/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2006 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ #include "parallaction/parser.h" #include "parallaction/parallaction.h" #include "parallaction/graphics.h" #include "parallaction/inventory.h" #include "parallaction/zone.h" namespace Parallaction { void freeScript(Program*); void freeDialogue(Dialogue *d); Node _zones = { NULL, NULL }; Node _animations = { NULL, NULL }; extern Node helperNode; Zone *findZone(const char *name) { Zone *v4 = (Zone*)_zones._next; while (v4) { if (!scumm_stricmp(name, v4->_label._text)) return v4; v4 = (Zone*)v4->_node._next; } Animation *a = findAnimation(name); return (a == NULL ? NULL : &a->_zone); } void Parallaction::parseZone(Script &script, Node *list, char *name) { // printf("parseZone(%s)", name); if (findZone(name)) { while (scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "endzone")) { fillBuffers(script, true); } return; } Zone *z = (Zone*)malloc(sizeof(Zone)); memset(z, 0, sizeof(Zone)); z->_label._text = (char*)malloc(strlen(name)+1); strcpy(z->_label._text, name); addNode(list, &z->_node); fillBuffers(script, true); while (scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "endzone")) { // printf("token[0] = %s", _tokens[0]); if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "limits")) { z->_limits._left = atoi(_tokens[1]); z->_limits._top = atoi(_tokens[2]); z->_limits._right = atoi(_tokens[3]); z->_limits._bottom = atoi(_tokens[4]); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "moveto")) { z->_moveTo._x = atoi(_tokens[1]); z->_moveTo._y = atoi(_tokens[2]); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "type")) { if (_tokens[2][0] != '\0') { z->_type = (4 + searchTable(_tokens[2], const_cast(_objectsNames))) << 16; } int16 _si = searchTable(_tokens[1], _zoneTypeNames); if (_si != -1) { z->_type |= 1 << (_si - 1); parseZoneTypeBlock(script, z); continue; } } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "commands")) { z->_commands = parseCommands(script); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "label")) { // printf("label: %s", _tokens[1]); _vm->_graphics->makeCnvFromString(&z->_label._cnv, _tokens[1]); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "flags")) { uint16 _si = 1; do { char _al = searchTable(_tokens[_si], _zoneFlagNames); _si++; z->_flags |= 1 << (_al - 1); } while (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[_si++], "|")); } fillBuffers(script, true); } return; } void freeZones(Node *list) { debugC(1, kDebugLocation, "freeZones: kEngineQuit = %i", _engineFlags & kEngineQuit); Zone *z = (Zone*)list; Zone *v8 = NULL; for (; z; ) { // WORKAROUND: this huge condition is needed because we made ZoneTypeData a collection of structs // instead of an union. So, merge->_obj1 and get->_icon were just aliases in the original engine, // but we need to check it separately here. The same workaround is applied in hitZone. if (((z->_limits._top == -1) || ((z->_limits._left == -2) && ( (((z->_type & 0xFFFF) == kZoneMerge) && ((isItemInInventory(MAKE_INVENTORY_ID(z->u.merge->_obj1)) != 0) || (isItemInInventory(MAKE_INVENTORY_ID(z->u.merge->_obj2)) != 0))) || (((z->_type & 0xFFFF) == kZoneGet) && ((isItemInInventory(MAKE_INVENTORY_ID(z->u.get->_icon)) != 0))) ))) && ((_engineFlags & kEngineQuit) == 0)) { debugC(1, kDebugLocation, "freeZones preserving zone '%s'", z->_label._text); v8 = (Zone*)z->_node._next; removeNode(&z->_node); addNode(&helperNode, &z->_node); z = v8; continue; } switch (z->_type & 0xFFFF) { case kZoneExamine: free(z->u.examine->_filename); free(z->u.examine->_description); free(z->u.examine); break; case kZoneDoor: free(z->u.door->_location); free(z->u.door->_background); _vm->_graphics->freeCnv(&z->u.door->_cnv); free(z->u.door); break; case kZoneSpeak: freeDialogue(z->u.speak->_dialogue); free(z->u.speak); break; case kZoneGet: free(z->u.get->_cnv._data2); _vm->_graphics->freeStaticCnv(&z->u.get->_cnv); free(z->u.get); break; case