/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ #include "kyra/script_tim.h" #include "kyra/script.h" #include "kyra/resource.h" #include "kyra/sound.h" #include "kyra/wsamovie.h" #ifdef ENABLE_LOL #include "kyra/lol.h" #include "kyra/screen_lol.h" #endif // ENABLE_LOL #include "common/endian.h" namespace Kyra { TIMInterpreter::TIMInterpreter(KyraEngine_v1 *engine, Screen_v2 *screen_v2, OSystem *system) : _vm(engine), _screen(screen_v2), _system(system), _currentTim(0) { #define COMMAND(x) { &TIMInterpreter::x, #x } #define COMMAND_UNIMPL() { 0, 0 } #define cmd_return(n) cmd_return_##n static const CommandEntry commandProcs[] = { // 0x00 COMMAND(cmd_initFunc0), COMMAND(cmd_stopCurFunc), COMMAND(cmd_initWSA), COMMAND(cmd_uninitWSA), // 0x04 COMMAND(cmd_initFunc), COMMAND(cmd_stopFunc), COMMAND(cmd_wsaDisplayFrame), COMMAND_UNIMPL(), // 0x08 COMMAND(cmd_loadVocFile), COMMAND(cmd_unloadVocFile), COMMAND(cmd_playVocFile), COMMAND_UNIMPL(), // 0x0C COMMAND(cmd_loadSoundFile), COMMAND(cmd_return(1)), COMMAND(cmd_playMusicTrack), COMMAND_UNIMPL(), // 0x10 COMMAND(cmd_return(1)), COMMAND(cmd_return(1)), COMMAND_UNIMPL(), COMMAND_UNIMPL(), // 0x14 COMMAND(cmd_setLoopIp), COMMAND(cmd_continueLoop), COMMAND(cmd_resetLoopIp), COMMAND(cmd_resetAllRuntimes), // 0x18 COMMAND(cmd_return(1)), COMMAND(cmd_execOpcode), COMMAND(cmd_initFuncNow), COMMAND(cmd_stopFuncNow), // 0x1C COMMAND(cmd_return(1)), COMMAND(cmd_return(1)), COMMAND(cmd_return(n1)) }; #undef cmd_return #undef COMMAND_UNIMPL #undef COMMAND _commands = commandProcs ; _commandsSize = ARRAYSIZE(commandProcs); _animations = new Animation[TIM::kWSASlots]; memset(_animations, 0, TIM::kWSASlots * sizeof(Animation)); _langData = 0; _textDisplayed = false; _textAreaBuffer = new uint8[320*40]; assert(_textAreaBuffer); _drawPage2 = 8; _palDelayInc = _palDiff = _palDelayAcc = 0; _abortFlag = 0; } TIMInterpreter::~TIMInterpreter() { delete[] _langData; delete[] _textAreaBuffer; for (int i = 0; i < TIM::kWSASlots; i++) { delete _animations[i].wsa; delete[] _animations[i].parts; } delete[] _animations; } TIM *TIMInterpreter::load(const char *filename, const Common::Array *opcodes) { if (!vm()->resource()->exists(filename)) return 0; ScriptFileParser file(filename, vm()->resource()); if (!file) error("Couldn't open TIM file '%s'", filename); uint32 formBlockSize = file.getFORMBlockSize(); if (formBlockSize == 0xFFFFFFFF) error("No FORM chunk found in TIM file '%s'", filename); if (formBlockSize < 20) error("TIM file '%s' FORM chunk size smaller than 20", filename); TIM *tim = new TIM; assert(tim); memset(tim, 0, sizeof(TIM)); tim->procFunc = -1; tim->opcodes = opcodes; uint32 avtlChunkSize = file.getIFFBlockSize(AVTL_CHUNK); uint32 textChunkSize = file.getIFFBlockSize(TEXT_CHUNK); tim->avtl = new uint16[avtlChunkSize/2]; if (textChunkSize != 0xFFFFFFFF) tim->text = new byte[textChunkSize]; if (!file.loadIFFBlock(AVTL_CHUNK, tim->avtl, avtlChunkSize)) error("Couldn't read AVTL chunk in TIM file '%s'", filename); if (textChunkSize != 0xFFFFFFFF && !file.loadIFFBlock(TEXT_CHUNK, tim->text, textChunkSize)) error("Couldn't read TEXT chunk in TIM file '%s'", filename); avtlChunkSize >>= 1; for (uint i = 0; i < avtlChunkSize; ++i) tim->avtl[i] = READ_LE_UINT16(tim->avtl + i); int num = (avtlChunkSize < TIM::kCountFuncs) ? avtlChunkSize : (int)TIM::kCountFuncs; for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) tim->func[i].avtl = tim->avtl + tim->avtl[i]; strncpy(tim->filename, filename, 13); return tim; } void TIMInterpreter::unload(TIM *&tim) const { if (!tim) return; delete[] tim->text; delete[] tim->avtl; delete tim; tim = 0; } void TIMInterpreter::setLangData(const char *filename) { delete[] _langData; _langData = vm()->resource()->fileData(filename, 0); } int TIMInterpreter::exec(TIM *tim, bool loop) { if (!tim) return 0; _currentTim = tim; if (!