Methods ======= action_dispatch - Dispatches an action for being handled Input: si = Hotspot record bx = ??? add_sequence_delay - Adds in a sequence to be executed after a given delay of tick procs Input: bx = Sequence offset cx = Number of ticks delay dl = ??? animation_draw - Wrapper for the [add_animation_proc] lookup method for drawing an animation onto the screen Input: ax = Animation index in animation table bx = Frame number animation_decode - Decodes the data for an animation into compressed nibble format Input: bx = Pointer to data: [bx] = animation disk resource id animation_decode_inner - Handles the decoding of an animation disk resource Input: dx:si = Start of data following header es = Output for decoded resource Output: di = size of decoded data animation_find_slot - Finds the first free animation slot in memory. If no slots are free, the returned pointer points to the last slot Output: di = Returns a pointer to the free slto animation_load/animation_load_2 - Makes a hotspot 'active' by loading it into the active hotspot list (aka. the animation list). Input: load => bx = resource Id load_2 => si = offset of hotspot record Seems to load a single animation entry into the runtime location for animations. animation_load_entry - Not sure if this method is just for loading animations; it does some checks, and if passed, then takes the word at offset 9h in the resource and jumps to that location. In calls I've seen so far, this is 7167h, which then calls animation_load Input: bx = Resource Id for animation entry animation_load_entry_2 - Alternate form of the animation load Input: si = Animation resource animation_resolve_segment - Resolves the segment at which an animation begins, taking care of preparing the data for the animation Input: bx = pointer to animation entry Output: ax = segment CF = If set, skip the animation animation_set_entry - Sets the details for an animation slot entry Input: ax = Decoded animation segment bx = Offset of animation record dl = Colour offset for animation animation_tick - Every frame calls the defined handler proc for any active hotspots (ie. that are loaded into the animation list) animation_unload/animation_unload_2 - Removes a hotspot from the active hotspot list. Both are almost the same except animation_unload additionally sets field 0Bh of the hotspot (the offset in the animation list where a hotspot is loaded) to zero. char_face_up/char_face_down/char_face_left/char_face_right - Faces the character represented by a given hotspot in the given direction Input: si = Hotspot record di = Animation slot character_change_room - Changes the current room for a given character Input: current_hotspot = Character hotspot Id dx = New room number cx = New X position bx = New Y position character_check_room_change - Checks whether the given character is within the bounds of a room exit, and if so, handles moving the player to the new room Input: si = Character hotspot Id di = Chracter animation slot character_face_hotspot - Makes a given character face a given hotspot Input: di = Character animation slot si = Hotspot record being used character_face_hotspot_2 - Makes a given character face a given hotspot Input: ax = Character Id bx = Hotspot Id of object being used character_find_impinging_chars - Scans through the animation list for any characters whose position is impinging that of the given character Input: di = Character animation slot character_pathfind_clear - Checks the pathfinding set flag for the given hotspot, and if it set (ie. the hotspot has it's covering cells in the pathfinding layer for the room set), then clears the flag and clears the accompanying pathfinding cells Input: ax = Character Id bx = Destination X cx = Destination Y character_pathfind - Handles pathfinding a segment of a walking path to a given destination Input: ax = character Id bx = Dest X Pos cx = Dest Y Pos dl = Hotspot[4Ch] Output: bx = Pointer to list of walking segments that gets built ax = 1 => end of pathfinding reached, 0 => pathfinding still needed character_reset_direction - Rounds off the given character's position, and sets their current frame to the default frame for the character's current direction Input: si = Character hotspot record di = Character animation slot character_start_walking - Starts the character walking towards a given position Input: si = Character hotspot record cx = Destination X dx = Destination Y character_translate_movements - Translates a set of instructions of movement instructions into a set of offsets to movement records (containing frame number sequence and position changes) for each direction, followed by the number of steps to go in that direction Input: si = Hotspot offset dx = Offset to a sequence of source movement data to process, which consist of a repeating set of number of steps followed by a direction number. It ends with a step count of 0ffffh Output: Hotspot[HS_MOVEMENT_SRC_OFFSET] => translated movement data character_update_frame - Handles updating a character's current frame in a movement sequence each tick. Output: ax = 1 => for end of the path finding list (ie. at destination), 0 => Some walking still remaining character_walking_check - Scans through a list for X/Y proximity for different hotspots, and if the character is not within proximity, starts the character walking to it Input: si = character hotspot record di = character animation slot, bx = used object hotspot record Output: ax => 1 = No movement was required, 0 = Wakling has started characters_impinging_check - Checks to see if the given character is close enough to the player Input: bx = First character hotspot record si = Second character hotspot record Output: ax = 1 -> Characters are close together, 0 -> Characters are not check_for_impinging_characters - Scans through the animation list for any animations that are impinging the specified character Input: si = Character hotspot record Output: ZF = Set => Character found, Clear => No character found bx = animation slot of found character check_keypress - Non-blocking method to return the next pending keypress, if any Output: zero-flag = if set, indicates no key was pending al = character clear_layer_rects - Clears the data structure storing the status of each 32x32 rect in each layer of a room confirm_quit - Displays a dialog asking the user whether they want to quit Output: ZF = If set, indicates the user