/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "neverhood/menumodule.h" #include "neverhood/gamemodule.h" #include "engines/savestate.h" namespace Neverhood { enum { MAIN_MENU = 0, CREDITS_SCENE = 1, MAKING_OF = 2, LOAD_GAME_MENU = 3, SAVE_GAME_MENU = 4, DELETE_GAME_MENU = 5, QUERY_OVR_MENU = 6 }; enum { kMainMenuRestartGame = 0, kMainMenuLoadGame = 1, kMainMenuSaveGame = 2, kMainMenuResumeGame = 3, kMainMenuQuitGame = 4, kMainMenuCredits = 5, kMainMenuMakingOf = 6, kMainMenuToggleMusic = 7, kMainMenuDeleteGame = 8 }; static const uint32 kMakingOfSmackerFileHashList[] = { 0x21082409, 0x21082809, 0x21083009, 0x21080009, 0x21086009, 0x2108A009, 0x21092009, 0x210A2009, 0x210C2009, 0x21082411, 0x21082811, 0x21083011, 0x21080011, 0 }; MenuModule::MenuModule(NeverhoodEngine *vm, Module *parentModule, int which) : Module(vm, parentModule), _savegameList(NULL) { SetMessageHandler(&MenuModule::handleMessage); _savedPaletteData = _vm->_screen->getPaletteData(); _vm->_mixer->pauseAll(true); createScene(MAIN_MENU, -1); } MenuModule::~MenuModule() { _vm->_mixer->pauseAll(false); _vm->_screen->setPaletteData(_savedPaletteData); } void MenuModule::setLoadgameInfo(uint index) { _savegameSlot = (*_savegameList)[index].slotNum; } void MenuModule::setSavegameInfo(const Common::String &description, uint index, bool newSavegame) { _savegameDescription = description; _savegameSlot = newSavegame ? -1 : (*_savegameList)[index].slotNum; } void MenuModule::setDeletegameInfo(uint index) { _savegameSlot = (*_savegameList)[index].slotNum; } void MenuModule::createScene(int sceneNum, int which) { _sceneNum = sceneNum; switch (_sceneNum) { case MAIN_MENU: _childObject = new MainMenu(_vm, this); break; case CREDITS_SCENE: _childObject = new CreditsScene(_vm, this, true); break; case MAKING_OF: createSmackerScene(kMakingOfSmackerFileHashList, false, true, true); break; case LOAD_GAME_MENU: createLoadGameMenu(); break; case SAVE_GAME_MENU: createSaveGameMenu(); break; case DELETE_GAME_MENU: createDeleteGameMenu(); break; case QUERY_OVR_MENU: _childObject = new QueryOverwriteMenu(_vm, this, _savegameDescription); break; } SetUpdateHandler(&MenuModule::updateScene); _childObject->handleUpdate(); } void MenuModule::updateScene() { if (!updateChild()) { switch (_sceneNum) { case MAIN_MENU: switch (_moduleResult) { case kMainMenuRestartGame: _vm->_gameModule->requestRestartGame(false); leaveModule(0); break; case kMainMenuLoadGame: createScene(LOAD_GAME_MENU, -1); break; case kMainMenuSaveGame: createScene(SAVE_GAME_MENU, -1); break; case kMainMenuResumeGame: leaveModule(0); break; case kMainMenuQuitGame: leaveModule(0); _vm->quitGame(); break; case kMainMenuCredits: createScene(CREDITS_SCENE, -1); break; case kMainMenuMakingOf: createScene(MAKING_OF, -1); break; case kMainMenuToggleMusic: // TODO Toggle music 0048A367 createScene(MAIN_MENU, -1); break; case kMainMenuDeleteGame: createScene(DELETE_GAME_MENU, -1); break; default: createScene(MAIN_MENU, -1); break; } break; case CREDITS_SCENE: case MAKING_OF: createScene(MAIN_MENU, -1); break; case LOAD_GAME_MENU: handleLoadGameMenuAction(_moduleResult != 1); break; case SAVE_GAME_MENU: handleSaveGameMenuAction(_moduleResult != 1, true); break; case DELETE_GAME_MENU: handleDeleteGameMenuAction(_moduleResult != 1); break; case QUERY_OVR_MENU: handleSaveGameMenuAction(_moduleResult != 1, false); break; default: break; } } } uint32 MenuModule::handleMessage(int messageNum, const MessageParam ¶m, Entity *sender) { return Module::handleMessage(messageNum, param, sender);; } void MenuModule::createLoadGameMenu() { _savegameSlot = -1; _savegameList = new SavegameList(); loadSavegameList(); _childObject = new LoadGameMenu(_vm, this, _savegameList); } void MenuModule::createSaveGameMenu() { _savegameSlot = -1; _savegameList = new SavegameList(); loadSavegameList(); _childObject = new SaveGameMenu(_vm, this, _savegameList); } void MenuModule::createDeleteGameMenu() { _savegameSlot = -1; _savegameList = new SavegameList(); loadSavegameList(); _childObject = new DeleteGameMenu(_vm, this, _savegameList); } void MenuModule::handleLoadGameMenuAction(bool doLoad) { createScene(MAIN_MENU, -1); if (doLoad && _savegameSlot >= 0) { _vm->loadGameState(_savegameSlot); leaveModule(0); } delete _savegameList; _savegameList = NULL; } void MenuModule::handleSaveGameMenuAction(bool doSave, bool doQuery) { if (doSave && doQuery && _savegameSlot >= 0) { createScene(QUERY_OVR_MENU, -1); } else if (doSave) { // Get a new slot number if it's a new savegame if (_savegameSlot < 0) _savegameSlot = _savegameList->size() > 0 ? _savegameList->back().slotNum + 1 : 0; // Restore the scene palette and background so that the correct thumbnail is saved byte *menuPaletteData = _vm->_screen->getPaletteData(); _vm->_screen->setPaletteData(_savedPaletteData); _vm->_gameModule->redrawPrevChildObject(); _vm->saveGameState(_savegameSlot, _savegameDescription); _vm->_screen->setPaletteData(menuPaletteData); createScene(MAIN_MENU, -1); } else { createScene(MAIN_MENU, -1); } delete _savegameList; _savegameList = NULL; } void MenuModule::handleDeleteGameMenuAction(bool doDelete) { if (doDelete && _savegameSlot >= 0) { _vm->removeGameState(_savegameSlot); createScene(MAIN_MENU, -1); } delete _savegameList; _savegameList = NULL; } void MenuModule::loadSavegameList() { Common::SaveFileManager *saveFileMan = g_system->getSavefileManager(); Neverhood::NeverhoodEngine::SaveHeader header; Common::String pattern = _vm->getTargetName(); pattern += ".???"; Common::StringArray filenames; filenames = saveFileMan->listSavefiles(pattern.c_str()); Common::sort(filenames.begin(), filenames.end()); SaveStateList saveList; for (Common::StringArray::const_iterator file = filenames.begin(); file != filenames.end(); file++) { int slotNum = atoi(file->c_str() + file->size() - 3); if (slotNum >= 0 && slotNum <= 999) { Common::InSaveFile *in = saveFileMan->openForLoading(file->c_str()); if (in) { if (Neverhood::NeverhoodEngine::readSaveHeader(in, false, header) == Neverhood::NeverhoodEngine::kRSHENoError) { SavegameItem savegameItem; savegameItem.slotNum = slotNum; savegameItem.description = header.description; _savegameList->push_back(savegameItem); } delete in; } } } } MenuButton::MenuButton(NeverhoodEngine *vm, Scene *parentScene, uint buttonIndex, uint32 fileHash, const NRect &collisionBounds) : StaticSprite(vm, 900), _parentScene(parentScene), _buttonIndex(buttonIndex), _countdown(0) { loadSprite(fileHash, kSLFDefDrawOffset | kSLFDefPosition, 100); _collisionBounds = collisionBounds; setVisible(false); SetUpdateHandler(&MenuButton::update); SetMessageHandler(&MenuButton::handleMessage); } void MenuButton::update() { updatePosition(); if (_countdown != 0 && (--_countdown) == 0) { setVisible(false); sendMessage(_parentScene, 0x2000, _buttonIndex); } } uint32 MenuButton::handleMessage(int messageNum, const MessageParam ¶m, Entity *sender) { uint32 messageResult = Sprite::handleMessage(messageNum, param, sender); switch (messageNum) { case 0x1011: if (_countdown == 0) { setVisible(true); _countdown = 4; } messageResult = 1; break; } return messageResult; } MainMenu::MainMenu(NeverhoodEngine *vm, Module *parentModule) : Scene(vm, parentModule) { static const uint32 kMenuButtonFileHashes[] = { 0x36C62120, 0x56C62120, 0x96C62120, 0x16C62121, 0x16C62122, 0x16C62124, 0x16C62128, 0x16C62130, 0x16C62100 }; static const NRect kMenuButtonCollisionBounds[] = { NRect(52, 121, 110, 156), NRect(52, 192, 109, 222), NRect(60, 257, 119, 286), NRect(67, 326, 120, 354), NRect(70, 389, 128, 416), NRect(523, 113, 580, 144), NRect(525, 176, 577, 206), NRect(527, 384, 580, 412), NRect(522, 255, 580, 289) }; setBackground(0x08C0020C); setPalette(0x08C0020C); insertScreenMouse(0x00208084); insertStaticSprite(0x41137051, 100); insertStaticSprite(0xC10B2015, 100); // TODO Only if music is enabled _musicOnButton = insertStaticSprite(0x0C24C0EE, 100); for (uint buttonIndex = 0; buttonIndex < 9; ++buttonIndex) { Sprite *menuButton = insertSprite(this, buttonIndex, kMenuButtonFileHashes[buttonIndex], kMenuButtonCollisionBounds[buttonIndex]); addCollisionSprite(menuButton); } SetUpdateHandler(&Scene::update); SetMessageHandler(&MainMenu::handleMessage); } uint32 MainMenu::handleMessage(int messageNum, const MessageParam ¶m, Entity *sender) { Scene::handleMessage(messageNum, param, sender); switch (messageNum) { case 0x2000: leaveScene(param.asInteger()); break; } return 0; } static const uint32 kCreditsSceneFileHashes[] = { 0x6081128C, 0x608112BC, 0x608112DC, 0x6081121C, 0x6081139C, 0x6081109C, 0x6081169C, 0x60811A9C, 0x6081029C, 0x0081128C, 0x008112BC, 0x008012BC, 0x008112DC, 0x0081121C, 0x0081139C, 0x0081109C, 0x0081169C, 0x00811A9C, 0x0081029C, 0x0081329C, 0xC08112BC, 0xC08112DC, 0xC081121C, 0xC081139C, 0 }; CreditsScene::CreditsScene(NeverhoodEngine *vm, Module *parentModule, bool canAbort) : Scene(vm, parentModule), _canAbort(canAbort), _screenIndex(0), _ticksDuration(0), _countdown(216) { SetUpdateHandler(&CreditsScene::update); SetMessageHandler(&CreditsScene::handleMessage); setBackground(0x6081128C); setPalette(0x6081128C); _ticksTime = _vm->_system->getMillis() + 202100; _musicResource = new MusicResource(_vm); _musicResource->load(0x30812225); _musicResource->play(0); } CreditsScene::~CreditsScene() { _musicResource->unload(); delete _musicResource; } void CreditsScene::update() { Scene::update(); if (_countdown != 0) { if (_screenIndex == 23 && _vm->_system->getMillis() > _ticksTime) leaveScene(0); else if ((--_countdown) == 0) { ++_screenIndex; if (kCreditsSceneFileHashes[_screenIndex] == 0) leaveScene(0); else { _background->load(kCreditsSceneFileHashes[_screenIndex]); _palette->addPalette(kCreditsSceneFileHashes[_screenIndex], 0, 256, 0); if (_screenIndex < 5) _countdown = 192; else if (_screenIndex < 15) _countdown = 144; else if (_screenIndex < 16) _countdown = 216; else if (_screenIndex < 23) _countdown = 144; else _countdown = 1224; } } } } uint32 CreditsScene::handleMessage(int messageNum, const MessageParam ¶m, Entity *sender) { Scene::handleMessage(messageNum, param, sender); switch (messageNum) { case 0x0009: leaveScene(0); break; case 0x000B: if (param.asInteger() == Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE && _canAbort) leaveScene(0); break; case 0x101D: _ticksDuration = _ticksTime - _vm->_system->getMillis(); break; case 0x101E: _ticksTime = _ticksDuration + _vm->_system->getMillis(); break; } return 0; } WidgetScene::WidgetScene(NeverhoodEngine *vm, Module *parentModule) : Scene(vm, parentModule), _currWidget(NULL) { } NPoint WidgetScene::getMousePos() { NPoint pt; pt.x = _mouseCursor->getX(); pt.y = _mouseCursor->getY(); return pt; } void WidgetScene::setCurrWidget(Widget *newWidget) { if (newWidget && newWidget != _currWidget) { if (_currWidget) _currWidget->exitWidget(); newWidget->enterWidget(); _currWidget = newWidget; } } void WidgetScene::handleEvent(int16 itemID, int eventType) { // Empty } Widget::Widget(NeverhoodEngine *vm, int16 x, int16 y, int16 itemID, WidgetScene *parentScene, int baseObjectPriority, int baseSurfacePriority) : StaticSprite(vm, baseObjectPriority), _itemID(itemID), _parentScene(parentScene), _baseObjectPriority(baseObjectPriority), _baseSurfacePriority(baseSurfacePriority) { SetUpdateHandler(&Widget::update); SetMessageHandler(&Widget::handleMessage); setPosition(x, y); } void Widget::onClick() { _parentScene->setCurrWidget(this); } void Widget::setPosition(int16 x, int16 y) { _x = x; _y = y; updateBounds(); } void Widget::refreshPosition() { _needRefresh = true; StaticSprite::updatePosition(); _collisionBoundsOffset.set(0, 0, _spriteResource.getDimensions().width, _spriteResource.getDimensions().height); updateBounds(); } void Widget::initialize() { // Empty } int16 Widget::getWidth() { return _spriteResource.getDimensions().width; } int16 Widget::getHeight() { return _spriteResource.getDimensions().height; } void Widget::enterWidget() { // Empty } void Widget::exitWidget() { // Empty } void Widget::update() { handleSpriteUpdate(); StaticSprite::updatePosition(); } uint32 