/*************************************************************************** savegame.cfsml Copyright (C) 1999 Christoph Reichenbach, TU Darmstadt This program may be modified and copied freely according to the terms of the GNU general public license (GPL), as long as the above copyright notice and the licensing information contained herein are preserved. Please refer to www.gnu.org for licensing details. This work is provided AS IS, without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantibility, noninfringement, and fitness for a specific purpose. The author will not be held liable for any damage caused by this work or derivatives of it. By using this source code, you agree to the licensing terms as stated above. Please contact the maintainer for bug reports or inquiries. Current Maintainer: Christoph Reichenbach (CJR) [jameson@linuxgames.com] ***************************************************************************/ /* Savegame handling for state_t structs. Makes heavy use of cfsml magic. */ /* DON'T EDIT savegame.c ! Only modify savegame.cfsml, if something needs ** to be changed. Refer to freesci/docs/misc/cfsml.spec if you don't understand ** savegame.cfsml. If this doesn't solve your problem, contact the maintainer. */ #include "sci/include/sci_memory.h" #include "sci/include/gfx_operations.h" #include "sci/include/sfx_engine.h" #include "sci/include/engine.h" #include #include "sci/engine/heap.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #include #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma warning( disable : 4101 ) #endif #define HUNK_TYPE_GFX_SNAPSHOT_STRING "g\n" /* Missing: ** - SFXdriver ** - File input/output state (this is likely not to happen) */ static state_t *_global_save_state; /* Needed for some graphical stuff. */ #define FILE_VERSION _global_save_state->savegame_version void write_reg_t(FILE *fh, reg_t *foo) { fprintf(fh, PREG, PRINT_REG(*foo)); } int read_reg_t(FILE *fh, reg_t *foo, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { int segment, offset; if (sscanf(lastval, PREG, &segment, &offset)<2) { sciprintf("Error parsing reg_t on line %d\n", *line); return 1; } *foo = make_reg(segment, offset); return 0; } void write_sci_version(FILE *fh, sci_version_t *foo) { fprintf(fh, "%d.%03d.%03d", SCI_VERSION_MAJOR(*foo), SCI_VERSION_MINOR(*foo), SCI_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL(*foo)); } int read_sci_version(FILE *fh, sci_version_t *foo, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { return version_parse(lastval, foo); } void write_PTN(FILE *fh, parse_tree_node_t *foo) { if (foo->type == PARSE_TREE_NODE_LEAF) fprintf(fh, "L%d", foo->content.value); else fprintf(fh, "B(%d,%d)", foo->content.branches[0], foo->content.branches[1]); } int read_PTN(FILE *fh, parse_tree_node_t *foo, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { if (lastval[0] == 'L') { char *c = lastval + 1; char *strend; while (*c && isspace(*c)) ++c; if (!*c) return 1; foo->content.value = strtol(c, &strend, 0); return (strend == c); /* Error if nothing could be read */ return 0; } else if (lastval[0] == 'B') { char *c = lastval + 1; char *strend; while (*c && isspace(*c)) ++c; if (*c++ != '(') return 1; while (*c && isspace(*c)) ++c; foo->content.branches[0] = strtol(c, &strend, 0); if (strend == c) return 1; c = strend; while (*c && isspace(*c)) ++c; if (*c++ != ',') return 1; while (*c && isspace(*c)) ++c; foo->content.branches[1] = strtol(c, &strend, 0); if (strend == c) return 1; c = strend; while (*c && isspace(*c)) ++c; if (*c++ != ')') return 1; return 0; } else return 1; /* failure to parse anything */ } void write_menubar_tp(FILE *fh, menubar_t **foo); int read_menubar_tp(FILE *fh, menubar_t **foo, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); void write_mem_obj_tp(FILE *fh, mem_obj_t **foo); int read_mem_obj_tp(FILE *fh, mem_obj_t **foo, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); void write_int_hash_map_tp(FILE *fh, int_hash_map_t **foo); int read_int_hash_map_tp(FILE *fh, int_hash_map_t **foo, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); void write_songlib_t(FILE *fh, songlib_t *foo); int read_songlib_t(FILE *fh, songlib_t *foo, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); void write_int_hash_map_node_tp(FILE *fh, int_hash_map_node_t **foo); int read_int_hash_map_node_tp(FILE *fh, int_hash_map_node_t **foo, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); int read_song_tp(FILE *fh, song_t **foo, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); typedef mem_obj_t *mem_obj_ptr; /* Auto-generated CFSML declaration and function block */ #line 796 "savegame.cfsml" #define CFSML_SUCCESS 0 #define CFSML_FAILURE 1 #line 102 "savegame.cfsml" #include /* We need va_lists */ #include "sci/include/sci_memory.h" #ifdef CFSML_DEBUG_MALLOC /* #define free(p) dbg_sci_free(p) #define malloc(s) dbg_sci_malloc(s) #define calloc(n, s) dbg_sci_calloc(n, s) #define realloc(p, s) dbg_sci_realloc(p, s) */ #define free dbg_sci_free #define malloc dbg_sci_malloc #define calloc dbg_sci_calloc #define realloc dbg_sci_realloc #endif static void _cfsml_error(char *fmt, ...) { va_list argp; fprintf(stderr, "Error: "); va_start(argp, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, argp); va_end(argp); } static struct _cfsml_pointer_refstruct { struct _cfsml_pointer_refstruct *next; void *ptr; } *_cfsml_pointer_references = NULL; static struct _cfsml_pointer_refstruct **_cfsml_pointer_references_current = &_cfsml_pointer_references; static char *_cfsml_last_value_retreived = NULL; static char *_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived = NULL; static void _cfsml_free_pointer_references_recursively(struct _cfsml_pointer_refstruct *refs, int free_pointers) { if (!refs) return; #ifdef CFSML_DEBUG_MALLOC SCI_MEMTEST; #endif _cfsml_free_pointer_references_recursively(refs->next, free_pointers); #ifdef CFSML_DEBUG_MALLOC SCI_MEMTEST; fprintf(stderr,"Freeing ptrref %p [%p] %s\n", refs->ptr, refs, free_pointers? "ALL": "cleanup only"); #endif if (free_pointers) free(refs->ptr); #ifdef CFSML_DEBUG_MALLOC SCI_MEMTEST; #endif free(refs); #ifdef CFSML_DEBUG_MALLOC SCI_MEMTEST; #endif } static void _cfsml_free_pointer_references(struct _cfsml_pointer_refstruct **meta_ref, int free_pointers) { _cfsml_free_pointer_references_recursively(*meta_ref, free_pointers); *meta_ref = NULL; _cfsml_pointer_references_current = meta_ref; } static struct _cfsml_pointer_refstruct ** _cfsml_get_current_refpointer() { return _cfsml_pointer_references_current; } static void _cfsml_register_pointer(void *ptr) { struct _cfsml_pointer_refstruct *newref = (struct _cfsml_pointer_refstruct*)sci_malloc(sizeof (struct _cfsml_pointer_refstruct)); #ifdef CFSML_DEBUG_MALLOC SCI_MEMTEST; fprintf(stderr,"Registering ptrref %p [%p]\n", ptr, newref); #endif newref->next = *_cfsml_pointer_references_current; newref->ptr = ptr; *_cfsml_pointer_references_current = newref; } static char * _cfsml_mangle_string(char *s) { char *source = s; char c; char *target = (char *) sci_malloc(1 + strlen(s) * 2); /* We will probably need less than that */ char *writer = target; while ((c = *source++)) { if (c < 32) { /* Special character? */ *writer++ = '\\'; /* Escape... */ c += ('a' - 1); } else if (c == '\\' || c == '"') *writer++ = '\\'; /* Escape, but do not change */ *writer++ = c; } *writer = 0; /* Terminate string */ return (char *) sci_realloc(target, strlen(target) + 1); } static char * _cfsml_unmangle_string(char *s) { char *target = (char *) sci_malloc(1 + strlen(s)); char *writer = target; char *source = s; char c; while ((c = *source++) && (c > 31)) { if (c == '\\') { /* Escaped character? */ c = *source++; if ((c != '\\') && (c != '"')) /* Un-escape 0-31 only */ c -= ('a' - 1); } *writer++ = c; } *writer = 0; /* Terminate string */ return (char *) sci_realloc(target, strlen(target) + 1); } static char * _cfsml_get_identifier(FILE *fd, int *line, int *hiteof, int *assignment) { int c; int mem = 32; int pos = 0; int done = 0; char *retval = (char *) sci_malloc(mem); if (_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived); _cfsml_last_identifier_retreived = NULL; } while (isspace(c = fgetc(fd)) && (c != EOF)); if (c == EOF) { _cfsml_error("Unexpected end of file at line %d\n", *line); free(retval); *hiteof = 1; return NULL; } ungetc(c, fd); while (((c = fgetc(fd)) != EOF) && ((pos == 0) || (c != '\n')) && (c != '=')) { if (pos == mem - 1) /* Need more memory? */ retval = (char *) sci_realloc(retval, mem *= 2); if (!isspace(c)) { if (done) { _cfsml_error("Single word identifier expected at line %d\n", *line); free(retval); return NULL; } retval[pos++] = c; } else if (pos != 0) done = 1; /* Finished the variable name */ else if (c == '\n') ++(*line); } if (c == EOF) { _cfsml_error("Unexpected end of file at line %d\n", *line); free(retval); *hiteof = 1; return NULL; } if (c == '\n') { ++(*line); if (assignment) *assignment = 0; } else if (assignment) *assignment = 1; if (pos == 0) { _cfsml_error("Missing identifier in assignment at line %d\n", *line); free(retval); return NULL; } if (pos == mem - 1) /* Need more memory? */ retval = (char *) sci_realloc(retval, mem += 1); retval[pos] = 0; /* Terminate string */ #line 322 "savegame.cfsml" return _cfsml_last_identifier_retreived = retval; } static char * _cfsml_get_value(FILE *fd, int *line, int *hiteof) { int c; int mem = 64; int pos = 0; char *retval = (char *) sci_malloc(mem); if (_cfsml_last_value_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_value_retreived); _cfsml_last_value_retreived = NULL; } while (((c = fgetc(fd)) != EOF) && (c != '\n')) { if (pos == mem - 1) /* Need more memory? */ retval = (char *) sci_realloc(retval, mem *= 2); if (pos || (!isspace(c))) retval[pos++] = c; } while ((pos > 0) && (isspace(retval[pos - 1]))) --pos; /* Strip trailing whitespace */ if (c == EOF) *hiteof = 1; if (pos == 0) { _cfsml_error("Missing value in assignment at line %d\n", *line); free(retval); return NULL; } if (c == '\n') ++(*line); if (pos == mem - 1) /* Need more memory? */ retval = (char *) sci_realloc(retval, mem += 1); retval[pos] = 0; /* Terminate string */ #line 379 "savegame.cfsml" return (_cfsml_last_value_retreived = (char *) sci_realloc(retval, strlen(retval) + 1)); /* Re-allocate; this value might be used for quite some while (if we are ** restoring a string) */ } #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_synonym_t(FILE *fh, synonym_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_synonym_t(FILE *fh, synonym_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_sfx_state_t(FILE *fh, sfx_state_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_sfx_state_t(FILE *fh, sfx_state_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_clone_entry_t(FILE *fh, clone_entry_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_clone_entry_t(FILE *fh, clone_entry_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_object_t(FILE *fh, object_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_object_t(FILE *fh, object_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_string(FILE *fh, char ** save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_string(FILE *fh, char ** save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_menubar_t(FILE *fh, menubar_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_menubar_t(FILE *fh, menubar_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_size_t(FILE *fh, size_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_size_t(FILE *fh, size_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_list_entry_t(FILE *fh, list_entry_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_list_entry_t(FILE *fh, list_entry_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_int_hash_map_t(FILE *fh, int_hash_map_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_int_hash_map_t(FILE *fh, int_hash_map_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_gint16(FILE *fh, gint16* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_gint16(FILE *fh, gint16* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_song_t(FILE *fh, song_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_song_t(FILE *fh, song_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_menu_item_t(FILE *fh, menu_item_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_menu_item_t(FILE *fh, menu_item_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_node_entry_t(FILE *fh, node_entry_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_node_entry_t(FILE *fh, node_entry_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_seg_id_t(FILE *fh, seg_id_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_seg_id_t(FILE *fh, seg_id_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_dynmem_t(FILE *fh, dynmem_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_dynmem_t(FILE *fh, dynmem_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_local_variables_t(FILE *fh, local_variables_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_local_variables_t(FILE *fh, local_variables_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_state_t(FILE *fh, state_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_state_t(FILE *fh, state_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_node_table_t(FILE *fh, node_table_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_node_table_t(FILE *fh, node_table_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_sys_strings_t(FILE *fh, sys_strings_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_sys_strings_t(FILE *fh, sys_strings_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_byte(FILE *fh, byte* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_byte(FILE *fh, byte* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_node_t(FILE *fh, node_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_node_t(FILE *fh, node_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_list_table_t(FILE *fh, list_table_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_list_table_t(FILE *fh, list_table_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_class_t(FILE *fh, class_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_class_t(FILE *fh, class_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_song_handle_t(FILE *fh, song_handle_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_song_handle_t(FILE *fh, song_handle_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_int(FILE *fh, int* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_int(FILE *fh, int* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_menu_t(FILE *fh, menu_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_menu_t(FILE *fh, menu_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_long(FILE *fh, long* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_long(FILE *fh, long* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_clone_table_t(FILE *fh, clone_table_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_clone_table_t(FILE *fh, clone_table_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_clone_t(FILE *fh, clone_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_clone_t(FILE *fh, clone_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_list_t(FILE *fh, list_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_list_t(FILE *fh, list_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_sys_string_t(FILE *fh, sys_string_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_sys_string_t(FILE *fh, sys_string_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_script_t(FILE *fh, script_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_script_t(FILE *fh, script_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 431 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_seg_manager_t(FILE *fh, seg_manager_t* save_struc); static int _cfsml_read_seg_manager_t(FILE *fh, seg_manager_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof); #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_synonym_t(FILE *fh, synonym_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "replaceant = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->replaceant)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "replacement = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->replacement)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_synonym_t(FILE *fh, synonym_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record synonym_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "replaceant")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->replaceant), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for replaceant at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "replacement")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->replacement), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for replacement at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("synonym_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_sfx_state_t(FILE *fh, sfx_state_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "songlib = "); write_songlib_t(fh, (songlib_t*) &(save_struc->songlib)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_sfx_state_t(FILE *fh, sfx_state_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record sfx_state_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "songlib")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (read_songlib_t(fh, (songlib_t*) &(save_struc->songlib), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by read_songlib_t() for songlib at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("sfx_state_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_clone_entry_t(FILE *fh, clone_entry_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "next_free = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->next_free)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "entry = "); _cfsml_write_clone_t(fh, (clone_t*) &(save_struc->entry)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_clone_entry_t(FILE *fh, clone_entry_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record clone_entry_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "next_free")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->next_free), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for next_free at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "entry")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_clone_t(fh, (clone_t*) &(save_struc->entry), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_clone_t() for entry at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("clone_entry_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_object_t(FILE *fh, object_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "flags = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->flags)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "pos = "); write_reg_t(fh, (reg_t*) &(save_struc->pos)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "variables_nr = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->variables_nr)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "variable_names_nr = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->variable_names_nr)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "methods_nr = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->methods_nr)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "variables = "); min = max = save_struc->variables_nr; if (!save_struc->variables) min = max = 0; /* Don't write if it points to NULL */ #line 490 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "[%d][\n", max); for (i = 0; i < min; i++) { write_reg_t(fh, &(save_struc->variables[i])); fprintf(fh, "\n"); } fprintf(fh, "]"); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_object_t(FILE *fh, object_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record object_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "flags")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->flags), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for flags at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "pos")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (read_reg_t(fh, (reg_t*) &(save_struc->pos), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by read_reg_t() for pos at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "variables_nr")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->variables_nr), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for variables_nr at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "variable_names_nr")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->variable_names_nr), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for variable_names_nr at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "methods_nr")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->methods_nr), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for methods_nr at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "variables")) { #line 663 "savegame.cfsml" if ((value[0] != '[') || (value[strlen(value) - 1] != '[')) { _cfsml_error("Opening brackets expected at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } #line 673 "savegame.cfsml" /* Prepare to restore dynamic array */ max = strtol(value + 1, NULL, 0); if (max < 0) { _cfsml_error("Invalid number of elements to allocate for dynamic array '%s' at line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (max) { save_struc->variables = (reg_t *) sci_malloc(max * sizeof(reg_t)); #ifdef SATISFY_PURIFY memset(save_struc->variables, 0, max * sizeof(reg_t)); #endif _cfsml_register_pointer(save_struc->variables); } else save_struc->variables = NULL; #line 699 "savegame.cfsml" done = i = 0; do { if (!(value = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, NULL))) { #line 707 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error("Token expected at line %d\n", *line); return 1; } if (strcmp(value, "]")) { if (i == max) { _cfsml_error("More elements than space available (%d) in '%s' at line %d\n", max, token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (read_reg_t(fh, &(save_struc->variables[i++]), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by read_reg_t() for variables[i++] at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else done = 1; } while (!done); save_struc->variables_nr = max ; /* Set array size accordingly */ } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("object_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_string(FILE *fh, char ** save_struc) { #line 454 "savegame.cfsml" if (!(*save_struc)) fprintf(fh, "\\null\\"); else { char *token = _cfsml_mangle_string((char *) *save_struc); fprintf(fh, "\"%s\"", token); free(token); } } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_string(FILE *fh, char ** save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; #line 577 "savegame.cfsml" if (strcmp(lastval, "\\null\\")) { /* null pointer? */ if (*lastval == '"') { /* Quoted string? */ int seeker = strlen(lastval); while (lastval[seeker] != '"') --seeker; if (!seeker) { /* No matching double-quotes? */ _cfsml_error("Unbalanced quotes at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } lastval[seeker] = 0; /* Terminate string at closing quotes... */ lastval++; /* ...and skip the opening quotes locally */ } *save_struc = _cfsml_unmangle_string(lastval); _cfsml_register_pointer(*save_struc); return CFSML_SUCCESS; } else { *save_struc = NULL; return CFSML_SUCCESS; } } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_menubar_t(FILE *fh, menubar_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "menus = "); min = max = save_struc->menus_nr; if (!save_struc->menus) min = max = 0; /* Don't write if it points to NULL */ #line 490 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "[%d][\n", max); for (i = 0; i < min; i++) { _cfsml_write_menu_t(fh, &(save_struc->menus[i])); fprintf(fh, "\n"); } fprintf(fh, "]"); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_menubar_t(FILE *fh, menubar_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record menubar_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "menus")) { #line 663 "savegame.cfsml" if ((value[0] != '[') || (value[strlen(value) - 1] != '[')) { _cfsml_error("Opening brackets expected at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } #line 673 "savegame.cfsml" /* Prepare to restore dynamic array */ max = strtol(value + 1, NULL, 0); if (max < 0) { _cfsml_error("Invalid number of elements to allocate for dynamic array '%s' at line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (max) { save_struc->menus = (menu_t *) sci_malloc(max * sizeof(menu_t)); #ifdef SATISFY_PURIFY memset(save_struc->menus, 0, max * sizeof(menu_t)); #endif _cfsml_register_pointer(save_struc->menus); } else save_struc->menus = NULL; #line 699 "savegame.cfsml" done = i = 0; do { if (!(value = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, NULL))) { #line 707 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error("Token expected at line %d\n", *line); return 1; } if (strcmp(value, "]")) { if (i == max) { _cfsml_error("More elements than space available (%d) in '%s' at line %d\n", max, token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (_cfsml_read_menu_t(fh, &(save_struc->menus[i++]), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_menu_t() for menus[i++] at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else done = 1; } while (!done); save_struc->menus_nr = max ; /* Set array size accordingly */ } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("menubar_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_size_t(FILE *fh, size_t* save_struc) { fprintf(fh, "%li", (long) *save_struc); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_size_t(FILE *fh, size_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; #line 564 "savegame.cfsml" *save_struc = strtol(lastval, &token, 0); if ( (*save_struc == 0) && (token == lastval) ) { _cfsml_error("strtol failed at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (*token != 0) { _cfsml_error("Non-integer encountered while parsing int value at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_list_entry_t(FILE *fh, list_entry_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "next_free = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->next_free)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "entry = "); _cfsml_write_list_t(fh, (list_t*) &(save_struc->entry)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_list_entry_t(FILE *fh, list_entry_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record list_entry_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "next_free")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->next_free), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for next_free at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "entry")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_list_t(fh, (list_t*) &(save_struc->entry), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_list_t() for entry at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("list_entry_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_int_hash_map_t(FILE *fh, int_hash_map_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "base_value = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->base_value)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "nodes = "); min = max = DCS_INT_HASH_MAX+1; #line 490 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "[%d][\n", max); for (i = 0; i < min; i++) { write_int_hash_map_node_tp(fh, &(save_struc->nodes[i])); fprintf(fh, "\n"); } fprintf(fh, "]"); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_int_hash_map_t(FILE *fh, int_hash_map_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record int_hash_map_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "base_value")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->base_value), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for base_value at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "nodes")) { #line 663 "savegame.cfsml" if ((value[0] != '[') || (value[strlen(value) - 1] != '[')) { _cfsml_error("Opening brackets expected at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } /* Prepare to restore static array */ max = DCS_INT_HASH_MAX+1; #line 699 "savegame.cfsml" done = i = 0; do { if (!(value = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, NULL))) { #line 707 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error("Token expected at line %d\n", *line); return 1; } if (strcmp(value, "]")) { if (i == max) { _cfsml_error("More elements than space available (%d) in '%s' at line %d\n", max, token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (read_int_hash_map_node_tp(fh, &(save_struc->nodes[i++]), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by read_int_hash_map_node_tp() for nodes[i++] at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else done = 1; } while (!done); } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("int_hash_map_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_gint16(FILE *fh, gint16* save_struc) { fprintf(fh, "%li", (long) *save_struc); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_gint16(FILE *fh, gint16* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; #line 564 "savegame.cfsml" *save_struc = strtol(lastval, &token, 0); if ( (*save_struc == 0) && (token == lastval) ) { _cfsml_error("strtol failed at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (*token != 0) { _cfsml_error("Non-integer encountered while parsing int value at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_song_t(FILE *fh, song_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "handle = "); _cfsml_write_song_handle_t(fh, (song_handle_t*) &(save_struc->handle)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "resource_num = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->resource_num)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "priority = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->priority)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "status = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->status)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "restore_behavior = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->restore_behavior)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "restore_time = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->restore_time)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "loops = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->loops)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "hold = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->hold)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_song_t(FILE *fh, song_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record song_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "handle")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_song_handle_t(fh, (song_handle_t*) &(save_struc->handle), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_song_handle_t() for