/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ /* * This code is based on original Mortville Manor DOS source code * Copyright (c) 1988-1989 Lankhor */ #include "mortevielle/mor2.h" #include "mortevielle/var_mor.h" namespace Mortevielle { const array<1, 11, int> men = {{ scacher, attacher, defoncer, dormir, entrer, fermer, frapper, manger, mettre, ouvrir, sortir } }; void tinke() { const char m1[] = "Mince! Vous entendez du bruit..."; const char d1[] = " | Vous devriez avoir remarqu‚| "; const char d2[] = "% des indices..."; const char d3 = '['; const char d4 = ']'; const char d5 = '1'; const char d6[] = "OK"; int cx, cy, haz, nh, cf, j, h, m, cd; Common::String stpo; bool am; anyone = false; calch(j, h, m); if (j != jou) { jou = j; cx = 0; do { cx = cx + 1; if (nbrepm[cx] != 0) nbrepm[cx] = nbrepm[cx] - 1; nbrep[cx] = 0; } while (!(cx == 8)); } if ((h > heu) || ((h == 0) && (heu == 23))) { heu = h; min = 0; pendule(); cf = 0; for (cx = 1; cx <= 10; cx ++) if (s.pourc[cx] == '*') cf = cf + 1; if (cf == 10) stpo = "10"; else stpo = chr(cf + 48); stpou = string(d3) + d5 + d4 + d3 + d1 + stpo + '0' + d2 + d4 + d3 + d6 + d4; } if (m > min) { min = 30; pendule(); } if (y_s < 12) return; if (! blo) { if ((h == 12) || ((h > 18) && (h < 21)) || ((h >= 0) && (h < 7))) t = ti2; else t = ti1; cf = s.conf; if ((cf > 33) && (cf < 66)) t = t - (t / 3); if (cf > 65) t = t - ((t / 3) * 2); nh = readclock(); if ((nh - mh) > t) { am = active_menu; erase_menu(); jh = jh + ((nh - mh) / t); mh = nh; switch (li) { case 1: case 4 : pl1(cf); break; case 2 : pl2(cf); break; case 5 : pl5(cf); break; case 6: case 8 : pl6(cf); break; case 9 : pl9(cf); break; case 10 : pl10(cf); break; case 11 : pl11(cf); break; case 12 : pl12(cf); break; case 13: case 14 : pl13(cf); break; case 15: case 26 : pl15(cf); break; case 20 : pl20(cf); break; } if ((mpers != 0) && (ipers != 10)) mpers = ipers; if ((mpers == 0) && (ipers > 0)) if ((s.mlieu == 13) || (s.mlieu == 14)) cavegre(); else if (ipers == 10) { ipers = 0; if (! brt) { brt = true; hdb = readclock(); haz = hazard(1, 5); if (haz < 5) { clsf3(); ecrf2(); ecr3(m1); haz = (hazard(0, 4)) - 2; parole(1, haz, 1); clsf3(); } } } if (am) draw_menu(); } } hfb = readclock(); if ((brt) && ((hfb - hdb) > 17)) { nouvp(li, cx); brt = false; hdb = 0; if ((s.mlieu > 0) && (s.mlieu < 10)) anyone = true; } } void fenat(char ans) { int coul; hide_mouse(); if (gd == cga) coul = 2; else if (gd == her) coul = 1; else coul = 12; affcar(gd, 306, 193, coul, ord(ans)); boite(300, 191, 16, 8, 15); show_mouse(); } /* NIVEAU 8 */ void afdes(int ad) { taffich(); dessin(ad); okdes = false; } void tkey1(bool d) { bool quest; int x, y, c; int key; hide_mouse(); fenat('K'); while (keypressed()) key = testou(); do { if (d) tinke(); quest = keypressed(); read_pos_mouse(x, y, c); } while (!