Widget::handleMessage(int messageNum, const MessageParam ¶m, Entity *sender) { uint32 messageResult = Sprite::handleMessage(messageNum, param, sender); switch (messageNum) { case 0x1011: onClick(); messageResult = 1; break; } return messageResult; } TextLabelWidget::TextLabelWidget(NeverhoodEngine *vm, int16 x, int16 y, int16 itemID, WidgetScene *parentScene, int baseObjectPriority, int baseSurfacePriority, const byte *string, int stringLen, BaseSurface *drawSurface, int16 tx, int16 ty, FontSurface *fontSurface) : Widget(vm, x, y, itemID, parentScene, baseObjectPriority, baseSurfacePriority), _string(string), _stringLen(stringLen), _drawSurface(drawSurface), _tx(tx), _ty(ty), _fontSurface(fontSurface) { } void TextLabelWidget::initialize() { _parentScene->addSprite(this); _parentScene->addCollisionSprite(this); } int16 TextLabelWidget::getWidth() { return _fontSurface->getStringWidth(_string, _stringLen); } int16 TextLabelWidget::getHeight() { return _fontSurface->getCharHeight(); } void TextLabelWidget::drawString(int maxStringLength) { _fontSurface->drawString(_drawSurface, _x, _y, _string, MIN(_stringLen, maxStringLength)); _collisionBoundsOffset.set(_tx, _ty, getWidth(), getHeight()); updateBounds(); } void TextLabelWidget::clear() { _collisionBoundsOffset.set(0, 0, 0, 0); updateBounds(); } void TextLabelWidget::setString(const byte *string, int stringLen) { _string = string; _stringLen = stringLen; } TextEditWidget::TextEditWidget(NeverhoodEngine *vm, int16 x, int16 y, int16 itemID, WidgetScene *parentScene, int maxStringLength, FontSurface *fontSurface, uint32 fileHash, const NRect &rect) : Widget(vm, x, y, itemID, parentScene, 1000, 1000), _maxStringLength(maxStringLength), _fontSurface(fontSurface), _fileHash(fileHash), _rect(rect), _cursorSurface(NULL), _cursorTicks(0), _cursorPos(0), _cursorFileHash(0), _cursorWidth(0), _cursorHeight(0), _modified(false), _readOnly(false) { _maxVisibleChars = (_rect.x2 - _rect.x1) / _fontSurface->getCharWidth(); _cursorPos = 0; SetUpdateHandler(&TextEditWidget::update); SetMessageHandler(&TextEditWidget::handleMessage); } TextEditWidget::~TextEditWidget() { delete _cursorSurface; } void TextEditWidget::onClick() { NPoint mousePos = _parentScene->getMousePos(); mousePos.x -= _x + _rect.x1; mousePos.y -= _y + _rect.y1; if (mousePos.x >= 0 && mousePos.x <= _rect.x2 - _rect.x1 && mousePos.y >= 0 && mousePos.y <= _rect.y2 - _rect.y1) { if (_entryString.size() == 1) _cursorPos = 0; else { int newCursorPos = mousePos.x / _fontSurface->getCharWidth(); if (mousePos.x % _fontSurface->getCharWidth() > _fontSurface->getCharWidth() / 2 && newCursorPos <= (int)_entryString.size())//### ++newCursorPos; _cursorPos = MIN((int)_entryString.size(), newCursorPos); } _cursorSurface->setVisible(true); refresh(); } Widget::onClick(); } void TextEditWidget::initialize() { SpriteResource cursorSpriteResource(_vm); _spriteResource.load(_fileHash, true); createSurface(_baseSurfacePriority, _spriteResource.getDimensions().width, _spriteResource.getDimensions().height); refreshPosition(); _parentScene->addSprite(this); _parentScene->addCollisionSprite(this); _surface->setVisible(true); _textLabelWidget = new TextLabelWidget(_vm, _rect.x1, _rect.y1 + (_rect.y2 - _rect.y1 + 1 - _fontSurface->getCharHeight()) / 2, 0, _parentScene, _baseObjectPriority + 1, _baseSurfacePriority + 1, (const byte*)_entryString.c_str(), _entryString.size(), _surface, _x, _y, _fontSurface); _textLabelWidget->initialize(); cursorSpriteResource.load(_cursorFileHash, true); _cursorSurface = new BaseSurface(_vm, 0, cursorSpriteResource.getDimensions().width, cursorSpriteResource.getDimensions().height); _cursorSurface->drawSpriteResourceEx(cursorSpriteResource, false, false, cursorSpriteResource.getDimensions().width, cursorSpriteResource.getDimensions().height); _cursorSurface->setVisible(!_readOnly); refresh(); } void TextEditWidget::enterWidget() { if (!_readOnly) _cursorSurface->setVisible(true); refresh(); } void TextEditWidget::exitWidget() { if (!