDecorationProperties[l].shapeX[shpIx]; drawBlockObject(0, 2, shapeData, x, _levelDecorationProperties[l].shapeY[shpIx], _sceneShpDim); } } l = _levelDecorationProperties[l].next; continue; } } } } int EoBCoreEngine::calcNewBlockPositionAndTestPassability(uint16 curBlock, uint16 direction) { uint16 b = calcNewBlockPosition(curBlock, direction); int w = _levelBlockProperties[b].walls[direction ^ 2]; int f = _wllWallFlags[w]; assert((_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1 && w < 70) || (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB2 && w < 80)); if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB2 && w == 74 && _currentBlock == curBlock) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (_wallsOfForce[i].block == b) { destroyWallOfForce(i); f = _wllWallFlags[0]; } } } if (!(f & 1) || _levelBlockProperties[b].flags & 7) return -1; return b; } void EoBCoreEngine::notifyBlockNotPassable() { _txt->printMessage(_warningStrings[0]); snd_playSoundEffect(29); removeInputTop(); } void EoBCoreEngine::moveParty(uint16 block) { updateAllMonsterDests(); uint16 old = _currentBlock; _currentBlock = block; runLevelScript(old, 2); if (++_moveCounter > 3) { _txt->printMessage("\r"); _moveCounter = 0; } runLevelScript(block, 1); if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB2 && _levelBlockProperties[block].walls[0] == 26) memset(_levelBlockProperties[block].walls, 0, 4); updateAllMonsterDests(); _stepCounter++; //_keybControlUnk = -1; _sceneUpdateRequired = true; checkFlyingObjects(); } int EoBCoreEngine::clickedDoorSwitch(uint16 block, uint16 direction) { uint8 v = _visibleBlocks[13]->walls[_sceneDrawVarDown]; SpriteDecoration *d = &_doorSwitches[((v > 12 && v < 23) || v == 31) ? 3 : 0]; int x1 = d->x + _dscShapeCoords[138] - 4; int y1 = d->y - 4; if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1 && _currentLevel >= 4 && _currentLevel <= 6) { if (v >= 30) x1 += 4; else x1 += ((v - _dscDoorXE[v]) * 9); } if (!posWithinRect(_mouseX, _mouseY, x1, y1, x1 + (d->shp[2] << 3) + 8, y1 + d->shp[1] + 8) && (_clickedSpecialFlag == 0x40)) return clickedDoorNoPry(block, direction); processDoorSwitch(block, 0); snd_playSoundEffect(6); return 1; } int EoBCoreEngine::clickedNiche(uint16 block, uint16 direction) { uint8 v = _wllShapeMap[_levelBlockProperties[block].walls[direction]]; if (!clickedShape(v)) return 0; if (_itemInHand) { if (_dscItemShapeMap[_items[_itemInHand].icon] <= 14) { _txt->printMessage(_pryDoorStrings[5]); } else { setItemPosition((Item *)&_levelBlockProperties[block & 0x3FF].drawObjects, block, _itemInHand, 8); runLevelScript(block, 4); setHandItem(0); _sceneUpdateRequired = true; } } else { int d = getQueuedItem((Item *)&_levelBlockProperties[block].drawObjects, 8, -1); if (!d) return 1; runLevelScript(block, 8); setHandItem(d); _sceneUpdateRequired = true; } return 1; } int EoBCoreEngine::clickedDoorPry(uint16 block, uint16 direction) { if (!posWithinRect(_mouseX, _mouseY, 40, 16, 136, 88) && (_clickedSpecialFlag == 0x40)) return 0; int d = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (!testCharacter(i, 0x0D)) continue; if (d >= 0) { int s1 = _characters[i].strengthCur + _characters[i].strengthExtCur; int s2 = _characters[d].strengthCur + _characters[d].strengthExtCur; if (s1 >= s2) d = i; } else { d = i; } } if (d == -1) { _txt->printMessage(_pryDoorStrings[_flags.gameID == GI_EOB2 ? 1 : 0]); return 1; } static const uint8 forceDoorChanceTable[] = { 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 }; int s = _characters[d].strengthCur > 18 ? 18 : _characters[d].strengthCur; if (rollDice(1, 20) < forceDoorChanceTable[s]) { _txt->printMessage(_pryDoorStrings[_flags.gameID == GI_EOB2 ? 2 : 1]); _levelBlockProperties[block].walls[direction] = _levelBlockProperties[block].walls[direction ^ 2] = (_levelBlockProperties[block].walls[direction] == (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB2 ? 51 : 30)) ? 8 : 18; openDoor(block); } else { _txt->printMessage(_pryDoorStrings[3]); } return 1; } int EoBCoreEngine::clickedDoorNoPry(uint16 block, uint16 direction) { if (!posWithinRect(_mouseX, _mouseY, 40, 16, 136, 88) && (_clickedSpecialFlag == 0x40)) return 0; if (!(_wllWallFlags[_levelBlockProperties[block].walls[direction]] & 0x20)) return 0; _txt->printMessage(_pryDoorStrings[6]); return 1; } int EoBCoreEngine::specialWallAction(int block, int direction) { direction ^= 2; uint8 type = _specialWallTypes[_levelBlockProperties[block].walls[direction]]; if (!type || !(_clickedSpecialFlag & (((_levelBlockProperties[block].flags & 0xF8) >> 3) | 0xE0))) return 0; int res = 0; switch (type) { case 1: res = clickedDoorSwitch(block, direction); break; case 2: case 8: res = clickedWallShape(block, direction); break; case 3: res = clickedLeverOn(block, direction); break; case 4: res = clickedLeverOff(block, direction); break; case 5: res = clickedDoorPry(block, direction); break; case 6: res = clickedDoorNoPry(block, direction); break; case 7: case 9: res = clickedWallOnlyScript(block); break; case 10: res = clickedNiche(block, direction); break; default: break; } _clickedSpecialFlag = 0; _sceneUpdateRequired = true; return res; } void EoBCoreEngine::openDoor(int block) { openCloseDoor(block, 1); } void EoBCoreEngine::closeDoor(int block) { if (block == _currentBlock || _levelBlockProperties[block].flags & 7) return; openCloseDoor(block, -1); } } // End of namespace Kyra #endif // ENABLE_EOB