/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ /* String and parser handling */ #include "sci/include/sciresource.h" #include "sci/include/engine.h" #include "sci/engine/message.h" namespace Sci { #define CHECK_OVERFLOW1(pt, size, rv) \ if (((pt) - (str_base)) + (size) > maxsize) { \ SCIkwarn(SCIkERROR, "String expansion exceeded heap boundaries\n"); \ return rv;\ } /* Returns the string the script intended to address */ char *kernel_lookup_text(EngineState *s, reg_t address, int index) { char *seeker; resource_t *textres; if (address.segment) return (char *)kernel_dereference_bulk_pointer(s, address, 0); else { int textlen; int _index = index; textres = scir_find_resource(s->resmgr, sci_text, address.offset, 0); if (!textres) { SCIkwarn(SCIkERROR, "text.%03d not found\n", address); return NULL; /* Will probably segfault */ } textlen = textres->size; seeker = (char *) textres->data; while (index--) while ((textlen--) && (*seeker++)) ; if (textlen) return seeker; else { SCIkwarn(SCIkERROR, "Index %d out of bounds in text.%03d\n", _index, address); return 0; } } } /*************************************************************/ /* Parser */ /**********/ #ifdef SCI_SIMPLE_SAID_CODE int vocab_match_simple(EngineState *s, heap_ptr addr) { int nextitem; int listpos = 0; if (!s->parser_valid) return SAID_NO_MATCH; if (s->parser_valid == 2) { /* debug mode: sim_said */ do { sciprintf("DEBUGMATCH: "); nextitem = s->heap[addr++]; if (nextitem < 0xf0) { nextitem = nextitem << 8 | s->heap[addr++]; if (s->parser_nodes[listpos].type || nextitem != s->parser_nodes[listpos++].content.value) return SAID_NO_MATCH; } else { if (nextitem == 0xff) return (s->parser_nodes[listpos++].type == -1) ? SAID_FULL_MATCH : SAID_NO_MATCH; /* Finished? */ if (s->parser_nodes[listpos].type != 1 || nextitem != s->parser_nodes[listpos++].content.value) return SAID_NO_MATCH; } } while (42); } else { /* normal simple match mode */ return vocab_simple_said_test(s, addr); } } #endif /* SCI_SIMPLE_SAID_CODE */ reg_t kSaid(EngineState *s, int funct_nr, int argc, reg_t *argv) { reg_t heap_said_block = argv[0]; byte *said_block; int new_lastmatch; if (!heap_said_block.segment) return NULL_REG; said_block = (byte *) kernel_dereference_bulk_pointer(s, heap_said_block, 0); if (!said_block) { warning("Said on non-string, pointer "PREG"", PRINT_REG(heap_said_block)); return NULL_REG; } if (s->debug_mode & (1 << SCIkPARSER_NR)) { SCIkdebug(SCIkPARSER, "Said block:", 0); vocab_decypher_said_block(s, said_block); } if (IS_NULL_REG(s->parser_event) || (GET_SEL32V(s->parser_event, claimed))) { return NULL_REG; } #ifdef SCI_SIMPLE_SAID_CODE s->acc = 0; if (s->parser_lastmatch_word == SAID_FULL_MATCH) return; /* Matched before; we're not doing any more matching work today. */ if ((new_lastmatch = vocab_match_simple(s, said_block)) != SAID_NO_MATCH) { if (s->debug_mode & (1 << SCIkPARSER_NR)) sciprintf("Match (simple).\n"); s->acc = 1; if (new_lastmatch == SAID_FULL_MATCH) /* Finished matching? */ PUT_SELECTOR(s->parser_event, claimed, 1); /* claim event */ /* otherwise, we have a partial match: Set new lastmatch word in all cases. */ s->parser_lastmatch_word = new_lastmatch; } #else /* !SCI_SIMPLE_SAID_CODE */ if ((new_lastmatch = said(s, said_block, (s->debug_mode & (1 << SCIkPARSER_NR)))) != SAID_NO_MATCH) { /* Build and possibly display a parse tree */ if (s->debug_mode & (1 << SCIkPARSER_NR)) sciprintf("Match.