/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "common/scummsys.h" #include "common/config-manager.h" #include "common/debug-channels.h" #include "common/debug.h" #include "common/events.h" #include "common/file.h" #include "common/random.h" #include "common/fs.h" #include "common/keyboard.h" #include "common/substream.h" #include "common/str.h" #include "graphics/cursorman.h" #include "graphics/surface.h" #include "graphics/palette.h" #include "graphics/pixelformat.h" #include "engines/util.h" #include "engines/advancedDetector.h" #include "audio/audiostream.h" #include "prince/prince.h" #include "prince/font.h" #include "prince/graphics.h" #include "prince/script.h" #include "prince/debugger.h" #include "prince/object.h" #include "prince/mob.h" #include "prince/sound.h" #include "prince/variatxt.h" #include "prince/flags.h" #include "prince/font.h" #include "prince/mhwanh.h" #include "prince/cursor.h" #include "prince/archive.h" #include "prince/hero.h" #include "prince/resource.h" #include "prince/animation.h" namespace Prince { void PrinceEngine::debugEngine(const char *s, ...) { char buf[STRINGBUFLEN]; va_list va; va_start(va, s); vsnprintf(buf, STRINGBUFLEN, s, va); va_end(va); debug("Prince::Engine frame %08ld %s", _frameNr, buf); } PrinceEngine::PrinceEngine(OSystem *syst, const PrinceGameDescription *gameDesc) : Engine(syst), _gameDescription(gameDesc), _graph(nullptr), _script(nullptr), _interpreter(nullptr), _flags(nullptr), _locationNr(0), _debugger(nullptr), _midiPlayer(nullptr), _room(nullptr), testAnimNr(0), testAnimFrame(0), _cameraX(0), _newCameraX(0), _frameNr(0), _cursor1(nullptr), _cursor2(nullptr), _font(nullptr), _suitcaseBmp(nullptr), _roomBmp(nullptr), _cursorNr(0), _picWindowX(0), _picWindowY(0), _randomSource("prince") { // Debug/console setup DebugMan.addDebugChannel(DebugChannel::kScript, "script", "Prince Script debug channel"); DebugMan.addDebugChannel(DebugChannel::kEngine, "engine", "Prince Engine debug channel"); DebugMan.enableDebugChannel("script"); memset(_voiceStream, 0, sizeof(_voiceStream)); gDebugLevel = 10; } PrinceEngine::~PrinceEngine() { DebugMan.clearAllDebugChannels(); delete _rnd; delete _debugger; delete _cursor1; delete _cursor2; delete _midiPlayer; delete _script; delete _flags; delete _interpreter; delete _font; delete _roomBmp; delete _suitcaseBmp; delete _variaTxt; delete[] _talkTxt; delete _graph; delete _room; for (uint i = 0; i < _objList.size(); i++) { delete _objList[i]; } _objList.clear(); for (uint i = 0; i < _maskList.size(); i++) { free(_maskList[i]._data); } _maskList.clear(); clearBackAnimList(); for (uint i = 0; i < _mainHero->_moveSet.size(); i++) { delete _mainHero->_moveSet[i]; } for (uint i = 0; i < _secondHero->_moveSet.size(); i++) { delete _secondHero->_moveSet[i]; } delete _mainHero; delete _secondHero; } GUI::Debugger *PrinceEngine::getDebugger() { return _debugger; } void PrinceEngine::init() { const Common::FSNode gameDataDir(ConfMan.get("path")); debugEngine("Adding all path: %s", gameDataDir.getPath().c_str()); PtcArchive *all = new PtcArchive(); if (!all->open("all/databank.ptc")) error("Can't open all/databank.ptc"); PtcArchive *voices = new PtcArchive(); if (!voices->open("data/voices/databank.ptc")) error("Can't open data/voices/databank.ptc"); PtcArchive *sound = new PtcArchive(); if (!sound->open("sound/databank.ptc")) error("Can't open sound/databank.ptc"); SearchMan.addSubDirectoryMatching(gameDataDir, "all"); SearchMan.add("all", all); SearchMan.add("voices", voices); SearchMan.add("sound", sound); _graph = new GraphicsMan(this); _rnd = new Common::RandomSource("prince"); _debugger = new Debugger(this); _midiPlayer = new MusicPlayer(this); _font = new Font(); Resource::loadResource(_font, "font1.raw", true); _suitcaseBmp = new MhwanhDecoder(); Resource::loadResource(_suitcaseBmp, "walizka", true); _script = new