_currentTim->func[0].ip) { _currentTim->func[0].ip = _currentTim->func[0].avtl; _currentTim->func[0].nextTime = _currentTim->func[0].lastTime = _system->getMillis(); } do { update(); for (_currentFunc = 0; _currentFunc < TIM::kCountFuncs; ++_currentFunc) { TIM::Function &cur = _currentTim->func[_currentFunc]; if (_currentTim->procFunc != -1) execCommand(28, &_currentTim->procParam); update(); checkSpeechProgress(); bool running = true; int cnt = 0; while (cur.ip && cur.nextTime <= _system->getMillis() && running) { if (cnt++ > 0) { if (_currentTim->procFunc != -1) execCommand(28, &_currentTim->procParam); update(); } int8 opcode = int8(cur.ip[2] & 0xFF); switch (execCommand(opcode, cur.ip + 3)) { case -1: loop = false; running = false; _currentFunc = 11; break; case -2: running = false; break; case -3: _currentTim->procFunc = _currentFunc; _currentTim->dlgFunc = -1; break; case 22: cur.loopIp = 0; break; default: break; } if (cur.ip) { cur.ip += cur.ip[0]; cur.lastTime = cur.nextTime; cur.nextTime += (cur.ip[1] ) * vm()->tickLength(); } } } } while (loop && !vm()->shouldQuit()); return _currentTim->clickedButton; } void TIMInterpreter::refreshTimersAfterPause(uint32 elapsedTime) { if (!_currentTim) return; for (int i = 0; i < TIM::kCountFuncs; i++) { if (_currentTim->func[i].lastTime) _currentTim->func[i].lastTime += elapsedTime; if (_currentTim->func[i].nextTime) _currentTim->func[i].nextTime += elapsedTime; } } void TIMInterpreter::displayText(uint16 textId, int16 flags) { char *text = getTableEntry(textId); if (_textDisplayed) { screen()->copyBlockToPage(0, 0, 160, 320, 40, _textAreaBuffer); _textDisplayed = false; } if (!text) return; if (!text[0]) return; char filename[16]; memset(filename, 0, sizeof(filename)); if (text[0] == '$') { const char *end = strchr(text+1, '$'); if (end) memcpy(filename, text+1, end-1-text); } if (filename[0]) vm()->sound()->voicePlay(filename); if (text[0] == '$') text = strchr(text + 1, '$') + 1; setupTextPalette((flags < 0) ? 1 : flags, 0); if (flags < 0) { static const uint8 colorMap[] = { 0x00, 0xF0, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; screen()->setFont(Screen::FID_8_FNT); screen()->setTextColorMap(colorMap); screen()->_charWidth = -2; } screen()->_charOffset = -4; screen()->copyRegionToBuffer(0, 0, 160, 320, 40, _textAreaBuffer); _textDisplayed = true; char backupChar = 0; char *str = text; int heightAdd = 0; while (str[0]) { char *nextLine = strchr(str, '\r'); backupChar = 0; if (nextLine) { backupChar = nextLine[0]; nextLine[0] = '\0'; } int width = screen()->getTextWidth(str); if (flags >= 0) screen()->printText(str, (320 - width) >> 1, 160 + heightAdd, 0xF0, 0x00); else screen()->printText(str, (320 - width) >> 1, 188, 0xF0, 0x00); heightAdd += screen()->getFontHeight(); str += strlen(str); if (backupChar) { nextLine[0] = backupChar; ++str; } } screen()->_charOffset = 0; if (flags < 0) { static const uint8 colorMap[] = { 0x00, 0xF0, 0xF1, 0xF2, 0xF3, 0xF4, 0xF5, 0xF6, 0xF7, 0xF8, 0xF9, 0xFA, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; screen()->setFont(Screen::FID_INTRO_FNT); screen()->setTextColorMap(colorMap); screen()->_charWidth = 0; } } void TIMInterpreter::setupTextPalette(uint index, int fadePalette) { static const uint16 palTable[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x64, 0x64, 0x64, 0x61, 0x51, 0x30, 0x29, 0x48, 0x64, 0x00, 0x4B, 0x3B, 0x64, 0x1E, 0x1E, }; for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i) { uint8 *palette = screen()->getPalette(0) + (240 + i) * 3; uint8 c1 = (((15 - i) << 2) * palTable[index*3+0]) / 100; uint8 c2 = (((15 - i) << 2) * palTable[index*3+1]) / 100; uint8 c3 = (((15 - i) << 2) * palTable[index*3+2]) / 100; palette[0] = c1; palette[1] = c2; palette[2] = c3; } if (!fadePalette && !