/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
 * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
 * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
 * file distributed with this source distribution.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "kyra/sound_digital.h"
#include "kyra/resource.h"
#include "kyra/kyra_mr.h"

#include "audio/audiostream.h"

#include "audio/decoders/mp3.h"
#include "audio/decoders/vorbis.h"
#include "audio/decoders/flac.h"

namespace Kyra {

class KyraAudioStream : public Audio::SeekableAudioStream {
	KyraAudioStream(Audio::SeekableAudioStream *impl) : _impl(impl), _rate(impl->getRate()), _fadeSamples(0), _fadeCount(0), _fading(0), _endOfData(false) {}
	~KyraAudioStream() { delete _impl; _impl = 0; }

	int readBuffer(int16 *buffer, const int numSamples);
	bool isStereo() const { return _impl->isStereo(); }
	bool endOfData() const { return _impl->endOfData() | _endOfData; }
	int getRate() const { return _rate; }

	void setRate(int newRate) { _rate = newRate; }
	void beginFadeOut(uint32 millis);

	bool seek(const Audio::Timestamp &where) { return _impl->seek(where); }
	Audio::Timestamp getLength() const { return _impl->getLength(); }
	Audio::SeekableAudioStream *_impl;

	int _rate;

	int32 _fadeSamples;
	int32 _fadeCount;
	int _fading;

	bool _endOfData;

void KyraAudioStream::beginFadeOut(uint32 millis) {
	_fadeSamples = (millis * getRate()) / 1000;
	if (_fading == 0)
		_fadeCount = _fadeSamples;
	_fading = -1;

int KyraAudioStream::readBuffer(int16 *buffer, const int numSamples) {
	int samplesRead = _impl->readBuffer(buffer, numSamples);

	if (_fading) {
		int samplesProcessed = 0;
		for (; samplesProcessed < samplesRead; ++samplesProcessed) {
			// To help avoid overflows for long fade times, we divide both
			// _fadeSamples and _fadeCount when calculating the new sample.

			int32 div = _fadeSamples / 256;
			if (_fading) {
				*buffer = (*buffer * (_fadeCount / 256)) / div;

				_fadeCount += _fading;

				if (_fadeCount < 0) {
					_fadeCount = 0;
					_endOfData = true;
				} else if (_fadeCount > _fadeSamples) {
					_fadeCount = _fadeSamples;
					_fading = 0;

		if (_endOfData) {
			memset(buffer, 0, (samplesRead - samplesProcessed) * sizeof(int16));
			samplesRead = samplesProcessed;

	return samplesRead;

// Thanks to Torbjorn Andersson (eriktorbjorn) for his aud player on which
// this code is based on

// TODO: cleanup of whole AUDStream

class AUDStream : public Audio::SeekableAudioStream {
	AUDStream(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream);

	int readBuffer(int16 *buffer, const int numSamples);

	bool isStereo() const { return false; }
	bool endOfData() const { return _endOfData; }

	int getRate() const { return _rate; }

	bool seek(const Audio::Timestamp &where);
	Audio::Timestamp getLength() const { return _length; }
	Common::SeekableReadStream *_stream;
	uint32 _streamStart;
	bool _endOfData;
	int _rate;
	uint _processedSize;
	uint _totalSize;
	Audio::Timestamp _length;

	int _bytesLeft;

	byte *_outBuffer;
	int _outBufferOffset;
	uint _outBufferSize;

	byte *_inBuffer;
	uint _inBufferSize;

	int readChunk(int16 *buffer, const int maxSamples);

	static const int8 WSTable2Bit[];
	static const int8 WSTable4Bit[];

const int8 AUDStream::WSTable2Bit[] = { -2, -1, 0, 1 };
const int8 AUDStream::WSTable4Bit[] = {
	-9, -8, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1,
	 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  8

AUDStream::AUDStream(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) : _stream(stream), _endOfData(true), _rate(0),
	_processedSize(0), _totalSize(0), _length(0, 1), _bytesLeft(0), _outBuffer(0),
	_outBufferOffset(0), _outBufferSize(0), _inBuffer(0), _inBufferSize(0) {

	_rate = _stream->readUint16LE();
	_totalSize = _stream->readUint32LE();

	// TODO?: add checks
	int flags = _stream->readByte();	// flags
	int type = _stream->readByte();	// type

	_streamStart = stream->pos();

	debugC(5, kDebugLevelSound, "AUD Info: rate: %d, totalSize: %d, flags: %d, type: %d, streamStart: %d", _rate, _totalSize, flags, type, _streamStart);

	_length = Audio::Timestamp(0, _rate);
	for (uint32 i = 0; i < _totalSize;) {
		uint16 size = _stream->readUint16LE();
		uint16 outSize = _stream->readUint16LE();