(quest || (c != 0) || (d && anyone))); if (quest) key = testou(); clic = false; show_mouse(); } void tmlieu(int mli) { int cx, j, i, tail; Common::String nomp; char st[1410]; if (mli == 26) mli = 15; i = 1; while ((i < 8) && (v_lieu[i][mli] != 0)) { cx = v_lieu[i][mli]; deline(cx + c_tmlieu, st, tail); nomp = delig; while (length(nomp) < 30) nomp = nomp + ' '; menut(depl[i], nomp); i = i + 1; } nomp = "* "; for (cx = 7; cx >= i; cx --) menut(depl[cx], nomp); } /* NIVEAU 7 */ void tlu(int af, int ob) { caff = 32; afdes(0); repon(6, ob + 4000); repon(2, 999); tkey1(true); caff = af; msg[3] = no_choice; crep = 998; } void delin(int n) { char s[1410]; int t; deline(n, s, t); } void affrep() { caff = s.mlieu; crep = s.mlieu; } void mfouen() { int cx; tmlieu(s.mlieu); for (cx = 1; cx <= 11; cx ++) menu_enable(men[cx]); /* menu_enable( scacher); menu_enable(menup, attacher); menu_enable(menup, defoncer); menu_enable(menup, dormir); menu_enable(menup, entrer); menu_enable(menup, fermer); menu_enable(menup, frapper); menu_enable(menup, manger); menu_enable(menup, mettre); menu_enable(menup, ouvrir); menu_enable(menup, sortir); */ menut(sonder, " sonder "); menut(soulever, " soulever "); } void atf3f8(int &key) { do { key = testou(); } while (!((key == 61) || (key == 66))); } /* NIVEAU 6 */ void tperd() { int cx; initouv(); ment = 0; iouv = 0; mchai = 0; mfouen(); if (! blo) t11(21, cx); perdu = true; clsf1(); boite(60, 35, 400, 50, 15); repon(9, crep); clsf2(); clsf3(); col = false; syn = false; okdes = false; } void tsort() { int cx; if ((iouv > 0) && (s.mlieu != 0)) if (s.conf < 50) s.conf = s.conf + 2; else s.conf = s.conf + (s.conf / 10); for (cx = 1; cx <= 7; cx ++) touv[cx] = chr(0); ment = 0; iouv = 0; mchai = 0; debloc(s.mlieu); } void st4(int ob) { crep = 997; switch (ob) { case 114 : crep = 109; break; case 110 : crep = 107; break; case 158 : crep = 113; break; case RANGE_5(152, 156): case 150: case 100: case 157: case 160: case 161 : tlu(caff, ob); break; } } void cherjer(int ob, bool &d) { int cx; d = false; for (cx = 1; cx <= 6; cx ++) d = (d || (ord(s.sjer[cx]) == ob)); if (s.derobj == ob) d = true; } void st1sama() { s.mlieu = 10; affrep(); } void modinv() { int cx, cy, tay, i, r; char nom[1410]; Common::String nomp; cy = 0; for (cx = 1; cx <= 6; cx ++) if (s.sjer[cx] != chr(0)) { cy = succ(int, cy); r = (ord(s.sjer[cx]) + 400); deline(r - 501 + c_st41, nom, tay); nomp = delig; menut(invt[cy], nomp); menu_enable(invt[cx]); } if (cy < 6) for (cx = cy + 1; cx <= 6; cx ++) { menut(invt[cx], " "); menu_disable(invt[cx]); } } void sparl(float adr, float rep) { const array<1, 8, int> haut = {{0, 1, -3, 6, -2, 2, 7, -1}}; int key, ad, tay, repint; char st[1410]; repint = trunc(rep); hide_mouse(); deline(repint + c_paroles, st, tay); afftex(st, 230, 4, 65, 24, 5); f3f8(); /*boite(43,30,90,19,15); gotoxy(7,5); write('F3: Encore'); gotoxy(7,6); write('F8: Stop');*/ key = 0; do { parole(repint, haut[caff - 69], 0); atf3f8(key); } while (!