kZoneHear: free(z->u.hear); break; case kZoneMerge: free(z->u.merge); break; default: break; } free(z->_label._text); z->_label._text = NULL; _vm->_graphics->freeStaticCnv(&z->_label._cnv); freeCommands(z->_commands); z=(Zone*)z->_node._next; } return; } void Parallaction::parseZoneTypeBlock(Script &script, Zone *z) { // printf("parseZoneTypeBlock()"); ZoneTypeData *u = &z->u; switch (z->_type & 0xFFFF) { case kZoneExamine: // examine Zone alloc u->examine = (ExamineData*)malloc(sizeof(ExamineData)); memset(u->examine, 0, sizeof(ExamineData)); break; case kZoneDoor: // door Zone alloc u->door = (DoorData*)malloc(sizeof(DoorData)); memset(u->door, 0, sizeof(DoorData)); break; case kZoneGet: // get Zone alloc u->get = (GetData*)malloc(sizeof(GetData)); memset(u->get, 0, sizeof(GetData)); break; case kZoneMerge: // merge Zone alloc u->merge = (MergeData*)malloc(sizeof(MergeData)); memset(u->merge, 0, sizeof(MergeData)); break; case kZoneHear: // hear Zone alloc u->hear = (HearData*)malloc(sizeof(HearData)); memset(u->hear, 0, sizeof(HearData)); break; case kZoneSpeak: // speak Zone alloc u->speak = (SpeakData*)malloc(sizeof(SpeakData)); memset(u->speak, 0, sizeof(SpeakData)); break; } char vC8[PATH_LEN]; // printf("type = %x", z->_type); do { switch (z->_type & 0xFFFF) { case kZoneExamine: // examine Zone init if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "file")) { u->examine->_filename = (char*)malloc(strlen(_tokens[1])+1); strcpy(u->examine->_filename, _tokens[1]); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "desc")) { u->examine->_description = parseComment(script); } break; case kZoneDoor: // door Zone init if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "slidetext")) { strcpy(_slideText[0], _tokens[1]); // printf("%s\t", _slideText[0]); strcpy(_slideText[1], _tokens[2]); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "location")) { u->door->_location = (char*)malloc(strlen(_tokens[1])+1); strcpy(u->door->_location, _tokens[1]); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "file")) { // printf("file: '%s'", _tokens[0]); Cnv *doorcnv = &u->door->_cnv; strcpy(vC8, _tokens[1]); StaticCnv vE0; loadFrames(vC8, doorcnv); // printf("door width: %i, height: %i", doorcnv->_width, doorcnv->_height ); vE0._width = doorcnv->_width; vE0._height = doorcnv->_height; uint16 _ax = (z->_flags & kFlagsClosed ? 0 : 1); vE0._data0 = doorcnv->_array[_ax]; // _ax = (z->_flags & kFlagsClosed ? 0 : 1); // vE0._data1 = doorcnv->field_8[_ax]; vE0._data2 = u->door->_background = (byte*)malloc(vE0._width*vE0._height); _vm->_graphics->backupCnvBackground(&vE0, z->_limits._left, z->_limits._top); _vm->_graphics->flatBlitCnv(&vE0, z->_limits._left, z->_limits._top, Graphics::kBitBack, vE0._data1); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "startpos")) { u->door->_startPos._x = atoi(_tokens[1]); u->door->_startPos._y = atoi(_tokens[2]); u->door->_startFrame = atoi(_tokens[3]); } break; case kZoneGet: // get Zone init if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "file")) { StaticCnv *vE4 = &u->get->_cnv; strcpy(vC8, _tokens[1]); loadStatic(vC8, vE4); vE4->_data2 = (byte*)malloc(vE4->_width*vE4->_height); if ((z->_flags & kFlagsRemove) == 0) { _vm->_graphics->backupCnvBackgroundTransparent(vE4, z->_limits._left, z->_limits._top); _vm->_graphics->flatBlitCnv(vE4, z->_limits._left, z->_limits._top, Graphics::kBitBack, vE4->_data1); } } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "icon")) { u->get->_icon = 4 + searchTable(_tokens[1], const_cast(_objectsNames)); } break; case kZoneMerge: // merge Zone init if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "obj1")) { u->merge->_obj1 = 4 + searchTable(_tokens[1], const_cast(_objectsNames)); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "obj2")) { u->merge->_obj2 = 4 + searchTable(_tokens[1], const_cast(_objectsNames)); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "newobj")) { u->merge->_obj3 = 4 + searchTable(_tokens[1], const_cast(_objectsNames)); } break; case kZoneHear: // hear Zone init if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "sound")) { strcpy(u->hear->_name, _tokens[1]); } break; case kZoneSpeak: // speak Zone init if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "file")) { strcpy(u->speak->_name, _tokens[1]); // printf("speak file name: %s", u.speak._name); } if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "Dialogue")) { u->speak->_dialogue = parseDialogue(script); } break; } fillBuffers(script, true); } while (scumm_stricmp(_tokens[0], "endzone")); return; } // displays character head commenting an examined object // // works on the frontbuffer // void displayCharacterComment(ExamineData *data) { if (data->_description == NULL) return; loadTalk(_vm->_characterName, &_characterFace); StaticCnv v3C; v3C._width = _characterFace._width; v3C._height = _characterFace._height; v3C._data0 = _characterFace._array[0]; v3C._data1 = NULL; //_characterFace.field_8[0]; v3C._data2 = NULL; _vm->_graphics->setFont("comic"); _vm->_graphics->flatBlitCnv(&v3C, 190, 80, Graphics::kBitFront, v3C._data1); int16 v26, v28; _vm->_graphics->getStringExtent(data->_description, 130, &v28, &v26); _vm->_graphics->drawBalloon(140, 10, v28, v26, 0); _vm->_graphics->displayWrappedString(data->_description, 140, 10, 130, 0); // printf("wait left"); waitUntilLeftClick(); _vm->_graphics->copyScreen(Graphics::kBitBack, Graphics::kBitFront); _vm->_graphics->freeCnv(&_characterFace); // printf("done"); return; } // // ZONE TYPE: EXAMINE // // display detail view of an item (and eventually comments) // // works on the frontbuffer // void displayItemComment(ExamineData *data) { if (data->_description == NULL) return; // printf("displayItemComment()..."); char v68[PATH_LEN]; strcpy(v68, data->_filename); loadStatic(v68, &data->_cnv); _vm->_graphics->flatBlitCnv(&data->_cnv, 140, (SCREEN_HEIGHT - data->_cnv._height)/2, Graphics::kBitFront, data->_cnv._data1); _vm->_graphics->freeStaticCnv(&data->_cnv); StaticCnv cnv; loadHead(_vm->_characterName, &cnv); int16 v6A = 0, v6C = 0; _vm->_graphics->setFont("comic"); _vm->_graphics->getStringExtent(data->_description, 130, &v6C, &v6A); _vm->_graphics->drawBalloon(0, 90, v6C, v6A, 0); _vm->_graphics->flatBlitCnv(&cnv, 100, 152, Graphics::kBitFront, cnv._data1); _vm->_graphics->freeStaticCnv(&cnv); _vm->_graphics->displayWrappedString(data->_description, 0, 90, 130, 0); jobEraseAnimations((void*)1, NULL); waitUntilLeftClick(); _vm->_graphics->copyScreen(Graphics::kBitBack, Graphics::kBitFront); // printf("done"); return; } uint16 runZone(Zone *z) { debugC(3, kDebugLocation, "runZone (%s)", z->_label._text); uint16 subtype = z->_type & 0xFFFF; debugC(3, kDebugLocation, "type = %x, object = %x", subtype, (z->_type & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16); switch(subtype) { case kZoneExamine: if (z->u.examine->_filename) { displayItemComment(z->u.examine); } else { displayCharacterComment(z->u.examine); } break; case kZoneGet: if (z->_flags & kFlagsFixed) break; if (pickupItem(z) != 0) { return 1; } z->_flags |= kFlagsRemove; break; case kZoneDoor: if (z->_flags & kFlagsLocked) break; z->_flags ^= kFlagsClosed; if (z->u.door->_cnv._count == 0) break; addJob(jobToggleDoor, z, kPriority18 ); break; case kZoneHear: strcpy(_soundFile, z->u.hear->_name); break; case kZoneSpeak: runDialogue(z->u.speak); break; } debugC(3, kDebugLocation, "runZone completed"); return 0; } // // ZONE TYPE: DOOR // void jobToggleDoor(void *parm, Job *j) { static byte count = 0; Zone *z = (Zone*)parm; Cnv *v18 = &z->u.door->_cnv; StaticCnv v14; if (v18) { v14._data2 = z->u.door->_background; // v4 = &z->u.door._background; v14._width = v18->_width; v14._height = v18->_height; _vm->_graphics->restoreCnvBackground(&v14, z->_limits._left, z->_limits._top); uint16 _ax = (z->_flags & kFlagsClosed ? 