\n"); s->r_acc = make_reg(0, 1); if (new_lastmatch != SAID_PARTIAL_MATCH) PUT_SEL32V(s->parser_event, claimed, 1); s->parser_lastmatch_word = new_lastmatch; } else { s->parser_lastmatch_word = SAID_NO_MATCH; return NULL_REG; } #endif /* !SCI_SIMPLE_SAID_CODE */ return s->r_acc; } reg_t kSetSynonyms(EngineState *s, int funct_nr, int argc, reg_t *argv) { reg_t object = argv[0]; list_t *list; node_t *node; int script; int synpos = 0; if (s->synonyms_nr) free(s->synonyms); s->synonyms_nr = 0; list = LOOKUP_LIST(GET_SEL32(object, elements)); node = LOOKUP_NODE(list->first); while (node) { reg_t objpos = node->value; int seg; int synonyms_nr = 0; script = GET_SEL32V(objpos, number); seg = sm_seg_get(&(s->seg_manager), script); if (seg >= 0) synonyms_nr = sm_get_synonyms_nr(&(s->seg_manager), seg, SEG_ID); if (synonyms_nr) { byte *synonyms; synonyms = sm_get_synonyms(&(s->seg_manager), seg, SEG_ID); if (synonyms) { int i; if (s->synonyms_nr) s->synonyms = (synonym_t*)sci_realloc(s->synonyms, sizeof(synonym_t) * (s->synonyms_nr + synonyms_nr)); else s->synonyms = (synonym_t*)sci_malloc(sizeof(synonym_t) * synonyms_nr); s->synonyms_nr += synonyms_nr; SCIkdebug(SCIkPARSER, "Setting %d synonyms for script.%d\n", synonyms_nr, script); if (synonyms_nr > 16384) { SCIkwarn(SCIkERROR, "Segtable corruption: script.%03d has %d synonyms!\n", script, synonyms_nr); /* We used to reset the corrupted value here. I really don't think it's appropriate. * Lars */ } else for (i = 0; i < synonyms_nr; i++) { s->synonyms[synpos].replaceant = getInt16(synonyms + i * 4); s->synonyms[synpos].replacement = getInt16(synonyms + i * 4 + 2); synpos++; } } else warning("Synonyms of script.%03d were requested, but script is not available", script); } node = LOOKUP_NODE(node->succ); } SCIkdebug(SCIkPARSER, "A total of %d synonyms are active now.\n", s->synonyms_nr); if (!s->synonyms_nr) s->synonyms = NULL; return s->r_acc; } reg_t kParse(EngineState *s, int funct_nr, int argc, reg_t *argv) { reg_t stringpos = argv[0]; char *string = kernel_dereference_char_pointer(s, stringpos, 0); int words_nr; char *error; result_word_t *words; reg_t event = argv[1]; s->parser_event = event; s->parser_lastmatch_word = SAID_NO_MATCH; if (s->parser_valid == 2) { sciprintf("Parsing skipped: Parser in simparse mode\n"); return s->r_acc; } words = vocab_tokenize_string(string, &words_nr, s->parser_words, s->parser_words_nr, s->parser_suffices, s->parser_suffices_nr, &error); s->parser_valid = 0; /* not valid */ if (words) { int syntax_fail = 0; vocab_synonymize_tokens(words, words_nr, s->synonyms, s->synonyms_nr); s->r_acc = make_reg(0, 1); if (s->debug_mode & (1 << SCIkPARSER_NR)) { int i; SCIkdebug(SCIkPARSER, "Parsed to the following blocks:\n", 0); for (i = 0; i < words_nr; i++) SCIkdebug(SCIkPARSER, " Type[%04x] Group[%04x]\n", words[i].w_class, words[i].group); } if (vocab_build_parse_tree(&(s->parser_nodes[0]), words, words_nr, s->parser_branches, s->parser_rules)) syntax_fail = 1; /* Building a tree failed */ #ifdef SCI_SIMPLE_SAID_CODE vocab_build_simple_parse_tree(&(s->parser_nodes[0]), words, words_nr); #endif /* SCI_SIMPLE_SAID_CODE */ free(words); if (syntax_fail) { s->r_acc = make_reg(0, 1); PUT_SEL32V(event, claimed, 1); invoke_selector(INV_SEL(s->game_obj, syntaxFail, 0), 2, s->parser_base, stringpos); /* Issue