/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ #include "common/system.h" #include "m4/dialogs.h" #include "m4/globals.h" #include "m4/scene.h" #include "m4/events.h" #include "m4/graphics.h" #include "m4/rails.h" #include "m4/font.h" #include "m4/m4_views.h" #include "m4/mads_views.h" #include "m4/compression.h" #include "m4/staticres.h" namespace M4 { Scene::Scene(MadsM4Engine *vm): View(vm, Common::Rect(0, 0, vm->_screen->width(), vm->_screen->height())) { _screenType = VIEWID_SCENE; _sceneResources.hotspots = new HotSpotList(); _sceneResources.parallax = new HotSpotList(); _sceneResources.props = new HotSpotList(); _backgroundSurface = new M4Surface(); _walkSurface = new M4Surface(); _palData = NULL; _interfacePal = NULL; _interfaceSurface = NULL; _inverseColorTable = NULL; _vm->_rails->setCodeSurface(_walkSurface); } Scene::~Scene() { leaveScene(); } void Scene::loadScene(int sceneNumber) { _previousScene = _currentScene; _currentScene = sceneNumber; // Load scene background and set palette if (_palData) { _vm->_palette->deleteRange(_palData); delete _palData; } if (_interfacePal) { _vm->_palette->deleteRange(_interfacePal); delete _interfacePal; } } void Scene::leaveScene() { delete _palData; delete _interfacePal; delete[] _inverseColorTable; } void Scene::show() { _vm->_viewManager->addView(this); } void Scene::showInterface() { _vm->_viewManager->addView(_interfaceSurface); } void Scene::hideInterface() { _vm->_viewManager->deleteView(_interfaceSurface); } void Scene::loadSceneResources(int sceneNumber) { char filename[kM4MaxFilenameSize]; int i = 0, x = 0, y = 0; sprintf(filename, "%i.chk", sceneNumber); Common::SeekableReadStream *sceneS = _vm->res()->get(filename); if (sceneS != NULL) { sceneS->read(_sceneResources.artBase, MAX_CHK_FILENAME_SIZE); sceneS->read(_sceneResources.pictureBase, MAX_CHK_FILENAME_SIZE); _sceneResources.hotspotCount = sceneS->readUint32LE(); _sceneResources.parallaxCount = sceneS->readUint32LE(); _sceneResources.propsCount = sceneS->readUint32LE(); _sceneResources.frontY = sceneS->readUint32LE(); _sceneResources.backY = sceneS->readUint32LE(); _sceneResources.frontScale = sceneS->readUint32LE(); _sceneResources.backScale = sceneS->readUint32LE(); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) _sceneResources.depthTable[i] = sceneS->readUint16LE(); _sceneResources.railNodeCount = sceneS->readUint32LE(); // Clear rails from previous scene _vm->_rails->clearRails(); for (i = 0; i < _sceneResources.railNodeCount; i++) { x = sceneS->readUint32LE(); y = sceneS->readUint32LE(); if (_vm->_rails->addRailNode(x, y, true) < 0) { warning("Too many rail nodes defined for scene"); } } // Clear current hotspot lists _sceneResources.hotspots->clear(); _sceneResources.parallax->clear(); _sceneResources.props->clear(); _sceneResources.hotspots->loadHotSpots(sceneS, _sceneResources.hotspotCount); _sceneResources.parallax->loadHotSpots(sceneS, _sceneResources.parallaxCount); _sceneResources.props->loadHotSpots(sceneS, _sceneResources.propsCount); // Note that toss() deletes the MemoryReadStream _vm->res()->toss(filename); } } void Scene::loadSceneHotSpotsMads(int sceneNumber) { char filename[kM4MaxFilenameSize]; sprintf(filename, "rm%i.hh", sceneNumber); MadsPack hotSpotData(filename, _vm); Common::SeekableReadStream *hotspotStream = hotSpotData.getItemStream(0); int hotspotCount = hotspotStream->readUint16LE(); delete hotspotStream; _sceneResources.hotspotCount = hotspotCount; hotspotStream = hotSpotData.getItemStream(1); // Clear current hotspot lists _sceneResources.hotspots->clear(); _sceneResources.hotspots->loadHotSpots(hotspotStream, _sceneResources.hotspotCount); delete hotspotStream; } void Scene::loadSceneInverseColorTable(int sceneNumber) { char filename[kM4MaxFilenameSize]; Common::SeekableReadStream *iplS; if (_vm->isM4()) { sprintf(filename, "%i.ipl", sceneNumber); iplS = _vm->res()->openFile(filename); delete[] _inverseColorTable; _inverseColorTable = new byte[iplS->size()]; iplS->read(_inverseColorTable, iplS->size()); _vm->res()->toss(filename); } else { // TODO? return; } } void Scene::loadSceneSpriteCodes(int sceneNumber) { char filename[kM4MaxFilenameSize]; sprintf(filename, "%i.ssc", sceneNumber); Common::SeekableReadStream *sceneS = _vm->res()->get(filename); // TODO if (sceneS != NULL) { SpriteAsset* _sceneSpriteCodes = new SpriteAsset(_vm, sceneS, sceneS->size(), filename); int colorCount = _sceneSpriteCodes->getColorCount(); // RGB8* spritePalette = _sceneSpriteCodes->getPalette(); //_vm->_palette->setPalette(spritePalette, 0, colorCount); printf("Scene has %d sprite codes, each one having %d colors\n", _sceneSpriteCodes->getCount(), colorCount); // Note that toss() deletes the MemoryReadStream _vm->res()->toss(filename); } } void Scene::showSprites() { // TODO: This is all experimental code, it needs heavy restructuring // and cleanup // taken from set_walker_scaling() in adv_walk.cpp. A proper implementation will need // to store these in global variables int minScaling = FixedDiv(_sceneResources.backScale << 16, 100 << 16); int maxScaling = FixedDiv(_sceneResources.frontScale << 16, 100 << 16); int scaler; _vm->_actor->setWalkerDirection(kFacingSouthEast); //_vm->_actor->setWalkerPalette(); // taken from set_walker_scaling() in adv_walk.cpp if (_sceneResources.frontY == _sceneResources.backY) scaler = 0; else scaler = FixedDiv(maxScaling - minScaling, (_sceneResources.frontY << 16) - (_sceneResources.backY << 16)); // FIXME: For now, we (incorrectly) scale the walker to 50% of the scene's max scaling _vm->_actor->setWalkerScaling(scaler / 2); // Test code to display the protagonist _vm->_actor->placeWalkerSpriteAt(0, 320, 200); // Test code to display scene sprites // TODO } // Test function, shows all scene hotspots void Scene::showHotSpots() { int i = 0; HotSpot *currentHotSpot; // hotspots (green) for (i = 0; i < _sceneResources.hotspotCount; i++) { currentHotSpot = _sceneResources.hotspots->get(i); _backgroundSurface->frameRect(currentHotSpot->getRect(), _vm->_palette->GREEN); } if (_vm->isM4()) { // parallax (yellow) for (i = 0; i < _sceneResources.parallaxCount; i++) { currentHotSpot = _sceneResources.parallax->get(i); _backgroundSurface->frameRect(currentHotSpot->getRect(), _vm->_palette->YELLOW); } // props (red) for (i = 0; i < _sceneResources.propsCount; i++) { currentHotSpot = _sceneResources.props->get(i); _backgroundSurface->frameRect(currentHotSpot->getRect(), _vm->_palette->RED); } } } /** * Debug function that shows the walkable areas by copying them over the current background surface */ void Scene::showCodes() { if (_vm->isM4()) { // Show the walk areas for the M4 engine in black and white const byte *srcP = (const byte *)_walkSurface->getBasePtr(0, 0); byte *destP = _backgroundSurface->getBasePtr(0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < _walkSurface->width() * _walkSurface->height(); i++) destP[i] = (srcP[i] & 0x10) ? 0xFF : 0; byte colors[256 * 4]; memset(colors, 0, sizeof(colors)); colors[255 * 4 + 0] = 255; colors[255 * 4 + 1] = 255; colors[255 * 4 + 2] = 255; _vm->_palette->setPalette(colors, 0, 256); } else { // For MADS, simply copy the walk data to the background, in whatever current palette is active _walkSurface->copyTo(_backgroundSurface); } } void Scene::playIntro() { } void Scene::onRefresh(RectList *rects, M4Surface *destSurface) { update(); View::onRefresh(rects, destSurface); } bool Scene::onEvent(M4EventType eventType, int32 param1, int x, int y, bool &captureEvents) { //if (_vm->getGameType() != GType_Burger) // return false; // If the game