_readOnly) _cursorSurface->setVisible(false); refresh(); } void TextEditWidget::setCursor(uint32 cursorFileHash, int16 cursorWidth, int16 cursorHeight) { _cursorFileHash = cursorFileHash; _cursorWidth = cursorWidth; _cursorHeight = cursorHeight; } void TextEditWidget::drawCursor() { if (_cursorSurface->getVisible() && _cursorPos >= 0 && _cursorPos <= _maxVisibleChars) { NDrawRect sourceRect(0, 0, _cursorWidth, _cursorHeight); _surface->copyFrom(_cursorSurface->getSurface(), _rect.x1 + _cursorPos * _fontSurface->getCharWidth(), _rect.y1 + (_rect.y2 - _cursorHeight - _rect.y1 + 1) / 2, sourceRect); } else if (!_readOnly) _cursorSurface->setVisible(false); } void TextEditWidget::updateString() { _textLabelWidget->setString((const byte *)_entryString.c_str(), _entryString.size()); _textLabelWidget->drawString(_maxVisibleChars); } Common::String& TextEditWidget::getString() { return _entryString; } void TextEditWidget::setString(const Common::String &string) { _entryString = string; _cursorPos = _entryString.size(); _modified = false; refresh(); } void TextEditWidget::handleAsciiKey(char ch) { if ((int)_entryString.size() < _maxStringLength && ((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == ' ')) { _entryString.insertChar(ch, _cursorPos); ++_cursorPos; _modified = true; refresh(); } } void TextEditWidget::handleKeyDown(Common::KeyCode keyCode) { bool doRefresh = true; switch (keyCode) { case Common::KEYCODE_HOME: _cursorPos = 0; break; case Common::KEYCODE_END: _cursorPos = _entryString.size(); break; case Common::KEYCODE_LEFT: if (_entryString.size() > 0 && _cursorPos > 0) --_cursorPos; break; case Common::KEYCODE_RIGHT: if (_cursorPos < (int)_entryString.size()) ++_cursorPos; break; case Common::KEYCODE_DELETE: if (_entryString.size() > 0 && _cursorPos < (int)_entryString.size()) { _entryString.deleteChar(_cursorPos); _modified = true; } break; case Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE: if (_entryString.size() > 0 && _cursorPos > 0) { _entryString.deleteChar(--_cursorPos); _modified = true; } break; default: doRefresh = false; break; } if (doRefresh) { _cursorSurface->setVisible(!_readOnly); _cursorTicks = 0; refresh(); } } void TextEditWidget::refresh() { refreshPosition(); updateString(); drawCursor(); } void TextEditWidget::update() { Widget::update(); if (!_readOnly && _parentScene->getCurrWidget() == this && _cursorTicks++ == 10) { _cursorSurface->setVisible(!_cursorSurface->getVisible()); refresh(); _cursorTicks = 0; } } uint32 TextEditWidget::handleMessage(int messageNum, const MessageParam ¶m, Entity *sender) { uint32 messageResult = Widget::handleMessage(messageNum, param, sender); switch (messageNum) { case 0x000A: handleAsciiKey(param.asInteger()); break; case 0x000B: handleKeyDown((Common::KeyCode)param.asInteger()); break; } return messageResult; } SavegameListBox::SavegameListBox(NeverhoodEngine *vm, int16 x, int16 y, int16 itemID, WidgetScene *parentScene, SavegameList *savegameList, FontSurface *fontSurface, uint32 bgFileHash, const NRect &rect) : Widget(vm, x, y, itemID, parentScene, 1000, 1000), _savegameList(savegameList), _fontSurface(fontSurface), _bgFileHash(bgFileHash), _rect(rect), _maxStringLength(0), _firstVisibleItem(0), _lastVisibleItem(0), _currIndex(0) { _maxVisibleItemsCount = (_rect.y2 - _rect.y1) / _fontSurface->getCharHeight(); _maxStringLength = (_rect.x2 - _rect.x1) / _fontSurface->getCharWidth(); } void SavegameListBox::onClick() { NPoint mousePos = _parentScene->getMousePos(); mousePos.x -= _x + _rect.x1; mousePos.y -= _y + _rect.y1; if (mousePos.x >= 0 && mousePos.x <= _rect.x2 - _rect.x1 && mousePos.y >= 0 && mousePos.y <= _rect.y2 - _rect.y1) { int newIndex = _firstVisibleItem + mousePos.y / _fontSurface->getCharHeight(); if (newIndex <= _lastVisibleItem) { _currIndex = newIndex; refresh(); _parentScene->setCurrWidget(this); _parentScene->handleEvent(_itemID, 5); } } } void