wants to quit copy_rectangle - Copys a 32x32 rectangular area from a source buffer to a destination buffer Input: ds:si = Position of rectangle in source screen buffer es:di = Position to place rectangle in destination screen buffer Output: dx = If non-zero, indicates that at least one pixel was non-zero copy_protection_check - Performs the copy protection check. Note that in the English version of the game supplied by Revolution, this has been cracked. This is decode_character - Decodes a character from a compressed bit-stream of text Input: DL = current bit position for read is set DS:SI = current byte to read data from Output: AL = output byte decode_file_entry - Decodes a file resource, normally a graphics screen Input: dx = source data segment es = destination segment (for example, A000h for direct to screen) Output: es:0 holds decoded data dx = first segment beyond the end of the decoded data decode_string - Decodes a string resource from a compressed bit-stream Input: es:di = output buffer for string ax = Id for string decode_string_init - Initialises a source pointer for decoding a compressed bit-stream string Input: ax = Id for string Output: ds:si = address of compressed string dl = Starting bit position for reading string decode_and_fade_in_display - Decodes the data for a given screen, and then fades it into view by using the defined fade in proc for the given video mode Input: [buffer_segment1] = Loaded entry data display_dialog - Displays a dialog with a given String Id's text Input: bx = String resource Id display_message - Displays a message to the user ax = messagae index in table of messages dh = 0=>non fatal error, 1=>fatal error If a fatal error, function does not return display_message_dialog_3 - Uses the message segment data to look up the specific response to an action for a specific character Input: ax = Message Id. Commonly stored in the sequence field for hotspot actions, and identified by the high bit being set si = Character hotspot record di = Player animation slot draw_dialog_frame - Draws the frame for a dialog in an off-screen buffer Input: es:di = Destination buffer bx = Horizontal size of dialog - 16 dx = Vertical size of dialog - 18 flag_covered_cells - Marks any of the 32x32 rectangles making up the screen that are covered by the given hotspot as being enabled. This is used for optmisation that extra layers only add for areas that may need to cover hotspots Input: di = animation slot floating_dialog_mouse_check - Checks to see if a floating talk dialog is present, the text has completed, and the mouse is inside it. Output: floating_dialog_close_flag: 1=conditions met, 0=not met al=1, ZF=clear -> conditions not met, al=0, ZF=set -> not met get_entry_size - Returns the size of the specified resource in paragraphs. Input: ax = Resource Id Output: dx = number of paragraphs get_room_resource_pointer/2 - Gets a pointer to a data block of information for a given hotspot or room Input: bx = Id for _pointer, ax = Id for _pointer2 Output: si = pointer to data block get_room_resource_pointer3/4 - Gets a pointer to the header entry for a given hotspot or room Input: bx = Id for _pointer3, ax = Id for _pointer4 Output: si = pointer to header entry hotspot_action_precheck - Does the common prechecking for hotspot actions, such as whether the player needs to walk to it or not Input: ax = Hotspot Id to be used si = Character hotspot record di = Character animation slot Output: al = 3 => Player is starting to walk to hotspot hotspot_get_action_sequence - Returns a script offset for the given action on a hotspot Input: bx = Hotspot record Output: ax = Sequence offset if found, or 0 otherwise zf = clear if a sequence offset was found hotscript_script_execute - Executes a given hotspot's script Input: si = pointer to hotspot resource di = pointer to animation slot hotspot_disable - Disables a hotspot from being highlightable Input: bx = Hotspot Id hotspot_enable - Enables a hotspot that was previously disabled Input: bx = Hotspot Id hotspots_load - Loads any hotspots registered for the current room into the animation list, automatically checking to prevent duplicates from being added. hotspots_unload - Unloads all hotspots from the animation list that don't have the special hotspot Id of 0ffffh increment_action_offset - Moves the current action offset for the given character to the next record position Input: si = Character hotspot record install_palette - Installs a sub-palette of 64 entries from a set of palettes, each of which is 64*3 bytes long Input: ax = index of sub-palette in list of sub-palettes palette_segment = Segment set of palettes was loaded into is_roomexit_hotspot - Checks whether the given hotspot Id is in the list of of room exit hotspots Input: si = Pointer to list of hotspots ax = 0 if hotspot found, 1 if not load_pic_with_animation - Loads up a picture that has animation data after it, as well as the following resource, which contains the animation line segment offsets and lengths Input: AX = Id of the resource menu_create_popmenu - Creates a popup menu in an off-screen buffer menu_make_selections - Shows a dialog with an arbitrary list of selections. Returns the selectd item index, or ffffh for no selection made Input: dx/ax = bitset for actions to display Output: ax = selected item Id menu_make_selections_select - Does the actual display of a right-click menu and make the selection Output: ax = selected Id menubar_copy_to_screen - Copies the data from an off-screen buffer onto the secreen menubar_clear_menu - Clears the data segment occupied by the menubar menubar_create_menu - Creates a drop down menu for display Input: SI = Pointer to data table describing menu menuitem_show_credits - Shows the game credits mouse_wait - Goes in a loop of resetting the game palette until a held down mouse button is released open_file - opens up a .vga data file (if not already open), validates that it's file number is correct, and loads the entry table into memory Input: [file_handle] open_file2 - sets the default drive to the specified drive and then calls the open_file method Input: al=drive number pathfind_clear_covered_cells - Clears the cells covered by the base of a given animation from being occupied in the path finding data block. This prevents characters from walking through each other Input: di = Animation slot pathfind_flag_covered_cells - Flags the cells covered