Script(this); Resource::loadResource(_script, "skrypt.dat", true); _flags = new InterpreterFlags(); _interpreter = new Interpreter(this, _script, _flags); _variaTxt = new VariaTxt(); Resource::loadResource(_variaTxt, "variatxt.dat", true); _cursor1 = new Cursor(); Resource::loadResource(_cursor1, "mouse1.cur", true); _cursor2 = new Cursor(); Resource::loadResource(_cursor2, "mouse2.cur", true); Common::SeekableReadStream *talkTxtStream = SearchMan.createReadStreamForMember("talktxt.dat"); if (!talkTxtStream) { error("Can't load talkTxtStream"); return; } _talkTxtSize = talkTxtStream->size(); _talkTxt = new byte[_talkTxtSize]; talkTxtStream->read(_talkTxt, _talkTxtSize); delete talkTxtStream; _roomBmp = new Image::BitmapDecoder(); _room = new Room(); _mainHero = new Hero(this, _graph); _secondHero = new Hero(this, _graph); _mainHero->loadAnimSet(1); _secondHero->loadAnimSet(3); } void PrinceEngine::showLogo() { MhwanhDecoder logo; if (Resource::loadResource(&logo, "logo.raw", true)) { _graph->setPalette(logo.getPalette()); _graph->draw(0, 0, logo.getSurface()); _graph->update(); _system->delayMillis(700); } } Common::Error PrinceEngine::run() { init(); showLogo(); mainLoop(); return Common::kNoError; } bool AnimListItem::loadFromStream(Common::SeekableReadStream &stream) { int32 pos = stream.pos(); uint16 type = stream.readUint16LE(); if (type == 0xFFFF) { return false; } _type = type; _fileNumber = stream.readUint16LE(); _startPhase = stream.readUint16LE(); _endPhase = stream.readUint16LE(); _loopPhase = stream.readUint16LE(); _x = stream.readSint16LE(); _y = stream.readSint16LE(); _loopType = stream.readUint16LE(); _nextAnim = stream.readUint16LE(); _flags = stream.readUint16LE(); debug("AnimListItem type %d, fileNumber %d, x %d, y %d, flags %d", _type, _fileNumber, _x, _y, _flags); debug("startPhase %d, endPhase %d, loopPhase %d", _startPhase, _endPhase, _loopPhase); // 32 byte aligment stream.seek(pos + 32); return true; } bool PrinceEngine::loadLocation(uint16 locationNr) { _flicPlayer.close(); memset(_textSlots, 0, sizeof(_textSlots)); for(uint32 sampleId = 0; sampleId < MAX_SAMPLES; sampleId++) { stopSample(sampleId); } debugEngine("PrinceEngine::loadLocation %d", locationNr); const Common::FSNode gameDataDir(ConfMan.get("path")); SearchMan.remove(Common::String::format("%02d", _locationNr)); _locationNr = locationNr; _debugger->_locationNr = locationNr; _cameraX = 0; _newCameraX = 0; _flags->setFlagValue(Flags::CURRROOM, _locationNr); _interpreter->stopBg(); changeCursor(0); const Common::String locationNrStr = Common::String::format("%02d", _locationNr); debugEngine("loadLocation %s", locationNrStr.c_str()); PtcArchive *locationArchive = new PtcArchive(); if (!locationArchive->open(locationNrStr + "/databank.ptc")) error("Can't open location %s", locationNrStr.c_str()); SearchMan.add(locationNrStr, locationArchive); const char *musName = MusicPlayer::_musTable[MusicPlayer::_musRoomTable[locationNr]]; _midiPlayer->loadMidi(musName); // load location background, replace old one Resource::loadResource(_roomBmp, "room", true); if (_roomBmp->getSurface()) { _sceneWidth = _roomBmp->getSurface()->w; _graph->setPalette(_roomBmp->getPalette()); } loadZoom(_mainHero->_zoomBitmap, _mainHero->kZoomBitmapLen, "zoom"); loadShadow(_mainHero->_shadowBitmap, _mainHero->kShadowBitmapSize, "shadow", "shadow2"); _mobList.clear(); Resource::loadResource(_mobList, "mob.lst", false); _animList.clear(); Resource::loadResource(_animList, "anim.lst", false); for (uint32 i = 0; i < _objList.size(); i++) { delete _objList[i]; } _objList.clear(); Resource::loadResource(_objList, "obj.lst", false); _room->loadRoom(_script->getRoomOffset(_locationNr)); for (uint i = 0; i < _maskList.size(); i++) { free(_maskList[i]._data); } _maskList.clear(); _script->loadAllMasks(_maskList, _room->_nak); _picWindowX = 0; _mainHero->_lightX = _script->getLightX(_locationNr); _mainHero->_lightY = _script->getLightY(_locationNr); _mainHero->setShadowScale(_script->getShadowScale(_locationNr)); clearBackAnimList(); _script->installBackAnims(_backAnimList, _room->_backAnim); _graph->makeShadowTable(70, _graph->_shadowTable70); _graph->makeShadowTable(50, _graph->_shadowTable50); return true; } void PrinceEngine::changeCursor(uint16 curId) { _debugger->_cursorNr = curId; const Graphics::Surface *curSurface = nullptr; uint16 hotspotX = 0; uint16 hotspotY = 0; switch(curId) { case 0: CursorMan.showMouse(false); return; case 1: curSurface = _cursor1->getSurface(); break; case 2: curSurface = _cursor2->getSurface(); hotspotX = curSurface->w >> 1; hotspotY = curSurface->h >> 1; break; } CursorMan.replaceCursorPalette(_roomBmp->getPalette(), 0, 255); CursorMan.replaceCursor( curSurface->getBasePtr(0, 0), curSurface->w, curSurface->h, hotspotX, hotspotY, 255, false, &curSurface->format ); CursorMan.showMouse(true); } bool PrinceEngine::playNextFrame() { if (!_flicPlayer.isVideoLoaded()) return false; const Graphics::Surface *s = _flicPlayer.decodeNextFrame(); if (s) { _graph->drawTransparent(0, 0, s); _graph->change(); } else if (_flicLooped) { _flicPlayer.rewind(); playNextFrame(); } return true; } void PrinceEngine::playSample(uint16 sampleId, uint16 loopType) { if (_voiceStream[sampleId]) { if (_mixer->isSoundIDActive(sampleId)) { return; } Audio::AudioStream *audioStream = Audio::makeWAVStream(_voiceStream[sampleId], DisposeAfterUse::YES); if (loopType) { audioStream = new Audio::LoopingAudioStream((Audio::RewindableAudioStream*)audioStream, 0, DisposeAfterUse::NO); } _mixer->playStream(Audio::Mixer::kSFXSoundType, &_soundHandle[sampleId], audioStream, sampleId); } } void PrinceEngine::stopSample(uint16 sampleId) { _mixer->stopID(sampleId); _voiceStream[sampleId] = nullptr; } bool PrinceEngine::loadSample(uint32 sampleSlot, const Common::String &streamName) { // FIXME: This is just a workaround streamName is a path // SOUND\\SCIERKA1.WAV for now only last path component is used Common::String normalizedPath = lastPathComponent(streamName, '\\'); debugEngine("loadSample slot %d, name %s", sampleSlot, normalizedPath.c_str()); _mixer->stopID(sampleSlot); _voiceStream[sampleSlot] = nullptr; _voiceStream[sampleSlot] = SearchMan.createReadStreamForMember(normalizedPath); if (_voiceStream[sampleSlot] == nullptr) { error("Can't load sample %s to slot %d", normalizedPath.c_str(), sampleSlot); } return _voiceStream[sampleSlot] == nullptr; } bool PrinceEngine::loadVoice(uint32 slot, uint32 sampleSlot, const Common::String &streamName) { debugEngine("Loading wav %s slot %d", streamName.c_str(), slot); if (slot > MAXTEXTS) { error("Text slot bigger than MAXTEXTS %d", MAXTEXTS); return false; } _voiceStream[sampleSlot] = SearchMan.createReadStreamForMember(streamName); if (!_voiceStream[sampleSlot]) { error("Can't open %s", streamName.c_str()); return false; } uint32 id = _voiceStream[sampleSlot]->readUint32LE(); if (id != MKTAG('F', 'F', 'I', 'R')) { error("It's not RIFF file %s", streamName.c_str()); return false; } _voiceStream[sampleSlot]->skip(0x20); id = _voiceStream[sampleSlot]->readUint32LE(); if (id != MKTAG('a', 't', 'a', 'd')) { error("No data section in %s id %04x", streamName.c_str(), id); return false; } id = _voiceStream[sampleSlot]->readUint32LE(); debugEngine("SetVoice slot %d time %04x", slot, id); id <<= 3; id /= 22050; id += 2; _textSlots[slot]._time = id; debugEngine("SetVoice slot %d time %04x", slot, id); _voiceStream[sampleSlot]->seek(0); return true; } bool PrinceEngine::loadAnim(uint16 animNr, bool loop) { Common::String streamName = Common::String::format("AN%02d", animNr); Common::SeekableReadStream * flicStream = SearchMan.createReadStreamForMember(streamName); if (!flicStream) { error("Can't open %s", streamName.c_str()); return false; } if (!