warning */ SCIkdebug(SCIkPARSER, "Tree building failed\n"); } else { s->parser_valid = 1; PUT_SEL32V(event, claimed, 0); #ifndef SCI_SIMPLE_SAID_CODE if (s->debug_mode & (1 << SCIkPARSER_NR)) vocab_dump_parse_tree("Parse-tree", s->parser_nodes); #endif /* !SCI_SIMPLE_SAID_CODE */ } } else { s->r_acc = make_reg(0, 0); PUT_SEL32V(event, claimed, 1); if (error) { char *pbase_str = kernel_dereference_char_pointer(s, s->parser_base, 0); strcpy(pbase_str, error); SCIkdebug(SCIkPARSER, "Word unknown: %s\n", error); /* Issue warning: */ invoke_selector(INV_SEL(s->game_obj, wordFail, 0), 2, s->parser_base, stringpos); free(error); return make_reg(0, 1); /* Tell them that it dind't work */ } } return s->r_acc; } reg_t kStrEnd(EngineState *s, int funct_nr, int argc, reg_t *argv) { reg_t address = argv[0]; char *seeker = kernel_dereference_char_pointer(s, address, 0); while (*seeker++) ++address.offset; return address; } reg_t kStrCat(EngineState *s, int funct_nr, int argc, reg_t *argv) { char *s1 = kernel_dereference_char_pointer(s, argv[0], 0); char *s2 = kernel_dereference_char_pointer(s, argv[1], 0); strcat(s1, s2); return argv[0]; } reg_t kStrCmp(EngineState *s, int funct_nr, int argc, reg_t *argv) { char *s1 = kernel_dereference_char_pointer(s, argv[0], 0); char *s2 = kernel_dereference_char_pointer(s, argv[1], 0); if (argc > 2) return make_reg(0, strncmp(s1, s2, UKPV(2))); else return make_reg(0, strcmp(s1, s2)); } reg_t kStrCpy(EngineState *s, int funct_nr, int argc, reg_t *argv) { char *dest = (char *) kernel_dereference_bulk_pointer(s, argv[0], 0); char *src = (char *) kernel_dereference_bulk_pointer(s, argv[1], 0); if (!dest) { warning("Attempt to strcpy TO invalid pointer "PREG"", PRINT_REG(argv[0])); return NULL_REG; } if (!src) { warning("Attempt to strcpy FROM invalid pointer "PREG"", PRINT_REG(argv[1])); return NULL_REG; } if (argc > 2) { int length = SKPV(2); if (length >= 0) strncpy(dest, src, length); else { if (s->seg_manager.heap[argv[0].segment]->type == MEM_OBJ_DYNMEM) { reg_t *srcp = (reg_t *) src; int i; warning("Performing reg_t to raw conversion for AvoidPath"); for (i = 0; i < -length / 2; i++) { dest[2 * i] = srcp->offset & 0xff; dest[2 * i + 1] = srcp->offset >> 8; srcp++; } } else memcpy(dest, src, -length); } } else strcpy(dest, src); return argv[0]; } reg_t kStrAt(EngineState *s, int funct_nr, int argc, reg_t *argv) { unsigned char *dest = (unsigned char *) kernel_dereference_bulk_pointer(s, argv[0], 0); reg_t *dest2; if (!dest) { warning("Attempt to StrAt at invalid pointer "PREG"", PRINT_REG(argv[0])); return NULL_REG; } if ((argc == 2) && /* Our pathfinder already works around the issue we're trying to fix */ (strcmp(sm_get_description(&(s->seg_manager), argv[0]), AVOIDPATH_DYNMEM_STRING) != 0) && ((strlen((const char*)dest) < 2) || (!is_print_str((char*)dest)))) /* SQ4 array handling detected */ { #ifndef SCUMM_BIG_ENDIAN int odd = KP_UINT(argv[1]) & 1; #else int odd = !