by the base of a given animation as occupied in the path finding data block. This prevents characters from walking through each other Input: di = Animation slot pathfind_get_cell - Returns the byte and bit index for the given animation's position in the pathfinding data block for the room Input: di = Animation slot Output: bx = Byte offset in path finding data block ax = Bit mask indicating which bit cx = Number of bits covering the width of the animation ZF = If set, animation is not onscreen pathfind_populate_cells - Helper method used by character_pathfind to populate a decompressed array indicating which areas of a room are walkable with incrementing numbers emnating from the destination. This is later used to figure out a walkable path by going from cell to cell in order of decrementing index to get from source to dest pathfind_scan_line - Support method for the character_pathfind, and is used to scan in a given direction Input: bp = Starting position bx = Destination position cx = Number of loops di = Change amount for each loop dl = max value for comparison Output: bx = New destination position dl = New maximum pathfind_return_to_sp - Creates a breaking point during processing of the character_pathfind method such that the next time character_pathfind is called, it will pick up after the call to pathfind_return_to_sp pause_for_input - Waits until either a key or a mouse button is pressed player_inc_inventory_items - Checks if the specified hotspot is the player, and if so, increments the counter for the number of inventory items the player currently has Input: si = Character hotspot record popmenu_populate_list - Populates the contents of the list used to define what is displayed in the right-click popup menu Input: dx:ax = Bitset indicating which actions should be displayed, in order of their placement in the action list protection_cycle_characters - Cycles through a single frame in the list of possible characters in the copy protection check and displays them on screen. protection_draw_characters - A wrapper method for drawing both of the current characters to the screen Input: ax = frame number for left card animation bx = frame number for right card animation random - Returns a pseudo-random number Output: ax = Random value read_and_validate_header - Reads in the header of the .vga file and validates that it's valid read_bit - Reads in a specified bit from ds:si, and shifts the bit mask one bit to the right, resetting it back to 80h (and incrementing SI) if the set bit was 1h Input: dl = Current bitmask ds:si = data source Output: dl = New bitmask position al = and'ed value from ds:si ZF = Set if the bit was turned on in the value SI = If dl was 1h at input, then SI = SI+1 else SI=SI read_screen - Reads in the specified screen resource, and optionally a palette if the screen is the first layer to be processed for a given room Input: ax = Screen Id read_entry - Outer method for reading an entry - finds and reads in the entry with the specified Id Input: ax = Id of entry (bits 15-16 are file # 0 - 3), rest are Id bits cx:dx = buffer for entry Output: dx = first segment following end of read in data read_entry_into_buffer - Another outer method for reading an entry - reads the specified entry into [buffer_segment]:80h Input: ax = Id of entry Output: dx = first segment following end of read in data read_file_entry - Reads in an entry from the file Input: es:dx - Output buffer to store data in bx = File start position in 20h block increments cx = Size of entry to read in bp = If bp=1, file size is actually 8000h plus the size in CX read_into_buffer/read_into_buffer_2 - reads entry into the buffer space, and then increments the pointer so future reads will be read at a point beyond the loaded entry Output: ax = segment of loaded entry dx = segment following end of loaded entry read_palette - Reads in the palette from the specified Id resource Input: ax = Id of entry (which is passed onto read_entry) read_screen - Reads and decodes a screen into data_segment2. It may also be taking care of adding in any animations Input: ax = room/id number replace_vga_palette - Replaces two sections of the loaded palette with a preset alternate set: 60 entries starting at palette index #129, and 8 entries at palette index #220 room_add_animations - Adds the player and any room animations to the off-screen buffer data_segment2 room_check_cursors - Checks the position of the mouse within the current room to see whether the cursor needs to change (such as for moving over a hotspot) or on the menubar area room_check_hotspots - Compares the mouse position against given hotspot lists? Input: dx = room number di = offset of info table bp = Starting offset number for table room_check_x_extents - Checks whether a given hotspot's position is within the clipping x range for the room Input: si = Hotspot Output: ax = 0 = Hotspot within valid range, 1 = otherwise room_exit_get_coordinates - Gets the walking coordinates for the exit from a given room into a secondary room Input: ax = Starting room bx = Destination room Output: cx = X-coordinate dx = Y-coordinate ax = room_exit_hs_get_pointer - Scans through a list of room exit hotspots that connect to each other. Input: ax = Hotspot Id Output: si = Record Id for room exit hotspot join bx = 2 or 8, representing whether the hotspot was #1 or #2 in the record room_exit_play_sound - Plays a sound for a room exit opening or closing if the player is in the same room Input: si = Room exit join record bx = Index of active hotspot in join record cx = 1 for door closing, 0 for door opening room_handle_click - Checks to see if the mouse has been clicked, and if so, handles the various things that can be done, such as closing floating dialogs, showing the right-click menu, etc. room_load_layers - Reads in the layers associated with a room room_show_rightclick_menu - Shows the right-click menu. If the mouse is over a hotspot, it gives that item's action menu. Otherwise, it gives the default room Look/Status menu. The method returns when an item is selected Output: ???? screen_fade_in - Fades in an already loaded screen, by using the defined fade in routine in the video methods lookup table screen_fade_out - Fades out the screen, by using the defined fade out routine in the video methods lookup table screen_set_palette - Sets the default game palette, using the defined lookup method