/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2006 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ #include "common/stdafx.h" #include "parallaction/parallaction.h" namespace Parallaction { #define INST_ON 1 #define INST_OFF 2 #define INST_X 3 #define INST_Y 4 #define INST_Z 5 #define INST_F 6 #define INST_LOOP 7 #define INST_ENDLOOP 8 #define INST_SHOW 9 #define INST_INC 10 #define INST_DEC 11 #define INST_SET 12 #define INST_PUT 13 #define INST_CALL 14 #define INST_WAIT 15 #define INST_START 16 #define INST_SOUND 17 #define INST_MOVE 18 #define INST_END 1000 void wrapLocalVar(LocalVariable *local); uint16 _numLocals = 0; char _localNames[10][10]; Animation *Parallaction::findAnimation(const char *name) { for (AnimationList::iterator it = _animations.begin(); it != _animations.end(); it++) if (!scumm_stricmp((*it)->_label._text, name)) return *it; return NULL; } Animation *Parallaction::parseAnimation(Script& script, AnimationList &list, char *name) { // printf("parseAnimation(%s)\n", name); Animation *vD0 = new Animation; vD0->_label._text = (char*)malloc(strlen(name)+1); strcpy(vD0->_label._text, name); list.push_front(vD0); fillBuffers(script, true); while (scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "endanimation")) { // printf("token[0] = %s\n", _tokens[0]); if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "script")) { loadProgram(vD0, _tokens[1]); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "commands")) { parseCommands(script, vD0->_commands); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "type")) { if (_tokens[2][0] != '\0') { vD0->_type = ((4 + _objectsNames->lookup(_tokens[2])) << 16) & 0xFFFF0000; } int16 _si = _zoneTypeNames->lookup(_tokens[1]); if (_si != -1) { vD0->_type |= 1 << (_si-1); if (((vD0->_type & 0xFFFF) != kZoneNone) && ((vD0->_type & 0xFFFF) != kZoneCommand)) { parseZoneTypeBlock(script, vD0); } } } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "label")) { _gfx->makeCnvFromString(&vD0->_label._cnv, _tokens[1]); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "flags")) { uint16 _si = 1; do { byte _al = _zoneFlagNames->lookup(_tokens[_si]); _si++; vD0->_flags |= 1 << (_al - 1); } while (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[_si++], "|")); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "file")) { char vC8[200]; strcpy(vC8, _tokens[1]); if (_engineFlags & kEngineTransformedDonna) { if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[1], "donnap") || !scumm_stricmp(_tokens[1], "donnapa")) { strcat(vC8, "tras"); } } vD0->_cnv = _disk->loadFrames(vC8); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "position")) { vD0->_left = atoi(_tokens[1]); vD0->_top = atoi(_tokens[2]); vD0->_z = atoi(_tokens[3]); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "moveto")) { vD0->_moveTo.x = atoi(_tokens[1]); vD0->_moveTo.y = atoi(_tokens[2]); } fillBuffers(script, true); } vD0->_oldPos.x = -1000; vD0->_oldPos.y = -1000; vD0->_flags |= 0x1000000; return vD0; } void Parallaction::freeAnimations() { _animations.clear(); return; } void jobDisplayAnimations(void *parm, Job *j) { // printf("jobDisplayAnimations()...