/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "common/scummsys.h" #include "mads/scene.h" #include "mads/compression.h" #include "mads/mads.h" #include "mads/nebular/nebular_scenes.h" namespace MADS { Scene::Scene(MADSEngine *vm): _vm(vm), _action(_vm), _depthSurface(vm), _dirtyAreas(_vm), _dynamicHotspots(vm), _hotspots(vm), _kernelMessages(vm), _sequences(vm), _sprites(vm), _spriteSlots(vm), _textDisplay(vm), _userInterface(vm) { _priorSceneId = 0; _nextSceneId = 0; _currentSceneId = 0; _sceneLogic = nullptr; _sceneInfo = nullptr; _animFlag = false; _animVal1 = 0; _depthStyle = 0; _roomChanged = false; _reloadSceneFlag = false; _freeAnimationFlag = false; _animationData = nullptr; _activeAnimation = nullptr; _textSpacing = -1; _frameStartTime = 0; _layer = LAYER_GUI; _lookFlag = false; _verbList.push_back(VerbInit(VERB_LOOK, VERB_THAT, PREP_NONE)); _verbList.push_back(VerbInit(VERB_TAKE, VERB_THAT, PREP_NONE)); _verbList.push_back(VerbInit(VERB_PUSH, VERB_THAT, PREP_NONE)); _verbList.push_back(VerbInit(VERB_OPEN, VERB_THAT, PREP_NONE)); _verbList.push_back(VerbInit(VERB_PUT, VERB_THIS, PREP_RELATIONAL)); _verbList.push_back(VerbInit(VERB_TALKTO, VERB_THAT, PREP_NONE)); _verbList.push_back(VerbInit(VERB_GIVE, VERB_THIS, PREP_TO)); _verbList.push_back(VerbInit(VERB_PULL, VERB_THAT, PREP_NONE)); _verbList.push_back(VerbInit(VERB_CLOSE, VERB_THAT, PREP_NONE)); _verbList.push_back(VerbInit(VERB_THROW, VERB_THIS, PREP_TO)); } Scene::~Scene() { delete _sceneLogic; delete _sceneInfo; } void Scene::clearVocab() { _activeVocabs.clear(); } void Scene::addActiveVocab(int vocabId) { if (activeVocabIndexOf(vocabId) == -1) { assert(_activeVocabs.size() < 200); _activeVocabs.push_back(vocabId); } } int Scene::activeVocabIndexOf(int vocabId) { for (uint i = 0; i < _activeVocabs.size(); ++i) { if (_activeVocabs[i] == vocabId) return i; } return -1; } void Scene::clearSequenceList() { _sequences.clear(); } void Scene::clearMessageList() { _kernelMessages.clear(); _talkFont = "*FONTCONV.FF"; _textSpacing = -1; } void Scene::loadSceneLogic() { delete _sceneLogic; switch (_vm->getGameID()) { case GType_RexNebular: _sceneLogic = Nebular::SceneFactory::createScene(_vm); break; default: error("Unknown game"); } } void Scene::loadScene(int sceneId, const Common::String &prefix, bool palFlag) { // Store the previously active scene number and set the new one _priorSceneId = _currentSceneId; _currentSceneId = sceneId; _variant = 0; if (palFlag) _vm->_palette->resetGamePalette(18, 10); _spriteSlots.reset(false); _sequences.clear(); _kernelMessages.clear(); // TODO: palletteUsage reset? setPalette(_nullPalette); int flags = SCENEFLAG_LOAD_SHADOW; if (_vm->_dithering) flags |= SCENEFLAG_DITHER; _sceneInfo = SceneInfo::init(_vm); _sceneInfo->load(_currentSceneId, _variant, Common::String(), flags, _depthSurface, _backgroundSurface); // Initialise palette animation for the scene initPaletteAnimation(_sceneInfo->_palAnimData, false); // Copy over nodes _rails.load(_sceneInfo->_nodes, &_depthSurface, _sceneInfo->_depthStyle); // Load hotspots loadHotspots(); // Load vocab loadVocab(); // Load palette usage _vm->_palette->_paletteUsage.load(1, 0xF); // Load interface flags = PALFLAG_RESERVED | ANIMFLAG_LOAD_BACKGROUND; if (_vm->_dithering) flags |= ANIMFLAG_DITHER; if (_vm->_textWindowStill) flags |= ANIMFLAG_LOAD_BACKGROUND_ONLY; _animationData = Animation::init(_vm, this); MSurface depthSurface; _animationData->load(_userInterface, depthSurface, prefix, flags, nullptr, nullptr); _vm->_palette->_paletteUsage.load(0); _bandsRange = _sceneInfo->_yBandsEnd - _sceneInfo->_yBandsStart; _scaleRange = _sceneInfo->_maxScale - _sceneInfo->_minScale; _spriteSlots.reset(false); _interfaceY = MADS_SCENE_HEIGHT; _spritesCount = _sprites.size(); _userInterface.setup(_vm->_game->_screenObjects._inputMode); _vm->_events->showCursor(); warning("TODO: inventory_anim_allocate"); } void Scene::loadHotspots() { File f(Resources::formatName(RESPREFIX_RM, _currentSceneId, ".HH")); MadsPack madsPack(&f); Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = madsPack.getItemStream(0); int count = stream->readUint16LE(); delete stream; stream = madsPack.getItemStream(1); _hotspots.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) _hotspots.push_back(Hotspot(*stream)); delete stream; f.close(); } void Scene::loadVocab() { // Add all the verbs to the active vocab list for (uint i = 0; i < _verbList.size(); ++i) addActiveVocab(_verbList[i]._id); // Load the vocabs for any object descriptions and custom actions for (uint objIndex = 0; objIndex < _vm->_game->_objects.size(); ++objIndex) { InventoryObject &io = _vm->_game->_objects[objIndex]; addActiveVocab(io._descId); for (int vocabIndex = 0; vocabIndex &animData, bool animFlag) { // Initialise the animation palette and ticks list _animTicksList.clear(); _animPalData.clear(); for (uint i = 0; i < animData.size(); ++i) { _animTicksList.push_back(_vm->_events->getFrameCounter()); _animPalData.push_back(animData[i]); } // Save the initial starting palette Common::copy(&_vm->_palette->_mainPalette[0], &_vm->_palette->_mainPalette[PALETTE_SIZE], &_vm->_palette->_savedPalette[0]); // Calculate total _animCount = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < _animPalData.size(); ++i) _animCount += _animPalData[i].r; _animVal1 = (_animCount > 16) ? 3 : 0; _animFlag = animFlag; } bool Scene::getDepthHighBits(const Common::Point &pt) { if (_sceneInfo->_depthStyle == 2) { return 0; } else { const byte *p = _depthSurface.getBasePtr(pt.x, pt.y); return (*p & 0x70) >> 4; } } void Scene::loop() { while (!_vm->shouldQuit() && !_reloadSceneFlag && _nextSceneId == _currentSceneId) { // Handle drawing a game frame doFrame(); // TODO: Verify correctness of frame wait _vm->_events->waitForNextFrame(); if (_vm->_dialogs->_pendingDialog != DIALOG_NONE && !_vm->_game->_trigger && _vm->_game->_player._stepEnabled) _reloadSceneFlag = true; } } void Scene::doFrame() { Player &player = _vm->_game->_player; bool flag = false; if (_action._selectedAction || !player._stepEnabled) { _action.clear(); _action._selectedAction = 0; } if (!_vm->_game->_trigger && !player._trigger) { // Refresh the dynamic hotspots if they've changed if (_dynamicHotspots._changed) _dynamicHotspots.refresh(); // Check all on-screen visual objects _vm->_game->_screenObjects.check(player._stepEnabled && !player._needToWalk && !_vm->_game->_fx); } if (_action._selectedAction && player._stepEnabled && !player._needToWalk && !_vm->_game->_trigger && !player._trigger) { _action.startAction(); if (_action._activeAction._verbId == Nebular::NOUN_LOOK_AT) { _action._activeAction._verbId = VERB_LOOK; _action._savedFields._command = false; } flag = true; } if (flag || (_vm->_game->_trigger && _vm->_game->_triggerMode == KERNEL_TRIGGER_PREPARE)) { doPreactions(); } player.newWalk(); if (!_vm->_game->_fx) _frameStartTime = _vm->_events->getFrameCounter(); // Handle parser actions as well as game triggers if ((_action._inProgress && !player._moving && !player._needToWalk && (player._facing == player._turnToFacing) && !