set_upper_vga_palette - Sets the last 16 palette entries of the VGA palette to a predefined set of colours sequence_execute - Outer execution method for handling a sequence of script instructions. Input: ax = Pointer to script set. See tables section for instruction formats Output: ax = sequence result value zf = set if the result value is zero sequence_execute_inner - Inner handling method for script instructions Input: si = Pointer to script set show_introduction - Shows the introduction sequence show_arrow_cursor - Shows the arrow cursor show_disk_cursor - Shows the disk cursor show_startup - Shows the starting screens of the game, and then calls the show_introduction method to show the animated introduction sequence skorl_knockout - Runs the animation sequence of a Skorl knocking out the player sleep - Sleeps for a given number of clock cycles (each being 1/18th of a second) Input: ax = number of cycles [Note: I think it's from the start of the game or the last time the method was called] sleep_with_kbd_mouse_break - Pause with breakout by keypress and mouse Input: ax = timeout in cy cles Output: carry = breakout occurred zero = if set, indicates Escape was pressed sub_107 - Gets a ax (0 or 3) and bx pointer used later in a call to sub_132 to get a sequence offset Input: ax = Hotspot Id talk_add_voice_animation - Adds an animation entry of a talk bubble, which gets displayed above a designated character Input: di = Hotspot slot talk_clear_line - Clears the talk line at a specified index. Each talk line occupies 8 lines Input: ax = Index of talk line to clear talk_dialog_init - Initialises a talk dialog for display Input: si = Name of character speaking di = Speaking text data_433 = Character hotspot Id talk_setup_3 - Sets the necessary flags to display a talk dialog Input: al = 1 (??? blocking talk dialog [you can't move until it's closed]) cx = Hotspot Id of character talking to dx = Talk text string Id si = Hotspot record for character doing talking talk_toggle_line_highlight - Toggles the highlight on a line being displayed to allow the user to select a talk option Input: ax = Index of talk line toggle_menu_highlight - Toggles the highlighting of a menu name in the off-screen copy of a menu Input: DI = X Pixel start position on screen BX = Width in pixels of area data_segment2 = segment of off-screen menubar copy validate_header - Validates the header of the loaded file ah = bits 6-7 is file number vga_fade_in - Fades in a given graphic screen by cycling each palette index from black to the destination RGB value in increments of one wait_for_video_port - Pauses until the video port indicates that it's ready to rceeive data word_wrap_string - Word wraps the passed string to a given maximum width by Input: di = Text to process Lookup Method Table =================== This is a set of procs lookup list that is set to different methods for EGA and VGA methods add_animation_proc - Adds an animation or character frame onto the screen. Input: es:si = source pixel data location bx = Offset of data for animation (see tables later for animation format) copy_screen_proc - Copys a screen from [misc_segment]:0 to the screen. Also sets up bp:si and dx:bx in preparation for an animation. Coupled with load_pic_with_animation that loads a resource with animation data Input: misc_segment - Specifies the segment holding the screen data Output: bp:si - Address of the first byte following the end of the data dx:bx - Address of first byte following decoded data segment data display_character_proc - Copys a specified character to a graphic buffer Input: al = ASCII character es:di = Position within screen of character start bp = segment of font, which starts at the space character (32), and each character takes up 8 bytes. Each byte represents one line, with each bit representing whether a pixel is on or off dh = Colour to create character as draw_talk_dialog_proc - Draws the frame for a talk dialog Input: es:di = Buffer to store drawn dialog in menu_items_proc - Haven't investigated this method yet. It does get used by the right-click popup menu to display the items pic_decode_proc - Handles the RLE decoding of a picture onto the screen Input: dx:bx = Set of copy slice lengths and screen inc amounts in a repeating sequence. Each value can be 1 non-zero byte, or a zero byte followed by a two byte length bp:si = Raw data for transfer to the screen. The data block pointed to by dx:bx tells how wide each line slice will be Output: dx:bx = First byte after end of length/inc data bp:si = First byte after end of transfer data block read_screen - Reads in a screen with the given Id, decodes it, and also loads in a palette with the given Id - 1 Input: ax = resource Id of the screen read_screen_alt - Reads in a screen with the given Id, decodes it, and also loads in a palette with the given Id - 1 Input: ax = resource Id of the screen remove_area_proc - Restores the area of screen previously hidden by a menu Input: di = x start position bx = width segment_screen_proc - Segments the screen into 32x32 rectangles, and sets up an array of incrementing rectangle numbers for rectangles that have pixels in them Input: es:di = pointer to decoded screen bx = buffer to store status of each screen rectangle cl = layer number (0 to 3) [Note: layer is only used to see if it's layer 0 background.. for the background all rectangles are considered "filled in"] set_palette_proc - Sets the palette to the default palette show_screen_proc - Responsible for displaying a screen from data_segment2 to the screen specified in [screen_start_seg]. It uses an array specified by display_mask to specify 10x6 sets of 32x32 rectangles for whether to display each rectangle on the screen. toggle_menu_highlight_proc - Toggles the highlighting of a menu header Input: DI = X Pixel start position on screen BX = Width in pixels of area data_segment2 = segment of off-screen menubar copy word_wrap_string - Applies carriage returns in-sequence to a passed string to ensure it fits into a given dialog area Input: Misc Notes ============ VGA Files --------- * Entries with a length of 294h are palettes * At least entry Id #48, #49 are MIDI music with a MThd block * Entry Id #10, #15 are code blocks for playing music * Entry Id #50 is a set of sub-palettes.. a sub palette contains palette entries for the first 64 palette entries (each 3 bytes). This entry contains 5 