/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ /* * This code is based on Labyrinth of Time code with assistance of * * Copyright (c) 1993 Terra Nova Development * Copyright (c) 2004 The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co. * */ #include "lab/lab.h" #include "lab/diff.h" #include "lab/parsetypes.h" #include "lab/labfun.h" #include "lab/parsefun.h" #include "lab/mouse.h" #include "lab/text.h" #include "lab/resource.h" namespace Lab { BitMap bit1, bit2, *DispBitMap = &bit1, *DrawBitMap = &bit1; extern BitMap RawDiffBM; extern char diffcmap[256 * 3]; extern bool IsBM, nopalchange; extern bool DoBlack, stopsound; extern TextFont *MsgFont; extern const char *CurFileName; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*------ From readPict.c. Reads in pictures and animations from disk. ------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*****************************************************************************/ /* Reads in a picture into the dest bitmap. */ /*****************************************************************************/ bool readPict(const char *filename, bool playOnce) { stopDiff(); byte **file = g_lab->_music->newOpen(filename); if (file == NULL) { if ((filename[0] == 'p') || (filename[0] == 'P')) blackScreen(); return false; } DispBitMap->BytesPerRow = g_lab->_screenWidth; DispBitMap->Rows = g_lab->_screenHeight; DispBitMap->Flags = BITMAPF_VIDEO; readDiff(playOnce); return true; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Reads in a music file. Ignores any graphics. */ /*****************************************************************************/ bool readMusic(const char *filename, bool waitTillFinished) { Common::File *file = g_lab->_resource->openDataFile(filename, MKTAG('D', 'I', 'F', 'F')); g_lab->_music->updateMusic(); if (!g_lab->_music->_doNotFilestopSoundEffect) g_lab->_music->stopSoundEffect(); if (!file) return false; DoBlack = false; readSound(waitTillFinished, file); return true; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Reads in a picture into buffer memory. */ /*****************************************************************************/ byte *readPictToMem(const char *filename, uint16 x, uint16 y) { byte *mem; stopDiff(); allocFile((void **)&mem, (int32)x * (int32)y, "Bitmap"); byte *curMem = mem; byte **file = g_lab->_music->newOpen(filename); if (file == NULL) return NULL; DispBitMap->BytesPerRow = x; DispBitMap->Rows = y; DispBitMap->Flags = 0; DispBitMap->Planes[0] = curMem; DispBitMap->Planes[1] = DispBitMap->Planes[0] + 0x10000; DispBitMap->Planes[2] = DispBitMap->Planes[1] + 0x10000; DispBitMap->Planes[3] = DispBitMap->Planes[2] + 0x10000; DispBitMap->Planes[4] = DispBitMap->Planes[3] + 0x10000; readDiff(true); return mem; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*------------ Does all the text rendering to the message boxes. ------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool DoNotDrawMessage = false; extern bool LongWinInFront, Alternate; /*----- The flowText routines -----*/ /******************************************************************************/ /* Extracts the first word from a string. */ /******************************************************************************/ static void getWord(char *wordBuffer, const char *mainBuffer, uint16 *wordWidth) { uint16 width = 0; while ((mainBuffer[width] != ' ') && mainBuffer[width] && (mainBuffer[width] != '\n')) { wordBuffer[width] = mainBuffer[width]; width++; } wordBuffer[width] = 0; *wordWidth = width; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Gets a line of text for flowText; makes sure that its length is less than */ /* or equal to the maximum width. */ /******************************************************************************/ static void getLine(TextFont *tf, char *lineBuffer, const char **mainBuffer, uint16 lineWidth) { uint16 curWidth = 0, wordWidth; char wordBuffer[100]; bool doit = true; lineWidth += textLength(tf, " ", 1); lineBuffer[0] = 0; while ((*mainBuffer)[0] && doit) { getWord(wordBuffer, *mainBuffer, &wordWidth); strcat(wordBuffer, " "); if ((curWidth + textLength(tf, wordBuffer, wordWidth + 1)) <= lineWidth) { strcat(lineBuffer, wordBuffer); (*mainBuffer) += wordWidth; if ((*mainBuffer)[0] == '\n') doit = false; if ((*mainBuffer)[0]) (*mainBuffer)++; curWidth = textLength(tf, lineBuffer, strlen(lineBuffer)); } else doit = false; } } /******************************************************************************/ /* Dumps a chunk of text to an arbitrary box; flows it within that box and */ /* optionally centers it. Returns the number of characters that were */ /* processed. */ /* */ /* Note: Every individual word MUST be int16 enough to fit on a line, and */ /* each line less than 255 characters. */ /******************************************************************************/ uint32 flowText(void *font, /* the TextAttr pointer */ int16 spacing, /* How much vertical spacing between the lines */ byte pencolor, /* pen number to use for text */ byte backpen, /* the background color */ bool fillback, /* Whether to fill the background */ bool centerh, /* Whether to center the text horizontally */ bool centerv, /* Whether to center the text vertically */ bool output, /* Whether to output any text */ uint16 x1, /* Cords */ uint16 y1, uint16 x2, uint16 y2, const char *str) { /* The text itself */ TextFont *msgfont = (TextFont *)font; char linebuffer[256]; const char *temp; uint16 numlines, actlines, fontheight, width; uint16 x, y; if (fillback) { g_lab->setAPen(backpen); g_lab->rectFill(x1, y1, x2, y2); } if (str == NULL) return 0L; g_lab->setAPen(pencolor); fontheight = textHeight(msgfont) + spacing; numlines = (y2 - y1 + 1) / fontheight; width = x2 - x1 + 1; y = y1; if (centerv && output) { temp = str; actlines = 0; while (temp[0]) { getLine(msgfont, linebuffer, &temp, width); actlines++; } if (actlines <= numlines) y += ((y2 - y1 + 1) - (actlines * fontheight)) / 2; } temp = str; while (numlines && str[0]) { getLine(msgfont, linebuffer, &str, width); x = x1; if (centerh) x += (width - textLength(msgfont, linebuffer, strlen(linebuffer))) / 2; if (output) text(msgfont, x, y, pencolor, linebuffer, strlen(linebuffer)); numlines--; y += fontheight; } return (str - temp); } /******************************************************************************/ /* Calls flowText, but flows it to memory. Same restrictions as flowText. */ /******************************************************************************/ uint32 flowTextToMem(Image *destIm, void *font, /* the TextAttr pointer */ int16 spacing, /* How much vertical spacing between the lines */ byte pencolor, /* pen number to use for text */ byte backpen, /* the background color */ bool fillback, /* Whether to fill the background */ bool centerh, /* Whether to center the text horizontally */ bool centerv, /* Whether to center the text vertically */ bool output, /* Whether to output any text */ uint16 x1, /* Cords */ uint16 y1, uint16 x2, uint16 y2, const char *str) { /* The text itself */ uint32 res, vgabyte = g_lab->_screenBytesPerPage; byte *tmp = g_lab->_currentDisplayBuffer; g_lab->_currentDisplayBuffer = destIm->ImageData; g_lab->_screenBytesPerPage = (uint32)destIm->Width * (int32)destIm->Height; res = flowText(font, spacing, pencolor, backpen, fillback, centerh, centerv, output, x1, y1, x2, y2, str); g_lab->_screenBytesPerPage = vgabyte; g_lab->_currentDisplayBuffer = tmp; return res; } /*----- The control panel stuff -----*/ void createBox(uint16 y2) { g_lab->setAPen(7); /* Message box area */ g_lab->rectFill(VGAScaleX(4), VGAScaleY(154), VGAScaleX(315), VGAScaleY(y2 - 2)); g_lab->setAPen(0); /* Box around message area */ g_lab->drawHLine(VGAScaleX(2), VGAScaleY(152), VGAScaleX(317)); g_lab->drawVLine(VGAScaleX(317), VGAScaleY(152), VGAScaleY(y2)); g_lab->drawHLine(VGAScaleX(2), VGAScaleY(y2), VGAScaleX(317)); g_lab->drawVLine(VGAScaleX(2), VGAScaleY(152), VGAScaleY(y2)); } int32 LabEngine::longDrawMessage(const char *str) { char newText[512]; if (str == NULL) return 0; _event->attachGadgetList(NULL); _event->mouseHide(); strcpy(newText, str); if (!LongWinInFront) { LongWinInFront = true; setAPen(3); /* Clear Area */ rectFill(0, VGAScaleY(149) + SVGACord(2), VGAScaleX(319), VGAScaleY(199)); } createBox(198); _event->mouseShow(); return