handle at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "resource_num")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->resource_num), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for resource_num at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "priority")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->priority), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for priority at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "status")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->status), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for status at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "restore_behavior")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->restore_behavior), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for restore_behavior at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "restore_time")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->restore_time), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for restore_time at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "loops")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->loops), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for loops at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "hold")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->hold), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for hold at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("song_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_menu_item_t(FILE *fh, menu_item_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "type = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->type)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "keytext = "); _cfsml_write_string(fh, (char **) &(save_struc->keytext)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "keytext_size = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->keytext_size)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "flags = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->flags)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "said = "); min = max = MENU_SAID_SPEC_SIZE; #line 490 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "[%d][\n", max); for (i = 0; i < min; i++) { _cfsml_write_byte(fh, &(save_struc->said[i])); fprintf(fh, "\n"); } fprintf(fh, "]"); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "said_pos = "); write_reg_t(fh, (reg_t*) &(save_struc->said_pos)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "text = "); _cfsml_write_string(fh, (char **) &(save_struc->text)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "text_pos = "); write_reg_t(fh, (reg_t*) &(save_struc->text_pos)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "modifiers = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->modifiers)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "key = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->key)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "enabled = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->enabled)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "tag = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->tag)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_menu_item_t(FILE *fh, menu_item_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record menu_item_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "type")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->type), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for type at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "keytext")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_string(fh, (char **) &(save_struc->keytext), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_string() for keytext at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "keytext_size")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->keytext_size), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for keytext_size at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "flags")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->flags), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for flags at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "said")) { #line 663 "savegame.cfsml" if ((value[0] != '[') || (value[strlen(value) - 1] != '[')) { _cfsml_error("Opening brackets expected at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } /* Prepare to restore static array */ max = MENU_SAID_SPEC_SIZE; #line 699 "savegame.cfsml" done = i = 0; do { if (!(value = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, NULL))) { #line 707 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error("Token expected at line %d\n", *line); return 1; } if (strcmp(value, "]")) { if (i == max) { _cfsml_error("More elements than space available (%d) in '%s' at line %d\n", max, token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (_cfsml_read_byte(fh, &(save_struc->said[i++]), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_byte() for said[i++] at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else done = 1; } while (!done); } else if (!strcmp(token, "said_pos")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (read_reg_t(fh, (reg_t*) &(save_struc->said_pos), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by read_reg_t() for said_pos at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "text")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_string(fh, (char **) &(save_struc->text), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_string() for text at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "text_pos")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (read_reg_t(fh, (reg_t*) &(save_struc->text_pos), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by read_reg_t() for text_pos at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "modifiers")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->modifiers), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for modifiers at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "key")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->key), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for key at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "enabled")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->enabled), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for enabled at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "tag")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->tag), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for tag at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("menu_item_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_node_entry_t(FILE *fh, node_entry_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "next_free = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->next_free)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "entry = "); _cfsml_write_node_t(fh, (node_t*) &(save_struc->entry)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_node_entry_t(FILE *fh, node_entry_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record node_entry_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "next_free")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->next_free), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for next_free at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "entry")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_node_t(fh, (node_t*) &(save_struc->entry), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_node_t() for entry at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("node_entry_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_seg_id_t(FILE *fh, seg_id_t* save_struc) { fprintf(fh, "%li", (long) *save_struc); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_seg_id_t(FILE *fh, seg_id_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; #line 564 "savegame.cfsml" *save_struc = strtol(lastval, &token, 0); if ( (*save_struc == 0) && (token == lastval) ) { _cfsml_error("strtol failed at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (*token != 0) { _cfsml_error("Non-integer encountered while parsing int value at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_dynmem_t(FILE *fh, dynmem_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "size = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->size)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "description = "); _cfsml_write_string(fh, (char **) &(save_struc->description)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "buf = "); min = max = save_struc->size; if (!save_struc->buf) min = max = 0; /* Don't write if it points to NULL */ #line 490 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "[%d][\n", max); for (i = 0; i < min; i++) { _cfsml_write_byte(fh, &(save_struc->buf[i])); fprintf(fh, "\n"); } fprintf(fh, "]"); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_dynmem_t(FILE *fh, dynmem_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record dynmem_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "size")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->size), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for size at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "description")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_string(fh, (char **) &(save_struc->description), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_string() for description at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "buf")) { #line 663 "savegame.cfsml" if ((value[0] != '[') || (value[strlen(value) - 1] != '[')) { _cfsml_error("Opening brackets expected at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } #line 673 "savegame.cfsml" /* Prepare to restore dynamic array */ max = strtol(value + 1, NULL, 0); if (max < 0) { _cfsml_error("Invalid number of elements to allocate for dynamic array '%s' at line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (max) { save_struc->buf = (byte *) sci_malloc(max * sizeof(byte)); #ifdef SATISFY_PURIFY memset(save_struc->buf, 0, max * sizeof(byte)); #endif _cfsml_register_pointer(save_struc->buf); } else save_struc->buf = NULL; #line 699 "savegame.cfsml" done = i = 0; do { if (!(value = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, NULL))) { #line 707 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error("Token expected at line %d\n", *line); return 1; } if (strcmp(value, "]")) { if (i == max) { _cfsml_error("More elements than space available (%d) in '%s' at line %d\n", max, token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (_cfsml_read_byte(fh, &(save_struc->buf[i++]), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_byte() for buf[i++] at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else done = 1; } while (!done); save_struc->size = max ; /* Set array size accordingly */ } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("dynmem_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_local_variables_t(FILE *fh, local_variables_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "script_id = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->script_id)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "nr = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->nr)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "locals = "); min = max = save_struc->nr; if (!save_struc->locals) min = max = 0; /* Don't write if it points to NULL */ #line 490 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "[%d][\n", max); for (i = 0; i < min; i++) { write_reg_t(fh, &(save_struc->locals[i])); fprintf(fh, "\n"); } fprintf(fh, "]"); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_local_variables_t(FILE *fh, local_variables_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record local_variables_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "script_id")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->script_id), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for script_id at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "nr")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->nr), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for nr at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "locals")) { #line 663 "savegame.cfsml" if ((value[0] != '[') || (value[strlen(value) - 1] != '[')) { _cfsml_error("Opening brackets expected at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } #line 673 "savegame.cfsml" /* Prepare to restore dynamic array */ max = strtol(value + 1, NULL, 0); if (max < 0) { _cfsml_error("Invalid number of elements to allocate for dynamic array '%s' at line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (max) { save_struc->locals = (reg_t *) sci_malloc(max * sizeof(reg_t)); #ifdef SATISFY_PURIFY memset(save_struc->locals, 0, max * sizeof(reg_t)); #endif _cfsml_register_pointer(save_struc->locals); } else save_struc->locals = NULL; #line 699 "savegame.cfsml" done = i = 0; do { if (!(value = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, NULL))) { #line 707 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error("Token expected at line %d\n", *line); return 1; } if (strcmp(value, "]")) { if (i == max) { _cfsml_error("More elements than space available (%d) in '%s' at line %d\n", max, token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (read_reg_t(fh, &(save_struc->locals[i++]), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by read_reg_t() for locals[i++] at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else done = 1; } while (!done); save_struc->nr = max ; /* Set array size accordingly */ } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("local_variables_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_state_t(FILE *fh, state_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "savegame_version = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->savegame_version)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "game_version = "); _cfsml_write_string(fh, (char **) &(save_struc->game_version)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "version = "); write_sci_version(fh, (sci_version_t*) &(save_struc->version)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "menubar = "); write_menubar_tp(fh, (menubar_t **) &(save_struc->menubar)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "status_bar_foreground = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->status_bar_foreground)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "status_bar_background = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->status_bar_background)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "seg_manager = "); _cfsml_write_seg_manager_t(fh, (seg_manager_t*) &(save_struc->seg_manager)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "classtable_size = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->classtable_size)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "classtable = "); min = max = save_struc->classtable_size; if (!save_struc->classtable) min = max = 0; /* Don't write if it points to NULL */ #line 490 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "[%d][\n", max); for (i = 0; i < min; i++) { _cfsml_write_class_t(fh, &(save_struc->classtable[i])); fprintf(fh, "\n"); } fprintf(fh, "]"); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "sound = "); _cfsml_write_sfx_state_t(fh, (sfx_state_t*) &(save_struc->sound)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_state_t(FILE *fh, state_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record state_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "savegame_version")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->savegame_version), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for savegame_version at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "game_version")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_string(fh, (char **) &(save_struc->game_version), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_string() for game_version at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "version")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (read_sci_version(fh, (sci_version_t*) &(save_struc->version), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by read_sci_version() for version at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "menubar")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (read_menubar_tp(fh, (menubar_t **) &(save_struc->menubar), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by read_menubar_tp() for menubar at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "status_bar_foreground")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->status_bar_foreground), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for status_bar_foreground at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "status_bar_background")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->status_bar_background), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for status_bar_background at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "seg_manager")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_seg_manager_t(fh, (seg_manager_t*) &(save_struc->seg_manager), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_seg_manager_t() for seg_manager at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "classtable_size")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->classtable_size), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for classtable_size at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "classtable")) { #line 663 "savegame.cfsml" if ((value[0] != '[') || (value[strlen(value) - 1] != '[')) { _cfsml_error("Opening brackets expected at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } #line 673 "savegame.cfsml" /* Prepare to restore dynamic array */ max = strtol(value + 1, NULL, 0); if (max < 0) { _cfsml_error("Invalid number of elements to allocate for dynamic array '%s' at line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (max) { save_struc->classtable = (class_t *) sci_malloc(max * sizeof(class_t)); #ifdef SATISFY_PURIFY memset(save_struc->classtable, 0, max * sizeof(class_t)); #endif _cfsml_register_pointer(save_struc->classtable); } else save_struc->classtable = NULL; #line 699 "savegame.cfsml" done = i = 0; do { if (!(value = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, NULL))) { #line 707 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error("Token expected at line %d\n", *line); return 1; } if (strcmp(value, "]")) { if (i == max) { _cfsml_error("More elements than space available (%d) in '%s' at line %d\n", max, token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (_cfsml_read_class_t(fh, &(save_struc->classtable[i++]), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_class_t() for classtable[i++] at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else done = 1; } while (!done); save_struc->classtable_size = max ; /* Set array size accordingly */ } else if (!strcmp(token, "sound")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_sfx_state_t(fh, (sfx_state_t*) &(save_struc->sound), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_sfx_state_t() for sound at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("state_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_node_table_t(FILE *fh, node_table_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "entries_nr = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->entries_nr)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "first_free = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->first_free)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "entries_used = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->entries_used)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "max_entry = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->max_entry)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "table = "); min = max = save_struc->entries_nr; if (!save_struc->table) min = max = 0; /* Don't write if it points to NULL */ #line 490 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "[%d][\n", max); for (i = 0; i < min; i++) { _cfsml_write_node_entry_t(fh, &(save_struc->table[i])); fprintf(fh, "\n"); } fprintf(fh, "]"); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_node_table_t(FILE *fh, node_table_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record node_table_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "entries_nr")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->entries_nr), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for entries_nr at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "first_free")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->first_free), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for first_free at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "entries_used")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->entries_used), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for entries_used at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "max_entry")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->max_entry), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for max_entry at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "table")) { #line 663 "savegame.cfsml" if ((value[0] != '[') || (value[strlen(value) - 1] != '[')) { _cfsml_error("Opening brackets expected at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } #line 673 "savegame.cfsml" /* Prepare to restore dynamic array */ max = strtol(value + 1, NULL, 0); if (max < 0) { _cfsml_error("Invalid number of elements to allocate for dynamic array '%s' at line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (max) { save_struc->table = (node_entry_t *) sci_malloc(max * sizeof(node_entry_t)); #ifdef SATISFY_PURIFY memset(save_struc->table, 0, max * sizeof(node_entry_t)); #endif _cfsml_register_pointer(save_struc->table); } else save_struc->table = NULL; #line 699 "savegame.cfsml" done = i = 0; do { if (!(value = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, NULL))) { #line 707 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error("Token expected at line %d\n", *line); return 1; } if (strcmp(value, "]")) { if (i == max) { _cfsml_error("More elements than space available (%d) in '%s' at line %d\n", max, token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (_cfsml_read_node_entry_t(fh, &(save_struc->table[i++]), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_node_entry_t() for table[i++] at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else done = 1; } while (!done); save_struc->entries_nr = max ; /* Set array size accordingly */ } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("node_table_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_sys_strings_t(FILE *fh, sys_strings_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "strings = "); min = max = SYS_STRINGS_MAX; #line 490 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "[%d][\n", max); for (i = 0; i < min; i++) { _cfsml_write_sys_string_t(fh, &(save_struc->strings[i])); fprintf(fh, "\n"); } fprintf(fh, "]"); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_sys_strings_t(FILE *fh, sys_strings_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record sys_strings_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "strings")) { #line 663 "savegame.cfsml" if ((value[0] != '[') || (value[strlen(value) - 1] != '[')) { _cfsml_error("Opening brackets expected at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } /* Prepare to restore static array */ max = SYS_STRINGS_MAX; #line 699 "savegame.cfsml" done = i = 0; do { if (!(value = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, NULL))) { #line 707 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error("Token expected at line %d\n", *line); return 1; } if (strcmp(value, "]")) { if (i == max) { _cfsml_error("More elements than space available (%d) in '%s' at line %d\n", max, token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (_cfsml_read_sys_string_t(fh, &(save_struc->strings[i++]), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_sys_string_t() for strings[i++] at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else done = 1; } while (!done); } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("sys_strings_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_byte(FILE *fh, byte* save_struc) { fprintf(fh, "%li", (long) *save_struc); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_byte(FILE *fh, byte* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; #line 564 "savegame.cfsml" *save_struc = strtol(lastval, &token, 0); if ( (*save_struc == 0) && (token == lastval) ) { _cfsml_error("strtol failed at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (*token != 0) { _cfsml_error("Non-integer encountered while parsing int value at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_node_t(FILE *fh, node_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "pred = "); write_reg_t(fh, (reg_t*) &(save_struc->pred)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "succ = "); write_reg_t(fh, (reg_t*) &(save_struc->succ)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "key = "); write_reg_t(fh, (reg_t*) &(save_struc->key)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "value = "); write_reg_t(fh, (reg_t*) &(save_struc->value)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_node_t(FILE *fh, node_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record node_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "pred")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (read_reg_t(fh, (reg_t*) &(save_struc->pred), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by read_reg_t() for pred at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "succ")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (read_reg_t(fh, (reg_t*) &(save_struc->succ), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by read_reg_t() for succ at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "key")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (read_reg_t(fh, (reg_t*) &(save_struc->key), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by read_reg_t() for key at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "value")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (read_reg_t(fh, (reg_t*) &(save_struc->value), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by read_reg_t() for value at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("node_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_list_table_t(FILE *fh, list_table_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "entries_nr = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->entries_nr)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "first_free = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->first_free)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "entries_used = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->entries_used)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "max_entry = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->max_entry)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "table = "); min = max = save_struc->entries_nr; if (!save_struc->table) min = max = 0; /* Don't write if it points to NULL */ #line 490 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "[%d][\n", max); for (i = 0; i < min; i++) { _cfsml_write_list_entry_t(fh, &(save_struc->table[i])); fprintf(fh, "\n"); } fprintf(fh, "]"); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_list_table_t(FILE *fh, list_table_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record list_table_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "entries_nr")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->entries_nr), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for entries_nr at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "first_free")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->first_free), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for first_free at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "entries_used")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->entries_used), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for entries_used at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "max_entry")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->max_entry), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for max_entry at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "table")) { #line 663 "savegame.cfsml" if ((value[0] != '[') || (value[strlen(value) - 1] != '[')) { _cfsml_error("Opening brackets expected at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } #line 673 "savegame.cfsml" /* Prepare to restore dynamic array */ max = strtol(value + 1, NULL, 0); if (max < 0) { _cfsml_error("Invalid number of elements to allocate for dynamic array '%s' at line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (max) { save_struc->table = (list_entry_t *) sci_malloc(max * sizeof(list_entry_t)); #ifdef SATISFY_PURIFY memset(save_struc->table, 0, max * sizeof(list_entry_t)); #endif _cfsml_register_pointer(save_struc->table); } else save_struc->table = NULL; #line 699 "savegame.cfsml" done = i = 0; do { if (!