/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
 * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
 * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
 * file distributed with this source distribution.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "common/system.h"

#include "sci/sci.h"
#include "sci/engine/features.h"
#include "sci/engine/guest_additions.h"
#include "sci/engine/kernel.h"
#include "sci/engine/savegame.h"
#include "sci/engine/selector.h"
#include "sci/engine/state.h"
#include "sci/console.h"
#include "sci/debug.h"	// for g_debug_simulated_key
#include "sci/event.h"
#include "sci/graphics/coordadjuster.h"
#include "sci/graphics/cursor.h"
#include "sci/graphics/maciconbar.h"
#ifdef ENABLE_SCI32
#include "sci/graphics/frameout.h"

namespace Sci {

reg_t kGetEvent(EngineState *s, int argc, reg_t *argv) {
	SciEventType mask = (SciEventType)argv[0].toUint16();
	reg_t obj = argv[1];
	SciEvent curEvent;
	uint16 modifiers = 0;
	SegManager *segMan = s->_segMan;
	Common::Point mousePos;

	// If there's a simkey pending, and the game wants a keyboard event, use the
	// simkey instead of a normal event
	// TODO: This does not really work as expected for keyup events, since the
	// fake event is disposed halfway through the normal event lifecycle.
	if (g_debug_simulated_key && (mask & kSciEventKeyDown)) {
		// In case we use a simulated event we query the current mouse position
		mousePos = g_sci->_gfxCursor->getPosition();

		// Limit the mouse cursor position, if necessary

		writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(type), kSciEventKeyDown);
		writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(message), g_debug_simulated_key);
		writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(modifiers), kSciKeyModNumLock);
		writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(x), mousePos.x);
		writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(y), mousePos.y);
		g_debug_simulated_key = 0;
		return TRUE_REG;

	curEvent = g_sci->getEventManager()->getSciEvent(mask);

	// For Mac games with an icon bar, handle possible icon bar events first
	if (g_sci->hasMacIconBar()) {
		reg_t iconObj = NULL_REG;
		if (g_sci->_gfxMacIconBar->handleEvents(curEvent, iconObj)) {
			if (!iconObj.isNull()) {
				invokeSelector(s, iconObj, SELECTOR(select), argc, argv, 0, NULL);

			// The mouse press event was handled by the mac icon bar so change
			// its type to none so that generic event processing can continue
			// without the mouse press being handled twice
			curEvent.type = kSciEventNone;

	if (g_sci->_guestAdditions->kGetEventHook()) {
		return NULL_REG;

	// For a real event we use its associated mouse position
#ifdef ENABLE_SCI32
	if (getSciVersion() >= SCI_VERSION_2) {
		mousePos = curEvent.mousePosSci;

		// Some games, like LSL6hires (when interacting with the menu bar) and
		// Phant2 (when on the "click mouse" screen after restoring a game),
		// have unthrottled loops that call kGetEvent but do not call kFrameOut.
		// In these cases we still need to call OSystem::updateScreen to update
		// the mouse cursor (in SSCI this was not necessary because mouse
		// updates were made directly to hardware from an interrupt handler),
		// and we need to throttle these calls so the game does not use 100%
		// CPU.
		// This situation seems to be detectable by looking at how many times
		// kGetEvent has been called between calls to kFrameOut. During normal
		// game operation, there are usually just 0 or 1 kGetEvent calls between
		// kFrameOut calls; any more than that indicates that we are probably in
		// one of these ugly loops and should be updating the screen &
		// throttling the VM.
		if (++s->_eventCounter > 2) {
			s->speedThrottler(10); // 10ms is an arbitrary value
			s->_throttleTrigger = true;
	} else {
		mousePos = curEvent.mousePos;
		// Limit the mouse cursor position, if necessary
#ifdef ENABLE_SCI32

	if (g_sci->getVocabulary())
		g_sci->getVocabulary()->parser_event = NULL_REG; // Invalidate parser event

	if (s->_cursorWorkaroundActive) {
		// We check if the actual cursor position is inside specific rectangles
		// where the cursor itself should be moved to. If this is the case, we
		// set the mouse cursor's position to be within the rectangle in
		// question. Check GfxCursor::setPosition(), for a more detailed
		// explanation and a list of cursor position workarounds.
		if (s->_cursorWorkaroundRect.contains(mousePos.x, mousePos.y)) {
			// For OpenPandora and possibly other platforms, that support analog-stick control + touch screen
			// control at the same time: in case the cursor is currently at the coordinate set by the scripts,
			// we will count down instead of immediately disabling the workaround.
			// On OpenPandora the cursor position is set, but it's overwritten shortly afterwards by the
			// touch screen. In this case we would sometimes disable the workaround, simply because the touch
			// screen hasn't yet overwritten the position and thus the workaround would not work anymore.
			// On OpenPandora it would sometimes work and sometimes not without this.
			if (s->_cursorWorkaroundPoint == mousePos) {
				// Cursor is still at the same spot as set by the scripts
				if (s->_cursorWorkaroundPosCount > 0) {
				} else {
					// Was for quite a bit of time at that spot, so disable workaround now
					s->_cursorWorkaroundActive = false;
			} else {
				// Cursor has moved, but is within the rect -> disable workaround immediately
				s->_cursorWorkaroundActive = false;
		} else {
			mousePos.x = s->_cursorWorkaroundPoint.x;
			mousePos.y = s->_cursorWorkaroundPoint.y;

	writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(x), mousePos.x);
	writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(y), mousePos.y);