flowText(MsgFont, 0, 1, 7, false, true, true, true, VGAScaleX(6), VGAScaleY(155), VGAScaleX(313), VGAScaleY(195), str); } void LabEngine::drawStaticMessage(byte index) { drawMessage(_resource->getStaticText((StaticText)index).c_str()); } /******************************************************************************/ /* Draws a message to the message box. */ /******************************************************************************/ void LabEngine::drawMessage(const char *str) { if (DoNotDrawMessage) { DoNotDrawMessage = false; return; } if (str) { if ((textLength(MsgFont, str, strlen(str)) > VGAScaleX(306))) { longDrawMessage(str); _lastMessageLong = true; } else { if (LongWinInFront) { LongWinInFront = false; drawPanel(); } _event->mouseHide(); createBox(168); text(MsgFont, VGAScaleX(7), VGAScaleY(155) + SVGACord(2), 1, str, strlen(str)); _event->mouseShow(); _lastMessageLong = false; } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------------------------- All the wipe stuff. ---------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define TRANSWIPE 1 #define SCROLLWIPE 2 #define SCROLLBLACK 3 #define SCROLLBOUNCE 4 #define TRANSPORTER 5 #define READFIRSTFRAME 6 #define READNEXTFRAME 7 /*****************************************************************************/ /* Scrolls the display to black. */ /*****************************************************************************/ void LabEngine::doScrollBlack() { byte *mem, *tempmem; Image im; uint32 size, copysize; uint32 *baseAddr; _event->mouseHide(); uint16 width = VGAScaleX(320); uint16 height = VGAScaleY(149) + SVGACord(2); allocFile((void **)&mem, (int32)width * (int32)height, "Temp Mem"); im.Width = width; im.Height = height; im.ImageData = mem; _music->updateMusic(); readScreenImage(&im, 0, 0); _music->updateMusic(); baseAddr = (uint32 *)getCurrentDrawingBuffer(); uint16 by = VGAScaleX(4); uint16 nheight = height; while (nheight) { _music->updateMusic(); if (!_isHiRes) waitTOF(); baseAddr = (uint32 *)getCurrentDrawingBuffer(); if (by > nheight) by = nheight; mem += by * width; nheight -= by; size = (int32)nheight * (int32)width; tempmem = mem; while (size) { if (size > _screenBytesPerPage) copysize = _screenBytesPerPage; else copysize = size; size -= copysize; memcpy(baseAddr, tempmem, copysize); tempmem += copysize; } setAPen(0); rectFill(0, nheight, width - 1, nheight + by - 1); screenUpdate(); if (!_isHiRes) { if (nheight <= (height / 8)) by = 1; else if (nheight <= (height / 4)) by = 2; else if (nheight <= (height / 2)) by = 3; } } freeAllStolenMem(); _event->mouseShow(); } extern BitMap RawDiffBM; extern DIFFHeader headerdata; static void copyPage(uint16 width, uint16 height, uint16 nheight, uint16 startline, byte *mem) { uint32 size, offSet, copysize; uint16 curPage; uint32 *baseAddr; baseAddr = (uint32 *)g_lab->getCurrentDrawingBuffer(); size = (int32)(height - nheight) * (int32)width; mem += startline * width; curPage = ((int32)nheight * (int32)width) / g_lab->_screenBytesPerPage; offSet = ((int32)nheight * (int32)width) - (curPage * g_lab->_screenBytesPerPage); while (size) { if (size > (g_lab->_screenBytesPerPage - offSet)) copysize = g_lab->_screenBytesPerPage - offSet; else copysize = size; size -= copysize; memcpy(baseAddr + (offSet >> 2), mem, copysize); mem += copysize; curPage++; offSet = 0; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Scrolls the display to a new picture from a black screen. */ /*****************************************************************************/ void LabEngine::doScrollWipe(char *filename) { uint16 startline = 0, onrow = 0; _event->mouseHide(); uint16 width = VGAScaleX(320); uint16 height = VGAScaleY(149) + SVGACord(2); while (_music->isSoundEffectActive()) { _music->updateMusic(); waitTOF(); } IsBM = true; readPict(filename, true); setPalette(diffcmap, 256); IsBM = false; byte *mem = RawDiffBM.Planes[0]; _music->updateMusic(); uint16 by = VGAScaleX(3); uint16 nheight = height; while (onrow < headerdata.y) { _music->updateMusic(); if ((by > nheight) && nheight) by = nheight; if ((startline + by) > (headerdata.y - height - 1)) break; if (nheight) nheight -= by; copyPage(width, height, nheight, startline, mem); screenUpdate(); if (!nheight) startline += by; onrow += by; if (nheight <= (height / 4)) by = VGAScaleX(5); else if (nheight <= (height / 3)) by = VGAScaleX(4); else if (nheight <= (height / 2)) by = VGAScaleX(3); } _event->mouseShow(); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Does the scroll bounce. Assumes bitmap already in memory. */ /*****************************************************************************/ void LabEngine::doScrollBounce() { const uint16 *newby, *newby1; const uint16 newbyd[5] = {5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, newby1d[8] = {3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1}; const uint16 newbyw[5] = {10, 8, 6, 4, 2}, newby1w[8] = {6, 6, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2}; if (getPlatform() != Common::kPlatformWindows) { newby = newbyd; newby1 = newby1d; } else { newby = newbyw; newby1 = newby1w; } _event->mouseHide(); int width = VGAScaleX(320); int height = VGAScaleY(149) + SVGACord(2); byte *mem = RawDiffBM.Planes[0]; _music->updateMusic(); int startline = headerdata.y - height - 1; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { _music->updateMusic(); startline -= newby[i]; copyPage(width, height, 0, startline, mem); screenUpdate(); waitTOF(); } for (int i = 8; i > 0; i--) { _music->updateMusic(); startline += newby1[i - 1]; copyPage(width, height, 0, startline, mem); screenUpdate(); waitTOF(); } _event->mouseShow(); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Does the transporter wipe. */ /*****************************************************************************/ void LabEngine::doTransWipe(CloseDataPtr *cPtr, char *filename) { uint16 lastY, curY, linesdone = 0, lineslast; Image imSource, imDest; if (_isHiRes) { lineslast = 3; lastY = 358; } else { lineslast = 1; lastY = 148; } for (uint16 i = 0; i < 2; i++) { curY = i * 2; while (curY < lastY) { if (linesdone >= lineslast) { _music->updateMusic(); waitTOF(); linesdone = 0; } ghoastRect(0, 0, curY, _screenWidth - 1, curY + 1); curY += 4; linesdone++; } } setAPen(0); for (uint16 i = 0; i < 2; i++) { curY = i * 2; while (curY <= lastY) { if (linesdone >= lineslast) { _music->updateMusic(); waitTOF(); linesdone = 0; } rectFill(0, curY, _screenWidth - 1, curY + 1); curY += 4; linesdone++; } } if (filename == NULL) CurFileName = getPictName(cPtr); else if (filename[0] > ' ') CurFileName = filename; else CurFileName = getPictName(cPtr); byte *BitMapMem = readPictToMem(CurFileName, _screenWidth, lastY + 5); setPalette(diffcmap, 256); if (BitMapMem) { imSource.Width = _screenWidth; imSource.Height = lastY; imSource.ImageData = BitMapMem; imDest.Width = _screenWidth; imDest.Height = _screenHeight; imDest.ImageData = getCurrentDrawingBuffer(); for (uint16 i = 0; i < 2; i++) { curY = i * 2; while (curY < lastY) { if (linesdone >= lineslast) { _music->updateMusic(); waitTOF(); linesdone = 0; } imDest.ImageData = getCurrentDrawingBuffer(); bltBitMap(&imSource, 0, curY, &imDest, 0, curY, _screenWidth, 2); ghoastRect(0, 0, curY, _screenWidth - 1, curY + 1); curY += 4; linesdone++; } } for (uint16 i = 0; i < 2; i++) { curY = i * 2; while (curY <= lastY) { if (linesdone >= lineslast) { _music->updateMusic(); waitTOF(); linesdone = 0; } imDest.ImageData = getCurrentDrawingBuffer(); if (curY == lastY) bltBitMap(&imSource, 0, curY, &imDest, 0, curY, _screenWidth, 1); else bltBitMap(&imSource, 0, curY, &imDest, 0, curY, _screenWidth, 2); curY += 4; linesdone++; } } } } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Does a certain number of pre-programmed wipes. */ /*****************************************************************************/ void LabEngine::doWipe(uint16 wipeType, CloseDataPtr *cPtr, char *filename) { if ((wipeType == TRANSWIPE) || (wipeType == TRANSPORTER)) doTransWipe(cPtr, filename); else if (wipeType == SCROLLWIPE) doScrollWipe(filename); else if (wipeType == SCROLLBLACK) doScrollBlack(); else if (wipeType == SCROLLBOUNCE) doScrollBounce(); else if (wipeType == READFIRSTFRAME) readPict(filename, false); else if (wipeType == READNEXTFRAME) diffNextFrame(); } } // End of namespace Lab