is currently paused, don't do any scene processing if (_vm->_kernel->paused) return false; switch (eventType) { case MEVENT_LEFT_CLICK: leftClick(x, y); break; case MEVENT_RIGHT_CLICK: rightClick(x, y); break; case MEVENT_MOVE: checkHotspotAtMousePos(x, y); break; default: return false; } return true; } enum boxSprites { topLeft = 0, topRight = 1, bottomLeft = 2, bottomRight = 3, left = 4, right = 5, top = 6, bottom = 7, topMiddle = 8, filler1 = 9, filler2 = 10 // TODO: finish this }; // TODO: calculate width and height, show text, show face if it exists // TODO: this has been tested with Dragonsphere only, there are some differences // in the sprites used in Phantom void Scene::showMADSV2TextBox(char *text, int x, int y, char *faceName) { int repeatX = 40; // FIXME: this is hardcoded int repeatY = 30; // FIXME: this is hardcoded int curX = x, curY = y; int topRightX = x; // TODO: this is probably not needed Common::SeekableReadStream *data = _vm->res()->get("box.ss"); SpriteAsset *boxSprites = new SpriteAsset(_vm, data, data->size(), "box.ss"); _vm->res()->toss("box.ss"); RGBList *palData = new RGBList(boxSprites->getColorCount(), boxSprites->getPalette(), true); _vm->_palette->addRange(palData); for (int i = 0; i < boxSprites->getCount(); i++) boxSprites->getFrame(i)->translate(palData); // sprite pixel translation // Top left corner boxSprites->getFrame(topLeft)->copyTo(_backgroundSurface, x, curY); curX += boxSprites->getFrame(topLeft)->width(); // Top line for (int i = 0; i < repeatX; i++) { boxSprites->getFrame(top)->copyTo(_backgroundSurface, curX, curY + 3); curX += boxSprites->getFrame(top)->width(); } // Top right corner boxSprites->getFrame(topRight)->copyTo(_backgroundSurface, curX, curY); topRightX = curX; // Top middle // FIXME: the transparent color for this is also the black border color boxSprites->getFrame(topMiddle)->copyTo(_backgroundSurface, x + (curX - x) / 2 - boxSprites->getFrame(topMiddle)->width() / 2, curY - 5, 167); curX = x; curY += boxSprites->getFrame(topLeft)->height(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Draw contents for (int i = 0; i < repeatY; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < repeatX; j++) { if (j == 0) { boxSprites->getFrame(left)->copyTo(_backgroundSurface, curX + 3, curY); curX += boxSprites->getFrame(left)->width(); } else if (j == repeatX - 1) { curX = topRightX - 2; boxSprites->getFrame(right)->copyTo(_backgroundSurface, curX + 3, curY + 1); } else { // TODO: the background of the contents follows a pattern which is not understood yet if (j % 2 == 0) { boxSprites->getFrame(filler1)->copyTo(_backgroundSurface, curX + 3, curY); curX += boxSprites->getFrame(filler1)->width(); } else { boxSprites->getFrame(filler2)->copyTo(_backgroundSurface, curX + 3, curY); curX += boxSprites->getFrame(filler2)->width(); } } } // for j curX = x; curY += boxSprites->getFrame(left)->height(); } // for i // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- curX = x; // Bottom left corner boxSprites->getFrame(bottomLeft)->copyTo(_backgroundSurface, curX, curY); curX += boxSprites->getFrame(bottomLeft)->width(); // Bottom line for (int i = 0; i < repeatX; i++) { boxSprites->getFrame(bottom)->copyTo(_backgroundSurface, curX, curY + 1); curX += boxSprites->getFrame(bottom)->width(); } // Bottom right corner boxSprites->getFrame(bottomRight)->copyTo(_backgroundSurface, curX, curY + 1); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ M4Scene::M4Scene(M4Engine *vm): Scene(vm) { _vm = vm; _sceneSprites = NULL; _interfaceSurface = new M4InterfaceView(vm); } M4Scene::~M4Scene() { delete _sceneSprites; } void M4Scene::loadSceneSprites(int sceneNumber) { char filename[kM4MaxFilenameSize]; sprintf(filename, "%i.ssb", sceneNumber); Common::SeekableReadStream *sceneS = _vm->res()->get(filename); _sceneSprites = new SpriteAsset(_vm, sceneS, sceneS->size(), filename); _vm->res()->toss(filename); printf("Scene has %d sprites, each one having %d colors\n", _sceneSprites->getCount(), _sceneSprites->getColorCount()); } void M4Scene::loadScene(int sceneNumber) { Scene::loadScene(sceneNumber); _backgroundSurface->loadBackground(sceneNumber); _palData = NULL; if (_vm->getGameType() == GType_Burger && sceneNumber != TITLE_SCENE_BURGER && sceneNumber != MAINMENU_SCENE_BURGER) setStatusText(""); // Load scene def file (*.CHK) loadSceneResources(sceneNumber); loadSceneInverseColorTable(sceneNumber); // TODO: set walker scaling // TODO: destroy woodscript buffer // Load scene walk path file (*.COD/*.WW?) loadSceneCodes(sceneNumber); // Load inverse color table file (*.IPL) loadSceneInverseColorTable(sceneNumber); if (_vm->getGameType() != GType_Burger) { // Load scene sprites file (*.SSB) loadSceneSprites(sceneNumber); // Load scene sprite codes file (*.SSC) loadSceneSpriteCodes(sceneNumber); } if (sceneNumber != TITLE_SCENE_BURGER && sceneNumber != MAINMENU_SCENE_BURGER) { _m4Vm->scene()->getInterface()->show(); showSprites(); } // Purge resources _vm->res()->purge(); } void M4Scene::loadSceneCodes(int sceneNumber, int index) { char filename[kM4MaxFilenameSize]; Common::SeekableReadStream *sceneS; sprintf(filename, "%i.cod", sceneNumber); sceneS = _vm->res()->openFile(filename); _walkSurface->loadCodesM4(sceneS); _vm->res()->toss(filename); } void M4Scene::show() { Scene::show(); _vm->_viewManager->addView(_interfaceSurface); } void M4Scene::checkHotspotAtMousePos(int x, int y) { if (_vm->getGameType() == GType_Riddle) return; // TODO: loads of things to do here, only the mouse cursor and the status // text is changed for now // Only scene hotspots are checked for now, not parallax/props, as the // latter ones are not used by Orion Burger HotSpot *currentHotSpot = _sceneResources.hotspots->findByXY(x, y); if (currentHotSpot != NULL && currentHotSpot->getActive()) { if (_vm->_mouse->getCursorNum() != CURSOR_LOOK && _vm->_mouse->getCursorNum() != CURSOR_TAKE && _vm->_mouse->getCursorNum() != CURSOR_USE && _m4Vm->scene()->getInterface()->_inventory.getSelectedIndex() == -1) { _vm->_mouse->setCursorNum(currentHotSpot->getCursor()); } _m4Vm->scene()->getInterface()->setStatusText(currentHotSpot->getPrep()); } else { if (_vm->_mouse->getCursorNum() != CURSOR_LOOK && _vm->_mouse->getCursorNum() != CURSOR_TAKE && _vm->_mouse->getCursorNum() != CURSOR_USE && _m4Vm->scene()->getInterface()->_inventory.getSelectedIndex() == -1) { _vm->_mouse->setCursorNum(0); } else { } } } void M4Scene::leftClick(int x, int y) { if (_vm->getGameType() == GType_Burger) { // Place a Wilbur sprite with the correct facing HotSpot *currentHotSpot = _sceneResources.hotspots->findByXY(x, y); if (currentHotSpot != NULL && currentHotSpot->getActive()) { update(); _vm->_actor->setWalkerDirection(currentHotSpot->getFacing()); /* int posX = currentHotSpot->getFeetX(); int posY = currentHotSpot->getFeetY() - scaleValue(_vm->_actor->getWalkerHeight(), _vm->_actor->getWalkerScaling(), 0); //_vm->_actor->placeWalkerSpriteAt(0, posX, posY); */ // Player said.... (for scene scripts) printf("Player said: %s %s\n", currentHotSpot->getVerb(), currentHotSpot->getVocab()); // FIXME: This should be moved somewhere else, and is incomplete if (_m4Vm->scene()->getInterface()->_inventory.getSelectedIndex() == -1) { if (_vm->_mouse->getVerb() == NULL) { strcpy(_vm->_player->verb, currentHotSpot->getVerb()); } else { strcpy(_vm->_player->verb, _vm->_mouse->getVerb()); } } else { strcpy(_vm->_player->verb, _m4Vm->scene()->getInterface()->_inventory.getSelectedObjectName()); } strcpy(_vm->_player->noun, currentHotSpot->getVocab()); strcpy(_vm->_player->object, ""); _vm->_player->commandReady = true; printf("## Player said: %s %s\n", _vm->_player->verb, _vm->_player->noun); } } } void M4Scene::rightClick(int x, int y) { if (_vm->getGameType() == GType_Burger) { nextCommonCursor(); _m4Vm->scene()->getInterface()->_inventory.clearSelected(); } } void M4Scene::setAction(int action, int objectId) { } void M4Scene::setStatusText(const char *text) { getInterface()->setStatusText(text); } void M4Scene::update() { } void M4Scene::nextCommonCursor() { int cursorIndex = _vm->_mouse->getCursorNum(); switch (cursorIndex) { case CURSOR_ARROW: cursorIndex = CURSOR_LOOK; break; case CURSOR_LOOK: cursorIndex = CURSOR_TAKE; break; case CURSOR_TAKE: cursorIndex = CURSOR_USE; break; case CURSOR_USE: cursorIndex = CURSOR_ARROW; break; default: cursorIndex = CURSOR_ARROW; } _vm->_mouse->setCursorNum(cursorIndex); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ MadsScene::MadsScene(MadsEngine *vm): Scene(vm) { _vm = vm; strcpy(_statusText, ""); _interfaceSurface = new MadsInterfaceView(vm); _currentAction = kVerbNone; _spriteSlotsStart = 0; } /** * Secondary scene loading code */ void MadsScene::loadScene2(const char *aaName) { // Load up the properties for the scene _sceneInfo.load(_currentScene); // Load scene walk paths loadSceneCodes(_currentScene); } /** * Existing ScummVM code that needs to be eventually replaced with MADS code */ void MadsScene::loadSceneTemporary() { /* Existing code that eventually needs to be replaced with the proper MADS code */ // Set system palette entries _vm->_palette->blockRange(0, 7); RGB8 sysColors[3] = { {0x1f<<2, 0x2d<<2, 0x31<<2, 0}, {0x24<<2, 0x37<<2, 0x3a<<2, 0}, {0x00<<2, 0x10<<2, 0x16<<2, 0}}; _vm->_palette->setPalette(&sysColors[0], 4, 3); _backgroundSurface->loadBackground(_currentScene, &_palData); _vm->_palette->addRange(_palData); _backgroundSurface->translate(_palData); if (_currentScene < 900) { /*_backgroundSurface->fillRect(Common::Rect(0, MADS_SURFACE_HEIGHT, _backgroundSurface->width(), _backgroundSurface->height()), _vm->_palette->BLACK);*/ // TODO: interface palette _interfaceSurface->madsloadInterface(0, &_interfacePal); _vm->_palette->addRange(_interfacePal); _interfaceSurface->translate(_interfacePal); _backgroundSurface->copyFrom(_interfaceSurface, Common::Rect(0, 0, 320, 44), 0, 200 - 44); _interfaceSurface->initialise(); } // Don't load other screen resources for system screens if (_currentScene >= 900) return; loadSceneHotSpotsMads(_currentScene); // TODO: set walker scaling // TODO: destroy woodscript buffer // Load inverse color table file (*.IPL) loadSceneInverseColorTable(_currentScene); } void MadsScene::loadScene(int sceneNumber) { // Close the menu if it's active View *mainMenu = _vm->_viewManager->getView(VIEWID_MAINMENU); if (mainMenu != NULL) { _vm->_viewManager->deleteView(mainMenu); } // Handle common scene setting Scene::loadScene(sceneNumber); // Signal the script engine what scene is to be active _sceneLogic.selectScene(sceneNumber); _sceneLogic.setupScene(); // Add the scene if necessary to the list of scenes that have been visited _vm->globals()->addVisitedScene(sceneNumber); // Secondary scene load routine loadScene2("*I0.AA"); // Do any scene specific setup _sceneLogic.enterScene(); // Existing ScummVM code that needs to be eventually replaced with MADS code loadSceneTemporary(); // Purge resources _vm->res()->purge(); } void MadsScene::leaveScene() { _sceneResources.hotspots->clear(); _sceneResources.parallax->clear(); _sceneResources.props->clear(); delete _sceneResources.hotspots; delete _sceneResources.parallax; delete _sceneResources.props; // Delete the sprites for (uint i = 0; i <_sceneSprites.size(); ++i) delete _sceneSprites[i]; _sceneSprites.clear(); delete _backgroundSurface; delete _walkSurface; Scene::leaveScene(); } void