/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
 * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
 * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
 * file distributed with this source distribution.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

 * Based on
 * WebVenture (c) 2010, Sean Kasun
 * https://github.com/mrkite/webventure, http://seancode.com/webventure/
 * Used with explicit permission from the author


#include "engines/engine.h"
#include "common/scummsys.h"
#include "common/system.h"
#include "common/debug.h"
#include "common/random.h"
#include "common/macresman.h"
#include "common/huffman.h"
#include "common/savefile.h"

#include "gui/debugger.h"

#include "macventure/debug.h"
#include "macventure/gui.h"
#include "macventure/world.h"
#include "macventure/hufflists.h"
#include "macventure/stringtable.h"
#include "macventure/script.h"
#include "macventure/controls.h"
#include "macventure/windows.h"
#include "macventure/sound.h"

struct ADGameDescription;

namespace MacVenture {

class SaveFileManager;

class Console;
class World;
class ScriptEngine;

class SoundManager;

typedef uint32 ObjID;

// HACK, until I find a way to translate correctly
extern void toASCII(Common::String &str);

enum {
	kScreenWidth = 512,
	kScreenHeight = 342

enum {
	kGlobalSettingsID = 0x80,
	kDiplomaGeometryID = 0x81,
	kTextHuffmanTableID = 0x83

enum {
	kSaveGameStrID = 0x82,
	kDiplomaFilenameID = 0x83,
	kClickToContinueTextID = 0x84,
	kStartGameFilenameID = 0x85

enum FilePathID {
	kMCVID = 1,
	kTitlePathID = 2,
	kSubdirPathID = 3,
	kObjectPathID = 4,
	kFilterPathID = 5,
	kTextPathID = 6,
	kGraphicPathID = 7,
	kSoundPathID = 8

class GlobalSettings {

	void loadSettings(Common::SeekableReadStream *dataStream);

// HACK MAybe this should be private, but the class is only here to handle
// memory allocation/deallocation
	uint16 _numObjects;    // number of game objects defined
	uint16 _numGlobals;    // number of globals defined
	uint16 _numCommands;   // number of commands defined
	uint16 _numAttributes; // number of attributes
	uint16 _numGroups;     // number of object groups
	uint16 _invTop;        // inventory window bounds
	uint16 _invLeft;
	uint16 _invHeight;
	uint16 _invWidth;
	uint16 _invOffsetY;    // positioning offset for
	uint16 _invOffsetX;    // new inventory windows
	uint16 _defaultFont;   // default font
	uint16 _defaultSize;   // default font size
	Common::Array<uint8> _attrIndices; // attribute indices into attribute table
	Common::Array<uint16> _attrMasks;   // attribute masks
	Common::Array<uint8> _attrShifts;  // attribute bit shifts
	Common::Array<uint8> _cmdArgCnts;  // command argument counts
	Common::Array<uint8> _commands;    // command buttons

enum GameState {

enum ObjectQueueID {
	kFocusWindow = 2,
	kOpenWindow = 3,
	kCloseWindow = 4,
	kUpdateObject = 7,
	kUpdateWindow = 8,
	kSetToPlayerParent = 12,
	kHightlightExits = 13,
	kAnimateBack = 14

struct QueuedObject {
	ObjectQueueID id;
	ObjID object;
	ObjID parent;
	uint x;
	uint y;
	uint exitx;
	uint exity;
	bool hidden;
	bool offscreen;
	bool invisible;
	ObjID target; // For swapping

enum TextQueueID {
	kTextNumber = 1,
	kTextNewLine = 2,
	kTextPlain = 3

struct QueuedText {
	TextQueueID id;
	ObjID source;
	ObjID destination;
	ObjID asset;

enum SoundQueueID {
	kSoundPlay = 1,
	kSoundPlayAndWait = 2,
	kSoundWait = 3

struct QueuedSound {
	SoundQueueID id;
	ObjID reference;

class MacVentureEngine : public Engine {

	MacVentureEngine(OSystem *syst, const ADGameDescription *gameDesc);

	virtual bool hasFeature(EngineFeature f) const;

	virtual Common::Error run();

	bool scummVMSaveLoadDialog(bool isSave);
	bool canLoadGameStateCurrently();
	bool canSaveGameStateCurrently();
	virtual Common::Error loadGameState(int slot);
	virtual Common::Error saveGameState(int slot, const Common::String &desc);
	void newGame();
	void setInitialFlags();
	void setNewGameState();

	void initDebugChannels();
	void reset();
	void resetInternals();
	void resetGui();
	void refreshScreen();