_palDiff) { screen()->setScreenPalette(screen()->getPalette(0)); } else { screen()->getFadeParams(screen()->getPalette(0), fadePalette, _palDelayInc, _palDiff); _palDelayAcc = 0; } } KyraEngine_v1 *TIMInterpreter::vm() { return _vm; } Screen_v2 *TIMInterpreter::screen() { return _screen; } TIMInterpreter::Animation *TIMInterpreter::initAnimStruct(int index, const char *filename, int x, int y, int, int offscreenBuffer, uint16 wsaFlags) { Animation *anim = &_animations[index]; anim->x = x; anim->y = y; anim->wsaCopyParams = wsaFlags; _drawPage2 = 8; uint16 wsaOpenFlags = ((wsaFlags & 0x10) != 0) ? 2 : 0; char file[32]; snprintf(file, 32, "%s.WSA", filename); if (vm()->resource()->exists(file)) { anim->wsa = new WSAMovie_v2(_vm, _screen); assert(anim->wsa); anim->wsa->open(file, wsaOpenFlags, (index == 1) ? screen()->getPalette(0) : 0); } if (anim->wsa && anim->wsa->opened()) { if (x == -1) anim->x = x = 0; if (y == -1) anim->y = y = 0; if (wsaFlags & 2) { screen()->fadePalette(screen()->getPalette(1), 15, 0); screen()->clearPage(8); screen()->checkedPageUpdate(8, 4); screen()->updateScreen(); } if (wsaFlags & 4) { snprintf(file, 32, "%s.CPS", filename); if (vm()->resource()->exists(file)) { screen()->loadBitmap(file, 3, 3, screen()->getPalette(0)); screen()->copyRegion(0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 200, 2, 8, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK); screen()->checkedPageUpdate(8, 4); screen()->updateScreen(); } anim->wsa->setX(x); anim->wsa->setY(y); anim->wsa->setDrawPage(0); anim->wsa->displayFrame(0, 0, 0, 0); } if (wsaFlags & 2) screen()->fadePalette(screen()->getPalette(0), 30, 0); } else { if (wsaFlags & 2) { screen()->fadePalette(screen()->getPalette(1), 15, 0); screen()->clearPage(8); screen()->checkedPageUpdate(8, 4); screen()->updateScreen(); } snprintf(file, 32, "%s.CPS", filename); if (vm()->resource()->exists(file)) { screen()->loadBitmap(file, 3, 3, screen()->getPalette(0)); screen()->copyRegion(0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 200, 2, 8, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK); screen()->checkedPageUpdate(8, 4); screen()->updateScreen(); } if (wsaFlags & 2) screen()->fadePalette(screen()->getPalette(0), 30, 0); } return anim; } int TIMInterpreter::freeAnimStruct(int index) { Animation *anim = &_animations[index]; if (!anim) return 0; delete anim->wsa; memset(anim, 0, sizeof(Animation)); return 1; } char *TIMInterpreter::getTableEntry(uint idx) { if (!_langData) return 0; else return (char *)(_langData + READ_LE_UINT16(_langData + (idx<<1))); } const char *TIMInterpreter::getCTableEntry(uint idx) const { if (!_langData) return 0; else return (const char *)(_langData + READ_LE_UINT16(_langData + (idx<<1))); } int TIMInterpreter::execCommand(int cmd, const uint16 *param) { if (cmd < 0 || cmd >= _commandsSize) { warning("Calling unimplemented TIM command %d from file '%s'", cmd, _currentTim->filename); return 0; } if (_commands[cmd].proc == 0) { warning("Calling unimplemented TIM command %d from file '%s'", cmd, _currentTim->filename); return 0; } debugC(5, kDebugLevelScript, "TIMInterpreter::%s(%p)", _commands[cmd].desc, (const void* )param); return (this->*_commands[cmd].proc)(param); } int TIMInterpreter::cmd_initFunc0(const uint16 *param) { for (int i = 0; i < TIM::kWSASlots; ++i) memset(&_currentTim->wsa[i], 0, sizeof(TIM::WSASlot)); _currentTim->func[0].ip = _currentTim->func[0].avtl; _currentTim->func[0].lastTime = _system->getMillis(); return 1; } int TIMInterpreter::cmd_stopCurFunc(const uint16 *param) { if (_currentFunc < TIM::kCountFuncs) _currentTim->func[_currentFunc].ip = 0; if (!