_flicPlayer.loadStream(flicStream)) { error("Can't load flic stream %s", streamName.c_str()); } debugEngine("%s loaded", streamName.c_str()); _flicLooped = loop; _flicPlayer.start(); playNextFrame(); return true; } bool PrinceEngine::loadZoom(byte *zoomBitmap, uint32 dataSize, const char *resourceName) { Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = SearchMan.createReadStreamForMember(resourceName); if (!stream) { delete stream; return false; } if (stream->read(zoomBitmap, dataSize) != dataSize) { free(zoomBitmap); delete stream; return false; } delete stream; return true; } bool PrinceEngine::loadShadow(byte *shadowBitmap, uint32 dataSize, const char *resourceName1, const char *resourceName2) { Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = SearchMan.createReadStreamForMember(resourceName1); if (!stream) { delete stream; return false; } if (stream->read(shadowBitmap, dataSize) != dataSize) { free(shadowBitmap); delete stream; return false; } Common::SeekableReadStream *stream2 = SearchMan.createReadStreamForMember(resourceName2); if (!stream2) { delete stream; delete stream2; return false; } byte *shadowBitmap2 = shadowBitmap + dataSize; if (stream2->read(shadowBitmap2, dataSize) != dataSize) { free(shadowBitmap); delete stream; delete stream2; return false; } delete stream; delete stream2; return true; } void PrinceEngine::scrollCameraLeft(int16 delta) { if (_newCameraX > 0) { if (_newCameraX < delta) _newCameraX = 0; else _newCameraX -= delta; } } void PrinceEngine::scrollCameraRight(int16 delta) { if (_newCameraX != _sceneWidth - 640) { if (_sceneWidth - 640 < delta + _newCameraX) delta += (_sceneWidth - 640) - (delta + _newCameraX); _newCameraX += delta; debugEngine("PrinceEngine::scrollCameraRight() _newCameraX = %d; delta = %d", _newCameraX, delta); } } void PrinceEngine::keyHandler(Common::Event event) { uint16 nChar = event.kbd.keycode; switch (nChar) { case Common::KEYCODE_d: if (event.kbd.hasFlags(Common::KBD_CTRL)) { getDebugger()->attach(); } break; case Common::KEYCODE_LEFT: scrollCameraLeft(32); if(testAnimNr > 0) { testAnimNr--; } debug("testAnimNr: %d", testAnimNr); break; case Common::KEYCODE_RIGHT: scrollCameraRight(32); testAnimNr++; debug("testAnimNr: %d", testAnimNr); break; case Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE: _flags->setFlagValue(Flags::ESCAPED2, 1); break; case Common::KEYCODE_UP: _mainHero->_phase++; debugEngine("%d", _mainHero->_phase); testAnimFrame++; break; case Common::KEYCODE_DOWN: if(_mainHero->_phase > 0) { _mainHero->_phase--; } if (testAnimFrame > 0) { testAnimFrame--; } debugEngine("%d", _mainHero->_phase); break; case Common::KEYCODE_w: _mainHero->_lastDirection = _mainHero->UP; debugEngine("UP"); break; case Common::KEYCODE_s: _mainHero->_lastDirection = _mainHero->DOWN; debugEngine("DOWN"); break; case Common::KEYCODE_a: _mainHero->_lastDirection = _mainHero->LEFT; debugEngine("LEFT"); break; case Common::KEYCODE_f: _mainHero->_lastDirection = _mainHero->RIGHT; debugEngine("RIGHT"); break; case Common::KEYCODE_1: if(_mainHero->_state > 0) { _mainHero->_state--; } debugEngine("%d", _mainHero->_state); break; case Common::KEYCODE_2: _mainHero->_state++; debugEngine("%d", _mainHero->_state); break; case Common::KEYCODE_i: _mainHero->_middleY -= 5; break; case Common::KEYCODE_k: _mainHero->_middleY += 5; break; case Common::KEYCODE_j: _mainHero->_middleX -= 5; break; case Common::KEYCODE_l: _mainHero->_middleX += 5; break; case Common::KEYCODE_EQUALS: if (_debugger->_locationNr > 1) { _debugger->_locationNr--; } break; case Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE: if (_debugger->_locationNr < 43) { _debugger->_locationNr++; } break; } } void PrinceEngine::hotspot() { Common::Point mousepos = _system->getEventManager()->getMousePos(); Common::Point mousePosCamera(mousepos.x + _cameraX, mousepos.y); for (Common::Array::const_iterator