\n"); StaticCnv v14; uint16 _si = 0; for (AnimationList::iterator it = _vm->_animations.begin(); it != _vm->_animations.end(); it++) { Animation *v18 = *it; if ((v18->_flags & kFlagsActive) && ((v18->_flags & kFlagsRemove) == 0)) { v14._width = v18->width(); v14._height = v18->height(); v14._data0 = v18->getFrameData(v18->_frame); // v14._data1 = v18->_cnv->field_8[v18->_frame]; if (v18->_flags & kFlagsNoMasked) _si = 3; else _si = _vm->_gfx->queryMask(v18->_top + v18->height()); debugC(9, kDebugLocation, "jobDisplayAnimations(%s, x:%i, y:%i, z:%i, w:%i, h:%i, %p)", v18->_label._text, v18->_left, v18->_top, _si, v14._width, v14._height, v14._data0); _vm->_gfx->blitCnv(&v14, v18->_left, v18->_top, _si, Gfx::kBitBack); } if (((v18->_flags & kFlagsActive) == 0) && (v18->_flags & kFlagsRemove)) { v18->_flags &= ~kFlagsRemove; v18->_oldPos.x = -1000; } if ((v18->_flags & kFlagsActive) && (v18->_flags & kFlagsRemove)) { v18->_flags &= ~kFlagsActive; v18->_flags |= kFlagsRemove; } } // printf("done\n"); return; } void jobEraseAnimations(void *arg_0, Job *j) { debugC(3, kDebugJobs, "jobEraseAnimations"); for (AnimationList::iterator it = _vm->_animations.begin(); it != _vm->_animations.end(); it++) { Animation *a = *it; if (((a->_flags & kFlagsActive) == 0) && ((a->_flags & kFlagsRemove) == 0)) continue; Common::Rect r(a->width(), a->height()); r.moveTo(a->_oldPos); _vm->_gfx->restoreBackground(r); if (arg_0) { a->_oldPos.x = a->_left; a->_oldPos.y = a->_top; } } // printf("done\n"); return; } void Parallaction::loadProgram(Animation *a, char *filename) { // printf("loadProgram(%s)\n", filename); Script *script = _disk->loadScript(filename); _numLocals = 0; fillBuffers(*script); a->_program = new Program; Instruction *vCC = new Instruction; while (scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "endscript")) { parseScriptLine(vCC, a, a->_program->_locals); a->_program->_instructions.push_back(vCC); vCC = new Instruction; fillBuffers(*script); } // TODO: use List<>::end() to detect the end of the program vCC->_index = INST_END; a->_program->_instructions.push_back(vCC); a->_program->_ip = a->_program->_instructions.begin(); delete script; return; } void Parallaction::parseScriptLine(Instruction *inst, Animation *a, LocalVariable *locals) { // printf("parseScriptLine()\n"); if (_tokens[0][1] == '.') { _tokens[0][1] = '\0'; a = findAnimation(&_tokens[0][2]); } if (_tokens[1][1] == '.') { _tokens[1][1] = '\0'; a = findAnimation(&_tokens[1][2]); } int16 _si = _instructionNames->lookup(_tokens[0]); inst->_index = _si; // printf("token[0] = %s (%i)\n", _tokens[0], inst->_index); switch (inst->_index) { case INST_ON: // on case INST_OFF: // off case INST_START: // start if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[1], a->_label._text)) { inst->_opBase._a = a; } else { inst->_opBase._a = findAnimation(_tokens[1]); } break; case INST_LOOP: // loop inst->_opBase._loopCounter = getLValue(inst, _tokens[1], locals, a); break; case INST_X: // x inst->_opA._pvalue = &a->_left; inst->_opB = getLValue(inst, _tokens[1], locals, a); break; case INST_Y: // y inst->_opA._pvalue = &a->_top; inst->_opB = getLValue(inst, _tokens[1], locals, a); break; case INST_Z: // z inst->_opA._pvalue = &a->_z; inst->_opB = getLValue(inst, _tokens[1], locals, a); break; case INST_F: // f inst->_opA._pvalue = &a->_frame; inst->_opB = getLValue(inst, _tokens[1], locals, a); break; case INST_INC: // inc case INST_DEC: // dec if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[1], "X")) { inst->_opA._pvalue = &a->_left; } else if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[1], "Y")) { inst->_opA._pvalue = &a->_top; } else if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[1], "Z")) { inst->_opA._pvalue = &a->_z; } else if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[1], "F")) { inst->_opA._pvalue = &a->_frame; } else { inst->_flags |= kInstUsesLocal; inst->_opA = getLValue(inst, _tokens[1], locals, a); } inst->_opB = getLValue(inst, _tokens[2], locals, a); if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[3], "mod")) { inst->_flags |= kInstMod; } break; case