SavegameListBox::initialize() { _spriteResource.load(_bgFileHash, true); createSurface(_baseSurfacePriority, _spriteResource.getDimensions().width, _spriteResource.getDimensions().height); refreshPosition(); _parentScene->addSprite(this); _parentScene->addCollisionSprite(this); _surface->setVisible(true); buildItems(); _firstVisibleItem = 0; _lastVisibleItem = MIN(_maxVisibleItemsCount, (int)_textLabelItems.size()); refresh(); } void SavegameListBox::buildItems() { SavegameList &savegameList = *_savegameList; int16 itemX = _rect.x1, itemY = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < savegameList.size(); ++i) { const byte *string = (const byte*)savegameList[i].description.c_str(); int stringLen = (int)savegameList[i].description.size(); TextLabelWidget *label = new TextLabelWidget(_vm, itemX, itemY, i, _parentScene, _baseObjectPriority + 1, _baseSurfacePriority + 1, string, MIN(stringLen, _maxStringLength), _surface, _x, _y, _fontSurface); label->initialize(); _textLabelItems.push_back(label); } } void SavegameListBox::drawItems() { for (int i = 0; i < (int)_textLabelItems.size(); ++i) { TextLabelWidget *label = _textLabelItems[i]; if (i >= _firstVisibleItem && i < _lastVisibleItem) { label->setY(_rect.y1 + (i - _firstVisibleItem) * _fontSurface->getCharHeight()); label->updateBounds(); label->drawString(_maxStringLength); } else label->clear(); } } void SavegameListBox::refresh() { refreshPosition(); drawItems(); } void SavegameListBox::scrollUp() { if (_firstVisibleItem > 0) { --_firstVisibleItem; --_lastVisibleItem; refresh(); } } void SavegameListBox::scrollDown() { if (_lastVisibleItem < (int)_textLabelItems.size()) { ++_firstVisibleItem; ++_lastVisibleItem; refresh(); } } void SavegameListBox::pageUp() { int amount = MIN(_firstVisibleItem, _maxVisibleItemsCount); if (amount > 0) { _firstVisibleItem -= amount; _lastVisibleItem -= amount; refresh(); } } void SavegameListBox::pageDown() { int amount = MIN((int)_textLabelItems.size() - _lastVisibleItem, _maxVisibleItemsCount); if (amount > 0) { _firstVisibleItem += amount; _lastVisibleItem += amount; refresh(); } } SaveGameMenu::SaveGameMenu(NeverhoodEngine *vm, Module *parentModule, SavegameList *savegameList) : WidgetScene(vm, parentModule), _savegameList(savegameList) { static const uint32 kSaveGameMenuButtonFileHashes[] = { 0x8359A824, 0x0690E260, 0x0352B050, 0x1392A223, 0x13802260, 0x0B32B200 }; static const NRect kSaveGameMenuButtonCollisionBounds[] = { NRect(518, 106, 602, 160), NRect(516, 378, 596, 434), NRect(394, 108, 458, 206), NRect(400, 204, 458, 276), NRect(398, 292, 456, 352), NRect(396, 352, 460, 444) }; static const NRect kListBoxRect(0, 0, 320, 272); static const NRect kTextEditRect(0, 0, 377, 17); static const NRect kMouseRect(50, 47, 427, 64); _fontSurface = new FontSurface(_vm, 0x2328121A, 32, 7, 32, 11, 17); setBackground(0x30084E25); setPalette(0x30084E25); insertScreenMouse(0x84E21308, &kMouseRect); insertStaticSprite(0x1340A5C2, 200); insertStaticSprite(0x1301A7EA, 200); _listBox = new SavegameListBox(_vm, 60, 142, 69/*ItemID*/, this, _savegameList, _fontSurface, 0x1115A223, kListBoxRect); _listBox->initialize(); _textEditWidget = new TextEditWidget(_vm, 50, 47, 70/*ItemID*/, this, 29, _fontSurface, 0x3510A868, kTextEditRect); _textEditWidget->setCursor(0x8290AC20, 2, 13); _textEditWidget->initialize(); setCurrWidget(_textEditWidget); for (uint buttonIndex = 0; buttonIndex < 6; ++buttonIndex) { Sprite *menuButton = insertSprite(this, buttonIndex, kSaveGameMenuButtonFileHashes[buttonIndex], kSaveGameMenuButtonCollisionBounds[buttonIndex]); addCollisionSprite(menuButton); } SetUpdateHandler(&Scene::update); SetMessageHandler(&SaveGameMenu::handleMessage); } SaveGameMenu::~SaveGameMenu() { delete _fontSurface; } void SaveGameMenu::handleEvent(int16 itemID, int eventType) { if (itemID == 69 && eventType == 5) { uint currIndex = _listBox->getCurrIndex(); _textEditWidget->setString((*_savegameList)[currIndex].description); setCurrWidget(_textEditWidget); } } uint32 SaveGameMenu::handleMessage(int messageNum, const MessageParam ¶m, Entity *sender) { Scene::handleMessage(messageNum, param, sender); switch (messageNum) { case 0x000A: sendMessage(_textEditWidget, 0x000A, param.asInteger()); setCurrWidget(_textEditWidget); break; case 0x000B: if (param.asInteger() == Common::KEYCODE_RETURN) performSaveGame(); else if (param.asInteger() == Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE) leaveScene(1); else { sendMessage(_textEditWidget, 0x000B, param.asInteger()); setCurrWidget(_textEditWidget); } break; case 0x2000: // Handle menu button click switch (param.asInteger()) { case 0: performSaveGame(); break; case 1: leaveScene(1); break; case 2: _listBox->pageUp(); break; case 3: _listBox->scrollUp(); break; case 4: _listBox->scrollDown(); break; case 5: _listBox->pageDown(); break; } break; } return 0; } void SaveGameMenu::performSaveGame() { ((MenuModule*)_parentModule)->setSavegameInfo(_textEditWidget->getString(), _listBox->getCurrIndex(), _textEditWidget->isModified()); leaveScene(0); } LoadGameMenu::LoadGameMenu(NeverhoodEngine *vm, Module *parentModule, SavegameList *savegameList) : WidgetScene(vm, parentModule), _savegameList(savegameList) { static const uint32 kLoadGameMenuButtonFileHashes[] = { 0x100B2091, 0x84822B03, 0x20E22087, 0x04040107, 0x04820122, 0x24423047 }; static const NRect kLoadGameMenuButtonCollisionBounds[] = { NRect( 44, 115, 108, 147), NRect( 52, 396, 112, 426), NRect(188, 116, 245, 196), NRect(189, 209, 239, 269), NRect(187, 301, 233, 349), NRect(182, 358, 241, 433) }; static const NRect kListBoxRect(0, 0, 320, 271); static const NRect kTextEditRect(0, 0, 320, 17); static const NRect kMouseRect(263, 48, 583, 65); _fontSurface = new FontSurface(_vm, calcHash("bgLoadTinyAlphabet"), 32, 7, 32, 11, 17); setBackground(0x98620234); setPalette(0x98620234); insertScreenMouse(0x2023098E, &kMouseRect); insertStaticSprite(0x0BC600A3, 200); insertStaticSprite(0x0F960021, 200); _listBox = new SavegameListBox(_vm, 263, 142, 69/*ItemID*/, this, _savegameList, _fontSurface, 0x04040409, kListBoxRect); _listBox->initialize(); _textEditWidget = new TextEditWidget(_vm, 263, 48, 70/*ItemID*/, this, 29, _fontSurface, 0x10924C03, kTextEditRect); _textEditWidget->setReadOnly(true); _textEditWidget->initialize(); setCurrWidget(_textEditWidget); for (uint buttonIndex = 0; buttonIndex < 6; ++buttonIndex) { Sprite *menuButton = insertSprite(this, buttonIndex, kLoadGameMenuButtonFileHashes[buttonIndex], kLoadGameMenuButtonCollisionBounds[buttonIndex]); addCollisionSprite(menuButton); } SetUpdateHandler(&Scene::update); SetMessageHandler(&LoadGameMenu::handleMessage); } LoadGameMenu::~LoadGameMenu() { delete _fontSurface; } void LoadGameMenu::handleEvent(int16 itemID, int eventType) { if (itemID == 69 && eventType == 5) { uint currIndex = _listBox->getCurrIndex(); _textEditWidget->setString((*_savegameList)[currIndex].description); setCurrWidget(_textEditWidget); } } uint32 LoadGameMenu::handleMessage(int messageNum, const MessageParam ¶m, Entity *sender) { Scene::handleMessage(messageNum, param, sender); switch (messageNum) { case 0x000B: if (param.asInteger() == Common::KEYCODE_RETURN) performLoadGame(); else if (param.asInteger() == Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE) leaveScene(1); break; case 0x2000: // Handle menu button click switch (param.asInteger()) { case 0: performLoadGame(); break; case 1: leaveScene(1); break; case 2: _listBox->pageUp(); break; case 3: _listBox->scrollUp(); break; case 4: _listBox->scrollDown(); break; case 5: _listBox->pageDown(); break; } break; } return 0; } void LoadGameMenu::performLoadGame() { ((MenuModule*)_parentModule)->setLoadgameInfo(_listBox->getCurrIndex()); leaveScene(0); } DeleteGameMenu::DeleteGameMenu(NeverhoodEngine *vm, Module *parentModule, SavegameList *savegameList) : WidgetScene(vm, parentModule), _savegameList(savegameList) { static const uint32 kDeleteGameMenuButtonFileHashes[] = { 0x8198E268, 0xDD0C4620, 0x81296520, 0x8D284211, 0x8C004621, 0x07294020 }; static const NRect