/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ /* * This code is based on original Mortville Manor DOS source code * Copyright (c) 1988-1989 Lankhor */ #include "common/scummsys.h" #include "mortevielle/actions.h" #include "mortevielle/alert.h" #include "mortevielle/level15.h" #include "mortevielle/menu.h" #include "mortevielle/mor.h" #include "mortevielle/mor2.h" #include "mortevielle/mortevielle.h" #include "mortevielle/mouse.h" #include "mortevielle/outtext.h" #include "mortevielle/ques.h" #include "mortevielle/parole2.h" #include "mortevielle/taffich.h" #include "mortevielle/var_mor.h" namespace Mortevielle { /* NIVEAU 4 */ const char stouinon[] = "[2][ ][OUI][NON]"; //Translation: [2] [ ] [YES] [NO] /* overlay */ void taller() { //int mx, cx, cy; int cx; if ((s.mlieu == 26) && (msg[4] == depl[6])) { s.mlieu = 15; caff = s.mlieu; afdes(0); repon(2, s.mlieu); } if ((s.mlieu == 15) && (msg[4] == depl[6])) { if (! syn) ecr3("aller"); //Translation: Go to tfleche(); if (iesc) okdes = false; if ((anyone) || (iesc)) return; tcoord(1); if (num == 0) return; if (num == 1) { s.mlieu = 0; tmlieu(0); } else if (num == 7) { s.mlieu = 13; tmlieu(13); } else if (num != 6) s.mlieu = 26; if ((num > 1) && (num < 6)) ment = num - 1; if (num > 7) ment = num - 3; if (num != 6) affrep(); else aldepl(); return; } tsort(); cx = 0; do { cx = cx + 1; } while (!(depl[cx] == msg[4])); if (s.mlieu == 19) { if (cx == 1) t1deva(); if (cx == 2) t1neig(); goto L2; } if (s.mlieu == 23) { if (cx == 1) t1deau(); if (cx == 2) t1derr(); goto L2; } if ((s.mlieu == 11) && (cx == 1)) cx = 6; if (s.mlieu == 12) { if (cx == 2) cx = 6; if (cx == 5) cx = 16; } if ((s.mlieu == 14) && (cx == 3)) cx = 6; if (((s.mlieu == 15) || (s.mlieu == 26)) && (cx == 4)) cx = 6; if ((s.mlieu > 19) && (s.mlieu != 26)) cx = cx + 10; if ((s.mlieu == 20) && (cx == 13)) cx = 16; if (s.mlieu == 21) { if (cx == 12) cx = 16; else if (cx > 13) cx = 15; } if ((s.mlieu == 22) && (cx > 14)) cx = 15; if ((s.mlieu == 24) && (cx != 17)) if (cx > 13) cx = 15; if (cx == 1) s.mlieu = 11; else if (cx == 2) s.mlieu = 12; else if (cx == 3) s.mlieu = 14; else if (cx == 4) s.mlieu = 15; else if (cx == 5) cx = 12; if (cx == 6) cx = 11; if (cx == 11) t1sama(); else if (cx == 12) t1deva(); else if (cx == 13) s.mlieu = 20; else if (cx == 14) s.mlieu = 24; else if (cx == 15) t1neig(); else if (cx == 16) t1derr(); else if (cx == 17) { if ((s.ipuit != 120) && (s.ipuit != 140)) crep = 997; else if (s.ipuit == 120) crep = 181; else if (s.conf > 80) { crep = 1505; tperd(); } else { s.mlieu = 23; affrep(); } } if ((cx < 5) || (cx == 13) || (cx == 14)) affrep(); debloc(s.mlieu); L2: tmlieu(s.mlieu); } /* overlay */ void tprendre() { //int cx, cy, cz; int cx; if (caff > 99) { cx = caff; avpoing(cx); if (crep != 139) { if (ipers > 0) s.conf = s.conf + 3; if (obpart) { if (s.mlieu == 2) s.iloic = 0; if (s.mlieu == 13) { if (s.iboul == caff) s.iboul = 0; if (s.ibag == caff) s.ibag = 0; } if (s.mlieu == 14) s.icave = 0; if (s.mlieu == 16) s.icryp = 0; if (s.mlieu == 17) s.ivier = 0; if (s.mlieu == 24) s.ipuit = 0; mfouen(); obpart = false; affrep(); } else { tabdon[acha + (pred(int, mchai) * 10) + pred(int, cs)] = 0; tsuiv(); dobj = dobj + 1; if (dobj > 6) { s.conf = s.conf + 2; dobj = 0; } } } return; } if (! syn) ecr3("prendre"); //Translation: Take tfleche(); if ((anyone) || (iesc)) return; if (caff == 3) { tcoord(2); if (num == 1) { crep = 152; return; } } tcoord(5); if ((num == 0) || ((num == 1) && (s.mlieu == 16))) { tcoord(8); if (num != 0) { if (ipers > 0) s.conf = s.conf + 3; crep = 997; if ((s.mlieu == 2) && (s.iloic != 0)) avpoing(s.iloic); if ((s.mlieu == 13) && (num == 1) && (s.iboul != 0)) { avpoing(s.iboul); if ((crep != 997) && (crep != 139)) aniof(2, 7); } if ((s.mlieu == 13) && (num == 2) && (s.ibag != 0)) { avpoing(s.ibag); if ((crep != 997) && (crep != 139)) aniof(2, 6); } if ((s.mlieu == 14) && (s.icave != 0)) { avpoing(s.icave); if ((crep != 997) && (crep != 139)) aniof(2, 2); } if ((s.mlieu == 16) && (s.icryp != 0)) avpoing(s.icryp); if ((s.mlieu == 17) && (s.ivier != 0)) { avpoing(s.ivier); if ((crep != 997) && (crep != 139)) { crep = 182; aniof(2, 1); } } if ((s.mlieu == 24) && (s.ipuit != 0)) { avpoing(s.ipuit); if ((crep != 997) && (crep != 139)) aniof(2, 1); } if ((crep != 997) && (crep != 182) && (crep != 139)) crep = 999; } } else { if (((s.mlieu == 0) && (num == 3)) || ((s.mlieu == 1) && (num == 4)) || ((s.mlieu == 2) && (num == 1)) || ((s.mlieu == 4) && (num == 3)) || ((s.mlieu == 5) && (num == 6)) || ((s.mlieu == 6) && (num == 2)) || ((s.mlieu == 7) && (num == 6)) || ((s.mlieu == 8) && (num == 4)) || ((s.mlieu == 9) && (num == 4)) || ((s.mlieu == 10) && (num > 2)) || ((s.mlieu == 11) && (num == 7)) || ((s.mlieu == 12) && (num == 6)) || ((s.mlieu == 13) && (num > 4)) || ((s.mlieu > 13) && (s.mlieu != 23))) crep = 997; else { if (s.mlieu == 23) { crep = 1504; tperd(); } else crep = 120; } } } /* overlay */ void tsprendre() { int cx, cy, cz; cx = 0; do { cx = cx + 1; } while (!(invt[cx] == msg[4])); cz = 0; cy = 0; do { cy = cy + 1; if (ord(s.sjer[cy]) != 0) cz = cz + 1; } while (!(cz == cx)); cz = ord(s.sjer[cy]); s.sjer[cy] = chr(0); modinv(); avpoing(cz); crep = 998; clsf2(); } /* overlay */ void tsoulever() { int cx; if (! syn) ecr3("soulever"); //Translation: Lift tfleche(); if ((anyone) || (iesc)) return; tcoord(3); if (num == 0) { tcoord(8); if (num != 0) { if (ipers > 0) s.conf = s.conf + 1; crep = 997; if ((s.mlieu == 2) && (s.iloic != 0)) treg(s.iloic); } return; } if (ipers > 0) s.conf = s.conf + 1; cx = s.mlieu; if (s.mlieu == 16) cx = 14; if (s.mlieu == 19) cx = 15; crep = tabdon[asoul + (cx << 3) + pred(int, num)]; if (crep == 255) crep = 997; } /* overlay */ void tlire() { // int iaff; if (caff > 99) st4(caff); else { if (! syn) ecr3("lire"); //Translation: Read tfleche(); if (!