/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2006 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ #include "common/stdafx.h" #include "parallaction/parallaction.h" #include "parallaction/graphics.h" #include "parallaction/disk.h" #include "parallaction/parser.h" #include "parallaction/music.h" #include "parallaction/commands.h" #include "parallaction/walk.h" #include "parallaction/zone.h" namespace Parallaction { void resolveLocationForwards(); void switchBackground(const char* background, const char* mask); void Parallaction::parseLocation(const char *filename) { // printf("parseLocation(%s)", filename); debugC(1, kDebugLocation, "parseLocation('%s')", filename); uint16 _si = 1; _gfx->_proportionalFont = false; _gfx->setFont(kFontLabel); Script *_locationScript = _disk->loadLocation(filename); fillBuffers(*_locationScript, true); while (scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "ENDLOCATION")) { // printf("token[0] = %s", _tokens[0]); if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "LOCATION")) { // The parameter for location is 'location.mask'. // If mask is not present, then it is assumed // that path & mask are encoded in the background // bitmap, otherwise a separate .msk file exists. char *mask = strchr(_tokens[1], '.'); if (mask) { mask[0] = '\0'; mask++; } // WORKAROUND: the original code erroneously incremented // _currentLocationIndex, thus producing inconsistent // savegames. This workaround modified the following loop // and if-statement, so the code exactly matches the one // in Big Red Adventure. _currentLocationIndex = -1; uint16 _di = 0; while (_locationNames[_di][0] != '\0') { if (!scumm_stricmp(_locationNames[_di], filename)) { _currentLocationIndex = _di; } _di++; } if (_currentLocationIndex == -1) { strcpy(_locationNames[_numLocations], filename); _currentLocationIndex = _numLocations; _numLocations++; _locationNames[_numLocations][0] = '\0'; _localFlags[_numLocations] = 0; } else { _localFlags[_currentLocationIndex] |= kFlagsVisited; // 'visited' } strcpy(_location._name, _tokens[1]); switchBackground(_location._name, mask); if (_tokens[2][0] != '\0') { _char._ani._left = atoi(_tokens[2]); _char._ani._top = atoi(_tokens[3]); } if (_tokens[4][0] != '\0') { _char._ani._frame = atoi(_tokens[4]); } } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "DISK")) { _disk->selectArchive(_tokens[1]); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "LOCALFLAGS")) { _si = 1; // _localFlagNames[0] = 'visited' while (_tokens[_si][0] != '\0') { _localFlagNames->addData(_tokens[_si]); _si++; } } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "COMMANDS")) { parseCommands(*_locationScript, _location._commands); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "ACOMMANDS")) { parseCommands(*_locationScript, _location._aCommands); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "FLAGS")) { if ((_localFlags[_currentLocationIndex] & kFlagsVisited) == 0) { // only for 1st visit _localFlags[_currentLocationIndex] = 0; _si = 1; do { byte _al = _localFlagNames->lookup(_tokens[_si]); _localFlags[_currentLocationIndex] |= 1 << (_al - 1); _si++; if (scumm_stricmp(_tokens[_si], "|")) break; _si++; } while (true); } } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "COMMENT")) { _location._comment = parseComment(*_locationScript); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "ENDCOMMENT")) { _location._endComment = parseComment(*_locationScript); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "ZONE")) { parseZone(*_locationScript, _zones, _tokens[1]); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "NODES")) { parseWalkNodes(*_locationScript, _location._walkNodes); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "ANIMATION")) { parseAnimation(*_locationScript, _animations, _tokens[1]); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "SOUND")) { strcpy(_soundFile, _tokens[1]); } fillBuffers(*_locationScript, true); } resolveLocationForwards(); delete _locationScript; return; } void Parallaction::resolveLocationForwards() { // printf("resolveLocationForwards()"); // printf("# forwards: %i", _numForwards); for (uint16 _si = 0; _forwardedCommands[_si]; _si++) { _forwardedCommands[_si]->u._animation = findAnimation(_forwardedAnimationNames[_si]); _forwardedCommands[_si] = NULL; } _numForwards = 0; return; } void Parallaction::freeLocation() { debugC(7, kDebugLocation, "freeLocation"); if (_localFlagNames) delete _localFlagNames; _localFlagNames = new Table(120); _localFlagNames->addData("visited"); debugC(7, kDebugLocation, "freeLocation: localflags names freed"); _location._walkNodes.clear(); debugC(7, kDebugLocation, "freeLocation: walk nodes freed"); // TODO (LIST): helperNode should be rendered useless by the use of a Common::List<> // to store Zones and Animations. Right now, it holds a list of Zones to be preserved // but that'll pretty meaningless with a single list approach. freeZones(); debugC(7, kDebugLocation, "freeLocation: zones freed"); freeAnimations(); debugC(7, kDebugLocation, "freeLocation: animations freed"); if (_location._comment) { free(_location._comment); } _location._comment = NULL; debugC(7, kDebugLocation, "freeLocation: comments freed"); _location._commands.clear(); debugC(7, kDebugLocation, "freeLocation: commands freed"); _location._aCommands.clear(); debugC(7, kDebugLocation, "freeLocation: acommands freed"); return; } void Parallaction::parseWalkNodes(Script& script, WalkNodeList &list) { fillBuffers(script, true); while (scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "ENDNODES")) { if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "COORD")) { WalkNode *v4 = new WalkNode( atoi(_tokens[1]) - _char._ani.width()/2, atoi(_tokens[2]) - _char._ani.height() ); list.push_front(v4); } fillBuffers(script, true); } return; } void Parallaction::switchBackground(const char* background, const char* mask) { // printf("switchBackground(%s)", name); Gfx::Palette pal; uint16 v2 = 0; if (!scumm_stricmp(background, "final")) { _gfx->clearScreen(Gfx::kBitBack); for (uint16 _si = 0; _si <= 93; ) { pal[_si] = v2; pal[_si+1] = v2; pal[_si+2] = v2; v2 += 4; _si += 3; } _gfx->setPalette(pal); } _disk->loadScenery(background, mask); return; } extern Zone *_hoverZone; extern Job *_jDrawLabel; extern Job *_jEraseLabel; void Parallaction::showSlide(const char *name) { _disk->loadSlide(name); _gfx->setPalette(_gfx->_palette); _gfx->copyScreen(Gfx::kBitBack, Gfx::kBitFront); debugC(1, kDebugLocation, "changeLocation: new background set"); _gfx->_proportionalFont = false; _gfx->setFont(kFontMenu); uint16 _ax = strlen(_slideText[0]); _ax <<= 3; // text width uint16 _dx = (SCREEN_WIDTH - _ax) >> 1; // center text _gfx->displayString(_dx, 14, _slideText[0]); // displays text on screen waitUntilLeftClick(); debugC(2, kDebugLocation, "changeLocation: intro text shown"); return; } /* changeLocation handles transitions between locations, and is able to display slides between one and the other. The input parameter 'location' exists in some flavours: 1 - [S].slide.[L]{.[C]} 2 - [L]{.[C]} where: [S] is the slide to be shown [L] is the location to switch to (immediately in case 2, or right after slide [S] in case 1) [C] is the character to be selected, and is optional The routine tells one form from the other by searching for the '.slide.' NOTE: there exists one script in which [L] is not used in the case 1, but its use is commented out, and would definitely crash the current implementation. */ void Parallaction::changeLocation(char *location) { debugC(1, kDebugLocation, "changeLocation to '%s'", location); pickMusic(location); // WORKAROUND: this if-statement has been added to avoid crashes caused by // execution of label jobs after a location switch. The other workaround in // Parallaction::runGame should have been rendered useless by this one. if (_jDrawLabel != NULL) { removeJob(_jDrawLabel); removeJob(_jEraseLabel); _jDrawLabel = NULL; _jEraseLabel = NULL; } _hoverZone = NULL; if (_engineFlags & kEngineMouse) { changeCursor( kCursorArrow ); debugC(2, kDebugLocation, "changeLocation: changed cursor"); } _animations.remove(&_char._ani); debugC(2, kDebugLocation, "changeLocation: removed character from the animation list"); freeLocation(); debugC(1, kDebugLocation, "changeLocation: old location free'd"); char buf[100]; strcpy(buf, location); Common::StringList list; char *tok = strtok(location, "."); while (tok) { list.push_back(tok); tok = strtok(NULL, "."); } if (list.size() < 1 || list.size() > 4) error("changeLocation: ill-formed location string '%s'", location); if (list.size() > 1) { if (list[1] == "slide") { showSlide(list[0].c_str()); list.remove_at(0); // removes slide name list.remove_at(0); // removes 'slide' } // list is now only [L].{[C]} (see above comment) if (list.size() == 2) { changeCharacter(list[1].c_str()); strcpy(_characterName, list[1].c_str()); } } _animations.push_front(&_char._ani); debugC(2, kDebugLocation, "changeLocation: new character added to the animation list"); strcpy(_saveData1, list[0].c_str()); parseLocation(list[0].c_str()); _gfx->copyScreen(Gfx::kBitBack, Gfx::kBit2); debugC(1, kDebugLocation, "changeLocation: new location '%s' parsed", _saveData1); _char._ani._oldPos.x = -1000; _char._ani._oldPos.y = -1000; _char._ani.field_50 = 0; if (_location._startPosition.x != -1000) { _char._ani._left = _location._startPosition.x; _char._ani._top = _location._startPosition.y; _char._ani._frame = _location._startFrame; _location._startPosition.y = -1000; _location._startPosition.x = -1000; debugC(2, kDebugLocation, "changeLocation: initial position set to x: %i, y: %i, f: %i", _location._startPosition.x, _location._startPosition.y, _location._startFrame); } byte palette[PALETTE_SIZE]; for (uint16 _si = 0; _si < PALETTE_SIZE; _si++) palette[_si] = 0; _gfx->setPalette(palette); _gfx->copyScreen(Gfx::kBitBack, Gfx::kBitFront); if (_location._commands.size() > 0) { runCommands(_location._commands); runJobs(); _gfx->swapBuffers(); runJobs(); _gfx->swapBuffers(); } if (_location._comment) { doLocationEnterTransition(); debugC(2, kDebugLocation, "changeLocation: shown location comment"); } runJobs(); _gfx->swapBuffers(); _gfx->setPalette(_gfx->_palette); if (_location._aCommands.size() > 0) { runCommands(_location._aCommands); debugC(1, kDebugLocation, "changeLocation: location acommands run"); } debugC(1, kDebugLocation, "changeLocation completed"); return; } // displays transition before a new location // // clears screen (in white??) // shows location comment (if any) // waits for mouse click // fades towards game palette // // THE FINAL PALETTE IS NOT THE SAME AS THE MAIN PALETTE!!!!!! // void Parallaction::doLocationEnterTransition() { debugC(1, kDebugLocation, "doLocationEnterTransition"); if (_localFlags[_currentLocationIndex] & kFlagsVisited) return; // visited byte pal[PALETTE_SIZE]; _gfx->buildBWPalette(pal); _gfx->setPalette(pal); jobRunScripts(NULL, NULL); jobEraseAnimations(NULL, NULL); jobDisplayAnimations(NULL, NULL); _gfx->setFont(kFontDialogue); _gfx->swapBuffers(); _gfx->copyScreen(Gfx::kBitFront, Gfx::kBitBack); int16 v7C, v7A; _gfx->getStringExtent(_location._comment, 130, &v7C, &v7A); Common::Rect r(10 + v7C, 5 + v7A); r.moveTo(5, 5); _gfx->floodFill(Gfx::kBitFront, r, 0); r.grow(-1); _gfx->floodFill(Gfx::kBitFront, r, 1); _gfx->displayWrappedString(_location._comment, 3, 5, 130, 0); // FIXME: ??? #if 0 do { mouseFunc1(); } while (_mouseButtons != kMouseLeftUp); #endif _gfx->updateScreen(); waitUntilLeftClick(); _gfx->copyScreen(Gfx::kBitBack, Gfx::kBitFront ); // fades maximum intensity palette towards approximation of main palette for (uint16 _si = 0; _si<6; _si++) { waitTime( 1 ); _gfx->quickFadePalette(pal); _gfx->setPalette(pal); } debugC(1, kDebugLocation, "doLocationEnterTransition completed"); return; } void mouseFunc1() { // FIXME: implement this } } // namespace Parallaction