/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ // Game interface module private header file #ifndef SAGA_INTERFACE_H #define SAGA_INTERFACE_H #include "common/savefile.h" #include "saga/displayinfo.h" #include "saga/sprite.h" #include "saga/script.h" namespace Saga { enum InterfaceUpdateFlags { UPDATE_MOUSEMOVE = 1, UPDATE_LEFTBUTTONCLICK = 2, UPDATE_RIGHTBUTTONCLICK = 4, UPDATE_MOUSECLICK = UPDATE_LEFTBUTTONCLICK | UPDATE_RIGHTBUTTONCLICK, UPDATE_WHEELUP = 8, UPDATE_WHEELDOWN = 16 }; #define CONVERSE_MAX_TEXTS 64 #define CONVERSE_MAX_WORK_STRING 128 #define ITE_INVENTORY_SIZE 24 #define VERB_STRLIMIT 32 #define STATUS_TEXT_LEN 128 #define STATUS_TEXT_INPUT_MAX 256 // Converse-specific stuff enum PanelModes { kPanelNull, kPanelMain, kPanelOption, kPanelSave, //ex- kPanelTextBox, kPanelQuit, kPanelError, kPanelLoad, kPanelConverse, kPanelProtect, kPanelPlacard, kPanelMap, kPanelSceneSubstitute, kPanelChapterSelection, kPanelCutaway, kPanelVideo, kPanelBoss // kPanelInventory }; enum FadeModes { kNoFade = 0, kFadeIn, kFadeOut }; struct InterfacePanel { int x; int y; byte *image; size_t imageLength; int imageWidth; int imageHeight; PanelButton *currentButton; int buttonsCount; PanelButton *buttons; SpriteList sprites; InterfacePanel() { x = y = 0; image = NULL; imageLength = 0; imageWidth = imageHeight = 0; currentButton = NULL; buttonsCount = 0; buttons = NULL; } PanelButton *getButton(int index) { if ((index >= 0) && (index < buttonsCount)) { return &buttons[index]; } return NULL; } void getRect(Rect &rect) { rect.left = x; rect.top = y; rect.setWidth(imageWidth); rect.setHeight(imageHeight); } void calcPanelButtonRect(const PanelButton* panelButton, Rect &rect) { rect.left = x + panelButton->xOffset; rect.right = rect.left + panelButton->width; rect.top = y + panelButton->yOffset; rect.bottom = rect.top + panelButton->height; } PanelButton *hitTest(const Point& mousePoint, int buttonType) { PanelButton *panelButton; Rect rect; int i; for (i = 0; i < buttonsCount; i++) { panelButton = &buttons[i]; if (panelButton != NULL) { if ((panelButton->type & buttonType) > 0) { calcPanelButtonRect(panelButton, rect); if (rect.contains(mousePoint)) { return panelButton; } } } } return NULL; } void zeroAllButtonState() { int i; for (i = 0; i < buttonsCount; i++) { buttons[i].state = 0; } } }; struct Converse { char *text; int stringNum; int textNum; int replyId; int replyFlags; int replyBit; }; enum StatusTextInputState { kStatusTextInputFirstRun, kStatusTextInputEntered, kStatusTextInputAborted }; class Interface { public: Interface(SagaEngine *vm); ~Interface(void); int activate(); int deactivate(); void setSaveReminderState(int state) { _saveReminderState = state; draw(); } int getSaveReminderState() { return _saveReminderState; } bool isActive() { return _active; } void setMode(int mode); int getMode(void) const { return _panelMode; } void setFadeMode(int fadeMode) { _fadeMode = fadeMode; draw(); } int getFadeMode() const { return _fadeMode; } void rememberMode(); void restoreMode(); bool isInMainMode() { return _inMainMode; } void setStatusText(const char *text, int statusColor = -1); void loadScenePortraits(int resourceId); void setLeftPortrait(int portrait) { _leftPortrait = portrait; draw(); } void setRightPortrait(int portrait) { _rightPortrait = portrait; draw(); } void setPortraitBgColor(int red, int green, int blue) { _portraitBgColor.red = red; _portraitBgColor.green = green; _portraitBgColor.blue = blue; } void draw(); void drawOption(); void drawQuit(); void drawLoad(); void drawSave(); void drawProtect(); void update(const Point& mousePoint, int updateFlag); void drawStatusBar(); void setVerbState(int verb, int state); bool processAscii(uint16 ascii); void keyBoss(); void keyBossExit(); void disableAbortSpeeches(bool d) { _disableAbortSpeeches = d; } bool _textInput; bool _statusTextInput; StatusTextInputState _statusTextInputState; char _statusTextInputString[STATUS_TEXT_INPUT_MAX]; void enterStatusString() { _statusTextInput = true; _statusTextInputPos = 0; _statusTextInputString[0] = 0; setStatusText(_statusTextInputString); } private: void drawInventory(Surface *backBuffer); void updateInventory(int pos); void inventoryChangePos(int chg); void inventorySetPos(int key); public: void refreshInventory() { updateInventory(_inventoryCount); draw(); } void addToInventory(int objectId); void removeFromInventory(int objectId); void clearInventory(); int inventoryItemPosition(int objectId); int getInventoryContentByPanelButton(PanelButton * panelButton) { int cell = _inventoryStart + panelButton->id; if (cell >= _inventoryCount) { return 0; } return _inventory[cell]; } PanelButton *inventoryHitTest(const Point& mousePoint) { return _mainPanel.hitTest(mousePoint, kPanelButtonInventory); } PanelButton *verbHitTest(const Point& mousePoint){ return _mainPanel.hitTest(mousePoint, kPanelButtonVerb); } void saveState(Common::OutSaveFile *out); void loadState(Common::InSaveFile *in); void mapPanelDrawCrossHair(); int32 getProtectHash() { return _protectHash; } private: void handleMainUpdate(const Point& mousePoint); // main panel update void handleMainClick(const Point& mousePoint); // main panel click PanelButton *converseHitTest(const Point& mousePoint) { return _conversePanel.hitTest(mousePoint, kPanelAllButtons); } void handleConverseUpdate(const Point& mousePoint); // converse panel update void handleConverseClick(const Point& mousePoint); // converse panel click PanelButton *optionHitTest(const Point& mousePoint) { return _optionPanel.hitTest(mousePoint, kPanelButtonOptionSaveFiles | kPanelButtonOption | kPanelButtonOptionSlider); } void handleOptionUpdate(const Point& mousePoint); // option panel update void handleOptionClick(const Point& mousePoint); // option panel click PanelButton *quitHitTest(const Point& mousePoint) { return _quitPanel.hitTest(mousePoint, kPanelAllButtons); } void handleQuitUpdate(const Point& mousePoint); // quit panel update void handleQuitClick(const Point& mousePoint); // quit panel click PanelButton *loadHitTest(const Point& mousePoint) { return _loadPanel.hitTest(mousePoint, kPanelAllButtons); } void handleLoadUpdate(const Point& mousePoint); // load panel update void handleLoadClick(const Point& mousePoint); // load panel click PanelButton *saveHitTest(const Point& mousePoint) { return _savePanel.hitTest(mousePoint, kPanelAllButtons); } void handleSaveUpdate(const Point& mousePoint); // save panel update void handleSaveClick(const Point& mousePoint); // save panel click void handleChapterSelectionUpdate(const Point& mousePoint); void handleChapterSelectionClick(const Point& mousePoint); void mapPanelShow(); void mapPanelClean(); void lockMode() { _lockedMode = _panelMode; } void unlockMode() { _panelMode = _lockedMode; } void setOption(PanelButton *panelButton); void setQuit(PanelButton *panelButton); void setLoad(PanelButton *panelButton); void