		_length = _length.addFrames(outSize);
		stream->seek(size + 4, SEEK_CUR);
		i += size + 8;

	stream->seek(_streamStart, SEEK_SET);

	if (type == 1 && !flags)
		_endOfData = false;
		warning("No AUD file (rate: %d, size: %d, flags: 0x%X, type: %d)", _rate, _totalSize, flags, type);

AUDStream::~AUDStream() {
	delete[] _outBuffer;
	delete[] _inBuffer;
	delete _stream;

int AUDStream::readBuffer(int16 *buffer, const int numSamples) {
	int samplesRead = 0, samplesLeft = numSamples;

	while (samplesLeft > 0 && !_endOfData) {
		int samples = readChunk(buffer, samplesLeft);
		samplesRead += samples;
		samplesLeft -= samples;
		buffer += samples;

	return samplesRead;

inline int16 clip8BitSample(int16 sample) {
	if (sample > 255)
		return 255;
	if (sample < 0)
		return 0;
	return sample;

int AUDStream::readChunk(int16 *buffer, const int maxSamples) {
	int samplesProcessed = 0;

	// if no bytes of the old chunk are left, read the next one
	if (_bytesLeft <= 0) {
		if (_processedSize >= _totalSize) {
			_endOfData = true;
			return 0;

		uint16 size = _stream->readUint16LE();
		uint16 outSize = _stream->readUint16LE();
		uint32 id = _stream->readUint32LE();

		assert(id == 0x0000DEAF);

		_processedSize += 8 + size;

		_outBufferOffset = 0;
		if (size == outSize) {
			if (outSize > _outBufferSize) {
				_outBufferSize = outSize;
				delete[] _outBuffer;
				_outBuffer = new uint8[_outBufferSize];

			_bytesLeft = size;

			_stream->read(_outBuffer, _bytesLeft);
		} else {
			_bytesLeft = outSize;

			if (outSize > _outBufferSize) {
				_outBufferSize = outSize;
				delete[] _outBuffer;
				_outBuffer = new uint8[_outBufferSize];

			if (size > _inBufferSize) {
				_inBufferSize = size;
				delete[] _inBuffer;
				_inBuffer = new uint8[_inBufferSize];

			if (_stream->read(_inBuffer, size) != size) {
				_endOfData = true;
				return 0;

			int16 curSample = 0x80;
			byte code = 0;
			int8 count = 0;
			uint16 input = 0;
			int j = 0;
			int i = 0;

			while (outSize > 0) {
				input = _inBuffer[i++] << 2;
				code = (input >> 8) & 0xFF;
				count = (input & 0xFF) >> 2;

				switch (code) {
				case 2:
					if (count & 0x20) {
						/* NOTE: count is signed! */
						count <<= 3;
						curSample += (count >> 3);
						_outBuffer[j++] = curSample & 0xFF;
					} else {
						for (; count >= 0; count--) {
							_outBuffer[j++] = _inBuffer[i++];
						curSample = _inBuffer[i - 1];
				case 1:
					for (; count >= 0; count--) {
						code = _inBuffer[i++];

						curSample += WSTable4Bit[code & 0x0F];
						curSample = clip8BitSample(curSample);
						_outBuffer[j++] = curSample;

						curSample += WSTable4Bit[code >> 4];
						curSample = clip8BitSample(curSample);
						_outBuffer[j++] = curSample;

						outSize -= 2;
				case 0:
					for (; count >= 0; count--) {
						code = (uint8)_inBuffer[i++];

						curSample += WSTable2Bit[code & 0x03];
						curSample = clip8BitSample(curSample);
						_outBuffer[j++] = curSample & 0xFF;

						curSample += WSTable2Bit[(code >> 2) & 0x03];
						curSample = clip8BitSample(curSample);
						_outBuffer[j++] = curSample & 0xFF;

						curSample += WSTable2Bit[(code >> 4) & 0x03];
						curSample = clip8BitSample(curSample);
						_outBuffer[j++] = curSample & 0xFF;

						curSample += WSTable2Bit[(code >> 6) & 0x03];
						curSample = clip8BitSample(curSample);
						_outBuffer[j++] = curSample & 0xFF;

						outSize -= 4;
					for (; count >= 0; count--) {
						_outBuffer[j++] = curSample & 0xFF;

	// copies the chunk data to the output buffer
	if (_bytesLeft > 0) {
		int samples = MIN(_bytesLeft, maxSamples);
		samplesProcessed += samples;
		_bytesLeft -= samples;

		while (samples--) {
			int16 sample = (_outBuffer[_outBufferOffset++] << 8) ^ 0x8000;

			*buffer++ = sample;

	return samplesProcessed;

bool AUDStream::seek(const Audio::Timestamp &where) {
	const uint32 seekSample = Audio::convertTimeToStreamPos(where, getRate(), isStereo()).totalNumberOfFrames();