	// Get current keyboard modifiers, only keep relevant bits
	const int modifierMask = getSciVersion() <= SCI_VERSION_01 ? kSciKeyModAll : kSciKeyModNonSticky;
	modifiers = curEvent.modifiers & modifierMask;
	if (g_sci->getPlatform() == Common::kPlatformDOS && getSciVersion() <= SCI_VERSION_01) {
		// We are supposed to emulate SCI running in DOS

		// We set the higher byte of the modifiers to 02h
		// Original SCI also did that indirectly, because it asked BIOS for shift status
		// via AH=0x02 INT16, which then sets the shift flags in AL
		// AH is supposed to be destroyed in that case and it's not defined that 0x02
		// is still in it on return. The value of AX was then set into the modifiers selector.
		// At least one fan-made game (Betrayed Alliance) requires 0x02 to be in the upper byte,
		// otherwise the darts game (script 111) will not work properly.

		// It seems Sierra fixed this behaviour (effectively bug) in the SCI1 keyboard driver.
		// SCI32 also resets the upper byte.

		// This was verified in SSCI itself by creating a SCI game and checking behavior.
		modifiers |= 0x0200;

	switch (curEvent.type) {
	case kSciEventQuit:
		s->abortScriptProcessing = kAbortQuitGame; // Terminate VM
		g_sci->_debugState.seeking = kDebugSeekNothing;
		g_sci->_debugState.runningStep = 0;

	case kSciEventKeyDown:
	case kSciEventKeyUp:
		writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(type), curEvent.type);
		writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(message), curEvent.character);
		// We only care about the translated character
		writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(modifiers), modifiers);
		s->r_acc = TRUE_REG;

	case kSciEventMouseRelease:
	case kSciEventMousePress:
		// track left buttton clicks, if requested
		if (curEvent.type == kSciEventMousePress && curEvent.modifiers == 0 && g_debug_track_mouse_clicks) {
			g_sci->getSciDebugger()->debugPrintf("Mouse clicked at %d, %d\n",
						mousePos.x, mousePos.y);

		if (mask & curEvent.type) {
			writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(type), curEvent.type);
			writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(message), 0);
			writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(modifiers), modifiers);
			s->r_acc = TRUE_REG;

#ifdef ENABLE_SCI32
	case kSciEventHotRectangle:
		writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(type), curEvent.type);
		writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(message), curEvent.hotRectangleIndex);
		s->r_acc = TRUE_REG;

		// Return a null event
		writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(type), kSciEventNone);
		writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(message), 0);
		writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(modifiers), modifiers);
		s->r_acc = NULL_REG;

	if ((s->r_acc.getOffset()) && (g_sci->_debugState.stopOnEvent)) {
		g_sci->_debugState.stopOnEvent = false;

		// A SCI event occurred, and we have been asked to stop, so open the debug console
		Console *con = g_sci->getSciDebugger();
		con->debugPrintf("SCI event occurred: ");
		switch (curEvent.type) {
		case kSciEventQuit:
			con->debugPrintf("quit event\n");
		case kSciEventKeyDown:
		case kSciEventKeyUp:
			con->debugPrintf("keyboard event\n");
		case kSciEventMousePress:
		case kSciEventMouseRelease:
			con->debugPrintf("mouse click event\n");
			con->debugPrintf("unknown or no event (event type %d)\n", curEvent.type);


	if (g_sci->_features->detectDoSoundType() <= SCI_VERSION_0_LATE) {
		// If we're running a sound-SCI0 game, update the sound cues, to
		// compensate for the fact that sound-SCI0 does not poll to update
		// the sound cues itself, like sound-SCI1 and later do with
		// cmdUpdateSoundCues. kGetEvent is called quite often, so emulate
		// the sound-SCI1 behavior of cmdUpdateSoundCues with this call

	// Wait a bit here, so that the CPU isn't maxed out when the game
	// is waiting for user input (e.g. when showing text boxes) - bug
	// #3037874. Make sure that we're not delaying while the game is
	// benchmarking, as that will affect the final benchmarked result -
	// check bugs #3058865 and #3127824
	if (s->_gameIsBenchmarking) {
		// Game is benchmarking, don't add a delay
	} else if (getSciVersion() < SCI_VERSION_2) {

	return s->r_acc;

struct KeyDirMapping {
	SciKeyCode key;
	uint16 direction;

const KeyDirMapping keyToDirMap[] = {
	{ kSciKeyHome, 8 }, { kSciKeyUp,     1 }, { kSciKeyPageUp,   2 },
	{ kSciKeyLeft, 7 }, { kSciKeyCenter, 0 }, { kSciKeyRight,    3 },
	{ kSciKeyEnd,  6 }, { kSciKeyDown,   5 }, { kSciKeyPageDown, 4 },