it = _mobList.begin(); it != _mobList.end() ; it++) { const Mob& mob = *it; if (mob._visible) continue; if (mob._rect.contains(mousePosCamera)) { uint16 textW = 0; for (uint16 i = 0; i < mob._name.size(); ++i) textW += _font->getCharWidth(mob._name[i]); uint16 x = mousepos.x - textW/2; if (x > _graph->_frontScreen->w) x = 0; if (x + textW > _graph->_frontScreen->w) x = _graph->_frontScreen->w - textW; uint16 y = mousepos.y - _font->getFontHeight(); if (y > _graph->_frontScreen->h) y = _font->getFontHeight() - 2; _font->drawString( _graph->_frontScreen, mob._name, x, y, _graph->_frontScreen->w, 216 ); break; } } } void PrinceEngine::printAt(uint32 slot, uint8 color, const char *s, uint16 x, uint16 y) { debugC(1, DebugChannel::kEngine, "PrinceEngine::printAt slot %d, color %d, x %02d, y %02d, str %s", slot, color, x, y, s); Text &text = _textSlots[slot]; text._str = s; text._x = x; text._y = y; text._color = color; } uint32 PrinceEngine::getTextWidth(const char *s) { uint16 textW = 0; while (*s) { textW += _font->getCharWidth(*s) + _font->getKerningOffset(0, 0); s++; } return textW; } void PrinceEngine::showTexts() { for (uint32 slot = 0; slot < MAXTEXTS; ++slot) { Text& text = _textSlots[slot]; if (!text._str && !text._time) continue; Common::Array lines; _font->wordWrapText(text._str, _graph->_frontScreen->w, lines); for (uint8 i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) { _font->drawString( _graph->_frontScreen, lines[i], text._x - getTextWidth(lines[i].c_str())/2, text._y - (lines.size() - i) * (_font->getFontHeight()), _graph->_frontScreen->w, text._color ); } --text._time; if (text._time == 0) { text._str = nullptr; } } } bool PrinceEngine::spriteCheck(int sprWidth, int sprHeight, int destX, int destY) { destX -= _picWindowX; destY -= _picWindowY; // if x1 is on visible part of screen if (destX < 0) { if (destX + sprWidth < 1) { //x2 is negative - out of window return false; } } // if x1 is outside of screen on right side if (destX >= kNormalWidth) { return false; } if (destY < 0) { if (destY + sprHeight < 1) { //y2 is negative - out of window return false; } } if (destY >= kNormalHeight) { return false; } return true; } // CheckNak void PrinceEngine::checkMasks(int x1, int y1, int sprWidth, int sprHeight, int z) { int x2 = x1 + sprWidth - 1; int y2 = y1 + sprHeight - 1; if (x1 < 0) { x1 = 0; } for (uint i = 0; i < _maskList.size() ; i++) { if (_maskList[i]._state != 1 && _maskList[i]._flags != 1) { if (_maskList[i]._z > z) { if (_maskList[i]._x1 <= x2 && _maskList[i]._x2 >= x1) { if (_maskList[i]._y1 <= y2 && _maskList[i]._y2 >= y1) { _maskList[i]._state = 1; } } } } } } // InsertNakladki void PrinceEngine::insertMasks(const Graphics::Surface *originalRoomSurface) { for (uint i = 0; i < _maskList.size(); i++) { if (_maskList[i]._state == 1) { showMask(i, originalRoomSurface); _maskList[i]._state = 0; // here or somewhere else? } } } // ShowNak void PrinceEngine::showMask(int maskNr, const Graphics::Surface *originalRoomSurface) { if (_maskList[maskNr]._flags == 0) { if (spriteCheck(_maskList[maskNr]._width, _maskList[maskNr]._height, _maskList[maskNr]._x1, _maskList[maskNr]._y1)) { int destX = _maskList[maskNr]._x1 - _picWindowX; int destY = _maskList[maskNr]._y1 - _picWindowY; _graph->drawMask(destX, destY, _maskList[maskNr]._width, _maskList[maskNr]._height, _maskList[maskNr].getMask(), originalRoomSurface); } } } void PrinceEngine::showSprite(Graphics::Surface *backAnimSurface, int destX, int destY) { if (spriteCheck(backAnimSurface->w, backAnimSurface->h, destX, destY)) { destX -= _picWindowX; destY -= _picWindowY; _graph->drawTransparent(destX, destY, backAnimSurface); } } void PrinceEngine::showSpriteShadow(Graphics::Surface *shadowSurface, int destX, int destY) { if (spriteCheck(shadowSurface->w, shadowSurface->h, destX, destY)) { destX -= _picWindowX; destY -= _picWindowY; _graph->drawAsShadow(destX, destY, shadowSurface, _graph->_shadowTable70); } } void PrinceEngine::showBackAnims() { for (uint i = 0; i < _backAnimList.size(); i++) { int activeSubAnim = _backAnimList[i]._seq._currRelative; if (_backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._state == 0) { _backAnimList[i]._seq._counter++; if (_backAnimList[i]._seq._type == 2) { //not_type_1 if (_backAnimList[i]._seq._currRelative == 0) { //zero if (_backAnimList[i]._seq._counter >= _backAnimList[i]._seq._data) { if (_backAnimList[i]._seq._anims > 2) { int rnd = _randomSource.getRandomNumber(_backAnimList[i]._seq._anims - 2); rnd++; _backAnimList[i]._seq._currRelative = rnd; _backAnimList[i]._seq._current = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[rnd]._basaData._num; activeSubAnim = rnd; } //only_1_type_2 //SetBackAnim int start = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._basaData._start; if (start != -1) { _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._frame = start; _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._showFrame = start; _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._loopFrame = start; } int end = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._basaData._end; if (end != -1) { _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._lastFrame = end; } _backAnimList[i]._seq._counter = 0; _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._state = 0; } } } //not_type_2_1: if (_backAnimList[i]._seq._type == 3) { if (_backAnimList[i]._seq._currRelative == 0) { if (_backAnimList[i]._seq._counter < _backAnimList[i]._seq._data2) { //empty_frame - do not show anything continue; } else { //SetBackAnim int start = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._basaData._start; if (start != -1) { _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._frame = start; _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._showFrame = start; _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._loopFrame = start; } int end = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._basaData._end; if (end != -1) { _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._lastFrame = end; } _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._state = 0; } } } //not_type_3_1: //show_bugger if (_backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._frame == _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._lastFrame - 1) { //loop_back_anim _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._frame = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._loopFrame; //change_back_anim if (_backAnimList[i]._seq._type == 1) { //repeat_rnd if (_backAnimList[i]._seq._anims > 1) { int rnd; do { rnd = _randomSource.getRandomNumber(_backAnimList[i]._seq._anims - 1); } while (rnd == _backAnimList[i]._seq._currRelative); _backAnimList[i]._seq._currRelative = rnd; _backAnimList[i]._seq._current = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[rnd]._basaData._num; activeSubAnim = rnd; //only_1_type_1: //SetBackAnim int start = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._basaData._start; if (start != -1) { _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._frame = start; _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._showFrame = start; _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._loopFrame = start; } int end = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._basaData._end; if (end != -1) { _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._lastFrame = end; } _backAnimList[i]._seq._counter = 0; _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._state = 0; } } else if (_backAnimList[i]._seq._type == 2) { if (_backAnimList[i]._seq._currRelative != 0) { _backAnimList[i]._seq._currRelative = 0; _backAnimList[i]._seq._current = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[0]._basaData._num; activeSubAnim = 0; //only_1_type_1 //SetBackAnim int start = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._basaData._start; if (start != -1) { _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._frame = start; _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._showFrame = start; _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._loopFrame = start; } int end = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._basaData._end; if (end != -1) { _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._lastFrame = end; } _backAnimList[i]._seq._counter = 0; _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._state = 0; } } else if (_backAnimList[i]._seq._type == 3) { //not_type_2 _backAnimList[i]._seq._currRelative = 0; _backAnimList[i]._seq._current = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[0]._basaData._num; _backAnimList[i]._seq._counter = 0; int rnd = _randomSource.getRandomNumber(_backAnimList[i]._seq._data - 1); _backAnimList[i]._seq._data2 = rnd; continue; // for bug in original game } } else { _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._frame++; } //not_end: _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._showFrame = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._frame; //ShowFrameCode //ShowAnimFrame int phaseCount = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._animData->getPhaseCount(); int frameCount = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._animData->getFrameCount(); int phase = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._showFrame; int phaseFrameIndex = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._animData->getPhaseFrameIndex(phase); int x = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._x + _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._animData->getPhaseOffsetX(phase); int y = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._y + _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._animData->getPhaseOffsetY(phase); int animFlag = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._flags; int checkMaskFlag = (animFlag & 1); int maxFrontFlag = (animFlag & 2); int specialZFlag = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._nextAnim; int z = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._nextAnim; int frameWidth = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._animData->getFrameWidth(phaseFrameIndex); int frameHeight = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._animData->getFrameHeight(phaseFrameIndex); if (x != 0 || y != 0 || phaseCount != 1 || frameCount != 1) { // fix for room no. 5 - animation 8 (propably unnecessary anim) if (checkMaskFlag != 0) { if (_backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._nextAnim == 0) { z = y + frameHeight - 1; } checkMasks(x, y, frameWidth, frameHeight, z); } if (maxFrontFlag != 0) { z = kMaxPicHeight + 1; } if (specialZFlag != 0) { z = specialZFlag; } Graphics::Surface *backAnimSurface = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._animData->getFrame(phaseFrameIndex); //still with memory leak showSprite(backAnimSurface, x, y); backAnimSurface->free(); delete backAnimSurface; } //ShowFrameCodeShadow //ShowAnimFrameShadow if (_backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._shadowData != nullptr) { int shadowPhaseFrameIndex = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._shadowData->getPhaseFrameIndex(phase); int shadowX = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._shadowData->getBaseX() + _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._shadowData->getPhaseOffsetX(phase); int shadowY = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._shadowData->getBaseY() + _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._shadowData->getPhaseOffsetY(phase); Graphics::Surface *shadowSurface = _backAnimList[i].backAnims[activeSubAnim]._shadowData->getFrame(shadowPhaseFrameIndex); //still with memory leak showSpriteShadow(shadowSurface, shadowX, shadowY); shadowSurface->free(); delete shadowSurface; } } } } void PrinceEngine::clearBackAnimList() { for (uint i = 0; i < _backAnimList.size(); i++) { int anims = _backAnimList[i]._seq._anims != 0 ? _backAnimList[i]._seq._anims : 1; for (int j = 0; j < anims; j++) { delete _backAnimList[i].backAnims[j]._animData; delete _backAnimList[i].backAnims[j]._shadowData; } _backAnimList[i].backAnims.clear(); } _backAnimList.clear(); } void PrinceEngine::showObjects() { if (!