	_processedSize = 0;
	_bytesLeft = 0;
	_endOfData = false;

	uint32 curSample = 0;

	while (!endOfData()) {
		uint16 size = _stream->readUint16LE();
		uint16 outSize = _stream->readUint16LE();

		if (curSample + outSize > seekSample) {
			_stream->seek(-4, SEEK_CUR);

			uint32 samples = seekSample - curSample;
			int16 *temp = new int16[samples];

			readChunk(temp, samples);
			delete[] temp;
			curSample += samples;
		} else {
			curSample += outSize;
			_processedSize += 8 + size;
			_stream->seek(size + 4, SEEK_CUR);

	_endOfData = (_processedSize >= _totalSize);

	return (curSample == seekSample);

#pragma mark -

SoundDigital::SoundDigital(KyraEngine_MR *vm, Audio::Mixer *mixer) : _vm(vm), _mixer(mixer) {
	for (uint i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(_sounds); ++i)
		_sounds[i].stream = 0;

SoundDigital::~SoundDigital() {
	for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(_sounds); ++i)

int SoundDigital::playSound(const char *filename, uint8 priority, Audio::Mixer::SoundType type, int volume, bool loop, int channel) {
	Sound *use = 0;
	if (channel != -1 && channel < ARRAYSIZE(_sounds)) {
		use = &_sounds[channel];
	} else {
		for (channel = 0; !use && channel < ARRAYSIZE(_sounds); ++channel) {
			if (!isPlaying(channel)) {
				use = &_sounds[channel];

		for (channel = 0; !use && channel < ARRAYSIZE(_sounds); ++channel) {
			if (strcmp(_sounds[channel].filename, filename) == 0) {
				use = &_sounds[channel];

		for (channel = 0; !use && channel < ARRAYSIZE(_sounds); ++channel) {
			if (_sounds[channel].priority <= priority) {
				use = &_sounds[channel];

		if (!use) {
			warning("no free sound channel");
			return -1;

	Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = 0;
	int usedCodec = -1;
	for (int i = 0; _supportedCodecs[i].fileext; ++i) {
		Common::String file = filename;
		file += _supportedCodecs[i].fileext;

		if (!_vm->resource()->exists(file.c_str()))

		stream = _vm->resource()->createReadStream(file);
		usedCodec = i;

	if (!stream) {
		warning("Couldn't find soundfile '%s'", filename);
		return -1;

	Common::strlcpy(use->filename, filename, sizeof(use->filename));
	use->priority = priority;
	debugC(5, kDebugLevelSound, "playSound: \"%s\"", use->filename);
	Audio::SeekableAudioStream *audioStream = _supportedCodecs[usedCodec].streamFunc(stream, DisposeAfterUse::YES);
	if (!audioStream) {
		warning("Couldn't create audio stream for file '%s'", filename);
		return -1;
	use->stream = new KyraAudioStream(audioStream);
	if (use->stream->endOfData()) {
		delete use->stream;
		use->stream = 0;

		return -1;

	if (volume > 255)
		volume = 255;
	volume = (volume * Audio::Mixer::kMaxChannelVolume) / 255;

	if (type == Audio::Mixer::kSpeechSoundType && _vm->heliumMode())

	_mixer->playStream(type, &use->handle, makeLoopingAudioStream(use->stream, loop ? 0 : 1), -1, volume);
	return use - _sounds;

bool SoundDigital::isPlaying(int channel) {
	if (channel == -1)
		return false;

	assert(channel >= 0 && channel < ARRAYSIZE(_sounds));

	if (!_sounds[channel].stream)
		return false;

	return _mixer->isSoundHandleActive(_sounds[channel].handle);

void SoundDigital::stopSound(int channel) {
	if (channel == -1)

	assert(channel >= 0 && channel < ARRAYSIZE(_sounds));
	_sounds[channel].stream = 0;

void SoundDigital::stopAllSounds() {
	for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(_sounds); ++i) {
		if (isPlaying(i))

void SoundDigital::beginFadeOut(int channel, int ticks) {
	if (isPlaying(channel))
		_sounds[channel].stream->beginFadeOut(ticks * _vm->tickLength());

// static res

namespace {

Audio::SeekableAudioStream *makeAUDStream(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream, DisposeAfterUse::Flag disposeAfterUse) {
	return new AUDStream(stream);

} // end of anonymous namespace

const SoundDigital::AudioCodecs SoundDigital::_supportedCodecs[] = {
#ifdef USE_FLAC
	{ ".FLA", Audio::makeFLACStream },
#endif // USE_FLAC
	{ ".OGG", Audio::makeVorbisStream },
#endif // USE_VORBIS
#ifdef USE_MAD
	{ ".MP3", Audio::makeMP3Stream },
#endif // USE_MAD
	{ ".AUD", makeAUDStream },
	{ 0, 0 }

} // End of namespace Kyra