INST_SET: // set inst->_opA = getLValue(inst, _tokens[1], locals, a); inst->_flags |= kInstUsesLocal; inst->_opB = getLValue(inst, _tokens[2], locals, a); break; case INST_MOVE: // move inst->_opA = getLValue(inst, _tokens[1], locals, a); inst->_opB = getLValue(inst, _tokens[2], locals, a); break; case INST_PUT: // put if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[1], a->_label._text)) { inst->_opBase._a = a; } else { inst->_opBase._a = findAnimation(_tokens[1]); } inst->_opA = getLValue(inst, _tokens[2], locals, a); inst->_opB = getLValue(inst, _tokens[3], locals, a); if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[4], "masked")) { inst->_flags |= kInstMaskedPut; } break; case INST_CALL: { // call int16 _ax = _callableNames->lookup(_tokens[1]); inst->_opBase._index = _ax - 1; if (_ax - 1 < 0) exit(0); } break; case INST_SOUND: // sound inst->_opBase._z = findZone(_tokens[1]); break; case INST_ENDLOOP: // endloop case INST_SHOW: // show case INST_WAIT: // wait break; default: // local definition strcpy(_localNames[_numLocals], _tokens[0]); locals[_numLocals]._value = atoi(_tokens[2]); if (_tokens[3][0] != '\0') { locals[_numLocals]._min = atoi(_tokens[3]); locals[_numLocals]._max = atoi(_tokens[4]); } else { locals[_numLocals]._min = -10000; locals[_numLocals]._max = 10000; } inst->_opA._local = &locals[_numLocals]; inst->_opB._value = locals[_numLocals]._value; inst->_flags = kInstUsesLiteral | kInstUsesLocal; inst->_index = INST_SET; _numLocals++; break; } return; } LValue Parallaction::getLValue(Instruction *inst, char *str, LocalVariable *locals, Animation *a) { LValue v; v._pvalue = 0; // should stop compiler from complaining if (isdigit(str[0]) || str[0] == '-') { inst->_flags |= kInstUsesLiteral; v._value = atoi(str); return v; } for (uint16 _si = 0; _si < 10; _si++) { if (!scumm_stricmp(str, _localNames[_si])) { v._local = &locals[_si]; return v; } } if (str[1] == '.') { a = findAnimation(&str[2]); } if (str[0] == 'X') { v._pvalue = &a->_left; } else if (str[0] == 'Y') { v._pvalue = &a->_top; } else if (str[0] == 'Z') { v._pvalue = &a->_z; } else if (str[0] == 'F') { v._pvalue = &a->_frame; } return v; } void jobRunScripts(void *parm, Job *j) { debugC(3, kDebugJobs, "jobRunScripts"); static uint16 modCounter = 0; StaticCnv v18; for (AnimationList::iterator it = _vm->_animations.begin(); it != _vm->_animations.end(); it++) { Animation *a = *it; if (a->_flags & kFlagsCharacter) a->_z = a->_top + a->height(); if ((a->_flags & kFlagsActing) == 0) continue; InstructionList::iterator inst = a->_program->_ip; // printf("Animation: %s, flags: %x\n", a->_name, a->_flags); while (((*inst)->_index != INST_SHOW) && (a->_flags & kFlagsActing)) { debugC(9, kDebugJobs, "Animation: %s, instruction: %s", a->_label._text, (*inst)->_index == INST_END ? "end" : _instructionNamesRes[(*inst)->_index - 1]); switch ((*inst)->_index) { case INST_ENDLOOP: // endloop if (--a->_program->_loopCounter > 0) { inst = a->_program->_loopStart; } break; case INST_OFF: {// off (*inst)->_opBase._a->_flags |= kFlagsRemove; // v1C = (*inst)->_opBase; } break; case INST_ON: // on (*inst)->_opBase._a->_flags |= kFlagsActive; (*inst)->_opBase._a->_flags &= ~kFlagsRemove; break; case INST_START: // start // v1C = (*inst)->_opBase; (*inst)->_opBase._a->_flags |= (kFlagsActing | kFlagsActive); break; case INST_LOOP: // loop if ((*inst)->_flags & kInstUsesLiteral) { a->_program->_loopCounter = (*inst)->_opBase._loopCounter._value; } else { a->_program->_loopCounter = *(*inst)->_opBase._loopCounter._pvalue; } a->_program->_loopStart = inst; break; case INST_INC: // inc case INST_DEC: { // dec int16 _si = 0; int16 _ax = 0, _bx = 0; if ((*inst)->_flags & kInstUsesLiteral) { _si = (*inst)->_opB._value; } else { _si = *(*inst)->_opB._pvalue; } if ((*inst)->_flags & kInstMod) { // mod _bx = (_si > 0 ? _si : -_si); if (modCounter % _bx != 0) break; _si = (_si > 0 ? 