sub-palettes VGA File Mapping ================ This isn't complete; just some resource Ids I noted down for future reference: $0001 - Set of 26 16x16 cursors, each taking up 256 bytes $0004 - Font set: starting with space character, each character taking 8 bytes $0005 - Menubar $000A - Music handler code block $0010 - Strings resource (compressed - see decode_string & decode_string_init) $0018 - Revolution title screen $0019 - Revolution title palette $001A - Virgin games title screen $001B - Virgin games title palette $001C - Lure of the Temptress title screen $001D - Lure of the Temptress title palette $001E - Virtual Threatre title screen $001F - Virtual Threatre title palette $0021 - Palette for final introduction screen $0022 - Animation for final screen $0032 - Another copy of the menubar $0040 - Animation for introduction sequence $0041 - Animation for introduction sequence $0042 - Animation for introduction sequence $0043 - Animation for introduction sequence $0044 - Animation for introduction sequence $0045 - Animation for introduction sequence $0046 - Animation for introduction sequence $0047 - Animation for introduction sequence $0048 - Animation for introduction sequence $0049 - Animation for introduction sequence $4100 - First screen, first layer $7900 - Restart/Restore screen Data Structure Notes ==================== There are four main lists embedded in the executable, each of which represents a different range of Ids. Each entry consists of 9 bytes [see get_room_resource_pointer]. The first two bytes represents an offset to the specific data for the room. Resource data: Offset Size Meaning ------ ---- ------- 0h 2 Offset for the resource entry - either room or hotspot data An entry of 0ffffh means the end of the list 2h 2 For the room list, it's the room number, for the hotspot lists, it's the string Id for the hotspot name 4h 2 For rooms, the string Id for room description, for hotspots it's the look at description Id 6h 2 Alternate look at description for hotspots. I think this only comes into player for takable items to give the description when it hasn't yet been picked up 8h 1 ??? For the room list, the format of the room records pointed to are as below: Room data: Offset Size Meaning ------ ---- ------- 6h 2 Offset for a list of offsets to pixel blocks for the room 8h 1 Number of layers in room 9h 8 List of resource Id's for room. Either equal to number of layers, or # layers + 1 for rooms with extra overlay (such as image of cell bars when looking through into cell) 11h 2 Sequence offset for room, or ffffh for none 13h 2 The current tick time counter is stored here when a room is exited 17h 1 ??? 19h 2 X start for defining valid horizontal areas where hotspots can be highlighted 1Bh 2 X end, or 0 to indicate no end 1Dh ?? Start of room change script. See below: The room data record is ended by zero or more room change records, followed by an ending ffffh value. The format of each record is as follows: Offset Size Meaning ------ ---- ------- 0 2 X start 2 2 X end 4 2 Y start 6 2 Y end 8 2 Sequence offset. If the value is ffffh, then the following four fields come into play. Note that this means that the record can be one of two sizes, dependant on the value of this field Ah 1 New room character direction: 80h=up, 40h=down, 20h=left, 10h=right Bh 1 New room number Ch 2 New room X position Eh 2 New room Y position The format of hotspots are as follows: Hotspot tables: Offset Size Meaning ------ ---- ------- 0h 4 Bitset for available actions 3h 1 Flags: Meaning unknown, but the following actions apply: bit 7 = skip checking bit 6 bit 6 = Skip over entry bit 5 = Skip over entry 4h 2 Offset for actions table 6h 2 Room number for hotspot. For hotspots that can be inventory items, this can also be the Hotspot Id of the character holdign the item. 8h 1 Script flag - a non-zero value indicates that the value at offset 9h is a script offset to execute. Otherwise, the offset is treated as a code subroutine, and jumped to 9h 2 Script sequence to execute, or offset for loading routine for hotspot. So far I'm aware of two code routines: 7167h = stub method that calls animation_load 3afeh = copy protection check Bh 2 Stores offset of animation slot entry the resouce has been loaded into Dh 2 X start position + 80h Fh 2 Y start position + 80h 11h 2 Width of hotspot 13h 2 Height of hotspot 15h 1 Animation's layer. Animations are added in to a scene in order of layer 3, layer 1, then layer 2. Animations in layer 1 are added in order of the hotspot's bottom row 16h 1 ??? Flags byte? 17h 2 Tick handler proc offset 19h 2 Copy of hotspot width 1Bh 2 Copy of hotspot height 1Dh 2 Y correction. Currently only known use is as a Y correction factor when checking if a character is in an exit region 1fh 2 Timeout decrement value for frame change 21h 2 Pointer to memory containing disk resource Id for the pixel data for the hotspot's animation (or possibly static image) 23h 1 Colour offset start for source pixel data 24h 2 Offset for data in scripts2_seg, used in hotspot_script_execute. Also seems to be used by characters (including the player) as a table offset containing data for movement sequence 26h 2 Step counter - used as in incrementor when a character is moving in a direction to determine when they have reached the requisite number of steps required before moving to the next direction in a path-finding sequence 28h 2 Frame offset - used as a pointer within the movement frames for a given direction to quickly retrieve the position change and frame number in a walking sequence - used along with offset 26h to handling walking 2Ah 1 Current frame number 2Bh 2 ??? 2Dh 2 Script Id of a hotspot the character is to use 2Fh 2 Hotspot Id of a hotspot the character is to use 33h 2 ??? Talk data record 35h 1 Some kind of x offset (perhaps for centroid?) 36h 1 Some kind of y offset 37h 2 ??? 39h 2 Stores the hotspot Id of the character being talked to 3Ch 2 Stores the String Id of a response 42h 2 ??? Copy of selected hotspot 44h 1 ??? 