0 : 1); v14._data0 = v18->_array[_ax]; _vm->_graphics->flatBlitCnv(&v14, z->_limits._left, z->_limits._top, Graphics::kBitBack, v14._data1); _vm->_graphics->flatBlitCnv(&v14, z->_limits._left, z->_limits._top, Graphics::kBit2, v14._data1); } count++; if (count == 2) { j->_finished = 1; count = 0; } return; } // // ZONE TYPE: GET // void jobRemovePickedItem(void *parm, Job *j) { Zone *z = (Zone*)parm; static uint16 count = 0; if (z->u.get->_cnv._width != 0) { _vm->_graphics->restoreCnvBackground(&z->u.get->_cnv, z->_limits._left, z->_limits._top); } count++; if (count == 2) { count = 0; j->_finished = 1; } return; } void jobDisplayDroppedItem(void *parm, Job *j) { // printf("jobDisplayDroppedItem..."); Zone *z = (Zone*)parm; if (&z->u.get->_cnv != NULL) { if (z->u.get->_cnv._data0 != NULL) { _vm->_graphics->backupCnvBackgroundTransparent(&z->u.get->_cnv, z->_limits._left, z->_limits._top); } _vm->_graphics->flatBlitCnv(&z->u.get->_cnv, z->_limits._left, z->_limits._top, Graphics::kBitBack, z->u.get->_cnv._data1); _vm->_graphics->flatBlitCnv(&z->u.get->_cnv, z->_limits._left, z->_limits._top, Graphics::kBit2, z->u.get->_cnv._data1); } j->_count++; if (j->_count == 2) { j->_count = 0; j->_finished = 1; } // printf("done"); return; } Zone *hitZone(uint32 type, uint16 x, uint16 y) { // printf("hitZone(%i, %i, %i)", type, x, y); uint16 _di = y; uint16 _si = x; Zone *z = (Zone*)_zones._next; for (; z; z = (Zone*)z->_node._next) { // printf("Zone name: %s", z->_name); if (z->_flags & kFlagsRemove) continue; if ((_si >= z->_limits._right) || (_si <= z->_limits._left) || (_di >= z->_limits._bottom) || (_di <= z->_limits._top)) { // out of Zone, so look for special values if ((z->_limits._left == -2) || (z->_limits._left == -3)) { // WORKAROUND: this huge condition is needed because we made ZoneTypeData a collection of structs // instead of an union. So, merge->_obj1 and get->_icon were just aliases in the original engine, // but we need to check it separately here. The same workaround is applied in freeZones. if ((((z->_type & 0xFFFF) == kZoneMerge) && (((_si == z->u.merge->_obj1) && (_di == z->u.merge->_obj2)) || ((_si == z->u.merge->_obj2) && (_di == z->u.merge->_obj1)))) || (((z->_type & 0xFFFF) == kZoneGet) && ((_si == z->u.get->_icon) || (_di == z->u.get->_icon)))) { // special Zone if ((type == 0) && ((z->_type & 0xFFFF0000) == 0)) return z; if (z->_type == type) return z; if ((z->_type & 0xFFFF0000) == type) return z; } } if (z->_limits._left != -1) continue; if (_si < _yourself._zone.pos._position._x) continue; if (_si > (_yourself._zone.pos._position._x + _yourself._cnv._width)) continue; if (_di < _yourself._zone.pos._position._y) continue; if (_di > (_yourself._zone.pos._position._y + _yourself._cnv._height)) continue; } // normal Zone if ((type == 0) && ((z->_type & 0xFFFF0000) == 0)) return z; if (z->_type == type) return z; if ((z->_type & 0xFFFF0000) == type) return z; } Animation *a = (Animation*)_animations._next; int16 _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f; for (; a; a = (Animation*)a->_zone._node._next) { // printf("Animation name: %s", a->_zone._name); _a = (a->_zone._flags & kFlagsActive) ? 1 : 0; // _a: active Animation _e = ((_si >= a->_zone.pos._position._x + a->_cnv._width) || (_si <= a->_zone.pos._position._x)) ? 0 : 1; // _e: horizontal range _f = ((_di >= a->_zone.pos._position._y + a->_cnv._height) || (_di <= a->_zone.pos._position._y)) ? 0 : 1; // _f: vertical range _b = ((type != 0) || (a->_zone._type == kZoneYou)) ? 0 : 1; // _b: (no type specified) AND (Animation is not the character) _c = (a->_zone._type & 0xFFFF0000) ? 0 : 1; // _c: Animation is not an object _d = ((a->_zone._type & 0xFFFF0000) != type) ? 0 : 1; // _d: Animation is an object of the same type if ((_a != 0 && _e != 0 && _f != 0) && ((_b != 0 && _c != 0) || (a->_zone._type == type) || (_d != 0))) { return &a->_zone; } } return NULL; } } // namespace Parallaction