_currentFunc) _finished = true; return -2; } void TIMInterpreter::stopAllFuncs(TIM *tim) { for (int i = 0; i < TIM::kCountFuncs; ++i) tim->func[i].ip = 0; } int TIMInterpreter::cmd_initWSA(const uint16 *param) { const int index = param[0]; TIM::WSASlot &slot = _currentTim->wsa[index]; slot.x = int16(param[2]); slot.y = int16(param[3]); slot.offscreen = param[4]; slot.wsaFlags = param[5]; const char *filename = (const char *)(_currentTim->text + READ_LE_UINT16(_currentTim->text + (param[1]<<1))); slot.anim = initAnimStruct(index, filename, slot.x, slot.y, 10, slot.offscreen, slot.wsaFlags); return 1; } int TIMInterpreter::cmd_uninitWSA(const uint16 *param) { const int index = param[0]; TIM::WSASlot &slot = _currentTim->wsa[index]; if (!slot.anim) return 0; Animation &anim = _animations[index]; if (slot.offscreen) { delete anim.wsa; anim.wsa = 0; slot.anim = 0; } else { //XXX delete anim.wsa; bool hasParts = anim.parts ? true : false; delete[] anim.parts; memset(&anim, 0, sizeof(Animation)); memset(&slot, 0, sizeof(TIM::WSASlot)); if (hasParts) { anim.parts = new AnimPart[TIM::kAnimParts]; memset(anim.parts, 0, TIM::kAnimParts * sizeof(AnimPart)); } } return 1; } int TIMInterpreter::cmd_initFunc(const uint16 *param) { uint16 func = *param; assert(func < TIM::kCountFuncs); if (_currentTim->func[func].avtl) _currentTim->func[func].ip = _currentTim->func[func].avtl; else _currentTim->func[func].avtl = _currentTim->func[func].ip = _currentTim->avtl + _currentTim->avtl[func]; return 1; } int TIMInterpreter::cmd_stopFunc(const uint16 *param) { uint16 func = *param; assert(func < TIM::kCountFuncs); _currentTim->func[func].ip = 0; return 1; } int TIMInterpreter::cmd_wsaDisplayFrame(const uint16 *param) { Animation &anim = _animations[param[0]]; const int frame = param[1]; anim.wsa->setX(anim.x); anim.wsa->setY(anim.y); anim.wsa->setDrawPage((anim.wsaCopyParams & 0x4000) != 0 ? 2 : _drawPage2); anim.wsa->displayFrame(frame, anim.wsaCopyParams & 0xF0FF, 0, 0); if (!_drawPage2) screen()->updateScreen(); return 1; } int TIMInterpreter::cmd_displayText(const uint16 *param) { displayText(param[0], param[1]); return 1; } int TIMInterpreter::cmd_loadVocFile(const uint16 *param) { const int stringId = param[0]; const int index = param[1]; _vocFiles[index] = (const char *)(_currentTim->text + READ_LE_UINT16(_currentTim->text + (stringId << 1))); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) _vocFiles[index].deleteLastChar(); return 1; } int TIMInterpreter::cmd_unloadVocFile(const uint16 *param) { const int index = param[0]; _vocFiles[index].clear(); return 1; } int TIMInterpreter::cmd_playVocFile(const uint16 *param) { const int index = param[0]; const int volume = (param[1] * 255) / 100; if (index < ARRAYSIZE(_vocFiles) && !_vocFiles[index].empty()) vm()->sound()->voicePlay(_vocFiles[index].c_str(), volume, true); else vm()->snd_playSoundEffect(index, volume); return 1; } int TIMInterpreter::cmd_loadSoundFile(const uint16 *param) { const char *file = (const char *)(_currentTim->text + READ_LE_UINT16(_currentTim->text + (param[0]<<1))); vm()->sound()->loadSoundFile(file); if (vm()->gameFlags().gameID == GI_LOL) vm()->sound()->loadSfxFile(file); return 1; } int TIMInterpreter::cmd_playMusicTrack(const uint16 *param) { vm()->sound()->playTrack(param[0]); return 1; } int TIMInterpreter::cmd_setLoopIp(const uint16 *param) { _currentTim->func[_currentFunc].loopIp = _currentTim->func[_currentFunc].ip; return 1; } int TIMInterpreter::cmd_continueLoop(const uint16 *param) { TIM::Function &func = _currentTim->func[_currentFunc]; if (!func.loopIp) return -2; func.ip = func.loopIp; uint16 factor = param[0]; if (factor) { const uint32 random = vm()->_rnd.getRandomNumberRng(0, 0x8000); uint32 waitTime = (random * factor) / 0x8000; func.nextTime += waitTime * vm()->tickLength(); } return -2; } int TIMInterpreter::cmd_resetLoopIp(const uint16 *param) { _currentTim->func[_currentFunc].loopIp = 0; return 1; } int TIMInterpreter::cmd_resetAllRuntimes(const uint16 *param) { for (int i = 0; i < TIM::kCountFuncs; ++i) { if (_currentTim->func[i].ip) _currentTim->func[i].nextTime = _system->getMillis(); } return 1; } int TIMInterpreter::cmd_execOpcode(const uint16 *param) { const uint16 opcode = *param++; if (!