0 or 2 for further actions in player_tick_proc ??? Copy of low byte of selected hotspot 45h 2 Hotspot Script Id to use. I'm not yet sure why a different field that 2Dh/2Fh to use 47h 2 Hotspot Id to use. 49h 1 Flags whether the hotspot has currently got the cells of the pathfinding (walkable areas) layer that it's base occupies as covered 4Ch 1 Only known use so far is in character pathfinding, where if 0, introduces a jz $+2 delay at one point, that is not even inside of a loop. This flag may thus be an artefact of early code that was no longer used in the final build 50h 2 Character direction: 80h=up, 40h=down, 20h=left, 10h=right 52h 2 Hotspot Id for selected hotspot 54h 2 X ending position for character + 80h - 10h 56h 2 Y ending position for character + 80h 5Ah 2 For player and other characters indicates the assigned offset in the data segment to load the details of movement frames. Note that this gets copied to offset 24h for use at runtime. 60h 1 ??? 61h 2 Index into the table starting at 63h of the hotspot 63h 3*? First slot for pending player actions. Each slot consists of three bytes: a single byte command Id, and an offset to a support data record. Movement sequence ================= When a character has to move, sub_90 is Character actions ================= Character hotspots have a buffer for a set of current actions. Each record of this list consists of 5 bytes, with the following format: Offset Size Meaning ------ ---- ------- 0 1 Currenat atcion 1 2 Pointer to support data structure 3 2 ?? May be room number action occurs in The possible commands are listed below: Command ------- 01 = Start walking Support data: word value = 0 02 = Dispatch action* Support data: word value = action to perform word value = hotspot Id of selected hotspot [03] = Room Number 03 = Execute Script 04 = Processing walking path 05 = Walking in progress * Note that actions (both looking at a hotspot and all other actions) are handled by doing an initial dispatch of the action, then a standard walk sequence, and finally dispatching the action again when the player is at the appropriate proximity to the hotspot Actions Table ============= The actions table offset points to a list that indicates any actions for the hotspot that have script sequences attached to them. The table has the following format: Offset Size Meaning ------ ---- ------- 0 2 Number of items in the list --------- repeated: 2 1 Action number 3 2 Sequence offset --------- Animation Resources =================== The raw data for animations is stored in disk resources. They have the following format: - A single word containing the number of header entries - A table of words of the previously given number, each representing the number of nibbles in the uncompressed data (ie. number of bytes * 2). Note that the pixel data starts at offset 40h of the uncompressed data, as the first 40h bytes are used by the decompression process. In addition to the four hotspot lists, there is a master hotspot list, which contains co-ordinate overrides for some of the hotspots: Hotspot data: Offset Size Meaning ------ ---- ------- 0 2 Id for hotspot to override 2 2 X start 4 2 X end 6 2 Y start 8 2 Y end The animation list is made up of a set of animation entry slots, of which there are 45 entries, each 29h bytes big, and can be loaded dynamically at runtime from hotspot entries. FURTHER NOTE: Animation list may be a bit of a misnaming of it - a better name may be "active hotspots" list, since entries in the list aren't necessarily animated. Offset Size Meaning ------ ---- ------- 0h 2 X start position + 80h 2h 2 Y start position + 80h 4h 2 Width of animation 6h 2 Height of animation 8h 2 Pointer to the start of the current frame for the animation. Ah 2 Storage for caching of animation start segment. This is filled out at runtime the first time the animation is to be displayed at runtime Ch 1 Animation's layer. Animations are added in to a scene in order of layer 3, layer 1, then layer 2. Animations in layer 1 are added in order of the hotspot's bottom row Dh 1 ??? Flags byte? Eh 2 Room number for animation 10h 1 ?? Flag for whether to keep animation active between rooms? Loader defaults it to 1, but loads using 7167h afterwards sets this back to zero 11h 2 Tick handler proc offset - called every frame for hotspots loaded into the animation table where [0Ch] is non-zero 13h 2 Copy of the animation width - this and the height copy are used in some areas to, for example, vary the strict Y ordering of objects in a scene (for example, Ratpouch has a larger height copy to make him appear on top of the rack rather than behind it). 15h 2 Copy of the animation height 17h 2 Y correction. Currently only known use is as a Y correction factor when checking if a character is in an exit region 19h 2 Offset of the original resource record used to load this animation entry. 1Bh 2 Hotspot Id of the entry. Can also be 0ffffh, which seems to be a special code for the player (don't know yet if it's used elsewhere as well) 1Dh 1 If non-zero, hotspots in layer 1 will be skipped 1Eh 2 So far it's only known use is to store the hotspot Id of the character the special 'voice' animation is associated with 22h 2 Related to direction handling: 0 for up/down, 4 for left/right 24h 2 So far it's only known use is as a countdown timer for closing the special "voice" animation shown on top of characters when they're speaking 26h 1 Character direction: 0=up, 1=down, 2=left, 3=right 27h 1 ??? Set to 1 by animation loader 1 28h 1 Colour offset start for source pixel data 4Ah 2 ??? Countdown of some form; changed by the action countdown list The animation list is built up at runtime one entry at a time from hotspot resources specified in an instruction sequence. The first sequence executed is at 23FCh, and is part of the game startup, and the initial resoruce Id is #3e8, which equates to 6cefh. Animation disk resource records ------------------------------- The animation disk resource record has the following format: Offset Size Meaning ------ ---- ------- 0h 2 Disk resoucre Id of the animation pixels to use 2h 1 Flags. Known values: Bit Description --- ----------- 2 If set, takes the first word of the decoded data as the frame offset. I think this used elsewhere as well - this flag may indicate an animation that contains an offset table for the frames, rather than the standard form, where all frames are the same size 3h 2 Cached copy of loaded pixel data segment 7h 2 Frame size for decoded animation data 9h 2 Offset for -Y movement records Bh 2 Offset for +Y movement records Dh 2 Offset for -X movement records Fh 2 Offset for +X movement records 11h 1 Starting up direction frame number 12h 1 Starting down direction frame number 13h 1 Starting left direction frame number 14h 