/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * Additional copyright for this file: * Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Presto Studios, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "pegasus/ai/ai_area.h" #include "pegasus/neighborhood/caldoria/caldoria.h" #include "pegasus/neighborhood/caldoria/caldoria4dsystem.h" namespace Pegasus { const TimeValue kSwitchableSlop = 3 * kCaldoriaFrameDuration; // Two seconds - some slop const TimeValue kSwitchableDuration = kCaldoriaMovieScale * 2 - kSwitchableSlop; // Twelve frames + some slop const TimeValue kNonswitchableDuration = kCaldoriaFrameDuration * 12 + kSwitchableSlop; const TimeValue kSwitchable1Start = 0; const TimeValue kSwitchable1Stop = kSwitchable1Start + kSwitchableDuration; const TimeValue kSwitchable2Start = kSwitchable1Stop + kNonswitchableDuration; const TimeValue kSwitchable2Stop = kSwitchable2Start + kSwitchableDuration; const TimeValue kSwitchable3Start = kSwitchable2Stop + kNonswitchableDuration; const TimeValue kSwitchable3Stop = kSwitchable3Start + kSwitchableDuration; const tNotificationFlags kVidPhoneDoneFlag = 1; const TimeValue kRockMusicLoopIn = 0; const TimeValue kRockMusicLoopOut = 2088; const TimeValue kOrchestralMusicLoopIn = 2088; const TimeValue kOrchestralMusicLoopOut = 4985; const TimeValue kRhythmsMusicLoopIn = 4985; const TimeValue kRhythmsMusicLoopOut = 6824; const TimeValue kAcousticMusicLoopIn = 6824; const TimeValue kAcousticMusicLoopOut = 9387; enum { k4DVideoMenu, k4DAudioMenu, k4DShuttingDown, // These constants are the exact frame numbers of the sprite movie. k4DRockChoice = 0, k4DOrchestralChoice, k4DRhythmsChoice, k4DAcousticChoice, k4DIslandChoice, k4DDesertChoice, k4DMountainChoice, k4DFirstVideoChoice = k4DIslandChoice }; tExtraID s_transitionExtras0[3][3] = { {0xffffffff, k4DIsland0ToDesert0, k4DIsland0ToMountain0}, {k4DDesert0ToIsland0, 0xffffffff, k4DDesert0ToMountain0}, {k4DMountain0ToIsland0, k4DMountain0ToDesert0, 0xffffffff} }; tExtraID s_transitionExtras1[3][3] = { {0xffffffff, k4DIsland1ToDesert0, k4DIsland1ToMountain0}, {k4DDesert1ToIsland0, 0xffffffff, k4DDesert1ToMountain0}, {k4DMountain1ToIsland0, k4DMountain1ToDesert0, 0xffffffff} }; tExtraID s_transitionExtras2[3][3] = { {0xffffffff, k4DIsland2ToDesert0, k4DIsland2ToMountain0}, {k4DDesert2ToIsland0, 0xffffffff, k4DDesert2ToMountain0}, {k4DMountain2ToIsland0, k4DMountain2ToDesert0, 0xffffffff} }; tExtraID s_shutDownExtras[3][3] = { {0xffffffff, k4DIsland1ToIsland0, k4DIsland2ToIsland0}, {k4DDesert0ToIsland0, k4DDesert1ToIsland0, k4DDesert2ToIsland0}, {k4DMountain0ToIsland0, k4DMountain1ToIsland0, k4DMountain2ToIsland0} }; Caldoria4DSystem::Caldoria4DSystem(Neighborhood *owner) : GameInteraction(kCaldoria4DInteractionID, owner), _4DSpritesMovie(kCaldoria4DSpritesID) { g_AIArea->lockAIOut(); } Caldoria4DSystem::~Caldoria4DSystem() { g_AIArea->unlockAI(); } void Caldoria4DSystem::openInteraction() { _whichMenu = k4DVideoMenu; _videoChoice = k4DIslandChoice; _audioChoice = k4DRockChoice; _clickedHotspotID = kNoHotSpotID; _4DSpritesMovie.initFromMovieFile("Images/Caldoria/4D Sprites", true); _4DSpritesMovie.moveElementTo(kCaldoria4DSpritesLeft, kCaldoria4DSpritesTop); _4DSpritesMovie.setDisplayOrder(k4DSpritesOrder); _4DSpritesMovie.startDisplaying(); _4DSpritesMovie.show(); _4DSpritesScale = _4DSpritesMovie.getScale(); _neighborhoodNotification = _owner->getNeighborhoodNotification(); _neighborhoodNotification->notifyMe(this, kExtraCompletedFlag, kExtraCompletedFlag); startIdling(); } void Caldoria4DSystem::loopExtra(const tExtraID extraID) { ExtraTable::Entry extraEntry; _owner->getExtraEntry(extraID, extraEntry); _loopStart = extraEntry.movieStart; _owner->loopExtraSequence(extraID); } void Caldoria4DSystem::useIdleTime() { if (_whichMenu == k4DShuttingDown) { TimeValue movieTime = _owner->getNavMovie()->getTime() - _loopStart; tExtraID extraID; if (movieTime < kSwitchable1Stop) extraID = s_shutDownExtras[_videoChoice - k4DFirstVideoChoice][0]; else if (movieTime >= kSwitchable2Start && movieTime < kSwitchable2Stop) extraID = s_shutDownExtras[_videoChoice - k4DFirstVideoChoice][1]; else if (movieTime >= kSwitchable3Start && movieTime < kSwitchable3Stop) extraID = s_shutDownExtras[_videoChoice - k4DFirstVideoChoice][2]; else extraID = 0xffffffff; if (extraID != 0xffffffff) { setSpritesMovie(); _loopStart = 0; _owner->startExtraSequence(extraID, kExtraCompletedFlag, kFilterNoInput); } } else if (_clickedHotspotID != kNoHotSpotID) { TimeValue movieTime = _owner->getNavMovie()->getTime() - _loopStart; tExtraID extraID; if (movieTime < kSwitchable1Stop) { extraID = s_transitionExtras0[_videoChoice - k4DFirstVideoChoice][_clickedHotspotID - kCa4DChoice1SpotID]; _clickedHotspotID = kNoHotSpotID; } else if (movieTime >= kSwitchable2Start && movieTime < kSwitchable2Stop) { extraID = s_transitionExtras1[_videoChoice - k4DFirstVideoChoice][_clickedHotspotID - kCa4DChoice1SpotID]; _clickedHotspotID = kNoHotSpotID; } else if (movieTime >= kSwitchable3Start && movieTime < kSwitchable3Stop) { extraID = s_transitionExtras2[_videoChoice - k4DFirstVideoChoice][_clickedHotspotID - kCa4DChoice1SpotID]; _clickedHotspotID = kNoHotSpotID; } else extraID = 0xffffffff; if (extraID != 0xffffffff) { switch (extraID) { case k4DDesert0ToIsland0: case k4DMountain0ToIsland0: case k4DDesert1ToIsland0: case k4DMountain1ToIsland0: case k4DDesert2ToIsland0: case k4DMountain2ToIsland0: _videoChoice = k4DIslandChoice; break; case k4DIsland0ToDesert0: case k4DMountain0ToDesert0: case k4DIsland1ToDesert0: case k4DMountain1ToDesert0: case k4DIsland2ToDesert0: case k4DMountain2ToDesert0: _videoChoice = k4DDesertChoice; break; case k4DDesert0ToMountain0: case k4DIsland0ToMountain0: case k4DIsland1ToMountain0: case k4DDesert1ToMountain0: case k4DIsland2ToMountain0: case k4DDesert2ToMountain0: _videoChoice = k4DMountainChoice; break; } setSpritesMovie(); _loopStart = 0; _owner->startExtraSequence(extraID, kExtraCompletedFlag, kFilterNoInput); } } } void Caldoria4DSystem::initInteraction() { setSpritesMovie(); _owner->loadLoopSound1("Sounds/Caldoria/Rock.aiff"); loopExtra(k4DIslandLoop); } void Caldoria4DSystem::closeInteraction() { stopIdling(); _neighborhoodNotification->cancelNotification(this); _4DSpritesMovie.releaseMovie(); _owner->loadAmbientLoops(); } void Caldoria4DSystem::setSpritesMovie() { if (_whichMenu == k4DShuttingDown) _4DSpritesMovie.setTime(_4DSpritesScale * k4DIslandChoice); else if (_whichMenu == k4DVideoMenu) _4DSpritesMovie.setTime(_4DSpritesScale * _videoChoice); else if (_whichMenu == k4DAudioMenu) _4DSpritesMovie.setTime(_4DSpritesScale * _audioChoice); _4DSpritesMovie.redrawMovieWorld(); } void Caldoria4DSystem::handleInput(const Input &input, const Hotspot *cursorSpot) { if (input.downButtonAnyDown()) return; if (input.anyDirectionInput()) shutDown4DSystem(); else GameInteraction::handleInput(input, cursorSpot); } void Caldoria4DSystem::activateHotspots() { GameInteraction::activateHotspots(); if (_whichMenu == k4DAudioMenu) g_allHotspots.activateOneHotspot(kCa4DChoice4SpotID); } void Caldoria4DSystem::clickInHotspot(const Input &input, const Hotspot *spot) { switch (spot->getObjectID()) { case kCa4DVisualSpotID: if (_whichMenu == k4DAudioMenu) { _whichMenu = k4DVideoMenu; setSpritesMovie(); } break; case kCa4DAudioSpotID: if (_whichMenu == k4DVideoMenu) { _whichMenu = k4DAudioMenu; setSpritesMovie(); } break; case kCa4DChoice1SpotID: if (_whichMenu == k4DVideoMenu) makeIslandChoice(); else if (_whichMenu == k4DAudioMenu) makeRockChoice(); break; case kCa4DChoice2SpotID: if (_whichMenu == k4DVideoMenu) makeDesertChoice(); else if (_whichMenu == k4DAudioMenu) makeOrchestralChoice(); break; case kCa4DChoice3SpotID: if (_whichMenu == k4DVideoMenu) makeMountainChoice(); else if (_whichMenu == k4DAudioMenu) makeRhythmsChoice(); break; case kCa4DChoice4SpotID: if (_whichMenu == k4DAudioMenu) makeAcousticChoice(); else _owner->playSpotSoundSync(kCaldoria4DBlankChoiceIn, kCaldoria4DBlankChoiceOut); break; default: GameInteraction::clickInHotspot(input, spot); } } void Caldoria4DSystem::receiveNotification(Notification *, const tNotificationFlags) { if (_whichMenu == k4DShuttingDown) { _owner->requestDeleteCurrentInteraction(); } else { uint32 extraID; switch (_videoChoice) { case k4DIslandChoice: extraID = k4DIslandLoop; break; case k4DDesertChoice: extraID = k4DDesertLoop; break; case k4DMountainChoice: extraID = k4DMountainLoop; break; default: extraID = 0xffffffff; break; } if (extraID != 0xffffffff) loopExtra(extraID); } } void Caldoria4DSystem::makeIslandChoice() { if (_videoChoice != k4DIslandChoice && _clickedHotspotID == kNoHotSpotID) _clickedHotspotID = kCa4DChoice1SpotID; } void Caldoria4DSystem::makeDesertChoice() { if (_videoChoice != k4DDesertChoice && _clickedHotspotID == kNoHotSpotID) _clickedHotspotID = kCa4DChoice2SpotID; } void Caldoria4DSystem::makeMountainChoice() { if (_videoChoice != k4DMountainChoice && _clickedHotspotID == kNoHotSpotID) _clickedHotspotID = kCa4DChoice3SpotID; } void Caldoria4DSystem::makeRockChoice() { if (_audioChoice != k4DRockChoice) { _audioChoice = k4DRockChoice; setSpritesMovie(); _owner->loadLoopSound1("Sounds/Caldoria/Rock.aiff"); } } void Caldoria4DSystem::makeOrchestralChoice() { if (_audioChoice != k4DOrchestralChoice) { _audioChoice = k4DOrchestralChoice; setSpritesMovie(); _owner->loadLoopSound1("Sounds/Caldoria/Orchestral.aiff"); } } void Caldoria4DSystem::makeRhythmsChoice() { if (_audioChoice != k4DRhythmsChoice) { _audioChoice = k4DRhythmsChoice; setSpritesMovie(); _owner->loadLoopSound1("Sounds/Caldoria/Rhythms.aiff"); } } void Caldoria4DSystem::makeAcousticChoice() { if (_audioChoice != k4DAcousticChoice) { _audioChoice = k4DAcousticChoice; setSpritesMovie(); _owner->loadLoopSound1("Sounds/Caldoria/Acoustic.aiff"); } } void Caldoria4DSystem::shutDown4DSystem() { _whichMenu = k4DShuttingDown; } } // End of namespace Pegasus