/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ #include "parallaction/parallaction.h" namespace Parallaction { static uint16 _doorData1 = 1000; static ZonePtr _zoneTrap; static uint16 walkData1 = 0; static uint16 walkData2 = 0; // next walk frame inline byte PathBuffer::getValue(uint16 x, uint16 y) { byte m = data[(x >> 3) + y * internalWidth]; uint n = (_vm->getPlatform() == Common::kPlatformPC) ? (x & 7) : (7 - (x & 7)); return ((1 << n) & m) >> n; } // adjusts position towards nearest walkable point // void PathBuilder::correctPathPoint(Common::Point &to) { if (_vm->_pathBuffer->getValue(to.x, to.y)) return; int16 right = to.x; int16 left = to.x; do { right++; } while ((_vm->_pathBuffer->getValue(right, to.y) == 0) && (right < _vm->_pathBuffer->w)); do { left--; } while ((_vm->_pathBuffer->getValue(left, to.y) == 0) && (left > 0)); right = (right == _vm->_pathBuffer->w) ? 1000 : right - to.x; left = (left == 0) ? 1000 : to.x - left; int16 top = to.y; int16 bottom = to.y; do { top--; } while ((_vm->_pathBuffer->getValue(to.x, top) == 0) && (top > 0)); do { bottom++; } while ((_vm->_pathBuffer->getValue(to.x, bottom) == 0) && (bottom < _vm->_pathBuffer->h)); top = (top == 0) ? 1000 : to.y - top; bottom = (bottom == _vm->_pathBuffer->h) ? 1000 : bottom - to.y; int16 closeX = (right >= left) ? left : right; int16 closeY = (top >= bottom) ? bottom : top; int16 close = (closeX >= closeY) ? closeY : closeX; if (close == right) { to.x += right; } else if (close == left) { to.x -= left; } else if (close == top) { to.y -= top; } else if (close == bottom) { to.y += bottom; } return; } uint32 PathBuilder::buildSubPath(const Common::Point& pos, const Common::Point& stop) { uint32 v28 = 0; uint32 v2C = 0; uint32 v34 = pos.sqrDist(stop); // square distance from current position and target uint32 v30 = v34; _subPath.clear(); Common::Point v20(pos); while (true) { WalkNodeList::iterator nearest = _vm->_location._walkNodes.end(); WalkNodeList::iterator locNode = _vm->_location._walkNodes.begin(); // scans location path nodes searching for the nearest Node // which can't be farther than the target position // otherwise no _closest_node is selected while (locNode != _vm->_location._walkNodes.end()) { Common::Point v8; (*locNode)->getPoint(v8); v2C = v8.sqrDist(stop); v28 = v8.sqrDist(v20); if (v2C < v34 && v28 < v30) { v30 = v28; nearest = locNode; } locNode++; } if (nearest == _vm->_location._walkNodes.end()) break; (*nearest)->getPoint(v20); v34 = v30 = v20.sqrDist(stop); _subPath.push_back(WalkNodePtr(new WalkNode(**nearest))); } return v34; } #if 0 void printNodes(WalkNodeList *list, const char* text) { printf("%s\n-------------------\n", text); for (WalkNodeList::iterator it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); it++) printf("node [%p] (%i, %i)\n", *it, (*it)->_x, (*it)->_y); return; } #endif // // x, y: mouse click (foot) coordinates // WalkNodeList *PathBuilder::buildPath(uint16 x, uint16 y) { debugC(1, kDebugWalk, "PathBuilder::buildPath to (%i, %i)", x, y); Common::Point to(x, y); correctPathPoint(to); debugC(1, kDebugWalk, "found closest path point at (%i, %i)", to.x, to.y); WalkNodePtr v48(new WalkNode(to.x, to.y)); WalkNodePtr v44 = v48; uint16 v38 = walkFunc1(to.x, to.y, v44); if (v38 == 1) { // destination directly reachable debugC(1, kDebugWalk, "direct move to (%i, %i)", to.x, to.y); _list = new WalkNodeList; _list->push_back(v48); return _list; } // path is obstructed: look for alternative _list = new WalkNodeList; _list->push_back(v48); #if 0 printNodes(_list, "start"); #endif Common::Point stop(v48->_x, v48->_y); Common::Point pos; _vm->_char.getFoot(pos); uint32 v34 = buildSubPath(pos, stop); if (v38 != 0 && v34 > v38) { // no alternative path (gap?) _list->clear(); _list->push_back(v44); return _list; } _list->insert(_list->begin(), _subPath.begin(), _subPath.end()); #if 0 printNodes(_list, "first segment"); #endif (*_list->begin())->getPoint(stop); buildSubPath(pos, stop); _list->insert(_list->begin(), _subPath.begin(), _subPath.end()); #if 0 printNodes(_list, "complete"); #endif return _list; } // // x,y : top left coordinates // // 0 : Point not reachable // 1 : Point reachable in a straight line // other values: square distance to target (point not reachable in a straight line) // uint16 PathBuilder::walkFunc1(int16 x, int16 y, WalkNodePtr &Node) { Common::Point arg(x, y); Common::Point v4(0, 0); Common::Point foot; _vm->_char.getFoot(foot); Common::Point v8(foot); while (foot != arg) { if (foot.x < x && _vm->_pathBuffer->getValue(foot.x + 1, foot.y) != 0) foot.x++; if (foot.x > x && _vm->_pathBuffer->getValue(foot.x - 1, foot.y) != 0) foot.x--; if (foot.y < y && _vm->_pathBuffer->getValue(foot.x, foot.y + 1) != 0) foot.y++; if (foot.y > y && _vm->_pathBuffer->getValue(foot.x, foot.y - 1) != 0) foot.y--; if (foot == v8 && foot != arg) { // foot couldn't move and still away from target v4 = foot; while (foot != arg) { if (foot.x < x && _vm->_pathBuffer->getValue(foot.x + 1, foot.y) == 0) foot.x++; if (foot.x > x && _vm->_pathBuffer->getValue(foot.x - 1, foot.y) == 0) foot.x--; if (foot.y < y && _vm->_pathBuffer->getValue(foot.x, foot.y + 1) == 0) foot.y++; if (foot.y > y && _vm->_pathBuffer->getValue(foot.x, foot.y - 1) == 0) foot.y--; if (foot == v8 && foot != arg) return 0; v8 = foot; } Node->_x = v4.x; Node->_y = v4.y; return (x - v4.x) * (x - v4.x) + (y - v4.y) * (y - v4.y); } v8 = foot; } // there exists an unobstructed path return 1; } void Parallaction::clipMove(Common::Point& pos, const WalkNodePtr& from) { if ((pos.x < from->_x) && (pos.x < _pathBuffer->w) && (_pathBuffer->getValue(pos.x + 2, pos.y) != 0)) { pos.x = (pos.x + 2 < from->_x) ? pos.x + 2 : from->_x; } if ((pos.x > from->_x) && (pos.x > 0) && (_pathBuffer->getValue(pos.x - 2, pos.y) != 0)) { pos.x = (pos.x - 2 > from->_x) ? pos.x - 2 : from->_x; } if ((pos.y < from->_y) && (pos.y < _pathBuffer->h) && (_pathBuffer->getValue(pos.x, pos.y + 2) != 0)) { pos.y = (pos.y + 2 <= from->_y) ? pos.y + 2 : from->_y; } if ((pos.y > from->_y) && (pos.y > 0) && (_pathBuffer->getValue(pos.x, pos.y - 2) != 0)) { pos.y = (pos.y - 2 >= from->_y) ? pos.y - 2 :from->_y; } return; } int16 Parallaction::selectWalkFrame(const Common::Point& pos, const WalkNodePtr& from) { Common::Point dist(from->_x - pos.x, from->_y - pos.y); if (dist.x < 0) dist.x = -dist.x; if (dist.y < 0) dist.y = -dist.y; walkData1++; // walk frame selection int16 v16; if (_char._ani->getFrameNum() == 20) { if (dist.x > dist.y) { walkData2 = (from->_x > pos.x) ? 