_currentTim->opcodes) { warning("Trying to execute TIM opcode %d without opcode list (file '%s')", opcode, _currentTim->filename); return 0; } if (opcode > _currentTim->opcodes->size()) { warning("Calling unimplemented TIM opcode(0x%.02X/%d) from file '%s'", opcode, opcode, _currentTim->filename); return 0; } if (!(*_currentTim->opcodes)[opcode]->isValid()) { warning("Calling unimplemented TIM opcode(0x%.02X/%d) from file '%s'", opcode, opcode, _currentTim->filename); return 0; } return (*(*_currentTim->opcodes)[opcode])(_currentTim, param); } int TIMInterpreter::cmd_initFuncNow(const uint16 *param) { uint16 func = *param; assert(func < TIM::kCountFuncs); _currentTim->func[func].ip = _currentTim->func[func].avtl; _currentTim->func[func].lastTime = _currentTim->func[func].nextTime = _system->getMillis(); return 1; } int TIMInterpreter::cmd_stopFuncNow(const uint16 *param) { uint16 func = *param; assert(func < TIM::kCountFuncs); _currentTim->func[func].ip = 0; _currentTim->func[func].lastTime = _currentTim->func[func].nextTime = _system->getMillis(); return 1; } int TIMInterpreter::cmd_stopAllFuncs(const uint16 *param) { while (_currentTim->dlgFunc == -1 && _currentTim->clickedButton == 0 && !vm()->shouldQuit()) { update(); _currentTim->clickedButton = processDialogue(); } for (int i = 0; i < TIM::kCountFuncs; ++i) _currentTim->func[i].ip = 0; return -1; } // TODO: Consider moving to another file #ifdef ENABLE_LOL // LOL version of the TIM interpreter TIMInterpreter_LoL::TIMInterpreter_LoL(LoLEngine *engine, Screen_v2 *screen_v2, OSystem *system) : TIMInterpreter(engine, screen_v2, system), _vm(engine) { #define COMMAND(x) { &TIMInterpreter_LoL::x, #x } #define COMMAND_UNIMPL() { 0, 0 } #define cmd_return(n) cmd_return_##n static const CommandEntry commandProcs[] = { // 0x00 COMMAND(cmd_initFunc0), COMMAND(cmd_stopAllFuncs), COMMAND(cmd_initWSA), COMMAND(cmd_uninitWSA), // 0x04 COMMAND(cmd_initFunc), COMMAND(cmd_stopFunc), COMMAND(cmd_wsaDisplayFrame), COMMAND_UNIMPL(), // 0x08 COMMAND(cmd_loadVocFile), COMMAND(cmd_unloadVocFile), COMMAND(cmd_playVocFile), COMMAND_UNIMPL(), // 0x0C COMMAND(cmd_loadSoundFile), COMMAND(cmd_return(1)), COMMAND(cmd_playMusicTrack), COMMAND_UNIMPL(), // 0x10 COMMAND(cmd_return(1)), COMMAND(cmd_return(1)), COMMAND_UNIMPL(), COMMAND_UNIMPL(), // 0x14 COMMAND(cmd_setLoopIp), COMMAND(cmd_continueLoop), COMMAND(cmd_resetLoopIp), COMMAND(cmd_resetAllRuntimes), // 0x18 COMMAND(cmd_return(1)), COMMAND(cmd_execOpcode), COMMAND(cmd_initFuncNow), COMMAND(cmd_stopFuncNow), // 0x1C COMMAND(cmd_processDialogue), COMMAND(cmd_dialogueBox), COMMAND(cmd_return(n1)) }; #undef cmd_return #undef COMMAND_UNIMPL #undef COMMAND _commands = commandProcs ; _commandsSize = ARRAYSIZE(commandProcs); _screen = engine->_screen; for (int i = 0; i < TIM::kWSASlots; i++) { _animations[i].parts = new AnimPart[TIM::kAnimParts]; memset(_animations[i].parts, 0, TIM::kAnimParts * sizeof(AnimPart)); } _drawPage2 = 0; memset(_dialogueButtonString, 0, 3 * sizeof(const char*)); _dialogueButtonPosX = _dialogueButtonPosY = _dialogueNumButtons = _dialogueButtonXoffs = _dialogueHighlightedButton = 0; } TIMInterpreter::Animation *TIMInterpreter_LoL::initAnimStruct(int index, const char *filename, int x, int y, int frameDelay, int, uint16 wsaFlags) { Animation *anim = &_animations[index]; anim->x = x; anim->y = y; anim->frameDelay = frameDelay; anim->wsaCopyParams = wsaFlags; anim->enable = 0; anim->lastPart = -1; uint16 wsaOpenFlags = 0; if (wsaFlags & 0x10) wsaOpenFlags |= 2; if (wsaFlags & 8) wsaOpenFlags |= 1; char file[32]; snprintf(file, 32, "%s.WSA", filename); if (_vm->resource()->exists(file)) { anim->wsa = new WSAMovie_v2(_vm, TIMInterpreter::_screen); assert(anim->wsa); anim->wsa->open(file, wsaOpenFlags, _screen->getPalette(3)); } if (wsaFlags & 1) { if (_screen->_fadeFlag != 1) _screen->fadeClearSceneWindow(10); memcpy(_screen->getPalette(3) + 384, _screen->_currentPalette + 384, 384); } else if (wsaFlags & 2) { _screen->fadeToBlack(10); } if (wsaFlags & 7) { _screen->hideMouse(); anim->wsa->setDrawPage(0); anim->wsa->setX(x); anim->wsa->setY(y); anim->wsa->displayFrame(0, 0); _screen->showMouse(); } if (wsaFlags & 3) { _screen->loadSpecialColours(_screen->getPalette(3)); _screen->fadePalette(_screen->getPalette(3), 10); _screen->_fadeFlag = 0; } return anim; } int TIMInterpreter_LoL::freeAnimStruct(int index) { Animation *anim = &_animations[index]; if (!anim) return 0; delete anim->wsa; delete[] anim->parts; memset(anim, 0, sizeof(Animation)); anim->parts = new AnimPart[TIM::kAnimParts]; memset(anim->parts, 0, TIM::kAnimParts * sizeof(AnimPart)); return 1; } KyraEngine_v1 *TIMInterpreter_LoL::vm() { return _vm; } Screen_v2 *TIMInterpreter_LoL::screen() { return _screen; } void TIMInterpreter_LoL::advanceToOpcode(int opcode) { TIM::Function *f = &_currentTim->func[_currentTim->dlgFunc]; uint16 len = f->ip[0]; while ((f->ip[2] & 0xFF) != opcode) { if ((f->ip[2] & 0xFF) == 1) { f->ip[0] = len; break; } len = f->ip[0]; f->ip += len; } f->nextTime = _system->getMillis(); } void TIMInterpreter_LoL::drawDialogueBox(int numStr, const char *s1, const char *s2, const char *s3) { _screen->setScreenDim(5); if (numStr == 1 && _vm->_speechFlag) { _dialogueNumButtons = 0; _dialogueButtonString[0] = _dialogueButtonString[1] = _dialogueButtonString[2] = 0; } else { _dialogueNumButtons = numStr; _dialogueButtonString[0] = s1; _dialogueButtonString[1] = s2; _dialogueButtonString[2] = s3; _dialogueHighlightedButton = 0; const ScreenDim *d = _screen->getScreenDim(5); _dialogueButtonPosY = d->sy + d->h - 9; if (numStr == 1) { _dialogueButtonXoffs = 0; _dialogueButtonPosX = d->sx + d->w - 77; } else { _dialogueButtonXoffs = d->w / numStr; _dialogueButtonPosX = d->sx + (_dialogueButtonXoffs >> 1) - 37; } drawDialogueButtons(); } if (!_vm->shouldQuit()) _vm->removeInputTop(); } void TIMInterpreter_LoL::setupBackgroundAnimationPart(int animIndex, int part, int firstFrame, int lastFrame, int cycles, int nextPart, int partDelay, int f, int sfxIndex, int sfxFrame) { AnimPart *a = &_animations[animIndex].parts[part]; a->firstFrame = firstFrame; a->lastFrame = lastFrame; a->cycles = cycles; a->nextPart = nextPart; a->partDelay = partDelay; a->field_A = f; a->sfxIndex = sfxIndex; a->sfxFrame = sfxFrame; } void TIMInterpreter_LoL::startBackgroundAnimation(int animIndex, int part) { Animation *anim = &_animations[animIndex]; anim->curPart = part; AnimPart *p = &anim->parts[part]; anim->enable = 1; anim->nextFrame = _system->getMillis() + anim->frameDelay * _vm->_tickLength; anim->curFrame = p->firstFrame; anim->cyclesCompleted = 0; anim->wsa->setX(anim->x); anim->wsa->setY(anim->y); anim->wsa->setDrawPage(0); anim->wsa->displayFrame(anim->curFrame - 1, 0, 0); } void TIMInterpreter_LoL::stopBackgroundAnimation(int animIndex) { Animation *anim = &_animations[animIndex]; anim->enable = 0; anim->field_D = 0; if (animIndex == 5) { delete anim->wsa; anim->wsa = 0; } } void TIMInterpreter_LoL::updateBackgroundAnimation(int animIndex) { Animation *anim = &_animations[animIndex]; if (!anim->enable || anim->nextFrame >= _system->getMillis()) return; AnimPart *p = &anim->parts[anim->curPart]; anim->nextFrame = 0; int step = 0; if (p->lastFrame >= p->firstFrame) { step = 1; anim->curFrame++; } else { step = -1; anim->curFrame--; } if (anim->curFrame == (p->lastFrame + step)) { anim->cyclesCompleted++; if ((anim->cyclesCompleted > p->cycles) || anim->field_D) { anim->lastPart = anim->curPart; if ((p->nextPart == -1) || (anim->field_D && p->field_A)) { anim->enable = 0; anim->field_D = 0; return; } anim->nextFrame += (p->partDelay * _vm->_tickLength); anim->curPart = p->nextPart; p = &anim->parts[anim->curPart]; anim->curFrame = p->firstFrame; anim->cyclesCompleted = 0; } else { anim->curFrame = p->firstFrame; } } if (p->sfxIndex != -1 && p->sfxFrame == anim->curFrame) _vm->snd_playSoundEffect(p->sfxIndex, -1); anim->nextFrame += (anim->frameDelay * _vm->_tickLength); anim->wsa->setX(anim->x); anim->wsa->setY(anim->y); anim->wsa->setDrawPage(0); anim->wsa->displayFrame(anim->curFrame - 1, 0); anim->nextFrame += _system->getMillis(); } void TIMInterpreter_LoL::playAnimationPart(int animIndex, int firstFrame, int lastFrame, int delay) { Animation *anim = &_animations[animIndex]; anim->wsa->setX(anim->x); anim->wsa->setY(anim->y); int step = (lastFrame >= firstFrame) ? 1 : -1; for (int i = firstFrame; i != (lastFrame + step) ; i += step) { uint32 next = _system->getMillis() + delay * _vm->_tickLength; if (anim->wsaCopyParams & 0x4000) { _screen->copyRegion(112, 0, 112, 0, 176, 120, 6, 2); anim->wsa->setDrawPage(2); anim->wsa->displayFrame(i - 1, anim->wsaCopyParams & 0x1000 ? 0x5000 : 0x4000, _vm->_trueLightTable1, _vm->_trueLightTable2); _screen->copyRegion(112, 0, 112, 0, 176, 120, 2, 0); _screen->updateScreen(); } else { anim->wsa->setDrawPage(0); anim->wsa->displayFrame(i - 1, 0); _screen->updateScreen(); } _vm->delay(next - _system->getMillis()); } } void TIMInterpreter_LoL::drawDialogueButtons() { int cp = _screen->setCurPage(0); Screen::FontId of = _screen->setFont(Screen::FID_6_FNT); int x = _dialogueButtonPosX; for (int i = 0; i < _dialogueNumButtons; i++) { _vm->gui_drawBox(x, _dialogueButtonPosY, 74, 9, 136, 251, -1); _screen->printText(_dialogueButtonString[i], x + 37 - (_screen->getTextWidth(_dialogueButtonString[i])) / 2, _dialogueButtonPosY + 2, _dialogueHighlightedButton == i ? 144 : 254, 0); x += _dialogueButtonXoffs; } _screen->setFont(of); _screen->setCurPage(cp); } uint16 TIMInterpreter_LoL::processDialogue() { int df = _dialogueHighlightedButton; int res = 0; int x = _dialogueButtonPosX; for (int i = 0; i < _dialogueNumButtons; i++) { if (_vm->posWithinRect(_vm->_mouseX, _vm->_mouseY, x, _dialogueButtonPosY, x + 74, _dialogueButtonPosY + 9)) { _dialogueHighlightedButton = i; break; } x += _dialogueButtonXoffs; } if (_dialogueNumButtons == 0) { int e = _vm->checkInput(0, false) & 0xFF; _vm->removeInputTop(); _vm->gui_notifyButtonListChanged(); if (e == 43 || e == 61) { _vm->snd_stopSpeech(true); //_dlgTimer = 0; } if (_vm->snd_characterSpeaking() != 2) { //if (_dlgTimer < _system->getMillis()) { res = 1; if (!_vm->shouldQuit()) { _vm->removeInputTop(); _vm->gui_notifyButtonListChanged(); } //} } } else { int e = _vm->checkInput(0, false) & 0xFF; _vm->removeInputTop(); _vm->gui_notifyButtonListChanged(); switch (e) { case 43: case 61: _vm->snd_stopSpeech(true); //_dlgTimer = 0; res = _dialogueHighlightedButton + 1; break; case 92: case 97: if (_dialogueNumButtons > 1 && _dialogueHighlightedButton > 0) _dialogueHighlightedButton--; break; case 96: case 102: if (_dialogueNumButtons > 1 && _dialogueHighlightedButton < (_dialogueNumButtons - 1)) _dialogueHighlightedButton++; break; case 200: case 202: x = _dialogueButtonPosX; for (int i = 0; i < _dialogueNumButtons; i++) { if (_vm->posWithinRect(_vm->_mouseX, _vm->_mouseY, x, _dialogueButtonPosY, x + 74, _dialogueButtonPosY + 9)) { _dialogueHighlightedButton = i; res = _dialogueHighlightedButton + 1; break; } x += _dialogueButtonXoffs; } break; default: break; } } if (df != _dialogueHighlightedButton) drawDialogueButtons(); if (res == 0) return 0; _vm->updatePortraits(); if (!