1 Starting right direction frame number A movement record represents data needed for a single frame of a character's movement. It is represented as a set of 6 byte records of the format listed below. The end of the set of the set of records is represented by 0ffffh. Offset Size Meaning ------ ---- ------- 0 2 Frame number to display 2 2 16-bit signed integer representing the change in the X position 4 2 16-bit signed integer representing the change in the Y position W2 description -- ----------- 1 * Store offset from PIXEL+0Dh, then word (W1+3)>>2 2 * Store offset from PIXEL+0Fh, then word (W1+3)>>2 3 * Store offset from PIXEL+0Bh, then word (W1+1)>>1 4 * Store offset from PIXEL+09h, then word (W1+1)>>1 Room Exits ---------- A table of the offsets of the room exit records for each room is stored at room_exits_table. An offset of zero for a particular room indicates there are no exits. The exits for a given room are a series of one or more records of 14 bytes each, with a word value of 0 following the final entry. The structure of a record is described below. Note that all co-ordinates are expressed with an offset of 80h. Offset Size Meaning ------ ---- ------- 0h 2 X start of exit area rectangle 2h 2 X end of exit area rectangle 4h 2 Y start of exit area rectangle 6h 2 Y end of exit area rectangle 8h 2 Cursor number to use Ah 2 Hotspot Id associated with exit. This can be, for example, 2711h for the hotspot Id of the Cell Door in the first room. For exits which are always unblocked, the Id will be 0. Ch 2 Destination room number There is also a table of room exit hotspots. This contains records containing all room exit hospots, with the table set up with the hotspots that are joined together (such as either side of the cell door in room #1 and #2) appearing in the same record. Each record is 17 bytes long, and the format is as follows: Offset Size Meaning ------ ---- ------- 0h 2 First hotspot Id of the pair 2h 1 Current frame number for hotspot #1 3h 1 Ending frame number for hotspot #1 4h 1 Sound for hotspot #1 opening 5h 1 Sound for hotspot #1 closing 6h 2 Second hotspot Id of the pair 8h 1 Current frame number for hotspot #2 9h 1 Ending frame number for hotspot #1 Ah 1 Sound for hotspot #1 opening Bh 1 Sound for hotspot #2 closing Ch 1 If zero, then exit is currently active. Non-zero indicates that the exit is blocked Dh 2 Pointer to first hotspot's record Fh 2 Pointer to second hotspot's record Sequence Table ============== Lure of the Temptress uses a simple scripting set for performing various operations. A set of instructions consist of a starting byte that contains the 'opcode' number in bits 1 to 7, whilst bit 0, if set, indicates whether the following two bytes should be loaded into dx (used as a general purpose register). Note that logical operations treat 0 as true, and 1 as false as far as the interpreter is concerned for calls to conditional jumps after a logical test. Because of this non-typical logical state representation, I'm still in the process of validating that all the test opcodes are correct. The following commands are available (the values represent the value in bits 1-7): Opcode Description ------ ----------- 00h Restore SP - Restores SP to what it was when the sequence started (ie. useful for breaking out of any subsequences that were being executed) 01h Add - Pops two values off the stack, adds them, and pushes the result 02h Subtract - Pops two values off the stack, subtracts the most recently pushed value from the second most recent value, and then pushes the result back onto the stack 03h Multiply - Pops two values off the stack, multiplies them, and pushes the result back onto the stack. Any overflow is also stored in DX 04h Divide - Pops two values off the stack and divides the second most recently pushed value by the most recent value, and pushes the result back on the stack. DX stores any remainder 05h Not equals - Pops two values off the stack, and if they're not equal pushes 0 back onto the stack. If equal, pushes 1 06h Equals - Pops two values off the stack, and if they're equal pushes 0 back onto the stack. If not equal, pushes 1 07h Greater - Checks to see if the most recently pushed value is greater than the second most recent pushed value, and if so pops both of them off the stack and pushes a 1 back onto the stack 08h Smaller - Checks to see if the most recently pushed value is less than the second most recent pushed value, and if so pops both of them off the stack and pushes a 1 back onto the stack 09h Smaller2 - Identical to Smaller, but uses 'Js' check instead of 'Jc' 0Ah Greater2 - Identical to Greater, but uses 'Js' check instead of 'Jc' 0Bh And - Pops two values off the stack, ANDs them, and pushes the result 0Ch Or - Pops two values off the stack, ORs them, and pushes the result 0Dh Logical And - Pops the two top values off the stack, and pushes back 1 if both of them are non-zero, otherwise 0 0Eh Logical Or - Pops the two top values off the stack, and pushes back 1 if either of them are non-zero, otherwise 0 0Fh Get Field - Gets a field within the data segment. DX specifies field offset from the room_number_2 field, and the value is pushed onto the stack 10h Set Field - Sets a field within the data segment. DX specifies field offset from the room_number_2 field, and the top value on the stack is popped to set the field value 11h Push value - Pushes the value of DX onto the stack 12h Subroutine - Treats the value in DX as a pointer to a subroutine of sequence instructions. The subroutine is processed, and when done, the outer sequence resumes execution again. 13h Call Method - Calls a method number DX in the sequence method list. If there any any values on the stack, they get popped into bx, cx, and dx respectively. 