(key == 66)); hirs(); show_mouse(); } void finfouil() { fouil = false; obpart = false; cs = 0; is = 0; mfouen(); } void mfoudi() { int cx; for (cx = 1; cx <= 7; cx ++) menu_disable(depl[cx]); for (cx = 1; cx <= 11; cx ++) menu_disable(men[cx]); /* menu_disable(menup, scacher); menu_disable(menup, attacher); menu_disable(menup, defoncer); menu_disable(menup, dormir); menu_disable(menup, entrer); menu_disable(menup, fermer); menu_disable(menup, frapper); menu_disable(menup, manger); menu_disable(menup, mettre); menu_disable(menup, ouvrir); menu_disable(menup, sortir); */ menut(sonder, " -SUITE- "); menut(soulever, " -STOP- "); } void mennor() { menu_up(msg[3]); } void premtet() { dessine(ades, 10, 80); boite(18, 79, 155, 91, 15); } /* NIVEAU 5 */ void ajchai() { int cx, cy, lderobj; cy = (acha + pred(int, pred(int, mchai) * 10)); cx = 0; do { cx = cx + 1; } while (!((cx > 9) || (tabdon[cy + cx] == 0))); if (tabdon[cy + cx] == 0) { lderobj = s.derobj; tabdon[cy + cx] = lderobj; } else crep = 192; } void ajjer(int ob) { int cx; cx = 0; do { cx = cx + 1; } while (!((cx > 5) || (ord(s.sjer[cx]) == 0))); if (ord(s.sjer[cx]) == 0) { s.sjer[(cx)] = chr(ob); modinv(); } else crep = 139; } void t1sama() { /* On entre dans le manoir */ int j, h, m; bool d; calch(j, h, m); if ((h < 5) && (s.mlieu > 18)) { cherjer(137, d); if (! d) { /* On n'a pas les cl‚s et il est tard */ crep = 1511; tperd(); } else st1sama(); } else if (! s.ipre) { /* c'est votre premiŠre fois ? */ ipers = 255; affper(ipers); caff = 77; afdes(0); boite(223, 47, 155, 91, 15); repon(2, 33); tkey1(false); mennor(); hide_mouse(); hirs(); premtet(); sparl(0, 140); dessine_rouleau(); pendule(); show_mouse(); s.mlieu = 0; affrep(); t5(10); if (! blo) t11(0, m); ipers = 0; mpers = 0; s.ipre = true; /*chech;*/ } else st1sama(); } void t1vier() { s.mlieu = 17; affrep(); } void t1neig() { inei = inei + 1; if (inei > 2) { crep = 1506; tperd(); } else { okdes = true; s.mlieu = 19; affrep(); } } void t1deva() { inei = 0; s.mlieu = 21; affrep(); } void t1derr() { s.mlieu = 22; affrep(); } void t1deau() { crep = 1503; tperd(); } void tctrm() { repon(2, (3000 + ctrm)); ctrm = 0; } void quelquun() { int haz, cx; if (imen) erase_menu(); finfouil(); crep = 997; L1: if (! cache) { if (crep == 997) crep = 138; repon(2, crep); if (crep == 138) parole(5, 2, 1); else parole(4, 4, 1); if (iouv == 0) s.conf = s.conf + 2; else if (s.conf < 50) s.conf = s.conf + 4; else s.conf = s.conf + (3 * (s.conf / 10)); tsort(); tmlieu(15); tip(ipers, cx); caff = 69 + cx; crep = caff; msg[3] = discut; msg[4] = disc[cx]; syn = true; col = true; } else { haz = hazard(1, 3); if (haz == 2) { cache = false; crep = 137; goto L1; } else { repon(2, 136); haz = (hazard(0, 4)) - 2; parole(3, haz, 1); clsf2(); person(); debloc(21); affrep(); } } if (imen) draw_menu(); } void tsuiv() { int cx, tbcl; int cl, cy; cy = acha + ((mchai - 1) * 10) - 1; cx = 0; do { cx = cx + 1; cs = cs + 1; cl = cy + cs; tbcl = tabdon[cl]; } while (!