_objList.empty()) { for (uint i = 0; i < _objList.size(); i++) { if ((_objList[i]->_mask & 32768) != 0) { // 8000h _objList[i]->_zoomInTime--; if (_objList[i]->_zoomInTime == 0) { _objList[i]->_mask &= 32767; //7FFFh } else { // doZoomIn(); // mov edx, d [esi.Obj_ZoomInAddr] } } if ((_objList[i]->_mask & 16384) != 0) { // 4000h _objList[i]->_zoomInTime--; if (_objList[i]->_zoomInTime == 0) { _objList[i]->_mask &= 49151; //0BFFFh } else { // doZoomOut(); // mov edx, d [esi.Obj_ZoomInAddr] } } const Graphics::Surface *objSurface = _objList[i]->getSurface(); if (spriteCheck(objSurface->w, objSurface->h, _objList[i]->_x, _objList[i]->_y)) { if ((_objList[i]->_mask & 512) == 0) { // 0200h int destX = _objList[i]->_x - _picWindowX; int destY = _objList[i]->_y - _picWindowY; _graph->drawTransparent(destX, destY, objSurface); } else { // showBackSprite(); } } if ((_objList[i]->_mask & 1) != 0) { checkMasks(_objList[i]->_x, _objList[i]->_y, objSurface->w, objSurface->h, _objList[i]->_z); } } } } void PrinceEngine::drawScreen() { const Graphics::Surface *roomSurface = _roomBmp->getSurface(); Graphics::Surface visiblePart; if (roomSurface) { visiblePart = roomSurface->getSubArea(Common::Rect(_picWindowX, 0, roomSurface->w, roomSurface->h)); _graph->draw(0, 0, &visiblePart); } if (_mainHero->_visible) { Graphics::Surface *mainHeroSurface = _mainHero->getSurface(); if (mainHeroSurface) { _mainHero->showHeroShadow(mainHeroSurface); if (_mainHero->_zoomFactor != 0) { Graphics::Surface *zoomedHeroSurface = _mainHero->zoomSprite(mainHeroSurface); _graph->drawTransparent(_mainHero->_drawX, _mainHero->_drawY, zoomedHeroSurface); zoomedHeroSurface->free(); delete zoomedHeroSurface; } else { _graph->drawTransparent(_mainHero->_drawX, _mainHero->_drawY, mainHeroSurface); } } mainHeroSurface->free(); delete mainHeroSurface; } showBackAnims(); showObjects(); if (roomSurface) { insertMasks(&visiblePart); } playNextFrame(); hotspot(); showTexts(); getDebugger()->onFrame(); _graph->update(); } void PrinceEngine::mainLoop() { changeCursor(0); while (!shouldQuit()) { uint32 currentTime = _system->getMillis(); Common::Event event; Common::EventManager *eventMan = _system->getEventManager(); while (eventMan->pollEvent(event)) { switch (event.type) { case Common::EVENT_KEYDOWN: keyHandler(event); break; case Common::EVENT_KEYUP: break; case Common::EVENT_MOUSEMOVE: break; case Common::EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: case Common::EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN: break; case Common::EVENT_LBUTTONUP: case Common::EVENT_RBUTTONUP: break; case Common::EVENT_QUIT: break; default: break; } } if (shouldQuit()) return; // TODO: Update all structures, animations, naks, heros etc. _mainHero -> showHero(); if(_mainHero->_visible == 1) { _mainHero -> scrollHero(); } _interpreter->step(); drawScreen(); // Calculate the frame delay based off a desired frame time int delay = 1000/15 - int32(_system->getMillis() - currentTime); // Ensure non-negative delay = delay < 0 ? 0 : delay; _system->delayMillis(delay); _cameraX = _newCameraX; ++_frameNr; if (_debugger->_locationNr != _locationNr) loadLocation(_debugger->_locationNr); if (_debugger->_cursorNr != _cursorNr) changeCursor(_debugger->_cursorNr); } } } // End of namespace Prince /* vim: set tabstop=4 expandtab!: */