_vm->textEnabled() && _vm->_hideControls) { _screen->setScreenDim(5); const ScreenDim *d = _screen->getScreenDim(5); _screen->fillRect(d->sx, d->sy + d->h - 9, d->sx + d->w - 1, d->sy + d->h - 1, d->unkA); } else { const ScreenDim *d = _screen->_curDim; _screen->fillRect(d->sx, d->sy, d->sx + d->w - 2, d->sy + d->h - 1, d->unkA); _vm->_txt->clearDim(4); _vm->_txt->resetDimTextPositions(4); } return res; } void TIMInterpreter_LoL::forceDialogue(TIM *tim) { if (!tim) return; tim->procFunc = 0; tim->procParam = _dialogueNumButtons ? _dialogueNumButtons : 1; tim->clickedButton = 0; tim->dlgFunc = -1; } void TIMInterpreter_LoL::update() { _vm->update(); } void TIMInterpreter_LoL::checkSpeechProgress() { if (_vm->speechEnabled() && _currentTim->procParam > 1 && _currentTim->func[_currentFunc].loopIp) { if (_vm->snd_characterSpeaking() != 2) { _currentTim->func[_currentFunc].loopIp = 0; _currentTim->dlgFunc = _currentFunc; advanceToOpcode(21); _currentTim->dlgFunc = -1; _animations[5].field_D = 0; _animations[5].enable = 0; delete _animations[5].wsa; _animations[5].wsa = 0; } } } char *TIMInterpreter_LoL::getTableString(int id) { return _vm->getLangString(id); } int TIMInterpreter_LoL::execCommand(int cmd, const uint16 *param) { if (cmd < 0 || cmd >= _commandsSize) { warning("Calling unimplemented TIM command %d from file '%s'", cmd, _currentTim->filename); return 0; } if (_commands[cmd].proc == 0) { warning("Calling unimplemented TIM command %d from file '%s'", cmd, _currentTim->filename); return 0; } debugC(5, kDebugLevelScript, "TIMInterpreter::%s(%p)", _commands[cmd].desc, (const void* )param); return (this->*_commands[cmd].proc)(param); } int TIMInterpreter_LoL::cmd_setLoopIp(const uint16 *param) { if (_vm->speechEnabled()) { if (_vm->snd_characterSpeaking() == 2) _currentTim->func[_currentFunc].loopIp = _currentTim->func[_currentFunc].ip; else advanceToOpcode(21); } else { _currentTim->func[_currentFunc].loopIp = _currentTim->func[_currentFunc].ip; } return 1; } int TIMInterpreter_LoL::cmd_continueLoop(const uint16 *param) { TIM::Function &func = _currentTim->func[_currentFunc]; if (!func.loopIp) return -2; func.ip = func.loopIp; if (_vm->snd_characterSpeaking() != 2) { uint16 factor = param[0]; if (factor) { const uint32 random = _vm->_rnd.getRandomNumberRng(0, 0x8000); uint32 waitTime = (random * factor) / 0x8000; func.nextTime += waitTime * _vm->tickLength(); } } return -2; } int TIMInterpreter_LoL::cmd_processDialogue(const uint16 *param) { int res = processDialogue(); if (!res || !_currentTim->procParam) return res; _vm->snd_stopSpeech(false); _currentTim->func[_currentTim->procFunc].loopIp = 0; _currentTim->dlgFunc = _currentTim->procFunc; _currentTim->procFunc = -1; _currentTim->clickedButton = res; _animations[5].field_D = 0; _animations[5].enable = 0; delete _animations[5].wsa; _animations[5].wsa = 0; if (_currentTim->procParam) advanceToOpcode(21); return res; } int TIMInterpreter_LoL::cmd_dialogueBox(const uint16 *param) { uint16 func = *param; assert(func < TIM::kCountFuncs); _currentTim->procParam = func; _currentTim->clickedButton = 0; const char *tmpStr[3]; int cnt = 0; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if (param[i] != 0xffff) { tmpStr[i-1] = getTableString(param[i]); cnt++; } else { tmpStr[i-1] = 0; } } drawDialogueBox(cnt, tmpStr[0], tmpStr[1], tmpStr[2]); _vm->gui_notifyButtonListChanged(); return -3; } #endif // ENABLE_LOL } // end of namespace Kyra