1 : -1); } if ((*inst)->_flags & kInstUsesLocal) { // local if ((*inst)->_index == INST_INC) _ax = _si; else _ax = -_si; (*inst)->_opA._local->_value += _ax; wrapLocalVar((*inst)->_opA._local); break; } // built-in variable (x, y, z, f) if ((*inst)->_index == INST_INC) _ax = _si; else _ax = -_si; *(*inst)->_opA._pvalue += _ax; } break; case INST_MOVE: { // move WalkNodeList *v4 = _vm->_char._builder.buildPath(*(*inst)->_opA._pvalue, *(*inst)->_opB._pvalue); _vm->addJob(&jobWalk, v4, kPriority19 ); _engineFlags |= kEngineWalking; } break; case INST_PUT: // put v18._width = (*inst)->_opBase._a->width(); v18._height = (*inst)->_opBase._a->height(); v18._data0 = (*inst)->_opBase._a->getFrameData((*inst)->_opBase._a->_frame); v18._data1 = NULL; // (*inst)->_opBase._a->_cnv.field_8[(*inst)->_opBase._a->_frame]; if ((*inst)->_flags & kInstMaskedPut) { uint16 _si = _vm->_gfx->queryMask((*inst)->_opB._value); _vm->_gfx->blitCnv(&v18, (*inst)->_opA._value, (*inst)->_opB._value, _si, Gfx::kBitBack); _vm->_gfx->blitCnv(&v18, (*inst)->_opA._value, (*inst)->_opB._value, _si, Gfx::kBit2); } else { _vm->_gfx->flatBlitCnv(&v18, (*inst)->_opA._value, (*inst)->_opB._value, Gfx::kBitBack); _vm->_gfx->flatBlitCnv(&v18, (*inst)->_opA._value, (*inst)->_opB._value, Gfx::kBit2); } break; case INST_END: // exit if ((a->_flags & kFlagsLooping) == 0) { a->_flags &= ~kFlagsActing; _vm->runCommands(a->_commands, a); } a->_program->_ip = a->_program->_instructions.begin(); goto label1; case INST_CALL: // call _callables[(*inst)->_opBase._index](0); break; case INST_WAIT: // wait if (_engineFlags & kEngineWalking) goto label1; break; case INST_SOUND: // sound _activeZone = (*inst)->_opBase._z; break; default: { // INST_SET, INST_X, INST_Y, INST_Z, INST_F int16 _si; if ((*inst)->_flags & kInstUsesLiteral) { _si = (*inst)->_opB._value; } else { _si = *(*inst)->_opB._pvalue; } if ((*inst)->_flags & kInstUsesLocal) { (*inst)->_opA._local->_value = _si; } else { *(*inst)->_opA._pvalue = _si; } } break; } inst++; } a->_program->_ip = ++inst; label1: if (a->_flags & kFlagsCharacter) a->_z = a->_top + a->height(); } _vm->sortAnimations(); modCounter++; return; } void wrapLocalVar(LocalVariable *local) { // printf("wrapLocalVar(v: %i, min: %i, max: %i)\n", local->_value, local->_min, local->_max); if (local->_value >= local->_max) local->_value = local->_min; if (local->_value < local->_min) local->_value = local->_max - 1; return; } int compareAnimationZ(const AnimationPointer &a1, const AnimationPointer &a2) { if (a1->_z == a2->_z) return 0; return (a1->_z < a2->_z ? -1 : 1); } void Parallaction::sortAnimations() { _char._ani._z = _char._ani.height() + _char._ani._top; _animations.sort(compareAnimationZ); return; } Animation::Animation() { _cnv = NULL; _program = NULL; _frame = 0; _z = 0; } Animation::~Animation() { if (_program) delete _program; if (_cnv) delete _cnv; } uint16 Animation::width() const { if (!_cnv) return 0; return _cnv->_width; } uint16 Animation::height() const { if (!_cnv) return 0; return _cnv->_height; } uint16 Animation::getFrameNum() const { if (!_cnv) return 0; return _cnv->_count; } byte* Animation::getFrameData(uint32 index) const { if (!_cnv) return NULL; return _cnv->getFramePtr(index); } Program::Program() { _loopCounter = 0; _locals = new LocalVariable[10]; } Program::~Program() { delete[] _locals; } } // namespace Parallaction