_vm->_game->_trigger) || (_vm->_game->_trigger && (_vm->_game->_triggerMode == KERNEL_TRIGGER_PARSER))) { doAction(); } if (_currentSceneId != _nextSceneId) { _freeAnimationFlag = true; } else { doSceneStep(); checkKeyboard(); if (_currentSceneId != _nextSceneId) { _freeAnimationFlag = true; } else { player.nextFrame(); // Cursor update code updateCursor(); if (!_vm->_game->_trigger) { // Handle any active sequences _sequences.tick(); // Handle any active animation if (_activeAnimation) _activeAnimation->update(); } // If the debugget flag is set, show the mouse position int mouseTextIndex = 0; if (_vm->_debugger->_showMousePos) { Common::Point pt = _vm->_events->mousePos(); Common::String msg = Common::String::format("(%d,%d)", pt.x, pt.y); mouseTextIndex = _kernelMessages.add(Common::Point(5, 5), 0x203, 0, 0, 1, msg); } if (!_vm->_game->_trigger) { if (_reloadSceneFlag || _currentSceneId != _nextSceneId) _kernelMessages.reset(); _kernelMessages.update(); } _userInterface._uiSlots.draw(!_vm->_game->_fx, _vm->_game->_fx); // Write any text needed by the interface if (_vm->_game->_fx) _userInterface.drawTextElements(); // Draw any elements drawElements((ScreenTransition)_vm->_game->_fx, _vm->_game->_fx); // Handle message updates if (_vm->_game->_fx) { uint32 priorTime = _vm->_game->_priorFrameTimer; uint32 newTime = _vm->_events->getFrameCounter(); _sequences.delay(newTime, priorTime); _kernelMessages.delay(newTime, priorTime); } if (_vm->_debugger->_showMousePos) // Mouse position display isn't persistent, so remove it _kernelMessages.remove(mouseTextIndex); // Original had a debugger check/call here to allow pausing after // drawing each frame. Not implemented under ScummVM } } if (_vm->_game->_fx) _animFlag = true; _vm->_game->_fx = kTransitionNone; if (_freeAnimationFlag && _activeAnimation) { _activeAnimation->free(); _activeAnimation = nullptr; } } void Scene::drawElements(ScreenTransition transitionType, bool surfaceFlag) { // Draw any sprites _spriteSlots.drawBackground(); // Set up dirty areas for any text display _textDisplay.setDirtyAreas(); // Merge any identified dirty areas _dirtyAreas.merge(1, DIRTY_AREAS_SIZE); // Copy background for the dirty areas to the screen _dirtyAreas.copy(&_backgroundSurface, &_vm->_screen, _posAdjust); // Handle dirty areas for foreground objects _spriteSlots.setDirtyAreas(); _textDisplay.setDirtyAreas2(); _dirtyAreas.merge(1, DIRTY_AREAS_SIZE); // Draw foreground sprites _spriteSlots.drawForeground(&_vm->_screen); // Draw text elements onto the view _textDisplay.draw(&_vm->_screen); // _vm->_screen.setPointer(&_vm->_screen); _userInterface.setBounds(Common::Rect(_vm->_screen._offset.x, _vm->_screen._offset.y, _vm->_screen._offset.x + _vm->_screen.w, _vm->_screen._offset.y + _vm->_screen.h)); if (transitionType) { // Fading in the screen _vm->_screen.transition(transitionType, surfaceFlag); _vm->_sound->startQueuedCommands(); } else { // Copy dirty areas to the screen _dirtyAreas.copyToScreen(_vm->_screen._offset); } _spriteSlots.cleanUp(); _textDisplay.cleanUp(); } void Scene::doPreactions() { if (_vm->_game->_screenObjects._inputMode == kInputBuildingSentences || _vm->_game->_screenObjects._inputMode == kInputLimitedSentences) { _vm->_game->_triggerSetupMode = KERNEL_TRIGGER_PREPARE; _action.checkAction(); _sceneLogic->preActions(); if (_vm->_game->_triggerMode == KERNEL_TRIGGER_PREPARE) _vm->_game->_trigger = 0; } } void Scene::doAction() { bool flag = false; _vm->_game->_triggerSetupMode = KERNEL_TRIGGER_PARSER; if ((_action._inProgress || _vm->_game->_trigger) && !