((tbcl != 0) || (cs > 9))); if ((tbcl != 0) && (cs < 11)) { is = is + 1; caff = tbcl; crep = caff + 400; if (ipers != 0) s.conf = s.conf + 2; } else { affrep(); finfouil(); if (cx > 9) crep = 131; } } void tfleche() { bool qust; char touch; int dummy, cd, xmo, ymo; if (num == 9999) return; fenat(chr(152)); rect = false; do { touch = '\0'; do { mov_mouse(qust, touch); if (clic) rect = (x_s < 256 * res) && (y_s < 176) && (y_s > 12); tinke(); } while (!(qust || rect || anyone)); if (qust && (touch == '\103')) dummy = do_alert(stpou, 1); } while (!((touch == '\73') || ((touch == '\104') && (x != 0) && (y != 0)) || (anyone) || (rect))); if (touch == '\73') iesc = true; if (rect) { x = x_s; y = y_s; } } void tcoord(int sx) { int sy, ix, iy, cb, cy, ib; int a, b, atdon; num = 0; crep = 999; a = 0; atdon = amzon + 3; cy = 0; while (cy < caff) { a = a + tabdon[atdon]; atdon = atdon + 4; cy = succ(int, cy); } /* for cy:=0 to caff-1 do a:=a+ tabdon[amzon+3+4*cy]; b:= peek(amzon+3+4*caff); */ b = tabdon[atdon]; if (b == 0) goto L1; a = a + fleche; cb = 0; for (cy = 0; cy <= (sx - 2); cy ++) { ib = (tabdon[a + cb] << 8) + tabdon[succ(int, a + cb)]; cb = cb + (ib * 4) + 2; } ib = (tabdon[a + cb] << 8) + tabdon[succ(int, a + cb)]; if (ib == 0) goto L1; cy = 1; do { cb = cb + 2; sx = tabdon[a + cb] * res; sy = tabdon[succ(int, a + cb)]; cb = cb + 2; ix = tabdon[a + cb] * res; iy = tabdon[succ(int, a + cb)]; cy = cy + 1; } while (!(((x >= sx) && (x <= ix) && (y >= sy) && (y <= iy)) || (cy > ib))); if ((x >= sx) && (x <= ix) && (y >= sy) && (y <= iy)) { num = cy - 1; return; } L1: crep = 997; } void st7(int ob) { crep = 183; if ((ob == 116) || (ob == 144)) crep = 104; if ((ob == 126) || (ob == 111)) crep = 108; if (ob == 132) crep = 111; if (ob == 142) crep = 112; if (crep == 183) st4(ob); } void treg(int ob) { int mdes; mdes = caff; caff = ob; if (((caff > 29) && (caff < 33)) || (caff == 144) || (caff == 147) || (caff == 149) || (msg[4] == sregarder)) { afdes(0); if ((caff > 29) && (caff < 33)) repon(2, caff); else repon(2, (caff + 400)); tkey1(true); caff = mdes; msg[3] = 0; crep = 998; } else { obpart = true; crep = caff + 400; mfoudi(); } } void avpoing(int &ob) { crep = 999; if (s.derobj != 0) ajjer(s.derobj); if (crep != 139) { modobj(ob + 400); s.derobj = ob; ob = 0; } } void rechai(int &ch) { int cx; cx = s.mlieu; if (s.mlieu == 16) cx = 14; ch = tabdon[achai + (cx * 7) + pred(int, num)]; } void t23coul(int &l) { bool d; cherjer(143, d); l = 14; if (! d) { crep = 1512; tperd(); } } void maivid() { s.derobj = 0; modobj(500); } void st13(int ob) { if ((ob == 114) || (ob == 116) || (ob == 126) || (ob == 132) || (ob == 111) || (ob == 106) || (ob == 102) || (ob == 100) || (ob == 110) || (ob == 153) || (ob == 154) || (ob == 155) || (ob == 156) || (ob == 157) || (ob == 144) || (ob == 158) || (ob == 150) || (ob == 152)) crep = 999; else crep = 105; } void aldepl() { int dummy; dummy = do_alert("[1][Alors, utilisez le menu DEP...][ok]", 1); } } // End of namespace Mortevielle