(KP_UINT(argv[1]) & 1); #endif dest2 = ((reg_t *) dest) + (KP_UINT(argv[1]) / 2); dest = ((unsigned char *)(&dest2->offset)) + odd; } else dest += KP_UINT(argv[1]); s->r_acc = make_reg(0, *dest); if (argc > 2) *dest = KP_SINT(argv[2]); /* Request to modify this char */ return s->r_acc; } reg_t kReadNumber(EngineState *s, int funct_nr, int argc, reg_t *argv) { char *source = kernel_dereference_char_pointer(s, argv[0], 0); while (isspace(*source)) source++; /* Skip whitespace */ if (*source == '$') /* SCI uses this for hex numbers */ return make_reg(0, (gint16)strtol(source + 1, NULL, 16)); /* Hex */ else return make_reg(0, (gint16)strtol(source, NULL, 10)); /* Force decimal */ } #define ALIGN_NONE 0 #define ALIGN_RIGHT 1 #define ALIGN_LEFT -1 #define ALIGN_CENTRE 2 /* Format(targ_address, textresnr, index_inside_res, ...) ** or ** Format(targ_address, heap_text_addr, ...) ** Formats the text from text.textresnr (offset index_inside_res) or heap_text_addr according to ** the supplied parameters and writes it to the targ_address. */ reg_t kFormat(EngineState *s, int funct_nr, int argc, reg_t *argv) { int *arguments; reg_t dest = argv[0]; char *target = (char *) kernel_dereference_bulk_pointer(s, dest, 0); reg_t position = argv[1]; /* source */ int index = UKPV(2); char *source; char *str_base = target; int mode = 0; int paramindex = 0; /* Next parameter to evaluate */ char xfer; int i; int startarg; int str_leng = 0; /* Used for stuff like "%13s" */ int unsigned_var = 0; int maxsize = 4096; /* Arbitrary... */ if (position.segment) startarg = 2; else startarg = 3; /* First parameter to use for formatting */ source = kernel_lookup_text(s, position, index); SCIkdebug(SCIkSTRINGS, "Formatting \"%s\"\n", source); arguments = (int*)sci_malloc(sizeof(int) * argc); #ifdef SATISFY_PURIFY memset(arguments, 0, sizeof(int) * argc); #endif for (i = startarg; i < argc; i++) arguments[i-startarg] = UKPV(i); /* Parameters are copied to prevent overwriting */ while ((xfer = *source++)) { if (xfer == '%') { if (mode == 1) { CHECK_OVERFLOW1(target, 2, NULL_REG); *target++ = '%'; /* Literal % by using "%%" */ mode = 0; } else { mode = 1; str_leng = 0; } } else if (mode == 1) { /* xfer != '%' */ char fillchar = ' '; int align = ALIGN_NONE; char *writestart = target; /* Start of the written string, used after the switch */ /* int writelength; -- unused atm */ if (xfer && (isdigit(xfer) || xfer == '-' || xfer == '=')) { char *destp; if (xfer == '0') fillchar = '0'; else if (xfer == '=') { align = ALIGN_CENTRE; source++; } else if (isdigit(xfer)) source--; /* Stepped over length argument */ str_leng = strtol(source, &destp, 10); if (destp > source) source = destp; if (str_leng < 0) { align = ALIGN_LEFT; str_leng = -str_leng; } else if (align != ALIGN_CENTRE) align = ALIGN_RIGHT; xfer = *source++; } else str_leng = 0; CHECK_OVERFLOW1(target, str_leng + 1, NULL_REG); switch (xfer) { case 's': { /* Copy string */ reg_t reg = argv[startarg + paramindex]; char *tempsource = kernel_lookup_text(s, reg, arguments[paramindex + 1]); int slen = strlen(tempsource); int extralen = str_leng - slen; CHECK_OVERFLOW1(target, extralen, NULL_REG); if (extralen < 0) extralen = 0; if (reg.segment) /* Heap address? */ paramindex++; else paramindex += 2; /* No, text resource address */ switch (align) { case ALIGN_NONE: case ALIGN_RIGHT: while (extralen-- > 0) *target++ = ' '; /* Format into the text */ break; case ALIGN_CENTRE: { int half_extralen = extralen >> 1; while (half_extralen-- > 0) *target++ = ' '; /* Format into the text */ break; } default: break; } strcpy(target, tempsource); target += slen; switch (align) { case ALIGN_CENTRE: { int half_extralen; align = 0; half_extralen = extralen - (extralen >> 1); while (half_extralen-- > 0) *target++ = ' '; /* Format