kDeleteGameMenuButtonCollisionBounds[] = { NRect(518, 46, 595, 91), NRect(524, 322, 599, 369), NRect(395, 40, 462, 127), NRect(405, 126, 460, 185), NRect(397, 205, 456, 273), NRect(395, 278, 452, 372) }; static const NRect kListBoxRect(0, 0, 320, 271); static const NRect kTextEditRect(0, 0, 320, 17); _fontSurface = new FontSurface(_vm, calcHash("bgDeleteTinyAlphabet"), 32, 7, 32, 11, 17); setBackground(0x4080E01C); setPalette(0x4080E01C); insertScreenMouse(0x0E018400); insertStaticSprite(0x80083C01, 200); insertStaticSprite(0x84181E81, 200); _listBox = new SavegameListBox(_vm, 61, 64, 69/*ItemID*/, this, _savegameList, _fontSurface, calcHash("mxDeleteListBox"), kListBoxRect); _listBox->initialize(); _textEditWidget = new TextEditWidget(_vm, 49, 414, 70/*ItemID*/, this, 29, _fontSurface, 0x250A3060, kTextEditRect); _textEditWidget->setReadOnly(true); _textEditWidget->initialize(); setCurrWidget(_textEditWidget); for (uint buttonIndex = 0; buttonIndex < 6; ++buttonIndex) { Sprite *menuButton = insertSprite(this, buttonIndex, kDeleteGameMenuButtonFileHashes[buttonIndex], kDeleteGameMenuButtonCollisionBounds[buttonIndex]); addCollisionSprite(menuButton); } SetUpdateHandler(&Scene::update); SetMessageHandler(&DeleteGameMenu::handleMessage); } DeleteGameMenu::~DeleteGameMenu() { delete _fontSurface; } void DeleteGameMenu::handleEvent(int16 itemID, int eventType) { if (itemID == 69 && eventType == 5) { uint currIndex = _listBox->getCurrIndex(); _textEditWidget->setString((*_savegameList)[currIndex].description); setCurrWidget(_textEditWidget); } } uint32 DeleteGameMenu::handleMessage(int messageNum, const MessageParam ¶m, Entity *sender) { Scene::handleMessage(messageNum, param, sender); switch (messageNum) { case 0x000B: if (param.asInteger() == Common::KEYCODE_RETURN) performDeleteGame(); else if (param.asInteger() == Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE) leaveScene(1); break; case 0x2000: // Handle menu button click switch (param.asInteger()) { case 0: performDeleteGame(); break; case 1: leaveScene(1); break; case 2: _listBox->pageUp(); break; case 3: _listBox->scrollUp(); break; case 4: _listBox->scrollDown(); break; case 5: _listBox->pageDown(); break; } break; } return 0; } void DeleteGameMenu::performDeleteGame() { ((MenuModule*)_parentModule)->setDeletegameInfo(_listBox->getCurrIndex()); leaveScene(0); } QueryOverwriteMenu::QueryOverwriteMenu(NeverhoodEngine *vm, Module *parentModule, const Common::String &description) : Scene(vm, parentModule) { static const uint32 kQueryOverwriteMenuButtonFileHashes[] = { 0x90312400, 0x94C22A22 }; static const NRect kQueryOverwriteMenuCollisionBounds[] = { NRect(145, 334, 260, 385), NRect(365, 340, 477, 388) }; setBackground(0x043692C4); setPalette(0x043692C4); insertScreenMouse(0x692C004B); insertStaticSprite(0x08C0AC24, 200); for (uint buttonIndex = 0; buttonIndex < 2; ++buttonIndex) { Sprite *menuButton = insertSprite(this, buttonIndex, kQueryOverwriteMenuButtonFileHashes[buttonIndex], kQueryOverwriteMenuCollisionBounds[buttonIndex]); addCollisionSprite(menuButton); } // Draw the query text to the background, each text line is centered // NOTE The original had this text in its own class FontSurface *fontSurface = new FontSurface(_vm, calcHash("bgQueryTinyAlphabet"), 32, 7, 32, 11, 17); Common::StringArray textLines; textLines.push_back(description); textLines.push_back("Game exists."); textLines.push_back("Overwrite it?"); for (uint i = 0; i < textLines.size(); ++i) fontSurface->drawString(_background->getSurface(), 106 + (423 - textLines[i].size() * 11) / 2, 127 + 31 + i * 17, (const byte*)textLines[i].c_str()); delete fontSurface; SetUpdateHandler(&Scene::update); SetMessageHandler(&QueryOverwriteMenu::handleMessage); } uint32 QueryOverwriteMenu::handleMessage(int messageNum, const MessageParam ¶m, Entity *sender) { Scene::handleMessage(messageNum, param, sender); switch (messageNum) { case 0x2000: // Handle menu button click leaveScene(param.asInteger()); break; } return 0; } } // End of namespace Neverhood