MadsScene::show() { Scene::show(); _vm->_viewManager->addView(_interfaceSurface); } void MadsScene::loadSceneCodes(int sceneNumber, int index) { char filename[kM4MaxFilenameSize]; Common::SeekableReadStream *sceneS; if (_vm->getGameType() == GType_Phantom || _vm->getGameType() == GType_DragonSphere) { sprintf(filename, "rm%i.ww%i", sceneNumber, index); MadsPack walkData(filename, _vm); sceneS = walkData.getItemStream(0); _walkSurface->loadCodesMads(sceneS); _vm->res()->toss(filename); } else if (_vm->getGameType() == GType_RexNebular) { // For Rex Nebular, the walk areas are part of the scene info byte *destP = _walkSurface->getBasePtr(0, 0); const byte *srcP = _sceneInfo.walkData; byte runLength; while ((runLength = *srcP++) != 0) { Common::set_to(destP, destP + runLength, *srcP++); destP += runLength; } } } void MadsScene::checkHotspotAtMousePos(int x, int y) { HotSpot *currentHotSpot = _sceneResources.hotspots->findByXY(x, y); if (currentHotSpot != NULL) { _vm->_mouse->setCursorNum(currentHotSpot->getCursor()); // This is the "easy" interface, which updates the status text when the mouse is moved // TODO: toggle this code for easy/normal interface mode char statusText[50]; int verbId = _currentAction; if (verbId == kVerbNone) verbId = currentHotSpot->getVerbID(); if (verbId == kVerbNone) verbId = kVerbWalkTo; sprintf(statusText, "%s %s\n", _madsVm->globals()->getVocab(verbId), currentHotSpot->getVocab()); statusText[0] = toupper(statusText[0]); // capitalize first letter setStatusText(statusText); } else { _vm->_mouse->setCursorNum(0); setStatusText(""); } } void MadsScene::leftClick(int x, int y) { HotSpot *currentHotSpot = _sceneResources.hotspots->findByXY(x, y); if (currentHotSpot != NULL) { char statusText[50]; if (currentHotSpot->getVerbID() != 0) { sprintf(statusText, "%s %s\n", currentHotSpot->getVerb(), currentHotSpot->getVocab()); } else { sprintf(statusText, "%s %s\n", _madsVm->globals()->getVocab(kVerbWalkTo), currentHotSpot->getVocab()); } statusText[0] = toupper(statusText[0]); // capitalize first letter setStatusText(statusText); } } void MadsScene::rightClick(int x, int y) { // ***DEBUG*** - sample dialog display int idx = 3; //_madsVm->_globals->messageIndexOf(0x277a); const char *msg = _madsVm->globals()->loadMessage(idx); Dialog *dlg = new Dialog(_vm, msg, "TEST DIALOG"); _vm->_viewManager->addView(dlg); _vm->_viewManager->moveToFront(dlg); } void MadsScene::setAction(int action, int objectId) { VALIDATE_MADS; char statusText[50]; // TODO: Actually executing actions directly for objects. Also, some object actions are special in that // a second object can be selected, as in 'use gun to shoot person', with requires a target // Set up the new action strcpy(statusText, _madsVm->globals()->getVocab(action)); statusText[0] = toupper(statusText[0]); // capitalize first letter if (objectId != -1) { MadsObject *obj = _madsVm->globals()->getObject(objectId); sprintf(statusText + strlen(statusText), " %s", _madsVm->globals()->getVocab(obj->descId)); } else { _currentAction = action; } setStatusText(statusText); } void MadsScene::setStatusText(const char *text) { strcpy(_statusText, text); } /** * Draws all the elements of the scene */ void MadsScene::drawElements() { // Display animations for (int idx = 0; idx < _spriteSlotsStart; ++idx) { } // Text display loop for (int idx = 0; idx < TEXT_DISPLAY_SIZE; ++idx) { if (_textDisplay[idx].active && (_textDisplay[idx].field_A >= 0)) { _textDisplay[idx].font->setColours(0xFF, (_textDisplay[idx].colour2 == 0) ? _textDisplay[idx].colour1 : _textDisplay[idx].colour2, _textDisplay[idx].colour1); _textDisplay[idx].font->writeString(this, _textDisplay[idx].message, _textDisplay[idx].bounds.left, _textDisplay[idx].bounds.top, width() - _textDisplay[idx].bounds.left, _textDisplay[idx].spacing); } } // Copy