_action._savedFields._commandError) { _sceneLogic->actions(); flag = !_action._inProgress; } if (_vm->_game->_screenObjects._inputMode == kInputConversation) { _action._inProgress = false; } else { if ((_action._inProgress || _vm->_game->_trigger) || (!flag && _action._savedFields._commandError == flag)) { _vm->_game->_sectionHandler->sectionPtr2(); flag = !_action._inProgress; } if ((_action._inProgress || _vm->_game->_trigger) && (!flag || _action._savedFields._commandError == flag)) { _vm->_game->doObjectAction(); } if (!_action._savedFields._lookFlag) { if (_action._inProgress) { _action._savedFields._commandError = true; _sceneLogic->postActions(); } if (_action._inProgress) { _action._savedFields._commandError = true; warning("TODO: PtrUnk4"); } if (_action._inProgress) warning("TODO: sub_1D9DE"); } } _action._inProgress = false; if (_vm->_game->_triggerMode == KERNEL_TRIGGER_PARSER) _vm->_game->_trigger = 0; } void Scene::doSceneStep() { _vm->_game->_triggerSetupMode = KERNEL_TRIGGER_DAEMON; _sceneLogic->step(); _vm->_game->_sectionHandler->step(); _vm->_game->step(); if (_vm->_game->_triggerMode == KERNEL_TRIGGER_DAEMON) _vm->_game->_trigger = 0; } void Scene::checkKeyboard() { if (_vm->_events->isKeyPressed()) { Common::Event evt = _vm->_events->_pendingKeys.pop(); _vm->_game->handleKeypress(evt); } if ((_vm->_events->_mouseStatus & 3) == 3 && _vm->_game->_player._stepEnabled) { _reloadSceneFlag = true; _vm->_dialogs->_pendingDialog = DIALOG_GAME_MENU; _action.clear(); _action._selectedAction = 0; } } void Scene::loadAnimation(const Common::String &resName, int abortTimers) { assert(_activeAnimation == nullptr); MSurface depthSurface; UserInterface interfaceSurface(_vm); _activeAnimation = Animation::init(_vm, this); _activeAnimation->load(interfaceSurface, depthSurface, resName, _vm->_dithering ? ANIMFLAG_DITHER : 0, nullptr, nullptr); _activeAnimation->startAnimation(abortTimers); } void Scene::updateCursor() { Player &player = _vm->_game->_player; CursorType cursorId = CURSOR_ARROW; if (_action._interAwaiting == 1 && !_vm->_events->_rightMousePressed && _vm->_game->_screenObjects._category == CAT_HOTSPOT) { int idx = _vm->_game->_screenObjects._selectedObject - _userInterface._categoryIndexes[CAT_HOTSPOT - 1]; assert(idx >= 0); if (idx >= (int)_hotspots.size()) { idx -= _hotspots.size(); _vm->_events->_newCursorId = _dynamicHotspots[idx]._cursor; } else { idx = _hotspots.size() - idx - 1; _vm->_events->_newCursorId = _hotspots[idx]._cursor; } cursorId = _vm->_events->_newCursorId == CURSOR_NONE ? CURSOR_ARROW : _vm->_events->_newCursorId; } if (!player._stepEnabled) cursorId = CURSOR_WAIT; if (cursorId >= _vm->_events->_cursorSprites->getCount()) cursorId = (CursorType)_vm->_events->_cursorSprites->getCount(); _vm->_events->_newCursorId = cursorId; if (cursorId != _vm->_events->_cursorId) { _vm->_events->setCursor(cursorId); } } void Scene::free() { if (_animationData) { delete _animationData; _animationData = nullptr; } if (_activeAnimation) { delete _activeAnimation; _activeAnimation = nullptr; } _hotspots.clear(); _backgroundSurface.free(); _depthSurface.free(); delete _sceneInfo; _sceneInfo = nullptr; } void Scene::removeSprites() { for (int idx = _sprites.size() - 1; idx >= _spritesCount; --idx) _sprites.remove(idx); } void Scene::changeVariant(int variant) { _variant = variant; _sceneInfo->loadCodes(_depthSurface, variant); _spriteSlots.fullRefresh(); } void Scene::resetScene() { _vm->_game->clearQuotes(); _spriteSlots.fullRefresh(true); _sequences.clear(); } } // End of namespace MADS