14h Sequence end - ends the script sequence 15h Conditional Jump - Pops the top value off the stack, and if it's zero, adds the value in DX to the current sequence instructor pointer. Note that DX is 16-bit signed, allowing for both negative and postivie jumps 16h Jump - Adds the value in DX to the current sequence instructor pointer. Note that DX is 16-bit signed, allowing for both negative and postivie jumps 17h Restore SP - Restores SP to what it was when the sequence started 18h Restore SP - Restores SP to what it was when the sequence started 19h Random - Places a random number between 0 to 255 in DX Method List ----------- The Call Method opcode (13h) can call methods, popping up to three values from the stack if available, storing them in bx, cx, and dx respectively. Sequence Delay Table -------------------- The sequence_delay_table has 40 slots of 7 bytes each that can contain a sequence that shouldn't be exceed until a ceratin time has been exceeded. Each slot consists of the following data: Offset Size Meaning ------ ---- ------- 2 4 Timer counter value at which point sequence should be executed. When an entry is initially added to the list, the delay amount is added to the current timer value 4 2 Sequence offset to execute 6 1 ??? Hotspot Scripts =============== Sub_37 is a handler method called by the tick handler code for many animations. The word at offset 24h of a hotspot entry specifies an offset into seg_c of the executable. Starting at the given offset in the segment, data is read in one word at a time. Value Description ----- ----------- fff6h Set bitset actions based on next 2 words fff7h Reads bx=next word, then calls sub_258 fff8h Reads bx=next word, cx=next word. If cx is either 0 or equal to the current room number, then calls sub_247 fff9h Sets the pixel data record for the hotspot fffah Jump to executing the sequence at the offset given by the following word fffbh Sets the dimensions of the animation. The next word is shifted left by 4 bits and stored as the width. The following word is stored as the height (both values are only set in the animation slot) fffch Ends the execution and deactivates the animation fffdh fffeh Sets the start position of the hotspot - the next following word specifies the X start, and the one after that is the Y start ffffh Reads in the next word and sets the timeout counter of the hotspot. The offset 24h entry of the hotspot is also updated to point to the next following word others Set animation frame. If the animation disk resource flags byte has bit 2 clear, the frame is calculated by multiplying the opcode word's value by the frame size (at offset 7 of the pixel resource record). If bit 2 is set, the frame is set by getting the offset from the decoded data's offset table. In either case, once the offset is set, execution of the script stops. Room List ========= 1 = THE CELL 2 = THE OUTER CELL 3 = THE GUARD ROOM 4 = THE TORTURE ROOM 7 = THE SEWER OUTLET 8 = Alley 9 = CASTLE GATE 10 = APOTHECARY LANE 11 = Alley 12 = MAPIE COURTYARD 13 = CASTLE WALL 14 = MIDDLE STREET 15 = WEREGATE 17 = WEST STREET 18 = SMITHY STREET 19 = THE MARKET PLACE 20 = BLACKFRIARS ROW 21 = Alley 22 = Alley 23 = Alley 24 = Alley 25 = Alley 27 = Alley 28 = THE FORGE 29 = THE SEVERED ARMS 30 = TAIDGH'S HOUSE 31 = THE TOWN HALL 32 = MAGPIE TAVERN 34 = APOTHECARY WORKSHOP 35 = THE VILLAGE SHOP 36 = MONK'S LODGE 38 = Cave 39 = Cave 40 = Cave 41 = Cavern 42 = ? 43 = ? 44 = ? 45 = ? 46 = ? 47 = ? 48 = ? 3081 = Cave 393Ch - loading character movement list --------------------------------------- 30h, 1, 0, 6feh, a18h, 0 Handling: If next word (W1) is 0, end decoding. Otherwise, read following word (W2) and handle as per table below (PIXEL represents the pixel data record): Talking records =============== A character can specify a current talking record at offset 33h of it's hotspot record. If the field is empty, then the main talk list talk_table is used to get the starting talking record for a given character. The table consists of a series of four byte entries: the first word gives the hotspot Id, the second gives the offset of the talking record list for that character. The actual talking record contains a set of further offsets for talking records; the current value of talk_record_index specifies which entry is loaded. There is also a check to see if the hotspot name of the character being talked to is 17Ah "Stranger", in which case the first entry in the list is used. The talk data record set pointed to by the above offset has the following format: Offset Size Meaning ------ ---- ------- 0h 2 Offset for a list of sequence Ids for handling results ----- following is a set of 6 byte records for talk lines ----- 0h 2 Precheck sequence offset - and with 3fffh to get actual offset - if the result of execution is 0, then the talk entry isn't added to the list. High bit of word, if set, will cause the looping of talk entry lines to end after processing the record. Additionally, a value of 0ffffh ends the set of records 2h 2 String resource for talk question, anded with 0x3fffh. The two high bits are flags described in the next entry 3h 1 Flags - If both bit 7 and bit 6 are set, then the entry is skipped 4h 2 Post sequence offset - when the high bit is set, the sequence number in the remaining bits is executed, and the result number used as a lookup (discussed below). Otherwise, the value is directly used as a lookup index Once an entry has been clicked on, the result index (either from running the post sequence Id or directly from the field value itself) is used as an index into the results. The results structure is a set of 6 byte entries with the following structure: Offset Size Meaning ------ ---- ------- 0h 2 Pre sequence offset - If it is non-zero, then the sequence is executed. If the result is not the special value 1092h, then the result is treated as a new response index, which is used instead of the current one 2h 2 Response String Id - specifies the response spoken by the character to the player 4h 2 Post sequence offset - A value of 0ffffh indicates the conversation is ended. If the high bit is set, then the conversation continues. Otherwise, the given script offset is executed, and the conversation ended if the result is 0ffffh. The remaining bits can specify a starting offset in the talk entry list to start from next time. Hotspot Action List ------------------- The hotspot action list provides a list of hotspots in a "countdown" state.. every cycle a countdown variable is decremented for each hotspot entry in the list, and is used to set offset 4Ah of a given hotspot record. When a countdown counter reaches zero, the entry is removed from the list. I currently know that it's got something to do with talking to characters, but I haven't yet figured out what precisely word 4Ah of a hotspot record controls. Offset Size Meaning ------ ---- ------- 0h 2 Hotspot Id of the source talker 2h 2 Hotspot Id of the destination talker 4h 2 Countdown counter 6h 2 Hotspot record offset for destination talker