the user interface surface onto the surface _interfaceSurface->copyTo(this, 0, this->height() - _interfaceSurface->height()); /* // At this point, in the original engine, the dirty/changed areas were copied to the screen. At the moment, // the current M4 engine framework doesn't support dirty areas, but this is being kept in case that ever changes for (int idx = 0; idx < DIRTY_AREA_SIZE; ++idx) { if (_dirtyAreas[idx].active && _dirtyAreas[idx].active2 && (_dirtyAreas[idx].bounds.width() > 0) && (_dirtyAreas[idx].bounds.height() > 0)) { // Copy changed area to screen } } */ // Some kind of copying over of slot entries for (int idx = 0, idx2 = 0; idx < _spriteSlotsStart; ++idx) { if (_spriteSlots[idx].spriteId >= 0) { if (idx != idx2) { // Copy over the slot entry _spriteSlots[idx2] = _spriteSlots[idx]; } ++idx2; } } // Clear up any now inactive text display entries for (int idx = 0; idx < TEXT_DISPLAY_SIZE; ++idx) { if (_textDisplay[idx].field_A < 0) { _textDisplay[idx].active = false; _textDisplay[idx].field_A = 0; } } } void MadsScene::update() { // Copy the bare scene in _backgroundSurface->copyTo(this); // Draw all the various elements drawElements(); // Handle display of any status text if (_statusText[0]) { // Text colors are inverted in Dragonsphere if (_vm->getGameType() == GType_DragonSphere) _vm->_font->setColors(_vm->_palette->BLACK, _vm->_palette->WHITE, _vm->_palette->BLACK); else _vm->_font->setColors(_vm->_palette->WHITE, _vm->_palette->BLACK, _vm->_palette->BLACK); _vm->_font->setFont(FONT_MAIN_MADS); _vm->_font->writeString(this, _statusText, (width() - _vm->_font->getWidth(_statusText)) / 2, 142, 0); } //***DEBUG*** _sceneSprites[0]->getFrame(1)->copyTo(this, 120, 90, 0); } int MadsScene::loadSceneSpriteSet(const char *setName) { char resName[100]; strcpy(resName, setName); // Append a '.SS' if it doesn't alreayd have an extension if (!strchr(resName, '.')) strcat(resName, ".SS"); Common::SeekableReadStream *data = _vm->res()->get(resName); SpriteAsset *spriteSet = new SpriteAsset(_vm, data, data->size(), resName); spriteSet->translate(_vm->_palette); _vm->res()->toss(resName); _sceneSprites.push_back(spriteSet); return _sceneSprites.size() - 1; } void MadsScene::loadPlayerSprites(const char *prefix) { const char suffixList[8] = { '8', '9', '6', '3', '2', '7', '4', '1' }; char setName[80]; strcpy(setName, "*"); strcat(setName, prefix); strcat(setName, "_0.SS"); char *digitP = strchr(setName, '_') + 1; for (int idx = 0; idx < 8; ++idx) { *digitP = suffixList[idx]; if (_vm->res()->resourceExists(setName)) { loadSceneSpriteSet(setName); return; } } error("Couldn't find player sprites"); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void MadsSceneInfo::load(int sId) { const char *sceneInfoStr = MADSResourceManager::getResourceName(RESPREFIX_RM, sId, ".DAT"); Common::SeekableReadStream *rawStream = _vm->_resourceManager->get(sceneInfoStr); MadsPack sceneInfo(rawStream); // Basic scene info Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = sceneInfo.getItemStream(0); int resSceneId = stream->readUint16LE(); assert(resSceneId == sId); artFileNum = stream->readUint16LE(); field_4 = stream->readUint16LE(); width = stream->readUint16LE(); height = stream->readUint16LE(); assert((width == 320) && (height == 156)); stream->skip(24); objectCount = stream->readUint16LE(); stream->skip(40); for (int i = 0; i < objectCount; ++i) { objects[i].load(stream); } // For Rex Nebular, read in the scene's compressed walk surface information if (_vm->getGameType() == GType_RexNebular) { delete walkData; stream = sceneInfo.getItemStream(1); walkData = (byte *)malloc(stream->size()); stream->read(walkData, stream->size()); } _vm->_resourceManager->toss(sceneInfoStr); } } // End of namespace M4