0 : 7; walkData1 %= 12; v16 = walkData1 / 2; } else { walkData2 = (from->_y > pos.y) ? 14 : 17; walkData1 %= 8; v16 = walkData1 / 4; } } else { if (dist.x > dist.y) { walkData2 = (from->_x > pos.x) ? 0 : 9; walkData1 %= 16; v16 = walkData1 / 2; } else { walkData2 = (from->_y > pos.y) ? 18 : 21; walkData1 %= 8; v16 = walkData1 / 4; } } return v16; } uint16 Parallaction::checkDoor() { // printf("checkDoor()..."); if (_currentLocationIndex != _doorData1) { _doorData1 = _currentLocationIndex; _zoneTrap = nullZonePtr; } _engineFlags &= ~kEngineWalking; Common::Point foot; _char.getFoot(foot); ZonePtr z = hitZone(kZoneDoor, foot.x, foot.y); if (z) { if ((z->_flags & kFlagsClosed) == 0) { _location._startPosition = z->u.door->_startPos; _location._startFrame = z->u.door->_startFrame; scheduleLocationSwitch(z->u.door->_location); _zoneTrap = nullZonePtr; } else { runCommands(z->_commands, z); } } _char.getFoot(foot); z = hitZone(kZoneTrap, foot.x, foot.y); if (z) { _localFlags[_currentLocationIndex] |= kFlagsEnter; runCommands(z->_commands, z); _localFlags[_currentLocationIndex] &= ~kFlagsEnter; _zoneTrap = z; } else if (_zoneTrap) { _localFlags[_currentLocationIndex] |= kFlagsExit; runCommands(_zoneTrap->_commands, _zoneTrap); _localFlags[_currentLocationIndex] &= ~kFlagsExit; _zoneTrap = nullZonePtr; } // printf("done\n"); _char._ani->_frame = walkData2; return _char._ani->_frame; } void Parallaction::finalizeWalk(WalkNodeList *list) { checkDoor(); delete list; } void Parallaction_ns::walk() { if ((_engineFlags & kEngineWalking) == 0) { return; } WalkNodeList *list = _char._walkPath; _char._ani->_oldPos.x = _char._ani->_left; _char._ani->_oldPos.y = _char._ani->_top; Common::Point pos; _char.getFoot(pos); WalkNodeList::iterator it = list->begin(); if (it != list->end()) { if ((*it)->_x == pos.x && (*it)->_y == pos.y) { debugC(1, kDebugWalk, "walk reached node (%i, %i)", (*it)->_x, (*it)->_y); it = list->erase(it); } } if (it == list->end()) { debugC(1, kDebugWalk, "walk reached last node"); // j->_finished = 1; finalizeWalk(list); return; } _char._walkPath = list; // selectWalkFrame must be performed before position is changed by clipMove int16 v16 = selectWalkFrame(pos, *it); clipMove(pos, *it); _char.setFoot(pos); Common::Point newpos(_char._ani->_left, _char._ani->_top); if (newpos == _char._ani->_oldPos) { debugC(1, kDebugWalk, "walk was blocked by an unforeseen obstacle"); // j->_finished = 1; finalizeWalk(list); } else { _char._ani->_frame = v16 + walkData2 + 1; } return; } WalkNode::WalkNode() : _x(0), _y(0) { } WalkNode::WalkNode(int16 x, int16 y) : _x(x), _y(y) { } WalkNode::WalkNode(const WalkNode& w) : _x(w._x), _y(w._y) { } void WalkNode::getPoint(Common::Point &p) const { p.x = _x; p.y = _y; } PathBuilder::PathBuilder(AnimationPtr &anim) : _anim(anim), _list(0) { } } // namespace Parallaction