/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ #include "kyra/kyra_mr.h" #include "kyra/resource.h" namespace Kyra { void KyraEngine_MR::showBadConscience() { if (_badConscienceShown) return; _badConscienceShown = true; _badConscienceAnim = _rnd.getRandomNumberRng(0, 2); if (_currentChapter == 2) _badConscienceAnim = 5; else if (_currentChapter == 3) _badConscienceAnim = 3; else if (_currentChapter == 4 && _rnd.getRandomNumberRng(1, 100) <= 25) _badConscienceAnim = 6; else if (_currentChapter == 5 && _rnd.getRandomNumberRng(1, 100) <= 25) _badConscienceAnim = 7; else if (_characterShapeFile == 9) _badConscienceAnim = 4; _badConsciencePosition = (_mainCharacter.x1 <= 160); if (_goodConscienceShown) _badConsciencePosition = !_goodConsciencePosition; int anim = _badConscienceAnim + (_badConsciencePosition ? 0 : 8); TalkObject &talkObject = _talkObjectList[1]; if (_badConsciencePosition) talkObject.x = 290; else talkObject.x = 30; talkObject.y = 30; static const char *animFilenames[] = { "GUNFL00.WSA", "GUNFL01.WSA", "GUNFL02.WSA", "GUNFL03.WSA", "GUNFL04.WSA", "GUNFL05.WSA", "GUNFL06.WSA", "GUNFL07.WSA", "GUNFR00.WSA", "GUNFR01.WSA", "GUNFR02.WSA", "GUNFR03.WSA", "GUNFR04.WSA", "GUNFR05.WSA", "GUNFR06.WSA", "GUNFR07.WSA" }; setupSceneAnimObject(0x0E, 9, 0, 187, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, animFilenames[anim]); for (uint i = 0; i <= _badConscienceFrameTable[_badConscienceAnim]; ++i) { if (i == 8) snd_playSoundEffect(0x1B, 0xC8); updateSceneAnim(0x0E, i); delay(3*_tickLength, true); } if (_mainCharacter.animFrame < 50 || _mainCharacter.animFrame > 87) return; if (_mainCharacter.y1 == -1 || (_mainCharacter.x1 != -1 && _mainCharacter.animFrame == 87) || _mainCharacter.animFrame == 87) { _mainCharacter.animFrame = 87; } else { if (_badConsciencePosition) _mainCharacter.facing = 3; else _mainCharacter.facing = 5; _mainCharacter.animFrame = _characterFrameTable[_mainCharacter.facing]; } updateCharacterAnim(0); refreshAnimObjectsIfNeed(); } void KyraEngine_MR::hideBadConscience() { if (!_badConscienceShown) return; _badConscienceShown = false; for (int frame = _badConscienceFrameTable[_badConscienceAnim+8]; frame >= 0; --frame) { if (frame == 15) snd_playSoundEffect(0x31, 0xC8); updateSceneAnim(0x0E, frame); delay(1*_tickLength, true); } updateSceneAnim(0x0E, -1); update(); removeSceneAnimObject(0x0E, 1); setNextIdleAnimTimer(); } void KyraEngine_MR::showGoodConscience() { if (_goodConscienceShown) return; _goodConscienceShown = true; ++_goodConscienceAnim; _goodConscienceAnim %= 5; setNextIdleAnimTimer(); _goodConsciencePosition = (_mainCharacter.x1 <= 160); if (_badConscienceShown) _goodConsciencePosition = !_badConsciencePosition; int anim = _goodConscienceAnim + (_goodConsciencePosition ? 0 : 5); TalkObject &talkObject = _talkObjectList[87]; if (_goodConsciencePosition) talkObject.x = 290; else talkObject.x = 30; talkObject.y = 30; static const char *animFilenames[] = { "STUFL00.WSA", "STUFL02.WSA", "STUFL04.WSA", "STUFL03.WSA", "STUFL01.WSA", "STUFR00.WSA", "STUFR02.WSA", "STUFR04.WSA", "STUFR03.WSA", "STUFR01.WSA" }; setupSceneAnimObject(0x0F, 9, 0, 187, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, animFilenames[anim]); for (uint i = 0; i <= _goodConscienceFrameTable[_goodConscienceAnim]; ++i) { if (i == 10) snd_playSoundEffect(0x7F, 0xC8); updateSceneAnim(0x0F, i); delay(2*_tickLength, true); } if (_mainCharacter.animFrame < 50 || _mainCharacter.animFrame > 87) return; if (_mainCharacter.y1 == -1 || (_mainCharacter.x1 != -1 && _mainCharacter.animFrame == 87) || _mainCharacter.animFrame == 87) { _mainCharacter.animFrame = 87; } else { if (_goodConsciencePosition) _mainCharacter.facing = 3; else _mainCharacter.facing = 5; _mainCharacter.animFrame = _characterFrameTable[_mainCharacter.facing]; } updateCharacterAnim(0); refreshAnimObjectsIfNeed(); } void KyraEngine_MR::hideGoodConscience() { if (!_goodConscienceShown) return; _goodConscienceShown = false; for (int frame = _goodConscienceFrameTable[_goodConscienceAnim+5]; frame >= 0; --frame) { if (frame == 17) snd_playSoundEffect(0x31, 0xC8); updateSceneAnim(0x0F, frame); delay(1*_tickLength, true); } updateSceneAnim(0x0F, -1); update(); removeSceneAnimObject(0x0F, 1); setNextIdleAnimTimer(); } void KyraEngine_MR::eelScript() { if (_chatText) return; _screen->hideMouse(); if (_inventoryState) hideInventory(); removeHandItem(); objectChat((const char*)getTableEntry(_cCodeFile, 35), 0, 204, 35); objectChat((const char*)getTableEntry(_cCodeFile, 40), 0, 204, 40); setGameFlag(0xD1); snd_playSoundEffect(0x2A, 0xC8); setGameFlag(0x171); switch (_characterShapeFile-1) { case 0: runAnimationScript("EELS01.EMC", 0, 0, 1, 1); break; case 1: runAnimationScript("EELS02.EMC", 0, 0, 1, 1); break; case 2: runAnimationScript("EELS03.EMC", 0, 0, 1, 1); break; case 3: runAnimationScript("EELS04.EMC", 0, 0, 1, 1); break; default: resetGameFlag(0x171); runAnimationScript("EELS00.EMC", 0, 0, 1, 1); break; } changeChapter(2, 29, 0, 4); _screen->showMouse(); } int KyraEngine_MR::initAnimationShapes(uint8 *filedata) { const int lastEntry = MIN(_animShapeLastEntry, 41); for (int i = 0; i < lastEntry; ++i) _gameShapes[9+i] = _screen->getPtrToShape(filedata, i); return lastEntry; } void KyraEngine_MR::uninitAnimationShapes(int count, uint8 *filedata) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) _gameShapes[9+i] = 0; delete[] filedata; setNextIdleAnimTimer(); } } // end of namespace Kyra