(anyone) && !(iesc)) { tcoord(4); if (num != 0) crep = 107; } } } /* overlay */ void tslire() { if (s.derobj == 0) crep = 186; else st4(s.derobj); } /* overlay */ void tregarder() { int cx; if (caff > 99) { crep = 103; return; } if (! syn) ecr3("regarder"); //Translation: Look tfleche(); if ((anyone) || (iesc)) return; tcoord(5); if (num == 0) { tcoord(8); crep = 131; if (num != 0) { if (s.mlieu == 13) { if (num == 1) { crep = 164; if (s.ibag != 0) treg(s.ibag); else if (s.iboul != 0) treg(s.iboul); } else { crep = 193; if (s.ibag != 0) treg(s.ibag); } } if (s.mlieu == 14) { crep = 164; if (s.icave != 0) treg(s.icave); } if (s.mlieu == 17) { crep = 174; if (s.ivier != 0) treg(s.ivier); } if (s.mlieu == 24) { crep = 131; if (s.ipuit != 0) treg(s.ipuit); } } return; } cx = s.mlieu; if (s.mlieu == 20) cx = 17; if ((s.mlieu > 21) && (s.mlieu < 25)) cx = cx - 4; if (s.mlieu == 26) cx = 21; crep = tabdon[arega + (cx * 7) + pred(int, num)]; if ((s.mlieu == 13) && (num == 8)) crep = 126; if (s.mlieu == 19) crep = 103; if (crep == 255) crep = 131; if ((s.mlieu == 1) && (num == 1)) treg(144); if ((s.mlieu == 5) && (num == 3)) treg(147); if ((s.mlieu == 8) && (num == 3)) treg(149); if ((s.mlieu == 9) && (num == 2)) treg(30); if ((s.mlieu == 10) && (num == 3)) treg(31); } /* overlay */ void tsregarder() { if (s.derobj != 0) treg(s.derobj); else crep = 186; } /* overlay */ void tfouiller() { const byte r[14] = {123, 104, 123, 131, 131, 123, 104, 131, 123, 123, 106, 123, 123, 107}; int cx; if (caff > 99) { st7(caff); return; } if (! syn) ecr3("fouiller"); //Translation: Search tfleche(); if (anyone || iesc) return; if (s.mlieu == 23) { crep = 1504; tperd(); return; } tcoord(6); if (num == 0) { tcoord(7); if (num != 0) { cx = 0; do { cx = cx + 1; } while (!((cx > 6) || (num == ord(touv[cx])))); if (num != ord(touv[cx])) crep = 187; else { if (ipers > 0) s.conf = s.conf + 3; rechai(mchai); if (mchai != 0) { cs = 0; is = 0; fouil = true; mfoudi(); tsuiv(); } else crep = 997; } } else { tcoord(8); crep = 997; if (num != 0) { if (ipers > 0) s.conf = s.conf + 3; if ((s.mlieu != 24) && (s.mlieu != 17) && (s.mlieu != 13)) { if (s.mlieu == 2) { crep = 123; if (s.iloic != 0) treg(s.iloic); } if (s.mlieu == 16) { crep = 123; if (s.icryp != 0) treg(s.icryp); } } } } } else { if (ipers > 0) s.conf = s.conf + 3; crep = 997; if (s.mlieu < 14) crep = r[s.mlieu]; if ((s.mlieu == 3) && (num == 2)) crep = 162; if (s.mlieu == 12) { if ((num == 3) || (num == 4)) crep = 162; if (num == 5) crep = 159; } if (s.mlieu == 19) crep = 104; if (s.mlieu == 16) crep = 155; } } /* overlay */ void tsfouiller() { if (s.derobj != 0) st7(s.derobj); else crep = 186; } /* overlay */ void touvrir() { int cx, haz; if (! syn) ecr3("ouvrir"); //Translation: Open if (caff == 26) { if (ment != 0) { msg[4] = entrer; syn = true; } else crep = 997; return; } if (caff == 15) { aldepl(); return; } tfleche(); if ((anyone) || (iesc)) return; tcoord(7); if (num != 0) { if (ipers > 0) s.conf = s.conf + 2; iouv = iouv + 1; cx = 0; do { cx = cx + 1; } while (!((cx > 6) || (ord(touv[cx]) == 0) || (ord(touv[cx]) == num))); if (ord(touv[cx]) != num) { if (! ( ((num == 3) && ((s.mlieu == 0) || (s.mlieu == 9) || (s.mlieu == 5) || (s.mlieu == 7))) || ((num == 4) && ((s.mlieu == 1) || (s.mlieu == 2) || (s.mlieu == 6))) || ((s.mlieu == 4) && (num == 5)) || ((num == 6) && ((s.mlieu == 7) || (s.mlieu == 10) || (s.mlieu == 8) || (s.mlieu == 13))) || ((s.mlieu == 8) && (num == 2)) || ((s.mlieu == 12) && (num == 7)))) { if (((s.mlieu > 10) && (s.mlieu < 14)) || ((s.mlieu > 6) && (s.mlieu < 10)) || (s.mlieu == 0) || (s.mlieu == 2) || (s.mlieu == 5)) { haz = hazard(1, 4); if (haz == 3) parole(7, 9, 1); } touv[cx] = chr(num); aniof(1, num); } cx = s.mlieu; if (s.mlieu == 16) cx = 14; crep = tabdon[aouvr + (cx * 7) + pred(int, num)]; if (crep == 254) crep = 999; } else crep = 18; } } /* overlay */ void tmettre() { int quel; bool entre; char st[1410]; Common::String str_; int i, tay; if (s.derobj == 0) { crep = 186; return; } if (! syn) ecr3("mettre"); //Translation: Put tfleche(); if (iesc) crep = 998; if ((anyone) || (iesc)) return; tcoord(8); if (num != 0) { crep = 999; if (caff == 13) { if (num == 1) { if (s.iboul != 0) crep = 188; else { s.iboul = s.derobj; if (s.derobj == 141) aniof(1, 7); } } else if (s.ibag != 0) crep = 188; else { s.ibag = s.derobj; if (s.derobj == 159) aniof(1, 6); } } if (caff == 14) if (s.icave != 0) crep = 188; else { s.icave = s.derobj; if (s.derobj == 151) { aniof(1, 2); aniof(1, 1); repon(2, 165); maivid(); parole(6, -9, 1); quel = do_alert(stouinon, 1); if (quel == 1) { deline(582, st, tay); i = do_alert(delig, 1); tesok = false; entre = ques(); hide_mouse(); hirs(); dessine_rouleau(); clsf2(); clsf3(); show_mouse(); tinke(); pendule(); if (ipers != 0) affper(ipers); else person(); menu_aff(); if (entre) { s.mlieu = 17; tmlieu(17); } else { tmlieu(s.mlieu); writepal(14); dessin(0); aniof(1, 2); aniof(1, 1); deline(577, st, tay); i = do_alert(delig, 1); aniof(2, 1); crep = 166; } affrep(); } else { aniof(2, 1); crep = 166; tesok = true; } return; } } if (caff == 16) if (s.icryp == 0) s.icryp = s.derobj; else crep = 188; if (caff == 17) if (s.ivier != 0) crep = 188; else if (s.derobj == 143) { s.ivier = 143; aniof(1, 1); } else { crep = 1512; tperd(); } if (caff == 24) if (s.ipuit != 0) crep = 188; else if ((s.derobj == 140) || (s.derobj == 120)) { s.ipuit = s.derobj; aniof(1, 1); } else crep = 185; if (crep != 188) maivid(); } } /* overlay */ void ttourner() { int quel; if (caff > 99) { crep = 149; return; } if (! syn) ecr3("tourner"); //Translation: Turn tfleche(); if ((anyone) || (iesc)) return; tcoord(9); if (num != 0) { crep = 997; if ((s.mlieu == 13) && (s.ibag == 159) && (s.iboul == 141)) { repon(2, 167); parole(7, 9, 1); quel = do_alert(stouinon, 1); if (quel == 1) solu = true; else crep = 168; } if ((s.mlieu == 17) && (s.ivier == 143)) { repon(2, 175); clsf3(); parole(6, -9, 1); quel = do_alert(stouinon, 1); if (quel == 1) { s.mlieu = 16; affrep(); } else crep = 176; } } } /* overlay */ void tcacher() { if (! syn) ecr3("se cacher"); //Translation: Hide self tfleche(); if (!(anyone) && !(iesc)) { tcoord(10); if (num == 0) cache = false; else { cache = true; crep = 999; } } } /* overlay */ void tattacher() { if (s.derobj == 0) crep = 186; else { if (! syn) ecr3("attacher"); //Translation: Tie tfleche(); if (!(anyone) && !(iesc)) { tcoord(8); crep = 997; if ((num != 0) && (s.mlieu == 24)) { crep = 999; if ((s.derobj == 120) || (s.derobj == 140)) { s.ipuit = s.derobj; aniof(1, 1); } else crep = 185; maivid(); } } } } /* overlay */ void tfermer() { int cx, chai; if (! syn) ecr3("fermer"); //Translation: Close if (caff < 26) { tfleche(); if (iesc) crep = 998; if ((anyone) || (iesc)) return; tcoord(7); if (num != 0) { cx = 0; do { cx = cx + 1; } while (!((cx > 6) || (num == ord(touv[cx])))); if (num == ord(touv[cx])) { aniof(2, num); crep = 998; touv[cx] = chr(0); iouv = iouv - 1; if (iouv < 0) iouv = 0; chai = 9999; rechai(chai); if (mchai == chai) mchai = 0; } else crep = 187; } } if (caff == 26) crep = 999; } /* overlay */ void tfrapper() { int l, p, haz; if (! syn) ecr3("frapper"); //Translation: Hit if (s.mlieu == 15) { l = do_alert("[1][ | Avant, utilisez le menu DEP...][ok]", 1); //Translation: [1] [ | Before, use the DEP menu...] [Ok] return; } if (s.mlieu < 25) { tfleche(); if (!(anyone) && !(iesc)) if ((s.mlieu < 19) && (s.mlieu != 15)) crep = 133; else crep = 997; return; } if (s.mlieu == 26) { haz = (hazard(0, 8)) - 4; parole(11, haz, 1); ecfren(p, haz, s.conf, ment); l = ment; if (l != 0) if (p != -500) { if (haz > p) crep = 190; else { becfren(l); frap(); } } else frap(); if (ment == 8) crep = 190; } } /* overlay */ void tposer() { int cx, chai; if (! syn) ecr3("poser"); if (s.derobj == 0) crep = 186; else { if (caff > 99) { crep = 999; ajchai(); if (crep != 192) maivid(); return; } tfleche(); if ((anyone) || (iesc)) return; tcoord(7); crep = 124; if (num != 0) { rechai(chai); if (chai == 0) crep = 997; else { cx = 0; do { cx = cx + 1; } while (!