reg_t kMapKeyToDir(EngineState *s, int argc, reg_t *argv) {
	reg_t obj = argv[0];
	SegManager *segMan = s->_segMan;

	if (readSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(type)) == kSciEventKeyDown) {
		uint16 message = readSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(message));
		SciEventType eventType = kSciEventDirection;
		// It seems with SCI1 Sierra started to add the kSciEventDirection bit instead of setting it directly.
		// It was done inside the keyboard driver and is required for the PseudoMouse functionality and class
		// to work (script 933).
		if (g_sci->_features->detectPseudoMouseAbility() == kPseudoMouseAbilityTrue) {
			eventType |= kSciEventKeyDown;

		for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(keyToDirMap); i++) {
			if (keyToDirMap[i].key == message) {
				writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(type), eventType);
				writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(message), keyToDirMap[i].direction);
				return TRUE_REG;	// direction mapped

		return NULL_REG;	// unknown direction

	return s->r_acc;	// no keyboard event to map, leave accumulator unchanged

reg_t kGlobalToLocal(EngineState *s, int argc, reg_t *argv) {
	reg_t obj = argv[0];
	SegManager *segMan = s->_segMan;

	if (obj.getSegment()) {
		int16 x = readSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(x));
		int16 y = readSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(y));

		g_sci->_gfxCoordAdjuster->kernelGlobalToLocal(x, y);

		writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(x), x);
		writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(y), y);

	return s->r_acc;


reg_t kLocalToGlobal(EngineState *s, int argc, reg_t *argv) {
	reg_t obj = argv[0];
	SegManager *segMan = s->_segMan;

	if (obj.getSegment()) {
		int16 x = readSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(x));
		int16 y = readSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(y));

		g_sci->_gfxCoordAdjuster->kernelLocalToGlobal(x, y);

		writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(x), x);
		writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(y), y);

	return s->r_acc;

reg_t kJoystick(EngineState *s, int argc, reg_t *argv) {
	// Subfunction 12 sets/gets joystick repeat rate
	debug(5, "Unimplemented syscall 'Joystick()'");
	return NULL_REG;

#ifdef ENABLE_SCI32
reg_t kGlobalToLocal32(EngineState *s, int argc, reg_t *argv) {
	const reg_t result = argv[0];
	const reg_t planeObj = argv[1];

	bool visible = true;
	Plane *plane = g_sci->_gfxFrameout->getVisiblePlanes().findByObject(planeObj);
	if (plane == nullptr) {
		plane = g_sci->_gfxFrameout->getPlanes().findByObject(planeObj);
		visible = false;
	if (plane == nullptr) {
		error("kGlobalToLocal: Plane %04x:%04x not found", PRINT_REG(planeObj));

	const int16 x = readSelectorValue(s->_segMan, result, SELECTOR(x)) - plane->_gameRect.left;
	const int16 y = readSelectorValue(s->_segMan, result, SELECTOR(y)) - plane->_gameRect.top;

	writeSelectorValue(s->_segMan, result, SELECTOR(x), x);
	writeSelectorValue(s->_segMan, result, SELECTOR(y), y);

	return make_reg(0, visible);

reg_t kLocalToGlobal32(EngineState *s, int argc, reg_t *argv) {
	const reg_t result = argv[0];
	const reg_t planeObj = argv[1];

	bool visible = true;
	Plane *plane = g_sci->_gfxFrameout->getVisiblePlanes().findByObject(planeObj);
	if (plane == nullptr) {
		plane = g_sci->_gfxFrameout->getPlanes().findByObject(planeObj);
		visible = false;
	if (plane == nullptr) {
		error("kLocalToGlobal: Plane %04x:%04x not found", PRINT_REG(planeObj));

	const int16 x = readSelectorValue(s->_segMan, result, SELECTOR(x)) + plane->_gameRect.left;
	const int16 y = readSelectorValue(s->_segMan, result, SELECTOR(y)) + plane->_gameRect.top;

	writeSelectorValue(s->_segMan, result, SELECTOR(x), x);
	writeSelectorValue(s->_segMan, result, SELECTOR(y), y);

	return make_reg(0, visible);

reg_t kSetHotRectangles(EngineState *s, int argc, reg_t *argv) {
	if (argc == 1) {
		return s->r_acc;

	const int16 numRects = argv[0].toSint16();
	SciArray &hotRects = *s->_segMan->lookupArray(argv[1]);

	Common::Array<Common::Rect> rects;

	for (int16 i = 0; i < numRects; ++i) {
		rects[i].left   = hotRects.getAsInt16(i * 4);
		rects[i].top    = hotRects.getAsInt16(i * 4 + 1);
		rects[i].right  = hotRects.getAsInt16(i * 4 + 2) + 1;
		rects[i].bottom = hotRects.getAsInt16(i * 4 + 3) + 1;

	return s->r_acc;

} // End of namespace Sci