/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2006 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ #include "parallaction/menu.h" #include "parallaction/disk.h" #include "parallaction/music.h" #include "parallaction/inventory.h" #include "parallaction/graphics.h" #include "parallaction/parallaction.h" namespace Parallaction { const char *introMsg1[] = { "INSERISCI IL CODICE", "ENTREZ CODE", "ENTER CODE", "GIB DEN KODE EIN" }; const char *introMsg2[] = { "CODICE ERRATO", "CODE ERRONE", "WRONG CODE", "GIB DEN KODE EIN" }; const char *introMsg3[] = { "PRESS LEFT MOUSE BUTTON", "TO SEE INTRO", "PRESS RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON", "TO START" }; const char *newGameMsg[] = { "NUOVO GIOCO", "NEUF JEU", "NEW GAME", "NEUES SPIEL" }; const char *loadGameMsg[] = { "GIOCO SALVATO", "JEU SAUVE'", "SAVED GAME", "SPIEL GESPEICHERT" }; #define BLOCK_WIDTH 16 #define BLOCK_HEIGHT 24 #define BLOCK_X 112 #define BLOCK_Y 130 #define BLOCK_SELECTION_X (BLOCK_X-1) #define BLOCK_SELECTION_Y (BLOCK_Y-1) #define BLOCK_X_OFFSET (BLOCK_WIDTH+1) #define BLOCK_Y_OFFSET 9 // destination slots for code blocks // #define SLOT_X 61 #define SLOT_Y 64 #define SLOT_WIDTH (BLOCK_WIDTH+2) static uint16 _dinoKey[] = { 5, 3, 6, 1, 4, 7 }; // static uint16 _donnaKey[] = { 0, 2, 8, 5, 5, 1 }; static uint16 _doughKey[] = { 1, 7 ,7, 2, 2, 6 }; Menu::Menu(Parallaction *engine) { _engine = engine; } Menu::~Menu() { // } void Menu::start() { _vm->_disk->selectArchive("disk1"); _vm->_graphics->_proportionalFont = false; _vm->_graphics->setFont("slide"); _vm->_disk->loadSlide("intro"); _vm->_graphics->palUnk0(_palette); _vm->_graphics->copyScreen(Graphics::kBitBack, Graphics::kBitFront); g_system->delayMillis(2000); _vm->_disk->loadSlide("minintro"); _vm->_graphics->palUnk0(_palette); _vm->_graphics->copyScreen(Graphics::kBitBack, Graphics::kBitFront); g_system->delayMillis(2000); _vm->_disk->loadSlide("lingua"); _vm->_graphics->palUnk0(_palette); _vm->_graphics->copyScreen(Graphics::kBitBack, Graphics::kBitFront); _vm->_graphics->displayString(60, 30, "SELECT LANGUAGE"); _vm->_graphics->copyScreen(Graphics::kBitFront, Graphics::kBitBack); _vm->_graphics->copyScreen(Graphics::kBitBack, Graphics::kBit2); _language = chooseLanguage(); switch (_language) { case 0: strcpy(_engine->_languageDir, "it/"); break; case 1: strcpy(_engine->_languageDir, "fr/"); break; case 2: strcpy(_engine->_languageDir, "en/"); break; case 3: strcpy(_engine->_languageDir, "ge/"); break; } _vm->_disk->loadSlide("restore"); _vm->_graphics->palUnk0(_palette); _vm->_graphics->copyScreen(Graphics::kBitBack, Graphics::kBitFront); _vm->_graphics->copyScreen(Graphics::kBitBack, Graphics::kBit2); _vm->_graphics->copyScreen(Graphics::kBitBack, Graphics::kBit3); if (selectGame() == 0) { newGame(); } return; } void Menu::newGame() { // printf("newGame()\n"); const char **v14 = introMsg3; _vm->_disk->loadScenery("test", NULL); _vm->_graphics->palUnk0(_palette); _vm->_graphics->swapBuffers(); uint16 _ax = (SCREEN_WIDTH - _vm->_graphics->getStringWidth(v14[0])) / 2; _vm->_graphics->displayString(_ax, 50, v14[0]); _ax = (SCREEN_WIDTH - _vm->_graphics->getStringWidth(v14[1])) / 2; _vm->_graphics->displayString(_ax, 70, v14[1]); _ax = (SCREEN_WIDTH - _vm->_graphics->getStringWidth(v14[2])) / 2; _vm->_graphics->displayString(_ax, 100, v14[2]); _ax = (SCREEN_WIDTH - _vm->_graphics->getStringWidth(v14[3])) / 2; _vm->_graphics->displayString(_ax, 120, v14[3]); _vm->_graphics->copyScreen(Graphics::kBitFront, Graphics::kBitBack); _mouseButtons = kMouseNone; for (; _mouseButtons != kMouseLeftUp; ) { _vm->updateInput(); if (_mouseButtons == kMouseRightUp) break; } if (_mouseButtons != kMouseRightUp) return; // show intro selectCharacter(); char *v4 = strchr(_location, '.') + 1; strcpy(_engine->_characterName, v4); return; // start game } uint16 Menu::chooseLanguage() { _engine->changeCursor(kCursorArrow); do { _engine->updateInput(); _vm->_graphics->swapBuffers(); uint16 _di = _mousePos._x; uint16 v2 = _mousePos._y; if (_mouseButtons == kMouseLeftUp) { for (uint16 _si = 0; _si < 4; _si++) { if (80 + _si*49 >= _di) continue; if (110 - _si*25 >= v2) continue; if (128 + _si*49 <= _di) continue; if (180 - _si*25 <= v2) continue; beep(); return _si; } } _engine->waitTime( 1 ); } while (true); // never reached !!! return 0; } uint16 Menu::selectGame() { // printf("selectGame()\n"); uint16 _si = 0; uint16 _di = 3; _engine->updateInput(); while (_mouseButtons != kMouseLeftUp) { _engine->updateInput(); _vm->_graphics->swapBuffers(); _engine->waitTime( 1 ); _si = 0; if (_mousePos._x > 160) _si = 1; if (_si == _di) continue; _di = _si; _vm->_graphics->copyScreen(Graphics::kBit3, Graphics::kBitFront); if (_si != 0) { // load a game _vm->_graphics->displayString(60, 30, loadGameMsg[_language]); } else { // new game _vm->_graphics->displayString(60, 30, newGameMsg[_language]); } _vm->_graphics->copyScreen(Graphics::kBitFront, Graphics::kBit2); _vm->_graphics->copyScreen(Graphics::kBitFront, Graphics::kBitBack); } if (_si == 0) return 0; // new game // load game strcpy(_location, "fogne"); strcpy(_engine->_characterName, "dough"); _vm->loadGame(); return 1; // load game } // // character selection and protection // void Menu::selectCharacter() { uint16 _di = 0; bool askPassword = true; uint16 _donna_points = 0; uint16 _dino_points = 0; uint16 _dough_points = 0; StaticCnv v14; v14._data0 = (byte*)malloc(33); v14._data2 = v14._data0; v14._width = BLOCK_WIDTH; v14._height = BLOCK_HEIGHT; _engine->changeCursor(kCursorArrow); _vm->_midiPlayer->stop(); _vm->_graphics->_proportionalFont = false; _vm->_graphics->setFont("slide"); _vm->_disk->selectArchive("disk1"); _vm->_disk->loadSlide("password"); _vm->_graphics->copyScreen(Graphics::kBitBack, Graphics::kBit2); _vm->_graphics->palUnk0(_palette); _vm->_graphics->copyScreen(Graphics::kBitBack, Graphics::kBitFront); _vm->_graphics->copyScreen(Graphics::kBitBack, Graphics::kBit3); while (askPassword == true) { askPassword = false; _di = 0; _vm->_graphics->displayString(60, 30, introMsg1[_language]); _vm->_graphics->copyScreen(Graphics::kBitFront, Graphics::kBit2); _vm->_graphics->copyScreen(Graphics::kBitFront, Graphics::kBitBack); _mouseButtons = kMouseNone; while (_di < 6) { do { _engine->updateInput(); //job_eraseMouse(); //job_drawMouse(); _vm->_graphics->swapBuffers(); _engine->waitTime(1); } while (_mouseButtons != kMouseLeftUp); _mouseButtons = kMouseNone; uint16 x = _mousePos._x; uint16 y = _mousePos._y; uint16 _si = 0; while (_si < 9) { if ((_si * BLOCK_X_OFFSET + BLOCK_SELECTION_X < x) && ((_si + 1) * BLOCK_X_OFFSET + BLOCK_SELECTION_X > x) && (BLOCK_SELECTION_Y - _si * BLOCK_Y_OFFSET < y) && (BLOCK_SELECTION_Y + BLOCK_HEIGHT - _si * BLOCK_Y_OFFSET > y)) { _vm->_graphics->backupCnvBackground(&v14, _si * BLOCK_X_OFFSET + BLOCK_X, BLOCK_Y - _si * BLOCK_Y_OFFSET); _vm->_graphics->flatBlitCnv(&v14, _di * SLOT_WIDTH + SLOT_X, SLOT_Y, Graphics::kBitBack, 0); _vm->_graphics->flatBlitCnv(&v14, _di * SLOT_WIDTH + SLOT_X, SLOT_Y, Graphics::kBitFront, 0); _vm->_graphics->flatBlitCnv(&v14, _di * SLOT_WIDTH + SLOT_X, SLOT_Y, Graphics::kBit2, 0); beep(); if (_dinoKey[_di] == _si) { _dino_points++; // dino } else if (_donnaKey[_di] == _si) { _donna_points++; // donna } else if (_doughKey[_di] == _si) { _dough_points++; // dough } else askPassword = true; _di++; } _si++; } } if (askPassword == false) continue; _vm->_graphics->copyScreen(Graphics::kBit3, Graphics::kBitFront); _vm->_graphics->displayString(60, 30, introMsg1[_language]); g_system->delayMillis(2000); _vm->_graphics->copyScreen(Graphics::kBit3, Graphics::kBitFront); } strcpy(_location, "test"); if (_dino_points > _donna_points && _dino_points > _dough_points) { strcat(_location, ".dino"); } else { if (_donna_points > _dino_points && _donna_points > _dough_points) { strcat(_location, ".donna"); } else { strcat(_location, ".dough"); } } byte palette[PALETTE_SIZE]; _vm->_graphics->getBlackPalette(palette); _vm->_graphics->setPalette(palette); _engineFlags |= kEngineChangeLocation; free(v14._data0); refreshInventory(_vm->_characterName); return; } } // namespace Parallaction