((cx > 6) || (num == ord(touv[cx])))); if (num != ord(touv[cx])) crep = 187; else { mchai = chai; crep = 999; } } } else { tcoord(8); if (num != 0) { crep = 998; if (caff == 2) if (s.iloic != 0) crep = 188; else s.iloic = s.derobj; if (caff == 13) { if (num == 1) { if (s.iboul != 0) crep = 188; else s.iboul = s.derobj; } else if (s.ibag != 0) crep = 188; else s.ibag = s.derobj; } if (caff == 16) if (s.icryp != 0) crep = 188; else s.icryp = s.derobj; if (caff == 24) crep = 185; if ((caff == 14) || (caff == 17)) crep = 124; } else { crep = 124; if (caff == 24) { tcoord(5); if (num != 0) crep = 185; } } } if (caff == 23) crep = 185; if ((crep == 999) || (crep == 185) || (crep == 998)) { if (crep == 999) ajchai(); if (crep != 192) maivid(); } } } /* overlay */ void tecouter() { int l, p, haz, j, h, m; if (s.mlieu != 26) crep = 101; else { if (ipers != 0) s.conf = s.conf + 1; ecfren(p, haz, s.conf, ment); l = ment; if (l != 0) if (p != -500) { if (haz > p) crep = 101; else { becfren(l); calch(j, h, m); haz = hazard(1, 100); if ((h >= 0) && (h < 8)) { if (haz > 30) crep = 101; else crep = 178; } else if (haz > 70) crep = 101; else crep = 178; } } else crep = 178; } } /* overlay */ void tmanger() { int j, h, m; if ((s.mlieu > 15) && (s.mlieu < 26)) crep = 148; else { tsort(); s.mlieu = 10; caff = 10; debloc(s.mlieu); tmlieu(s.mlieu); calch(j, h, m); if ((h == 12) || (h == 13) || (h == 19)) { s.conf = s.conf - (s.conf / 7); if (h == 12) if (m == 0) h = 4; else h = 3; if ((h == 13) || (h == 19)) if (m == 0) h = 2; else h = 1; jh = jh + h; crep = 135; tinke(); } else crep = 134; } } /* overlay */ void tentrer() { int x, z = 0; if ((s.mlieu == 21) || (s.mlieu == 22)) { t1sama(); tmlieu(s.mlieu); } else if (s.mlieu == 15) aldepl(); else if (ment == 0) crep = 997; else { if ((ment == 9) && (s.derobj != 136)) { crep = 189; s.teauto[8] = '*'; } else { if (! blo) t11(ment, z); if (z != 0) { if ((ment == 3) || (ment == 7)) crep = 179; else { x = (hazard(0, 10)) - 5; parole(7, x, 1); aniof(1, 1); /* tkey(5,32000);*/ tip(z, x); s.conf = s.conf + 1; s.mlieu = 15; msg[3] = discut; msg[4] = disc[x]; syn = true; if (ment == 9) { col = true; caff = 70; afdes(0); repon(2, caff); } else col = false; debloc(ment); ment = 0; } } else { x = (hazard(0, 10)) - 5; parole(7, x, 1); aniof(1, 1); /* tkey(1,32000);*/ s.mlieu = ment; affrep(); debloc(s.mlieu); tmlieu(s.mlieu); ment = 0; mpers = 0; ipers = 0; } } } } /* overlay */ void tdormir() { const char m1[] = "D‚sirez-vous vous r‚veiller?"; //Translation: Do you want to wake up? int z, j, h, m, quel; if ((s.mlieu > 15) && (s.mlieu < 26)) { crep = 148; return; } if (s.mlieu != 0) { tsort(); s.mlieu = 0; affrep(); afdes(0); debloc(s.mlieu); tmlieu(s.mlieu); } clsf3(); clsf2(); ecrf2(); ecr2(m1); calch(j, h, m); do { if (h < 8) { s.conf = s.conf - (s.conf / 20); z = (7 - h) * 2; if (m == 30) z = z - 1; jh = jh + z; h = 7; } jh = jh + 2; h = h + 1; if (h > 23) h = 0; tinke(); quel = do_alert(stouinon, 1); anyone = false; } while (!