setSave(PanelButton *panelButton); void drawTextInput(Surface *ds, InterfacePanel *panel, PanelButton *panelButton); void drawPanelText(Surface *ds, InterfacePanel *panel, PanelButton *panelButton); void drawPanelButtonText(Surface *ds, InterfacePanel *panel, PanelButton *panelButton); enum ButtonKind { kButton, kSlider, kEdit }; void drawButtonBox(Surface *ds, const Rect &rect, ButtonKind kind, bool down); void drawPanelButtonArrow(Surface *ds, InterfacePanel *panel, PanelButton *panelButton); void drawVerbPanelText(Surface *ds, PanelButton *panelButton, KnownColor textKnownColor, KnownColor textShadowKnownColor); void drawVerbPanel(Surface *backBuffer, PanelButton* panelButton); void calcOptionSaveSlider(); bool processTextInput(uint16 ascii); void processStatusTextInput(uint16 ascii); public: void converseInit(void); void converseClear(void); bool converseAddText(const char *text, int replyId, byte replyFlags, int replyBit); void converseDisplayText(); void converseSetTextLines(int row); void converseChangePos(int chg); void converseSetPos(int key); private: void converseDisplayTextLines(Surface *ds); PanelButton *getPanelButtonByVerbType(int verb) { if ((verb < 0) || (verb >= kVerbTypeIdsMax)) { error("Interface::getPanelButtonByVerbType wrong verb"); } return _verbTypeToPanelButton[verb]; } void validateOptionButtons() { if (!_vm->isSaveListFull() && (_optionSaveFileTitleNumber == 0) && (_optionPanel.currentButton != NULL)) { if (_optionPanel.currentButton->id == kTextLoad) { _optionPanel.currentButton = NULL; } } } void validateSaveButtons() { if ((_textInputStringLength == 0) && (_savePanel.currentButton != NULL)) { if (_savePanel.currentButton->id == kTextSave) { _savePanel.currentButton = NULL; } } } public: SpriteList _defPortraits; private: SagaEngine *_vm; ResourceContext *_interfaceContext; InterfacePanel _mainPanel; PanelButton *_inventoryUpButton; PanelButton *_inventoryDownButton; InterfacePanel _conversePanel; PanelButton *_converseUpButton; PanelButton *_converseDownButton; SpriteList _scenePortraits; PanelButton *_verbTypeToPanelButton[kVerbTypeIdsMax]; InterfacePanel _optionPanel; PanelButton * _optionSaveFileSlider; PanelButton * _optionSaveFilePanel; InterfacePanel _quitPanel; InterfacePanel _loadPanel; InterfacePanel _savePanel; PanelButton * _saveEdit; InterfacePanel _protectPanel; PanelButton * _protectEdit; bool _disableAbortSpeeches; int _saveReminderState; bool _active; int _fadeMode; int _panelMode; int _savedMode; int _lockedMode; int _bossMode; bool _inMainMode; char _statusText[STATUS_TEXT_LEN]; int _statusOnceColor; int _leftPortrait; int _rightPortrait; PalEntry _portraitBgColor; Point _lastMousePoint; uint16 *_inventory; int _inventorySize; int _inventoryStart; int _inventoryEnd; int _inventoryPos; int _inventoryBox; int _inventoryCount; char _converseWorkString[CONVERSE_MAX_WORK_STRING]; Converse _converseText[CONVERSE_MAX_TEXTS]; int _converseTextCount; int _converseStrCount; int _converseStartPos; int _converseEndPos; int _conversePos; uint _optionSaveFileTop; uint _optionSaveFileTitleNumber; int16 _optionSaveFileMouseOff; Rect _optionSaveRectTop; Rect _optionSaveRectSlider; Rect _optionSaveRectBottom; char _textInputString[SAVE_TITLE_SIZE]; uint _textInputStringLength; uint _textInputPos; uint _textInputMaxWidth; uint _statusTextInputPos; PalEntry _mapSavedPal[PAL_ENTRIES]; bool _mapPanelCrossHairState; int32 _protectHash; }; } // End of namespace Saga #endif