	// datafiles.cpp
	void loadDataBundle();
	Common::SeekableReadStream *getBorderFile(MVWindowType windowType, bool isActive);

	void requestQuit();
	void requestUnpause();
	void selectControl(ControlAction action);
	void refreshReady();
	void preparedToRun();
	void gameChanged();
	void winGame();
	void loseGame();
	void clickToContinue();

	void updateState(bool pause);
	void revert();

	void enqueueObject(ObjectQueueID type, ObjID objID, ObjID target = 0);
	void enqueueText(TextQueueID type, ObjID target, ObjID source, ObjID text);
	void enqueueSound(SoundQueueID type, ObjID target);

	void runObjQueue();
	void printTexts();
	void playSounds(bool pause);

	void handleObjectSelect(ObjID objID, WindowReference win, bool shiftPressed, bool isDoubleClick);
	void handleObjectDrop(ObjID objID, Common::Point delta, ObjID newParent);
	void setDeltaPoint(Common::Point newPos);
	void focusObjWin(ObjID objID);
	void updateWindow(WindowReference winID);

	bool showTextEntry(ObjID text, ObjID srcObj, ObjID destObj);
	void setTextInput(Common::String content);
	Common::String getUserInput();

	// Data retrieval
	Common::String getStartGameFileName();
	bool isPaused();
	bool needsClickToContinue();
	Common::String getCommandsPausedString() const;
	const GlobalSettings &getGlobalSettings() const;
	Common::String getFilePath(FilePathID id) const;
	bool isOldText() const;
	const HuffmanLists *getDecodingHuffman() const;
	uint32 randBetween(uint32 min, uint32 max);
	uint32 getInvolvedObjects();
	int findObjectInArray(ObjID objID, const Common::Array<ObjID> &list);
	uint getPrefixNdx(ObjID obj);
	Common::String getPrefixString(uint flag, ObjID obj);
	Common::String getNoun(ObjID ndx);

	// Attributes consult
	Common::Point getObjPosition(ObjID objID);
	bool isObjVisible(ObjID objID);
	bool isObjClickable(ObjID objID);
	bool isObjSelected(ObjID objID);
	bool isObjExit(ObjID objID);
	bool isHiddenExit(ObjID objID);
	Common::Point getObjExitPosition(ObjID objID);
	ObjID getParent(ObjID objID);

	// Utils
	ControlAction referenceToAction(ControlType id);

	// Encapsulation HACK
	Common::Rect getObjBounds(ObjID objID);
	uint getOverlapPercent(ObjID one, ObjID other);

	WindowReference getObjWindow(ObjID objID);
	WindowReference findParentWindow(ObjID objID);

	Common::Point getDeltaPoint();
	ObjID getDestObject();
	ControlAction getSelectedControl();

	void processEvents();

	bool runScriptEngine();
	void endGame();
	void updateControls();
	void resetVars();

	void unselectAll();
	void selectObject(ObjID objID);
	void unselectObject(ObjID objID);
	void highlightExit(ObjID objID);
	void selectPrimaryObject(ObjID objID);
	void updateExits();

	// Object queue methods
	void focusObjectWindow(ObjID objID);
	void openObject(ObjID objID);
	void closeObject(ObjID objID);
	void checkObject(QueuedObject objID);
	void reflectSwap(ObjID fromID, ObjID toID);
	void toggleExits();
	void zoomObject(ObjID objID);

	bool isObjEnqueued(ObjID obj);

	bool isGameRunning();

	// Data loading
	bool loadGlobalSettings();
	bool loadTextHuffman();

	const char *getGameFileName() const;

private: // Attributes

	const ADGameDescription *_gameDescription;
	Common::RandomSource *_rnd;

	Common::MacResManager *_resourceManager;

	Console *_debugger;
	Gui *_gui;
	World *_world;
	ScriptEngine *_scriptEngine;

	// String tables
	StringTable *_filenames;
	StringTable *_decodingDirectArticles;
	StringTable *_decodingNamingArticles;
	StringTable *_decodingIndirectArticles;

	SoundManager *_soundManager;

	Common::Archive *_dataBundle;

	// Engine state
	GameState _gameState;
	GlobalSettings *_globalSettings;
	HuffmanLists *_textHuffman;
	bool _oldTextEncoding;
	bool _paused, _halted, _cmdReady, _prepared;
	bool _haltedAtEnd, _haltedInSelection;
	bool _gameChanged;
	bool _clickToContinue;

	Common::Array<QueuedObject> _objQueue;
	Common::Array<QueuedObject> _inQueue;
	Common::Array<QueuedSound> _soundQueue;
	Common::Array<QueuedText> _textQueue;

	// Selections
	ObjID _destObject;
	ControlAction _selectedControl;
	Common::Array<ObjID> _currentSelection;
	Common::Point _deltaPoint;
	Common::String _userInput;


class Console : public GUI::Debugger {
	Console(MacVentureEngine *vm) {}
	virtual ~Console(void) {}
} // End of namespace MacVenture