(value = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, NULL))) { #line 707 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error("Token expected at line %d\n", *line); return 1; } if (strcmp(value, "]")) { if (i == max) { _cfsml_error("More elements than space available (%d) in '%s' at line %d\n", max, token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (_cfsml_read_list_entry_t(fh, &(save_struc->table[i++]), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_list_entry_t() for table[i++] at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else done = 1; } while (!done); save_struc->entries_nr = max ; /* Set array size accordingly */ } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("list_table_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_class_t(FILE *fh, class_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "script = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->script)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "reg = "); write_reg_t(fh, (reg_t*) &(save_struc->reg)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_class_t(FILE *fh, class_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record class_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "script")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->script), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for script at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "reg")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (read_reg_t(fh, (reg_t*) &(save_struc->reg), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by read_reg_t() for reg at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("class_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_song_handle_t(FILE *fh, song_handle_t* save_struc) { fprintf(fh, "%li", (long) *save_struc); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_song_handle_t(FILE *fh, song_handle_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; #line 564 "savegame.cfsml" *save_struc = strtol(lastval, &token, 0); if ( (*save_struc == 0) && (token == lastval) ) { _cfsml_error("strtol failed at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (*token != 0) { _cfsml_error("Non-integer encountered while parsing int value at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_int(FILE *fh, int* save_struc) { fprintf(fh, "%li", (long) *save_struc); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_int(FILE *fh, int* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; #line 564 "savegame.cfsml" *save_struc = strtol(lastval, &token, 0); if ( (*save_struc == 0) && (token == lastval) ) { _cfsml_error("strtol failed at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (*token != 0) { _cfsml_error("Non-integer encountered while parsing int value at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_menu_t(FILE *fh, menu_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "title = "); _cfsml_write_string(fh, (char **) &(save_struc->title)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "title_width = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->title_width)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "width = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->width)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "items = "); min = max = save_struc->items_nr; if (!save_struc->items) min = max = 0; /* Don't write if it points to NULL */ #line 490 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "[%d][\n", max); for (i = 0; i < min; i++) { _cfsml_write_menu_item_t(fh, &(save_struc->items[i])); fprintf(fh, "\n"); } fprintf(fh, "]"); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_menu_t(FILE *fh, menu_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record menu_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "title")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_string(fh, (char **) &(save_struc->title), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_string() for title at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "title_width")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->title_width), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for title_width at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "width")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->width), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for width at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "items")) { #line 663 "savegame.cfsml" if ((value[0] != '[') || (value[strlen(value) - 1] != '[')) { _cfsml_error("Opening brackets expected at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } #line 673 "savegame.cfsml" /* Prepare to restore dynamic array */ max = strtol(value + 1, NULL, 0); if (max < 0) { _cfsml_error("Invalid number of elements to allocate for dynamic array '%s' at line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (max) { save_struc->items = (menu_item_t *) sci_malloc(max * sizeof(menu_item_t)); #ifdef SATISFY_PURIFY memset(save_struc->items, 0, max * sizeof(menu_item_t)); #endif _cfsml_register_pointer(save_struc->items); } else save_struc->items = NULL; #line 699 "savegame.cfsml" done = i = 0; do { if (!(value = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, NULL))) { #line 707 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error("Token expected at line %d\n", *line); return 1; } if (strcmp(value, "]")) { if (i == max) { _cfsml_error("More elements than space available (%d) in '%s' at line %d\n", max, token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (_cfsml_read_menu_item_t(fh, &(save_struc->items[i++]), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_menu_item_t() for items[i++] at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else done = 1; } while (!done); save_struc->items_nr = max ; /* Set array size accordingly */ } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("menu_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_long(FILE *fh, long* save_struc) { fprintf(fh, "%li", (long) *save_struc); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_long(FILE *fh, long* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; #line 564 "savegame.cfsml" *save_struc = strtol(lastval, &token, 0); if ( (*save_struc == 0) && (token == lastval) ) { _cfsml_error("strtol failed at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (*token != 0) { _cfsml_error("Non-integer encountered while parsing int value at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_clone_table_t(FILE *fh, clone_table_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "entries_nr = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->entries_nr)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "first_free = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->first_free)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "entries_used = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->entries_used)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "max_entry = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->max_entry)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "table = "); min = max = save_struc->entries_nr; if (!save_struc->table) min = max = 0; /* Don't write if it points to NULL */ #line 490 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "[%d][\n", max); for (i = 0; i < min; i++) { _cfsml_write_clone_entry_t(fh, &(save_struc->table[i])); fprintf(fh, "\n"); } fprintf(fh, "]"); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_clone_table_t(FILE *fh, clone_table_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record clone_table_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "entries_nr")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->entries_nr), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for entries_nr at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "first_free")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->first_free), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for first_free at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "entries_used")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->entries_used), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for entries_used at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "max_entry")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->max_entry), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for max_entry at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "table")) { #line 663 "savegame.cfsml" if ((value[0] != '[') || (value[strlen(value) - 1] != '[')) { _cfsml_error("Opening brackets expected at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } #line 673 "savegame.cfsml" /* Prepare to restore dynamic array */ max = strtol(value + 1, NULL, 0); if (max < 0) { _cfsml_error("Invalid number of elements to allocate for dynamic array '%s' at line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (max) { save_struc->table = (clone_entry_t *) sci_malloc(max * sizeof(clone_entry_t)); #ifdef SATISFY_PURIFY memset(save_struc->table, 0, max * sizeof(clone_entry_t)); #endif _cfsml_register_pointer(save_struc->table); } else save_struc->table = NULL; #line 699 "savegame.cfsml" done = i = 0; do { if (!(value = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, NULL))) { #line 707 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error("Token expected at line %d\n", *line); return 1; } if (strcmp(value, "]")) { if (i == max) { _cfsml_error("More elements than space available (%d) in '%s' at line %d\n", max, token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (_cfsml_read_clone_entry_t(fh, &(save_struc->table[i++]), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_clone_entry_t() for table[i++] at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else done = 1; } while (!done); save_struc->entries_nr = max ; /* Set array size accordingly */ } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("clone_table_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_clone_t(FILE *fh, clone_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "flags = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->flags)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "pos = "); write_reg_t(fh, (reg_t*) &(save_struc->pos)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "variables_nr = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->variables_nr)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "variable_names_nr = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->variable_names_nr)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "methods_nr = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->methods_nr)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "variables = "); min = max = save_struc->variables_nr; if (!save_struc->variables) min = max = 0; /* Don't write if it points to NULL */ #line 490 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "[%d][\n", max); for (i = 0; i < min; i++) { write_reg_t(fh, &(save_struc->variables[i])); fprintf(fh, "\n"); } fprintf(fh, "]"); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_clone_t(FILE *fh, clone_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record clone_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "flags")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->flags), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for flags at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "pos")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (read_reg_t(fh, (reg_t*) &(save_struc->pos), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by read_reg_t() for pos at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "variables_nr")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->variables_nr), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for variables_nr at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "variable_names_nr")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->variable_names_nr), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for variable_names_nr at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "methods_nr")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->methods_nr), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for methods_nr at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "variables")) { #line 663 "savegame.cfsml" if ((value[0] != '[') || (value[strlen(value) - 1] != '[')) { _cfsml_error("Opening brackets expected at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } #line 673 "savegame.cfsml" /* Prepare to restore dynamic array */ max = strtol(value + 1, NULL, 0); if (max < 0) { _cfsml_error("Invalid number of elements to allocate for dynamic array '%s' at line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (max) { save_struc->variables = (reg_t *) sci_malloc(max * sizeof(reg_t)); #ifdef SATISFY_PURIFY memset(save_struc->variables, 0, max * sizeof(reg_t)); #endif _cfsml_register_pointer(save_struc->variables); } else save_struc->variables = NULL; #line 699 "savegame.cfsml" done = i = 0; do { if (!(value = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, NULL))) { #line 707 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error("Token expected at line %d\n", *line); return 1; } if (strcmp(value, "]")) { if (i == max) { _cfsml_error("More elements than space available (%d) in '%s' at line %d\n", max, token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (read_reg_t(fh, &(save_struc->variables[i++]), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by read_reg_t() for variables[i++] at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else done = 1; } while (!done); save_struc->variables_nr = max ; /* Set array size accordingly */ } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("clone_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_list_t(FILE *fh, list_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "first = "); write_reg_t(fh, (reg_t*) &(save_struc->first)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "last = "); write_reg_t(fh, (reg_t*) &(save_struc->last)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_list_t(FILE *fh, list_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record list_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "first")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (read_reg_t(fh, (reg_t*) &(save_struc->first), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by read_reg_t() for first at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "last")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (read_reg_t(fh, (reg_t*) &(save_struc->last), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by read_reg_t() for last at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("list_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_sys_string_t(FILE *fh, sys_string_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "name = "); _cfsml_write_string(fh, (char **) &(save_struc->name)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "max_size = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->max_size)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "value = "); _cfsml_write_string(fh, (char **) &(save_struc->value)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_sys_string_t(FILE *fh, sys_string_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record sys_string_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "name")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_string(fh, (char **) &(save_struc->name), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_string() for name at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "max_size")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->max_size), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for max_size at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "value")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_string(fh, (char **) &(save_struc->value), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_string() for value at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("sys_string_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_script_t(FILE *fh, script_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "nr = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->nr)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "buf_size = "); _cfsml_write_size_t(fh, (size_t*) &(save_struc->buf_size)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "script_size = "); _cfsml_write_size_t(fh, (size_t*) &(save_struc->script_size)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "heap_size = "); _cfsml_write_size_t(fh, (size_t*) &(save_struc->heap_size)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "obj_indices = "); write_int_hash_map_tp(fh, (int_hash_map_t **) &(save_struc->obj_indices)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "exports_nr = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->exports_nr)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "synonyms_nr = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->synonyms_nr)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "lockers = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->lockers)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "objects_allocated = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->objects_allocated)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "objects_nr = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->objects_nr)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "objects = "); min = max = save_struc->objects_allocated; if (!save_struc->objects) min = max = 0; /* Don't write if it points to NULL */ #line 490 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "[%d][\n", max); for (i = 0; i < min; i++) { _cfsml_write_object_t(fh, &(save_struc->objects[i])); fprintf(fh, "\n"); } fprintf(fh, "]"); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "locals_offset = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->locals_offset)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "locals_segment = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->locals_segment)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "marked_as_deleted = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->marked_as_deleted)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_script_t(FILE *fh, script_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record script_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "nr")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->nr), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for nr at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "buf_size")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_size_t(fh, (size_t*) &(save_struc->buf_size), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_size_t() for buf_size at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "script_size")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_size_t(fh, (size_t*) &(save_struc->script_size), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_size_t() for script_size at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "heap_size")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_size_t(fh, (size_t*) &(save_struc->heap_size), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_size_t() for heap_size at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "obj_indices")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (read_int_hash_map_tp(fh, (int_hash_map_t **) &(save_struc->obj_indices), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by read_int_hash_map_tp() for obj_indices at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "exports_nr")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->exports_nr), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for exports_nr at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "synonyms_nr")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->synonyms_nr), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for synonyms_nr at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "lockers")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->lockers), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for lockers at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "objects_allocated")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->objects_allocated), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for objects_allocated at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "objects_nr")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->objects_nr), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for objects_nr at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "objects")) { #line 663 "savegame.cfsml" if ((value[0] != '[') || (value[strlen(value) - 1] != '[')) { _cfsml_error("Opening brackets expected at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } #line 673 "savegame.cfsml" /* Prepare to restore dynamic array */ max = strtol(value + 1, NULL, 0); if (max < 0) { _cfsml_error("Invalid number of elements to allocate for dynamic array '%s' at line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (max) { save_struc->objects = (object_t *) sci_malloc(max * sizeof(object_t)); #ifdef SATISFY_PURIFY memset(save_struc->objects, 0, max * sizeof(object_t)); #endif _cfsml_register_pointer(save_struc->objects); } else save_struc->objects = NULL; #line 699 "savegame.cfsml" done = i = 0; do { if (!(value = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, NULL))) { #line 707 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error("Token expected at line %d\n", *line); return 1; } if (strcmp(value, "]")) { if (i == max) { _cfsml_error("More elements than space available (%d) in '%s' at line %d\n", max, token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (_cfsml_read_object_t(fh, &(save_struc->objects[i++]), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_object_t() for objects[i++] at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else done = 1; } while (!done); save_struc->objects_allocated = max ; /* Set array size accordingly */ } else if (!strcmp(token, "locals_offset")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->locals_offset), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for locals_offset at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "locals_segment")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->locals_segment), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for locals_segment at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "marked_as_deleted")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->marked_as_deleted), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for marked_as_deleted at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("script_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } #line 444 "savegame.cfsml" static void _cfsml_write_seg_manager_t(FILE *fh, seg_manager_t* save_struc) { int min, max, i; #line 464 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "id_seg_map = "); write_int_hash_map_tp(fh, (int_hash_map_t **) &(save_struc->id_seg_map)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "heap = "); min = max = save_struc->heap_size; if (!save_struc->heap) min = max = 0; /* Don't write if it points to NULL */ #line 490 "savegame.cfsml" fprintf(fh, "[%d][\n", max); for (i = 0; i < min; i++) { write_mem_obj_tp(fh, &(save_struc->heap[i])); fprintf(fh, "\n"); } fprintf(fh, "]"); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "heap_size = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->heap_size)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "reserved_id = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->reserved_id)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "exports_wide = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->exports_wide)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "sci1_1 = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->sci1_1)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "gc_mark_bits = "); _cfsml_write_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->gc_mark_bits)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "mem_allocated = "); _cfsml_write_size_t(fh, (size_t*) &(save_struc->mem_allocated)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "clones_seg_id = "); _cfsml_write_seg_id_t(fh, (seg_id_t*) &(save_struc->clones_seg_id)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "lists_seg_id = "); _cfsml_write_seg_id_t(fh, (seg_id_t*) &(save_struc->lists_seg_id)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "nodes_seg_id = "); _cfsml_write_seg_id_t(fh, (seg_id_t*) &(save_struc->nodes_seg_id)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); fprintf(fh, "}"); } #line 538 "savegame.cfsml" static int _cfsml_read_seg_manager_t(FILE *fh, seg_manager_t* save_struc, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int min, max, i; #line 599 "savegame.cfsml" int assignment, closed, done; if (strcmp(lastval, "{")) { _cfsml_error("Reading record seg_manager_t; expected opening braces in line %d, got \"%s\"\n",*line, lastval); return CFSML_FAILURE; }; closed = 0; do { char *value; token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); if (!token) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!assignment) { if (!strcmp(token, "}")) closed = 1; else { _cfsml_error("Expected assignment or closing braces in line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else { value = ""; while (!value || !strcmp(value, "")) value = _cfsml_get_value(fh, line, hiteof); if (!value) { _cfsml_error("Expected token at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (!strcmp(token, "id_seg_map")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (read_int_hash_map_tp(fh, (int_hash_map_t **) &(save_struc->id_seg_map), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by read_int_hash_map_tp() for id_seg_map at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "heap")) { #line 663 "savegame.cfsml" if ((value[0] != '[') || (value[strlen(value) - 1] != '[')) { _cfsml_error("Opening brackets expected at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } #line 673 "savegame.cfsml" /* Prepare to restore dynamic array */ max = strtol(value + 1, NULL, 0); if (max < 0) { _cfsml_error("Invalid number of elements to allocate for dynamic array '%s' at line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (max) { save_struc->heap = (mem_obj_ptr *) sci_malloc(max * sizeof(mem_obj_ptr)); #ifdef SATISFY_PURIFY memset(save_struc->heap, 0, max * sizeof(mem_obj_ptr)); #endif _cfsml_register_pointer(save_struc->heap); } else save_struc->heap = NULL; #line 699 "savegame.cfsml" done = i = 0; do { if (!(value = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, NULL))) { #line 707 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error("Token expected at line %d\n", *line); return 1; } if (strcmp(value, "]")) { if (i == max) { _cfsml_error("More elements than space available (%d) in '%s' at line %d\n", max, token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } if (read_mem_obj_tp(fh, &(save_struc->heap[i++]), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by read_mem_obj_tp() for heap[i++] at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else done = 1; } while (!done); save_struc->heap_size = max ; /* Set array size accordingly */ } else if (!strcmp(token, "heap_size")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->heap_size), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for heap_size at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "reserved_id")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->reserved_id), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for reserved_id at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "exports_wide")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->exports_wide), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for exports_wide at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "sci1_1")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->sci1_1), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for sci1_1 at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "gc_mark_bits")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_int(fh, (int*) &(save_struc->gc_mark_bits), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_int() for gc_mark_bits at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "mem_allocated")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_size_t(fh, (size_t*) &(save_struc->mem_allocated), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_size_t() for mem_allocated at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "clones_seg_id")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_seg_id_t(fh, (seg_id_t*) &(save_struc->clones_seg_id), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_seg_id_t() for clones_seg_id at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "lists_seg_id")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_seg_id_t(fh, (seg_id_t*) &(save_struc->lists_seg_id), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_seg_id_t() for lists_seg_id at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "nodes_seg_id")) { #line 749 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_read_seg_id_t(fh, (seg_id_t*) &(save_struc->nodes_seg_id), value, line, hiteof)) { _cfsml_error("Token expected by _cfsml_read_seg_id_t() for nodes_seg_id at line %d\n", *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } else #line 758 "savegame.cfsml" { _cfsml_error("seg_manager_t: Assignment to invalid identifier '%s' in line %d\n", token, *line); return CFSML_FAILURE; } } } while (!closed); /* Until closing braces are hit */ return CFSML_SUCCESS; } /* Auto-generated CFSML declaration and function block ends here */ /* Auto-generation performed by cfsml.pl 0.8.2 */ #line 402 "savegame.cfsml" void write_songlib_t(FILE *fh, songlib_t *songlib) { song_t *seeker = *(songlib->lib); int songcount = song_lib_count(*songlib); fprintf(fh, "{\n"); fprintf(fh, "songcount = %d\n", songcount); fprintf(fh, "list = \n"); fprintf(fh, "[\n"); while (seeker) { seeker->restore_time = seeker->it->get_timepos(seeker->it); #line 877 "savegame.cfsml" /* Auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ _cfsml_write_song_t(fh, seeker); fprintf(fh, "\n"); /* End of auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ #line 417 "savegame.cfsml" seeker = seeker->next; } fprintf(fh, "]\n"); fprintf(fh, "}\n"); } int read_songlib_t(FILE *fh, songlib_t *songlib, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { int songcount; int i; song_t *newsong; int oldstatus; fscanf(fh, "{\n"); fscanf(fh, "songcount = %d\n", &songcount); fscanf(fh, "list = \n"); fscanf(fh, "[\n"); *line += 4; song_lib_init(songlib); for (i = 0; i < songcount; i++) { /* Auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 823 "savegame.cfsml" { #line 834 "savegame.cfsml" int _cfsml_eof = 0, _cfsml_error; int dummy; #line 839 "savegame.cfsml" char *_cfsml_inp = lastval; #line 847 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error = read_song_tp(fh, &newsong, _cfsml_inp, &(*line), &_cfsml_eof); #line 852 "savegame.cfsml" *hiteof = _cfsml_error; #line 859 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_last_value_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_value_retreived); _cfsml_last_value_retreived = NULL; } if (_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived); _cfsml_last_identifier_retreived = NULL; } } /* End of auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 440 "savegame.cfsml" song_lib_add(*songlib, newsong); } fscanf(fh, "]\n"); fscanf(fh, "}\n");; *line += 2; return 0; } struct { int type; char *name; } mem_obj_string_names[] = { {MEM_OBJ_INVALID, "INVALID"}, {MEM_OBJ_SCRIPT, "SCRIPT"}, {MEM_OBJ_CLONES, "CLONES"}, {MEM_OBJ_LOCALS, "LOCALS"}, {MEM_OBJ_STACK, "STACK"}, {MEM_OBJ_SYS_STRINGS,"SYS_STRINGS"}, {MEM_OBJ_LISTS,"LISTS"}, {MEM_OBJ_NODES,"NODES"}, {MEM_OBJ_HUNK,"HUNK"}, {MEM_OBJ_DYNMEM,"DYNMEM"}}; int mem_obj_string_to_enum(char *str) { int i; for (i = 0; i <= MEM_OBJ_MAX; i++) { if (!strcasecmp(mem_obj_string_names[i].name, str)) return i; } return -1; } static int bucket_length; void write_int_hash_map_tp(FILE *fh, int_hash_map_t **foo) { #line 877 "savegame.cfsml" /* Auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ _cfsml_write_int_hash_map_t(fh, *foo); fprintf(fh, "\n"); /* End of auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ #line 482 "savegame.cfsml" } void write_song_tp(FILE *fh, song_t **foo) { #line 877 "savegame.cfsml" /* Auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ _cfsml_write_song_t(fh, *foo); fprintf(fh, "\n"); /* End of auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ #line 488 "savegame.cfsml" } song_iterator_t * build_iterator(state_t *s, int song_nr, int type, songit_id_t id); int read_song_tp(FILE *fh, song_t **foo, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char *token; int assignment; *foo = (song_t*) malloc(sizeof(song_t)); token = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, line, hiteof, &assignment); /* Auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 823 "savegame.cfsml" { #line 834 "savegame.cfsml" int _cfsml_eof = 0, _cfsml_error; int dummy; #line 839 "savegame.cfsml" char *_cfsml_inp = token; #line 847 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error = _cfsml_read_song_t(fh, (*foo), _cfsml_inp, &(*line), &_cfsml_eof); #line 852 "savegame.cfsml" *hiteof = _cfsml_error; #line 859 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_last_value_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_value_retreived); _cfsml_last_value_retreived = NULL; } if (_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived); _cfsml_last_identifier_retreived = NULL; } } /* End of auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 501 "savegame.cfsml" (*foo)->delay = 0; (*foo)->it = NULL; (*foo)->next_playing = (*foo)->next_stopping = (*foo)->next = NULL; return 0; } int read_int_hash_map_tp(FILE *fh, int_hash_map_t **foo, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { *foo = (int_hash_map_t*)malloc(sizeof(int_hash_map_t)); /* Auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 823 "savegame.cfsml" { #line 834 "savegame.cfsml" int _cfsml_eof = 0, _cfsml_error; int dummy; #line 839 "savegame.cfsml" char *_cfsml_inp = lastval; #line 847 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error = _cfsml_read_int_hash_map_t(fh, (*foo), _cfsml_inp, &(*line), &_cfsml_eof); #line 852 "savegame.cfsml" *hiteof = _cfsml_error; #line 859 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_last_value_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_value_retreived); _cfsml_last_value_retreived = NULL; } if (_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived); _cfsml_last_identifier_retreived = NULL; } } /* End of auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 511 "savegame.cfsml" (*foo)->holes = NULL; return 0; } void write_int_hash_map_node_tp(FILE *fh, int_hash_map_node_t **foo) { if (!(*foo)) { fputs("\\null", fh); } else { fprintf(fh,"[\n%d=>%d\n", (*foo)->name, (*foo)->value); if ((*foo)->next) { #line 877 "savegame.cfsml" /* Auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ write_int_hash_map_node_tp(fh, &((*foo)->next)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); /* End of auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ #line 527 "savegame.cfsml" } else fputc('L', fh); fputs("]", fh); } } int read_int_hash_map_node_tp(FILE *fh, int_hash_map_node_t **foo, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { static char buffer[80]; if (lastval[0] == '\\') { *foo = NULL; /* No hash map node */ } else { *foo = (int_hash_map_node_t*)malloc(sizeof(int_hash_map_node_t)); if (lastval[0] != '[') { sciprintf("Expected opening bracket in hash_map_node_t on line %d\n", *line); return 1; } do { (*line)++; fgets(buffer, 80, fh); if (buffer[0] == 'L') { (*foo)->next = NULL; buffer[0] = buffer[1]; } /* HACK: deliberately no else clause here */ if (buffer[0] == ']') { break; } else if (buffer[0] == '[') { if (read_int_hash_map_node_tp(fh, &((*foo)->next), buffer, line, hiteof)) return 1; } else if (sscanf(buffer, "%d=>%d", &((*foo)->name), &((*foo)->value))<2) { sciprintf("Error parsing hash_map_node_t on line %d\n", *line); return 1; } } while (1); } return 0; } void write_menubar_tp(FILE *fh, menubar_t **foo) { if (*foo) { #line 877 "savegame.cfsml" /* Auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ _cfsml_write_menubar_t(fh, (*foo)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); /* End of auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ #line 581 "savegame.cfsml" } else { /* Nothing to write */ fputs("\\null\\", fh); } } int read_menubar_tp(FILE *fh, menubar_t **foo, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { if (lastval[0] == '\\') { *foo = NULL; /* No menu bar */ } else { *foo = (menubar_t *) sci_malloc(sizeof(menubar_t)); /* Auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 823 "savegame.cfsml" { #line 834 "savegame.cfsml" int _cfsml_eof = 0, _cfsml_error; int dummy; #line 839 "savegame.cfsml" char *_cfsml_inp = lastval; #line 847 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error = _cfsml_read_menubar_t(fh, (*foo), _cfsml_inp, &(*line), &_cfsml_eof); #line 852 "savegame.cfsml" *hiteof = _cfsml_error; #line 859 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_last_value_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_value_retreived); _cfsml_last_value_retreived = NULL; } if (_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived); _cfsml_last_identifier_retreived = NULL; } } /* End of auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 598 "savegame.cfsml" } return *hiteof; } void write_mem_obj_t(FILE *fh, mem_obj_t *foo) { fprintf(fh, "%s\n", mem_obj_string_names[foo->type].name); #line 877 "savegame.cfsml" /* Auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ _cfsml_write_int(fh, &foo->segmgr_id); fprintf(fh, "\n"); /* End of auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ #line 608 "savegame.cfsml" switch (foo->type) { case MEM_OBJ_SCRIPT: #line 877 "savegame.cfsml" /* Auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ _cfsml_write_script_t(fh, &foo->data.script); fprintf(fh, "\n"); /* End of auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ #line 612 "savegame.cfsml" break; case MEM_OBJ_CLONES: #line 877 "savegame.cfsml" /* Auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ _cfsml_write_clone_table_t(fh, &foo->data.clones); fprintf(fh, "\n"); /* End of auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ #line 615 "savegame.cfsml" break; case MEM_OBJ_LOCALS: #line 877 "savegame.cfsml" /* Auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ _cfsml_write_local_variables_t(fh, &foo->data.locals); fprintf(fh, "\n"); /* End of auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ #line 618 "savegame.cfsml" break; case MEM_OBJ_SYS_STRINGS: #line 877 "savegame.cfsml" /* Auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ _cfsml_write_sys_strings_t(fh, &foo->data.sys_strings); fprintf(fh, "\n"); /* End of auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ #line 621 "savegame.cfsml" break; case MEM_OBJ_STACK: #line 877 "savegame.cfsml" /* Auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ _cfsml_write_int(fh, &foo->data.stack.nr); fprintf(fh, "\n"); /* End of auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ #line 624 "savegame.cfsml" break; case MEM_OBJ_HUNK: break; case MEM_OBJ_LISTS: #line 877 "savegame.cfsml" /* Auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ _cfsml_write_list_table_t(fh, &foo->data.lists); fprintf(fh, "\n"); /* End of auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ #line 629 "savegame.cfsml" break; case MEM_OBJ_NODES: #line 877 "savegame.cfsml" /* Auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ _cfsml_write_node_table_t(fh, &foo->data.nodes); fprintf(fh, "\n"); /* End of auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ #line 632 "savegame.cfsml" break; case MEM_OBJ_DYNMEM: #line 877 "savegame.cfsml" /* Auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ _cfsml_write_dynmem_t(fh, &foo->data.dynmem); fprintf(fh, "\n"); /* End of auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ #line 635 "savegame.cfsml" break; } } int read_mem_obj_t(FILE *fh, mem_obj_t *foo, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { char buffer[80]; foo->type = mem_obj_string_to_enum(lastval); if (foo->type < 0) { sciprintf("Unknown mem_obj_t type %s on line %d\n", lastval, *line); return 1; } /* Auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 823 "savegame.cfsml" { #line 834 "savegame.cfsml" int _cfsml_eof = 0, _cfsml_error; int dummy; #line 842 "savegame.cfsml" char *_cfsml_inp = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, &(*line), &_cfsml_eof, &dummy); #line 847 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error = _cfsml_read_int(fh, &foo->segmgr_id, _cfsml_inp, &(*line), &_cfsml_eof); #line 852 "savegame.cfsml" *hiteof = _cfsml_error; #line 859 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_last_value_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_value_retreived); _cfsml_last_value_retreived = NULL; } if (_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived); _cfsml_last_identifier_retreived = NULL; } } /* End of auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 651 "savegame.cfsml" switch (foo->type) { case MEM_OBJ_SCRIPT: /* Auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 823 "savegame.cfsml" { #line 834 "savegame.cfsml" int _cfsml_eof = 0, _cfsml_error; int dummy; #line 842 "savegame.cfsml" char *_cfsml_inp = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, &(*line), &_cfsml_eof, &dummy); #line 847 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error = _cfsml_read_script_t(fh, &foo->data.script, _cfsml_inp, &(*line), &_cfsml_eof); #line 852 "savegame.cfsml" *hiteof = _cfsml_error; #line 859 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_last_value_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_value_retreived); _cfsml_last_value_retreived = NULL; } if (_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived); _cfsml_last_identifier_retreived = NULL; } } /* End of auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 655 "savegame.cfsml" break; case MEM_OBJ_CLONES: /* Auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 823 "savegame.cfsml" { #line 834 "savegame.cfsml" int _cfsml_eof = 0, _cfsml_error; int dummy; #line 842 "savegame.cfsml" char *_cfsml_inp = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, &(*line), &_cfsml_eof, &dummy); #line 847 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error = _cfsml_read_clone_table_t(fh, &foo->data.clones, _cfsml_inp, &(*line), &_cfsml_eof); #line 852 "savegame.cfsml" *hiteof = _cfsml_error; #line 859 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_last_value_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_value_retreived); _cfsml_last_value_retreived = NULL; } if (_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived); _cfsml_last_identifier_retreived = NULL; } } /* End of auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 658 "savegame.cfsml" break; case MEM_OBJ_LOCALS: /* Auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 823 "savegame.cfsml" { #line 834 "savegame.cfsml" int _cfsml_eof = 0, _cfsml_error; int dummy; #line 842 "savegame.cfsml" char *_cfsml_inp = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, &(*line), &_cfsml_eof, &dummy); #line 847 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error = _cfsml_read_local_variables_t(fh, &foo->data.locals, _cfsml_inp, &(*line), &_cfsml_eof); #line 852 "savegame.cfsml" *hiteof = _cfsml_error; #line 859 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_last_value_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_value_retreived); _cfsml_last_value_retreived = NULL; } if (_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived); _cfsml_last_identifier_retreived = NULL; } } /* End of auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 661 "savegame.cfsml" break; case MEM_OBJ_SYS_STRINGS: /* Auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 823 "savegame.cfsml" { #line 834 "savegame.cfsml" int _cfsml_eof = 0, _cfsml_error; int dummy; #line 842 "savegame.cfsml" char *_cfsml_inp = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, &(*line), &_cfsml_eof, &dummy); #line 847 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error = _cfsml_read_sys_strings_t(fh, &foo->data.sys_strings, _cfsml_inp, &(*line), &_cfsml_eof); #line 852 "savegame.cfsml" *hiteof = _cfsml_error; #line 859 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_last_value_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_value_retreived); _cfsml_last_value_retreived = NULL; } if (_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived); _cfsml_last_identifier_retreived = NULL; } } /* End of auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 664 "savegame.cfsml" break; case MEM_OBJ_LISTS: /* Auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 823 "savegame.cfsml" { #line 834 "savegame.cfsml" int _cfsml_eof = 0, _cfsml_error; int dummy; #line 842 "savegame.cfsml" char *_cfsml_inp = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, &(*line), &_cfsml_eof, &dummy); #line 847 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error = _cfsml_read_list_table_t(fh, &foo->data.lists, _cfsml_inp, &(*line), &_cfsml_eof); #line 852 "savegame.cfsml" *hiteof = _cfsml_error; #line 859 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_last_value_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_value_retreived); _cfsml_last_value_retreived = NULL; } if (_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived); _cfsml_last_identifier_retreived = NULL; } } /* End of auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 667 "savegame.cfsml" break; case MEM_OBJ_NODES: /* Auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 823 "savegame.cfsml" { #line 834 "savegame.cfsml" int _cfsml_eof = 0, _cfsml_error; int dummy; #line 842 "savegame.cfsml" char *_cfsml_inp = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, &(*line), &_cfsml_eof, &dummy); #line 847 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error = _cfsml_read_node_table_t(fh, &foo->data.nodes, _cfsml_inp, &(*line), &_cfsml_eof); #line 852 "savegame.cfsml" *hiteof = _cfsml_error; #line 859 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_last_value_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_value_retreived); _cfsml_last_value_retreived = NULL; } if (_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived); _cfsml_last_identifier_retreived = NULL; } } /* End of auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 670 "savegame.cfsml" break; case MEM_OBJ_STACK: /* Auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 823 "savegame.cfsml" { #line 834 "savegame.cfsml" int _cfsml_eof = 0, _cfsml_error; int dummy; #line 842 "savegame.cfsml" char *_cfsml_inp = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, &(*line), &_cfsml_eof, &dummy); #line 847 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error = _cfsml_read_int(fh, &foo->data.stack.nr, _cfsml_inp, &(*line), &_cfsml_eof); #line 852 "savegame.cfsml" *hiteof = _cfsml_error; #line 859 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_last_value_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_value_retreived); _cfsml_last_value_retreived = NULL; } if (_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived); _cfsml_last_identifier_retreived = NULL; } } /* End of auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 673 "savegame.cfsml" foo->data.stack.entries = (reg_t *)sci_calloc(foo->data.stack.nr, sizeof(reg_t)); break; case MEM_OBJ_HUNK: init_hunk_table(&foo->data.hunks); break; case MEM_OBJ_DYNMEM: /* Auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 823 "savegame.cfsml" { #line 834 "savegame.cfsml" int _cfsml_eof = 0, _cfsml_error; int dummy; #line 842 "savegame.cfsml" char *_cfsml_inp = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, &(*line), &_cfsml_eof, &dummy); #line 847 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error = _cfsml_read_dynmem_t(fh, &foo->data.dynmem, _cfsml_inp, &(*line), &_cfsml_eof); #line 852 "savegame.cfsml" *hiteof = _cfsml_error; #line 859 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_last_value_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_value_retreived); _cfsml_last_value_retreived = NULL; } if (_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived); _cfsml_last_identifier_retreived = NULL; } } /* End of auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 680 "savegame.cfsml" break; } return *hiteof; } void write_mem_obj_tp(FILE *fh, mem_obj_t **foo) { if (*foo) { #line 877 "savegame.cfsml" /* Auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ write_mem_obj_t(fh, (*foo)); fprintf(fh, "\n"); /* End of auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ #line 692 "savegame.cfsml" } else { /* Nothing to write */ fputs("\\null\\", fh); } } int read_mem_obj_tp(FILE *fh, mem_obj_t **foo, char *lastval, int *line, int *hiteof) { if (lastval[0] == '\\') { *foo = NULL; /* No menu bar */ } else { *foo = (mem_obj_t *) sci_malloc(sizeof(mem_obj_t)); /* Auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 823 "savegame.cfsml" { #line 834 "savegame.cfsml" int _cfsml_eof = 0, _cfsml_error; int dummy; #line 839 "savegame.cfsml" char *_cfsml_inp = lastval; #line 847 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error = read_mem_obj_t(fh, (*foo), _cfsml_inp, &(*line), &_cfsml_eof); #line 852 "savegame.cfsml" *hiteof = _cfsml_error; #line 859 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_last_value_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_value_retreived); _cfsml_last_value_retreived = NULL; } if (_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived); _cfsml_last_identifier_retreived = NULL; } } /* End of auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 707 "savegame.cfsml" return *hiteof; } return 0; } /* This function is called to undo some strange stuff done in preparation ** to writing a gamestate to disk */ void _gamestate_unfrob(state_t *s) { } int gamestate_save(state_t *s, char *dirname) { FILE *fh; sci_dir_t dir; char *filename; int fd; _global_save_state = s; s->savegame_version = FREESCI_CURRENT_SAVEGAME_VERSION; s->dyn_views_list_serial = (s->dyn_views)? s->dyn_views->serial : -2; s->drop_views_list_serial = (s->drop_views)? s->drop_views->serial : -2; s->port_serial = (s->port)? s->port->serial : -2; if (s->execution_stack_base) { sciprintf("Cannot save from below kernel function\n"); return 1; } scimkdir (dirname, 0700); if (chdir (dirname)) { sciprintf("Could not enter directory '%s'\n", dirname); return 1; } sci_init_dir(&dir); filename = sci_find_first(&dir, "*"); while (filename) { if (strcmp(filename, "..") && strcmp(filename, ".")) unlink(filename); /* Delete all files in directory */ filename = sci_find_next(&dir); } sci_finish_find(&dir); /* if (s->sound_server) { if ((s->sound_server->save)(s, dirname)) { sciprintf("Saving failed for the sound subsystem\n"); chdir (".."); return 1; } } */ fh = fopen("state", "w" FO_TEXT); /* Calculate the time spent with this game */ s->game_time = time(NULL) - s->game_start_time.tv_sec; SCI_MEMTEST; #line 877 "savegame.cfsml" /* Auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ _cfsml_write_state_t(fh, s); fprintf(fh, "\n"); /* End of auto-generated CFSML data writer code */ #line 774 "savegame.cfsml" SCI_MEMTEST; fclose(fh); _gamestate_unfrob(s); chdir (".."); return 0; } static seg_id_t find_unique_seg_by_type(seg_manager_t *self, int type) { int i; for (i = 0; i < self->heap_size; i++) if (self->heap[i] && self->heap[i]->type == type) return i; return -1; } static byte * find_unique_script_block(state_t *s, byte *buf, int type) { int magic_pos_adder = s->version >= SCI_VERSION_FTU_NEW_SCRIPT_HEADER ? 0 : 2; buf += magic_pos_adder; do { int seeker_type = getUInt16(buf); int seeker_size; if (seeker_type == 0) break; if (seeker_type == type) return buf; seeker_size = getUInt16(buf + 2); buf += seeker_size; } while(1); return NULL; } static void reconstruct_stack(state_t *retval) { seg_id_t stack_seg = find_unique_seg_by_type(&retval->seg_manager, MEM_OBJ_STACK); dstack_t *stack = &(retval->seg_manager.heap[stack_seg]->data.stack); retval->stack_segment = stack_seg; retval->stack_base = stack->entries; retval->stack_top = retval->stack_base + VM_STACK_SIZE; } static int clone_entry_used(clone_table_t *table, int n) { int backup; int seeker = table->first_free; clone_entry_t *entries = table->table; if (seeker == HEAPENTRY_INVALID) return 1; do { if (seeker == n) return 0; backup = seeker; seeker = entries[seeker].next_free; } while (entries[backup].next_free != HEAPENTRY_INVALID); return 1; } static void load_script(state_t *s, seg_id_t seg) { resource_t *script, *heap; script_t *scr = &(s->seg_manager.heap[seg]->data.script); scr->buf = (byte *) malloc(scr->buf_size); script = scir_find_resource(s->resmgr, sci_script, scr->nr, 0); if (s->version >= SCI_VERSION(1,001,000)) heap = scir_find_resource(s->resmgr, sci_heap, scr->nr, 0); switch (s->seg_manager.sci1_1) { case 0 : sm_mcpy_in_out( &s->seg_manager, 0, script->data, script->size, seg, SEG_ID); break; case 1 : sm_mcpy_in_out( &s->seg_manager, 0, script->data, script->size, seg, SEG_ID); sm_mcpy_in_out( &s->seg_manager, scr->script_size, heap->data, heap->size, seg, SEG_ID); break; } } static void reconstruct_scripts(state_t *s, seg_manager_t *self) { int i; mem_obj_t *mobj; object_t **objects; int *objects_nr; for (i = 0; i < self->heap_size; i++) if (self->heap[i]) { mobj = self->heap[i]; switch (mobj->type) { case MEM_OBJ_SCRIPT: { int j; script_t *scr = &mobj->data.script; load_script(s, i); scr->locals_block = scr->locals_segment == 0 ? NULL : &s->seg_manager.heap[scr->locals_segment]->data.locals; scr->export_table = (guint16 *) find_unique_script_block(s, scr->buf, sci_obj_exports); scr->synonyms = find_unique_script_block(s, scr->buf, sci_obj_synonyms); scr->code = NULL; scr->code_blocks_nr = 0; scr->code_blocks_allocated = 0; if (!self->sci1_1) scr->export_table += 3; for (j = 0; j < scr->objects_nr; j++) { byte *data = scr->buf + scr->objects[j].pos.offset; scr->objects[j].base = scr->buf; scr->objects[j].base_obj = data; } } } } for (i = 0; i < self->heap_size; i++) if (self->heap[i]) { mobj = self->heap[i]; switch (mobj->type) { case MEM_OBJ_SCRIPT: { int j; script_t *scr = &mobj->data.script; for (j = 0; j < scr->objects_nr; j++) { byte *data = scr->buf + scr->objects[j].pos.offset; if (self->sci1_1) { guint16 *funct_area = (guint16 *) (scr->buf + getUInt16( data + 6 )); guint16 *prop_area = (guint16 *) (scr->buf + getUInt16( data + 4 )); scr->objects[j].base_method = funct_area; scr->objects[j].base_vars = prop_area; } else { int funct_area = getUInt16( data + SCRIPT_FUNCTAREAPTR_OFFSET ); object_t *base_obj; base_obj = obj_get(s, scr->objects[j].variables[SCRIPT_SPECIES_SELECTOR]); if (!base_obj) { sciprintf("Object without a base class: Script %d, index %d (reg address "PREG"\n", scr->nr, j, PRINT_REG(scr->objects[j].variables[SCRIPT_SPECIES_SELECTOR])); continue; } scr->objects[j].variable_names_nr = base_obj->variables_nr; scr->objects[j].base_obj = base_obj->base_obj; scr->objects[j].base_method = (guint16 *) (data + funct_area); scr->objects[j].base_vars = (guint16 *) (data + scr->objects[j].variable_names_nr * 2 + SCRIPT_SELECTOR_OFFSET); } } } } } } void reconstruct_clones(state_t *s, seg_manager_t *self) { int i; mem_obj_t *mobj; for (i = 0; i < self->heap_size; i++) if (self->heap[i]) { mobj = self->heap[i]; switch (mobj->type) { case MEM_OBJ_CLONES: { int j; clone_entry_t *seeker = mobj->data.clones.table; sciprintf("Free list: "); for (j = mobj->data.clones.first_free; j != HEAPENTRY_INVALID; j = mobj->data.clones.table[j].next_free) { sciprintf("%d ", j); } sciprintf("\n"); sciprintf("Entries w/zero vars: "); for (j = 0; j < mobj->data.clones.max_entry; j++) { if (mobj->data.clones.table[j].entry.variables == NULL) sciprintf("%d ", j); } sciprintf("\n"); for (j = 0; j < mobj->data.clones.max_entry; j++) { object_t *base_obj; if (!clone_entry_used(&mobj->data.clones, j)) { seeker++; continue; } base_obj = obj_get(s, seeker->entry.variables[SCRIPT_SPECIES_SELECTOR]); if (!base_obj) { sciprintf("Clone entry without a base class: %d\n", j); seeker->entry.base = seeker->entry.base_obj = NULL; seeker->entry.base_vars = seeker->entry.base_method = NULL; continue; } seeker->entry.base = base_obj->base; seeker->entry.base_obj = base_obj->base_obj; seeker->entry.base_vars = base_obj->base_vars; seeker->entry.base_method = base_obj->base_method; seeker++; } break; } } } } int _reset_graphics_input(state_t *s); song_iterator_t * new_fast_forward_iterator(song_iterator_t *it, int delta); static void reconstruct_sounds(state_t *s) { song_t *seeker; int it_type = s->resmgr->sci_version >= SCI_VERSION_01 ? SCI_SONG_ITERATOR_TYPE_SCI1 : SCI_SONG_ITERATOR_TYPE_SCI0; if (s->sound.songlib.lib) seeker = *(s->sound.songlib.lib); else { song_lib_init(&s->sound.songlib); seeker = NULL; } while (seeker) { song_iterator_t *base, *ff; int oldstatus; song_iterator_message_t msg; base = ff = build_iterator(s, seeker->resource_num, it_type, seeker->handle); if (seeker->restore_behavior == RESTORE_BEHAVIOR_CONTINUE) ff = (song_iterator_t *) new_fast_forward_iterator(base, seeker->restore_time); ff->init(ff); msg = songit_make_message(seeker->handle, SIMSG_SET_LOOPS(seeker->loops)); songit_handle_message(&ff, msg); msg = songit_make_message(seeker->handle, SIMSG_SET_HOLD(seeker->hold)); songit_handle_message(&ff, msg); oldstatus = seeker->status; seeker->status = SOUND_STATUS_STOPPED; seeker->it = ff; sfx_song_set_status(&s->sound, seeker->handle, oldstatus); seeker = seeker->next; } } state_t * gamestate_restore(state_t *s, char *dirname) { FILE *fh; int fd; int i; int read_eof = 0; state_t *retval; songlib_t temp; if (chdir (dirname)) { sciprintf("Game state '%s' does not exist\n", dirname); return NULL; } /* if (s->sound_server) { if ((s->sound_server->restore)(s, dirname)) { sciprintf("Restoring failed for the sound subsystem\n"); return NULL; } } */ retval = (state_t *) sci_malloc(sizeof(state_t)); memset(retval, 0, sizeof(state_t)); retval->savegame_version = -1; _global_save_state = retval; retval->gfx_state = s->gfx_state; fh = fopen("state", "r" FO_TEXT); if (!fh) { free(retval); return NULL; } /* Backwards compatibility settings */ retval->dyn_views = NULL; retval->drop_views = NULL; retval->port = NULL; retval->save_dir_copy_buf = NULL; retval->sound_mute = s->sound_mute; retval->sound_volume = s->sound_volume; /* Auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 823 "savegame.cfsml" { #line 826 "savegame.cfsml" int _cfsml_line_ctr = 0; #line 831 "savegame.cfsml" struct _cfsml_pointer_refstruct **_cfsml_myptrrefptr = _cfsml_get_current_refpointer(); #line 834 "savegame.cfsml" int _cfsml_eof = 0, _cfsml_error; int dummy; #line 842 "savegame.cfsml" char *_cfsml_inp = _cfsml_get_identifier(fh, &(_cfsml_line_ctr), &_cfsml_eof, &dummy); #line 847 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_error = _cfsml_read_state_t(fh, retval, _cfsml_inp, &(_cfsml_line_ctr), &_cfsml_eof); #line 852 "savegame.cfsml" read_eof = _cfsml_error; #line 856 "savegame.cfsml" _cfsml_free_pointer_references(_cfsml_myptrrefptr, _cfsml_error); #line 859 "savegame.cfsml" if (_cfsml_last_value_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_value_retreived); _cfsml_last_value_retreived = NULL; } if (_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived) { free(_cfsml_last_identifier_retreived); _cfsml_last_identifier_retreived = NULL; } } /* End of auto-generated CFSML data reader code */ #line 1117 "savegame.cfsml" fclose(fh); if ((retval->savegame_version < FREESCI_MINIMUM_SAVEGAME_VERSION) || (retval->savegame_version > FREESCI_CURRENT_SAVEGAME_VERSION)) { if (retval->savegame_version < FREESCI_MINIMUM_SAVEGAME_VERSION) sciprintf("Old savegame version detected- can't load\n"); else sciprintf("Savegame version is %d- maximum supported is %0d\n", retval->savegame_version, FREESCI_CURRENT_SAVEGAME_VERSION); chdir(".."); free(retval); return NULL; } sfx_exit(&s->sound); _gamestate_unfrob(retval); /* Set exec stack base to zero */ retval->execution_stack_base = 0; retval->execution_stack_pos = 0; /* Now copy all current state information */ /* Graphics and input state: */ retval->animation_delay = s->animation_delay; retval->animation_granularity = s->animation_granularity; retval->gfx_state = s->gfx_state; retval->resmgr = s->resmgr; temp = retval->sound.songlib; sfx_init(&retval->sound, retval->resmgr, s->sfx_init_flags); retval->sfx_init_flags = s->sfx_init_flags; song_lib_free(retval->sound.songlib); retval->sound.songlib = temp; _reset_graphics_input(retval); reconstruct_stack(retval); reconstruct_scripts(retval, &retval->seg_manager); reconstruct_clones(retval, &retval->seg_manager); retval->game_obj = s->game_obj; retval->script_000 = &retval->seg_manager.heap[script_get_segment(s, 0, SCRIPT_GET_DONT_LOAD)]->data.script; retval->gc_countdown = GC_INTERVAL - 1; retval->save_dir_copy = make_reg(s->sys_strings_segment, SYS_STRING_SAVEDIR); retval->save_dir_edit_offset = 0; retval->sys_strings_segment = find_unique_seg_by_type(&retval->seg_manager, MEM_OBJ_SYS_STRINGS); retval->sys_strings = &(((mem_obj_t *)(GET_SEGMENT(retval->seg_manager, retval->sys_strings_segment, MEM_OBJ_SYS_STRINGS)))->data.sys_strings); sys_strings_restore(retval->sys_strings, s->sys_strings); /* Time state: */ sci_get_current_time(&(retval->last_wait_time)); retval->game_start_time.tv_sec = time(NULL) - retval->game_time; retval->game_start_time.tv_usec = 0; /* File IO state: */ retval->file_handles_nr = 2; retval->file_handles = (FILE **)sci_calloc(2, sizeof(FILE *)); /* static parser information: */ retval->parser_rules = s->parser_rules; retval->parser_words_nr = s->parser_words_nr; retval->parser_words = s->parser_words; retval->parser_suffices_nr = s->parser_suffices_nr; retval->parser_suffices = s->parser_suffices; retval->parser_branches_nr = s->parser_branches_nr; retval->parser_branches = s->parser_branches; /* static VM/Kernel information: */ retval->selector_names_nr = s->selector_names_nr; retval->selector_names = s->selector_names; retval->kernel_names_nr = s->kernel_names_nr; retval->kernel_names = s->kernel_names; retval->kfunct_table = s->kfunct_table; retval->kfunct_nr = s->kfunct_nr; retval->opcodes = s->opcodes; memcpy(&(retval->selector_map), &(s->selector_map), sizeof(selector_map_t)); retval->max_version = retval->version; retval->min_version = retval->version; retval->parser_base = make_reg(s->sys_strings_segment, SYS_STRING_PARSER_BASE); /* Copy breakpoint information from current game instance */ retval->have_bp = s->have_bp; retval->bp_list = s->bp_list; retval->debug_mode = s->debug_mode; retval->resource_dir = s->resource_dir; retval->work_dir = s->work_dir; retval->kernel_opt_flags = 0; retval->have_mouse_flag = s->have_mouse_flag; retval->successor = NULL; retval->pic_priority_table = (int*)gfxop_get_pic_metainfo(retval->gfx_state); retval->game_name = sci_strdup(obj_get_name(retval, retval->game_obj)); retval->sound.it = NULL; retval->sound.flags = s->sound.flags; retval->sound.song = NULL; retval->sound.suspended = s->sound.suspended; retval->sound.debug = s->sound.debug; reconstruct_sounds(retval); chdir (".."); return retval; }