(quel == 1)); crep = 998; num = 0; } /* overlay */ void tdefoncer() { if (! syn) ecr3("d‚foncer"); //Translation: Smash if (caff < 25) tfleche(); if ((! anyone) && (! iesc)) if (s.mlieu != 26) crep = 997; else { crep = 143; s.conf = s.conf + 2; } } /* overlay */ void tsortir() { int lx = 0; tsort(); crep = 0; if ((s.mlieu == 19) || (s.mlieu == 21) || (s.mlieu == 22) || (s.mlieu == 24)) crep = 997; else { if ((s.mlieu < 16) || (s.mlieu == 26)) lx = 10; if ((s.mlieu == 10) || (s.mlieu == 20)) lx = 21; if ((s.mlieu < 10) || (s.mlieu == 13)) lx = 15; if (s.mlieu == 16) { lx = 17; crep = 176; } if (s.mlieu == 17) t23coul(lx); if (s.mlieu == 23) lx = 24; if (crep != 997) s.mlieu = lx; caff = lx; if (crep == 0) crep = lx; debloc(lx); tmlieu(lx); } } /* overlay */ void tattendre() { int quel; mpers = 0; clsf3(); do { jh = jh + 1; tinke(); if (! blo) t11(s.mlieu, quel); if ((ipers != 0) && (mpers == 0)) { crep = 998; if ((s.mlieu == 13) || (s.mlieu == 14)) cavegre(); if ((s.mlieu > 0) && (s.mlieu < 10)) anyone = true; mpers = ipers; if (! anyone) tinke(); return; } repon(2, 102); quel = do_alert(stouinon, 1); } while (!(quel == 2)); crep = 998; if (! anyone) tinke(); } /* overlay */ void tsonder() { if (! syn) ecr3("sonder"); //Translation: Probe if (caff < 27) { tfleche(); if (!(anyone) && (! iesc)) crep = 145; num = 0; } } /* overlay */ void tparler() { bool te[47]; int ix, cy, cx, max, haz, suj, co, lig, icm, i, tay, choi, x, y, c; char tou; Common::String lib[47]; char st[1410]; bool f; finfouil(); if (col) suj = 128; else { cx = 0; do { cx = cx + 1; } while (!(disc[cx] == msg[4])); caff = 69 + cx; afdes(0); repon(2, caff); suj = caff + 60; } tkey1(false); mennor(); hide_mouse(); hirs(); premtet(); sparl(0, suj); hirs(); for (ix = 1; ix <= 46; ix ++) te[ix] = false; for (ix = 1; ix <= 45; ix ++) { deline(ix + c_tparler, st, tay); lib[ix] = delig; for (i = tay; i <= 40; i ++) lib[ix] = lib[ix] + ' '; } lib[46] = lib[45]; lib[45] = ' '; show_mouse(); do { choi = 0; icm = 0; co = 0; lig = 0; do { icm = succ(int, icm); putxy(co, lig); if (s.teauto[icm] == '*') if (te[icm]) writetp(lib[icm], 1); else writetp(lib[icm], 0); if (icm == 23) { lig = 0; co = 320; } else lig = lig + 8; } while (!(icm == 42)); putxy(320, 176); writetp(lib[46], 0); tou = '\0'; do { mov_mouse(f, tou); CHECK_QUIT; /* if keypressed then read(kbd,tou);*/ read_pos_mouse(x, y, c); x = x * (3 - res); if (x > 319) cx = 41; else cx = 1; cy = succ(int, ((uint)y >> 3)); /* 0-199 => 1-25 */ if ((cy > 23) || ((cx == 41) && ((cy >= 20) && (cy <= 22)))) { if (choi != 0) { lig = ((choi - 1) % 23) << 3; if (choi > 23) co = 320; else co = 0; putxy(co, lig); if (te[choi]) writetp(lib[choi], 0); else writetp(lib[choi], 1); te[choi] = ! te[choi]; choi = 0; } } else { ix = cy; if (cx == 41) ix = ix + 23; if (ix != choi) { if (choi != 0) { lig = ((choi - 1) % 23) << 3; if (choi > 23) co = 320; else co = 0; putxy(co, lig); if (te[choi]) writetp(lib[choi], 0); else writetp(lib[choi], 1); te[choi] = ! te[choi]; } if ((s.teauto[ix] == '*') || (ix == 46)) { lig = ((ix - 1) % 23) << 3; if (ix > 23) co = 320; else co = 0; putxy(co, lig); if (te[ix]) writetp(lib[ix], 0); else writetp(lib[ix], 1); te[ix] = ! te[ix]; choi = ix; } else choi = 0; } } } while (!((tou == '\15') || (((c != 0) || g_vm->getMouseClick()) && (choi != 0)))); g_vm->setMouseClick(false); if (choi != 46) { ix = choi - 1; if (col) { col = false; s.mlieu = 15; if (iouv > 0) max = 8; else max = 4; haz = hazard(1, max); if (haz == 2) suj = 129; else { suj = 138; s.conf = s.conf + (3 * (s.conf / 10)); } } else if (nbrep[caff - 69] < nbrepm[caff - 69]) { suj = tabdon[arep + (ix << 3) + (caff - 70)]; s.conf = s.conf + tabdon[arcf + ix]; nbrep[caff - 69] = nbrep[caff - 69] + 1; } else { s.conf = s.conf + 3; suj = 139; } hide_mouse(); hirs(); premtet(); sparl(0, suj); show_mouse(); if ((suj == 84) || (suj == 86)) { s.pourc[5] = '*'; s.teauto[7] = '*'; } if ((suj == 106) || (suj == 108) || (suj == 94)) { for (ix = 29; ix <= 31; ix ++) s.teauto[ix] = '*'; s.pourc[7] = '*'; } if (suj == 70) { s.pourc[8] = '*'; s.teauto[32] = '*'; } hide_mouse(); hirs(); show_mouse(); } } while (!((choi == 46) || (suj == 138))); if (col) { s.conf = s.conf + (3 * (s.conf / 10)); hide_mouse(); hirs(); premtet(); sparl(0, 138); show_mouse(); col = false; s.mlieu = 15; } ctrm = 0; hide_mouse(); hirs(); dessine_rouleau(); show_mouse(); affper(ipers); tinke(); pendule(); affrep(); /* chech;*/ tmlieu(s.mlieu); clsf3(); } /* overlay */ void tsentir() { crep = 119; if (caff < 26) { if (! syn) ecr3("sentir"); //Translation: Smell tfleche(); if (!(anyone) && !(iesc)) if (caff == 16) crep = 153; } else if (caff == 123) crep = 110; num = 0; } /* overlay */ void tgratter() { crep = 155; if (caff < 27) { if (! syn) ecr3("gratter"); //Translation: Scratch tfleche(); } num = 0; } /* NIVEAU 2 */ /* overlay */ void tmaj1() { /* Le jeu est termin‚ !!! */ //Translation: The game is over!!! arret = true; tlu(13, 152); maivid(); clsf1(); clsf2(); clsf3(); repon(9, 1509); tkey1(false); hide_mouse(); caff = 70; taffich(); hirs(); premtet(); sparl(0, 141); show_mouse(); clsf1(); repon(9, 1509); repon(2, 142); tkey1(false); caff = 32; afdes(0); repon(6, 34); repon(2, 35); musique(0); tkey1(false); messint(2036); tkey1(false); inzon(); } /* overlay */ void tencore() { /* Perdu !!! */ //Translation: You lost! int quel; clsf2(); musique(0); tkey1(false); maivid(); inzon(); dprog(); vh = 10; vm = 0; vj = 0; min = 0; heu = 10; jou = 0; repon(2, 180); quel = do_alert(stouinon, 1); arret = (quel != 1); } } // End of namespace Mortevielle