into the text */ break; } default: break; } mode = 0; } break; case 'c': { /* insert character */ CHECK_OVERFLOW1(target, 2, NULL_REG); if (align >= 0) while (str_leng-- > 1) *target++ = ' '; /* Format into the text */ *target++ = arguments[paramindex++]; mode = 0; } break; case 'x': case 'u': unsigned_var = 1; case 'd': { /* Copy decimal */ /* int templen; -- unused atm */ const char *format_string = "%d"; if (xfer == 'x') format_string = "%x"; if (!unsigned_var) if (arguments[paramindex] & 0x8000) /* sign extend */ arguments[paramindex] = (~0xffff) | arguments[paramindex]; target += sprintf(target, format_string, arguments[paramindex++]); CHECK_OVERFLOW1(target, 0, NULL_REG); unsigned_var = 0; mode = 0; } break; default: *target = '%'; target++; *target = xfer; target++; mode = 0; } if (align) { int written = target - writestart; int padding = str_leng - written; if (padding > 0) { if (align > 0) { memmove(writestart + padding, writestart, written); memset(writestart, fillchar, padding); } else { memset(target, ' ', padding); } target += padding; } } } else { /* mode != 1 */ *target = xfer; target++; } } free(arguments); *target = 0; /* Terminate string */ return dest; /* Return target addr */ } reg_t kStrLen(EngineState *s, int funct_nr, int argc, reg_t *argv) { char *str = kernel_dereference_char_pointer(s, argv[0], 0); return make_reg(0, strlen(str)); } reg_t kGetFarText(EngineState *s, int funct_nr, int argc, reg_t *argv) { resource_t *textres = scir_find_resource(s->resmgr, sci_text, UKPV(0), 0); char *seeker; int counter = UKPV(1); if (!textres) { SCIkwarn(SCIkERROR, "text.%d does not exist\n", UKPV(0)); return NULL_REG; } seeker = (char *) textres->data; while (counter--) while (*seeker++); /* The second parameter (counter) determines the number of the string inside the text ** resource. */ strcpy(kernel_dereference_char_pointer(s, argv[2], 0), seeker); /* Copy the string and get return value */ return argv[2]; } #define DUMMY_MESSAGE "No MESSAGE support in FreeSCI yet" static message_state_t state; reg_t kMessage(EngineState *s, int funct_nr, int argc, reg_t *argv) { if (!state.initialized) message_state_initialize(s->resmgr, &state); switch (UKPV(0)) { case 0 : { char *buffer = argc == 7 ? kernel_dereference_char_pointer(s, argv[6], 0) : NULL; message_tuple_t tuple; int module = UKPV(1); tuple.noun = UKPV(2); tuple.verb = UKPV(3); tuple.cond = UKPV(4); tuple.seq = UKPV(5); if (message_state_load_res(&state, module) && message_get_specific(&state, &tuple)) { if (buffer) message_get_text(&state, buffer, 100); return make_reg(0, message_get_talker(&state)); /* Talker id */ } else { if (buffer) strcpy(buffer, DUMMY_MESSAGE); return NULL_REG; } } case 1 : { char *buffer = argc == 7 ? kernel_dereference_char_pointer(s, argv[6], 0) : NULL; if (message_get_next(&state)) { if (buffer) message_get_text(&state, buffer, 100); return make_reg(0, message_get_talker(&state)); /* Talker id */ } else { if (buffer) strcpy(buffer, DUMMY_MESSAGE); return NULL_REG; } } case 2 : { message_tuple_t tuple; int module = UKPV(1); tuple.noun = UKPV(2); tuple.verb = UKPV(3); tuple.cond = UKPV(4); tuple.seq = UKPV(5); if (message_state_load_res(&state, module) && message_get_specific(&state, &tuple)) return make_reg(0, message_get_length(&state) + 1); else return NULL_REG; } } return NULL_REG; } } // End of namespace Sci